Singapore Inactives
Ok, I see that we have someone else working the Singapore accounts, but she's going slowly. I got all the way through all the 365+, Ask First, or Worldwide accounts, from A-K. then, I ran out of points again. I can pick up with L next week if we don't have a local Angel (although I did glimpse a few Angel Logo Tags in there.)
13 hace años
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got an email today from Berber, who has reactivated. She mooched a book, and asked if I wanted the one I requested. I told her I didn't really, but i smooched her a point so she wouldn't be upset.
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So, have we had any luck in finding a Singapore based Angel to mooch from the My Country Only accounts?
Robin, I emailed a couple. One said that she was out of town but would get in touch when she was back. Do you want to try emailing some active moochers?
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Sure. How do I figure that out?
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Robin, I usually scan through the country list and click on any names with a high feedback number, then check how many books in pending and when they last logged in. If it looks like they are currently still a active user, I use the form letter posted in the Form Letter thread with a link to the forum and a link to the thread about the country in question. Thanks for doing that, I have been crazy busy the last few weeks. Things will slow down after this week and I can go through what has been done and what still needs to be done.
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muffer123 (Singapore) vacationed. No reply to mooch request made six weeks ago.
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