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will you do me a favor? -- an option to currency

I might also add a "donate your time" option, where you earn karma for helping others (works better if you're not out of pocket for materials like yarn)

The idea is that someone who wants what you're offering could ask "hey, will you do this for me? does anything I'm offering tempt you? If not, would you consider doing what you do for me as a favor?"


John Buckman
10 hace años


That sounds like an interesting idea. Maybe you could use a similar system to BM in that for so many favors you earn a point. Points can then be used to "buy" favors. I think the complications and abusers are the main reasons places like swap.com failed. If we forgo the point system, then we could have a variable reputation point system....say a scale of -2 to 2 where the person receiving the item/service rates how well the transaction went. Obviously this would favor high volume transactions and if they don't do well, can lose points. There would have to be a referee/judge/monitor in place to settle any disputes (perhaps a community jury?)
A. Messina
10 hace años

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