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Book sent but never marked as received!

Hi all! I was just curious if anyone else has a solution or at the very least finds it annoying when you have mailed a book to someone and they never marked it as received?! I sent one book about a month and a half ago to someone who never acknowledged receiving it and has since gone inactive. I just find it annoying to see it forever hanging out on my pending page! I have tried contacting the person by email with no response and at this point would just like the book off my pending page! The only options are to mark it lost or to remind the person. I am sure it isn't lost and don't want to mark it that way if it isn't necessary! I don't know if there is really anything you can do to fix it though! Thanks everyone! :)

14 years ago


I would never marked it'll have bad reputation marking it lost, because it will appear on your site with the "books sending lost". You'll remind the moocher and after 3 weeks, you could marked it "received" but it will appear to your history "received forced". But...there's a big "BUT" there, it would not be counted of the books you have given, but it is better than books sending lost. Best try to communicate first, remind her...then you have three weeks...then force received. I had the same experience already.
14 years ago
I would contact BookMooch about it first. If it's been inactive for a really long time they may just close the account or mark it received. So far I haven't had issues with this (but I also send weekly reminders too).
Erin H.
14 years ago
What ylef said.

Also, go through the history of that person. See if that has happened before with that person. If it has, it might be time to report them to Tech Support.

I had one person tell me they received the book over a week ago, but they were busy and were into reading it and forgot to mark it RECEIVED.


Hercules40 (a.k.a. PapaG)
14 years ago
I think it's 21 days for Domestic...
Hercules40 (a.k.a. PapaG)
14 years ago
Well I didn't know it at first...but everyone can do Math. so I know when my books arrived to the moocher...I'll give her 2 weeks leeway to marked the books received and then remind her/him (remind button) and wait...trying to communicate...after you pushed that button "remind", it will give you 3 weeks (international) before a button "received" appear on your page, so you'll be able to forced "received". I made it too...only it won't be counted on the books you had given and there's an auto. note/feedback "I requested this book, sender says they sent it, but I never acknowledged receiving it" it best to communicate, he/she may be not active but try communicating and pray that he/she will mark it "received". I find both solutions, marking it "lost" or "received forced" not so quite good...but there is a purpose on it...there's a lot of people that tends to be abusive sometimes...just try your best to communicate.
14 years ago
Okay, I didn't realize a receive button would come up after a while. As stated above I attempted to contact the person via email through the remind option but no response. I have already checked out their profile and found they are 48 days since signing in and it was a fairly new member with only a few mooches. Maybe someone who joined then lost interest?! Thanks for the info though guys - I will wait and see if the button comes up to call it received! At this point I would guess this member won't be coming back!
14 years ago
48 days are not yet too long. As I observed, a lot of people check their account only when they got an e-mail. I've checked this person you mentioned, I tell you my intuition...she's coming back, it's best for you to ask her to mark the book "received" for your own reputation.
14 years ago have 3 weeks to send her e-mails after that remind button...I once mooched to a member that had been inactive for 108 days, I waited for a week till she told me she'll send the books to me and apologized for not checking her account...she said, she checked it only when she got e-mails. AND don't forget we have the Bookmooch Admin.
14 years ago
I sent two books to someone on March 17. I have clicked the Remind button three times I think, but I have not seen a Receive button for me to click. Do you think it restarts the three week timer each time you click Remind? This person joined bookmooch, mooched 6 books, and then never showed up again. Not sure how they have 0 books in their inventory and have never given any books to anyone.
14 years ago
Yes, I think this does restart the timer. I am pretty sure I saw someone mention this a long time ago. The best thing I think is to click the remind button once, then use the email button after that. I have a terrible time resisting clicking the remind button again!

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14 years ago
Glad to help clarify the 'remind' function, which is something people often ask about.

-- Most people will send an official reminder at about the 3 week point for domestic mooches and about the 3 month mark for international, as this is beyond the average time for arrival.

-- You will find the reminder button opposite the book on your pending page. There is no record of when it was sent, so be sure and retain the e-mail notice you will receive.

-- Send only one reminder please, multiples are not helpful and will reset the clock.

-- Six weeks after the official reminder has been sent, you can then force the book as received from your pending page. Some will send a final e-mail to the moocher just to give them a chance to mark it as lost. Be sure that at least a few days have elapsed since the 'lost' window has opened up, which is six weeks from the date sent for domestic, four months international.

-- As with all functions, this cannot be undone, or later changed to 'lost.' If the sender contacts you and states they believe the book was lost, then it might be a good idea to offer a book deal or reach some other compromise, although this is not required.

14 years ago

I need something clarified. The reminder is an e-mail, correct?

It is very possible, that the person is missing the e-mail if they are having trouble with e-mail junk folder settings etc.

I have also seen this take place quite a lot recently with new members. I have sent precisely ONE reminder to each with no response. Since, I have no other way to contact them but e-mail (and I try to do so without resetting the reminder FUNCTION), I sent them regular e-mails to remind them also. I noticed on person not having logged in in over 45 days, despite my e-mails and ONE reminder.

