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Points analysis

Name: Laura (USA: FL)
User ID: lreay
Points: 80.1

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
81.1 -1 80.1 deducted points for mooch request 0679839305 Megan (USA: NY) 2020/08/02
82.1 -1 81.1 deducted points for mooch request 0609806378 Will Wilkerson (USA: TX) 2015/12/24
81.1 +1 82.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 142967315X S Causey (USA: MS) 2015/10/13
82.1 -1 81.1 deducted points for mooch request 0385720106 Mellie (USA: OH) 2015/10/13
83.1 -1 82.1 deducted points for mooch request 142967315X S Causey (USA: MS) 2015/04/15
84.1 -1 83.1 deducted points for mooch request 0375862161 AnnieGoodrich (USA: CA) 2014/06/07
85.1 -1 84.1 deducted points for mooch request 037581356X Janie (USA: LA) 2013/09/15
86.1 -1 85.1 deducted points for mooch request 0141301155 John Clark (USA: ME) 2012/11/07
86.2 -0.1 86.1 removed book from inventory B007K4FXQU Laura (USA: FL) 2012/09/26
86.1 +0.1 86.2 added book to inventory B007K4FXQU Laura (USA: FL) 2012/09/26
87.1 -1 86.1 deducted points for mooch request 0312427735 MelanieC (USA: OR) 2012/06/02
88.1 -1 87.1 deducted points for mooch request 0375856528 Amanda S (USA: CA) 2012/05/30
87.1 +1 88.1 gave points for mooch request 0736421483 Jen Kelly (USA: CO) 2012/04/03
86.1 +1 87.1 gave points for mooch request 0736423400 jenjaredjoey (USA: NC) 2012/03/24
86 +0.1 86.1 added book to inventory 0736423400 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
85.9 +0.1 86 added book to inventory 0736421483 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
86 -0.1 85.9 removed book from inventory 0709027222 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
86.1 -0.1 86 removed book from inventory 0890044171 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
86.2 -0.1 86.1 removed book from inventory 0786831766 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
86.3 -0.1 86.2 removed book from inventory 0595333745 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
86.4 -0.1 86.3 removed book from inventory 0736423109 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
86.5 -0.1 86.4 removed book from inventory B000NU4SRS Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
86.6 -0.1 86.5 removed book from inventory 1840844329 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
86.7 -0.1 86.6 removed book from inventory 1934246654 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
86.8 -0.1 86.7 removed book from inventory 0307960307 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
86.9 -0.1 86.8 removed book from inventory 0307960080 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
87 -0.1 86.9 removed book from inventory 0394577841 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
87.1 -0.1 87 removed book from inventory 0671243225 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
87.2 -0.1 87.1 removed book from inventory 1878405233 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
87.3 -0.1 87.2 removed book from inventory 0439116759 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
87.4 -0.1 87.3 removed book from inventory 0740769219 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
87.5 -0.1 87.4 removed book from inventory 0307960242 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
87.6 -0.1 87.5 removed book from inventory B003B652C6 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
87.7 -0.1 87.6 removed book from inventory 0669211664 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
87.8 -0.1 87.7 removed book from inventory 0736423095 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
87.9 -0.1 87.8 removed book from inventory 0764178997 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
88 -0.1 87.9 removed book from inventory 0814403212 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
88.1 -0.1 88 removed book from inventory 0385426062 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
88.2 -0.1 88.1 removed book from inventory 0976090309 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
88.3 -0.1 88.2 removed book from inventory 0062507524 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
88.4 -0.1 88.3 removed book from inventory 0132927152 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
88.5 -0.1 88.4 removed book from inventory 0963760009 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
88.6 -0.1 88.5 removed book from inventory 0752576879 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
88.7 -0.1 88.6 removed book from inventory 0307982874 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/24
88.8 -0.1 88.7 removed book from inventory 0878578579 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/12
88.9 -0.1 88.8 removed book from inventory 0394584082 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/12
89.9 -1 88.9 mooch rejected by book owner 0545082196 kung fu lass (USA: MA) 2012/03/11
90 -0.1 89.9 removing book from inventory 0545082196 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/11
89 +1 90 gave points for mooch request 0143038257 Brittney Miltimore (USA: OH) 2012/03/09
88 +1 89 gave points for mooch request 0545082196 kung fu lass (USA: MA) 2012/03/09
87.9 +0.1 88 added book to inventory 0736423109 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/09
87.8 +0.1 87.9 added book to inventory 0143038257 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/09
87.7 +0.1 87.8 added book to inventory 0545082196 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/09
87.6 +0.1 87.7 added book to inventory 1840844329 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/09
87.5 +0.1 87.6 added book to inventory 0307960307 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/09
87.4 +0.1 87.5 added book to inventory 0307960080 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/09
