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Queen Tasha (USA: OK) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon↓ Action 
Herbert Spencer ZimCodes and secret writing0
Alice L. WoodThe Jingle Book for Speech Improvement and Speech Correction0
John TyndallFaraday as a discoverer0
Rudolf SteinerThe Genius of Language: Observations for Teachers: Six Lectures (With Added Notes) (Foundations of Waldorf Education) by Steiner, Rudolf (1995) Paperback0
Betty StaleyHear the Voice of the Griot!: A Guide to African Geography, History, and Culture0
Jack A. SobonBuild a Classic Timber-Framed House: Planning & Design/Traditional Materials/Affordable Methods by Jack A. Sobon (1994-01-02)0
Caroline Dale SnedekerDownright Dencey0
Kenneth Jon RoseThe Body in Time (Wiley Science Edition)0
Roger PriceDroodles a Ship Arriving Too Late to Save a Drowning Witch0
PlutarchPlutarch The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans0
Gary PaulsonHatchet0
Leonard MlodinowThe Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives0
Lancelot Thomas HogbenThe wonderful world of energy0
Peter HoegBORDERLINERS1 [mooch]
John Taylor GattoThe Underground History of American Education Revised Edition0
Jeffrey FrankThe Creep0
Michael FoucaltMadness & Civilization0
Dalai Lama and Paul EkmanEmotional Awareness: Overcoming the Obstacles to Psychological Balance and Compassion0
Melita DenningPractical Guide to Astral Projection0