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Points analysis

Name: Excelis (United Kingdom)
User ID: excelis
Points: 181

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
180 +1 181 lost in the mail says book owner 0140622918 Pete (United Kingdom) 2021/06/26
179 +1 180 mooch rejected by book owner 0091940745 adam brookes (United Kingdom) 2019/08/08
178 +1 179 lost in the mail says book owner 0859418499 elliemay (United Kingdom) 2016/12/01
179 -1 178 deducted points for mooch request 1407516256 Jacqui (United Kingdom) 2016/10/16
180 -1 179 deducted points for mooch request 1473616689 dinkie84 (United Kingdom) 2016/10/09
181 -1 180 deducted points for mooch request 0486280543 Mr. (United Kingdom) 2016/10/08
182 -1 181 deducted points for mooch request 0091940745 adam brookes (United Kingdom) 2016/10/08
183 -1 182 deducted points for mooch request B01F7XMHEG Jenny Kilgour (United Kingdom) 2016/10/08
184 -1 183 deducted points for mooch request 1850290490 Kryssa (United Kingdom) 2016/10/07
183 +1 184 mooch rejected by book owner 0141043997 Brian Lockett (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
184 -1 183 deducted points for mooch request 0859418499 elliemay (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
185 -1 184 deducted points for mooch request 160059302X Kryssa (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
186 -1 185 deducted points for mooch request 0141043997 Brian Lockett (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
187 -1 186 deducted points for mooch request 0571209238 Brian Lockett (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
188 -1 187 deducted points for mooch request 0956670601 Brian Lockett (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
189 -1 188 deducted points for mooch request B000O8UGO8 Jenna-Kate (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
190 -1 189 deducted points for mooch request 0099478447 Lady Starlight (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
191 -1 190 deducted points for mooch request 0140622918 Pete (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
192 -1 191 deducted points for mooch request 1409153770 Jess (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
193 -1 192 deducted points for mooch request 0307339688 Kryssa (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
194 -1 193 deducted points for mooch request 0007374798 Stephanie Lovatt (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
195 -1 194 deducted points for mooch request 0099541831 chris wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
196 -1 195 deducted points for mooch request 1860461670 Hetty (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
197 -1 196 deducted points for mooch request 0007286376 dinkie84 (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
198 -1 197 deducted points for mooch request 1853260401 Brian Lockett (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
199 -1 198 deducted points for mooch request 0586089012 Nick (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
199.1 -0.1 199 removed book from inventory 0141026294 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
199.2 -0.1 199.1 removed book from inventory 1848584539 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
199.3 -0.1 199.2 removed book from inventory 0099556758 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
199.4 -0.1 199.3 removed book from inventory 0141026308 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
199.5 -0.1 199.4 removed book from inventory 0439010640 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
199.6 -0.1 199.5 removed book from inventory 1857880315 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2016/10/02
196.6 +3 199.6 lost in the mail says book owner 0446391069 Michelle (USA: FL) 2015/02/10
197.6 -1 196.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0099556758 Froglady (United Kingdom) 2014/11/03
196.6 +1 197.6 gave points for mooch request 0099556758 Froglady (United Kingdom) 2014/10/16
199.6 -3 196.6 deducted points for mooch request 0446391069 Michelle (USA: FL) 2014/10/10
200.6 -1 199.6 deducted points for mooch request 0241963257 Curzon Tussaud (United Kingdom) 2014/08/24
201.6 -1 200.6 deducted points for mooch request 0007438516 Debbie (United Kingdom) 2014/08/18
202.6 -1 201.6 deducted points for mooch request 1416526382 thingymajigg (United Kingdom) 2014/08/13
203.6 -1 202.6 deducted points for mooch request 184794602X thingymajigg (United Kingdom) 2014/08/13
200.6 +3 203.6 gave points for mooch request 0553247298 Judy Zacharias (USA: CA) 2014/08/08
200.5 +0.1 200.6 added book to inventory 0099556758 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/08/08
200.4 +0.1 200.5 added book to inventory 0439010640 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/08/08
200.3 +0.1 200.4 added book to inventory 1857880315 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/08/08
200.4 -0.1 200.3 removed book from inventory 1857880315 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/08/08
200.5 -0.1 200.4 removed book from inventory 1857880315 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/08/08
200.4 +0.1 200.5 added book to inventory 1857880315 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/08/08
200.3 +0.1 200.4 added book to inventory 1857880315 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/08/08
210.3 -10 200.3 donated points to charity BookMooch Angels Fund (USA: CA) 2014/08/07
215.3 -5 210.3 donated points to charity NYC Books Through Bars (USA: NY) 2014/08/07
220.3 -5 215.3 donated points to charity Midwest Pages to Prisoners Project (USA: IN) 2014/08/07
249.3 -29 220.3 donated points to charity LibrarianWisconsinSchoolfortheDeaf (USA: WI) 2014/08/07
259.3 -10 249.3 donated points to charity BookMooch Angels Fund (USA: CA) 2014/08/07
279.3 -20 259.3 donated points to charity Books For Keeps (USA: GA) 2014/08/07
309.3 -30 279.3 donated points to charity Reader to Reader (USA: MA) 2014/08/07
309.2 +0.1 309.3 added book to inventory 0141026294 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/08/07
309.1 +0.1 309.2 added book to inventory 0141026308 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/08/07
309 +0.1 309.1 added book to inventory 0553247298 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/08/07
308.9 +0.1 309 added book to inventory 1848584539 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/08/07
309.9 -1 308.9 deducted points for mooch request 0340937335 Jacqui (United Kingdom) 2014/08/06
310.9 -1 309.9 deducted points for mooch request 0879800429 Ursula (United Kingdom) 2014/08/06
311.9 -1 310.9 deducted points for mooch request 0330519026 Lee-Mey (United Kingdom) 2014/07/26
314.9 -3 311.9 deducted points for mooch request 0007190352 sdb (France) 2014/07/26
315.9 -1 314.9 deducted points for mooch request 0007109628 cotswoldrhino (United Kingdom) 2014/07/25
314.9 +1 315.9 mooch rejected by book owner 0452272041 Nick (USA: NJ) 2014/06/11
315.9 -1 314.9 deducted points for mooch request 0452272041 Nick (USA: NJ) 2014/06/08
316.9 -1 315.9 deducted points for mooch request 0593055357 Nick (USA: NJ) 2014/06/08
317.9 -1 316.9 deducted points for mooch request 0571227139 Brian Lockett (United Kingdom) 2014/04/29
320.9 -3 317.9 deducted points for mooch request 0192804413 WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria) 2014/04/29
321.9 -1 320.9 deducted points for mooch request 0140159231 Brian Lockett (United Kingdom) 2014/04/16
318.9 +3 321.9 gave points for mooch request 0426200373 chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2014/04/10
315.9 +3 318.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0812694333 Ramona (Canada) 2014/04/09
314.9 +1 315.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0141036141 Ellie (United Kingdom) 2014/04/09
314.8 +0.1 314.9 added book to inventory 0426200373 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/04/08
314.7 +0.1 314.8 added book to inventory 0426200373 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/04/08
313.7 +1 314.7 mooch rejected by book owner 033026673X Brian Lockett (United Kingdom) 2014/04/06
312.7 +1 313.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0865165599 Jonathan Griffiths (United Kingdom) 2014/04/06
311.7 +1 312.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0140447040 Jonathan Griffiths (United Kingdom) 2014/04/06
310.7 +1 311.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0140623167 Natalie (United Kingdom) 2014/04/06
309.7 +1 310.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0007278233 Callum Wear (United Kingdom) 2014/04/06
308.7 +1 309.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0582823080 Fiona (United Kingdom) 2014/04/06
309.7 -1 308.7 deducted points for mooch request 033026673X Brian Lockett (United Kingdom) 2014/04/06
309.8 -0.1 309.7 removed book from inventory 0099526239 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/02/27
309.9 -0.1 309.8 removed book from inventory 1906413053 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/02/27
310 -0.1 309.9 removed book from inventory 0552146668 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/02/27
310.1 -0.1 310 removed book from inventory 1842552422 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/02/27
310.2 -0.1 310.1 removed book from inventory 0749448555 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/02/27
310.3 -0.1 310.2 removed book from inventory 0747591873 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/02/27
310.4 -0.1 310.3 removed book from inventory 009954685X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/02/27
310.5 -0.1 310.4 removed book from inventory 0099526190 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/02/27
310.6 -0.1 310.5 removed book from inventory 0099563282 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/02/27
310.7 -0.1 310.6 removed book from inventory 1841957046 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2014/02/27
307.7 +3 310.7 lost in the mail says book owner 0843953578 Heather (USA: PA) 2013/02/15
304.7 +3 307.7 lost in the mail says book owner 084395356X Heather (USA: PA) 2013/02/15
301.7 +3 304.7 lost in the mail says book owner 0843955929 Heather (USA: PA) 2013/02/15
298.7 +3 301.7 lost in the mail says book owner 0843955899 Heather (USA: PA) 2013/02/15
299.7 -1 298.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 1841957046 Debbie May (United Kingdom) 2013/02/04
296.7 +3 299.7 lost in the mail says book owner B000NPP9IA Ron Smyth (Canada) 2013/02/02
293.7 +3 296.7 lost in the mail says book owner 014317200X Ron Smyth (Canada) 2013/02/02
290.7 +3 293.7 lost in the mail says book owner 0553763040 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2013/01/25
293.7 -3 290.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0099526239 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2013/01/18
296.7 -3 293.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0099563282 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2013/01/18
299.7 -3 296.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 009954685X Ron Smyth (Canada) 2013/01/18
302.7 -3 299.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0099526190 NinaBryna (Israel) 2012/12/15
305.7 -3 302.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 1906413053 Karlene (Jamaica) 2012/12/11
302.7 +3 305.7 gave points for mooch request 0099526190 NinaBryna (Israel) 2012/11/04
305.7 -3 302.7 deducted points for mooch request 0843953578 Heather (USA: PA) 2012/10/24
308.7 -3 305.7 deducted points for mooch request 084395356X Heather (USA: PA) 2012/10/24
311.7 -3 308.7 deducted points for mooch request 0843955929 Heather (USA: PA) 2012/10/24
314.7 -3 311.7 deducted points for mooch request 0843955899 Heather (USA: PA) 2012/10/24
315.7 -1 314.7 deducted points for mooch request 0857500120 Lesley Mace (United Kingdom) 2012/10/22
316.7 -1 315.7 deducted points for mooch request 0749927240 greg (United Kingdom) 2012/10/22
319.7 -3 316.7 deducted points for mooch request 0582823056 soniaandree (France) 2012/10/21
316.7 +3 319.7 gave points for mooch request 1906413053 Karlene (Jamaica) 2012/10/16
313.7 +3 316.7 gave points for mooch request 1408800489 Big Red (USA: VA) 2012/10/15
312.7 +1 313.7 gave points for mooch request 1841957046 Debbie May (United Kingdom) 2012/10/14
309.7 +3 312.7 gave points for mooch request 1845293800 lj (USA: AK) 2012/10/14
309.6 +0.1 309.7 added book to inventory 1842552422 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/10/14
309.5 +0.1 309.6 added book to inventory 1841957046 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/10/14
309.4 +0.1 309.5 added book to inventory 0747591873 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/10/14
306.4 +3 309.4 gave points for mooch request 0099526239 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2012/10/13
303.4 +3 306.4 gave points for mooch request 0099563282 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2012/10/13
300.4 +3 303.4 gave points for mooch request 009954685X Ron Smyth (Canada) 2012/10/13
297.4 +3 300.4 gave points for mooch request 0684842386 Eileen Murray (USA: LA) 2012/10/13
296.4 +1 297.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0744590663 Tom (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
293.4 +3 296.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0718157184 Hannah Deacon (Ireland) 2012/10/13
293.3 +0.1 293.4 added book to inventory 1845293800 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
293.2 +0.1 293.3 added book to inventory 0552146668 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
293.1 +0.1 293.2 added book to inventory 0684842386 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
293.2 -0.1 293.1 removed book from inventory 0340824727 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
293.3 -0.1 293.2 removed book from inventory 1408800489 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
293.2 +0.1 293.3 added book to inventory 1408800489 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
293.1 +0.1 293.2 added book to inventory 1408800489 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
293 +0.1 293.1 added book to inventory 0749448555 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
292.9 +0.1 293 added book to inventory 1906413053 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
293.9 -1 292.9 deducted points for mooch request 0862812739 Kim (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
294.9 -1 293.9 deducted points for mooch request 0865165599 Jonathan Griffiths (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
295.9 -1 294.9 deducted points for mooch request 0140447040 Jonathan Griffiths (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
296.9 -1 295.9 deducted points for mooch request 0140623167 Natalie (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
297.9 -1 296.9 deducted points for mooch request 0340993766 Amanda W (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
298.9 -1 297.9 deducted points for mooch request 0007105800 LadyIndigo01 (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
299.9 -1 298.9 deducted points for mooch request 8172237456 Steve (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
300.9 -1 299.9 deducted points for mooch request BM1346595835599011077 Tony (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
301.9 -1 300.9 deducted points for mooch request BM1346596527845578847 Tony (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
302.9 -1 301.9 deducted points for mooch request BM1348219626102352569 Tony (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
303.9 -1 302.9 deducted points for mooch request 0593057007 lmcl (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
304.9 -1 303.9 deducted points for mooch request 0553826166 Brian Lockett (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
304.8 +0.1 304.9 added book to inventory 0099526239 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
304.7 +0.1 304.8 added book to inventory 0099563282 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
304.6 +0.1 304.7 added book to inventory 009954685X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
304.5 +0.1 304.6 added book to inventory 0099526190 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/10/13
303.5 +1 304.5 gave points for mooch request 0752880942 audproctor (United Kingdom) 2012/10/11
306.5 -3 303.5 deducted points for mooch request B000NPP9IA Ron Smyth (Canada) 2012/10/09
309.5 -3 306.5 deducted points for mooch request 014317200X Ron Smyth (Canada) 2012/10/09
308.5 +1 309.5 mooch rejected by book owner 1409112276 Baguenaudier (United Kingdom) 2012/10/01
307.5 +1 308.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0751540641 Baguenaudier (United Kingdom) 2012/10/01
306.5 +1 307.5 mooch rejected by book owner 034073356X Baguenaudier (United Kingdom) 2012/10/01
303.5 +3 306.5 gave points for mooch request 0753820927 1/2 Hour Books (Australia) 2012/09/30
302.5 +1 303.5 gave points for mooch request 0297847155 Jane (United Kingdom) 2012/09/30
305.5 -3 302.5 deducted points for mooch request 000719031X jacquie (United Kingdom) 2012/09/30
308.5 -3 305.5 deducted points for mooch request 0316779423 April Lott (USA: MN) 2012/09/30
308.6 -0.1 308.5 removed book from inventory 0099502828 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/09/29
308.5 +0.1 308.6 added book to inventory 0099502828 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/09/29
308.4 +0.1 308.5 added book to inventory 0752880942 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/09/29
308.3 +0.1 308.4 added book to inventory 0297847155 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/09/29
308.2 +0.1 308.3 added book to inventory 0753820927 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/09/29
309.2 -1 308.2 deducted points for mooch request 1409112276 Baguenaudier (United Kingdom) 2012/09/28
310.2 -1 309.2 deducted points for mooch request 0751540641 Baguenaudier (United Kingdom) 2012/09/28
311.2 -1 310.2 deducted points for mooch request 034073356X Baguenaudier (United Kingdom) 2012/09/28
314.2 -3 311.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553763040 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2012/09/27
317.2 -3 314.2 deducted points for mooch request B000S8TLO0 WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria) 2012/09/26
318.2 -1 317.2 deducted points for mooch request 0552999458 tequilajess (United Kingdom) 2012/09/23
319.2 -1 318.2 deducted points for mooch request 0552999954 tequilajess (United Kingdom) 2012/09/23
320.2 -1 319.2 deducted points for mooch request 1447201639 Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2012/09/23
321.2 -1 320.2 deducted points for mooch request 0755349296 tequilajess (United Kingdom) 2012/09/23
322.2 -1 321.2 deducted points for mooch request 059305427X Hanna (United Kingdom) 2012/09/23
325.2 -3 322.2 deducted points for mooch request 0582329302 soniaandree (France) 2012/09/23
328.2 -3 325.2 deducted points for mooch request 0582823013 soniaandree (France) 2012/09/23
329.2 -1 328.2 deducted points for mooch request 0582329086 build_them_skyward (Regno Unito) 2012/09/23
330.2 -1 329.2 deducted points for mooch request 0749010134 Dipika (United Kingdom) 2012/09/23
331.2 -1 330.2 deducted points for mooch request BM1337536114590161498 gary (United Kingdom) 2012/09/23
332.2 -1 331.2 deducted points for mooch request 0140271309 felicity (United Kingdom) 2012/09/23
333.2 -1 332.2 deducted points for mooch request 0752865358 felicity (United Kingdom) 2012/09/23
334.2 -1 333.2 deducted points for mooch request 0340979496 donna (United Kingdom) 2012/09/23
335.2 -1 334.2 deducted points for mooch request 0140147470 Liz Hardy (United Kingdom) 2012/09/21
336.2 -1 335.2 deducted points for mooch request 0552772453 roberta77 (United Kingdom) 2012/09/21
337.2 -1 336.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553814079 dragonbane (United Kingdom) 2012/09/20
336.2 +1 337.2 gave points for mooch request 0857381695 akashiva (United Kingdom) 2012/09/15
337.2 -1 336.2 deducted points for mooch request 1846687349 Kim (United Kingdom) 2012/09/13
338.2 -1 337.2 deducted points for mooch request 0099556472 Lee (United Kingdom) 2012/09/11
335.2 +3 338.2 gave points for mooch request 0753820390 Sarah Lee (Australia) 2012/09/02
334.2 +1 335.2 gave points for mooch request 184046058X monkeygirl (United Kingdom) 2012/09/02
334.1 +0.1 334.2 added book to inventory 0753820390 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/09/02
334 +0.1 334.1 added book to inventory 184046058X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/09/02
333.9 +0.1 334 added book to inventory 0340824727 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/09/02
333.8 +0.1 333.9 added book to inventory 0857381695 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/09/02
334.8 -1 333.8 deducted points for mooch request 0141036141 Ellie (United Kingdom) 2012/09/02
335.8 -1 334.8 deducted points for mooch request 0007278233 Callum Wear (United Kingdom) 2012/09/01
336.8 -1 335.8 deducted points for mooch request BM1342738099194044740 Joanna (United Kingdom) 2012/09/01
337.8 -1 336.8 deducted points for mooch request 0340979496 MrTwiddy (United Kingdom) 2012/09/01
338.8 -1 337.8 deducted points for mooch request 0141025654 George Putland (United Kingdom) 2012/08/30
337.8 +1 338.8 mooch rejected by book owner 0246138475 mango43 (United Kingdom) 2012/08/30
338.8 -1 337.8 deducted points for mooch request 0246138475 mango43 (United Kingdom) 2012/08/29
339.8 -1 338.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425067890 John Thompson (United Kingdom) 2012/08/29
340.8 -1 339.8 deducted points for mooch request 0330456792 Ali (United Kingdom) 2012/08/29
341.8 -1 340.8 deducted points for mooch request 0141019220 So Many Books, So Little Time (United Kingdom) 2012/08/29
342.8 -1 341.8 deducted points for mooch request 0141047607 Karen (United Kingdom) 2012/08/26
343.8 -1 342.8 deducted points for mooch request 0446616494 StefK (Germany) 2012/08/26
344.8 -1 343.8 deducted points for mooch request 059305427X John Thompson (United Kingdom) 2012/08/23
345.8 -1 344.8 deducted points for mooch request 0141029544 Lynette Dobson (United Kingdom) 2012/08/23
346.8 -1 345.8 deducted points for mooch request 0281059713 Ali (United Kingdom) 2012/08/23
347.8 -1 346.8 deducted points for mooch request 0330456776 Ali (United Kingdom) 2012/08/23
346.8 +1 347.8 mooch rejected by book owner 0552159735 Oakey76uk (United Kingdom) 2012/08/23
347.8 -1 346.8 deducted points for mooch request 0099499827 Caitlin (United Kingdom) 2012/08/23
350.8 -3 347.8 deducted points for mooch request 0340899263 Elly morgan (United Kingdom) 2012/08/23
351.8 -1 350.8 deducted points for mooch request 0552159735 Oakey76uk (United Kingdom) 2012/08/23
352.8 -1 351.8 deducted points for mooch request 0007278233 Charlie (United Kingdom) 2012/08/23
353.8 -1 352.8 deducted points for mooch request 0141046309 Gemma (United Kingdom) 2012/08/22
354.8 -1 353.8 deducted points for mooch request 0241951712 Sidney (United Kingdom) 2012/08/22
355.8 -1 354.8 deducted points for mooch request 0140296034 Maggie Dornan (United Kingdom) 2012/08/22
356.8 -1 355.8 deducted points for mooch request 000717845X Greg Blundal (United Kingdom) 2012/08/22
357.8 -1 356.8 deducted points for mooch request 0233002650 MotherOfBats84 (United Kingdom) 2012/08/20
356.8 +1 357.8 gave points for mooch request 0007683200 Stranger91 (United Kingdom) 2012/08/18
356.7 +0.1 356.8 added book to inventory 0007683200 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/08/18
357.7 -1 356.7 deducted points for mooch request 1843547171 annecater (United Kingdom) 2012/08/18
357.8 -0.1 357.7 removed book from inventory 1405501189 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/08/18
357.9 -0.1 357.8 removed book from inventory 2831572223 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/08/18
358 -0.1 357.9 removed book from inventory 0091895855 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/08/18
358.1 -0.1 358 removed book from inventory 1842555952 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/08/18
359.1 -1 358.1 deducted points for mooch request 0743431707 Mary Carmen (United Kingdom) 2012/08/12
360.1 -1 359.1 deducted points for mooch request B002RI97MK criminalchicken (United Kingdom) 2012/08/09
361.1 -1 360.1 deducted points for mooch request B002RI97MU criminalchicken (United Kingdom) 2012/08/09
362.1 -1 361.1 deducted points for mooch request 1904233910 criminalchicken (United Kingdom) 2012/08/09
361.1 +1 362.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0671253301 Dan (United Kingdom) 2012/08/06
360.1 +1 361.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0099481251 Dan (United Kingdom) 2012/08/06
359.1 +1 360.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0007312660 Dan (United Kingdom) 2012/08/06
360.1 -1 359.1 deducted points for mooch request 0582506298 judiog (United Kingdom) 2012/07/29
361.1 -1 360.1 deducted points for mooch request 0582823080 Fiona (United Kingdom) 2012/07/29
362.1 -1 361.1 deducted points for mooch request 9781904233657 Mark Smalley (United Kingdom) 2012/07/19
363.1 -1 362.1 deducted points for mooch request 9781904233886 natalie (United Kingdom) 2012/07/19
364.1 -1 363.1 deducted points for mooch request 0582329132 Permaculture House in Totnes (United Kingdom) 2012/07/19
365.1 -1 364.1 deducted points for mooch request 0582784336 Gary (United Kingdom) 2012/07/19
364.1 +1 365.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0786868716 akashiva (United Kingdom) 2012/07/19
365.1 -1 364.1 deducted points for mooch request 0671253301 Dan (United Kingdom) 2012/07/19
366.1 -1 365.1 deducted points for mooch request 0099481251 Dan (United Kingdom) 2012/07/19
367.1 -1 366.1 deducted points for mooch request 0007312660 Dan (United Kingdom) 2012/07/19
368.1 -1 367.1 deducted points for mooch request 0744590663 Tom (United Kingdom) 2012/07/19
369.1 -1 368.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553817663 Debbie (United Kingdom) 2012/07/19
370.1 -1 369.1 deducted points for mooch request 0786868716 akashiva (United Kingdom) 2012/07/19
371.1 -1 370.1 deducted points for mooch request 0752838202 Celia48 (United Kingdom) 2012/07/18
370.1 +1 371.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0340597658 Mary Carmen (United Kingdom) 2012/07/16
373.1 -3 370.1 deducted points for mooch request 0718157184 Hannah Deacon (Ireland) 2012/07/08
374.1 -1 373.1 deducted points for mooch request 1904233910 cat (United Kingdom) 2012/07/07
375.1 -1 374.1 deducted points for mooch request 1409103269 The McDermotts (United Kingdom) 2012/07/03
376.1 -1 375.1 deducted points for mooch request 0802140351 Ali (United Kingdom) 2012/07/01
379.1 -3 376.1 deducted points for mooch request 0786015780 Dawn (USA: MD) 2012/06/29
382.1 -3 379.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425229017 Dawn (USA: MD) 2012/06/29
385.1 -3 382.1 deducted points for mooch request 0822001195 Dannelke (USA: PA) 2012/06/24
388.1 -3 385.1 deducted points for mooch request 0312104324 Dannelke (USA: PA) 2012/06/24
389.1 -1 388.1 deducted points for mooch request 0340597658 Mary Carmen (United Kingdom) 2012/06/24
390.1 -1 389.1 deducted points for mooch request 0751504394 David (United Kingdom) 2012/06/24
391.1 -1 390.1 deducted points for mooch request 0552137030 Bobbie (United Kingdom) 2012/06/24
392.1 -1 391.1 deducted points for mooch request 0192875388 boemo (United Kingdom) 2012/06/24
389.1 +3 392.1 gave points for mooch request 0340825944 Angela462 (Australia) 2012/06/13
392.1 -3 389.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0340825944 Dorit (Israel) 2012/06/12
389.1 +3 392.1 gave points for mooch request 0340825944 Dorit (Israel) 2012/06/09
388.1 +1 389.1 gave points for mooch request 0571230601 Kirsten (United Kingdom) 2012/06/09
388.2 -0.1 388.1 removed book from inventory 0340825944 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/06/09
388.1 +0.1 388.2 added book to inventory 0340825944 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/06/09
388 +0.1 388.1 added book to inventory 0340825944 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/06/09
387.9 +0.1 388 added book to inventory 1842555952 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/06/09
387.8 +0.1 387.9 added book to inventory 0571230601 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/06/09
388.8 -1 387.8 gave a smooch Ros (United Kingdom) 2012/06/09
389.8 -1 388.8 deducted points for mooch request 0755334299 Kim (United Kingdom) 2012/06/08
390.8 -1 389.8 deducted points for mooch request 0141039280 lisa (United Kingdom) 2012/06/07
391.8 -1 390.8 deducted points for mooch request 0192853961 mrdustjacket (United Kingdom) 2012/06/05
392.8 -1 391.8 deducted points for mooch request 0007149530 Ros (United Kingdom) 2012/06/05
391.8 +1 392.8 gave points for mooch request 0684803860 Mandy (United Kingdom) 2012/05/01
390.8 +1 391.8 gave points for mooch request 0340734892 scarlet21 (Lisa) (United Kingdom) 2012/04/30
387.8 +3 390.8 gave points for mooch request 1845293770 Carolyn Thompson (USA: WI) 2012/04/29
387.7 +0.1 387.8 added book to inventory 0340734892 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/04/29
387.6 +0.1 387.7 added book to inventory 0091895855 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/04/29
387.5 +0.1 387.6 added book to inventory 2831572223 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/04/29
387.4 +0.1 387.5 added book to inventory 1845293770 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/04/29
388.4 -1 387.4 deducted points for mooch request 0007203136 David (United Kingdom) 2012/04/28
388.3 +0.1 388.4 added book to inventory 0684803860 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/04/28
388.2 +0.1 388.3 added book to inventory 1405501189 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/04/27
389.2 -1 388.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312426380 Kinga (United Kingdom) 2012/04/27
386.2 +3 389.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 2864304132 Antje (USA: TX) 2012/04/27
386.3 -0.1 386.2 removed book from inventory 0747579881 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/04/26
386.2 +0.1 386.3 added book to inventory 0747579881 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/04/26
387.2 -1 386.2 gave a smooch Gavin Carr (United Kingdom) 2012/04/21
388.2 -1 387.2 gave a smooch Gavin Carr (United Kingdom) 2012/04/21
389.2 -1 388.2 deducted points for mooch request 1408217295 Paige (United Kingdom) 2012/04/17
390.2 -1 389.2 deducted points for mooch request 056353849X Gavin Carr (United Kingdom) 2012/04/16
391.2 -1 390.2 deducted points for mooch request 0563538597 Gavin Carr (United Kingdom) 2012/04/15
392.2 -1 391.2 deducted points for mooch request 0765341972 Peta (United Kingdom) 2012/04/11
393.2 -1 392.2 deducted points for mooch request 1841194670 Linda spins (United Kingdom) 2012/04/09
394.2 -1 393.2 deducted points for mooch request 0007147201 Tony Fitzpatrick (United Kingdom) 2012/03/17
397.2 -3 394.2 deducted points for mooch request 0060556439 Karen (USA: MO) 2012/03/17
400.2 -3 397.2 deducted points for mooch request 0061582018 Karen (USA: MO) 2012/03/17
399.2 +1 400.2 mooch rejected by book owner 1408809648 emily (United Kingdom) 2012/03/12
400.2 -1 399.2 deducted points for mooch request 1408809648 emily (United Kingdom) 2012/03/12
399.2 +1 400.2 received a smooch Katrina (USA: FL) 2012/03/08
398.2 +1 399.2 received a smooch Katrina (USA: FL) 2012/03/08
399.2 -1 398.2 deducted points for mooch request 0349121486 Chris Vale (United Kingdom) 2012/03/06
400.2 -1 399.2 deducted points for mooch request 0859653412 Gemma (United Kingdom) 2012/03/04
403.2 -3 400.2 deducted points for mooch request 0582317177 Katherine Llorca (France) 2012/02/25
