A little about me...
Hi everyone! My name is Stephanie. My partner, Amanda {Manda}, of 2 years (as of Jan 2, 2011) and I are both early childhood majors (year and a half to go!). We are both 20 years old and have a 5 year old son (from my previous relationship). We also have two pets Mario {big fat white cat} and Red {a sissy Pit bull/Terrier Mix}. I hope to teach 3rd grade and she wants to teach Kindergarten. We both have always loved to read, but sometimes struggle to find the time to read for pleasure instead of just school. This past semester we had a children’s literature class plus our lil man is finally interested in books and reading (we read like 4 books a night with him). Manda and I have recently started taking turns reading in the car. The first book we did it with was Bridge to Terabithia for our class, now we're reading Holes. We’ve been trying to decide what book we would like to read next and it looks like it’s going to be The Hunger Games. I’m excited to be a part of the group! Can’t wait to start reading the January pick!
14 hace años