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Majid Abdolrahimi (Iran) : wishlist

Author Title Count↓ Amazon Action 
Robert ZubrinThe Case for Mars1 [mooch]
Zecharia SitchinThe Wars of Gods and Men: Book III of the Earth Chronicles (The Earth Chronicles)1 [mooch]
Walter IsaacsonEinstein: His Life and Universe1 [mooch]
John GribbinAlmost Everyone's Guide to Science: The Universe, Life and Everything (Yale Nota Bene)1 [mooch]
John CornwellDarwin's Angel: An Angelic Riposte to "The God Delusion"1 [mooch]
Sharon Anthony BowerAsserting Yourself: A Practical Guide for Positve Change1 [mooch]
Mani BhaumikCode Name God: The Spiritual Odyssey of a Man of Science1 [mooch]
Mark F BearNeuroscience: Exploring the Brain1 [mooch]
ZooshEarth History and Lost Civilizations Explained (Explorer Race)0
Yervant TerzianCarl Sagan's Universe0
Zecharia SitchinWhen Time: Book V of the Earth Chronicles (The Earth Chronicles)0
Zecharia SitchinThe Stairway to Heaven: Book II of the Earth Chronicles (The Earth Chronicles)0
Zecharia SitchinThe lost realms: Book IV of the Earth Chronicles (The Earth Chronicles)0
Zecharia SitchinThe Lost Book of Enki: Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial god0
Zecharia SitchinJourneys to the Mythical Past (Earth Chronicles)0
Zecharia SitchinThe End of Days: Armageddon and Prophecies of the Return (The Earth Chronicles)0
Zdenek SalzmannLanguage, Culture, And Society: An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology0
Yvan LeblancQuantum Black Holes: A Critical Analysis (Efieldtheory.Com Series in Theoretical Physics)0
Zakariyya IshaqThe Ellipse: The Fall and Rise of the Human Soul, Secrets of the Cosmos0
Yakir AharonovQuantum Paradoxes: Quantum Theory for the Perplexed (Physics Textbook)0