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Forum: Missed Connections...for Books!

I forgot what the series was!

I'm looking for a series (and I know this isn't much to go on), one of the characters is named Lacey (pretty sure her last name is Duvall but when I googled that I got a porn star. Now I'm wondering. :/) who is a high school/junior reporter. It is a teen fiction. The particular book I remember is when Lacey and her friends (there's 3 or 4 others but I don't know their names) have traveled a long way and spent the night in their little car to meet with a boy band because they want to be first to get an interview for their paper. Like I said, it was part of a series and I *think* this one was book 3. Not sure on that part though.
If anyone even has a guess, no harm in trying and I'd really like to find it.
Thanks, Lindsey

14 hace años


I read the book somewhere around 2003-2005. I'm not sure if the series was still being written at that point, so I'd guess late 90's - early 2000's.
I did see the Lurlene McDaniel ones and they seem somewhat familiar, so I'll try one out and see. Thanks!
14 hace años
Is it possibly the One Last Wish series?
14 hace años
I'm actually waiting on one of that series to get here so I can see. The names match and it is possible I remembered wrong - it was a few years ago! lol
14 hace años
UPDATE: For anyone that was interested, I found the books. It wasn't the One Last Wish series (although those also are good books!), it was the "River Heights" series (a spinoff of the Nancy Drew series). And I was wrong - the character I remembered was Lacey Dupree, not Duvall. Thanks, everyone, for your help :)
13 hace años

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