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Forum: Frugal Readers

frugal reader

So does anyone know what happened. I had lots of points to spend and books to send and suddenly the site disappeared.

14 years ago


Yes, the owner let the certification for the site lapse, so the site just went down. No communication fromm the owner. Everyone lost all their points, wish lists, everything. Sorry to be the bearer of this news. Sandollar.
14 years ago
Basically he couldn't beat the problems and gave up. He could have been more courteous about it, but there you are.

The killer was probably the search vs slooow problem. FrugalReader couldn't have a really good search engine unless the site was also allowed to suffer from a major slowdown that made it impossible for dialup users and a trial for everyone else. At the end of 2009 this problem suddenly hit a LOT of websites that had search engines, and a lot, including FR, were subsequently disbanded or abandoned.

BookMooch was also hit by it. But the owner had the time, resources, and just plain cleverness to figure out the cause was a small number of webcrawlers. He managed to ban them.

14 years ago