87.3 +0.1 87.4 added book to inventory 0439116759 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/09
87.2 +0.1 87.3 added book to inventory 0740769219 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/09
87.1 +0.1 87.2 added book to inventory 0307960242 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/09
87 +0.1 87.1 added book to inventory 0752576879 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/09
87.1 -0.1 87 removed book from inventory 0448434059 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/09
87.2 -0.1 87.1 removed book from inventory 8408034537 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/07
86.2 +1 87.2 gave points for mooch request 0375857354 jenjaredjoey (USA: NC) 2012/03/06
85.2 +1 86.2 gave points for mooch request 141276694X jenjaredjoey (USA: NC) 2012/03/06
84.2 +1 85.2 gave points for mooch request 0736422382 jenjaredjoey (USA: NC) 2012/03/06
83.2 +1 84.2 gave points for mooch request 0736425594 jenjaredjoey (USA: NC) 2012/03/06
82.2 +1 83.2 gave points for mooch request 0736412255 jenjaredjoey (USA: NC) 2012/03/06
82.1 +0.1 82.2 added book to inventory 0736412255 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/05
82 +0.1 82.1 added book to inventory 0736422382 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/05
81.9 +0.1 82 added book to inventory 0736425594 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/05
81.8 +0.1 81.9 added book to inventory 0375857354 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/05
81.7 +0.1 81.8 added book to inventory 141276694X Laura (USA: FL) 2012/03/05
80.7 +1 81.7 gave points for mooch request 038552255X Sydney (USA: WI) 2012/03/02
80.8 -0.1 80.7 removed book from inventory 0876686358 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/20
79.8 +1 80.8 gave points for mooch request 0395978386 Terry (USA: MS) 2012/02/19
78.8 +1 79.8 gave points for mooch request 044842861X algybear (USA: MI) 2012/02/15
77.8 +1 78.8 gave points for mooch request 0545093376 algybear (USA: MI) 2012/02/15
76.8 +1 77.8 gave points for mooch request 1848952066 k_waverly (USA: OH) 2012/02/10
75.8 +1 76.8 gave points for mooch request 0061878588 luluinphilly (USA: PA) 2012/02/09
75.7 +0.1 75.8 added book to inventory 0545093376 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/08
75.6 +0.1 75.7 added book to inventory 0061878588 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/08
75.7 -0.1 75.6 removed book from inventory 0788006290 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/08
74.7 +1 75.7 gave points for mooch request 006187857X Books For Keeps (USA: GA) 2012/02/05
73.7 +1 74.7 gave points for mooch request 0439873908 Books For Keeps (USA: GA) 2012/02/05
72.7 +1 73.7 gave points for mooch request 0881064521 Books For Keeps (USA: GA) 2012/02/05
71.7 +1 72.7 gave points for mooch request 0805087923 Books For Keeps (USA: GA) 2012/02/05
70.7 +1 71.7 gave points for mooch request 0756640318 Books For Keeps (USA: GA) 2012/02/05
69.7 +1 70.7 gave points for mooch request 1416933387 Mallory (USA: ME) 2012/02/05
68.7 +1 69.7 gave points for mooch request 0152167900 Ryner (USA: MN) 2012/02/05
67.7 +1 68.7 gave points for mooch request 0307986241 Heather M. (USA: MI) 2012/02/05
67.6 +0.1 67.7 added book to inventory 0756640318 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
67.5 +0.1 67.6 added book to inventory 006187857X Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
67.4 +0.1 67.5 added book to inventory 1878405233 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
67.3 +0.1 67.4 added book to inventory 0395978386 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
67.2 +0.1 67.3 added book to inventory 0786831766 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
67.1 +0.1 67.2 added book to inventory 1934246654 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
67 +0.1 67.1 added book to inventory 0881064521 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
66.9 +0.1 67 added book to inventory 0736423095 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
66.8 +0.1 66.9 added book to inventory 0307982874 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
66.7 +0.1 66.8 added book to inventory 0307986241 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
66.6 +0.1 66.7 added book to inventory B000NU4SRS Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
66.5 +0.1 66.6 added book to inventory B003B652C6 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
66.4 +0.1 66.5 added book to inventory 0805087923 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
66.3 +0.1 66.4 added book to inventory 038552255X Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
66.2 +0.1 66.3 added book to inventory 0764178997 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
66.1 +0.1 66.2 added book to inventory 0152167900 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
66 +0.1 66.1 added book to inventory 0439873908 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
65.9 +0.1 66 added book to inventory 1416933387 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
65.8 +0.1 65.9 added book to inventory 0448434059 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
65.7 +0.1 65.8 added book to inventory 044842861X Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
65.8 -0.1 65.7 removed book from inventory 0314045759 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
65.9 -0.1 65.8 removed book from inventory 0894868721 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
66 -0.1 65.9 removed book from inventory 0309054966 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/02/04
66.1 -0.1 66 removed book from inventory 074325547X Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
66.2 -0.1 66.1 removed book from inventory 1558538992 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
66.3 -0.1 66.2 removed book from inventory B000B6KZ94 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