406.2 -3 403.2 deducted points for mooch request 1841134538 Katherine Llorca (France) 2012/02/25
409.2 -3 406.2 deducted points for mooch request 0140250298 Katherine Llorca (France) 2012/02/25
412.2 -3 409.2 deducted points for mooch request 0141043164 Katherine Llorca (France) 2012/02/25
417.2 -5 412.2 donated points to charity Joanna (United Kingdom) 2012/02/25
420.2 -3 417.2 deducted points for mooch request 0441000371 Katrina (USA: FL) 2012/02/25
423.2 -3 420.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312388845 Katrina (USA: FL) 2012/02/25
424.2 -1 423.2 deducted points for mooch request 0091922291 Joanna (United Kingdom) 2012/02/11
427.2 -3 424.2 deducted points for mooch request 019280250X Sue (USA: NY) 2012/02/09
428.2 -1 427.2 deducted points for mooch request 1935142151 Barbra (United Kingdom) 2012/02/03
431.2 -3 428.2 deducted points for mooch request 0060988649 Barbara (USA: MO) 2012/01/28
432.2 -1 431.2 deducted points for mooch request 0857680838 Parrish (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
435.2 -3 432.2 deducted points for mooch request 0812694333 Ramona (Canada) 2012/01/21
435.3 -0.1 435.2 removed book from inventory BM1320091973457823814 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
435.4 -0.1 435.3 removed book from inventory 0140175717 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
435.5 -0.1 435.4 removed book from inventory 1577481453 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
435.6 -0.1 435.5 removed book from inventory 0340838825 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
435.7 -0.1 435.6 removed book from inventory 0749749164 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
435.8 -0.1 435.7 removed book from inventory 1405906634 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
435.9 -0.1 435.8 removed book from inventory 0007271271 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
436 -0.1 435.9 removed book from inventory 1841955094 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
436.1 -0.1 436 removed book from inventory 0007120265 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
436.2 -0.1 436.1 removed book from inventory 1405045779 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
436.3 -0.1 436.2 removed book from inventory 0330411535 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
436.4 -0.1 436.3 removed book from inventory 014131673X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
436.5 -0.1 436.4 removed book from inventory 0091797187 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
436.6 -0.1 436.5 removed book from inventory 1904442153 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
436.7 -0.1 436.6 removed book from inventory 0192753126 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
436.8 -0.1 436.7 removed book from inventory 0753805154 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
436.9 -0.1 436.8 removed book from inventory 1402250711 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
437 -0.1 436.9 removed book from inventory 0340884134 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
437.1 -0.1 437 removed book from inventory 0903141329 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
437.2 -0.1 437.1 removed book from inventory 0889626472 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
437.3 -0.1 437.2 removed book from inventory 1904442560 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
437.4 -0.1 437.3 removed book from inventory 9780708804926 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
437.5 -0.1 437.4 removed book from inventory 1861057385 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
437.6 -0.1 437.5 removed book from inventory 0330398253 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
437.7 -0.1 437.6 removed book from inventory 1904442161 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
437.8 -0.1 437.7 removed book from inventory 0099533324 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
437.9 -0.1 437.8 removed book from inventory 0552548529 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
438 -0.1 437.9 removed book from inventory BM1320091913755859403 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
438.1 -0.1 438 removed book from inventory BM1320091945794203265 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
438.2 -0.1 438.1 removed book from inventory BM1320092053756615230 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
438.3 -0.1 438.2 removed book from inventory BM1320092000729606500 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
438.4 -0.1 438.3 removed book from inventory BM1320092081369080514 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
438.5 -0.1 438.4 removed book from inventory 1853407232 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
438.6 -0.1 438.5 removed book from inventory 0091894840 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
438.7 -0.1 438.6 removed book from inventory 1405020512 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
438.8 -0.1 438.7 removed book from inventory 0141316918 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
438.9 -0.1 438.8 removed book from inventory 1845972112 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
439 -0.1 438.9 removed book from inventory 0434013005 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
439.1 -0.1 439 removed book from inventory 0312253672 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
439.2 -0.1 439.1 removed book from inventory 1840782544 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
439.3 -0.1 439.2 removed book from inventory 0230709761 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
439.4 -0.1 439.3 removed book from inventory 014028656X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
439.5 -0.1 439.4 removed book from inventory 0340861398 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
439.6 -0.1 439.5 removed book from inventory 1842431307 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
439.7 -0.1 439.6 removed book from inventory 0007151241 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
439.8 -0.1 439.7 removed book from inventory 0750241179 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
439.9 -0.1 439.8 removed book from inventory 1899344918 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
440 -0.1 439.9 removed book from inventory 0749562943 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
440.1 -0.1 440 removed book from inventory 1850915490 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
440.2 -0.1 440.1 removed book from inventory 0141316381 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
440.3 -0.1 440.2 removed book from inventory 0751535818 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
440.4 -0.1 440.3 removed book from inventory 0399148132 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
440.5 -0.1 440.4 removed book from inventory 1847382878 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
440.6 -0.1 440.5 removed book from inventory 0333963938 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
440.7 -0.1 440.6 removed book from inventory 0099507153 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
440.8 -0.1 440.7 removed book from inventory 0755336348 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
440.9 -0.1 440.8 removed book from inventory 0753411059 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
441 -0.1 440.9 removed book from inventory 0714531812 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
441.1 -0.1 441 removed book from inventory 060061817X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
441.2 -0.1 441.1 removed book from inventory 0330482548 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
441.3 -0.1 441.2 removed book from inventory 0753817624 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2012/01/21
440.3 +1 441.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 1858284414 Warrick Howard (United Kingdom) 2012/01/20
439.3 +1 440.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0586089233 Smudgeroony (United Kingdom) 2012/01/20
438.3 +1 439.3 lost in the mail says book owner 0312128517 Roy Dickel (United Kingdom) 2011/12/27
439.3 -1 438.3 mooch rejected by book owner 000713777X Smudgeroony (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
439.4 -0.1 439.3 removing book from inventory 000713777X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
442.4 -3 439.4 mooch rejected by book owner 0141314001 Prison Book Program (USA: MA) 2011/12/14
442.5 -0.1 442.4 removing book from inventory 0141314001 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
445.5 -3 442.5 mooch rejected by book owner 9781906694180 Yaz (Canada) 2011/12/14
445.6 -0.1 445.5 removing book from inventory 9781906694180 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
448.6 -3 445.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0744590078 QuietCait (USA: MI) 2011/12/14
448.7 -0.1 448.6 removing book from inventory 0744590078 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
451.7 -3 448.7 mooch rejected by book owner 074325709X Ron Smyth (Canada) 2011/12/14
451.8 -0.1 451.7 removing book from inventory 074325709X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
454.8 -3 451.8 mooch rejected by book owner 0345421329 chris (Japan) 2011/12/14
454.9 -0.1 454.8 removing book from inventory 0345421329 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
457.9 -3 454.9 mooch rejected by book owner 1405905212 Penny (Israel) 2011/12/14
458 -0.1 457.9 removing book from inventory 1405905212 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
459 -1 458 mooch rejected by book owner 1416548505 Barbra (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
459.1 -0.1 459 removing book from inventory 1416548505 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
462.1 -3 459.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0749005262 Lisa R. (USA: NJ) 2011/12/14
462.2 -0.1 462.1 removing book from inventory 0749005262 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
463.2 -1 462.2 mooch rejected by book owner 0752877321 Hazel Clapham (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
463.3 -0.1 463.2 removing book from inventory 0752877321 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
466.3 -3 463.3 mooch rejected by book owner 1853408255 McKenna (USA: GA) 2011/12/14
466.4 -0.1 466.3 removing book from inventory 1853408255 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
469.4 -3 466.4 mooch rejected by book owner 0007274912 Erin (USA: MI) 2011/12/14
469.5 -0.1 469.4 removing book from inventory 0007274912 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
470.5 -1 469.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0141021225 katherine (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
470.6 -0.1 470.5 removing book from inventory 0141021225 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
473.6 -3 470.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0755325508 Efimia (Greece) 2011/12/14
473.7 -0.1 473.6 removing book from inventory 0755325508 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
476.7 -3 473.7 mooch rejected by book owner 0440866316 Emma T (France) 2011/12/14
476.8 -0.1 476.7 removing book from inventory 0440866316 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
479.8 -3 476.8 mooch rejected by book owner 1405307862 larry drill (USA: PA) 2011/12/14
479.9 -0.1 479.8 removing book from inventory 1405307862 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
480.9 -1 479.9 mooch rejected by book owner 0330448242 Curzon Tussaud (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
481 -0.1 480.9 removing book from inventory 0330448242 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
484 -3 481 mooch rejected by book owner 0006548598 missi (USA: MD) 2011/12/14
484.1 -0.1 484 removing book from inventory 0006548598 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
487.1 -3 484.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0552548901 chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2011/12/14
487.2 -0.1 487.1 removing book from inventory 0552548901 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
488.2 -1 487.2 mooch rejected by book owner 1841494003 Britswitch (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
488.3 -0.1 488.2 removing book from inventory 1841494003 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
491.3 -3 488.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0297819100 Barry (Ireland) 2011/12/14
491.4 -0.1 491.3 removing book from inventory 0297819100 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
492.4 -1 491.4 mooch rejected by book owner 0007340826 John Alwyine-Mosely (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
492.5 -0.1 492.4 removing book from inventory 0007340826 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/12/14
491.5 +1 492.5 gave points for mooch request 000713777X Smudgeroony (United Kingdom) 2011/12/02
494.5 -3 491.5 deducted points for mooch request 0679776044 eddie (USA: CA) 2011/12/02
495.5 -1 494.5 gave a smooch chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2011/12/02
496.5 -1 495.5 gave a smooch chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2011/12/02
497.5 -1 496.5 gave a smooch chris (Japan) 2011/12/02
498.5 -1 497.5 gave a smooch chris (Japan) 2011/12/02
499.5 -1 498.5 gave a smooch Ron Smyth (Canada) 2011/12/02
500.5 -1 499.5 gave a smooch Ron Smyth (Canada) 2011/12/02
501.5 -1 500.5 gave a smooch QuietCait (USA: MI) 2011/12/02
502.5 -1 501.5 gave a smooch QuietCait (USA: MI) 2011/12/02
503.5 -1 502.5 gave a smooch Prison Book Program (USA: MA) 2011/12/02
504.5 -1 503.5 gave a smooch Prison Book Program (USA: MA) 2011/12/02
505.5 -1 504.5 gave a smooch Yaz (Canada) 2011/12/02
506.5 -1 505.5 gave a smooch Yaz (Canada) 2011/12/02
507.5 -1 506.5 gave a smooch Penny (Israel) 2011/12/02
508.5 -1 507.5 gave a smooch Penny (Israel) 2011/12/02
509.5 -1 508.5 gave a smooch Barbra (United Kingdom) 2011/12/02
510.5 -1 509.5 gave a smooch Lisa R. (USA: NJ) 2011/12/02
511.5 -1 510.5 gave a smooch Lisa R. (USA: NJ) 2011/12/02
512.5 -1 511.5 gave a smooch Erin (USA: MI) 2011/12/02
513.5 -1 512.5 gave a smooch Erin (USA: MI) 2011/12/02
514.5 -1 513.5 gave a smooch katherine (United Kingdom) 2011/12/02
515.5 -1 514.5 gave a smooch McKenna (USA: GA) 2011/12/02
516.5 -1 515.5 gave a smooch McKenna (USA: GA) 2011/12/02
517.5 -1 516.5 gave a smooch larry drill (USA: PA) 2011/12/02
518.5 -1 517.5 gave a smooch larry drill (USA: PA) 2011/12/02
519.5 -1 518.5 gave a smooch Curzon Tussaud (United Kingdom) 2011/12/02
520.5 -1 519.5 gave a smooch missi (USA: MD) 2011/12/02
521.5 -1 520.5 gave a smooch missi (USA: MD) 2011/12/02
522.5 -1 521.5 gave a smooch Britswitch (United Kingdom) 2011/12/02
523.5 -1 522.5 gave a smooch Barry (Ireland) 2011/12/02
524.5 -1 523.5 gave a smooch John Alwyine-Mosely (United Kingdom) 2011/12/02
523.5 +1 524.5 gave points for mooch request 0752877321 Hazel Clapham (United Kingdom) 2011/11/27
522.5 +1 523.5 gave points for mooch request 0452272025 Russell (United Kingdom) 2011/11/20
519.5 +3 522.5 gave points for mooch request 0755325508 Efimia (Greece) 2011/11/19
518.5 +1 519.5 lost in the mail says book owner 0006483585 Debbie (United Kingdom) 2011/11/19
515.5 +3 518.5 gave points for mooch request 0440866316 Emma T (France) 2011/11/18
516.5 -1 515.5 gave a smooch Jethro (USA: OR) 2011/11/12
517.5 -1 516.5 gave a smooch Jennifer (USA: TX) 2011/11/12
518.5 -1 517.5 gave a smooch Jennifer (USA: TX) 2011/11/12
519.5 -1 518.5 gave a smooch Sandy (Canada) 2011/11/12
520.5 -1 519.5 gave a smooch Sandy (Canada) 2011/11/12
521.5 -1 520.5 gave a smooch Sandy (Canada) 2011/11/12
522.5 -1 521.5 gave a smooch Sandy (Canada) 2011/11/12
519.5 +3 522.5 gave points for mooch request 0345421329 chris (Japan) 2011/11/11
516.5 +3 519.5 gave points for mooch request 0552548901 chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2011/11/09
515.5 +1 516.5 gave points for mooch request 0330448242 Curzon Tussaud (United Kingdom) 2011/11/07
514.5 +1 515.5 gave points for mooch request 1416548505 Barbra (United Kingdom) 2011/11/05
511.5 +3 514.5 gave points for mooch request 074325709X Ron Smyth (Canada) 2011/11/02
514.5 -3 511.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 074325709X Georgina (Australia) 2011/11/02
511.5 +3 514.5 gave points for mooch request 074325709X Georgina (Australia) 2011/11/02
508.5 +3 511.5 gave points for mooch request 0141314001 Prison Book Program (USA: MA) 2011/11/02
505.5 +3 508.5 gave points for mooch request 0753801981 Cyradis (Finland) 2011/11/02
502.5 +3 505.5 gave points for mooch request 0749005262 Lisa R. (USA: NJ) 2011/11/02
499.5 +3 502.5 gave points for mooch request 0007274912 Erin (USA: MI) 2011/11/02
499.4 +0.1 499.5 added book to inventory 0452272025 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/02
499.3 +0.1 499.4 added book to inventory 0751535818 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/02
499.2 +0.1 499.3 added book to inventory 0099533324 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/02
499.1 +0.1 499.2 added book to inventory 0007274912 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/02
499 +0.1 499.1 added book to inventory 0330448242 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/02
498.9 +0.1 499 added book to inventory 074325709X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/02
498.8 +0.1 498.9 added book to inventory 1847382878 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/02
495.8 +3 498.8 gave points for mooch request 0297819100 Barry (Ireland) 2011/11/02
495.7 +0.1 495.8 added book to inventory 0340838825 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/02
495.6 +0.1 495.7 added book to inventory 0752877321 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/02
495.5 +0.1 495.6 added book to inventory 0889626472 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/02
495.6 -0.1 495.5 removed book from inventory 0297819100 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/02
495.5 +0.1 495.6 added book to inventory 0297819100 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/02
495.4 +0.1 495.5 added book to inventory 0297819100 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/02
495.3 +0.1 495.4 added book to inventory 1850915490 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/02
495.2 +0.1 495.3 added book to inventory 000713777X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/02
495.1 +0.1 495.2 added book to inventory 0753801981 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/02
495 +0.1 495.1 added book to inventory 0749005262 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/02
494.9 +0.1 495 added book to inventory 0903141329 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/02
494.8 +0.1 494.9 added book to inventory 1416548505 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/02
494.7 +0.1 494.8 added book to inventory 0140175717 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/02
494.6 +0.1 494.7 added book to inventory 1577481453 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/02
494.5 +0.1 494.6 added book to inventory 060061817X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/01
494.4 +0.1 494.5 added book to inventory 1861057385 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/01
494.5 -0.1 494.4 removed book from inventory 0753411059 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/01
494.4 +0.1 494.5 added book to inventory 0753411059 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/01
494.3 +0.1 494.4 added book to inventory 0753411059 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/11/01
491.3 +3 494.3 gave points for mooch request 0752879650 Lee (Canada) 2011/11/01
488.3 +3 491.3 gave points for mooch request 1405905212 Penny (Israel) 2011/10/31
485.3 +3 488.3 gave points for mooch request 9781906694180 Yaz (Canada) 2011/10/31
485.2 +0.1 485.3 added book to inventory BM1320092081369080514 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/31
485.1 +0.1 485.2 added book to inventory BM1320092053756615230 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/31
485 +0.1 485.1 added book to inventory BM1320092000729606500 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/31
484.9 +0.1 485 added book to inventory BM1320091973457823814 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/31
484.8 +0.1 484.9 added book to inventory BM1320091945794203265 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/31
484.7 +0.1 484.8 added book to inventory BM1320091913755859403 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/31
483.7 +1 484.7 gave points for mooch request 0007340826 John Alwyine-Mosely (United Kingdom) 2011/10/31
483.8 -0.1 483.7 removed book from inventory 9781906694180 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/31
483.7 +0.1 483.8 added book to inventory 9781906694180 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/31
483.6 +0.1 483.7 added book to inventory 9781906694180 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/31
483.5 +0.1 483.6 added book to inventory 0007340826 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/31
483.4 +0.1 483.5 added book to inventory 1405905212 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/31
482.4 +1 483.4 gave points for mooch request 0749913975 janet101 (United Kingdom) 2011/10/31
483.4 -1 482.4 deducted points for mooch request 1847243762 tennantfamily (United Kingdom) 2011/10/31
482.4 +1 483.4 gave points for mooch request 0575075945 Shay (United Kingdom) 2011/10/31
479.4 +3 482.4 gave points for mooch request 0440863767 vivir (Finland) 2011/10/31
476.4 +3 479.4 gave points for mooch request 0330454285 vivir (Finland) 2011/10/31
477.4 -1 476.4 deducted points for mooch request B000NCYKXI Smudgeroony (United Kingdom) 2011/10/31
476.4 +1 477.4 gave points for mooch request 0752877429 Barbra (United Kingdom) 2011/10/31
476.3 +0.1 476.4 added book to inventory 0575075945 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/31
476.2 +0.1 476.3 added book to inventory 1840782544 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/31
473.2 +3 476.2 gave points for mooch request 0744590078 QuietCait (USA: MI) 2011/10/30
472.2 +1 473.2 gave points for mooch request 1841494003 Britswitch (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
469.2 +3 472.2 gave points for mooch request 1405307862 larry drill (USA: PA) 2011/10/30
466.2 +3 469.2 gave points for mooch request 1853408255 McKenna (USA: GA) 2011/10/30
465.2 +1 466.2 gave points for mooch request 0330339176 Geraint (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
464.2 +1 465.2 gave points for mooch request 0141021225 katherine (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
461.2 +3 464.2 gave points for mooch request 0006548598 missi (USA: MD) 2011/10/30
461.3 -0.1 461.2 removed book from inventory 0752213156 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
461.2 +0.1 461.3 added book to inventory 0752213156 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
460.2 +1 461.2 gave points for mooch request 0340824425 Helen (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
457.2 +3 460.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0684846659 Shinu Kurup (USA: OH) 2011/10/30
456.2 +1 457.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0099533014 Sarah Adam (USA: DC) 2011/10/30
455.2 +1 456.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0199282234 HilaryP (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
454.2 +1 455.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0406985863 HilaryP (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
453.2 +1 454.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0199287635 HilaryP (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
452.2 +1 453.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0199285357 HilaryP (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
452.1 +0.1 452.2 added book to inventory 1853408255 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
452 +0.1 452.1 added book to inventory 0141021225 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
451.9 +0.1 452 added book to inventory 0749913975 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
451.8 +0.1 451.9 added book to inventory 0006548598 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
451.7 +0.1 451.8 added book to inventory 0330339176 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
451.6 +0.1 451.7 added book to inventory 1405307862 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
451.5 +0.1 451.6 added book to inventory 1842431307 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
451.4 +0.1 451.5 added book to inventory 1841955094 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
451.3 +0.1 451.4 added book to inventory 1845972112 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
454.3 -3 451.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451216946 Tori (USA: PA) 2011/10/30
451.3 +3 454.3 gave points for mooch request 0099462125 Ray Palen (USA) 2011/10/30
448.3 +3 451.3 gave points for mooch request 1844543552 melkor81205 (USA: NC) 2011/10/30
445.3 +3 448.3 gave points for mooch request 0571228763 melkor81205 (USA: NC) 2011/10/30
445.2 +0.1 445.3 added book to inventory 0399148132 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
445.1 +0.1 445.2 added book to inventory 0312253672 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
445 +0.1 445.1 added book to inventory 0230709761 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
444.9 +0.1 445 added book to inventory 0755336348 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
444.8 +0.1 444.9 added book to inventory 0571228763 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
444.7 +0.1 444.8 added book to inventory 0007151241 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
444.6 +0.1 444.7 added book to inventory 1904442560 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
444.7 -0.1 444.6 removed book from inventory 1841494003 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
444.6 +0.1 444.7 added book to inventory 1841494003 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
444.5 +0.1 444.6 added book to inventory 1841494003 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
445.5 -1 444.5 deducted points for mooch request 0099492393 Jackie (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
448.5 -3 445.5 deducted points for mooch request 0340825952 Marie-Laure Waters (France) 2011/10/30
448.4 +0.1 448.5 added book to inventory 014028656X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
448.3 +0.1 448.4 added book to inventory 1853407232 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
448.2 +0.1 448.3 added book to inventory 0345421329 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
448.1 +0.1 448.2 added book to inventory 0744590078 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
448 +0.1 448.1 added book to inventory 0330411535 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
447.9 +0.1 448 added book to inventory 0752877429 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
447.8 +0.1 447.9 added book to inventory 0753817624 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
447.7 +0.1 447.8 added book to inventory 1904442161 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
447.6 +0.1 447.7 added book to inventory 0099462125 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
447.5 +0.1 447.6 added book to inventory 0007120265 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
447.4 +0.1 447.5 added book to inventory 0340861398 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
447.3 +0.1 447.4 added book to inventory 0340824425 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
447.2 +0.1 447.3 added book to inventory 1402250711 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
447.1 +0.1 447.2 added book to inventory 0141314001 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
447 +0.1 447.1 added book to inventory 0749749164 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
450 -3 447 deducted points for mooch request 0451409787 Sandy (USA: NH) 2011/10/30
453 -3 450 deducted points for mooch request 0425189945 Sandy (USA: NH) 2011/10/30
456 -3 453 deducted points for mooch request 045120915X Sandy (USA: NH) 2011/10/30
455.9 +0.1 456 added book to inventory 0749562943 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
455.8 +0.1 455.9 added book to inventory 0440863767 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/30
452.8 +3 455.8 gave points for mooch request 1405219769 Kara Z. (USA: NJ) 2011/10/29
452.7 +0.1 452.8 added book to inventory 1405219769 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/29
452.6 +0.1 452.7 added book to inventory 0552548901 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/29
452.5 +0.1 452.6 added book to inventory 0192753126 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/29
453.5 -1 452.5 deducted points for mooch request 0446403652 Kim (United Kingdom) 2011/10/29
454.5 -1 453.5 deducted points for mooch request 0349113181 Emma (United Kingdom) 2011/10/29
457.5 -3 454.5 deducted points for mooch request 0312959346 Sandy (USA: NH) 2011/10/27
460.5 -3 457.5 deducted points for mooch request 0385520336 Esther (USA: NY) 2011/10/25
463.5 -3 460.5 deducted points for mooch request 0340856548 Janette (France) 2011/10/25
462.5 +1 463.5 gave points for mooch request 0805420789 Claudia (United Kingdom) 2011/10/24
465.5 -3 462.5 deducted points for mooch request 0451206096 Ray Palen (USA) 2011/10/24
468.5 -3 465.5 deducted points for mooch request 006057528X Jennifer (USA: TX) 2011/10/24
471.5 -3 468.5 deducted points for mooch request 0060575298 Jennifer (USA: TX) 2011/10/24
472.5 -1 471.5 deducted points for mooch request 1444705369 Rachel (United Kingdom) 2011/10/21
471.5 +1 472.5 gave points for mooch request 0719562120 M.E.Needham (United Kingdom) 2011/10/19
472.5 -1 471.5 deducted points for mooch request 0141000759 M.E.Needham (United Kingdom) 2011/10/18
473.5 -1 472.5 deducted points for mooch request 014118938X Thesigeng (United Kingdom) 2011/10/17
476.5 -3 473.5 deducted points for mooch request 044013272X RidgewayGirl (USA: SC) 2011/10/17
473.5 +3 476.5 gave points for mooch request 0744590078 Chris Lannin (USA: MN) 2011/10/17
472.5 +1 473.5 gave points for mooch request 0099193914 heatherj (United Kingdom) 2011/10/17
469.5 +3 472.5 gave points for mooch request 0141025875 /jessup (USA: GA) 2011/10/16
466.5 +3 469.5 gave points for mooch request 0141029625 taff41 (France) 2011/10/16
463.5 +3 466.5 gave points for mooch request 0340835532 Busy~Mammy (Ireland) 2011/10/16
464.5 -1 463.5 deducted points for mooch request 006087449X Pollie (United Kingdom) 2011/10/16
465.5 -1 464.5 deducted points for mooch request 0340963034 Pollie (United Kingdom) 2011/10/16
464.5 +1 465.5 gave points for mooch request 0719568307 Donpeterede (United Kingdom) 2011/10/16
461.5 +3 464.5 gave points for mooch request 0007191804 Lisa R. (USA: NJ) 2011/10/15
460.5 +1 461.5 gave points for mooch request 0099466430 pennywhistler (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
457.5 +3 460.5 gave points for mooch request 0451208323 Dorith Carmeli (Israel) 2011/10/15
454.5 +3 457.5 gave points for mooch request 0552548472 Karen (USA: MO) 2011/10/15
453.5 +1 454.5 gave points for mooch request 024195195X chris wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
452.5 +1 453.5 gave points for mooch request 0751543020 chris wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
449.5 +3 452.5 gave points for mooch request 0330418106 Tytti (Finland) 2011/10/15
446.5 +3 449.5 gave points for mooch request 0426200969 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2011/10/15
