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caroline (USA: IL) : wishlist

Author↓ Title Count Amazon Action 
Max WeberFrom Max Weber: Essays in Sociology 0
Janet R WeberNurses' Handbook of Health Assessment0
Michael WayneDeath of an Overseer : Reopening a Murder Investigation from the Plantation South0
Ian WattThe Rise of the Novel: Studies in Defoe, Richardson and Fielding0
James D. WatsonThe Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA (Norton Critical Editions)0
Shi-fu WangThe Story of the Western Wing0
Mark Jerome WaltersSix Modern Plagues and How We Are Causing Them0
Jeannette WallsThe Glass Castle: A Memoir1 [mooch]
David WallisKilled: Great Journalism Too Hot To Print0
Melissa WalkerWriting Research Papers: A Norton Guide0
Jearl WalkerThe Flying Circus of Physics0
F. W. WalbankHellenistic World, Revised Edition0
Frans de WaalPrimates and Philosophers: How Morality Evolved (The University Center for Human Values Series)0
Kurt VonnegutCat's Cradle0
Kurt VonnegutBreakfast of Champions0
VoltaireCandide (Norton Critical Editions)0
Linda VoloninoComputer Forensics: Principles and Practices (Prentice Hall Security Series)0
Gerald VizenorNative-American Literature: A Brief Introduction and Anthology (Harpercollins Literary Mosaic)0
Barbara Meister VitaleUnicorns Are Real: A Right-Brained Approach to Learning (Creative Parenting/Creative Teaching Series)0
Carol J. VerburgOurselves Among Others: Readings from Home and Abroad0