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kate (United Kingdom) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Howard BahrThe Year of Jubilo: A Novel of the Civil War0
Alan BrennertMoloka'i0
Nessa CareyThe Epigenetics Revolution: How Modern Biology Is Rewriting Our Understanding of Genetics, Disease, and Inheritance0
Willa CatherO Pioneers! (Dover Thrift Editions)0
Michael CrummeyRiver Thieves0
Frank Parker DayRockbound0
Charles DickensA Tale of Two Cities1 [mooch]
Elly GriffithsThe Outcast Dead0
Lawrence HillSomeone Knows My Name: A Novel0
Victoria McKernanThe Devil's Paintbox0
Larry McMurtryBoone's Lick : A Novel0
L.M. MontgomeryThe Blue Castle0
Bernice MorganRandom Passage0
Toni MorrisonBeloved (Plume Contemporary Fiction)0
Robert OlmsteadCoal Black Horse1 [mooch]
Gabe RotterThe Human Bobby: A Novel0
Denise Grover SwankTwenty-Eight and a Half Wishes (Volume 1)0
Abigail ThomasA Three Dog Life0
Rose TremainRestoration0
Guy VanderhaegheThe Last Crossing0