445.5 +1 446.5 gave points for mooch request 1904442560 Permaculture House in Totnes (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
444.5 +1 445.5 gave points for mooch request 1906964130 Liz (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
441.5 +3 444.5 gave points for mooch request 0141314001 Melisende (France) 2011/10/15
438.5 +3 441.5 gave points for mooch request 0755314638 Melisende (France) 2011/10/15
437.5 +1 438.5 gave points for mooch request 0340877804 katieqr (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
436.5 +1 437.5 gave points for mooch request 1846682401 Pollie (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
436.4 +0.1 436.5 added book to inventory 0451208323 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
436.3 +0.1 436.4 added book to inventory 1904442153 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
436.2 +0.1 436.3 added book to inventory 9780708804926 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
436.1 +0.1 436.2 added book to inventory 0091894840 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
436 +0.1 436.1 added book to inventory 0426200969 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
435.9 +0.1 436 added book to inventory 0099466430 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
436 -0.1 435.9 removed book from inventory 0719568307 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
435.9 +0.1 436 added book to inventory 0719568307 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
435.8 +0.1 435.9 added book to inventory 0719568307 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
435.7 +0.1 435.8 added book to inventory 1846682401 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
435.6 +0.1 435.7 added book to inventory 0753805154 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
435.5 +0.1 435.6 added book to inventory 024195195X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
435.4 +0.1 435.5 added book to inventory 0330454285 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
435.3 +0.1 435.4 added book to inventory 1405906634 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
435.2 +0.1 435.3 added book to inventory 0007191804 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
435.1 +0.1 435.2 added book to inventory 0719562120 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
435 +0.1 435.1 added book to inventory 0552548472 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
434.9 +0.1 435 added book to inventory 0141025875 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
434.8 +0.1 434.9 added book to inventory 0141029625 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
434.7 +0.1 434.8 added book to inventory 0099507153 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
434.6 +0.1 434.7 added book to inventory 1906964130 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
434.7 -0.1 434.6 removed book from inventory 0744590078 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
434.6 +0.1 434.7 added book to inventory 0744590078 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
434.5 +0.1 434.6 added book to inventory 0744590078 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
434.4 +0.1 434.5 added book to inventory 1904442560 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
434.3 +0.1 434.4 added book to inventory 0805420789 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
434.2 +0.1 434.3 added book to inventory 1405020512 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
433.2 +1 434.2 gave points for mooch request 1570718423 Caroline (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
433.1 +0.1 433.2 added book to inventory 0440866316 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
433.2 -0.1 433.1 removed book from inventory 0340877804 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
433.1 +0.1 433.2 added book to inventory 0340877804 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
433 +0.1 433.1 added book to inventory 0340877804 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
432.9 +0.1 433 added book to inventory 000713777X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
433.9 -1 432.9 deducted points for mooch request 1402250711 Judith (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
433.8 +0.1 433.9 added book to inventory 0434013005 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
433.7 +0.1 433.8 added book to inventory 0755325508 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
433.6 +0.1 433.7 added book to inventory 0141314001 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
433.5 +0.1 433.6 added book to inventory 0007271271 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
433.4 +0.1 433.5 added book to inventory 1570718423 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
433.3 +0.1 433.4 added book to inventory 0751543020 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
433.2 +0.1 433.3 added book to inventory 0752879650 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
433.1 +0.1 433.2 added book to inventory 0714531812 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
433 +0.1 433.1 added book to inventory 1405045779 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
432.9 +0.1 433 added book to inventory 1904442153 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
432.8 +0.1 432.9 added book to inventory 0330482548 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
432.7 +0.1 432.8 added book to inventory 0333963938 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
432.6 +0.1 432.7 added book to inventory 0330418106 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
432.5 +0.1 432.6 added book to inventory 0141316918 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
432.4 +0.1 432.5 added book to inventory 0750241179 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
432.3 +0.1 432.4 added book to inventory 0330398253 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
432.2 +0.1 432.3 added book to inventory 0141316381 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
432.1 +0.1 432.2 added book to inventory 0091797187 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
432 +0.1 432.1 added book to inventory 0340835532 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
431.9 +0.1 432 added book to inventory 0340884134 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
431.8 +0.1 431.9 added book to inventory 0755314638 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
431.7 +0.1 431.8 added book to inventory 1899344918 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
431.6 +0.1 431.7 added book to inventory 0099193914 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
431.5 +0.1 431.6 added book to inventory 1844543552 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
431.4 +0.1 431.5 added book to inventory 014131673X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
431.3 +0.1 431.4 added book to inventory 0552548529 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
432.3 -1 431.3 deducted points for mooch request 0749922648 Dan Hill (United Kingdom) 2011/10/15
435.3 -3 432.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312990863 mypaint2 (USA: FL) 2011/10/13
436.3 -1 435.3 deducted points for mooch request 0233979867 The Colourful Parrot Company (United Kingdom) 2011/10/09
437.3 -1 436.3 deducted points for mooch request 0233978224 The Colourful Parrot Company (United Kingdom) 2011/10/09
438.3 -1 437.3 deducted points for mooch request 0099139804 The Colourful Parrot Company (United Kingdom) 2011/10/09
439.3 -1 438.3 deducted points for mooch request 0449225666 Kevin Fleming (United Kingdom) 2011/10/09
442.3 -3 439.3 deducted points for mooch request 0446532681 RidgewayGirl (USA: SC) 2011/10/09
443.3 -1 442.3 deducted points for mooch request 0722142749 janet101 (United Kingdom) 2011/10/09
444.3 -1 443.3 deducted points for mooch request 0099533014 Sarah Adam (USA: DC) 2011/10/09
445.3 -1 444.3 deducted points for mooch request 000770545X Smidgett (United Kingdom) 2011/10/09
446.3 -1 445.3 deducted points for mooch request B002CNWA1K Smidgett (United Kingdom) 2011/10/09
447.3 -1 446.3 deducted points for mooch request 0141025875 Smidgett (United Kingdom) 2011/10/09
450.3 -3 447.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425209695 Julie06 (Spain) 2011/10/09
451.3 -1 450.3 deducted points for mooch request 0441013333 Lydia Marmorstein (United Kingdom) 2011/10/08
452.3 -1 451.3 deducted points for mooch request 0099462125 Jodie (United Kingdom) 2011/10/07
455.3 -3 452.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451213645 Sue (Canada) 2011/10/07
452.3 +3 455.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0425161722 sharonae144 (USA: AZ) 2011/10/06
453.3 -1 452.3 deducted points for mooch request 1858284414 Warrick Howard (United Kingdom) 2011/10/06
454.3 -1 453.3 deducted points for mooch request B003ZPGJQG Dawn (United Kingdom) 2011/10/06
455.3 -1 454.3 deducted points for mooch request 0007100744 ToriB (United Kingdom) 2011/10/06
458.3 -3 455.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425177351 sharonae144 (USA: AZ) 2011/10/06
461.3 -3 458.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425161722 sharonae144 (USA: AZ) 2011/10/06
462.3 -1 461.3 deducted points for mooch request 0600387631 elliemay (United Kingdom) 2011/10/06
461.3 +1 462.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0421843101 Ihantha (United Kingdom) 2011/10/06
462.3 -1 461.3 deducted points for mooch request 0406985863 HilaryP (United Kingdom) 2011/10/05
463.3 -1 462.3 deducted points for mooch request 0199282234 HilaryP (United Kingdom) 2011/10/05
464.3 -1 463.3 deducted points for mooch request 0199288283 Ihantha (United Kingdom) 2011/10/05
465.3 -1 464.3 deducted points for mooch request 0421843101 Ihantha (United Kingdom) 2011/10/05
466.3 -1 465.3 deducted points for mooch request 0263768724 barbara (United Kingdom) 2011/10/05
467.3 -1 466.3 deducted points for mooch request 0199287635 HilaryP (United Kingdom) 2011/10/05
468.3 -1 467.3 deducted points for mooch request 0199285357 HilaryP (United Kingdom) 2011/10/05
469.3 -1 468.3 deducted points for mooch request 0406045372 John Hopper (United Kingdom) 2011/10/05
470.3 -1 469.3 deducted points for mooch request 0340915005 Kevin Fleming (United Kingdom) 2011/10/05
471.3 -1 470.3 deducted points for mooch request 184703439X Colin (United Kingdom) 2011/10/05
472.3 -1 471.3 deducted points for mooch request 034091503X Kevin Fleming (United Kingdom) 2011/10/05
475.3 -3 472.3 deducted points for mooch request 0375702709 BarbaraS (Canada) 2011/10/05
478.3 -3 475.3 deducted points for mooch request 1932841296 Tad Waddington (USA: IL) 2011/10/02
479.3 -1 478.3 deducted points for mooch request 0752851748 Ned Thacker (United Kingdom) 2011/10/02
482.3 -3 479.3 deducted points for mooch request 042522497X Anna Mia (Finland) 2011/10/02
485.3 -3 482.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425196992 Anna Mia (Finland) 2011/10/02
488.3 -3 485.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425213102 Anna Mia (Finland) 2011/10/02
489.3 -1 488.3 deducted points for mooch request 0563538260 Mari (United Kingdom) 2011/10/02
490.3 -1 489.3 gave a smooch Scott Kinney (USA: TX) 2011/10/01
493.3 -3 490.3 deducted points for mooch request 1444701053 Tinou (France) 2011/09/26
494.3 -1 493.3 deducted points for mooch request 0896226387 KarenM (United Kingdom) 2011/09/26
497.3 -3 494.3 deducted points for mooch request 0752842676 Elly morgan (United Kingdom) 2011/09/25
500.3 -3 497.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425207072 Debbie S (Canada) 2011/09/25
503.3 -3 500.3 deducted points for mooch request 1885228554 Emily (USA: WA) 2011/09/25
504.3 -1 503.3 deducted points for mooch request 1853261947 Yvann (United Kingdom) 2011/09/25
505.3 -1 504.3 deducted points for mooch request 1861978391 Tony (United Kingdom) 2011/09/25
508.3 -3 505.3 deducted points for mooch request 0140254587 Gabrielle (USA: NJ) 2011/09/24
509.3 -1 508.3 deducted points for mooch request 0099413124 Quaesitor (MarkM) (United Kingdom) 2011/09/24
512.3 -3 509.3 deducted points for mooch request 0758234910 Michelle (Netherlands) 2011/09/24
513.3 -1 512.3 deducted points for mooch request 1847391591 Evelyn (United Kingdom) 2011/09/23
516.3 -3 513.3 deducted points for mooch request 0923891730 Scott Kinney (USA: TX) 2011/09/22
526.3 -10 516.3 donated points to charity Antony Deter (USA: IL) 2011/09/18
529.3 -3 526.3 deducted points for mooch request 0684846659 Shinu Kurup (USA: OH) 2011/09/18
530.3 -1 529.3 deducted points for mooch request 037541309X Jenny (United Kingdom) 2011/09/17
529.3 +1 530.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0340937602 NMW (United Kingdom) 2011/09/17
532.3 -3 529.3 deducted points for mooch request 0380803240 donnahensley (France) 2011/09/15
535.3 -3 532.3 deducted points for mooch request 0426202635 elizabethphillips (USA: CA) 2011/09/14
538.3 -3 535.3 deducted points for mooch request 140911600X Victalian (Spain) 2011/09/13
541.3 -3 538.3 deducted points for mooch request 1405053461 Victalian (Spain) 2011/09/13
542.3 -1 541.3 deducted points for mooch request 0192853139 Kim (United Kingdom) 2011/09/13
545.3 -3 542.3 deducted points for mooch request 1567315038 Glenn Dietz (USA: NJ) 2011/09/12
546.3 -1 545.3 deducted points for mooch request 0747598096 janicebrown (United Kingdom) 2011/09/10
547.3 -1 546.3 deducted points for mooch request 0907621392 janet101 (United Kingdom) 2011/09/10
548.3 -1 547.3 deducted points for mooch request 1906217378 janet101 (United Kingdom) 2011/09/10
547.3 +1 548.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0749080043 Nicola (United Kingdom) 2011/09/06
548.3 -1 547.3 deducted points for mooch request 0143113496 dysfunctional (United Kingdom) 2011/09/06
549.3 -1 548.3 deducted points for mooch request 0749080043 Nicola (United Kingdom) 2011/09/06
552.3 -3 549.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451226151 ytse (Sverige) 2011/09/04
555.3 -3 552.3 deducted points for mooch request 0375714413 Bcteagirl (Canada) 2011/09/04
558.3 -3 555.3 deducted points for mooch request 0684868873 muyilusionada (USA: MA) 2011/09/04
561.3 -3 558.3 deducted points for mooch request 0140112936 muyilusionada (USA: MA) 2011/09/04
564.3 -3 561.3 deducted points for mooch request 0684856816 muyilusionada (USA: MA) 2011/09/04
565.3 -1 564.3 deducted points for mooch request 1849160473 WebCowgirl (United Kingdom) 2011/09/03
573.3 -8 565.3 donated points to charity MostFavoriteAunt (USA: WI) 2011/09/03
574.3 -1 573.3 gave a smooch MostFavoriteAunt (USA: WI) 2011/09/03
577.3 -3 574.3 deducted points for mooch request 0446977551 KC (USA: OH) 2011/08/29
580.3 -3 577.3 deducted points for mooch request 0471050520 Pedro Areal (Portugal) 2011/08/29
581.3 -1 580.3 deducted points for mooch request 0571229069 Chris Vale (United Kingdom) 2011/08/29
579.3 +2 581.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0743213661 Helen Frances (Australia) 2011/08/28
579.4 -0.1 579.3 removed book from inventory 0007271271 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/28
579.5 -0.1 579.4 removed book from inventory 0099533324 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/28
579.6 -0.1 579.5 removed book from inventory 0753817624 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/28
576.6 +3 579.6 gave points for mooch request 1846079888 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2011/08/28
573.6 +3 576.6 gave points for mooch request 184607987X Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2011/08/28
573.5 +0.1 573.6 added book to inventory 1846079888 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/28
573.4 +0.1 573.5 added book to inventory 184607987X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/28
574.4 -1 573.4 deducted points for mooch request 0755379306 candycliftonmogg (United Kingdom) 2011/08/28
577.4 -3 574.4 deducted points for mooch request 057122444X indigojester/Elizabeth (Greece) 2011/08/28
578.4 -1 577.4 deducted points for mooch request 0586089233 Smudgeroony (United Kingdom) 2011/08/28
581.4 -3 578.4 deducted points for mooch request 2864304132 Antje (USA: TX) 2011/08/26
582.4 -1 581.4 deducted points for mooch request 043545353X oneroundjack (United Kingdom) 2011/08/26
583.4 -1 582.4 deducted points for mooch request 024195195X Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2011/08/26
584.4 -1 583.4 deducted points for mooch request 0061584444 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2011/08/26
587.4 -3 584.4 deducted points for mooch request 0553244388 emessufan (USA: MI) 2011/08/26
590.4 -3 587.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451225635 emessufan (USA: MI) 2011/08/26
591.4 -1 590.4 deducted points for mooch request 1841199702 Ros (United Kingdom) 2011/08/26
592.4 -1 591.4 deducted points for mooch request 000710071X Andrea (United Kingdom) 2011/08/25
589.4 +3 592.4 gave points for mooch request 1854440292 Ted (USA: NJ) 2011/08/24
590.4 -1 589.4 gave a smooch Eliot () 2011/08/23
593.4 -3 590.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425188671 MostFavoriteAunt (USA: WI) 2011/08/22
596.4 -3 593.4 deducted points for mooch request 0375501371 MostFavoriteAunt (USA: WI) 2011/08/21
599.4 -3 596.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451228200 MostFavoriteAunt (USA: WI) 2011/08/21
602.4 -3 599.4 deducted points for mooch request 0385337477 MostFavoriteAunt (USA: WI) 2011/08/21
599.4 +3 602.4 gave points for mooch request 0744590078 Mo (USA) 2011/08/21
602.4 -3 599.4 deducted points for mooch request 0380724340 Elisa (Italy) 2011/08/21
602.3 +0.1 602.4 added book to inventory 1854440292 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/21
602.4 -0.1 602.3 removed book from inventory 1846079888 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/21
602.5 -0.1 602.4 removed book from inventory 184607987X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/21
599.5 +3 602.5 gave points for mooch request 0747261296 Jen (Canada) 2011/08/20
596.5 +3 599.5 gave points for mooch request 0752877895 Jen (Canada) 2011/08/20
599.5 -3 596.5 deducted points for mooch request 0939817012 Cass (USA: IL) 2011/08/20
600.5 -1 599.5 deducted points for mooch request 1905636423 Maria Nancy (United Kingdom) 2011/08/20
600.4 +0.1 600.5 added book to inventory 0099533324 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/20
600.3 +0.1 600.4 added book to inventory 0747261296 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/20
600.2 +0.1 600.3 added book to inventory 0744590078 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/20
600.1 +0.1 600.2 added book to inventory 0007271271 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/20
600 +0.1 600.1 added book to inventory 0753817624 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/20
599.9 +0.1 600 added book to inventory 0752877895 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/20
600 -0.1 599.9 removed book from inventory B004S0HY9S Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/20
599.9 +0.1 600 added book to inventory B004S0HY9S Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/20
599.8 +0.1 599.9 added book to inventory 1846079888 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/20
599.9 -0.1 599.8 removed book from inventory 1846079888 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/20
599.8 +0.1 599.9 added book to inventory 1846079888 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/20
599.7 +0.1 599.8 added book to inventory 184607987X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/20
602.7 -3 599.7 deducted points for mooch request 0679723161 JD Jackson (United Kingdom) 2011/08/19
605.7 -3 602.7 deducted points for mooch request 1439160872 Missy (USA: CO) 2011/08/17
620.7 -15 605.7 donated points to charity Carol (USA: TX) 2011/08/17
621.7 -1 620.7 deducted points for mooch request 0715637657 Chistie (United Kingdom) 2011/08/16
618.7 +3 621.7 mooch rejected by book owner 0340424354 Cappyj98 (USA: PA) 2011/08/15
619.7 -1 618.7 deducted points for mooch request 0340937602 NMW (United Kingdom) 2011/08/14
619.8 -0.1 619.7 removed book from inventory 0753411059 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/14
619.9 -0.1 619.8 removed book from inventory 0753411040 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/14
622.9 -3 619.9 deducted points for mooch request 0192854577 Richard L (Sweden) 2011/08/14
621.9 +1 622.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0007266499 Sophie (United Kingdom) 2011/08/14
622.9 -1 621.9 deducted points for mooch request 1847561977 chris wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2011/08/10
623.9 -1 622.9 deducted points for mooch request 0312936168 donna (United Kingdom) 2011/08/10
622.9 +1 623.9 mooch rejected by book owner 0312978863 Lix (USA: CA) 2011/08/08
625.9 -3 622.9 deducted points for mooch request 0451219740 Cynthia (USA: TN) 2011/08/08
628.9 -3 625.9 deducted points for mooch request 0340424354 Cappyj98 (USA: PA) 2011/08/08
631.9 -3 628.9 deducted points for mooch request 0918339510 Grad Student Book Group (USA) 2011/08/07
634.9 -3 631.9 deducted points for mooch request 0896085554 Grad Student Book Group (USA) 2011/08/07
637.9 -3 634.9 deducted points for mooch request 1416589961 Grad Student Book Group (USA) 2011/08/07
638.9 -1 637.9 deducted points for mooch request 0312978863 Lix (USA: CA) 2011/08/06
641.9 -3 638.9 deducted points for mooch request 0099448823 chiri (Japan) 2011/08/06
644.9 -3 641.9 deducted points for mooch request 0747560595 chiri (Japan) 2011/08/06
645.9 -1 644.9 deducted points for mooch request 0192804340 Will Rogers (United Kingdom) 2011/08/04
648.9 -3 645.9 deducted points for mooch request 1400104165 Carol (USA: TX) 2011/08/04
653.9 -5 648.9 donated points to charity Cindy (USA: CA) 2011/08/04
654.9 -1 653.9 gave a smooch Cindy (USA: CA) 2011/08/04
657.9 -3 654.9 deducted points for mooch request 1575668335 emessufan (USA: MI) 2011/08/04
660.9 -3 657.9 deducted points for mooch request 0451208323 emessufan (USA: MI) 2011/08/04
663.9 -3 660.9 deducted points for mooch request 0553247298 emessufan (USA: MI) 2011/08/04
666.9 -3 663.9 deducted points for mooch request 0553278193 emessufan (USA: MI) 2011/08/04
669.9 -3 666.9 deducted points for mooch request 0553257196 emessufan (USA: MI) 2011/08/04
670.9 -1 669.9 deducted points for mooch request 0099466430 Mike Perrin (United Kingdom) 2011/08/04
673.9 -3 670.9 deducted points for mooch request 055380801X Mel (Germany) 2011/08/03
676.9 -3 673.9 deducted points for mooch request 0099193914 Sara (Sweden) 2011/07/31
679.9 -3 676.9 deducted points for mooch request 0752213156 Dan O'Malley (Ireland) 2011/07/31
719.9 -40 679.9 donated points to charity Hercules Invictus (USA: NJ) 2011/07/27
718.9 +1 719.9 received a smooch Eliot () 2011/07/25
719.9 -1 718.9 deducted points for mooch request 0099497034 Caitlin Beth (United Kingdom) 2011/07/24
722.9 -3 719.9 deducted points for mooch request 0340766018 dragos (Australia) 2011/07/23
722.8 +0.1 722.9 added book to inventory 0753411059 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/23
722.7 +0.1 722.8 added book to inventory 0753411040 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/23
725.7 -3 722.7 deducted points for mooch request 0340870052 Antoine André (Switzerland) 2011/07/22
726.7 -1 725.7 deducted points for mooch request 0007266499 Sophie (United Kingdom) 2011/07/22
729.7 -3 726.7 deducted points for mooch request 0446606014 Paula Milazzo (USA: NY) 2011/07/21
730.7 -1 729.7 deducted points for mooch request 0719568307 pondhopper (United Kingdom) 2011/07/21
730.8 -0.1 730.7 removed book from inventory 0434013005 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
730.9 -0.1 730.8 removed book from inventory 0749005262 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
731 -0.1 730.9 removed book from inventory 0091797187 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
731.1 -0.1 731 removed book from inventory 0752879650 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
731.2 -0.1 731.1 removed book from inventory 0952310880 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
731.3 -0.1 731.2 removed book from inventory 1844543552 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
731.4 -0.1 731.3 removed book from inventory 0340836539 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
731.5 -0.1 731.4 removed book from inventory 0006158048 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
731.6 -0.1 731.5 removed book from inventory 0571151884 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
731.7 -0.1 731.6 removed book from inventory 0340838825 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
731.8 -0.1 731.7 removed book from inventory 0753805154 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
731.9 -0.1 731.8 removed book from inventory 0805420789 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
732 -0.1 731.9 removed book from inventory 0747261296 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
732.1 -0.1 732 removed book from inventory 0099533332 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
732.2 -0.1 732.1 removed book from inventory 0340861398 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
732.3 -0.1 732.2 removed book from inventory 009190028X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
732.4 -0.1 732.3 removed book from inventory 0330511513 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
732.5 -0.1 732.4 removed book from inventory 0007271271 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
732.6 -0.1 732.5 removed book from inventory 0571201210 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
732.7 -0.1 732.6 removed book from inventory 0099533324 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
732.8 -0.1 732.7 removed book from inventory 0753816946 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
732.9 -0.1 732.8 removed book from inventory 0753817624 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
733.9 -1 732.9 deducted points for mooch request 0786862106 drewr236 (United Kingdom) 2011/07/20
736.9 -3 733.9 deducted points for mooch request 0609805630 Cindy (USA: CA) 2011/07/19
737.9 -1 736.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425194612 Chris Leeding (United Kingdom) 2011/07/19
738.9 -1 737.9 deducted points for mooch request 0099525380 Katydid83 (United Kingdom) 2011/07/19
737.9 +1 738.9 mooch rejected by book owner 0552124753 Swirlypepper (United Kingdom) 2011/07/18
740.9 -3 737.9 deducted points for mooch request 0141013516 LilyArboricola (Finland) 2011/07/18
743.9 -3 740.9 deducted points for mooch request 0393062651 Kate Procko (Australia) 2011/07/17
746.9 -3 743.9 deducted points for mooch request 0060899026 Rae (Canada) 2011/07/16
743.9 +3 746.9 gave points for mooch request 0007230435 Marta (Portugal) 2011/07/16
744.9 -1 743.9 deducted points for mooch request 1409117820 fabiennehb (United Kingdom) 2011/07/14
747.9 -3 744.9 deducted points for mooch request 0340263733 Aspa (Greece) 2011/07/13
762.9 -15 747.9 donated points to charity Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2011/07/13
765.9 -3 762.9 deducted points for mooch request 0451163028 Cindy (USA: CA) 2011/07/09
768.9 -3 765.9 deducted points for mooch request 1599212846 Cindy (USA: CA) 2011/07/09
771.9 -3 768.9 deducted points for mooch request 0786019298 Carrol (USA: NC) 2011/07/09
774.9 -3 771.9 deducted points for mooch request 0345360281 Donna (USA) 2011/07/09
777.9 -3 774.9 deducted points for mooch request 1595550119 Donna (USA) 2011/07/09
780.9 -3 777.9 deducted points for mooch request 038552319X Donna (USA) 2011/07/09
783.9 -3 780.9 deducted points for mooch request 0912277254 Donna (USA) 2011/07/09
784.9 -1 783.9 deducted points for mooch request 1847377262 Karen (United Kingdom) 2011/07/09
783.9 +1 784.9 received a smooch Debbie S (Canada) 2011/07/08
784.9 -1 783.9 deducted points for mooch request 0753508494 alan (United Kingdom) 2011/07/08
787.9 -3 784.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425165701 A (Australia) 2011/07/08
788.9 -1 787.9 deducted points for mooch request 0751540358 Heather (United Kingdom) 2011/07/08
787.9 +1 788.9 mooch rejected by book owner 1840221747 Jimmy (United Kingdom) 2011/07/07
790.9 -3 787.9 deducted points for mooch request B0007E4XSO Greg Gregory (USA: CT) 2011/07/07
793.9 -3 790.9 deducted points for mooch request B000IW767K Greg Gregory (USA: CT) 2011/07/07
801.9 -8 793.9 donated points to charity RidgewayGirl (USA: SC) 2011/07/07
804.9 -3 801.9 deducted points for mooch request 0140432434 vivir (Finland) 2011/07/07
805.9 -1 804.9 deducted points for mooch request 1840221747 Jimmy (United Kingdom) 2011/07/07
808.9 -3 805.9 deducted points for mooch request 0340897570 vivir (Finland) 2011/07/07
811.9 -3 808.9 deducted points for mooch request 0192801805 jude (Australia) 2011/07/06
812.9 -1 811.9 deducted points for mooch request 0099545799 Spooky Mulder (United Kingdom) 2011/07/05
813.9 -1 812.9 deducted points for mooch request 000714640X Elie Spark (United Kingdom) 2011/07/05
814.9 -1 813.9 deducted points for mooch request 000731129X George Putland (United Kingdom) 2011/07/05
817.9 -3 814.9 deducted points for mooch request 0312945949 Thomas Koscielecki (USA: RI) 2011/07/05
816.9 +1 817.9 gave points for mooch request 1844082288 Lydia Marmorstein (United Kingdom) 2011/07/03
815.9 +1 816.9 gave points for mooch request 0755329899 Barbra (United Kingdom) 2011/07/03
814.9 +1 815.9 gave points for mooch request 0755329546 Barbra (United Kingdom) 2011/07/03
814.8 +0.1 814.9 added book to inventory 1844543552 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/03
813.8 +1 814.8 gave points for mooch request 1843545128 Austin Milne (United Kingdom) 2011/07/02
813.7 +0.1 813.8 added book to inventory 0340836539 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/02
813.6 +0.1 813.7 added book to inventory 0571151884 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/02
813.5 +0.1 813.6 added book to inventory 0755329546 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/02
813.4 +0.1 813.5 added book to inventory 1843545128 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/02
813.3 +0.1 813.4 added book to inventory 0007271271 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/02
813.2 +0.1 813.3 added book to inventory 0755329899 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/02
813.1 +0.1 813.2 added book to inventory 1844082288 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/07/02
833.1 -20 813.1 donated points to charity Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2011/07/02
823.1 +10 833.1 received points from charity Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2011/07/01
824.1 -1 823.1 deducted points for mooch request 0156028778 Elisabeth (United Kingdom) 2011/07/01
825.1 -1 824.1 deducted points for mooch request 081171506X alan (United Kingdom) 2011/07/01
826.1 -1 825.1 deducted points for mooch request 0755345533 Kirrus (United Kingdom) 2011/07/01
829.1 -3 826.1 deducted points for mooch request 014103811X ElaMatisse (Switzerland) 2011/06/30
828.1 +1 829.1 gave points for mooch request 0099533294 Rose (United Kingdom) 2011/06/28
829.1 -1 828.1 deducted points for mooch request 1844134148 Curzon Tussaud (United Kingdom) 2011/06/28
830.1 -1 829.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451227409 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2011/06/27
827.1 +3 830.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0786015829 Dexter (USA: IA) 2011/06/26
830.1 -3 827.1 deducted points for mooch request 1884995462 Kimbobo (USA: CA) 2011/06/26
833.1 -3 830.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425231550 Simone (USA: WA) 2011/06/26
