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Forum: The Bookclub for Bookworms on Bookmooch!

Pick-It-For-Me-Challenge: January Edition

So now that you have your "person" to chose for, here is a list of catagories you can make suggestions in! I chose to go with a "January" theme for this first month- hopefully this will make it a little easier to chose books for your partner!

Here we go!

A. Try Something New

1. New Author- have you read someone lately that you'd love to share with a friend? Or an author you've been wanting to read? Suggest them here!

2. New Series- do you have a series that you LOVE and feel others would like too? List it here!

3. New Genre- check out your partners mooch list (keep in mind some of us mooch for the Angel Network though!)- notice they typically read just one genre all the time? Or two? Then suggest a new genre they may not have thought about reading before!

B. Better Year- Better You

1. Lose Weight!- check out your partners wishlist, see a book on there that has moochable copies but they haven't mooched it yet? Suggest it here! If none listed, perhaps picks a book that Amazon has listed for a .01 so it's one less book on that person's wishlist!

2. Save $$- suggest a book that you liked (but didn't love, or you feel you wouldn't love) for your partner to check out for free from their library!

3. Enjoy Life More!- pick a book that you feel would be a fun read for your partner! The idea for this catagory is to chose something your partner can read after a hard day at work, or school and they need something to unwind that doesn't take much focus! And yes, cheesy romance novels could apply here! :)

Well, there you have it! I hope you all will enjoy this challenge and the categories listed!!!

Please try to make your suggestions no later than this Thursday, January 20th, so that we can get started reading!! Also, please make all suggestions using this forum (and not a new message).

I look forward to everyone suggestions (I'm sure I'll be adding a ton of books to my reading list!) and if you need help PLEASE email me!!! I've gotten to know most of you pretty well through Bookmooch and I would be happy to help anyone who might need a few ideas for their partner!

Happy Reading!!!! :)

Lindsay Adams
14 hace años


Recommendations for Andrea:

I am not sure which category these all fall in, but I'll state the reason for my recommendations.

Barbara Bretton : Casting Spells Because you have Charlaine Harris on your wishlist. The first in a series, a cross between cozy mystery and paranormal romance.

Thomas Moore : Soul Mates Since you have some relationship books on your wishlist and you've mooched Care of the Soul (loved that book).

Emma Bull : Finder: A Novel of the Borderlands YA fantasy. For obvious reasons;) A bit harder to find but worth it if you can. Or
Emma Bull : War for the Oaks: A Novel if you can't find the first one, same author.

Jes Battis : Night Child First in an urban fantasy/mystery with a touch of romance series which happens to take place in an alternate universe version of my hometown.

Shanna Swendson : Enchanted, Inc.: A Novel For the "you need a break" category. Laugh out loud funny cross between chicklit and paranormal romance

Deborah Rodriguez : Kabul Beauty School: An American Woman Goes Behind the Veil Probably a library find and because you have some books about Islam on your wishlist.

BTW I have a well loved copy of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho if you would like it. I noticed it was on your wishlist.

I hope you find a couple in there to entice you, happy reading, Cara

14 hace años
Hey guys! I just started looking up books to suggest and realized that I feel bad for Andrea because I just started on Bookmooch to join you guys. I had been just watching steph. I am excited about the challenge and just wanted to tell Andrea to recommend anything. I am excited to try anything new. Im sorry my bookmooch account is no help.
14 hace años
Well Cara I am going to try my best to pick some good ones for you. I am less experienced in the bookworm world and have not been immersed into as many books, authors, and series. I am excited to be reading again and loving all the great books this group is opening my eyes too. My TBR list is getting longer by the day. So here are my suggestions…

A. Try Something New
1. New Author - I am excited to read a series by the author Robert Liparulo. He is the author of the Dreamhouse Kings series and he sounds like he has several other books worth looking into. So I am recommending him as the new author and leaning toward House of Dark shadows which is the first book in the Dreamhouse Kings series and also on my TBR list!

2. New Series - I saw that you had mooched some of the Animorph series by Katherine Applegate and found the Everworld series. This series is also by Katherine Applegate and sounded like a good series I thought you might like.

3. New Genre - I dicided to go with something random here and I thought of a book I had to read in a college course. Kindred by Octavia Butler was a book I did not expect to be so interesting. Out of all the books based on slavery that we had to read for this class this one stood out to me and I remember its storyline the most.

B.Better Year Better You
1. Lose Weight - I checked out your mooch list and out of the few that have moochable copies I would mooch A Devil in the Details: A Jesse James Dawson Novel. By: K.A. Stewart. Its sounded like a good read.

2. Save $ - Well I tried to think of something I had seen at my library and thought of getting lately that I thought I might like. Stardust by Neil Gaiman came to mind. I have watched the movie and loved it and just saw the book. I hear good things about Neil Gaiman and thought that this would be a good suggestion.

