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Forum: The Bookclub for Bookworms on Bookmooch!

December Pick!!!

Hi everyone!!!

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are getting ready to have a Happy New Year!!!

Did anyone happen to read our pick, Frankenstein, for December? If so, what were your thoughts about the book? Was it your first time reading it? Or your 2nd, etc?

Sorry I am late in posting the discussion for this month!! This holiday season has been a little hetic!!!

Happy New Year!!!!!

Lindsay :)

Lindsay Adams
14 hace años


Thank you so much for your comments, Heather! You summed up my thoughts, and I'm sure others in the group, perfectly!

This is truly a thought provoking novel. The idea that something "created" could have the feelings of a human is amazing. I completely agree that Shelly was before her time but that is partly why I wanted us to read these types of novels for our bookclub, to have an understanding of where this paranormal genre wave comes from. It did not appear overnight, these books have been with us for a long time- but because they are classics, many of us chose to overlook them.

The idea that something (the Creature) could be created for evil but instead shows us compassion and go against the grain, isn't that the basis for most paranormal/paranormal-romance novels?

My thoughts are that Shelly would not want us to get wrapped up in the "romance" of it all (although I do feel the connection needed to be pointed out) but instead to focus on how the Creature made each of us feel. This character points out our flaws (as Heather previously mentioned) and perhaps brings them to light a little more-so then what we would want. But it also shows us how we need to be accepting of those who are different and perhaps not alientate others so often. I believe that is more-so the message that Shelly would want us taking away from this novel.

And Heather, I was a slacker as well! I have read this in high school and college (and yes, I still own my copy as well!) and while I should have read it last month, with the holidays the time just got away from me! So you're not the only one! :)

Now, for our January pick! This is truly a wonderful, fast-paced, will keep you up at night read! I know because I've read it twice and that is how I felt both times after I finished! I really hope you all can find time this month to read and post something about the book. It is truly worth your time to read this!

Happy Reading!!! :)


Lindsay Adams
14 hace años

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