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Messages: Missed Connections...for Books!
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Young adult mystery/paranormal novel (from the 70s ish?)
Like many have said on here, this is (probably) very much a long shot, but I remember that I really enjoyed a certain young adult mystery novel when I was a little girl that I've been wondering about for years. I'm pretty sure it was published around the 70s (though it could have been the 80s, but it seemed quite old). The plot was based around a family of children and their mother (from what I hazily recall, their father was absent for some reason) who were tormented by the peculiar antics of a poltergeist, such as things being overturned and stones being thrown seemingly from nowhere in their sun room. I believe a statue of some sort was involved as well. The word "cupid" was either in the title or somehow majorly relevant to the plot. Any ideas?
Tamara K.
9 years ago 1 comment
Romance Novel
A young girl boards a ship to Alaska to avoid a marriage (I think). When she arrives, she takes a job as a cook and earns enough gold from miners that she eventually opens her own place. I remember a note from the author that said she was inspired by an actual restaurant in Alaska. I thought that the author might have been Linda Lael Miller but I couldn't find it in her works.
9 years ago no comments
Adventure Novel
Young girl living in a colonial village where an epidemic breaks out. She discovers that she is really in the 20th centure, and the colonial village is actually a compound. She escapes to an underground subway and hides in the restroom for a while, then sets out to find a cure for the epidemic. I vaguely remember a smiley face on the front cover of the book. Thanks for any clues!
Anne Smoak
10 years ago 1 comment
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really long shot...
but this has been bugging me for a while and i've tried googling it and came up short. the book i'm looking for is a collection of photographs with accompanying short biographies. it's essentially about diversity in young people- it featured teens/young twenties of different races, abilities and backgrounds. black and white photographs. it was kept in the young adult section of my library, so i'm thinking it was a YA book but i'm not positive. i also specifically remember it featured Schuyler Fisk (actress and daughter of Sissy Spacek), before she got famous so i think it was published in the early 2000's. does it sound familiar to anyone? i'm beginning to think i imagined it.
10 years ago 2 comments
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white slaves?
I know it's a long shot, but I'm trying to find the title and author of a book I read some 10 to 15 years ago (I read it in German, but I think it was an American author, so either language would be fine). It was a historical story, set in America. The book was about a young (white) boy (maybe 6 years) who was sold by his father to work (in effect it was like being a slave, but I think it was named differently), telling the years till he grew up (and I think finally won his freedom). The book also had an afterword about the real historical background. Somewhere in the back of my mind is the name Jonathan, but I honestly don't know if it was a character, the author's name or comes from another book I read around that time. Does that plot sound familiar to anybody?
12 years ago 3 comments
New(ish) fictional book about Princess of Wales' alternate life
I'm sure I read somewhere that someone (I know, none more vaguer!) had written a book about the Princess of Wales' alternate life - the story was that she survived the crash and moved to live in America. Has anyone else heard of this book or did I dream it? And if so, any ideas who the author was or what the title is?
12 years ago 3 comments
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How to use this
this forum is for people who want remember/mooch a book, or want to put it somewhere as a list of one's they've read, etc, but cant remember the name of it, this is the place to post. Generally, you will write down what you can remember aout the storyline, as well as the genre of the book. hopefully someone else on bookmooch has read that book and remember, or owns that book. I created this because I can remember fragments of storylines form books I reemmber really enjoying, and would love to read hem again, but I couldn't, for the life of me, reemmber the title. Happy posting, and good luck finding! c:
14 years ago 6 comments
(12 years ago) | Eleni, that could be Lucifer's Hammer by Larry Niven
Larry Niven : Lucifer's Hammer
Hope this helps.
Daniel - Daniel | (14 years ago) | Looking for a SF book. Set in California. Some catastrophe hit, the passes between central Calif. and the coast were blocked, and the central valley is filling with water, driving people to the Sierra Nevada foothills. Story tells how people survive after the loss of 'civilization'. Looking for this specific book (forgot the title) and other 'survival after armageddon' books. - eleni84 | (14 years ago) | And besides, you can use both the sites, and possibly find it faster! Huzzah :P - Kat | (14 years ago) | Never heard of that site. From what I see, bookmooch has a bigger userbase anyway, and it makes it easier to find and confirm(and mooch) these books on the same site.
But if you do not agree, simply do not use this. - Kat | (14 years ago) | This website also serves a similar purpose :
http://www.whatsthatbook.com/ - Aude | (14 years ago) | Typing on an old school Mac, excuse the spelling! Haha - Kat |
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long shot...
