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Forum: The Bookclub for Bookworms on Bookmooch!

Pick-It-For-Me Challenge: January Partner List

Hi ladies!!

Welcome to the first "pick-it-for-me" challenge!

Here are the partner lists:

Lindsay picks for Stephaine
Stephaine picks for Heather Rose
Heather Rose picks for Lindsay

Andrea picks for Amanda
Amanda picks for Cara
Cara picks for Andrea

***I know some of you were worried about being able to make picks for your person so I thought I would offer a couple of suggestions: use their wishlist! (especially if there are books listed on Bookmooch!) or if your person has listed some of their favorite authors/genres use www.fantasticfiction.com for suggestions! Even better, pick something for your partner that is near and dear to your heart- sharing our favorites should be what this bookclub is also about! :)

Lindsay Adams
14 hace años

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