Name: Jan Johnson (United Kingdom)
Userid: fallen121
(I give a little)
Inventory: 4
Points: 29.5
Mooched/given: 223/146
Pending mooch/give: 1/0
Mooch ratio: 1.15:1
Wishlist: 515
Feedback: +146
Smooches: 10
Charitable gifts: 3
Charity received: 6
Friends: 6
Cancelled requests: 22
Books receiving lost: 3
Books sending lost: 1
Rejected requests: 1
Will send: ask if not to my country
Joined: 2008/01/28
Last here: 531 days ago (possibly inactive)
Country: United Kingdom
| |
Books in inventory: 4 | | |
Bio: I am a BookMooch Angel. If you need books from the United Kingdom and the giver won't mail internationally, contact me with your requests and the username of the giver. I'll Mooch the books on your behalf and reserve them. You can then Mooch them from me. Please note I send SURFACE MAIL outside of Europe due to cost.
Forums joined: angel_requests_2010_may, bookmooch_blog, discussion.
Forums active on: angel_requests_2010_may, bookmooch_blog, discussion. |