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ShawnKilburn (USA: WA) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Joe AbercrombieThe Blade Itself: Book One of the First Law (First Law 1)0
Kingsley AmisThe Alteration0
Kingsley AmisNew Maps of Hell: A Survey of Science Fiction (Science fiction)0
Marcus AureliusMeditations0
Iain M. BanksInversions0
Stephen BaxterRaft0
Philip BoothCrossing0
Brunner The Compleat Traveller in Black (Collier Nucleus Science Fiction)0
Simon Bucher-JonesGhost Devices (The New Adventures Series)0
Eric CarleSlowly, Slowly, Slowly, Said the Sloth0
Leonora CarringtonThe Seventh Horse (Virago Modern Classics)0
Angela CarterThe Magic Toyshop0
Angela CarterThe Bloody Chamber: And Other Stories0
Angela CarterThe Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman0
Raphael CarterThe Fortunate Fall0
Michael CiscoThe Narrator0
Ingri and Edgar Darin D'AulaireD'Aulaires' Norse Gods and Giants0
Ingri D'AulaireD'aulaire's Book of Greek Myths0
Thomas M. DischCamp Concentration: A Novel (Vintage)0
J. P. DonleavyThe Beastly Beatitudes of Balthazar B0