There is a girl and she is wandering a deserted city going into peoples houses and looking for food, she meets up with a boy who is also wandering and they are on their way somewhere (maybe a port) I think its during the war read it 20 maybe 25 years ago
13 years ago 3 comments
Seeking fishy book from the 70's or 80's
All I can remember is that it is set at some beach resort type area and the plot is that all the sea creatures somehow become homicidal, The crabs hater and attack, schools of harmless fish attack, etc etc. I cannot remember the name but I do remember that when I first read it about 30 years ago I enjoyed it. If anyone has a guess as to the title I'd appreciate it. Thanks, Daniel
12 years ago no comments
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Book based on A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
I read a book years ago that was a romance by a lady author. As I said it was loosely based on A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (one of my favorite books) The heroine who I believe was actually called Carol or Carole was placed in Scrooge's position - She was an American sent back in time to regency or Victorian England in one vignette and met the "dashing" hero Lord Nicholas of Something. Sent forward to her time to meet the reincarnated Nick Something (this time American like her). Then Carol was sent to a futuristic America and met a battle-hardened Nik who is the same person Carol has met before (he was the same soul) This time Nik has been married before and she has died for some reason. Anyway, Carol has constantly met Nick throughout her lives and loves him dearly by the end of the book. Every time she leaves a life she just disappears I think and is either married or dating Nick each time that she disappears. Always on or around Christmas Eve. She has Scrooge's attitude towards Christmas at the beginning of the book and in a futuristic America she has to make Nick believe in the Christmas spirit as well. I do remember that at the beginning of the book Carol has inherited her grandmother's house on her grandmother's death and that there is a painting of some type in her bedroom. I think either there is a ghost in the house or Carol herself becomes a ghost at one point maybe. I am not sure of the author's name but I think the name of the book was something like Carol's Christmas. It's split into three sections - past Victorian or regency England, present - the 90s I think - and futuristic maybe 2194 or something like that. It might have been published around 1990 or something, I don't know. I know that it was a paranormal romance - time travel and ghosts and futuristic elements as well. I borrowed it to read from a high school friend in about 1990 and lost track of it since then. I hope that you lovely people might be able to help me track down this book. I'd love to read it again if possible. Thank you so much and all the best. Mareena
Mareena McGirr
13 years ago no comments
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(13 years ago) | C'est bien ça, faire comme si l'on ajoutait un livre pas encore répertorié à son inventaire, puis l'en retirer.
La fiche ne pouvant être corrigée par la suite, il convient d'être extrêmement soigneux(se), exact(e) et complèt(e) que possible quant aux renseignements saisis, sous peine qu'elle soit inutilisable de façon satisfaisante par ceux qui pourraient en avoir besoin.
Certaines de ces fiches rajoutées par des membres comportent par exemple en description de l'ouvrage des informations qui relèvent manifestement de l'état particulier de l'exemplaire détenu, ce n'est pas à faire. - Aude | (13 years ago) | ok, mais comment est-ce que je dois faire pour créer la fiche ? est-ce que je l'ajoute comme si le livre faisait partir de mon inventaire et ensuite je le retire de mon inventaire mais il reste disponible dans la base de données ??? ou bien il y a une autre façon de procéder ?
merci à l'avance :)
Bonne fin de semaine ! - objoref | (13 years ago) | Il est toujours possible de créer une fiche, après avoir vérifié soigneusement qu'elle est vraiment inexistante, mais l'intérêt est nul dès lors qu'il existe plus d'une édition courante du livre, ou que le livre n'a pas d'ISBN.
Les relations d'éditions apparentées se font assez mal entre ces fiches ajoutées manuellement, et quelqu'un peut très bien ajouter une autre édition, ou un exemplaire dépourvu d'ISBN, sans utiliser votre fiche. - Aude | (13 years ago) | J'aimerais savoir s'il m'est possible de créer moi-même des fiches pour d'autres livres que je recherche afin que je puisse ainsi les ajouter dans ma wishlist et être avertie lorsqu'un membre les ajoutera à son inventaire(je cherche actuellement 4 autres titres qui ne figurent pas dans la base de données de book mooch ni dans celles des différents sites Amazon)...
Merci de m'indiquer comment faire si c'est possible que je le fasse moi-même ...
Bonne journée ! - objoref | (13 years ago) | Il s'agit de fiches ajoutées manuellement à Amazon par des tiers cherchant à revendre leur exemplaire, ce genre de données n'est pas importé par BM il me semble, sans doute parce que le risque est assez grand d'avoir des fiches multiples et pas très "propres". - Aude | (13 years ago) | Merci beaucoup !
Je viens d'aller l'ajouter dans ma wishlist grace à votre fiche :)
Ce que je trouve étrange c'est que suite à la lecture de votre message qui donnait le titre du livre que je cherchais j'ai cherché le titre dans Google et j'ai obtenu quelques résultats dont certains étaient sur le site de Amazon.fr ...
