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I have just mooched from Gene B. Jensen (USA: UT) and Elizabeth (USA: WV). Will let you know what happens. :-)
And just so there's no confusion later on, I thought I'd better let y'all know that Loralie Bowe is actually only 124 days inactive, Janet is only 126, Michelle is only 128, dj is only 129, Toni A is only 138, Randolph is only 139, and ~A is only 158, so they might still come back on some time. :-)
I also just ordered from Catherine (USA: MO). I won't be able to work any more on the list for a while, though, unfortunately, until these ones are vacationed.
Elizabeth has become active again.
Catharine has rejected my request and put herself on vacation. I have just mooched from I'd Rather Be Reading (USA: CA) and bob breed (USA: NC). And I just noticed that Lydia, Theresa Edwards , A. L. , and Rose are already on vacation.
anjna has become active again and removed her inventory.
Gene B. Jensen has been vacationed.
I'd Rather Be Reading (USA: CA) and bob breed (USA: NC) have been vacationed.
Bookjunkie (MO) vacationed; mooch accepted in January, but not sent, no activity on account for 52 days.
I have vacationed Applesauceblues, Brenda Wendelken, and Sharpy.
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Mooched from: Andy Mack Library, Kara, bert Hirsch, smr, Diane, Julie, Katy, Kay
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Emily is back active.
dave g. is actually already on vacation. I just noticed that and thought I'd let you know. Donna Zachry is too.
Just mooched from DJT .
Thanks Daisy. There were a couple that I had mooched but still haven't responded so I cancelled anyway. Vacationed the following: Andy Mack Library, Kara, bert Hirsch, smr, Diane, Julie, Katy
No problem. :-) Glad to help. Aaron has been vacationed, and Grant K. is back active. Also, I just ordered from kgduke.
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Mooched from the following: Loralie Bowe, Luwana, Rena, Rob Bradley, RussKirk, tammyblackmer, Toni A, teriehl, Ricky, DJT, pavi, Sue, jlm, Michelle, sue, Sue, Sue, Stephanie, Sabatini, dwallyfam
I actually already ordered from DJT around five days ago, so if you cancel your order to him now, I'll vacation the account in a couple of days. :-)
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Oops, sorry, didn't even check. Will do.
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Kgduke has been vacationed.
Vacationed more people, updated post.
Mooched from Molly, Sarah (NH) and B.
Mooched from Callisto22, Janet, P. Morgan, gnestor, Geoff.
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Just vacationed the last two I mooched from.
Mooched from Dave Puckhead Alice Jennifer Stout (USA: OR) Irene (USA: NJ) DeanaR (USA: FL)
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Mooched from SSS123.
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Chris Ann is back active now, and Charles Faddis (who is an author, by the way, and had multiple books on here, which I thought was cool) and carolann have been vacationed. Mooched from Stephanie.
Mooched from Deb.
trader1244 (USA) vacationed - no reply to mooch request made on 21st August. Inactive for 49 days.
ddawson vacationed on 1st October. No reply to mooch request made on 30th October. Account inactive for 45 days.
woodsytheowl. Account was inactive for 51 days. I made a mooch request anyway, without any intention of seeing this as an inactive account. Someone else has cancelled through lack of response and this account is now on vacation.
candycentric Account inactive for 128 days. Two mooch requests without response. Account now vacationed.
Mooched from Bonnie, puckhead, Alice and Mark Sanders.
Request made to BUDDY (USA: FL) on 29th November. Still no reply; account vacationed today (18th January). Account inactive for 622 days.
biddyandremmy vacationed. Waited six weeks for a reply to a request.
It's interesting how many of the original list marked as "back active" are now again inactive. I hope that whoever mooched the books was able to offload them/send them to a deserving home/moocher. Is this activity really worth the effort?