Spring Reading Challenge now open!
The Spring Reading Challenge is now open! Anybody and everybody interested are welcome to join. Hope to see you joining soon, and I hope you have a great Spring!
8 hace años
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I am in. My choices are: 1 - Minutes to Kill by Melinda Leigh 2 - Alexa Crushed by T.R. Cupak 3 - The Sweet Life by Dulce Candy Ruiz 4 - Gold Fever: One Man's Adventures on the Trail of the Gold Rush by Steve Boggan (Plant = Neoregelia 'Gold Fever') 5 - Do It Better: Twelve Sexual Routines and Principles You Wish You Knew by Sarah and Jeff Harris 6 - Beauty Shop Politics: African American Women's Activism in the Beauty Industry by Tiffany Gill
Thanks for joining, cocoGerman! That Gold Fever book sounds very interesting... although it's a bit of a stretch to consider it a plant... XD Will you let me know how it is when you read it? It sounds like it might be a good book. I'm currently working my way through The Trees. It's alright so far, but not as good as Richter's The Light in the Forrest, in my opinion.
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Yeah, I was searching for awhile to see if any of the books I have that I haven't read corresponded with a plant name. Will definitely let you know how it is. This should be fun! I should be starting this weekend. Need to finish up another book I am reading. Good to know about The Trees.
I just finished reading The Trees, and I started on Custer. So far Custer is very good.
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Finished Alexa Crushed and now onto Minutes to Kill. Alexa Crushed was OK. I thought it to be a little childish (as far as the storyline) but because of the amount of sexual content, it would not be. Probably wouldn't read the sequel.
I finished reading Custer the other day, and I've started on Polar Shift. It was a very good book, I think my favorite Will Henry book yet. I liked the way he did not stray far from the fact in his retelling of the famous tale.
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I just finished reading Polar Shift a few minutes ago, and it was really good, although not Cussler's very best in my opinion. I personally liked The Storm better. I'm not sure which one I'm going to start on next, but I'll let y'all know when I finish it! :-) CocoGerman, how are you coming along in the challenge?
I am almost finished with Minutes to Kill. Should be finishing this one up no later than Saturday and then onto the next one. So far, this book is SOOOO GOOD! YEAH!!
Glad you like it! I'm reading Cheaper By The Dozen currently, and it is terrific. Even better than the classic movie, which I also thought was good. MUCH better than the second, newer movie, which I thought stunk.
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Just finished reading Cheaper By the Dozen, and I'm going to start on the Hawaiian Anthology next. Did you finish up your book yet, cocoGerman? What book are you reading next? :-)
Finished Minutes to Kill and am now almost halfway through The Sweet Life by Dulce Candy Ruiz. Didn't realize this book was a little shy of the book length minimum so I may pick up another one at the end. Hope to finish this one up by this weekend. Daisy, you are blazing through your books! That's great!
So are you! :-D I'm almost done The Hawaiian Anthology, so I'll start on Chekov's book next.
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Finished The Sweet Life by Dulce Candy Ruiz and have started on Gold Fever. The Sweet Life was all right. Not too much content for me. I put it up for mooching. Interested in this Gold Fever book though so we will see how it goes.
I think I am a little late to get in on the spring challenge, but will be looking forward to the summer one. I am not terribly active on BookMooch but I do love this site and your reading challenge is a great idea to stay active. Thanks for starting it!
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Finished the challenge! YAY!!! :-D Honibabi, you are more than welcome to join us come Summer! Hope to see you then! :-)
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Congrats Daisy!! Well, just finished Gold Fever and it was a pretty good book. Moving on to Do It Better. I know I'm running pretty close to the end but I am going to try, lol.
Finished Do It Better and I have to say that was a really, really good book. I recommend it to all married couples. I see that my last book is Beauty Shop Politics but I can't remember if I got this book before the challenge started so I will check when I get home. 12 days left...I'm going to make it!! Lol
Thanks! And you can do it, just keep reading! (Great, now I've got Dory from Finding Nemo in my head singing "Just keep reading, just keep reading, just keep reading, reading, reading..." XD :-P LOL
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Hello, Few questions: 1) If I choose Level 1, do I have to choose 1-4 or can I choose 4 of any of the 6 options? 2) Do audio books count? I am usually reading a book and listening to one while I work out. 3) Can you choose multiple books in any 1 category? I know your example is one of each, but just asking.Thanks!
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