Hey Again!
Hi Again any of you frugal readers. Not much action on this particular forum, but I hope people are joining in on the other forums! Summer is always a hectic time, so not much time online. Just wanted to keep the forum open, and say, hey! Is any one else out there??? Babs aka sandollar
14 years ago
I catch up on the BookMooch forum every few *weeks*, so I'm not one who can hold much of a conversation. On the other hand I'm a "member" of this thread, so I always check it when I do catch up.
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I am still here. I just wish there were more of us interested.
How many credits did you loose from Frugal Reader?
Hi everyone! Summer is busy, but great. I have done quite a bit of reading though. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying summer. Lost a few credits from FR, but I miss the forums more than I do the lost points.
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I never got a chance to use the forum cause I was busy at other forums lol. I am reading more books this summer. I have yet to go somewhere and have fun. However, I will be going to Washington for one week at the end of August. Hopefully I'll be able to enjoy the sites while there.
I'm not on BookMooch often - I'm not very successful at mooching here, a lot just don't respond to a request. Also the books I've sent overseas either got lost or the receiver never marked them. So I use PBS more for trading, and for forums I'm always on Shelfari's Play Book Tag group, and I do check Big Fish and the Yahoo group.
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Hi all, I'm still here -- barely:-) I can't keep up. Trying to do more reading and less forum hopping. (dcw888)
I like going to forums. But I mostly stay to the chat on PBS. It is a lot of fun. We talk about books and other things. I am so excited that I am reading a lot more books this summer.