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Curriculum & Instruction


Name: Anita K. Barry
Title: English Grammar: Language as Human Behavior (2nd Edition)
Available: 1 copy from: Daniel (USA: WI)
This book is on several wishlists: Jo (USA: PA), Mary (Canada).


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Name: William L. Heward
Title: Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education
Topics: Arts & Humanities, Behavioral Disorders, Communicative Disorders, Education, Education & Teaching, Gifted Students, Health, Inclusive Education, Instruction Methods, Language Arts, Learning Disabled, Mathematics, Mentally Disabled, New, Used & Rental Textbooks, Physically Disabled, Reading & Phonics, Schools & Teaching, Science & Technology, Social Studies, Special Education, Specialty Boutique
Available: 1 copy from: Josh Redden (USA: VA)
This book is on several wishlists: Dorothy (Hungary).
Description: Product Description This text presents a comprehensive survey of professional research practice, and trends in special education. Coverage concentrates on children with disabilities as children first, going b... (more)


Name: Anne R. Reeves
Title: Where Great Teaching Begins: Planning for Student Thinking and Learning
Available: 1 copy from: brina (USA: CA)
This book is on several wishlists: Jessica J (USA: IN).


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Name: Douglas Reeves
Title: Elements of Grading: A Guide to Effective Practice
Topics: Administration, Assessment, College & University, College Guides, Counseling, Curriculum & Instruction, Education, Education & Reference, Education Theory, Educational Philosophy, Elementary Education, Financial Aid, History & Theory, New, Used & Rental Textbooks, Schools & Teaching, Secondary Education, Special Education, Specialty Boutique, Test Preparation
Available: 1 copy from: honeybunches75 (USA: TN)
Description: Product Description Research has shown that the quality of feedback is one of the most important factors in improving student learning. Elements of Grading addresses problems with the primary source of feedba... (more)


Name: Rigby
Title: Rigby on Deck Reading Libraries: Leveled Reader Ice Hockey
Available: 1 copy from: Charlene (USA: NM)


Name: Peggy Sanday
Title: Fraternity Gang Rape: Sex, Brotherhood, and Privilege on Campus (Feminist Crosscurrents Series)
Available: 1 copy from: Beth McDowell (USA: VA)
This book is on several wishlists: Laurie (USA).


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Title: Steck-Vaughn Elements of Reading Fluency: Student Reader Grades 6 - 9 Why Cats Hunt at Night
Topics: Administration, Children's Books, Composition & Creative Writing, Counseling, Curriculum & Instruction, Education, Education & Reference, Education & Teaching, Educational Philosophy, Elementary Education, Grammar, Handwriting, History & Theory, Instruction Methods, New, Used & Rental Textbooks, Reading & Phonics, Reading & Writing, Reading Skills, Reference, Schools & Teaching, Secondary Education, Special Education, Specialty Boutique, Vocabulary & Spelling, Words, Language & Grammar
Available: 1 copy from: allison (USA: OH)
Description: Product Description Has 16 pages illustrating why cats hunt at night plus a what is called a flip down fluency page with more with the story line on one page. 6.1 X8.1 inches Published by Harcourt Supplementa... (more)


Name: John M. Swales
Title: Academic Writing for Graduate Students, 3rd Edition: Essential Tasks and Skills (Michigan Series in English for Academic & Professional Purposes)
Available: 1 copy from: Astrid (Italia)
This book is on several wishlists: Basia (USA: MA), JJ (USA: IN), WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria).


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Name: Richard T. Vacca
Title: Content Area Reading: Literacy and Learning Across the Curriculum (7th Edition)
Topics: Administration, Alphabet, Assessment, Braille, Communication, Curricula, Curriculum & Instruction, Curriculum & Lesson Plans, Education, Education & Teaching, Education Theory, Educational Psychology, Etymology, Experimental Methods, Grammar, Handwriting, History, Instruction Methods, Language Experience Approach, Linguistics, New, Used & Rental Textbooks, Philosophy & Social Aspects, Phonetics & Phonics, Public Speaking, Reading & Phonics, Reading Skills, Reference, Reform & Policy, Research, Rhetoric, Schools & Teaching, Semantics, Specialty Boutique, Speech, Spelling, Study & Teaching, Translating, Vocabulary, Slang & Word Lists, Words, Language & Grammar
Available: 1 copy from: AuroraReadr (USA: FL)
Description: Product Description The market leader for twenty-two years, this text is an ambitious exploration of content literacy, while maintaining its reputation as workable and sensible. This text is designed to be an... (more)


Name: Nancy Walser
Title: Strategic Priorities for School Improvement: No. 6 in the Harvard Education Letter Spotlight Series (HEL Spotlight Series)
Available: 1 copy from: brina (USA: CA)



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