Et j'ai trouvé trois ISBN différents lorsque j'ai effectué la recherche directement sur le site de Amazon.fr (pas en passant par le bouton de Bookmooch dans "parcourir" qui permet de chercher parmi les différents sites web de Amazon), j'ai obtenu ces 3 résultats :
Editeur : VOYAGES 2000;
Édition : VOYAGES 2000 (1972)
Langue : Français ISBN-10: 2718300000 ISBN-13: 978-2718300009
Reliure inconnue
Editeur : Voyages 2000 (1973)
Editeur : DENOEL (1973)
Langue : Français
ASIN: B0045CADOC - objoref | (13 years ago) | Les éditions que j'en ai vues dataient de 1972/73, elles n'ont probablement pas d'entrée Amazon/Bookmooch jusqu'à ce que quelqu'un en crée une manuellement.
J'ai créé une fiche, ce qui vous permettra de le mettre dans vos souhaits, mais c'est sans garantie que quelqu'un l'offre effectivement un jour ^^
Bernard Grimot : Le Tour du monde avec cinq francs - Aude | (13 years ago) | En passant si jamais un-e membre a ce livre je serais intéressée de le moocher (je n'arrive pas à le mettre dans ma wishlist quand je fais la recherche dans "parcourir" il n'apparait sur aucun des sites Amazon ???) - objoref | (13 years ago) | OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !!!!
C'est le livre de Bernard Grimot que je cherchais :)
Merci Aude c'est vraiment très gentil de ta part !!!!! - objoref | (13 years ago) | "Les cinq sous de Lavarède", de Paul d'Ivoi ? (fictional though)
There's also "Le Tour du monde avec cinq francs", de Bernard Grimot - Aude |
I forgot what the series was!
I'm looking for a series (and I know this isn't much to go on), one of the characters is named Lacey (pretty sure her last name is Duvall but when I googled that I got a porn star. Now I'm wondering. :/) who is a high school/junior reporter. It is a teen fiction. The particular book I remember is when Lacey and her friends (there's 3 or 4 others but I don't know their names) have traveled a long way and spent the night in their little car to meet with a boy band because they want to be first to get an interview for their paper. Like I said, it was part of a series and I *think* this one was book 3. Not sure on that part though. If anyone even has a guess, no harm in trying and I'd really like to find it. Thanks, Lindsey
14 years ago 4 comments
(13 years ago) | UPDATE: For anyone that was interested, I found the books. It wasn't the One Last Wish series (although those also are good books!), it was the "River Heights" series (a spinoff of the Nancy Drew series). And I was wrong - the character I remembered was Lacey Dupree, not Duvall. Thanks, everyone, for your help :) - Lindsey | (13 years ago) | I'm actually waiting on one of that series to get here so I can see. The names match and it is possible I remembered wrong - it was a few years ago! lol
- Lindsey | (13 years ago) | Is it possibly the One Last Wish series? - Jen | (14 years ago) | I read the book somewhere around 2003-2005. I'm not sure if the series was still being written at that point, so I'd guess late 90's - early 2000's.
I did see the Lurlene McDaniel ones and they seem somewhat familiar, so I'll try one out and see. Thanks! - Lindsey |
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A Regency...sort of
Ok, I read this in the last couple of years, but don't recall anything about title, author...but I *think* I heard they were going to make a movie about it? Modern NYC woman, writer(?) of Regency novels, and one day her Hero just appears in her Living Room, with his sidekick. I think there was a mystery...I remember it was amusing...but that's all. Can anybody help? Thanks!!! Robin
13 years ago 3 comments
(13 years ago) | Ah, Thanks Cara. Maggie Needs an Alibi is the first in the series, and I remember I really enjoyed it. I'm going to try to find the others as rewards for the milestones on my major German Project.
This is such a great place! - Robin | (13 years ago) | Robin, it's Kasey Michaels : Maggie by the Book I've got most of this series in my TBR, thinking I'd read them and pass them on to my sister eventually as she enjoys Regency romances and has watched the BBC Pride and Prejudice a million times. - Cara | (13 years ago) | Ah, no. But good guess.
Definitely her Regency-Era hero comes to life, in her 20th (21st?) century NYC apartment. And, I don't think it's been made into a movie *yet* although the Meg Ryan, Hugh Jackman flick Kate & Leopold would be closest. - Robin |
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Remember this book?
I read a book about a woman that her ex died and she had to scatter his ashes, A friend or sister went with her to help.
Bessie Childers
13 years ago no comments
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