66.4 -0.1 66.3 removed book from inventory 0842336346 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
66.5 -0.1 66.4 removed book from inventory 0446516538 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
66.6 -0.1 66.5 removed book from inventory 044651652X Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
66.7 -0.1 66.6 removed book from inventory 1401300294 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
66.8 -0.1 66.7 removed book from inventory 0030166578 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
66.9 -0.1 66.8 removed book from inventory 0137575270 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
67 -0.1 66.9 removed book from inventory 0849394937 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
67.1 -0.1 67 removed book from inventory 0752219227 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
67.2 -0.1 67.1 removed book from inventory 0471547417 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
67.3 -0.1 67.2 removed book from inventory 0201590565 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
67.4 -0.1 67.3 removed book from inventory 0072465212 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
67.5 -0.1 67.4 removed book from inventory 1587732661 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
67.6 -0.1 67.5 removed book from inventory B001298KU0 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
67.7 -0.1 67.6 removed book from inventory 1558503803 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
67.8 -0.1 67.7 removed book from inventory 0834209861 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
67.9 -0.1 67.8 removed book from inventory 0062701118 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
68 -0.1 67.9 removed book from inventory 1581822766 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
68.1 -0.1 68 removed book from inventory 0736903429 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
68.2 -0.1 68.1 removed book from inventory 1595230068 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
68.3 -0.1 68.2 removed book from inventory 1584791942 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
68.4 -0.1 68.3 removed book from inventory B000I9QGMO Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
68.5 -0.1 68.4 removed book from inventory B000HAYZXG Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
68.6 -0.1 68.5 removed book from inventory 0385505833 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
68.7 -0.1 68.6 removed book from inventory 1840721715 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
68.8 -0.1 68.7 removed book from inventory 0697268365 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
68.9 -0.1 68.8 removed book from inventory 096261176X Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
69 -0.1 68.9 removed book from inventory 0283061154 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
69.1 -0.1 69 removed book from inventory 0786302984 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
69.2 -0.1 69.1 removed book from inventory 0813205395 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
69.3 -0.1 69.2 removed book from inventory 0785322876 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
69.4 -0.1 69.3 removed book from inventory 8870570703 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
69.5 -0.1 69.4 removed book from inventory 1558538836 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
69.6 -0.1 69.5 removed book from inventory 0766775976 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
69.7 -0.1 69.6 removed book from inventory 1895208009 Laura (USA: FL) 2012/01/28
68.7 +1 69.7 gave points for mooch request 0060150424 Christopher (USA: TN) 2012/01/25
67.7 +1 68.7 gave points for mooch request 0688098541 sunshine63 (USA: CA) 2012/01/23
66.7 +1 67.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0380715309 Kristi (USA: MI) 2012/01/08
67.7 -1 66.7 deducted points for mooch request 0142404128 Caroline (USA: NC) 2011/12/31
66.7 +1 67.7 gave points for mooch request 0439870135 Lauren (USA: OK) 2011/12/20
67.7 -1 66.7 mooch rejected by book owner 1555713610 odugrad7 (USA: VA) 2011/12/20
67.8 -0.1 67.7 removing book from inventory 1555713610 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/12/20
66.8 +1 67.8 gave points for mooch request 0590965433 Marguerite (USA: NE) 2011/12/18
65.8 +1 66.8 gave points for mooch request 0590623524 Marguerite (USA: NE) 2011/12/18
64.8 +1 65.8 gave points for mooch request 1555713610 odugrad7 (USA: VA) 2011/12/13
63.8 +1 64.8 gave points for mooch request 015602943X Alex (USA: RI) 2011/12/11
62.8 +1 63.8 gave points for mooch request 0545289882 justk+a (USA: NY) 2011/12/11
61.8 +1 62.8 gave points for mooch request 0375806156 Michelle Martens (USA: TX) 2011/12/10
61.7 +0.1 61.8 added book to inventory 0375806156 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/12/10
61.6 +0.1 61.7 added book to inventory 0545289882 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/12/10
61.5 +0.1 61.6 added book to inventory 015602943X Laura (USA: FL) 2011/12/10
61.4 +0.1 61.5 added book to inventory 0590965433 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/12/10
61.3 +0.1 61.4 added book to inventory 0590623524 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/12/10
62.3 -1 61.3 deducted points for mooch request 0375827358 Debbie (USA: NC) 2011/12/06
63.3 -1 62.3 deducted points for mooch request 0375830316 Lisa (USA: PA) 2011/12/06
64.3 -1 63.3 deducted points for mooch request 0375830359 Debbie (USA: NC) 2011/12/06
63.3 +1 64.3 gave points for mooch request 0156027321 Aostara Kaye (USA: CA) 2011/12/05
62.3 +1 63.3 gave points for mooch request 0394800303 JD (USA: LA) 2011/12/04
61.3 +1 62.3 gave points for mooch request 0394800389 Debbi (USA: MO) 2011/12/04
60.3 +1 61.3 gave points for mooch request 039480029X Debbi (USA: MO) 2011/12/04
