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Clare (France) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Peter Pan in Scarlet0
The Rights of the Reader0
Eric AbrahamsonA Perfect Mess: The Hidden Benefits of Disorder0
Chimamanda Ngozi AdichiePurple Hibiscus0
John AgardYoung Inferno0
Joan AikenThe Way to Write for Children0
Sarah Addison AllenThe Sugar Queen0
Alison Allen-GrayLifegame0
David AlmondJackdaw Summer0
Laurie Halse AndersonChains0
R J AndersonKnife0
Roy AppsHow to Handle Your Dad (How to Handle S.)0
Roy AppsHow To Handle Your Family0
Roy AppsHow to Handle Your Grown-Ups0
Roy AppsHow to Handle Your School0
Roy AppsHow to Handle Your Teacher0
Roy AppsHow To Handle Your Teacher0
Gaynor ArnoldGirl in a Blue Dress0
Nick ArnoldBulging Brains (Horrible Science)0