We have a winner in our Limerick Lollapalooza
Enter for a chance to win 10 points plus 5 points for your favourite BM charity!
Thank you to everyone to entered my little limerick contest. As we already know, Bookmoocher talent knows no bounds!
Before I announce the name of the lucky winner, I’m going to explain my extremely complex and high-tech method for choosing said winner. First, I keyed the names of the 11 entrants. Yes, that’s right: 11 phenomenally talented bookmoochers not only dared to reach for the stars, but were willing to bestow the fruits of their sublime artistic endeavours upon us lesser mortals. Next, (this is the high-tech part), I used MS Word to sort the names into alphabetical order AND to number the lines from 1 to 11. Bet you didn’t see that coming, ha!
Then, (this is the complex part), I hollered through the wall to my colleague in the office next door to choose a number from 1 to 11. After hollering a couple of times, I phoned him. He chose #8 who, BTW, didn’t select a favourite charity leaving that decision instead up to yours truly.
Of all the charities named in this contest thread, bio:comics4kids has the lowest point count at only 8.3, so I will be charity-ing 10 points to bio:blue_windchime and 5 to bio:comics4kids. If you’re feeling so inclined, I’m sure they would appreciate a smooch or two.
And now, back to our winner, an expert limerick writer who skilfully provided us with not one, but three limericks -- a bona fide triple play!
Dear dear bio:blue_windchime, it’s time to start acquiring some of those books on your wishlist. Enjoy your bookmooching spree and, if you manage to score a copy of Maria V. Snyder : Storm Glass before I do, can I have it next?
Lola Soleil
14 hace años