60.2 +0.1 60.3 added book to inventory 1848952066 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/12/04
60.1 +0.1 60.2 added book to inventory 0394800389 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/12/04
60 +0.1 60.1 added book to inventory 0439870135 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/12/04
59.9 +0.1 60 added book to inventory 039480029X Laura (USA: FL) 2011/12/04
59.8 +0.1 59.9 added book to inventory 0394800303 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/12/04
59.7 +0.1 59.8 added book to inventory 0156027321 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/12/04
60.7 -1 59.7 deducted points for mooch request 0441000312 Wes (USA: RI) 2011/11/21
61.7 -1 60.7 deducted points for mooch request 0380719223 Wes (USA: RI) 2011/11/21
62.7 -1 61.7 deducted points for mooch request 0380715309 Kristi (USA: MI) 2011/11/14
61.7 +1 62.7 gave points for mooch request B000H2HVCG Kristina Hicks-Hamblin (USA: UT) 2011/11/09
62.7 -1 61.7 deducted points for mooch request 0375830340 Carole (USA: NY) 2011/11/08
63.7 -1 62.7 deducted points for mooch request 0590060198 ChristyCapps (USA: TX) 2011/11/03
64.7 -1 63.7 deducted points for mooch request B004AHIRUE Valerie (USA: MA) 2011/11/01
64.8 -0.1 64.7 removed book from inventory 0968749127 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/10/07
63.8 +1 64.8 gave points for mooch request 0814406254 marciamarcia (USA: VA) 2011/10/05
63.9 -0.1 63.8 removed book from inventory 0805012761 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/10/01
64 -0.1 63.9 removed book from inventory 0060932058 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/10/01
64.1 -0.1 64 removed book from inventory 0671727036 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/10/01
63.1 +1 64.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 1599900734 Molly (USA: NC) 2011/10/01
62.1 +1 63.1 gave points for mooch request 067945747X ALEX (USA: MA) 2011/09/30
61.1 +1 62.1 gave points for mooch request 0394544846 Laura Lu (USA: CA) 2011/08/02
60.1 +1 61.1 gave points for mooch request 0743255453 Juan Senent (USA: CA) 2011/07/27
61.1 -1 60.1 deducted points for mooch request B004IK9EK0 Samantha (USA: MA) 2011/07/24
61.2 -0.1 61.1 removed book from inventory 053869081X Laura (USA: FL) 2011/07/17
62.2 -1 61.2 mooch rejected by book owner 0800716647 ATD (USA: NY) 2011/06/29
62.3 -0.1 62.2 removing book from inventory 0800716647 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/06/29
62.4 -0.1 62.3 removed book from inventory 0553110454 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/06/28
61.4 +1 62.4 gave points for mooch request 0800716647 ATD (USA: NY) 2011/06/27
62.4 -1 61.4 deducted points for mooch request 1599900734 Molly (USA: NC) 2011/06/22
61.4 +1 62.4 gave points for mooch request 0898794072 Trace15 (USA: MA) 2011/06/09
62.4 -1 61.4 deducted points for mooch request 0446520365 Mary (USA: MN) 2011/06/03
63.4 -1 62.4 deducted points for mooch request 0140365567 me3rd (USA: WA) 2011/05/31
63.5 -0.1 63.4 removed book from inventory 0060159197 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/05/22
62.5 +1 63.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 0142410365 michelleca (USA: PA) 2011/05/21
61.5 +1 62.5 gave points for mooch request B000BHAZXE Donna (USA: FL) 2011/05/20
60.5 +1 61.5 gave points for mooch request 0679781587 Donna (USA: FL) 2011/05/20
61.5 -1 60.5 deducted points for mooch request 0142410365 michelleca (USA: PA) 2011/05/15
61.6 -0.1 61.5 removed book from inventory 0307123464 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/05/09
61.7 -0.1 61.6 removed book from inventory 1405474513 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/05/09
61.8 -0.1 61.7 removed book from inventory 0394926250 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/05/09
61.9 -0.1 61.8 removed book from inventory 0689847211 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/05/09
60.9 +1 61.9 gave points for mooch request 0884270610 Greg (USA: KS) 2011/04/15
59.9 +1 60.9 gave points for mooch request 0717287335 scubagal (USA: IN) 2011/04/14
58.9 +1 59.9 gave points for mooch request 0393701697 Lanette (USA: AR) 2011/04/09
57.9 +1 58.9 gave points for mooch request 0869081586 Klingfuss (USA: MS) 2011/04/05
58.9 -1 57.9 deducted points for mooch request 1416978224 bluetapebooks (USA: MD) 2011/04/02
57.9 +1 58.9 gave points for mooch request B000KI6MTA HarleyHundi (USA: IN) 2011/04/02
58 -0.1 57.9 removed book from inventory 023110488X Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/27
57 +1 58 gave points for mooch request 031289435X Jet (USA: CT) 2011/03/25
56 +1 57 gave points for mooch request 0439746531 maryanaid (USA: NJ) 2011/03/24
55 +1 56 gave points for mooch request 0671500864 DK (USA: RI) 2011/03/24
55.1 -0.1 55 removed book from inventory 0470525401 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/23
55.2 -0.1 55.1 removed book from inventory 0750697180 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/22
54.2 +1 55.2 gave points for mooch request 0316861596 Hosanna (USA: AZ) 2011/03/20
54.3 -0.1 54.2 removed book from inventory 0446603392 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/20
54.4 -0.1 54.3 removed book from inventory 0553840223 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/20
54.5 -0.1 54.4 removed book from inventory 0345417623 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/20
54.6 -0.1 54.5 removed book from inventory 0446619140 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/20
53.6 +1 54.6 gave points for mooch request 0142001740 Jen (USA: CT) 2011/03/16
52.6 +1 53.6 gave points for mooch request 0671003682 kss (USA: WI) 2011/03/13
51.6 +1 52.6 gave points for mooch request 0380713055 kss (USA: WI) 2011/03/13
51.5 +0.1 51.6 added book to inventory 1840721715 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/13
