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carolindia (Italy) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Imran AhmadUnimagined: A Muslim Boy Meets the West0
Cristiana AstoriTutto quel blu (Il Giallo Mondadori)0
Eve EnslerI monologhi della vagina0
Esther FreudGaglow0
Elena GuerriniBella tutta! I miei grassi giorni felici (Narratori moderni)0
Dianne HalesLa Bella Lingua: My Love Affair with Italian, the World's Most Enchanting Language0
Heidi JulavitsThe Effect of Living Backwards0
Ghada KarmiAlla ricerca di Fatima. Una storia palestinese0
Danya KukafkaGirl in snow0
Florence LittauerPersonality Plus: How to Understand Others by Understanding Yourself0
Colette LivermoreHope Endures: An Australian Sister's Story of Leaving Mother Teresa, Losing Faith and Her Ongoing Search for Meaning0
Colette LivermoreHope Endures: Leaving Mother Teresa, Losing Faith, and Searching for Meaning0
Dan PopeIn the Cherry Tree: A Novel0
Danila SatragnoAccademia di canto. Con DVD0
Gena ShowalterSavor Me Slowly0
Debra SparkCoconuts for the Saint0
Debra SparkThe Pretty Girl: Novella and Stories0
Daniel SpeckVolevamo andare lontano0
Elena StancanelliUn uomo giusto (Einaudi. Stile libero big)0