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Forum: Newbie Bookmoocher Thread

I Requested a Mooch . . . Now What?

I requested 3 mooches from ~~what appears to be~~ a reliable BookMooch participant.
I requested the first book a couple days ago and the last 2 books I requested yesterday.
I've heard nothing back from the offerer.
When I send a book, I e-mail the Moocher to let them know the book is on it's way and give them a tracking #.
I'm concerned that my books might not be coming.
What advise do you have to give?

Quaker Maid
5 hace años


If you read her bio, she states that it may take some time before she accepts the mooch, so I would suggest being more patient. Bookmooch won't even let you mark these books "owner did not respond" until 7 days go by, so I think you're worrying a bit too early. Not everyone accepts right away, so if that's something you expect of someone, you may want to pay more attention to the bio of the person you're mooching from- that's where people note their giving habits to help temper moocher expectations.
5 hace años
Dear Member,
I would wait a few days at least. Not everyone uses their primary email for this club, so give them at least a few days to check in with it.
Also some people may be away from home over the holidays and have not gotten back home yet, or settled in yet. Have a little patience.
5 hace años
Thank you for the answers. I wasn't sure if people e-mailed back to let Moochers know the book is on it's way or not.
I also wasn't sure if delayed response was common. I'm an online seller and I have to get things out promptly, otherwise I get a negative review and possibly booted from the sales site f I take too long.
I guess I'm just use to speed on these things.
Thank you, again, for the answers.
Quaker Maid
5 hace años
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3 hace años

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