51.4 +0.1 51.5 added book to inventory 0766775976 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/13
51.3 +0.1 51.4 added book to inventory 1558503803 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/13
51.2 +0.1 51.3 added book to inventory 0380713055 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/13
51.1 +0.1 51.2 added book to inventory 0785322876 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/13
51 +0.1 51.1 added book to inventory B001298KU0 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/13
50.9 +0.1 51 added book to inventory 0671500864 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/13
49.9 +1 50.9 gave points for mooch request 0060817089 Florence Welch (USA: TX) 2011/03/13
50.9 -1 49.9 deducted points for mooch request 0307269752 Jenn (USA: AL) 2011/03/09
51 -0.1 50.9 removed book from inventory 0844290211 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/09
50 +1 51 gave points for mooch request 0375706410 JDV (USA: TX) 2011/03/08
49.9 +0.1 50 added book to inventory 0060932058 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/07
49.8 +0.1 49.9 added book to inventory 044651652X Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/07
49.7 +0.1 49.8 added book to inventory 0800716647 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/07
49.6 +0.1 49.7 added book to inventory 0736903429 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/07
49.5 +0.1 49.6 added book to inventory 1581822766 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/07
49.4 +0.1 49.5 added book to inventory 0142001740 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/07
49.3 +0.1 49.4 added book to inventory 1558538992 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/07
49.2 +0.1 49.3 added book to inventory 0446516538 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/07
49.1 +0.1 49.2 added book to inventory 0679781587 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/07
49 +0.1 49.1 added book to inventory 0375706410 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/07
48.9 +0.1 49 added book to inventory 0869081586 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/07
48.8 +0.1 48.9 added book to inventory B000BHAZXE Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/07
48.7 +0.1 48.8 added book to inventory B000I9QGMO Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/07
48.6 +0.1 48.7 added book to inventory B000HAYZXG Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/07
47.6 +1 48.6 gave points for mooch request 0375413189 Katherine Stewart-Kelley (USA: CT) 2011/03/03
46.6 +1 47.6 gave points for mooch request B000OKXYGS Bertha (USA: FL) 2011/03/02
45.6 +1 46.6 gave points for mooch request 0060155655 Bertha (USA: FL) 2011/03/02
45.5 +0.1 45.6 added book to inventory 0060155655 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/02
45.4 +0.1 45.5 added book to inventory 0743255453 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/02
45.3 +0.1 45.4 added book to inventory 0375413189 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/02
45.2 +0.1 45.3 added book to inventory 0062507524 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/02
45.1 +0.1 45.2 added book to inventory 0062701118 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/02
45 +0.1 45.1 added book to inventory 0884270610 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/02
44.9 +0.1 45 added book to inventory 031289435X Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/02
44.8 +0.1 44.9 added book to inventory 8408034537 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/02
44.7 +0.1 44.8 added book to inventory B000B6KZ94 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/02
44.6 +0.1 44.7 added book to inventory B000OKXYGS Laura (USA: FL) 2011/03/02
43.6 +1 44.6 gave points for mooch request 0307440087 Beri (USA: GA) 2011/02/28
42.6 +1 43.6 gave points for mooch request 0091884594 Allyson (USA: IN) 2011/02/28
41.6 +1 42.6 gave points for mooch request 0375800794 Becca (USA: WA) 2011/02/28
40.6 +1 41.6 gave points for mooch request 082494173X Becca (USA: WA) 2011/02/28
39.6 +1 40.6 gave points for mooch request 0618723951 Becca (USA: WA) 2011/02/28
38.6 +1 39.6 gave points for mooch request 0395978351 Becca (USA: WA) 2011/02/28
37.6 +1 38.6 gave points for mooch request 0060262826 bruingrad (USA: CA) 2011/02/27
37.5 +0.1 37.6 added book to inventory 0689847211 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
37.4 +0.1 37.5 added book to inventory 0553110454 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
37.3 +0.1 37.4 added book to inventory 0375800794 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
37.2 +0.1 37.3 added book to inventory 082494173X Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
37.1 +0.1 37.2 added book to inventory 0439746531 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
37 +0.1 37.1 added book to inventory 0618723951 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
36.9 +0.1 37 added book to inventory 0395978351 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
36.8 +0.1 36.9 added book to inventory 1405474513 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
36.7 +0.1 36.8 added book to inventory 0394926250 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
36.6 +0.1 36.7 added book to inventory 0717287335 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
36.5 +0.1 36.6 added book to inventory 0307123464 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
36.4 +0.1 36.5 added book to inventory 0060262826 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
36.3 +0.1 36.4 added book to inventory 0307440087 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
36.2 +0.1 36.3 added book to inventory 0842336346 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
36.1 +0.1 36.2 added book to inventory 0470525401 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
