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Griffin (USA: CT) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Marion P. ThayerThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Cliffs Notes)0
Carl SennaAlice in Wonderland (Cliffs Notes)0
James L. RobertsCrime and Punishment: Including Introduction, Chapter Summaries and Commentaries, Character Sketches, Critical Notes1 [mooch]
L. VerganiDante's Divine Comedy: The Inferno (Cliffs Notes)0
Dorthea Shefer-VansonThe Diary of Anne Frank (Cliffs Notes)0
James WeigelDickens' A Tale of Two Cities (Cliffs Notes)1 [mooch]
Arnie JacobsonDickens' Great Expectations (Cliffs Notes)1 [mooch]
Harry KasteDickens' Oliver Twist (Cliffs Notes)0
Matt GroeningFuturama: The Time Bender Trilogy0
J. K. LowersHamlet (Cliffs Notes)2 [mooch]
Carla Lynn StocktonHamlet (Cliffs Notes)0
Jeffery FisherHenry V (Cliffs Notes)1 [mooch]
J.R.R. TolkienThe Hobbit: The Enchanting Prelude to The Lord of the Rings2 [mooch]
Bob LinnHomer's Iliad (Cliffs Notes)1 [mooch]
Jeanne InnessThe Invisible Man (Cliffs Notes)0
Martha PerryJulius Caesar (Cliffs Notes)0
James K. LowersKing Henry IV, Part 1 (Cliffs Notes)1 [mooch]
James K. LowersKing Henry IV, Part 2 Notes (Cliffs Notes) (Cliffs Notes)0
Adolph HitlerMein Kempf0
Cliffs Notes EditorsMelville's Moby Dick (Cliffs Notes)1 [mooch]