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Forum: The Bookclub for Bookworms on Bookmooch!

In Response to Heather Rose...and discussion for all!!!

Hi Heather!

Thanks for taking part in the discussion! I read through your responses and kept nodding my head as I was reading! I, too, found myself not liking Tally, then liking her, then wanting to yell at her and then finally liking her again! The same thing with the book, I loved the book don't get me wrong!, but I found myself just shaking my head at the idea that you must be a "Pretty" in order to have a great life. This concerns me because I see our society, including our school system, developing this attitude.

For example, I LOVE watching Dancing with the Stars on ABC! I'm addicted to this show! However, a few seasons ago there was a controversy involving a Lane Bryant ad and the show- the Lane Bryant ad wanted to run during DWTS but the show would not sell advertising rights to it because it represented "plus-size" models and the producers/ABC felt this would be a turn-off to viewers. When I read about this I was livid! Who is to decide what body type watches this show? Can only size 0 women like this show?

I see more and more of this idea developing in so many people. Women and men are supposed to conform to the ideal body type and act a certain way. Gone are the days in which we are allowed to develop our own personalities and images. I do not believe the media, parents, etc truly understand the effect these things have on our youth. It is truly sad.

On a brighter note, I hope you enjoyed the book! It sounds like you did at least! :)

So what does everyone else think??? Agree? Disagree? Post your thoughts!

And remember, I will be posting another discussion board for our November pick "City of Bones" I hope everyone has had a chance to read this, it is a great book!!!

Lindsay Adams
14 hace años

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