36 +0.1 36.1 added book to inventory 1595230068 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
35.9 +0.1 36 added book to inventory 0898794072 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
35.8 +0.1 35.9 added book to inventory 1558538836 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
35.7 +0.1 35.8 added book to inventory 0060817089 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
35.6 +0.1 35.7 added book to inventory 0446619140 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
35.5 +0.1 35.6 added book to inventory 0345417623 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
35.4 +0.1 35.5 added book to inventory 0091884594 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
35.3 +0.1 35.4 added book to inventory 0553840223 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
35.2 +0.1 35.3 added book to inventory 0446603392 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
35.1 +0.1 35.2 added book to inventory 1584791942 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
35 +0.1 35.1 added book to inventory 0394544846 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/27
34 +1 35 mooch cancelled by requestor 0307595579 Francine Anthony (USA: NY) 2011/02/26
33 +1 34 gave points for mooch request 0380000504 greg ridgley (USA: NM) 2011/02/26
34 -1 33 deducted points for mooch request 0439116759 Lori (USA: OH) 2011/02/23
35 -1 34 deducted points for mooch request 0441005764 HannahO (USA: PA) 2011/02/19
36 -1 35 deducted points for mooch request 0441005489 algybear (USA: MI) 2011/02/17
35 +1 36 gave points for mooch request 0812058380 Bill (USA: MI) 2011/02/11
34 +1 35 gave points for mooch request B000M1M83E J. Bryant (USA: GA) 2011/02/07
34.1 -0.1 34 removed book from inventory 0073034339 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/02/02
34.2 -0.1 34.1 removed book from inventory 0671723278 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/01/26
34.3 -0.1 34.2 removed book from inventory 0871201674 Laura (USA: FL) 2011/01/26
35.3 -1 34.3 deducted points for mooch request 0307595579 Francine Anthony (USA: NY) 2011/01/25
35.2 +0.1 35.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book B000I56PQK lewis5351 (USA: LA) 2011/01/15
35.1 +0.1 35.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book B001JTUW9U lewis5351 (USA: LA) 2011/01/15
34.1 +1 35.1 gave points for mooch request 0815124007 Sleepy554 (USA: FL) 2011/01/09
33.1 +1 34.1 gave points for mooch request 0380974657 kss (USA: WI) 2011/01/09
32.1 +1 33.1 gave points for mooch request 0309054257 kss (USA: WI) 2011/01/09
31.1 +1 32.1 gave points for mooch request 0850303524 christopher (USA: TX) 2011/01/08
32.1 -1 31.1 deducted points for mooch request B001JTUW9U lewis5351 (USA: LA) 2011/01/08
33.1 -1 32.1 deducted points for mooch request B000I56PQK lewis5351 (USA: LA) 2011/01/08
33 +0.1 33.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book B000NPPCXW kproepper (USA: CA) 2011/01/03
32 +1 33 gave points for mooch request B000TBNPJ8 J. Bryant (USA: GA) 2011/01/03
31 +1 32 gave points for mooch request 0394541545 Dorothy (USA: TX) 2010/12/17
31.1 -0.1 31 removed book from inventory 0670794589 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/12/16
31 +0.1 31.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 015602943X Kim (USA: CA) 2010/12/15
31.1 -0.1 31 removed book from inventory 1582440395 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/28
30.1 +1 31.1 gave points for mooch request B0006DXVCU Foss Moses (USA: WA) 2010/11/23
29.1 +1 30.1 gave points for mooch request 0689505302 Fred (USA: FL) 2010/11/20
28.1 +1 29.1 gave points for mooch request 0673993094 Sarah (USA: OR) 2010/11/20
29.1 -1 28.1 deducted points for mooch request 015602943X Kim (USA: CA) 2010/11/19
29 +0.1 29.1 added book to inventory 0670794589 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/17
28.9 +0.1 29 added book to inventory B000TBNPJ8 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/17
28.8 +0.1 28.9 added book to inventory 0471547417 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/17
28.7 +0.1 28.8 added book to inventory 0788006290 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/17
28.6 +0.1 28.7 added book to inventory 0673993094 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/17
28.5 +0.1 28.6 added book to inventory B000KI6MTA Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/17
28.4 +0.1 28.5 added book to inventory B000M1M83E Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/17
28.3 +0.1 28.4 added book to inventory 0689505302 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/17
28.2 +0.1 28.3 added book to inventory B0006DXVCU Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/17
27.2 +1 28.2 gave points for mooch request 0138202834 ALEX (USA: MA) 2010/11/17
26.2 +1 27.2 gave points for mooch request 0755320816 Susan Anderson (USA: AL) 2010/11/17
25.2 +1 26.2 gave points for mooch request 0079113664 ALEX (USA: MA) 2010/11/17
24.2 +1 25.2 gave points for mooch request 0803932561 americanheartthrob (USA: VA) 2010/11/16
23.2 +1 24.2 gave points for mooch request 080580451X americanheartthrob (USA: VA) 2010/11/16
22.2 +1 23.2 gave points for mooch request 0688034403 Lila (USA: ME) 2010/11/16
21.2 +1 22.2 gave points for mooch request 0201688573 Lila (USA: ME) 2010/11/16
20.2 +1 21.2 gave points for mooch request 1843432048 emilyvotruba (USA: MI) 2010/11/16
20.1 +0.1 20.2 added book to inventory 1587732661 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
20 +0.1 20.1 added book to inventory 0309054966 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
19.9 +0.1 20 added book to inventory 0380000504 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
19.8 +0.1 19.9 added book to inventory 0752219227 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
19.7 +0.1 19.8 added book to inventory 0201688573 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
