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Forum: The Bookclub for Bookworms on Bookmooch!

The Picks!!!

Hey ladies!!

Since the four of us (me, Heather, Andrea and our new bookmooch friend, Stephaine!) are the ones who seem to post the most on here, I'm thinking we should take into consideration what WE want to read! :)

With that being said...

March- Need by Carrie Jones (first book in the series)

The best way I know to describe this book is, Stephen King + Twilight + Pixies + Shapeshifters = Need

I think you all will love this book!!!!

April- Marked by P.C. and Kristen Cast (this is the first in the series also)

This would be a "grown-up" Harry Potter but with vampires!

May- Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead (again, first in the series)

"Grown-up" Harry Potter + Gossip Girl + Vampires + Hot mentor = Vampire Academy

Rose (the main character) is a woman after my own heart! She puts up with no BS, VERY protective of her friends and loves to have a good time!

I think you guys will enjoy this one!! Plus, I know it will help some of you (Heather ;) ) clear up a TBR book!! Haha.

All of this books have been around a couple of years so therefore should be pretty easy to find at library's and used bookstores. Again, if you need my help in tracking down a book - I don't mind at all!! I visit Half-Price Books on a regular basis and would be glad to help anyone out!!

And as a reminder:

I'll be posting The Hunger Games discussion the last weekend of this month.

And don't forget! Our Feb. pick is Dracula and I hope you all enjoy it!! :)

Lindsay Adams
14 hace años


Sounds like you found some good deals!!! :)
Lindsay Adams
14 hace años
HI! I just joined the forum. Im Stephanie's partner Amanda :) I've really enjoyed the Hunger Games so far and can't wait for our discussion. We are really excited about the books chosen! Just wanted to say Hello to everyone! :)
14 hace años
Hi, I'm Kaiya. I JUST joined BM, so I hope it's not too soon to join a forum... You all seem incredibly nice around here. Is this group open to anyone that wants to join? (Sorry, I have no idea how this works. Please, please, please let me know if I'm going about this all wrong. Haha.) I've been going through a bit of the old discussions and saw that y'all recently read The Hunger Games? I actually read that in February. (: And the books picked for the next few months sound like they'll be right up my alley. Uhm... So, yes. ^-^
Kaiya Knox
13 hace años
Hi Heather! Thanks for the warm welcome. (: I lovelovelove YA fiction -- that one of the reasons I thought to join this group. I tried reading Dracula a few months ago and gave it up. It just wasn't for me. (Or anyone else... ;D Kidding!) I have a question about the books y'all read: Do you go out and buy them, borrow them, mooch them...? I'm just wondering about the process, I suppose. (:
Kaiya Knox
13 hace años

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