832.1 +1 833.1 gave points for mooch request 0753513528 Amelie (United Kingdom) 2011/06/25
832 +0.1 832.1 added book to inventory 0753513528 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/25
833 -1 832 deducted points for mooch request 0812097815 Andrea (United Kingdom) 2011/06/25
833.1 -0.1 833 removed book from inventory 0751542229 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/25
833 +0.1 833.1 added book to inventory 0751542229 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/25
832.9 +0.1 833 added book to inventory 0007230435 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/25
832.8 +0.1 832.9 added book to inventory 0330511513 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/25
832.7 +0.1 832.8 added book to inventory 0952310880 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/24
833.7 -1 832.7 deducted points for mooch request 0091936004 Memshogun (United Kingdom) 2011/06/24
833.6 +0.1 833.7 added book to inventory 0006158048 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/24
836.6 -3 833.6 deducted points for mooch request 0747249458 Jessica (Italy) 2011/06/24
835.6 +1 836.6 lost in the mail says book owner 1846776996 Patricia (United Kingdom) 2011/06/23
836.6 -1 835.6 deducted points for mooch request 0743408764 judiog (United Kingdom) 2011/06/23
839.6 -3 836.6 deducted points for mooch request 0807050202 Jethro (USA: OR) 2011/06/23
842.6 -3 839.6 deducted points for mooch request 0786015829 Dexter (USA: IA) 2011/06/22
843.6 -1 842.6 gave a smooch alan (United Kingdom) 2011/06/22
840.6 +3 843.6 gave points for mooch request 0753813068 graham dann (Australia) 2011/06/20
843.6 -3 840.6 deducted points for mooch request 0060810483 Aspa (Greece) 2011/06/20
844.6 -1 843.6 deducted points for mooch request 0006483585 Debbie (United Kingdom) 2011/06/20
845.6 -1 844.6 deducted points for mooch request 0743521099 joni (United Kingdom) 2011/06/20
842.6 +3 845.6 gave points for mooch request 1405905174 amanda4242 (USA: CA) 2011/06/20
839.6 +3 842.6 gave points for mooch request 1841493503 Victoria (USA: IA) 2011/06/20
839.5 +0.1 839.6 added book to inventory 1405905174 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/20
838.5 +1 839.5 gave points for mooch request 075154051X Liz (United Kingdom) 2011/06/20
838.4 +0.1 838.5 added book to inventory 0753805154 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/20
838.3 +0.1 838.4 added book to inventory 009190028X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/20
838.2 +0.1 838.3 added book to inventory 0340861398 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/20
838.1 +0.1 838.2 added book to inventory 075154051X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/20
838 +0.1 838.1 added book to inventory 0571201210 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/20
838.1 -0.1 838 removed book from inventory 0755302664 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/20
838 +0.1 838.1 added book to inventory 0755302664 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/20
837 +1 838 gave points for mooch request 0752881477 Emma P (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
838 -1 837 deducted points for mooch request 0007137508 alan (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
839 -1 838 deducted points for mooch request 0141007540 alan (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
840 -1 839 deducted points for mooch request 0552131067 Pete (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
839.9 +0.1 840 added book to inventory 0434013005 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
839.8 +0.1 839.9 added book to inventory 0752881477 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
839.7 +0.1 839.8 added book to inventory 0753816946 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
839.8 -0.1 839.7 removed book from inventory 0755325508 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
839.7 +0.1 839.8 added book to inventory 0755325508 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
839.6 +0.1 839.7 added book to inventory 0752879650 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
839.5 +0.1 839.6 added book to inventory 0747261296 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
839.4 +0.1 839.5 added book to inventory 1841493503 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
839.3 +0.1 839.4 added book to inventory 0099533324 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
839.2 +0.1 839.3 added book to inventory 0099533332 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
839.1 +0.1 839.2 added book to inventory 0099533294 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
839 +0.1 839.1 added book to inventory 0340838825 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
838.9 +0.1 839 added book to inventory 0091797187 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
839 -0.1 838.9 removed book from inventory 1841959316 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
838.9 +0.1 839 added book to inventory 1841959316 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
838.8 +0.1 838.9 added book to inventory 0753817624 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
838.9 -0.1 838.8 removed book from inventory 0753813068 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
838.8 +0.1 838.9 added book to inventory 0753813068 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
838.7 +0.1 838.8 added book to inventory 0753813068 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
838.6 +0.1 838.7 added book to inventory 0805420789 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
838.5 +0.1 838.6 added book to inventory 0749005262 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/19
839.5 -1 838.5 deducted points for mooch request 0099445263 Lesley (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
839.6 -0.1 839.5 removed book from inventory 014028656X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
839.7 -0.1 839.6 removed book from inventory 0451226119 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
839.8 -0.1 839.7 removed book from inventory 0007151241 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
839.9 -0.1 839.8 removed book from inventory 0749913975 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
840 -0.1 839.9 removed book from inventory 1906032025 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
840.1 -0.1 840 removed book from inventory 0007120265 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
840.2 -0.1 840.1 removed book from inventory 0563162619 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
840.3 -0.1 840.2 removed book from inventory 0755351304 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
840.4 -0.1 840.3 removed book from inventory 0380731185 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
840.5 -0.1 840.4 removed book from inventory 0440162645 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
840.6 -0.1 840.5 removed book from inventory 0689861036 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
840.7 -0.1 840.6 removed book from inventory 1851701540 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
840.8 -0.1 840.7 removed book from inventory 1577482891 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
840.9 -0.1 840.8 removed book from inventory 0727855069 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
841 -0.1 840.9 removed book from inventory 0006547133 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
841.1 -0.1 841 removed book from inventory 0778300781 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
841.2 -0.1 841.1 removed book from inventory 0349118434 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
841.3 -0.1 841.2 removed book from inventory 006056346X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
841.4 -0.1 841.3 removed book from inventory 057120998X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
841.5 -0.1 841.4 removed book from inventory 0007650043 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
841.6 -0.1 841.5 removed book from inventory 057507308X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
841.7 -0.1 841.6 removed book from inventory 0747585105 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
841.8 -0.1 841.7 removed book from inventory 0340823208 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
841.9 -0.1 841.8 removed book from inventory 0752804553 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
842 -0.1 841.9 removed book from inventory 1843535173 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
842.1 -0.1 842 removed book from inventory 1407546465 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
842.2 -0.1 842.1 removed book from inventory 1407504525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
842.3 -0.1 842.2 removed book from inventory 0340635371 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
842.4 -0.1 842.3 removed book from inventory 1853810622 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
842.5 -0.1 842.4 removed book from inventory 0753817802 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
842.6 -0.1 842.5 removed book from inventory 0755315502 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
842.7 -0.1 842.6 removed book from inventory 1852835761 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
842.8 -0.1 842.7 removed book from inventory 0330346849 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
842.9 -0.1 842.8 removed book from inventory 0590474782 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
843 -0.1 842.9 removed book from inventory 075381370X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
843.1 -0.1 843 removed book from inventory 1407504533 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
843.2 -0.1 843.1 removed book from inventory 1405491493 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
843.3 -0.1 843.2 removed book from inventory 1407517449 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
843.4 -0.1 843.3 removed book from inventory 1407503421 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
843.5 -0.1 843.4 removed book from inventory 140750343X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
843.6 -0.1 843.5 removed book from inventory 1407501844 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
843.7 -0.1 843.6 removed book from inventory 0552560839 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
843.8 -0.1 843.7 removed book from inventory 1906040133 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
843.9 -0.1 843.8 removed book from inventory 0752864505 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
844 -0.1 843.9 removed book from inventory 0156026988 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
844.1 -0.1 844 removed book from inventory 0140285121 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
844.2 -0.1 844.1 removed book from inventory 1852425679 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
844.3 -0.1 844.2 removed book from inventory 0006368247 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
844.4 -0.1 844.3 removed book from inventory 0099507153 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
844.5 -0.1 844.4 removed book from inventory 060061817X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/06/18
847.5 -3 844.5 deducted points for mooch request 0135489679 Sandy (Canada) 2011/06/17
850.5 -3 847.5 deducted points for mooch request 0006161189 Jill (New Zealand) 2011/06/17
851.5 -1 850.5 deducted points for mooch request 0330282565 Cassie Schifano (United Kingdom) 2011/06/17
850.5 +1 851.5 gave points for mooch request 0907120067 Dawn (United Kingdom) 2011/06/17
849.5 +1 850.5 gave points for mooch request 9780330455466 angeljune (United Kingdom) 2011/06/16
852.5 -3 849.5 deducted points for mooch request 0751543020 Emma (Ireland) 2011/06/13
851.5 +1 852.5 gave points for mooch request 0140111093 Sarah Cunningham (United Kingdom) 2011/06/12
850.5 +1 851.5 gave points for mooch request 0140100172 Sarah Cunningham (United Kingdom) 2011/06/12
851.5 -1 850.5 deducted points for mooch request 0099556758 Spooky Mulder (United Kingdom) 2011/06/10
850.5 +1 851.5 gave points for mooch request 0553572350 Lix (USA: CA) 2011/06/09
847.5 +3 850.5 gave points for mooch request 0330449818 NikkiBebe (Netherlands) 2011/06/08
848.5 -1 847.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 9780330455466 Becky K. (USA: IL) - warrjo (United Kingdom) 2011/06/07
845.5 +3 848.5 gave points for mooch request 0718147979 faxxyy (USA: NY) 2011/06/07
848.5 -3 845.5 deducted points for mooch request 0028633822 Heather Starr (USA: OR) 2011/06/06
851.5 -3 848.5 deducted points for mooch request 0156027283 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2011/06/05
850.5 +1 851.5 gave points for mooch request 9780330455466 warrjo (United Kingdom) 2011/06/03
853.5 -3 850.5 deducted points for mooch request 0747265208 Mihaela Gavrilescu (Romania) 2011/06/02
850.5 +3 853.5 gave points for mooch request 0060004630 Karen (USA: MO) 2011/06/01
851.5 -1 850.5 deducted points for mooch request 0747553408 Emma (United Kingdom) 2011/06/01
848.5 +3 851.5 gave points for mooch request 0330454285 chich (Spain) 2011/05/31
847.5 +1 848.5 gave points for mooch request 1575663708 Shelbycat (United Kingdom) 2011/05/31
846.5 +1 847.5 gave points for mooch request B001P011UM lin chiswell (United Kingdom) 2011/05/31
845.5 +1 846.5 gave points for mooch request 0755354389 lin chiswell (United Kingdom) 2011/05/31
844.5 +1 845.5 gave points for mooch request 0373264674 lin chiswell (United Kingdom) 2011/05/31
843.5 +1 844.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 0330449761 Samuel (United Kingdom) 2011/05/30
840.5 +3 843.5 gave points for mooch request 0553258109 banzailibrarian (USA: NJ) 2011/05/25
839.5 +1 840.5 gave points for mooch request 1575663929 Shelbycat (United Kingdom) 2011/05/25
838.5 +1 839.5 gave points for mooch request 0755351290 Froglady (United Kingdom) 2011/05/23
837.5 +1 838.5 gave points for mooch request 0142001740 Kasia (Spain) 2011/05/23
837.6 -0.1 837.5 removed book from inventory 1905847947 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/23
834.6 +3 837.6 gave points for mooch request 0786891254 Maria do Socorro (Brazil) 2011/05/23
837.6 -3 834.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0755351290 Ed Hahn (USA: MT) 2011/05/22
840.6 -3 837.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0553258109 Helen Simer (USA: WA) 2011/05/22
837.6 +3 840.6 gave points for mooch request 0786890746 kislany (Cyprus) 2011/05/21
834.6 +3 837.6 gave points for mooch request 140590514X Carl Sell (USA: PA) 2011/05/21
831.6 +3 834.6 gave points for mooch request 1405905212 Carl Sell (USA: PA) 2011/05/21
830.6 +1 831.6 gave points for mooch request 0440339332 sue.w (United Kingdom) 2011/05/21
827.6 +3 830.6 gave points for mooch request 0755312856 Peaceopi (USA: MS) 2011/05/21
824.6 +3 827.6 gave points for mooch request 0747258732 Debbie S (Canada) 2011/05/20
823.6 +1 824.6 gave points for mooch request 0552546321 Brinda (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
820.6 +3 823.6 gave points for mooch request 0812512413 aganmooch (Germany) 2011/05/20
819.6 +1 820.6 gave points for mooch request 0099545675 chris wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
818.6 +1 819.6 gave points for mooch request 0593053435 safrolistics (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
815.6 +3 818.6 gave points for mooch request 1407215299 Marguerite (USA: NE) 2011/05/20
812.6 +3 815.6 gave points for mooch request 1407215280 Marguerite (USA: NE) 2011/05/20
809.6 +3 812.6 gave points for mooch request 0746023103 Marguerite (USA: NE) 2011/05/20
806.6 +3 809.6 gave points for mooch request 0743488032 Marguerite (USA: NE) 2011/05/20
805.6 +1 806.6 gave points for mooch request 9780099513421 Yvann (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
802.6 +3 805.6 gave points for mooch request 0426200233 Dayna (USA: IN) 2011/05/20
799.6 +3 802.6 gave points for mooch request 0426201337 Dayna (USA: IN) 2011/05/20
796.6 +3 799.6 gave points for mooch request 0426200772 Dayna (USA: IN) 2011/05/20
796.5 +0.1 796.6 added book to inventory 1575663708 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
795.5 +1 796.5 gave points for mooch request 1861057385 drewr236 (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
795.4 +0.1 795.5 added book to inventory 0099545675 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
795.3 +0.1 795.4 added book to inventory 0330346849 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
792.3 +3 795.3 gave points for mooch request 0201622742 Christy (USA: PA) 2011/05/20
792.2 +0.1 792.3 added book to inventory 0552546321 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
792.1 +0.1 792.2 added book to inventory 0553572350 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
792.2 -0.1 792.1 removed book from inventory 0747258732 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
792.1 +0.1 792.2 added book to inventory 0747258732 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
792 +0.1 792.1 added book to inventory 0747258732 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
791.9 +0.1 792 added book to inventory 9780330455466 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
791.8 +0.1 791.9 added book to inventory 0060004630 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
791.7 +0.1 791.8 added book to inventory 0142001740 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
788.7 +3 791.7 gave points for mooch request 0140036040 Mosca (USA: NY) 2011/05/20
785.7 +3 788.7 gave points for mooch request 0575089407 Mosca (USA: NY) 2011/05/20
782.7 +3 785.7 gave points for mooch request 0425205800 Mosca (USA: NY) 2011/05/20
782.6 +0.1 782.7 added book to inventory 0786891254 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
782.5 +0.1 782.6 added book to inventory 0426201337 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
782.4 +0.1 782.5 added book to inventory 0425205800 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
782.3 +0.1 782.4 added book to inventory 0201622742 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
782.2 +0.1 782.3 added book to inventory 0440339332 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
782.3 -0.1 782.2 removed book from inventory 1873439008 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
782.2 +0.1 782.3 added book to inventory 1873439008 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
782.1 +0.1 782.2 added book to inventory 060061817X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
782 +0.1 782.1 added book to inventory 0747585105 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
781.9 +0.1 782 added book to inventory 0786890746 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
781.8 +0.1 781.9 added book to inventory 0727855069 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
781.7 +0.1 781.8 added book to inventory 0007650043 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
781.6 +0.1 781.7 added book to inventory 0140100172 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
781.7 -0.1 781.6 removed book from inventory 0752842854 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
778.7 +3 781.7 gave points for mooch request 0860680649 DanR (USA: CA) 2011/05/20
778.6 +0.1 778.7 added book to inventory 0752842854 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
778.5 +0.1 778.6 added book to inventory 140590514X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
778.4 +0.1 778.5 added book to inventory 1405905212 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
775.4 +3 778.4 gave points for mooch request 9781904233916 Glenna (USA: AL) 2011/05/20
775.3 +0.1 775.4 added book to inventory 1853810622 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
775.2 +0.1 775.3 added book to inventory 0380731185 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
775.1 +0.1 775.2 added book to inventory 0140036040 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
775 +0.1 775.1 added book to inventory 0426200233 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
772 +3 775 gave points for mooch request 0575089423 Dovile (Lithuania) 2011/05/20
771.9 +0.1 772 added book to inventory 0746023103 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
771.8 +0.1 771.9 added book to inventory 0907120067 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
771.7 +0.1 771.8 added book to inventory 0593053435 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
771.6 +0.1 771.7 added book to inventory 0752804553 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
771.5 +0.1 771.6 added book to inventory 0755312856 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
768.5 +3 771.5 gave points for mooch request 1845297466 Hannah (Australia) 2011/05/20
768.4 +0.1 768.5 added book to inventory 0340635371 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
768.3 +0.1 768.4 added book to inventory 1845297466 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
768.2 +0.1 768.3 added book to inventory 0140111093 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
768.1 +0.1 768.2 added book to inventory 0812512413 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
768 +0.1 768.1 added book to inventory 0440162645 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
767.9 +0.1 768 added book to inventory 9780099513421 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
767.8 +0.1 767.9 added book to inventory 0860680649 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
767.7 +0.1 767.8 added book to inventory 0755315502 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
767.8 -0.1 767.7 removed book from inventory 0575089407 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
767.7 +0.1 767.8 added book to inventory 0575089407 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
767.6 +0.1 767.7 added book to inventory 0575089407 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
767.5 +0.1 767.6 added book to inventory 1906040133 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
767.4 +0.1 767.5 added book to inventory 1852835761 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
767.3 +0.1 767.4 added book to inventory 1861057385 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
767.4 -0.1 767.3 removed book from inventory 0575089423 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
767.3 +0.1 767.4 added book to inventory 0575089423 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
767.2 +0.1 767.3 added book to inventory 0575089423 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
767.1 +0.1 767.2 added book to inventory 0006368247 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
767 +0.1 767.1 added book to inventory 0426200772 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
766.9 +0.1 767 added book to inventory 1851701540 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/20
766.8 +0.1 766.9 added book to inventory 0689861036 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/19
766.7 +0.1 766.8 added book to inventory 0330449818 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/19
766.6 +0.1 766.7 added book to inventory 0778300781 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/19
766.7 -0.1 766.6 removed book from inventory 0718149912 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/19
766.6 +0.1 766.7 added book to inventory 0718149912 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/19
766.5 +0.1 766.6 added book to inventory 1852425679 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/19
766.4 +0.1 766.5 added book to inventory 057507308X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/19
766.5 -0.1 766.4 removed book from inventory 057507308X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/19
766.4 +0.1 766.5 added book to inventory 057507308X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/19
763.4 +3 766.4 gave points for mooch request 0553258109 Helen Simer (USA: WA) 2011/05/19
760.4 +3 763.4 gave points for mooch request 0755351290 Ed Hahn (USA: MT) 2011/05/19
757.4 +3 760.4 gave points for mooch request 0425185818 Rayhne (USA: WI) 2011/05/19
754.4 +3 757.4 gave points for mooch request 0312947151 Boris (Switzerland) 2011/05/18
751.4 +3 754.4 gave points for mooch request 1845296664 Aspa (Greece) 2011/05/18
748.4 +3 751.4 gave points for mooch request 0563486546 Carl Sell (USA: PA) 2011/05/18
745.4 +3 748.4 gave points for mooch request 023074429X Shawna (USA: CA) 2011/05/18
744.4 +1 745.4 gave points for mooch request 0747803226 sue.w (United Kingdom) 2011/05/18
741.4 +3 744.4 gave points for mooch request 1841493546 Cyradis (Finland) 2011/05/18
740.4 +1 741.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 057122444X goskatevans (United Kingdom) 2011/05/18
740.5 -0.1 740.4 removed book from inventory 1841493546 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/18
740.4 +0.1 740.5 added book to inventory 1841493546 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/18
740.3 +0.1 740.4 added book to inventory 1841493546 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/18
740.2 +0.1 740.3 added book to inventory 0752864505 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/18
740.1 +0.1 740.2 added book to inventory 0312947151 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/18
740 +0.1 740.1 added book to inventory 0425185818 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/18
739.9 +0.1 740 added book to inventory 1845296664 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/18
739.8 +0.1 739.9 added book to inventory 0156026988 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/18
739.7 +0.1 739.8 added book to inventory 023074429X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/18
739.8 -0.1 739.7 removed book from inventory 1405906634 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/18
739.7 +0.1 739.8 added book to inventory 1405906634 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/18
739.6 +0.1 739.7 added book to inventory 0718147979 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/18
739.5 +0.1 739.6 added book to inventory 0749913975 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/18
739.4 +0.1 739.5 added book to inventory 0563486546 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/18
739.3 +0.1 739.4 added book to inventory 1905847947 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/18
738.3 +1 739.3 gave points for mooch request 0451409361 Emma (United Kingdom) 2011/05/18
738.2 +0.1 738.3 added book to inventory 0552560839 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
737.2 +1 738.2 gave points for mooch request 0349100594 Nic (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
734.2 +3 737.2 gave points for mooch request 0192853899 Catherine the Librarian (USA: OR) 2011/05/17
733.2 +1 734.2 gave points for mooch request 1905802234 Sonia (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
730.2 +3 733.2 gave points for mooch request 0747574790 Kristin (USA: OK) 2011/05/17
727.2 +3 730.2 gave points for mooch request 0349115761 Steven West (USA: TX) 2011/05/17
726.2 +1 727.2 gave points for mooch request 1407216120 Peta (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
725.2 +1 726.2 gave points for mooch request 0753814005 Peta (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
724.2 +1 725.2 gave points for mooch request 019285352X Peta (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
723.2 +1 724.2 gave points for mooch request 0712664564 Peta (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
720.2 +3 723.2 gave points for mooch request 0689861249 Heather (Canada) 2011/05/17
720.1 +0.1 720.2 added book to inventory 0192853899 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
720 +0.1 720.1 added book to inventory 075381370X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
719.9 +0.1 720 added book to inventory 0553258109 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
719.8 +0.1 719.9 added book to inventory 0747803226 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
719.7 +0.1 719.8 added book to inventory 0712664564 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
719.6 +0.1 719.7 added book to inventory 0099507153 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
719.5 +0.1 719.6 added book to inventory 0006547133 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
719.4 +0.1 719.5 added book to inventory 057120998X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
719.3 +0.1 719.4 added book to inventory 1407215299 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
719.2 +0.1 719.3 added book to inventory 1407215280 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
719.1 +0.1 719.2 added book to inventory 019285352X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
716.1 +3 719.1 gave points for mooch request 186049692X Norah (USA: CA) 2011/05/17
716 +0.1 716.1 added book to inventory 0753814005 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
715.9 +0.1 716 added book to inventory 1407216120 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
712.9 +3 715.9 gave points for mooch request 0199561443 Catherine the Librarian (USA: OR) 2011/05/17
709.9 +3 712.9 gave points for mooch request 0192853872 Catherine the Librarian (USA: OR) 2011/05/17
709.8 +0.1 709.9 added book to inventory 0689861249 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
709.7 +0.1 709.8 added book to inventory B001P011UM Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
709.6 +0.1 709.7 added book to inventory 0330454285 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
709.5 +0.1 709.6 added book to inventory 1906032025 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
709.4 +0.1 709.5 added book to inventory 0340823208 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
709.5 -0.1 709.4 removed book from inventory 186049692X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
709.4 +0.1 709.5 added book to inventory 186049692X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
709.3 +0.1 709.4 added book to inventory 186049692X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
709.2 +0.1 709.3 added book to inventory 0140285121 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
709.1 +0.1 709.2 added book to inventory 1577482891 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
706.1 +3 709.1 gave points for mooch request 0312426291 sidneyb (France) 2011/05/17
706 +0.1 706.1 added book to inventory 0192853872 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
703 +3 706 gave points for mooch request 1405905190 Carl Sell (USA: PA) 2011/05/17
702.9 +0.1 703 added book to inventory 1905802234 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
702.8 +0.1 702.9 added book to inventory 0349115761 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
702.7 +0.1 702.8 added book to inventory 0451226119 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
702.6 +0.1 702.7 added book to inventory 0451409361 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
702.5 +0.1 702.6 added book to inventory 0199561443 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
702.4 +0.1 702.5 added book to inventory 0373264674 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
702.3 +0.1 702.4 added book to inventory 1405491493 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
702.2 +0.1 702.3 added book to inventory 1407501844 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
702.1 +0.1 702.2 added book to inventory 1407503421 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
702 +0.1 702.1 added book to inventory 140750343X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
701.9 +0.1 702 added book to inventory 1407504533 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
701.8 +0.1 701.9 added book to inventory 1407504525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