19.6 +0.1 19.7 added book to inventory 0850303524 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
19.5 +0.1 19.6 added book to inventory 0671243225 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
19.4 +0.1 19.5 added book to inventory 0814406254 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
19.3 +0.1 19.4 added book to inventory 0394541545 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
19.2 +0.1 19.3 added book to inventory 0138202834 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
19.1 +0.1 19.2 added book to inventory B000H2HVCG Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
19 +0.1 19.1 added book to inventory 0079113664 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
18.9 +0.1 19 added book to inventory 0755320816 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
18.8 +0.1 18.9 added book to inventory 0890044171 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
18.7 +0.1 18.8 added book to inventory 080580451X Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
18.6 +0.1 18.7 added book to inventory 1843432048 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
18.5 +0.1 18.6 added book to inventory 8870570703 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
18.4 +0.1 18.5 added book to inventory 0201590565 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
18.3 +0.1 18.4 added book to inventory 0595333745 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
18.2 +0.1 18.3 added book to inventory 0805012761 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
18.1 +0.1 18.2 added book to inventory 0688034403 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
18 +0.1 18.1 added book to inventory 0878578579 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
17.9 +0.1 18 added book to inventory 0394577841 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
17.8 +0.1 17.9 added book to inventory 0803932561 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
17.7 +0.1 17.8 added book to inventory 096261176X Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
17.6 +0.1 17.7 added book to inventory 0750697180 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
17.5 +0.1 17.6 added book to inventory 0060150424 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
17.4 +0.1 17.5 added book to inventory 0393701697 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
17.3 +0.1 17.4 added book to inventory 1555713610 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
17.2 +0.1 17.3 added book to inventory 0030166578 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/11/16
16.2 +1 17.2 gave points for mooch request 0679429220 Tina (USA: TX) 2010/11/13
16.1 +0.1 16.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book B000NPPCYQ Roxi (USA: NY) 2010/10/27
16.2 -0.1 16.1 removed book from inventory 0670838004 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/10/20
15.2 +1 16.2 gave points for mooch request 0877956863 Art M. III (USA: TX) 2010/10/18
16.2 -1 15.2 deducted points for mooch request B000NPPCYQ Roxi (USA: NY) 2010/10/18
17.2 -1 16.2 deducted points for mooch request B000NPPCXW kproepper (USA: CA) 2010/10/18
16.2 +1 17.2 mooch rejected by book owner B000NPPCXW sblock (USA: WI) 2010/10/18
17.2 -1 16.2 deducted points for mooch request B000NPPCXW sblock (USA: WI) 2010/10/11
17.3 -0.1 17.2 removed book from inventory 0091912504 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/10/07
17.2 +0.1 17.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743272935 Jean (USA: NY) 2010/09/28
17.1 +0.1 17.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0590637533 kimifly (Canada) 2010/09/27
17 +0.1 17.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316284955 jyinyang (USA: CA) 2010/09/27
16 +1 17 gave points for mooch request 155591263X Mainebookreader (USA: ME) 2010/09/26
16.1 -0.1 16 removed book from inventory 0195095243 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/09/23
16 +0.1 16.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446677450 A (USA: CA) 2010/09/20
18 -2 16 deducted points for mooch request 0590637533 kimifly (Canada) 2010/09/19
19 -1 18 deducted points for mooch request 0743272935 Jean (USA: NY) 2010/09/17
20 -1 19 deducted points for mooch request 0316284955 jyinyang (USA: CA) 2010/09/17
21 -1 20 deducted points for mooch request 0446677450 A (USA: CA) 2010/09/16
20 +1 21 gave points for mooch request 1881957241 Roger Bagula (USA: CA) 2010/09/16
19 +1 20 gave points for mooch request 0070443017 Roger Bagula (USA: CA) 2010/09/16
18 +1 19 gave points for mooch request 1555972373 coreymesler (USA: TN) 2010/09/16
18.1 -0.1 18 removed book from inventory B000LHPESK Laura (USA: FL) 2010/09/09
17.1 +1 18.1 gave points for mooch request 0521458749 Melvin (USA: GA) 2010/09/02
16.1 +1 17.1 gave points for mooch request 0072973188 Sean (USA: NC) 2010/09/02
13.1 +3 16.1 gave points for mooch request 0060175354 Carl S. (United Kingdom) 2010/08/31
12.1 +1 13.1 gave points for mooch request 0446513695 CassyM (USA: CA) 2010/08/30
11.1 +1 12.1 gave points for mooch request 0205159710 MikeS (USA: PA) 2010/08/30
10.1 +1 11.1 gave points for mooch request 0974028401 PMichek (USA: WI) 2010/08/29
9.1 +1 10.1 gave points for mooch request 0977852512 Steve (USA: PA) 2010/08/29
9 +0.1 9.1 added book to inventory 0709027222 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
8.9 +0.1 9 added book to inventory 1555972373 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
8.8 +0.1 8.9 added book to inventory 0813205395 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
8.7 +0.1 8.8 added book to inventory 0205159710 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
8.6 +0.1 8.7 added book to inventory 0309054257 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
8.5 +0.1 8.6 added book to inventory 0688098541 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
