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Forum: Teachers On BookMooch

any elementary/primary teachers on here

I'm a primary teacher here in NJ. I'm looking for others who might have books in their inventories related to teaching. Any one?

14 hace años


Um - do you mean "how to teach" books, or books for elementary school students?

I still have some textbooks in my inventory.


14 hace años
Dear Gail,

thanks for all the emails. You gave me lots of good info. As for teaching books---I 'm not interested in teaching textbooks. I'm more interested in books with ideas about activities--such as scholastics puts out.

14 hace años
Er - "all the emails"? ::confused look:: That wasn't me. I just answered your post here, online.
14 hace años
Hello, I am not a teacher but I am always looking any/everywhere for good deals on books! There is a store near my job that sells used items and there is one booth that has ALOT of childrens books as well as books on activities like you mentioned. I would be happy to check out the inventory for you and look for specific titles. There are alot of reproducible books that look very good. One in particular was on Ecology and sustainability activities and it looked wonderful! I even bought it thinking I could share it with someone. I would be happy to send it to you if you like!
14 hace años
I do not see a place on bookmooch to ask this question, so I hope somenone can help me here. I am not getting emails from Bookmooch. For the last 2 days, I go to my memeber page on bookmooch only to discover that someone requested a book from me. The only problem was that I never got a notification from Bookmooch. It has not gone to spam...nothing in that folder. Can anyone help me?
14 hace años
Hi, I start studying primary teaching beginning of next year in Australia, has anyone got any teaching books that they would like to share. Let me know. I am very excited to start learning. Thanks
14 hace años
I currently am teaching fifth-grade students and have been recently cleaning out my closets.
I have taught everything from K-9th grade.
Check my inventory.


14 hace años

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