701.7 +0.1 701.8 added book to inventory 1407546465 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
701.6 +0.1 701.7 added book to inventory 1407517449 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
701.5 +0.1 701.6 added book to inventory 0007120265 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
701.4 +0.1 701.5 added book to inventory 0743488032 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
701.3 +0.1 701.4 added book to inventory 0755351304 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
701.2 +0.1 701.3 added book to inventory 0755351290 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
701.1 +0.1 701.2 added book to inventory 014028656X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
701.2 -0.1 701.1 removed book from inventory 074325709X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
701.1 +0.1 701.2 added book to inventory 074325709X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
701 +0.1 701.1 added book to inventory 0349100594 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
700.9 +0.1 701 added book to inventory 0312426291 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
700.8 +0.1 700.9 added book to inventory 1843535173 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
700.7 +0.1 700.8 added book to inventory 0590474782 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
700.6 +0.1 700.7 added book to inventory 9781904233916 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
700.5 +0.1 700.6 added book to inventory 006056346X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
700.4 +0.1 700.5 added book to inventory 1575663929 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
700.3 +0.1 700.4 added book to inventory 1405905190 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
700.2 +0.1 700.3 added book to inventory 0753817802 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
700.1 +0.1 700.2 added book to inventory 0747574790 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/17
703.1 -3 700.1 deducted points for mooch request 006054578X Smallesttiger (USA: MD) 2011/05/16
700.1 +3 703.1 gave points for mooch request 1405905212 Carl Sell (USA: PA) 2011/05/15
697.1 +3 700.1 gave points for mooch request 1405905158 Carl Sell (USA: PA) 2011/05/15
696.1 +1 697.1 gave points for mooch request 1847672493 sal (United Kingdom) 2011/05/15
699.1 -3 696.1 deducted points for mooch request 0061535672 Tim (USA: NY) 2011/05/15
699.2 -0.1 699.1 removed book from inventory 0755348419 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/15
699.1 +0.1 699.2 added book to inventory 0755348419 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/15
696.1 +3 699.1 gave points for mooch request 0316731692 Minna (Finland) 2011/05/15
696 +0.1 696.1 added book to inventory 1405905158 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/15
695.9 +0.1 696 added book to inventory 1405905212 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/15
692.9 +3 695.9 gave points for mooch request 0192853902 Catherine the Librarian (USA: OR) 2011/05/14
689.9 +3 692.9 gave points for mooch request 0192803220 Catherine the Librarian (USA: OR) 2011/05/14
686.9 +3 689.9 gave points for mooch request 0571231217 janet (USA: PA) 2011/05/14
683.9 +3 686.9 gave points for mooch request 1862071322 Masokist (USA: NY) 2011/05/14
682.9 +1 683.9 gave points for mooch request 1841493236 Lucy (United Kingdom) 2011/05/14
682.8 +0.1 682.9 added book to inventory 1847672493 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/14
681.8 +1 682.8 gave points for mooch request 1849013691 lynn (United Kingdom) 2011/05/14
681.7 +0.1 681.8 added book to inventory 1841493236 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/14
681.6 +0.1 681.7 added book to inventory 0192853902 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/14
681.5 +0.1 681.6 added book to inventory 0316731692 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/14
681.4 +0.1 681.5 added book to inventory 0563162619 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/14
681.5 -0.1 681.4 removed book from inventory 0718149912 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/14
681.4 +0.1 681.5 added book to inventory 0718149912 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/14
681.3 +0.1 681.4 added book to inventory 0349118434 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/14
681.2 +0.1 681.3 added book to inventory 0192803220 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/14
681.1 +0.1 681.2 added book to inventory 1862071322 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/14
681 +0.1 681.1 added book to inventory 0755354389 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/14
680.9 +0.1 681 added book to inventory 1849013691 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/14
680.8 +0.1 680.9 added book to inventory 0007151241 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/14
680.7 +0.1 680.8 added book to inventory 0571231217 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/14
681.7 -1 680.7 deducted points for mooch request 0330449761 Samuel (United Kingdom) 2011/05/14
680.7 +1 681.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0747591687 Gunter (United Kingdom) 2011/05/14
679.7 +1 680.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 159139435X mentor mullarkey (United Kingdom) 2011/05/14
679.8 -0.1 679.7 removed book from inventory 0330513699 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/10
679.9 -0.1 679.8 removed book from inventory 1853408255 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/10
680 -0.1 679.9 removed book from inventory 0340823208 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/10
680.1 -0.1 680 removed book from inventory 0755336348 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/10
680.2 -0.1 680.1 removed book from inventory 0755311299 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/10
681.2 -1 680.2 deducted points for mooch request 0753820390 TheOtherMikeyH (United Kingdom) 2011/05/08
682.2 -1 681.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 1853408255 paranoidangel (United Kingdom) 2011/05/07
683.2 -1 682.2 deducted points for mooch request 3499252538 Charlotte (United Kingdom) 2011/05/03
684.2 -1 683.2 deducted points for mooch request 0563522917 Christel (United Kingdom) 2011/05/02
681.2 +3 684.2 gave points for mooch request 0747583498 Diana Field-Brittain (USA: VA) 2011/05/01
680.2 +1 681.2 gave points for mooch request 1845293800 Natalie (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
680.1 +0.1 680.2 added book to inventory 1845293800 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
677.1 +3 680.1 gave points for mooch request 1841958891 Emily (USA: WA) 2011/05/01
676.1 +1 677.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0955743885 vwstarbug (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
676 +0.1 676.1 added book to inventory 0340823208 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
675.9 +0.1 676 added book to inventory 0747583498 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
675.8 +0.1 675.9 added book to inventory 1841958891 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
675.9 -0.1 675.8 removed book from inventory 0907120067 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
676 -0.1 675.9 removed book from inventory 1597894710 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
676.1 -0.1 676 removed book from inventory 0007120265 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
676.2 -0.1 676.1 removed book from inventory 1577482891 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
676.3 -0.1 676.2 removed book from inventory 0091894840 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
676.4 -0.1 676.3 removed book from inventory 1577482565 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
676.5 -0.1 676.4 removed book from inventory 057120998X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
676.6 -0.1 676.5 removed book from inventory 0330454285 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
676.7 -0.1 676.6 removed book from inventory 0747585105 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
676.8 -0.1 676.7 removed book from inventory 1853810622 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
676.9 -0.1 676.8 removed book from inventory 0755354389 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
677 -0.1 676.9 removed book from inventory 0752804340 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
677.1 -0.1 677 removed book from inventory 0755315502 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
677.2 -0.1 677.1 removed book from inventory 0340993707 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
677.3 -0.1 677.2 removed book from inventory 014131690X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
678.3 -1 677.3 deducted points for mooch request 0330339176 Duncs (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
679.3 -1 678.3 deducted points for mooch request 0192853899 Laura (United Kingdom) 2011/04/29
680.3 -1 679.3 deducted points for mooch request 0192853902 Laura (United Kingdom) 2011/04/29
681.3 -1 680.3 deducted points for mooch request 0192803220 Laura (United Kingdom) 2011/04/29
682.3 -1 681.3 deducted points for mooch request 0192853872 Laura (United Kingdom) 2011/04/29
683.3 -1 682.3 deducted points for mooch request 1560256745 Jo (United Kingdom) 2011/04/29
682.3 +1 683.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0751501662 S K A (United Kingdom) 2011/04/28
681.3 +1 682.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0553208268 S K A (United Kingdom) 2011/04/28
680.3 +1 681.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0006121756 S K A (United Kingdom) 2011/04/28
679.3 +1 680.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0553762958 S K A (United Kingdom) 2011/04/28
678.3 +1 679.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0553242474 S K A (United Kingdom) 2011/04/28
677.3 +1 678.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0553249592 S K A (United Kingdom) 2011/04/28
680.3 -3 677.3 deducted points for mooch request 9780060527334 Tori (USA: PA) 2011/04/27
681.3 -1 680.3 deducted points for mooch request 0099545675 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2011/04/27
684.3 -3 681.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0330513699 Suzanne (USA: CO) 2011/04/27
683.3 +1 684.3 gave points for mooch request 075534359X Lucy Moore (United Kingdom) 2011/04/21
686.3 -3 683.3 deducted points for mooch request BM1187016620129364975 Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2011/04/20
689.3 -3 686.3 deducted points for mooch request BM120733475140026006 Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2011/04/20
692.3 -3 689.3 deducted points for mooch request BM1199559740292712440 Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2011/04/20
695.3 -3 692.3 deducted points for mooch request BM1195220998902958490 Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2011/04/20
698.3 -3 695.3 deducted points for mooch request BM118988234664220084 Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2011/04/20
701.3 -3 698.3 deducted points for mooch request BM118988230161364058 Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2011/04/20
704.3 -3 701.3 deducted points for mooch request BM119522073574690509 Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2011/04/20
707.3 -3 704.3 deducted points for mooch request BM1195220032569804446 Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2011/04/20
704.3 +3 707.3 gave points for mooch request 0593042085 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2011/04/17
703.3 +1 704.3 gave points for mooch request 9781904233886 felicity (United Kingdom) 2011/04/17
703.2 +0.1 703.3 added book to inventory 0593042085 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/17
705.2 -2 703.2 deducted points for mooch request 0192853449 Tracy Gaestel (USA: CA) 2011/04/17
708.2 -3 705.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 9781904233886 Emily (USA: IA) 2011/04/16
705.2 +3 708.2 gave points for mooch request 0744593670 Kaitlin (USA: CA) 2011/04/16
707.2 -2 705.2 deducted points for mooch request 0805420789 rwnye (USA: MI) 2011/04/16
709.2 -2 707.2 deducted points for mooch request 0465092810 Joyce Hamilla (USA: OR) 2011/04/16
711.2 -2 709.2 deducted points for mooch request 0446519294 Sandy (Canada) 2011/04/16
712.2 -1 711.2 deducted points for mooch request 159139435X mentor mullarkey (United Kingdom) 2011/04/16
714.2 -2 712.2 deducted points for mooch request 0425197409 Mel (Germany) 2011/04/16
715.2 -1 714.2 deducted points for mooch request 0751501662 S K A (United Kingdom) 2011/04/14
716.2 -1 715.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553208268 S K A (United Kingdom) 2011/04/14
717.2 -1 716.2 deducted points for mooch request 0006121756 S K A (United Kingdom) 2011/04/14
718.2 -1 717.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553762958 S K A (United Kingdom) 2011/04/14
720.2 -2 718.2 deducted points for mooch request 1846077443 Dovile (Lithuania) 2011/04/14
721.2 -1 720.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553242474 S K A (United Kingdom) 2011/04/13
722.2 -1 721.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553249592 S K A (United Kingdom) 2011/04/13
724.2 -2 722.2 deducted points for mooch request 0061558281 Mary Beth Walling (USA: PA) 2011/04/09
725.2 -1 724.2 deducted points for mooch request 0099481251 Duncs (United Kingdom) 2011/04/08
726.2 -1 725.2 deducted points for mooch request 075381370X Holly (United Kingdom) 2011/04/07
728.2 -2 726.2 deducted points for mooch request 0140285121 Rebel Sun (Japan) 2011/04/07
730.2 -2 728.2 deducted points for mooch request 0446610232 Rebel Sun (Japan) 2011/04/07
727.2 +3 730.2 gave points for mooch request 1842126369 izzygoneyett (USA: VA) 2011/04/07
729.2 -2 727.2 deducted points for mooch request 1845291824 Kelly (Australia) 2011/04/07
731.2 -2 729.2 deducted points for mooch request 0762431067 Karen (Canada) 2011/04/06
732.2 -1 731.2 deducted points for mooch request 0552124753 Swirlypepper (United Kingdom) 2011/04/06
732.1 +0.1 732.2 added book to inventory 1842126369 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/06
729.1 +3 732.1 gave points for mooch request 1407216155 izzygoneyett (USA: VA) 2011/04/06
726.1 +3 729.1 gave points for mooch request 1407216163 izzygoneyett (USA: VA) 2011/04/06
728.1 -2 726.1 deducted points for mooch request 0192854070 Marta (USA: NY) 2011/04/05
725.1 +3 728.1 gave points for mooch request 0753813998 izzygoneyett (USA: VA) 2011/04/04
722.1 +3 725.1 gave points for mooch request 033041562X A.H. Sturgis (USA: VA) 2011/04/04
719.1 +3 722.1 gave points for mooch request 0743201140 kaye16 (France) 2011/04/04
716.1 +3 719.1 gave points for mooch request 1847671691 Rebecca Nicolas (France) 2011/04/03
713.1 +3 716.1 gave points for mooch request 1405905220 Carl Sell (USA: PA) 2011/04/03
710.1 +3 713.1 gave points for mooch request 1405905166 Carl Sell (USA: PA) 2011/04/03
707.1 +3 710.1 gave points for mooch request 1405905204 Carl Sell (USA: PA) 2011/04/03
704.1 +3 707.1 gave points for mooch request B002DPJVKK Carl Sell (USA: PA) 2011/04/03
701.1 +3 704.1 gave points for mooch request 034912051X Laura (France) 2011/04/03
700.1 +1 701.1 gave points for mooch request 1853408255 paranoidangel (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
700 +0.1 700.1 added book to inventory 0330454285 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
699.9 +0.1 700 added book to inventory 1853408255 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
698.9 +1 699.9 gave points for mooch request 0571252672 Yvann (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
698.8 +0.1 698.9 added book to inventory 1405905166 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
698.7 +0.1 698.8 added book to inventory 1405905220 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
698.6 +0.1 698.7 added book to inventory 033041562X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
695.6 +3 698.6 gave points for mooch request 0552551465 Emmeline (Netherlands) 2011/04/03
695.5 +0.1 695.6 added book to inventory 0743201140 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
695.4 +0.1 695.5 added book to inventory 0907120067 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
695.3 +0.1 695.4 added book to inventory 034912051X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
695.4 -0.1 695.3 removed book from inventory 0571252672 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
695.3 +0.1 695.4 added book to inventory 0571252672 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
695.2 +0.1 695.3 added book to inventory 0571252672 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
695.1 +0.1 695.2 added book to inventory 0753813998 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
695 +0.1 695.1 added book to inventory 0753813998 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
694.9 +0.1 695 added book to inventory 1407216155 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
694.8 +0.1 694.9 added book to inventory 1407216163 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
694.7 +0.1 694.8 added book to inventory B002DPJVKK Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
694.6 +0.1 694.7 added book to inventory 1405905204 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
694.5 +0.1 694.6 added book to inventory 0007120265 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
694.4 +0.1 694.5 added book to inventory 014131690X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
694.3 +0.1 694.4 added book to inventory 0744593670 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
694.2 +0.1 694.3 added book to inventory 0552551465 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
694.1 +0.1 694.2 added book to inventory 1847671691 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
694.2 -0.1 694.1 removed book from inventory 009192278X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
694.3 -0.1 694.2 removed book from inventory 0340824425 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/03
695.3 -1 694.3 deducted points for mooch request 0955743885 vwstarbug (United Kingdom) 2011/04/02
696.3 -1 695.3 deducted points for mooch request 0553405330 Paul Harvey (United Kingdom) 2011/04/02
697.3 -1 696.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451403525 Judith (United Kingdom) 2011/04/02
698.3 -1 697.3 deducted points for mooch request 0965004058 Rosy Coggill (United Kingdom) 2011/04/02
699.3 -1 698.3 deducted points for mooch request 0140111093 Hetty (United Kingdom) 2011/04/02
700.3 -1 699.3 deducted points for mooch request 9780099513421 Amanda W (United Kingdom) 2011/04/02
701.3 -1 700.3 deducted points for mooch request 057122444X goskatevans (United Kingdom) 2011/04/02
701.4 -0.1 701.3 removed book from inventory 1841493546 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/01
701.5 -0.1 701.4 removed book from inventory 1841493236 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/01
701.4 +0.1 701.5 added book to inventory 1841493236 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/01
701.3 +0.1 701.4 added book to inventory 1841493546 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/04/01
700.3 +1 701.3 gave points for mooch request 0426106555 Roy Dickel (United Kingdom) 2011/03/29
699.3 +1 700.3 gave points for mooch request 0426112954 Roy Dickel (United Kingdom) 2011/03/29
696.3 +3 699.3 gave points for mooch request 0345430565 Denise and Patrick McCrohan (Ireland) 2011/03/28
693.3 +3 696.3 gave points for mooch request 0340963778 Denise and Patrick McCrohan (Ireland) 2011/03/28
690.3 +3 693.3 gave points for mooch request 9781904233886 Emily (USA: IA) 2011/03/27
691.3 -1 690.3 deducted points for mooch request 0747591687 Gunter (United Kingdom) 2011/03/27
692.3 -1 691.3 deducted points for mooch request 1416948058 Hazel Clapham (United Kingdom) 2011/03/27
692.2 +0.1 692.3 added book to inventory 0091894840 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/27
689.2 +3 692.2 gave points for mooch request 0006513905 MaddMaxx (USA: NY) 2011/03/27
689.3 -0.1 689.2 removed book from inventory 0571252672 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/27
689.2 +0.1 689.3 added book to inventory 0571252672 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/27
689.1 +0.1 689.2 added book to inventory 0426112954 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/27
686.1 +3 689.1 gave points for mooch request 1405905131 Carl Sell (USA: PA) 2011/03/26
683.1 +3 686.1 gave points for mooch request 0747572453 sue (Ireland) 2011/03/26
682.1 +1 683.1 gave points for mooch request 9780099513421 dragonbane (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
682 +0.1 682.1 added book to inventory 1405905131 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
682.1 -0.1 682 removed book from inventory 0340824425 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
682 +0.1 682.1 added book to inventory 0340824425 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
681.9 +0.1 682 added book to inventory 0340824425 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
681.8 +0.1 681.9 added book to inventory 0747572453 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
678.8 +3 681.8 gave points for mooch request 1405905190 Chris (USA: PA) 2011/03/26
675.8 +3 678.8 gave points for mooch request 1405905158 Chris (USA: PA) 2011/03/26
675.7 +0.1 675.8 added book to inventory 1597894710 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
675.6 +0.1 675.7 added book to inventory 0426106555 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
675.5 +0.1 675.6 added book to inventory 1405905190 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
674.5 +1 675.5 gave points for mooch request 009192278X Sylvia Lukeman (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
674.4 +0.1 674.5 added book to inventory 1405905158 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
674.3 +0.1 674.4 added book to inventory 0755336348 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
674.2 +0.1 674.3 added book to inventory 0345430565 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
674.1 +0.1 674.2 added book to inventory 1853810622 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
674 +0.1 674.1 added book to inventory 1577482891 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
673.9 +0.1 674 added book to inventory 0747585105 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
673.8 +0.1 673.9 added book to inventory 057120998X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
673.7 +0.1 673.8 added book to inventory 1577482565 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
673.6 +0.1 673.7 added book to inventory 009192278X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
674.6 -1 673.6 deducted points for mooch request 0426116747 Diane (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
674.5 +0.1 674.6 added book to inventory 075534359X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
674.4 +0.1 674.5 added book to inventory 9780099513421 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
671.4 +3 674.4 gave points for mooch request 0747553556 Nicole (USA: CT) 2011/03/26
670.4 +1 671.4 gave points for mooch request 0007263511 Evelyn (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
670.3 +0.1 670.4 added book to inventory 0007263511 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
670.4 -0.1 670.3 removed book from inventory 0747553556 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
670.3 +0.1 670.4 added book to inventory 0747553556 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
670.2 +0.1 670.3 added book to inventory 0747553556 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
670.1 +0.1 670.2 added book to inventory 0006513905 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/26
671.1 -1 670.1 deducted points for mooch request 1405307862 Joanna (United Kingdom) 2011/03/24
672.1 -1 671.1 deducted points for mooch request 0571228755 matleestone (United Kingdom) 2011/03/23
669.1 +3 672.1 gave points for mooch request 0330448447 Dani201 (Austria) 2011/03/23
666.1 +3 669.1 gave points for mooch request 1848870426 Olivia (USA: NY) 2011/03/21
663.1 +3 666.1 gave points for mooch request 0006550169 Teri (USA: IA) 2011/03/21
660.1 +3 663.1 gave points for mooch request 0751541710 Teri (USA: IA) 2011/03/21
659.1 +1 660.1 gave points for mooch request 0099481324 Evelyn (United Kingdom) 2011/03/21
658.1 +1 659.1 gave points for mooch request 0140293817 alisondavina (United Kingdom) 2011/03/21
658 +0.1 658.1 added book to inventory 0752804340 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/21
658.1 -0.1 658 removed book from inventory 0099481324 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/21
658 +0.1 658.1 added book to inventory 0099481324 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/21
657.9 +0.1 658 added book to inventory 0099481324 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/21
657.8 +0.1 657.9 added book to inventory 0330448447 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/21
659.8 -2 657.8 deducted points for mooch request 0385492081 Jenni Canuck (Canada) 2011/03/21
661.8 -2 659.8 deducted points for mooch request 0451457811 Jenni Canuck (Canada) 2011/03/21
663.8 -2 661.8 deducted points for mooch request B000OB9ZOM Jenni Canuck (Canada) 2011/03/21
665.8 -2 663.8 deducted points for mooch request 0722538073 Jenni Canuck (Canada) 2011/03/21
662.8 +3 665.8 gave points for mooch request 0340994045 Tina Plyta (Greece) 2011/03/21
661.8 +1 662.8 gave points for mooch request 1905940157 Alison Bayne (United Kingdom) 2011/03/21
658.8 +3 661.8 gave points for mooch request 0330513699 Suzanne (USA: CO) 2011/03/20
655.8 +3 658.8 gave points for mooch request 1409102513 Suzanne (USA: CO) 2011/03/20
652.8 +3 655.8 gave points for mooch request 0600616614 ArtemisAthene (Canada) 2011/03/20
649.8 +3 652.8 gave points for mooch request 1844546985 Lindsay Grisdale (Canada) 2011/03/20
648.8 +1 649.8 gave points for mooch request 0751544159 Kelly (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
645.8 +3 648.8 gave points for mooch request 0140133402 Simona (Italia) 2011/03/20
645.9 -0.1 645.8 removed book from inventory 0340823321 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
645.8 +0.1 645.9 added book to inventory 0340823321 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
642.8 +3 645.8 gave points for mooch request 0747580944 Mallory (USA: ME) 2011/03/20
639.8 +3 642.8 gave points for mooch request 0426108744 Gerri (Canada) 2011/03/20
636.8 +3 639.8 gave points for mooch request 0426114639 Gerri (Canada) 2011/03/20
635.8 +1 636.8 gave points for mooch request 1558522220 donna (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
632.8 +3 635.8 gave points for mooch request 0141006870 Brenda (USA: RI) 2011/03/20
629.8 +3 632.8 gave points for mooch request 0426203569 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2011/03/20
626.8 +3 629.8 gave points for mooch request 0426200934 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2011/03/20
626.9 -0.1 626.8 removed book from inventory 1597894710 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
626.8 +0.1 626.9 added book to inventory 1597894710 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
626.7 +0.1 626.8 added book to inventory 0751544159 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
623.7 +3 626.7 gave points for mooch request 1847672493 Raissa Zieger (Germany) 2011/03/20
623.6 +0.1 623.7 added book to inventory 0426200934 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
623.5 +0.1 623.6 added book to inventory 0340994045 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
623.4 +0.1 623.5 added book to inventory 0141006870 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
620.4 +3 623.4 gave points for mooch request 0426203429 chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2011/03/20
617.4 +3 620.4 gave points for mooch request 0755303105 infiniteletters (USA: KY) 2011/03/20
617.3 +0.1 617.4 added book to inventory 0426108744 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
617.2 +0.1 617.3 added book to inventory 0426203429 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
617.1 +0.1 617.2 added book to inventory 9781904233886 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
617 +0.1 617.1 added book to inventory 9781904233886 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
616.9 +0.1 617 added book to inventory 0426114639 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
616.8 +0.1 616.9 added book to inventory 1844546985 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
616.7 +0.1 616.8 added book to inventory 0600616614 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
613.7 +3 616.7 gave points for mooch request 0426110412 chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2011/03/20
610.7 +3 613.7 gave points for mooch request 0426103726 chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2011/03/20
607.7 +3 610.7 gave points for mooch request 0426112520 chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2011/03/20
607.6 +0.1 607.7 added book to inventory 0426112520 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
607.5 +0.1 607.6 added book to inventory 0426103726 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
607.4 +0.1 607.5 added book to inventory 0426110412 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
607.3 +0.1 607.4 added book to inventory 0006550169 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
604.3 +3 607.3 gave points for mooch request 0719597307 Geophile (Canada) 2011/03/20
601.3 +3 604.3 gave points for mooch request 0007164599 Geophile (Canada) 2011/03/20
601.2 +0.1 601.3 added book to inventory 0751541710 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
601.1 +0.1 601.2 added book to inventory 0755315502 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
601 +0.1 601.1 added book to inventory 0140293817 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
600.9 +0.1 601 added book to inventory 0426203569 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
600.8 +0.1 600.9 added book to inventory 0719597307 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
600.7 +0.1 600.8 added book to inventory 0747580944 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
600.6 +0.1 600.7 added book to inventory 0340963778 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
600.5 +0.1 600.6 added book to inventory 1905940157 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
600.4 +0.1 600.5 added book to inventory 1847672493 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
600.3 +0.1 600.4 added book to inventory 0755354389 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
600.2 +0.1 600.3 added book to inventory 0755303105 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
600.1 +0.1 600.2 added book to inventory 0755311299 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
600 +0.1 600.1 added book to inventory 0140133402 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
599.9 +0.1 600 added book to inventory 0007164599 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
599.8 +0.1 599.9 added book to inventory 1558522220 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
599.7 +0.1 599.8 added book to inventory 0340993707 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
599.6 +0.1 599.7 added book to inventory 1848870426 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
599.5 +0.1 599.6 added book to inventory 0330513699 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
599.4 +0.1 599.5 added book to inventory 1409102513 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