8.4 +0.1 8.5 added book to inventory 0974028401 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
8.3 +0.1 8.4 added book to inventory 0072973188 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
8.2 +0.1 8.3 added book to inventory 0812058380 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
8.1 +0.1 8.2 added book to inventory 0671727036 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
8 +0.1 8.1 added book to inventory 0394584082 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
7.9 +0.1 8 added book to inventory B000LHPESK Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
7.8 +0.1 7.9 added book to inventory 0877956863 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
7.7 +0.1 7.8 added book to inventory 0060159197 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
7.6 +0.1 7.7 added book to inventory 0385426062 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
7.5 +0.1 7.6 added book to inventory 0385505833 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
7.4 +0.1 7.5 added book to inventory 0894868721 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
7.3 +0.1 7.4 added book to inventory 0977852512 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
7.2 +0.1 7.3 added book to inventory 0446513695 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
7.1 +0.1 7.2 added book to inventory 0844290211 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
7 +0.1 7.1 added book to inventory 0316861596 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
6.9 +0.1 7 added book to inventory 074325547X Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
6.8 +0.1 6.9 added book to inventory 1881957241 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
6.7 +0.1 6.8 added book to inventory 0060175354 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
6.6 +0.1 6.7 added book to inventory 0679429220 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
6.5 +0.1 6.6 added book to inventory 0380974657 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
6.4 +0.1 6.5 added book to inventory 0876686358 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
6.3 +0.1 6.4 added book to inventory 1895208009 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
6.2 +0.1 6.3 added book to inventory 023110488X Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
6.1 +0.1 6.2 added book to inventory 0671003682 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
6 +0.1 6.1 added book to inventory 0669211664 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
5.9 +0.1 6 added book to inventory 0834209861 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
5.8 +0.1 5.9 added book to inventory 0072465212 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
5.7 +0.1 5.8 added book to inventory 0815124007 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
5.6 +0.1 5.7 added book to inventory 0091912504 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/29
4.6 +1 5.6 gave points for mooch request 0289800528 Slimyfish (USA: TX) 2010/08/19
4.5 +0.1 4.6 added book to inventory 0814403212 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/19
4.4 +0.1 4.5 added book to inventory 0195095243 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/19
4.3 +0.1 4.4 added book to inventory 0849394937 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/19
4.2 +0.1 4.3 added book to inventory 0786302984 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/19
4.1 +0.1 4.2 added book to inventory 0314045759 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/19
4 +0.1 4.1 added book to inventory 0697268365 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/19
3.9 +0.1 4 added book to inventory 0073034339 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/19
3.8 +0.1 3.9 added book to inventory 0289800528 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/19
3.7 +0.1 3.8 added book to inventory 1582440395 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/19
2.7 +1 3.7 gave points for mooch request 1590847407 Maureen (USA: MI) 2010/08/19
1.7 +1 2.7 gave points for mooch request 0312866348 Chas (USA: CA) 2010/08/18
1.6 +0.1 1.7 added book to inventory 0137575270 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/18
1.5 +0.1 1.6 added book to inventory 0871201674 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/18
1.4 +0.1 1.5 added book to inventory 0070443017 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/18
1.3 +0.1 1.4 added book to inventory 0312866348 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/18
1.2 +0.1 1.3 added book to inventory 0976090309 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/18
1.1 +0.1 1.2 added book to inventory 053869081X Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/18
1 +0.1 1.1 added book to inventory 0671723278 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/18
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 1401300294 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/18
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 067945747X Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/18
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 0132927152 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/18
0.6 +0.1 0.7 added book to inventory 0963760009 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/18
0.5 +0.1 0.6 added book to inventory 155591263X Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/18
0.4 +0.1 0.5 added book to inventory 0968749127 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/18
0.3 +0.1 0.4 added book to inventory 0521458749 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/18
0.2 +0.1 0.3 added book to inventory 0283061154 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/18
0.1 +0.1 0.2 added book to inventory 1590847407 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/18
0 +0.1 0.1 added book to inventory 0670838004 Laura (USA: FL) 2010/08/18