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Forum: Seasonal Reading Challenge

Spring Reading Challenge 2020

Now, more than ever, people are turning to books to help them cope during these trying times. I'm starting this quite late, but I was hoping to resurrect my Seasonal Reading Challenge. Anybody is welcome to join; if you're new to the game, welcome, and if you've participated before, then welcome back!

Starting March 19, and ending June 20, I am hosting my Seasonal Reading Challenge for Spring. If you have read books between March 20 and now that fit into these categories, feel free to count them. For those new to the challenge, the rules are pretty easy:

A Level 1 challenge is four books, a Level 2 challenge is six books (please list the books and authors below), they must fit into the categories provided, and the first to complete each level before the end of the season wins! The first person to complete 6 before me will get a mooch from me! Also, no books under 150 pages are allowed. When you finish the challenge, just post here to let everybody know, and please feel free to discuss with us your opinions of the books you chose as you read them. And if you ever need any help choosing books or understanding the rules, or if you have any ideas you'd like to share for future categories, feel free to contact me either on the forum or by email.

Thank you for your participation in my little battle-of-the-books. Ready, set, read!

1. Read a book by author Dan Brown.
2. Read a book with the first letter of the title being "K".
3. Read a book that is a classified as a cozy mystery.
4. Read a book about somebody who is sick. (Pretty sure everybody here knows where the inspiration for this one came from. ;-) )
5. Read a book taking place in the future.
6. Read an inspirational book. (Something written purposely to uplift your spirits; I think we can all use a little of that right now.)

My choices: (I'm going to do Level 2)
1. Deception Point, by Dan Brown
2. Killing Floor, by Lee Child
3. Cakewalk to Murder, by M.K. Scott
4. Last Wishes, by Brian David Floyd
5. Utopia Pending, by Fallacious Rose, editor (a collection of short stories)
6. Let's All Make the Day Count, by Charlie Daniels (I started this book back in March, I believe, but I'm still reading it.)

4 hace años


Great challenge Daisy and I’m so glad you’ve brought it back. I recently had a baby so not sure how I will get on with the challenge but I’ve picked 4 books -

2. Kite Runner by khaled hosseini
4. My sisters keeper by Jodi picoult
5. Artemis by Andy Weir
6. Go ask Alice by anonymous


4 hace años
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! A blue one or a pink one? :-D

Thanks for joining the challenge! Great choices. I read The Kite Runner a while back, for this challenge actually, and was not very impressed, but I hope you enjoy it. I've heard of Artemis, but I don't know much about it. What is it about? Have you read it before?

Also, what categories do these choices fit into? Just curious. :-)

4 hace años
We had a pink one 😀 and called her Neave, she’s 11 weeks old. How have things been for you since the last challenge? Hope all is good.

Artemis - about someone who smuggles contraband to the moon but then gets offered another opportunity to earn lots of money. Artemis is the first city on the moon.

Kite runner is my book beginning with k
My sisters keeper about someone who is sick
Artemis about the future
Go ask Alice my inspirational book - someone recommended this book to me it’s about a teenager whose drink gets spiked and then her life is never the same again.

What made you choose your books?

4 hace años
Aww, congratulations! :-D I've been doing well... just very busy lately. I'm an editor of indie books.

Artemis sounds quite interesting. I can't wait to know what you think of it when you read it. :-)

I chose my books because most of them (although not all) are books that authors asked me to review for them. I love reviewing books.

4 hace años
How are you getting on with your books? I’ve just finished the kite runner. On the whole I found it quite interesting and was a book I wanted to keep reading. It was very grafick in parts and a little unbelievable towards the end. Saying that though I would still suggest for people to read it. On to the next book.
4 hace años
I'm chugging right along with Let's All Make the Day Count, as well as Utopia Pending. Both are pretty good books, and I'm enjoying them. I took a break to take care of my grandmother (she broke her shoulder and needed my help taking care of her pets, prepare meals and such), but I might still be able to get one or two done before the deadline, haha.

When I read Kite Runner, it was just too graphic for me. I don't really care to read love scenes, much less rape scenes. I didn't care very much for the story, either. That said, the author seemed to have talent, and if he had applied himself to a different kind of tale, I might have enjoyed it. Glad you liked it. :-)

What book is next on your list?

4 hace años
I just read Killing Floor, the first in the Jack Reacher series, and it was really good.

I'm nearly finished both Utopia Pending and Let's All Make the Day Count. Both are very good so far. Utopia Pending is very interesting, a collection of short stories by different authors about how they would picture a utopian world. Really enjoying it.

How are you coming along?

4 hace años
I finished Utopia Pending and the inspirational book by Charlie Daniels. Really liked them both. Would give each of them four stars.

Cakewalk to Murder is next on my list. What are you reading now?

4 hace años
Wow you are doing really well with your list and sounds like you enjoyed the books. Think I will add them to my want to read list.

I’m currently reading Artemis. It’s set on the moon and the main character has been asked to sabotage the main company who supplies oxygen so another company can take over. I’m not too far into it as my little person has changed her sleep pattern and has been going to bed later, but I have enjoyed the bits I’ve read so far.

How is your grandmother? I hope her shoulder is recovering well.

4 hace años
Artemis sounds interesting! Thanks for sharing about it. If you're wanting to get a copy of Killing Floor, a thriller, I think it's actually available on here.

My grandmother is doing as well as can be expected, considering. She's healing very, very slowly. Thank you for asking.

4 hace años
I wish I came across this revival sooner. I miss the Seasonal Book challenge. You should have messaged me on goodreads :)

I found the Kite Runner to be a very moving and realist book. I have worked with refugees and this story is tame compared to actual experiences. It is sad, but their resiliency is inspiring.

I seem to recall Loolat when I participated before. Nice to see familiar people! Congrats on your new family member.

Will you be continuing this with all you have going on?

Aunt Bean
4 hace años
Hello! Good to hear from you again. I sent a mass email to everybody following this forum, but I guess not many saw it. I never thought of using GR, but that's a good idea, I'll keep that in mind!

I can see why somebody would like Kite Runner, it just wasn't my kind of book. :-)

If enough people would like to join, I can do another on September 22, for Fall. Would you be in?

How about you, Loolat? Would you like to give it another go in Fall?

4 hace años
Thank you Aunt Bean for the congratulations. The small one is 6 months old this month crazy how time has flown! I’ve been trying to keep up with reading but have to admit it’s not as easy as before. This time I read the Kite stunner and Artemis. Go Ask Alice, I gave up on as I found it really bad, the main character was really annoying so I had no interest in finishing it. Artemis was ok but wouldn’t suggest for anyone to read it, the writing style was s bit dull and the story was lacking. I’m definitely up for another challenge as keeps me reading, just can’t guarantee how many books I will get through!
Hope you both are well 😀
4 hace años
Good to hear from you, Loolat. Yes, time does fly indeed!

I'm sorry you ended up with a stinker or two in the last batch. Let's hope there's some better ones next time around. Glad you liked Kite Runner, anyway. :-)

If anybody has any good catagory ideas that we haven't done before, feel free to let me know. We've done so many, it's starting to get hard coming up with new ideas, haha.

4 hace años
It has been so long, I can't remember what you have done. You come up with such good ideas.

My ideas:
Book that begins with an "L" :) I think I have only missed "A" and "K", darn.
Read a previously banned book
Read a book about an immigrant experience in America
Read a book recommended by a family member
Read a book you picked up second hand
Read a book with a paranormal theme
Read a book turned into a movie that you have seen and compare them

Looking forward to your fall challenge!

Aunt Bean
4 hace años

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