599.5 -0.1 599.4 removed book from inventory 0749913975 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
599.6 -0.1 599.5 removed book from inventory 079440412X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
599.7 -0.1 599.6 removed book from inventory 0140707158 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
599.8 -0.1 599.7 removed book from inventory 0751541710 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
599.9 -0.1 599.8 removed book from inventory 9780330455466 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
600 -0.1 599.9 removed book from inventory 0755354389 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
600.1 -0.1 600 removed book from inventory 0340994045 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
600.2 -0.1 600.1 removed book from inventory 0340993707 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
600.3 -0.1 600.2 removed book from inventory 0330513699 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
601.3 -1 600.3 deducted points for mooch request 075154034X Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2011/03/20
600.3 +1 601.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0743290313 pondhopper (United Kingdom) 2011/03/19
601.3 -1 600.3 deducted points for mooch request 0743290313 pondhopper (United Kingdom) 2011/03/19
602.3 -1 601.3 deducted points for mooch request 0563162619 Shirin (Singapore) 2011/03/19
604.3 -2 602.3 deducted points for mooch request 1570718423 Robin (USA: VA) 2011/03/16
605.3 -1 604.3 deducted points for mooch request 0007244282 pennywhistler (United Kingdom) 2011/03/16
607.3 -2 605.3 deducted points for mooch request 0743213661 Helen Frances (Australia) 2011/03/15
609.3 -2 607.3 deducted points for mooch request 0786891254 kislany (Cyprus) 2011/03/14
611.3 -2 609.3 deducted points for mooch request B0006AYTMY ArtemisAthene (Canada) 2011/03/14
610.3 +1 611.3 gave points for mooch request 1845293576 Emma (United Kingdom) 2011/03/14
612.3 -2 610.3 deducted points for mooch request 034912051X Lisa (Ireland) 2011/03/13
613.3 -1 612.3 deducted points for mooch request 0593053435 Parrish (United Kingdom) 2011/03/13
613.2 +0.1 613.3 added book to inventory 079440412X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/13
615.2 -2 613.2 deducted points for mooch request 0380778793 Cathy Wright (USA: WA) 2011/03/13
612.2 +3 615.2 gave points for mooch request 9780330455404 Dorit (Israel) 2011/03/12
614.2 -2 612.2 deducted points for mooch request 0446402397 Denise and Patrick McCrohan (Ireland) 2011/03/12
616.2 -2 614.2 deducted points for mooch request 0882821830 sarah7287 (USA: OH) 2011/03/11
618.2 -2 616.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451229614 Michelle (Netherlands) 2011/03/07
615.2 +3 618.2 gave points for mooch request 0749008520 Sheila Connolly (USA: WA) 2011/03/06
614.2 +1 615.2 gave points for mooch request 0140088172 Hetty (United Kingdom) 2011/03/06
616.2 -2 614.2 deducted points for mooch request 0471450510 Cassy (USA: CA) 2011/03/06
617.2 -1 616.2 deducted points for mooch request 023395726X Providence (United Kingdom) 2011/03/06
619.2 -2 617.2 deducted points for mooch request 0345336062 Mika-Petri (Finland) 2011/03/06
616.2 +3 619.2 gave points for mooch request 0552149527 HEIDI (Germany) 2011/03/06
616.1 +0.1 616.2 added book to inventory 0140088172 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/06
613.1 +3 616.1 gave points for mooch request 1845297342 Cariola (USA) 2011/03/05
613 +0.1 613.1 added book to inventory 0340993707 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/05
612.9 +0.1 613 added book to inventory 9780330455466 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/05
612.8 +0.1 612.9 added book to inventory 9780330455404 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/05
612.9 -0.1 612.8 removed book from inventory 1848870426 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/05
612.8 +0.1 612.9 added book to inventory 1848870426 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/05
612.9 -0.1 612.8 removed book from inventory 0552149527 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/05
612.8 +0.1 612.9 added book to inventory 0552149527 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/05
612.7 +0.1 612.8 added book to inventory 0552149527 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/05
612.6 +0.1 612.7 added book to inventory 0749008520 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/05
612.5 +0.1 612.6 added book to inventory 0330513699 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/05
612.4 +0.1 612.5 added book to inventory 1845297342 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/05
613.4 -1 612.4 deducted points for mooch request 033044980X Spooky Mulder (United Kingdom) 2011/03/05
613.5 -0.1 613.4 removed book from inventory 1405906634 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/05
614.5 -1 613.5 deducted points for mooch request 0340836776 Kay Burkinshaw (United Kingdom) 2011/03/03
615.5 -1 614.5 deducted points for mooch request 0752815415 fionamc (United Kingdom) 2011/03/02
617.5 -2 615.5 deducted points for mooch request 0060148845 Teri (USA: NY) 2011/03/02
618.5 -1 617.5 deducted points for mooch request 0571175937 lotuscandy (United Kingdom) 2011/03/01
619.5 -1 618.5 deducted points for mooch request 0099481324 Toni Dipple (United Kingdom) 2011/03/01
620.5 -1 619.5 deducted points for mooch request 1847561217 chris wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2011/03/01
620.4 +0.1 620.5 added book to inventory 0755354389 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/03/01
617.4 +3 620.4 gave points for mooch request 1405905182 Sylvia (USA: PA) 2011/02/28
617.3 +0.1 617.4 added book to inventory 1405905182 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/28
617.2 +0.1 617.3 added book to inventory 1405906634 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/28
617.1 +0.1 617.2 added book to inventory 0751541710 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/28
619.1 -2 617.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425233421 Michelle (Netherlands) 2011/02/28
620.1 -1 619.1 deducted points for mooch request 0312128517 Roy Dickel (United Kingdom) 2011/02/28
622.1 -2 620.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425232654 Michelle (Netherlands) 2011/02/28
619.1 +3 622.1 gave points for mooch request 0330452576 Sarah Ferguson (USA: DE) 2011/02/28
616.1 +3 619.1 gave points for mooch request 000762090X Mike (USA: NY) 2011/02/27
615.1 +1 616.1 gave points for mooch request 1857231465 hettie (United Kingdom) 2011/02/27
615 +0.1 615.1 added book to inventory 0749913975 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/27
614 +1 615 gave points for mooch request 0140123083 Ellen (United Kingdom) 2011/02/26
611 +3 614 gave points for mooch request 0755341694 neanje (Slovenia) 2011/02/26
610.9 +0.1 611 added book to inventory 0755341694 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/26
610.8 +0.1 610.9 added book to inventory 1857231465 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/26
610.9 -0.1 610.8 removed book from inventory 0755341694 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/26
610.8 +0.1 610.9 added book to inventory 0755341694 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/26
610.7 +0.1 610.8 added book to inventory 0140707158 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/26
611.7 -1 610.7 deducted points for mooch request 1904233880 Donpeterede (United Kingdom) 2011/02/26
608.7 +3 611.7 gave points for mooch request 1845296699 Robin (USA: VA) 2011/02/26
605.7 +3 608.7 gave points for mooch request 0007157762 Marcelo (Brazil) 2011/02/26
602.7 +3 605.7 gave points for mooch request 0860681297 Milenko P (Germany) 2011/02/26
602.6 +0.1 602.7 added book to inventory 0140123083 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/26
602.5 +0.1 602.6 added book to inventory 0860681297 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/26
602.4 +0.1 602.5 added book to inventory 1845293576 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/26
632.4 -30 602.4 donated points to charity BookMooch Angels Fund (USA: CA) 2011/02/26
632.3 +0.1 632.4 added book to inventory 0007157762 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/26
632.2 +0.1 632.3 added book to inventory 0340994045 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/26
632.1 +0.1 632.2 added book to inventory 0330452576 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/26
629.1 +3 632.1 gave points for mooch request 1845296672 Robin (USA: VA) 2011/02/25
629 +0.1 629.1 added book to inventory 000762090X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/25
628.9 +0.1 629 added book to inventory 1845296672 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/25
625.9 +3 628.9 gave points for mooch request 0727891588 Larry Mayer (USA: KS) 2011/02/24
625.8 +0.1 625.9 added book to inventory 0727891588 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/24
626.8 -1 625.8 deducted points for mooch request 9781904233916 Lucy Downward (United Kingdom) 2011/02/24
628.8 -2 626.8 deducted points for mooch request 1860469590 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2011/02/24
625.8 +3 628.8 gave points for mooch request 1845297342 hotsprgs2 (USA: AR) 2011/02/22
624.8 +1 625.8 gave points for mooch request 1845293193 Ems (United Kingdom) 2011/02/22
621.8 +3 624.8 gave points for mooch request 1845297350 Aspa (Greece) 2011/02/21
622.8 -1 621.8 deducted points for mooch request 0007329105 fionamc (United Kingdom) 2011/02/21
625.8 -3 622.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 1845297350 Cariola (USA) 2011/02/21
622.8 +3 625.8 gave points for mooch request 1845297350 Cariola (USA) 2011/02/21
622.7 +0.1 622.8 added book to inventory 1845293193 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/21
622.6 +0.1 622.7 added book to inventory 1845297342 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/21
622.5 +0.1 622.6 added book to inventory 1845296699 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/21
622.4 +0.1 622.5 added book to inventory 1845297350 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/02/21
621.4 +1 622.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0192853813 jess (United Kingdom) 2011/02/21
620.4 +1 621.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 1841153230 Gillian (United Kingdom) 2011/02/21
621.4 -1 620.4 deducted points for mooch request 0859698505 annecater (United Kingdom) 2011/02/19
623.4 -2 621.4 deducted points for mooch request 0552141089 peter (South Korea) 2011/02/06
624.4 -1 623.4 deducted points for mooch request 0727891588 Lindar1 (United Kingdom) 2011/02/05
626.4 -2 624.4 deducted points for mooch request 1568843607 emmolck (USA: IL) 2011/01/27
626.3 +0.1 626.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0814459692 vkanids (USA: KS) 2011/01/26
626.2 +0.1 626.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0752844172 Nicci (United Kingdom) 2011/01/26
626.1 +0.1 626.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425206696 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2011/01/26
626 +0.1 626.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0486229130 PeppermintKiwi (USA: TX) 2011/01/26
625 +1 626 received a smooch carla (Portugal) 2011/01/26
624.9 +0.1 625 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0007232845 John S (United Kingdom) 2011/01/25
624.8 +0.1 624.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140036040 Kim (United Kingdom) 2011/01/25
624.7 +0.1 624.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747261059 Katie (United Kingdom) 2011/01/25
624.6 +0.1 624.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416578935 Rosemarie Larkin (USA: NJ) 2011/01/25
625.6 -1 624.6 deducted points for mooch request 0192853813 jess (United Kingdom) 2011/01/22
626.6 -1 625.6 deducted points for mooch request 1841153230 Gillian (United Kingdom) 2011/01/22
626.5 +0.1 626.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0340823321 Jan (United Kingdom) 2011/01/22
626.4 +0.1 626.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0340823380 Jan (United Kingdom) 2011/01/22
626.3 +0.1 626.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1845965728 Providence (United Kingdom) 2011/01/22
626.2 +0.1 626.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747230617 Mike (United Kingdom) 2011/01/22
626.1 +0.1 626.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0006493203 Courtney (United Kingdom) 2011/01/22
626 +0.1 626.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747580944 Martin Williams (United Kingdom) 2011/01/22
627 -1 626 deducted points for mooch request 0752844172 Nicci (United Kingdom) 2011/01/21
626 +1 627 mooch cancelled by requestor 0553406647 Chris (United Kingdom) 2011/01/20
625 +1 626 mooch cancelled by requestor 2831508800 trudy2 (United Kingdom) 2011/01/20
624.9 +0.1 625 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671661590 Lisa (USA: WA) 2011/01/20
626.9 -2 624.9 deducted points for mooch request 0060002492 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2011/01/20
628.9 -2 626.9 deducted points for mooch request 0060580674 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2011/01/20
630.9 -2 628.9 deducted points for mooch request 0060521600 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2011/01/20
629.9 +1 630.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0141182563 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2011/01/19
630.9 -1 629.9 deducted points for mooch request 0007232845 John S (United Kingdom) 2011/01/19
631.9 -1 630.9 deducted points for mooch request 1845965728 Providence (United Kingdom) 2011/01/19
731.9 -100 631.9 donated points to charity Hercules Invictus (USA: NJ) 2011/01/19
731.8 +0.1 731.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0749913975 build_them_skyward (Regno Unito) 2011/01/19
730.8 +1 731.8 mooch rejected by book owner 0192854011 Kim (United Kingdom) 2011/01/19
732.8 -2 730.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425206696 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2011/01/19
733.8 -1 732.8 deducted points for mooch request 0192854011 Kim (United Kingdom) 2011/01/18
734.8 -1 733.8 deducted points for mooch request 0140036040 Kim (United Kingdom) 2011/01/18
736.8 -2 734.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425193896 Susan (USA: NJ) 2011/01/18
737.8 -1 736.8 deducted points for mooch request 1846776996 Patricia (United Kingdom) 2011/01/17
737.7 +0.1 737.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060987049 Charlotte (United Kingdom) 2011/01/17
739.7 -2 737.7 deducted points for mooch request 1558522220 rwnye (USA: MI) 2011/01/17
740.7 -1 739.7 deducted points for mooch request 0747261059 Katie (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
741.7 -1 740.7 deducted points for mooch request 0006493203 Courtney (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
742.7 -1 741.7 deducted points for mooch request 0006547133 drewr236 (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
743.7 -1 742.7 deducted points for mooch request 000762090X drewr236 (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
745.7 -2 743.7 deducted points for mooch request 0814459692 vkanids (USA: KS) 2011/01/16
746.7 -1 745.7 deducted points for mooch request 0749913975 build_them_skyward (Regno Unito) 2011/01/16
747.7 -1 746.7 deducted points for mooch request 1906217300 Helen (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
748.7 -1 747.7 deducted points for mooch request 0340823321 Jan (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
749.7 -1 748.7 deducted points for mooch request 0340823380 Jan (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
749.8 -0.1 749.7 removed book from inventory 0306814277 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
749.9 -0.1 749.8 removed book from inventory 0778300781 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
750 -0.1 749.9 removed book from inventory 0413800709 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
750.1 -0.1 750 removed book from inventory 075153188X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
750.2 -0.1 750.1 removed book from inventory 0349115761 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
750.3 -0.1 750.2 removed book from inventory 1577481577 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
750.4 -0.1 750.3 removed book from inventory 0743482700 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
750.5 -0.1 750.4 removed book from inventory 0743231392 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
750.6 -0.1 750.5 removed book from inventory 0751530166 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
750.7 -0.1 750.6 removed book from inventory 0743488032 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
750.8 -0.1 750.7 removed book from inventory 0755315502 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
750.9 -0.1 750.8 removed book from inventory 0352325011 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
751 -0.1 750.9 removed book from inventory 0156026988 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
751.1 -0.1 751 removed book from inventory 0 523 41013 1 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
751.2 -0.1 751.1 removed book from inventory 0140293817 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
751.3 -0.1 751.2 removed book from inventory 057120998X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
751.4 -0.1 751.3 removed book from inventory 1841953458 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
751.5 -0.1 751.4 removed book from inventory 0552151416 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
751.6 -0.1 751.5 removed book from inventory 157748410X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
751.7 -0.1 751.6 removed book from inventory 0006368247 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
751.8 -0.1 751.7 removed book from inventory 0140038833 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
751.9 -0.1 751.8 removed book from inventory 190551333X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
752 -0.1 751.9 removed book from inventory 1567511848 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
752.1 -0.1 752 removed book from inventory 1844540839 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
752.2 -0.1 752.1 removed book from inventory 1577481461 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
752.3 -0.1 752.2 removed book from inventory 067173217X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
752.4 -0.1 752.3 removed book from inventory 0752836838 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
752.5 -0.1 752.4 removed book from inventory 0330285130 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
752.6 -0.1 752.5 removed book from inventory 0141021780 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
752.7 -0.1 752.6 removed book from inventory 1845297903 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
752.8 -0.1 752.7 removed book from inventory 1577481453 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
752.9 -0.1 752.8 removed book from inventory 1577482891 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
753 -0.1 752.9 removed book from inventory 0755336348 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
753.1 -0.1 753 removed book from inventory 0004357736 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
753.2 -0.1 753.1 removed book from inventory 0671669788 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
753.3 -0.1 753.2 removed book from inventory 0747585105 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
753.4 -0.1 753.3 removed book from inventory 0007257198 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
753.5 -0.1 753.4 removed book from inventory 1577482565 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
753.6 -0.1 753.5 removed book from inventory 1405246766 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
753.7 -0.1 753.6 removed book from inventory 0099439859 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
754.7 -1 753.7 deducted points for mooch request 0747230617 Mike (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
754.6 +0.1 754.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0007157762 aganmooch (Germany) 2011/01/16
754.5 +0.1 754.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671411608 Marilyn (Canada) 2011/01/16
756.5 -2 754.5 deducted points for mooch request 1416578935 Rosemarie Larkin (USA: NJ) 2011/01/16
756.4 +0.1 756.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1844082296 SueStelfox (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
756.3 +0.1 756.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0007115288 SueStelfox (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
756.2 +0.1 756.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0007106009 Judith (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
756.1 +0.1 756.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747250618 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
756 +0.1 756.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0304352004 Matt M (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
755.9 +0.1 756 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758207042 John Clark (USA: ME) 2011/01/16
755.8 +0.1 755.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060004630 Karen (USA: MO) 2011/01/16
755.7 +0.1 755.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843953586 mu (USA: AZ) 2011/01/16
755.6 +0.1 755.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0719597307 mutemural (Finland) 2011/01/16
755.5 +0.1 755.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0755334280 Karen (USA: MO) 2011/01/16
754.5 +1 755.5 lost in the mail says book owner 0195307011 catherine fayter (United Kingdom) 2011/01/16
753.5 +1 754.5 gave points for mooch request 0230219314 atlanta (United Kingdom) 2011/01/15
750.5 +3 753.5 gave points for mooch request 0330491881 Lucindasue (USA: FL) 2011/01/13
747.5 +3 750.5 gave points for mooch request 0099282127 Jay (Italy) 2011/01/12
748.5 -1 747.5 deducted points for mooch request 0747580944 Martin Williams (United Kingdom) 2011/01/12
747.5 +1 748.5 gave points for mooch request 0140269274 Oliver (United Kingdom) 2011/01/12
745.5 +2 747.5 mooch rejected by book owner 9780316024754 Lynn W (USA: MD) 2011/01/10
745.4 +0.1 745.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0385478003 connie holloway (USA: CA) 2011/01/08
745.3 +0.1 745.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book BM119522073574690509 Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2011/01/08
745.2 +0.1 745.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book BM1195220309491461933 Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2011/01/08
745.1 +0.1 745.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141006870 Duncan (United Kingdom) 2011/01/07
745 +0.1 745.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312947860 Elizabeth (Canada) 2011/01/07
746 -1 745 deducted points for mooch request 1844082296 SueStelfox (United Kingdom) 2011/01/05
747 -1 746 deducted points for mooch request 0007115288 SueStelfox (United Kingdom) 2011/01/05
748 -1 747 deducted points for mooch request 0060987049 Charlotte (United Kingdom) 2011/01/04
749 -1 748 deducted points for mooch request 0007106009 Judith (United Kingdom) 2011/01/03
746 +3 749 gave points for mooch request 0099186926 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2011/01/03
743 +3 746 gave points for mooch request 0345504402 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2011/01/03
742.9 +0.1 743 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671029673 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2011/01/03
742.8 +0.1 742.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0449222462 Stanley Olszyna (USA: MA) 2011/01/03
742.7 +0.1 742.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330317423 Pete (United Kingdom) 2011/01/03
742.6 +0.1 742.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312952813 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2011/01/03
742.5 +0.1 742.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451409361 Elizabeth (Canada) 2011/01/03
742.4 +0.1 742.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0718147979 lauzc (United Kingdom) 2011/01/03
744.4 -2 742.4 deducted points for mooch request 0156031914 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2011/01/03
745.4 -1 744.4 deducted points for mooch request 0304352004 Matt M (United Kingdom) 2011/01/03
747.4 -2 745.4 deducted points for mooch request 9780316024754 Lynn W (USA: MD) 2011/01/03
749.4 -2 747.4 deducted points for mooch request 0747250618 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2011/01/03
748.4 +1 749.4 gave points for mooch request 0349102031 Sapphology (United Kingdom) 2011/01/02
749.4 -1 748.4 deducted points for mooch request 0385478003 connie holloway (USA: CA) 2011/01/01
751.4 -2 749.4 deducted points for mooch request 0007157762 aganmooch (Germany) 2010/12/22
753.4 -2 751.4 deducted points for mooch request 0758207042 John Clark (USA: ME) 2010/12/22
755.4 -2 753.4 deducted points for mooch request 0719597307 mutemural (Finland) 2010/12/21
756.4 -1 755.4 deducted points for mooch request 0330317423 Pete (United Kingdom) 2010/12/19
758.4 -2 756.4 deducted points for mooch request 0486229130 PeppermintKiwi (USA: TX) 2010/12/19
759.4 -1 758.4 deducted points for mooch request 0141006870 Duncan (United Kingdom) 2010/12/18
759.3 +0.1 759.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553561928 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2010/12/18
756.3 +3 759.3 gave points for mooch request 1840729651 Mike & Jill Bemis (USA: MN) 2010/12/17
755.3 +1 756.3 received a smooch Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2010/12/17
754.3 +1 755.3 received a smooch Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2010/12/17
753.3 +1 754.3 received a smooch Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2010/12/17
752.3 +1 753.3 received a smooch Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2010/12/17
751.3 +1 752.3 received a smooch Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2010/12/17
748.3 +3 751.3 gave points for mooch request 0752201581 Jen (Canada) 2010/12/16
747.3 +1 748.3 gave points for mooch request 0340831642 domino232 (United Kingdom) 2010/12/16
747.2 +0.1 747.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0811736296 Missy (USA: CO) 2010/12/13
747.1 +0.1 747.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0139539859 JJ (Malaysia) 2010/12/13
748.1 -1 747.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553561928 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2010/12/12
748 +0.1 748.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0752882171 Sapphology (United Kingdom) 2010/12/12
745 +3 748 gave points for mooch request 184243215X Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/12/09
744 +1 745 mooch rejected by book owner 0006498442 rich tutt (United Kingdom) 2010/12/09
741 +3 744 gave points for mooch request 0586066241 Cheryl (Australia) 2010/12/09
743 -2 741 deducted points for mooch request 0843953586 mu (USA: AZ) 2010/12/09
742.9 +0.1 743 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0006156908 Andy L (United Kingdom) 2010/12/08
742.8 +0.1 742.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book BM118988234664220084 Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2010/12/08
742.7 +0.1 742.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 019920473X jennir (United Kingdom) 2010/12/08
742.6 +0.1 742.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0413757102 Booketta (United Kingdom) 2010/12/08
742.5 +0.1 742.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book BM1274731711455143418 Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2010/12/08
742.4 +0.1 742.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553239317 Andy L (United Kingdom) 2010/12/08
742.3 +0.1 742.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747409498 Andy L (United Kingdom) 2010/12/08
742.2 +0.1 742.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0195314603 muyilusionada (USA: MA) 2010/12/08
742.1 +0.1 742.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 074740948X Andy L (United Kingdom) 2010/12/08
742 +0.1 742.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553240323 Andy L (United Kingdom) 2010/12/08
741.9 +0.1 742 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140622764 Jason Forde (Ireland) 2010/12/08
741.8 +0.1 741.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425230554 Dawn (USA: IL) 2010/12/08
741.7 +0.1 741.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425206351 Pam (USA: AL) 2010/12/08
741.6 +0.1 741.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140100865 Dannelke (USA: PA) 2010/12/08
741.5 +0.1 741.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book BM1195220032569804446 Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2010/12/08
742.5 -1 741.5 gave a smooch Claire (France) 2010/12/08
743.5 -1 742.5 gave a smooch Claire (France) 2010/12/08
740.5 +3 743.5 gave points for mooch request 0340200472 Aspa (Greece) 2010/12/08
737.5 +3 740.5 gave points for mooch request 0425225488 AshleyLSwain1983 (USA: OH) 2010/12/06
736.5 +1 737.5 gave points for mooch request 0515113328 Ruth (United Kingdom) 2010/12/06
735.5 +1 736.5 gave points for mooch request 0755300203 Birgit (United Kingdom) 2010/12/06
734.5 +1 735.5 gave points for mooch request 0752875620 Birgit (United Kingdom) 2010/12/06
731.5 +3 734.5 gave points for mooch request 0571217540 Aspa (Greece) 2010/12/05
728.5 +3 731.5 gave points for mooch request 0552999814 Aspa (Greece) 2010/12/05
725.5 +3 728.5 gave points for mooch request 033037222X scarlettraces (New Zealand) 2010/12/05
722.5 +3 725.5 gave points for mooch request 0380778777 Bonnie S. (USA: FL) 2010/12/05
719.5 +3 722.5 gave points for mooch request 1845296656 belaqua (USA: TX) 2010/12/05
719.4 +0.1 719.5 added book to inventory 0099186926 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
719.3 +0.1 719.4 added book to inventory 0425225488 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
716.3 +3 719.3 gave points for mooch request 0747563691 Shawna (USA: CA) 2010/12/05
715.3 +1 716.3 gave points for mooch request 0006862993 Levitron (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
712.3 +3 715.3 gave points for mooch request 0241143535 halbrooks (USA: NY) 2010/12/05
712.2 +0.1 712.3 added book to inventory 0552999814 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
712.1 +0.1 712.2 added book to inventory 1845296656 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
709.1 +3 712.1 gave points for mooch request 1881527638 Whitney (USA: PA) 2010/12/05
709 +0.1 709.1 added book to inventory 0241143535 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
708 +1 709 gave points for mooch request 0760704457 sue.w (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
707.9 +0.1 708 added book to inventory 1845297903 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
707.8 +0.1 707.9 added book to inventory 0006862993 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
707.7 +0.1 707.8 added book to inventory 0760704457 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
704.7 +3 707.7 gave points for mooch request 075534359X carla (Portugal) 2010/12/05
704.6 +0.1 704.7 added book to inventory 075534359X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
704.5 +0.1 704.6 added book to inventory 0413800709 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
704.4 +0.1 704.5 added book to inventory 0515113328 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
