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mrscasler (USA: FL) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Jodi PicoultSalem Falls0
Jodi PicoultSecond Glance (Picoult, Jodi)0
Allie PleiterBad Heiress Day (Steeple Hill Single Title)0
Anita ShreveFortune's Rocks: A Novel4 [mooch]
Anita ShreveResistance- A Novel0
Anita ShreveStrange Fits of Passion: A Novel0
Anita ShreveThe Weight of Water1 [mooch]
Anita ShreveWhere or When1 [mooch]
Gary SmalleyRedemption0
Kathryn SpringerFront Porch Princess0
Kathryn SpringerPicket Fence Promises0
Kathryn SpringerThe Prince Charming List0
Michelle StaceyFasting Girl0