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Title: Cosmology + 1: Readings from Scientific American
Topics: Astronomy, Astronomy & Space Science, Evolution, Fossils, Game Theory, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Organic, Paleontology, Science & Math
Available: 1 copy from: WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria)
Description: Product Description A collection of articles from Scientific American dealing with the Red Shift, background radiation, Black Holes, etc. ... (more)


Name: Stephen Hawking
Title: A Brief History of Time
Available: 1 copy from: Soham Dey Sarkar (India)
This book is on several wishlists: lupingirl (Canada), Autumn Lehmann (USA: OH), Kyria (USA: CA), Sophia C (Australia), Claire Clift (USA: CT), Lily (USA: ME), alterego (USA), Alexandra (Philippines), Priscilla (USA: ND), John (USA: RI), RMBOSTON (USA: MA), aideen (Ireland), L Walz (USA: HI), turnthepage (USA: NJ), Nemmy (USA: NY), migwilo (Nigeria), Daniel (España), Elizabeth (Canada), Jon (USA: PA), Kirstin (USA: NV), Sean & Kat (USA: MD), DevJers (USA: NJ), amyalicejakob (United Kingdom), Ashley Stehno (USA), DMAD (Greece), Molly (USA: SC), harryzaspoon (Ireland), cathy (USA: CA), Sofia (Portugal), casey (USA: MI), Julia (USA: CA), Chris (USA: TN), Ashlynne (USA: TN), wordnerdbooks (South Africa), Ellen (United Kingdom), Mirela (Italia), Tommy (USA: CA), Jess Williams (Canada), Mickipedia (USA: CA), Heather (USA: ND), cinapart (Mexico), Barbara George (USA: OH), Jennifer (USA: MI), cp (USA: WI), KevinD (United Kingdom), maggie (USA: AL), bowie (USA: MA), Skundberg (Norway), Scott (USA: MI), John X (USA: VA), Rab (United Kingdom), Rachel (New Zealand), Nathan (USA: GA), Phil Matarese (USA: IN), Robyn (United Kingdom), Miranda (USA: OR), jgood (USA: FL), Stephanie (USA: OR), Julia (USA: SC), Aaron (United Kingdom), Coolidge Library (USA: ME), Allie (USA: NY), Gio (USA: MA), Dean (Philippines), Kate Fraz (USA: MI), twp77 (USA: NY), Laura (USA: MO), sdegonia (USA: IL), Karin Lundberg (Sweden), autumnrose (2-for-1) (Canada), Sarah (USA: AR), Jessica (USA: NY), Michelle (USA: NY), Caity (USA: CO), lkkirk (USA: IL), Sheeri (USA: LA), Cody (USA: LA), chris ronan (USA: NY), Lexi Pike (United Kingdom), Madeline (USA: MI), TaDDie (France), lessthanthree (USA: NY), Gabriella (Greece), kp185005 (USA: OH), Mary (Suiza), Robert McEwen (USA: VA), homeschoolers (USA: ID), Mol (USA: WI), Chris Schaeffer (USA: PA), dianne (Philippines), Adam (USA: ND), Nicole W (Canada), Sara (Singapore), xinru (Malaysia), Emily (USA: OR).


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Name: Budd Hopkins
Title: Intruders
Topics: Agricultural Sciences, Angels & Spirit Guides, Archaeology, Astrology, Astronomy & Space Science, Behavioral Sciences, Biological Sciences, Celtic, Chakras, Channeling, Chemistry, Divination, Dreams, Druidism, ESP, Earth Sciences, Environment, Essays & Commentary, Evolution, Experiments, Instruments & Measurement, Gaia, Genre Fiction, Goddesses, History & Philosophy, Literature & Fiction, Mathematics, Meditation, Mental & Spiritual Healing, Mysticism, Nature & Ecology, New Age & Spirituality, New Thought, Occult & Paranormal, Parapsychology, Physics, Reference, Reincarnation, Religion & Spirituality, Research, Sacred Sexuality, Science & Math, Science for Kids, Self-Help, Shamanism, Spiritualism, TV, Movie, Video Game Adaptations, Technology, Theosophy, UFOs, Urantia, Wicca, Witchcraft & Paganism
Available: 1 copy from: Lu (South Africa)
This book is on several wishlists: Ryoko Vicarious (USA: TX), FamFatale (USA: VA), Petra (Belgium), coreymesler (USA: TN).
Description: Product Description "One comes to a tender regard for Hopkins's subjects. Their uniform similarities of description of their UFO abductions and of the aliens bear a faithful fact that could sway many an ironc... (more)