Not much can be done about this, I am afraid, unless John can come up with a change in the system that flashes something on the person's screen when they log into BookMooch after a period of inactivity. PLEASE CHECK YOUR PENDING BOOKS or PLEASE CHECK YOUR REMINDERS or something to that effect.

Once, I click CANCEL because the person has not responded in over 45-60 days, the person gets vacationed automatically, right? I have no control over that. But If I don't hear from someone, I won't let my points be tied-up for months and months on end.

OR am I doing it wrong?

Hercules40 (a.k.a. PapaG)
14 years ago

I was wriitng about reminders one sends for books sent to a moocher who is not checking in a book within a month or so (domestic) as most usually do.

You appear to be asking about mocoh requests you have placed with others. The standard advice is to cancel after 2-3 weeks if there has been no response.

Any time you cancel a mooch after one week, and you select 'did not respond' as the reason why, then the account will be vactioned until the member logs in again.

I both cases, there is always a chance that e-mails might not get through, but the trade will appear on the member's pending page, of course.

14 years ago
When I need more information on pendings, I click on the
'SHOW DETAILS +" tab at the top right hand side of my Pending page and It shows when something was sent. It shows the book condition, the moochers request comments, date requested, date sent etc.
This is a useful feature, so you occasionally go through & start to tidy up your pendings, starting with reminders if necessary.
14 years ago
Thanks for the help and info everyone! It has been since April 22nd and no response from this person. Have emailed a couple times and reminded. They only mooched a few books and haven't logged in since. I understand it is important to communicate but there is a slight problem when there is no response! lol So I will just keep sending email reminders and if no response when the button becomes available I will mark it as forced received as everyone has said! Just glad to get a little clearer understanding of how this works!
14 years ago
Just be careful not to send another reminder. Every time you hit the reminder button, it resets the clock. Email messages, on the other hand, have no effect.
14 years ago
Yes, I think Cheri missed that key point -- send only one reminder please.

Right Michelle, that 'detail' button does escape some people's notice at time. It can also be of use to check on the address of a pending book you have already marked as 'sent.'

14 years ago
Nope, thanks but I got that part - I just meant emails in general - apparently I should have worded it different rather then "email reminders" send reminder emails. LOL Bad wording... A couple others had mentioned that it resets! Thanks!
14 years ago
Yeah thanks Mark.
Re` checking the address of a book sent;
I did that only last week, when chasing something that is not where it should be yet, looked under details+ to see what the mailing address was.
Just to check, that as far as I could remember, I had written the address as stated. Alas, that didn't make the book turn up though :(
14 years ago
Ditto. I was nagging someone undergoing brain surgery. Fortunately, I wasn't too snippy.
14 years ago
I sell books on line every day for Greenmetropolis restricted by postal costs to UK. I sell also on ebay and gave up International selling when vast majority of post to America failed to arrive. I refuse to accept compensation as I realised the books that went missing in UK had in fact been delivered. The value is only £3 not worth claiming but well worth enquiries as these always resulted in the missing book being “found”. I have kept my post code clean and my reputation intact. The Royal Mail cannot enquire beyond their boundaries so I withdrew, from International sales. I really have 100% success with the books I have over 3,000 receipts for these successful uninsured deliveries. The recipient falsely claims it is lost hoping for a replacement copy but finds the missing book when they see I have logged their post code,and will not make a claim.
I have had 2 books go missing already on this site but as no cash has changed hands....I cannot find time to make an enquiry!
14 years ago
"anyone else has a solution or at the very least finds it annoying when you have mailed a book to someone and they never marked it as received?"

The temptation to avoid hitting the remind option is almost unbearable, but I've had the fortune to mark a mooch "received_forced" then have the moocher still provide positive feedback afterward. However, what is annoying is waiting endlessly (okay, six WEEKS) for even a system prompt to act on a mooch that appears to have been ignored/forgotten/neglected, even with delivery confirmation.

I've also suspect that some mooches are marked sent with the Sender having no intention of sending OR responding to communication. Why would they when they know if a mooch is marked "lost" they keep the points and the Moocher is refunded? Not to mention, no feedback to record the transaction, except the auto-response from the system.

Meanwhile, I have no qualms about sending (or receiving) reminders (up to 3) within a 30-day window PRIOR to shipment but how annoying is the process when the Sender ACCEPTS the mooch and does NOT respond to reminders? One aspect of BM that I do enjoy over many other avenues of swapping books is being able to mark a mooch "delayed" with a brief message to the moocher! How easy is that? From there, the moocher can decide if the wait is worth the mooch (not to mention the value of points).

I admit the system is not perfect, but it's certainly user friendly... if the user follows up with their profile and related communications.

13 years ago
If you accidentally hit sent instead of accepted you can see the mailing address by clicking "show details" on the top of the pending page. I don't know about printing labels, you may have to address the package manually. You should also email the moocher and let them know that the mailing date will differ.
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8 months, 3 days ago