3. Enjoy Life More - Well I just finished reading Holes by: Louis Sachar. I read it when I was younger and have seen the movie many times. I loved picking this book up again. I love the story line and the humor makes me laugh out loud. I love this book and if you haven’t read it or seen the movie I highly recommend it for a good quick read.

I hope you like some of my suggestions and I look forward to seeing what Andrea comes up with for me. :)

14 hace años
Books for Heather:
Apparently I not as cool as Heather and Cara...I couldn't figure out how to do the links :(

A. Try Something New...
1. New Author--Caitlin Kiernan: Daughter of Hounds --I noticed Neil Gaiman on your wishlist and I was once told that when he got his start he worked with this author very closely.

2. New Series--Rick Riordan: The Lost Hero (Heros of Olympus series) --This one is on my TBR list. He is the author of the Percy Jackson series as well.

3. New Genre--Erin Hunter: Into the Wild (Warriors series) --Instead of vampires and werewolves let's try an ordinary house cat who joins a gang of feral cats and trains to become a warrior. This one really seems to be hit lately. My little cousin just got a box set for Christmas and I've been thinking about borrowing them.

B. Better Year-Better You...
1. Lose Weight--Roderick Gordon: Tunnels --I looked through your wishlist and the only books that are moochable you've already tried to get and haven't seemed to work out for you so I picked one that was listed for a penny and that the description sounded interesting lol ;)

2. Save $$ --Barbara Park: Mick Harte was Here --This book is near and dear to my heart. This is definitely one that you can pick up at the library (it won an award here in GA back in 96-97). My teacher read this aloud in class in 2000. A few weeks later we lost my 18 year old brother (who was also my best friend) in a car accident. For weeks, even months this book stayed with me but I didn't know the title. Now ten years later one of our professors last semester helped me track down the book and I read it again. Truly a book that will stick with me forever.

3. Enjoy Life More --Louis Sachar: Sideways Stories from Wayside School --You mentioned that you have read some of Sachar's books and this is on our TBR list as well (mooched it the other day and we're waiting for it to get here) seems like it will be a quirky fun book to read to lighten the mood after a long day of work.

Hopefully you'll find at least one or two that spark your curiousity :)

14 hace años
For Stephaine:

Sorry it's taken me so long!! I have actually put A LOT of thought into your picks which caused me to rack my brain for days!! Soooo...I hope you enjoy them!! :)


1. New Author: Kathryn Stockett is an author I highly recommend! Her novel "The Help" is widely popular and they are filming a movie based on the book now, I believe. It takes place in the South during the 60's and it is the story of three women who will all touch your heart!


2. New Series: Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer (Last Survivors, Book 1)

The best way I know how to describe this book: the car crash you KNOW you should look away from, but you CAN'T do it! Seriously, I read this book in one night. This book gave me chills the entire time I was reading it! Please, please, please check it out! :)

3. New Genre: Welcome to the world of Sci-Fi/Romance/Mystery! J.D. Robb (Nora Robert's pen name) has created a furturistic world of action, adventure and romance- what could be better right?!?! Plus, there are always copies of these books on Bookmooch! However, I would start with the first one: Naked in Death. I think you'll grow to love the main character, Eve Dallas, she is someone I would love to hang out with!



1. Lose Weight: The Scarlett Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne


A classic! I adore this book! And if you want a good laugh- watch the movie "Easy A" with Emma Stone (they are studying this book in high school, in the movie), it's a great Friday night movie! :)

2. Save $$: "Once Dead, Twice Shy" by Kim Harrison

Please, oh please don't waste your money buying this book! It's not worth it!! This is one that you need to visit your local library to get! The story is dull and predictable and the characters really make it hard for you to like them. Save your hard, earned money on a better book! :)


3. Enjoy Life More: "Dewey: The Small Town Library Cat Who Touched the World"

I recommend this light-hearted, feel good novel to you. If your an animal lover at all (regardless of cat or dog) you will love this book! It makes you smile while reading and I love that kind of book after a long day! :)


Well, there you have it! I hope you find something that your interested in to read! :)

Happy Reading!!!

Lindsay :)

Lindsay Adams
14 hace años
Hi Heather!

Thanks for the great picks!!!

I've actually read Jen Lancaster- I love her books!!! Did you know she's publishing a fiction novel that is supposed to be due out this year? I'm so excited about that!! :)

After looking over your list, I'm going to chose:

Gregory Maguire- Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister


Robert Jordan- New Spring (A Wheel of Time Prequel)

I'm looking forward to them!! Thanks so much for the great suggestions!!! :)

Lindsay Adams
14 hace años
Heather--I almost tried that but then I didn't because I didn't know if the URLs would change when it posted or not. At least I know now. Thanks :)

Lindsay--Thanks for the recommendations. Time to do some research...Can't wait :)

14 hace años
Thanks Andrea :) I know it was tough but sounds like you picked great books. I haven't read any of them but I have heard of a few of them. Thanks for giving it so much thought I'm excited to get started. :) ~amanda
14 hace años

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