704.3 +0.1 704.4 added book to inventory 184243215X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
704.2 +0.1 704.3 added book to inventory 0755315502 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
704.1 +0.1 704.2 added book to inventory 0755300203 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
704 +0.1 704.1 added book to inventory 0743488032 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
703.9 +0.1 704 added book to inventory 1841953458 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
702.9 +1 703.9 gave points for mooch request 009190921X Matthew (USA: NV) 2010/12/05
702.8 +0.1 702.9 added book to inventory 075153188X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
702.7 +0.1 702.8 added book to inventory 0752875620 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
701.7 +1 702.7 gave points for mooch request 0451224353 Karen1964 (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
700.7 +1 701.7 gave points for mooch request 1416903151 Providence (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
700.6 +0.1 700.7 added book to inventory 0586066241 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
700.5 +0.1 700.6 added book to inventory 009190921X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
700.4 +0.1 700.5 added book to inventory 0451224353 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
700.3 +0.1 700.4 added book to inventory 0156026988 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
700.2 +0.1 700.3 added book to inventory 1577481577 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
700.1 +0.1 700.2 added book to inventory 0743231392 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
700 +0.1 700.1 added book to inventory 1844540839 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
699.9 +0.1 700 added book to inventory 0330491881 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
699.8 +0.1 699.9 added book to inventory 0 523 41013 1 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
699.7 +0.1 699.8 added book to inventory 0571217540 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
699.6 +0.1 699.7 added book to inventory 033037222X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
699.5 +0.1 699.6 added book to inventory 0099282127 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
699.4 +0.1 699.5 added book to inventory 1416903151 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
699.3 +0.1 699.4 added book to inventory 0747563691 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
699.2 +0.1 699.3 added book to inventory 1881527638 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/05
696.2 +3 699.2 gave points for mooch request 1841953229 Ethaisa (Canada) 2010/12/04
695.2 +1 696.2 gave points for mooch request 1854108581 kittykat (United Kingdom) 2010/12/04
694.2 +1 695.2 gave points for mooch request 0091891965 Rebecca (United Kingdom) 2010/12/04
694.1 +0.1 694.2 added book to inventory 0330285130 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/04
694 +0.1 694.1 added book to inventory 0755336348 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/04
693.9 +0.1 694 added book to inventory 0349102031 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/04
693.8 +0.1 693.9 added book to inventory 0141021780 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/04
690.8 +3 693.8 gave points for mooch request 0330283928 sandbox (Brazil) 2010/12/04
690.7 +0.1 690.8 added book to inventory 0091891965 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/04
690.6 +0.1 690.7 added book to inventory 0349115761 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/04
690.5 +0.1 690.6 added book to inventory 067173217X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/04
690.4 +0.1 690.5 added book to inventory 0330283928 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/04
690.3 +0.1 690.4 added book to inventory 1577481461 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/04
690.2 +0.1 690.3 added book to inventory 0099439859 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/04
690.1 +0.1 690.2 added book to inventory 1854108581 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/04
690 +0.1 690.1 added book to inventory 1841953229 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/04
689.9 +0.1 690 added book to inventory 0340200472 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/04
689.8 +0.1 689.9 added book to inventory 0380778777 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/04
689.7 +0.1 689.8 added book to inventory 0306814277 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/04
691.7 -2 689.7 deducted points for mooch request 0060004630 Karen (USA: MO) 2010/12/04
693.7 -2 691.7 deducted points for mooch request 0755334280 Karen (USA: MO) 2010/12/04
690.7 +3 693.7 gave points for mooch request 0140621040 bartc (Belgium) 2010/12/03
687.7 +3 690.7 gave points for mooch request 0718115813 Carreen (USA: CT) 2010/12/03
687.6 +0.1 687.7 added book to inventory 0352325011 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/03
687.5 +0.1 687.6 added book to inventory 0718115813 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/03
687.4 +0.1 687.5 added book to inventory 0140621040 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/12/03
688.4 -1 687.4 deducted points for mooch request 0006498442 rich tutt (United Kingdom) 2010/12/03
690.4 -2 688.4 deducted points for mooch request 0843953500 Marie (USA: CA) 2010/12/03
689.4 +1 690.4 gave points for mooch request 0192731904 Amelie (United Kingdom) 2010/12/03
691.4 -2 689.4 deducted points for mooch request 0449222462 Stanley Olszyna (USA: MA) 2010/11/30
693.4 -2 691.4 deducted points for mooch request 0671029673 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/11/29
695.4 -2 693.4 deducted points for mooch request 0312952813 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/11/29
697.4 -2 695.4 deducted points for mooch request 0811736296 Missy (USA: CO) 2010/11/29
694.4 +3 697.4 gave points for mooch request 0330491962 Stephen (USA: NH) 2010/11/29
696.4 -2 694.4 deducted points for mooch request 0139539859 JJ (Malaysia) 2010/11/29
696.3 +0.1 696.4 added book to inventory 0330491962 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/29
695.3 +1 696.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 1841199478 Kenneth J O'Rourke (United Kingdom) 2010/11/28
693.3 +2 695.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0330510932 Lisamaureen (USA: TN) 2010/11/28
690.3 +3 693.3 gave points for mooch request 0753513811 melissak (USA: CA) 2010/11/27
692.3 -2 690.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312360614 Bridget76 (USA: IL) 2010/11/27
693.3 -1 692.3 deducted points for mooch request 019920473X jennir (United Kingdom) 2010/11/27
694.3 -1 693.3 deducted points for mooch request 0141182563 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2010/11/27
695.3 -1 694.3 deducted points for mooch request 0413757102 Booketta (United Kingdom) 2010/11/27
692.3 +3 695.3 gave points for mooch request 1843172933 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/11/24
692.2 +0.1 692.3 added book to inventory 1843172933 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/24
693.2 -1 692.2 deducted points for mooch request 0752882171 Sapphology (United Kingdom) 2010/11/24
690.2 +3 693.2 gave points for mooch request 0062736590 Emma T (France) 2010/11/24
687.2 +3 690.2 gave points for mooch request 1858289017 Emma T (France) 2010/11/24
689.2 -2 687.2 deducted points for mooch request 0195314603 muyilusionada (USA: MA) 2010/11/23
689.1 +0.1 689.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843961546 stacynvh (USA: AL) 2010/11/23
689 +0.1 689.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451405897 RoxiG (USA: NC) 2010/11/23
690 -1 689 deducted points for mooch request 0553239317 Andy L (United Kingdom) 2010/11/22
691 -1 690 deducted points for mooch request 074740948X Andy L (United Kingdom) 2010/11/22
692 -1 691 deducted points for mooch request 0747409498 Andy L (United Kingdom) 2010/11/22
693 -1 692 deducted points for mooch request 0006156908 Andy L (United Kingdom) 2010/11/22
694 -1 693 deducted points for mooch request 0553240323 Andy L (United Kingdom) 2010/11/22
691 +3 694 gave points for mooch request 1406303933 Genevieve (Canada) 2010/11/22
690 +1 691 gave points for mooch request 0571232760 Claire (France) 2010/11/19
687 +3 690 gave points for mooch request 0141035145 Antony Deter (USA: IL) 2010/11/17
689 -2 687 deducted points for mooch request 0140622764 Jason Forde (Ireland) 2010/11/16
686 +3 689 gave points for mooch request BM1200516001602177366 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/11/15
685.9 +0.1 686 added book to inventory BM1200516001602177366 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/15
682.9 +3 685.9 gave points for mooch request 1577480600 Sharon (USA: GA) 2010/11/15
682.8 +0.1 682.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743201140 John Buckman (United Kingdom) 2010/11/15
684.8 -2 682.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425230554 Dawn (USA: IL) 2010/11/15
683.8 +1 684.8 gave points for mooch request 0140622179 Norman B. (United Kingdom) 2010/11/15
682.8 +1 683.8 gave points for mooch request 1577481569 Levitron (United Kingdom) 2010/11/15
681.8 +1 682.8 gave points for mooch request 0349116148 Levitron (United Kingdom) 2010/11/15
680.8 +1 681.8 gave points for mooch request 0141330031 Froglady (United Kingdom) 2010/11/15
679.8 +1 680.8 gave points for mooch request 1855015919 Froglady (United Kingdom) 2010/11/15
676.8 +3 679.8 gave points for mooch request 0099516179 Aspa (Greece) 2010/11/14
673.8 +3 676.8 gave points for mooch request 0340953594 Kasey (USA: CA) 2010/11/14
670.8 +3 673.8 gave points for mooch request 0141331992 berrynat (USA) 2010/11/14
667.8 +3 670.8 gave points for mooch request 1905537085 Jenny (Australia) 2010/11/14
666.8 +1 667.8 gave points for mooch request 0385616422 Kathryn (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
667.8 -1 666.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0141331992 jessk (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
666.8 +1 667.8 gave points for mooch request 0141331992 jessk (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
666.7 +0.1 666.8 added book to inventory 1855015919 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
666.6 +0.1 666.7 added book to inventory 0385616422 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
666.5 +0.1 666.6 added book to inventory 1905537085 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
666.4 +0.1 666.5 added book to inventory 0340953594 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
666.3 +0.1 666.4 added book to inventory 0141331992 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
666.2 +0.1 666.3 added book to inventory 0099516179 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
666.3 -0.1 666.2 removed book from inventory 0755348419 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
666.2 +0.1 666.3 added book to inventory 0755348419 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
663.2 +3 666.2 gave points for mooch request 0571112641 Bcteagirl (Canada) 2010/11/14
663.1 +0.1 663.2 added book to inventory 0192731904 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
660.1 +3 663.1 gave points for mooch request 1904573096 sidneyb (France) 2010/11/14
657.1 +3 660.1 gave points for mooch request 0804758565 Grad Student Book Group (USA) 2010/11/14
654.1 +3 657.1 gave points for mooch request 0671715348 JL Welling (USA: FL) 2010/11/14
654 +0.1 654.1 added book to inventory 0671715348 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
653.9 +0.1 654 added book to inventory 0752201581 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
653.8 +0.1 653.9 added book to inventory 0747585105 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
653.7 +0.1 653.8 added book to inventory 0007257198 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
653.6 +0.1 653.7 added book to inventory 0140038833 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
653.5 +0.1 653.6 added book to inventory 1577481453 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
653.4 +0.1 653.5 added book to inventory 157748410X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
653.3 +0.1 653.4 added book to inventory 1577480600 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
650.3 +3 653.3 gave points for mooch request 1870845013 Stephanie (USA: WI) 2010/11/14
649.3 +1 650.3 gave points for mooch request 0575079266 Katie (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
649.2 +0.1 649.3 added book to inventory 0575079266 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
648.2 +1 649.2 gave points for mooch request 0330439650 John(JCB) (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
648.1 +0.1 648.2 added book to inventory 1567511848 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
648 +0.1 648.1 added book to inventory 0743482700 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
647.9 +0.1 648 added book to inventory 0778300781 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
644.9 +3 647.9 gave points for mooch request 0060506717 Carol (USA: TX) 2010/11/14
644.8 +0.1 644.9 added book to inventory 0804758565 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
644.7 +0.1 644.8 added book to inventory 0140269274 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
644.6 +0.1 644.7 added book to inventory 0753513811 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
644.5 +0.1 644.6 added book to inventory 0752836838 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
644.4 +0.1 644.5 added book to inventory 0349116148 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
644.3 +0.1 644.4 added book to inventory 0330439650 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
644.2 +0.1 644.3 added book to inventory 1577482891 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
644.1 +0.1 644.2 added book to inventory 1577481569 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
644 +0.1 644.1 added book to inventory 190551333X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
643.9 +0.1 644 added book to inventory 1858289017 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
644.9 -1 643.9 deducted points for mooch request 2831508800 trudy2 (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
644.8 +0.1 644.9 added book to inventory 0004357736 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
644.7 +0.1 644.8 added book to inventory 0751530166 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
644.6 +0.1 644.7 added book to inventory 0062736590 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
644.5 +0.1 644.6 added book to inventory 1405246766 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
644.4 +0.1 644.5 added book to inventory 0552151416 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
644.3 +0.1 644.4 added book to inventory 0345504402 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
644.2 +0.1 644.3 added book to inventory 1904573096 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
644.1 +0.1 644.2 added book to inventory 0006368247 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
644 +0.1 644.1 added book to inventory 0340831642 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
643.9 +0.1 644 added book to inventory 0571112641 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
643.8 +0.1 643.9 added book to inventory 0141035145 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
643.7 +0.1 643.8 added book to inventory 0140293817 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
643.6 +0.1 643.7 added book to inventory 1577482565 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
643.5 +0.1 643.6 added book to inventory 057120998X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
640.5 +3 643.5 gave points for mooch request 1847672493 Shawna (USA: CA) 2010/11/14
637.5 +3 640.5 gave points for mooch request 1409102513 Shawna (USA: CA) 2010/11/14
636.5 +1 637.5 gave points for mooch request 0141326107 AliceF (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
635.5 +1 636.5 gave points for mooch request 0385615515 AliceF (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
635.6 -0.1 635.5 removed book from inventory 075534359X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
635.5 +0.1 635.6 added book to inventory 075534359X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
635.4 +0.1 635.5 added book to inventory 0140622179 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
635.3 +0.1 635.4 added book to inventory 0671669788 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/14
637.3 -2 635.3 deducted points for mooch request 0671411608 Marilyn (Canada) 2010/11/14
636.3 +1 637.3 gave points for mooch request 0316769509 francesvevers (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
635.3 +1 636.3 gave points for mooch request 0747599440 John Alwyine-Mosely (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
634.3 +1 635.3 gave points for mooch request 0575089369 jessk (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
631.3 +3 634.3 gave points for mooch request 0340835710 Bcteagirl (Canada) 2010/11/13
631.4 -0.1 631.3 removed book from inventory 0340835710 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
631.3 +0.1 631.4 added book to inventory 0340835710 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
631.2 +0.1 631.3 added book to inventory 0340835710 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
631.3 -0.1 631.2 removed book from inventory 0575089369 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
631.2 +0.1 631.3 added book to inventory 0575089369 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
631.1 +0.1 631.2 added book to inventory 0575089369 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
628.1 +3 631.1 gave points for mooch request 0340963778 Carol (Ireland) 2010/11/13
628 +0.1 628.1 added book to inventory 0747599440 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
627.9 +0.1 628 added book to inventory 1409102513 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
627.8 +0.1 627.9 added book to inventory 0385615515 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
627.7 +0.1 627.8 added book to inventory 1847672493 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
627.6 +0.1 627.7 added book to inventory 0340963778 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
627.5 +0.1 627.6 added book to inventory 0316769509 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
627.4 +0.1 627.5 added book to inventory 1406303933 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
624.4 +3 627.4 gave points for mooch request 1848540957 Coleen (USA: UT) 2010/11/13
624.3 +0.1 624.4 added book to inventory 0571232760 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
624.2 +0.1 624.3 added book to inventory 1848540957 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
621.2 +3 624.2 gave points for mooch request 1842551124 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/11/13
621.1 +0.1 621.2 added book to inventory 0060506717 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
621 +0.1 621.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 000653077X Dee (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
622 -1 621 gave a smooch muyilusionada (USA: MA) 2010/11/13
623 -1 622 gave a smooch muyilusionada (USA: MA) 2010/11/13
622.9 +0.1 623 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671014374 muyilusionada (USA: MA) 2010/11/13
622.8 +0.1 622.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060572000 Brant Gibbard (Canada) 2010/11/13
621.8 +1 622.8 gave points for mooch request 0091897483 Judith (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
621.7 +0.1 621.8 added book to inventory 1870845013 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
621.6 +0.1 621.7 added book to inventory 0141330031 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
621.5 +0.1 621.6 added book to inventory 0141326107 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
621.6 -0.1 621.5 removed book from inventory 085738029X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
621.7 -0.1 621.6 removed book from inventory 085738029X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
621.6 +0.1 621.7 added book to inventory 085738029X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
621.5 +0.1 621.6 added book to inventory 085738029X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
621.4 +0.1 621.5 added book to inventory 1842551124 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
621.5 -0.1 621.4 removed book from inventory 1408805898 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
621.6 -0.1 621.5 removed book from inventory 1408805898 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
621.5 +0.1 621.6 added book to inventory 1408805898 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
621.4 +0.1 621.5 added book to inventory 1408805898 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
621.3 +0.1 621.4 added book to inventory 0230219314 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
621.2 +0.1 621.3 added book to inventory 0091897483 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
621.1 +0.1 621.2 added book to inventory 1840729651 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/13
618.1 +3 621.1 gave points for mooch request 9780099513421 Eimear O'Sullivan (Ireland) 2010/11/13
615.1 +3 618.1 gave points for mooch request 1405905212 Antony Deter (USA: IL) 2010/11/12
615 +0.1 615.1 added book to inventory 9780099513421 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/12
617 -2 615 deducted points for mooch request 0380703467 Annie (USA: NY) 2010/11/12
619 -2 617 deducted points for mooch request 0843961546 stacynvh (USA: AL) 2010/11/12
618.9 +0.1 619 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0840776853 Breaker (USA: NY) 2010/11/11
619.9 -1 618.9 deducted points for mooch request 0743201140 John Buckman (United Kingdom) 2010/11/11
619.8 +0.1 619.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0755348419 Pollie (United Kingdom) 2010/11/10
619.7 +0.1 619.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099422689 Pollie (United Kingdom) 2010/11/10
619.6 +0.1 619.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 055329461X Johan Karlberg (Sweden) 2010/11/10
616.6 +3 619.6 gave points for mooch request 0426201698 kimifly (Canada) 2010/11/10
613.6 +3 616.6 gave points for mooch request 0426199405 kimifly (Canada) 2010/11/10
610.6 +3 613.6 gave points for mooch request 0426200683 kimifly (Canada) 2010/11/10
607.6 +3 610.6 gave points for mooch request 0426197801 kimifly (Canada) 2010/11/10
609.6 -2 607.6 deducted points for mooch request 0451409361 Elizabeth (Canada) 2010/11/09
611.6 -2 609.6 deducted points for mooch request 0312947860 Elizabeth (Canada) 2010/11/09
608.6 +3 611.6 gave points for mooch request 1405902507 Antony Deter (USA: IL) 2010/11/09
605.6 +3 608.6 gave points for mooch request 1405902493 amanda4242 (USA: CA) 2010/11/08
606.6 -1 605.6 deducted points for mooch request 0755348419 Pollie (United Kingdom) 2010/11/05
606.5 +0.1 606.6 added book to inventory 1405905212 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/05
603.5 +3 606.5 gave points for mooch request 1405905166 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/11/05
600.5 +3 603.5 gave points for mooch request B002DPJVKK Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/11/05
600.4 +0.1 600.5 added book to inventory 1405905166 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/05
597.4 +3 600.4 gave points for mooch request 1405905182 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/11/05
597.3 +0.1 597.4 added book to inventory B002DPJVKK Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/05
597.2 +0.1 597.3 added book to inventory 1405905182 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/05
594.2 +3 597.2 gave points for mooch request 1405905212 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/11/05
594.1 +0.1 594.2 added book to inventory 1405905212 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/05
591.1 +3 594.1 gave points for mooch request 1405905190 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/11/05
591 +0.1 591.1 added book to inventory 1405905190 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/05
588 +3 591 gave points for mooch request B001YHOBE4 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/11/05
585 +3 588 gave points for mooch request 1405905158 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/11/05
584.9 +0.1 585 added book to inventory 1405905158 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/05
581.9 +3 584.9 gave points for mooch request 1405905204 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/11/05
581.8 +0.1 581.9 added book to inventory B001YHOBE4 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/05
581.7 +0.1 581.8 added book to inventory 1405905204 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/05
578.7 +3 581.7 gave points for mooch request 1405906634 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/11/05
575.7 +3 578.7 gave points for mooch request 1405905131 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/11/05
575.6 +0.1 575.7 added book to inventory 1405905131 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/05
575.5 +0.1 575.6 added book to inventory 1405906634 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/05
576.5 -1 575.5 deducted points for mooch request 0099422689 Pollie (United Kingdom) 2010/11/05
578.5 -2 576.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425206351 Pam (USA: AL) 2010/11/05
578.4 +0.1 578.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0552999814 Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2010/11/04
578.3 +0.1 578.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425187144 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2010/11/03
575.3 +3 578.3 gave points for mooch request 042620252X Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/11/03
572.3 +3 575.3 gave points for mooch request 0426112601 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/11/03
569.3 +3 572.3 gave points for mooch request 0426106555 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/11/03
569.2 +0.1 569.3 added book to inventory 0426200683 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/03
569.1 +0.1 569.2 added book to inventory 0426106555 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/03
569 +0.1 569.1 added book to inventory 0426197801 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/03
568.9 +0.1 569 added book to inventory 0426201698 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/03
568.8 +0.1 568.9 added book to inventory 0426199405 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/03
568.7 +0.1 568.8 added book to inventory 0426112601 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/03
568.6 +0.1 568.7 added book to inventory 042620252X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/03
568.5 +0.1 568.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book B0036HL4YU darthlovejoy (United Kingdom) 2010/11/03
566.5 +2 568.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425212831 Amanda (USA: KY) 2010/11/03
564.5 +2 566.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 0752861751 wob42705 (USA: NC) 2010/11/03
565.5 -1 564.5 gave a smooch Emma P (United Kingdom) 2010/11/03
565.4 +0.1 565.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425221962 JDV (USA: TX) 2010/11/03
566.4 -1 565.4 gave a smooch newtonk (United Kingdom) 2010/11/03
567.4 -1 566.4 gave a smooch Emma P (United Kingdom) 2010/11/03
567.3 +0.1 567.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0752884662 Emma P (United Kingdom) 2010/11/03
567.2 +0.1 567.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312946996 Janell (USA: KS) 2010/11/03
567.1 +0.1 567.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553238035 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/11/03
567 +0.1 567.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425188213 emessufan (USA: MI) 2010/11/03
566.9 +0.1 567 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141035145 katherine (United Kingdom) 2010/11/03
566.8 +0.1 566.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553582259 frances (USA: PR) 2010/11/03
568.8 -2 566.8 deducted points for mooch request 0671014374 muyilusionada (USA: MA) 2010/11/03
568.7 +0.1 568.8 added book to inventory 1405902493 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/01
568.6 +0.1 568.7 added book to inventory 1405902507 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/11/01
569.6 -1 568.6 deducted points for mooch request 0552999814 Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2010/11/01
570.6 -1 569.6 deducted points for mooch request 000653077X Dee (United Kingdom) 2010/10/30
570.5 +0.1 570.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0857660225 Alex Draven (United Kingdom) 2010/10/27
569.5 +1 570.5 mooch cancelled by requestor BM1164997677496262705 Thomas Whitchurch (United Kingdom) 2010/10/26
571.5 -2 569.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425187144 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2010/10/26
573.5 -2 571.5 deducted points for mooch request 0330510932 Lisamaureen (USA: TN) 2010/10/25
573.4 +0.1 573.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1848540329 Rob Harvey (United Kingdom) 2010/10/25
573.3 +0.1 573.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0091897483 LARA (United Kingdom) 2010/10/25
570.3 +3 573.3 gave points for mooch request 0545060427 EdgemontLibrary (USA: SD) 2010/10/25
572.3 -2 570.3 deducted points for mooch request 0840776853 Breaker (USA: NY) 2010/10/25
569.3 +3 572.3 gave points for mooch request 0340739649 John Fellet (USA) 2010/10/24
571.3 -2 569.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451405897 RoxiG (USA: NC) 2010/10/24
571.4 -0.1 571.3 removed book from inventory 0752893688 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/24
571.3 +0.1 571.4 added book to inventory 0752893688 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/24
573.3 -2 571.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312946996 Janell (USA: KS) 2010/10/24
570.3 +3 573.3 gave points for mooch request 0895778599 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/10/23
571.3 -1 570.3 deducted points for mooch request 0718147979 lauzc (United Kingdom) 2010/10/23
572.3 -1 571.3 deducted points for mooch request B0036HL4YU darthlovejoy (United Kingdom) 2010/10/23
573.3 -1 572.3 deducted points for mooch request 1841199478 Kenneth J O'Rourke (United Kingdom) 2010/10/23
574.3 -1 573.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312979274 kirsty (United Kingdom) 2010/10/23
574.2 +0.1 574.3 added book to inventory 0895778599 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/23
576.2 -2 574.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553238035 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/10/23
573.2 +3 576.2 gave points for mooch request 1405904941 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/10/23
575.2 -2 573.2 deducted points for mooch request 055329461X Johan Karlberg (Sweden) 2010/10/23
576.2 -1 575.2 deducted points for mooch request 0141035145 katherine (United Kingdom) 2010/10/23
576.1 +0.1 576.2 added book to inventory 0545060427 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/23
576 +0.1 576.1 added book to inventory 0340739649 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/23
575.9 +0.1 576 added book to inventory 1405904941 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/23
572.9 +3 575.9 gave points for mooch request 0425222039 Heather (Canada) 2010/10/23
573.9 -1 572.9 gave a smooch Karen (USA: MO) 2010/10/23