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Name: Alice Pernick
Title: The Night Sky (Beginning Literacy, Stage C)
Topics: Action & Adventure, Activities, Crafts & Games, Animals, Arts, Music & Photography, Biographies, Cars, Trains & Things That Go, Children's Books, Children's Cookbooks, Classics, Comics & Graphic Novels, Computers & Technology, Early Learning, Education & Reference, Fairy Tales, Folk Tales & Myths, Geography & Cultures, Growing Up & Facts of Life, History, Holidays & Celebrations, Humor, Introductory & Beginning, Literature & Fiction, Mysteries & Detectives, Programming, Religions, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Science, Nature & How It Works, Sports & Outdoors
Available: 1 copy from: Debbie Ruhl (USA: MO)
Description: Product Description The Night Sky (Beginning Literacy, Stage C) ... (more)


Name: V M Rabolu
Title: Hercolubus or Red Planet
Topics: Astronomy, prophecies, the planet
Available: 1 copy from: Chris Lannin (USA: MN)
This book is on several wishlists: Rico Martha (Indonesia).


Name: Carl Sagan
Title: Contact
Available: 1 copy from: Sam Aquino Jr. (Philippines)
This book is on several wishlists: Katelyn (USA: ND), Su (Spain), Leon (España), Aditya (USA: MD), Erica (Italia), Allie (USA: AL), Dovile (Lithuania), MableSu (USA: MA), Kasey Wink (USA: NE), AndroidBob (USA: VA), Becky (USA: ME), Alex Dyck (USA: TX), Daan Davidsz (Netherlands), Kaysy (USA: WA), telitus (USA: NY), ajones990 (Canada), Morning (USA: MI), Kelly (USA: NE), LilV (USA: MN), NatasaGr1111 (Greece), Rob Ward (Czech Republic), Bridgette (Germany), Debbie (USA: MA), Barry (Ireland), Mary Luken-Tazari (USA: OH), Nichole (USA: IN), orialla (Italia), Katelyn (USA: TX), Connie (USA: CA), LC (United Kingdom), Aaron (United Kingdom), Amber (USA: OK), ellipserogative (USA: IN), Carl (United Kingdom), Talvi (Finland), Moha (USA: NJ), Susan (United Kingdom), markcommander22 (USA: NJ), Jose (USA: TX), Cassie Coburn (USA: TX), lewiscb (USA: NC), Chloe (USA: WI), coreymesler (USA: TN), Alfonso (Peru), The0Doctor (USA: OH), shannon (USA: RI), Linda (Sweden), PalabradePez (Spain), willawonka (United Kingdom), Katy (USA: NC), Zeynep Aydin (Canada), Pam (USA: TX), Johnna (USA: PA), Linnea (USA: OH), OliverL (United Kingdom), fabiolarw (Mexico), mollydog (USA: NY).


Name: George Smoot
Title: Wrinkles in Time
Available: 1 copy from: Jewellissa (USA: NY)
This book is on several wishlists: grace (USA: NY), Rumblegut (Canada).


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Name: John Taylor
Title: Black Holes: The End of the Universe?
Topics: Astronomy, Astronomy & Cosmology, Charts, Comets & Meteors, Galaxies, Clusters & Intergalactic Matter, Popular Astronomy, Science & Nature, Star Gazing, Stars & Interstellar Matter, Telescopes & Equipment, Theoretical & Mathematical Astronomy
Available: 1 copy from: dawn (Canada)
Description: Product Description 1st edition 1st printing paperback, vg+ In stock shipped from our UK warehouse ... (more)


Name: various
Title: All about space, issue 65
Topics: Astronomy, Astrophotography
Available: 1 copy from: DMAD (Greece)
Description: What will happen on earth's last day, Star Dust, Dark Energy, Robots, Antigravity... (more)


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Name: Jon Butler; Bruno Vincent
Title: Do Ants Have Arseholes?: And 101 Other Bloody Ridiculous Questions
Topics: Animals, Artificial Intelligence, Astronomy, Biodiversity, Biotechnology, Children's Literature Studies, Collections & Anthologies, Drama & Dramatists, Environment & Ecology, Evolution, Extinction, Families & Parents, Fatherhood, Food & Farming, Genetics, Geology, Health, Family & Lifestyle, History & Criticism, History of Books, Human Biology, Humour, Key Critics, Literary Studies, Literary Theory & Movements, Maths, Novels & Novelists, Parodies, Pharmacology, Physics, Plants, Poetry & Poets, Poetry, Drama & Criticism, Pollution, Popular Science, Robotics, Science & Nature, Scientists & Engineers, Self-Sufficiency & Green Living, Study Guides, Time, Weather
Available: 1 copy from: Natalie (United Kingdom)
This book is on several wishlists: spookky (Israel), Sasquatch (USA: CA), Stacey (USA: MO), Steven West (USA: TX).



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