574.9 -1 573.9 gave a smooch Karen (USA: MO) 2010/10/23
574.8 +0.1 574.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0679421475 Karen (USA: MO) 2010/10/23
574.7 +0.1 574.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061230871 Karen (USA: MO) 2010/10/23
574.8 -0.1 574.7 removed book from inventory 0425222039 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/23
574.7 +0.1 574.8 added book to inventory 0425222039 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/23
574.6 +0.1 574.7 added book to inventory 0425222039 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/23
575.6 -1 574.6 deducted points for mooch request 1848540329 Rob Harvey (United Kingdom) 2010/10/22
575.5 +0.1 575.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843172933 Sarah R (United Kingdom) 2010/10/21
575.4 +0.1 575.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0582210887 F. Gonzalez (Netherlands) 2010/10/21
575.3 +0.1 575.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312928068 Bonnie (USA: NC) 2010/10/21
576.3 -1 575.3 deducted points for mooch request 0091897483 LARA (United Kingdom) 2010/10/21
577.3 -1 576.3 gave a smooch newtonk (United Kingdom) 2010/10/21
578.3 -1 577.3 deducted points for mooch request BM1164997677496262705 Thomas Whitchurch (United Kingdom) 2010/10/21
578.4 -0.1 578.3 removed book from inventory 0192756117 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
578.5 -0.1 578.4 removed book from inventory 043999795X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
578.6 -0.1 578.5 removed book from inventory 0007841515 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
578.7 -0.1 578.6 removed book from inventory 1873439466 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
578.8 -0.1 578.7 removed book from inventory 1444705792 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
578.9 -0.1 578.8 removed book from inventory 0439430208 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
579 -0.1 578.9 removed book from inventory 0413800709 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
579.1 -0.1 579 removed book from inventory 0593053958 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
579.2 -0.1 579.1 removed book from inventory 1861053959 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
579.3 -0.1 579.2 removed book from inventory 0723420041 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
579.4 -0.1 579.3 removed book from inventory 075153188X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
579.5 -0.1 579.4 removed book from inventory 0747515522 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
579.6 -0.1 579.5 removed book from inventory 0747265232 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
579.7 -0.1 579.6 removed book from inventory 0349115761 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
579.8 -0.1 579.7 removed book from inventory 0515113328 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
579.9 -0.1 579.8 removed book from inventory 1577481577 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
580 -0.1 579.9 removed book from inventory B001Q6YWEM Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
580.1 -0.1 580 removed book from inventory 0330487396 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
580.2 -0.1 580.1 removed book from inventory 0751530166 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
580.3 -0.1 580.2 removed book from inventory 0743231392 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
580.4 -0.1 580.3 removed book from inventory 000648204X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
580.5 -0.1 580.4 removed book from inventory 0752264877 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
580.6 -0.1 580.5 removed book from inventory 1577481569 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
580.7 -0.1 580.6 removed book from inventory 0804105820 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
580.8 -0.1 580.7 removed book from inventory 0571112641 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
580.9 -0.1 580.8 removed book from inventory 0261662732 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
581 -0.1 580.9 removed book from inventory 0755311299 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
581.1 -0.1 581 removed book from inventory 0752804340 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
581.2 -0.1 581.1 removed book from inventory 0755315502 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
581.3 -0.1 581.2 removed book from inventory 0312253672 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
581.4 -0.1 581.3 removed book from inventory 0156026988 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
581.5 -0.1 581.4 removed book from inventory 1855343339 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
581.6 -0.1 581.5 removed book from inventory 0140269274 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
581.7 -0.1 581.6 removed book from inventory 0552560839 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
581.8 -0.1 581.7 removed book from inventory 0330339095 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
581.9 -0.1 581.8 removed book from inventory 0091075211 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
582 -0.1 581.9 removed book from inventory 0340681470 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
582.1 -0.1 582 removed book from inventory 057120998X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
582.2 -0.1 582.1 removed book from inventory 1858289017 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
582.3 -0.1 582.2 removed book from inventory 0751302627 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
582.4 -0.1 582.3 removed book from inventory 0552151416 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
582.5 -0.1 582.4 removed book from inventory B001KRUJFI Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
582.6 -0.1 582.5 removed book from inventory 157748410X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
582.7 -0.1 582.6 removed book from inventory 0349116148 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
582.8 -0.1 582.7 removed book from inventory 0006368247 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
582.9 -0.1 582.8 removed book from inventory 0553572350 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
583 -0.1 582.9 removed book from inventory 0755300203 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
583.1 -0.1 583 removed book from inventory 034540324X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
583.2 -0.1 583.1 removed book from inventory 0727855069 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
583.3 -0.1 583.2 removed book from inventory 0440191831 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
583.4 -0.1 583.3 removed book from inventory 0340831642 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
583.5 -0.1 583.4 removed book from inventory 1844540839 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
583.6 -0.1 583.5 removed book from inventory 190551333X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
583.7 -0.1 583.6 removed book from inventory 0140038833 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
583.8 -0.1 583.7 removed book from inventory 0062736590 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
583.9 -0.1 583.8 removed book from inventory 0553273299 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
584 -0.1 583.9 removed book from inventory 1577481461 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
584.1 -0.1 584 removed book from inventory 0099228823 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
584.2 -0.1 584.1 removed book from inventory 0006497810 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
584.3 -0.1 584.2 removed book from inventory 0141017805 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
584.4 -0.1 584.3 removed book from inventory 0099186926 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
584.5 -0.1 584.4 removed book from inventory 067173217X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
584.6 -0.1 584.5 removed book from inventory 0752836838 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
584.7 -0.1 584.6 removed book from inventory 0245520007 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
584.8 -0.1 584.7 removed book from inventory 0340751525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
584.9 -0.1 584.8 removed book from inventory 1577481453 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
585 -0.1 584.9 removed book from inventory 1577482891 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
585.1 -0.1 585 removed book from inventory 1853262269 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
585.2 -0.1 585.1 removed book from inventory 0004357736 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
585.3 -0.1 585.2 removed book from inventory 0747585105 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
585.4 -0.1 585.3 removed book from inventory 0330448641 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
585.5 -0.1 585.4 removed book from inventory 0099416174 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
585.6 -0.1 585.5 removed book from inventory 0330439650 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
585.7 -0.1 585.6 removed book from inventory 1906032025 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
585.8 -0.1 585.7 removed book from inventory 1853810622 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
585.9 -0.1 585.8 removed book from inventory 0551020644 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
586 -0.1 585.9 removed book from inventory 0099435586 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
586.1 -0.1 586 removed book from inventory 1405246766 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
586.2 -0.1 586.1 removed book from inventory 0099439859 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
586.3 -0.1 586.2 removed book from inventory 0399148132 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/19
583.3 +3 586.3 gave points for mooch request 1577481593 Joan (USA: AL) 2010/10/17
581.3 +2 583.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425231496 wesleyBdub (USA) 2010/10/17
582.3 -1 581.3 gave a smooch vivir (Finland) 2010/10/17
583.3 -1 582.3 gave a smooch vivir (Finland) 2010/10/17
583.2 +0.1 583.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0751544159 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2010/10/17
582.2 +1 583.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0679772553 Michaela (United Kingdom) 2010/10/16
579.2 +3 582.2 gave points for mooch request 1848090072 Marja (Netherlands) 2010/10/16
581.2 -2 579.2 deducted points for mooch request 0425188213 emessufan (USA: MI) 2010/10/16
582.2 -1 581.2 deducted points for mooch request 0857660225 Alex Draven (United Kingdom) 2010/10/15
581.2 +1 582.2 gave points for mooch request 1907595007 Shona (United Kingdom) 2010/10/14
580.2 +1 581.2 gave points for mooch request 0749080779 Lesley (United Kingdom) 2010/10/12
577.2 +3 580.2 gave points for mooch request 0099451689 Jace (USA: LA) 2010/10/12
576.2 +1 577.2 gave points for mooch request 1928782140 Judith (United Kingdom) 2010/10/12
576.1 +0.1 576.2 added book to inventory 0751302627 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/12
576 +0.1 576.1 added book to inventory 1928782140 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/12
575.9 +0.1 576 added book to inventory 0749080779 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/12
576.9 -1 575.9 deducted points for mooch request 0751544159 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2010/10/12
575.9 +1 576.9 gave points for mooch request BM1286698964852516845 marcb (Italy) 2010/10/12
572.9 +3 575.9 gave points for mooch request 0956122272 Stacy (USA: MI) 2010/10/12
572.8 +0.1 572.9 added book to inventory 0007841515 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/11
571.8 +1 572.8 gave points for mooch request 0241952123 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2010/10/11
571.7 +0.1 571.8 added book to inventory 0241952123 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/11
581.7 -10 571.7 donated points to charity Hercules Invictus (USA: NJ) 2010/10/11
580.7 +1 581.7 gave points for mooch request 0099224410 sue.w (United Kingdom) 2010/10/11
577.7 +3 580.7 gave points for mooch request 0755347048 LindyLouMac (United Kingdom) 2010/10/11
576.7 +1 577.7 gave points for mooch request 0746067607 Emma (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
573.7 +3 576.7 gave points for mooch request 0749080493 Aspa (Greece) 2010/10/10
570.7 +3 573.7 gave points for mooch request 1584794879 Tamar (Israel) 2010/10/10
567.7 +3 570.7 gave points for mooch request 019272763X Hinna (USA: TX) 2010/10/10
567.6 +0.1 567.7 added book to inventory 019272763X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
567.5 +0.1 567.6 added book to inventory 0571112641 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
567.6 -0.1 567.5 removed book from inventory 0553344269 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
567.7 -0.1 567.6 removed book from inventory 0553344269 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
567.6 +0.1 567.7 added book to inventory 0553344269 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
566.6 +1 567.6 gave points for mooch request 0007200285 John(JCB) (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
566.5 +0.1 566.6 added book to inventory 1907595007 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
566.4 +0.1 566.5 added book to inventory 0399148132 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
566.3 +0.1 566.4 added book to inventory 0755311299 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
566.2 +0.1 566.3 added book to inventory 0007200285 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
566.1 +0.1 566.2 added book to inventory 0755347048 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
566 +0.1 566.1 added book to inventory 0746067607 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
565.9 +0.1 566 added book to inventory 0099224410 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
565.8 +0.1 565.9 added book to inventory 0349116148 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
565.7 +0.1 565.8 added book to inventory 0749080493 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
565.6 +0.1 565.7 added book to inventory 1584794879 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
567.6 -2 565.6 deducted points for mooch request 0679421475 Karen (USA: MO) 2010/10/10
564.6 +3 567.6 gave points for mooch request 0563555890 chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2010/10/10
561.6 +3 564.6 gave points for mooch request 0099409798 Dorit (Israel) 2010/10/10
561.5 +0.1 561.6 added book to inventory 0563555890 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
561.4 +0.1 561.5 added book to inventory 0099451689 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
560.4 +1 561.4 gave points for mooch request 0747253439 Kelly Carr (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
560.3 +0.1 560.4 added book to inventory 0062736590 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
560.2 +0.1 560.3 added book to inventory 0099409798 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
560.1 +0.1 560.2 added book to inventory 0747253439 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
560 +0.1 560.1 added book to inventory BM1286698964852516845 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
559.9 +0.1 560 added book to inventory 0752264877 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
559.8 +0.1 559.9 added book to inventory 0330339095 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
559.7 +0.1 559.8 added book to inventory B001KRUJFI Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/10/10
561.7 -2 559.7 deducted points for mooch request 0061230871 Karen (USA: MO) 2010/10/09
562.7 -1 561.7 deducted points for mooch request 1843172933 Sarah R (United Kingdom) 2010/10/09
563.7 -1 562.7 gave a smooch Will Linden (USA: NY) 2010/10/09
563.6 +0.1 563.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1400095484 Will Linden (USA: NY) 2010/10/09
563.5 +0.1 563.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425171493 Sabine (Canada) 2010/10/09
563.4 +0.1 563.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0340550473 Stickgirl2009 (United Kingdom) 2010/10/09
565.4 -2 563.4 deducted points for mooch request 0553582259 frances (USA: PR) 2010/10/09
566.4 -1 565.4 gave a smooch Antony Deter (USA: IL) 2010/10/09
563.4 +3 566.4 gave points for mooch request 0745930476 RidgewayGirl (USA: SC) 2010/10/08
563.3 +0.1 563.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425221962 JDV (USA: TX) 2010/10/08
562.3 +1 563.3 lost in the mail says book owner 0486298574 Emily (United Kingdom) 2010/10/07
562.2 +0.1 562.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671789295 Wayne C. (USA: FL) 2010/10/07
562.1 +0.1 562.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440339332 Ann Zimrin (USA: MD) 2010/10/07
562 +0.1 562.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553231162 Wayne C. (USA: FL) 2010/10/07
563 -1 562 gave a smooch Jackie Mattina (USA: FL) 2010/10/07
564 -1 563 gave a smooch Jackie Mattina (USA: FL) 2010/10/07
563.9 +0.1 564 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1599957345 Jackie Mattina (USA: FL) 2010/10/07
563.8 +0.1 563.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312944144 Jackie Mattina (USA: FL) 2010/10/07
565.8 -2 563.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425221962 JDV (USA: TX) 2010/10/06
564.8 +1 565.8 gave points for mooch request 0804116105 newtonk (United Kingdom) 2010/10/05
561.8 +3 564.8 gave points for mooch request 1861977131 MH (USA: VA) 2010/10/04
562.8 -1 561.8 deducted points for mooch request 0340550473 Stickgirl2009 (United Kingdom) 2010/10/03
561.8 +1 562.8 gave points for mooch request 0141005173 Lind (United Kingdom) 2010/10/03
560.8 +1 561.8 gave points for mooch request 0515094978 Froglady (United Kingdom) 2010/10/02
557.8 +3 560.8 gave points for mooch request 0340836911 Virginie M (France) 2010/10/02
556.8 +1 557.8 gave points for mooch request 0747557756 Tom Heath (United Kingdom) 2010/10/01
553.8 +3 556.8 gave points for mooch request 0330248960 Missy (USA: CO) 2010/10/01
554.8 -1 553.8 gave a smooch Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2010/10/01
555.8 -1 554.8 gave a smooch Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2010/10/01
556.8 -1 555.8 gave a smooch Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2010/10/01
557.8 -1 556.8 gave a smooch Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2010/10/01
558.8 -1 557.8 gave a smooch Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2010/10/01
560.8 -2 558.8 deducted points for mooch request BM119522073574690509 Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2010/10/01
562.8 -2 560.8 deducted points for mooch request BM1195220309491461933 Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2010/10/01
564.8 -2 562.8 deducted points for mooch request BM118988234664220084 Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2010/10/01
566.8 -2 564.8 deducted points for mooch request BM1274731711455143418 Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2010/10/01
568.8 -2 566.8 deducted points for mooch request BM1195220032569804446 Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2010/10/01
565.8 +3 568.8 gave points for mooch request 0141326875 purplg8r (USA: FL) 2010/09/30
565.7 +0.1 565.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0552158844 Chris (France) 2010/09/30
565.6 +0.1 565.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 9780451224484 Mary H (USA: MS) 2010/09/29
567.6 -2 565.6 deducted points for mooch request 1400095484 Will Linden (USA: NY) 2010/09/29
568.6 -1 567.6 deducted points for mooch request 0679772553 Michaela (United Kingdom) 2010/09/28
568.5 +0.1 568.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042517946X jacquie (United Kingdom) 2010/09/27
568.4 +0.1 568.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0349103275 Carl S. (United Kingdom) 2010/09/27
568.3 +0.1 568.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843959614 Amanda (USA: NY) 2010/09/27
568.2 +0.1 568.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 019876295X John Hopper (United Kingdom) 2010/09/27
568.1 +0.1 568.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451226119 sharonae144 (USA: AZ) 2010/09/27
568 +0.1 568.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446556998 angie (USA: FL) 2010/09/27
565 +3 568 gave points for mooch request 0426193261 kimifly (Canada) 2010/09/27
562 +3 565 gave points for mooch request 0753819996 Alexandra (Belgium) 2010/09/27
564 -2 562 deducted points for mooch request 0440339332 Ann Zimrin (USA: MD) 2010/09/26
563.9 +0.1 564 added book to inventory 0753819996 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/26
560.9 +3 563.9 gave points for mooch request 0460021885 Antony Deter (USA: IL) 2010/09/26
560.8 +0.1 560.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1847241964 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/09/26
562.8 -2 560.8 deducted points for mooch request 0671789295 Wayne C. (USA: FL) 2010/09/26
564.8 -2 562.8 deducted points for mooch request 0553231162 Wayne C. (USA: FL) 2010/09/26
565.8 -1 564.8 deducted points for mooch request 0552158844 Chris (France) 2010/09/26
562.8 +3 565.8 gave points for mooch request 0140288236 Alexandra (Belgium) 2010/09/25
564.8 -2 562.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425221962 JDV (USA: TX) 2010/09/25
564.7 +0.1 564.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373260911 Dannelke (USA: PA) 2010/09/25
564.6 +0.1 564.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099451689 Luan Pessall (United Kingdom) 2010/09/25
564.5 +0.1 564.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1848090773 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2010/09/25
564.4 +0.1 564.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743488032 angie (USA: FL) 2010/09/25
564.3 +0.1 564.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1862047421 Shadow (Australia) 2010/09/25
563.3 +1 564.3 gave points for mooch request 1843541106 Becca (United Kingdom) 2010/09/24
564.3 -1 563.3 deducted points for mooch request 0349103275 Carl S. (United Kingdom) 2010/09/23
561.3 +3 564.3 gave points for mooch request BM1224096653530774182 thedivineoomba (USA: MN) 2010/09/22
558.3 +3 561.3 gave points for mooch request BM1226109478814083824 thedivineoomba (USA: MN) 2010/09/22
560.3 -2 558.3 deducted points for mooch request 1599957345 Jackie Mattina (USA: FL) 2010/09/22
562.3 -2 560.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312944144 Jackie Mattina (USA: FL) 2010/09/22
562.2 +0.1 562.3 added book to inventory BM1226109478814083824 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/22
562.1 +0.1 562.2 added book to inventory BM1224096653530774182 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/22
562.2 -0.1 562.1 removed book from inventory 9781904233886 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/22
562.3 -0.1 562.2 removed book from inventory 1904233651 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/22
561.3 +1 562.3 received a smooch Sabine (Canada) 2010/09/21
558.3 +3 561.3 gave points for mooch request 0141327308 baccate (USA: PA) 2010/09/21
557.3 +1 558.3 gave points for mooch request 0316848042 wibba (United Kingdom) 2010/09/21
559.3 -2 557.3 deducted points for mooch request 9780451224484 Mary H (USA: MS) 2010/09/21
558.3 +1 559.3 gave points for mooch request 0733615635 Lisa (United Kingdom) 2010/09/21
555.3 +3 558.3 gave points for mooch request 1405249617 Jen H (USA: MI) 2010/09/21
552.3 +3 555.3 gave points for mooch request 0141330538 Juliana (Portugal) 2010/09/21
551.3 +1 552.3 gave points for mooch request 0751535230 lelley (United Kingdom) 2010/09/21
548.3 +3 551.3 gave points for mooch request 0571239730 Charlene (Canada) 2010/09/20
547.3 +1 548.3 gave points for mooch request 0192755544 Alex Draven (United Kingdom) 2010/09/20
547.2 +0.1 547.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1845297903 Melissa (United Kingdom) 2010/09/20
547.1 +0.1 547.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book BM127140612393279308 Lix (USA: CA) 2010/09/20
547 +0.1 547.1 added book to inventory 0752836838 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/20
546.9 +0.1 547 added book to inventory 0552151416 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/20
546.8 +0.1 546.9 added book to inventory 0571239730 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/20
545.8 +1 546.8 gave points for mooch request B001XWBF1W Lesley Mace (United Kingdom) 2010/09/20
542.8 +3 545.8 gave points for mooch request 0330507524 Bcteagirl (Canada) 2010/09/19
539.8 +3 542.8 gave points for mooch request 1847670709 Bcteagirl (Canada) 2010/09/19
536.8 +3 539.8 gave points for mooch request 0860683419 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/09/19
533.8 +3 536.8 gave points for mooch request 0007230206 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/09/19
533.7 +0.1 533.8 added book to inventory 0007230206 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
533.6 +0.1 533.7 added book to inventory 0860683419 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
533.5 +0.1 533.6 added book to inventory 1847670709 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
533.4 +0.1 533.5 added book to inventory 0330507524 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
533.3 +0.1 533.4 added book to inventory 0553344269 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
533.2 +0.1 533.3 added book to inventory 1904233651 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
533.3 -0.1 533.2 removed book from inventory 9781904233886 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
533.4 -0.1 533.3 removed book from inventory 9781904233886 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
533.3 +0.1 533.4 added book to inventory 9781904233886 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
533.2 +0.1 533.3 added book to inventory 9781904233886 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
533.1 +0.1 533.2 added book to inventory 9781904233886 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
535.1 -2 533.1 deducted points for mooch request 042517946X jacquie (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
535 +0.1 535.1 added book to inventory 0426193261 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
534.9 +0.1 535 added book to inventory 0091075211 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
534.8 +0.1 534.9 added book to inventory 0747585105 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
531.8 +3 534.8 gave points for mooch request 1407534025 Bcteagirl (Canada) 2010/09/19
531.7 +0.1 531.8 added book to inventory 1407534025 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
531.6 +0.1 531.7 added book to inventory 067173217X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
531.5 +0.1 531.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140620796 Michal (Israel) 2010/09/19
531.4 +0.1 531.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0199259461 Moira (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
531.3 +0.1 531.4 added book to inventory 0340836911 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
530.3 +1 531.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0394740564 Leanne Catherine Stafford (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
530.2 +0.1 530.3 added book to inventory 0141326875 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
530.3 -0.1 530.2 removed book from inventory 0552560839 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
530.2 +0.1 530.3 added book to inventory 0552560839 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
530.1 +0.1 530.2 added book to inventory 0552560839 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
530 +0.1 530.1 added book to inventory 0006368247 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
529.9 +0.1 530 added book to inventory 1843541106 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
529.8 +0.1 529.9 added book to inventory 0316848042 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
529.7 +0.1 529.8 added book to inventory 1444705792 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
529.6 +0.1 529.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0752834525 kirsty (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
529.5 +0.1 529.6 added book to inventory 1906032025 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
529.4 +0.1 529.5 added book to inventory 0804105820 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
528.4 +1 529.4 gave points for mooch request 000730448X Kate (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
528.3 +0.1 528.4 added book to inventory 0141005173 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
528.2 +0.1 528.3 added book to inventory 1405246766 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
528.1 +0.1 528.2 added book to inventory 0192756117 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
528 +0.1 528.1 added book to inventory 0553273299 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
527.9 +0.1 528 added book to inventory 0733615635 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
527.8 +0.1 527.9 added book to inventory 0141330538 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
527.7 +0.1 527.8 added book to inventory 0245520007 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
524.7 +3 527.7 gave points for mooch request 1847387616 vivir (Finland) 2010/09/19
521.7 +3 524.7 gave points for mooch request 1405243767 vivir (Finland) 2010/09/19
518.7 +3 521.7 gave points for mooch request 1405242310 vivir (Finland) 2010/09/19
515.7 +3 518.7 gave points for mooch request 0970888503 vivir (Finland) 2010/09/19
512.7 +3 515.7 gave points for mooch request 085532273X vivir (Finland) 2010/09/19
509.7 +3 512.7 gave points for mooch request 019275596X vivir (Finland) 2010/09/19
509.6 +0.1 509.7 added book to inventory 0747265232 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
509.5 +0.1 509.6 added book to inventory 1405243767 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
509.4 +0.1 509.5 added book to inventory 0099439859 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
509.3 +0.1 509.4 added book to inventory 1861977131 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
509.2 +0.1 509.3 added book to inventory 1847387616 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
509.1 +0.1 509.2 added book to inventory 000730448X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
509 +0.1 509.1 added book to inventory 0192755544 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
508.9 +0.1 509 added book to inventory 1405249617 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
508.8 +0.1 508.9 added book to inventory 019275596X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
508.7 +0.1 508.8 added book to inventory 057120998X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
508.6 +0.1 508.7 added book to inventory 0743231392 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
508.5 +0.1 508.6 added book to inventory 0141327308 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
508.4 +0.1 508.5 added book to inventory 0751535230 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
508.3 +0.1 508.4 added book to inventory 1853810622 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/19
505.3 +3 508.3 gave points for mooch request 1416534288 RidgewayGirl (USA: SC) 2010/09/18
504.3 +1 505.3 gave points for mooch request 0141023597 Katie (United Kingdom) 2010/09/18
504.4 -0.1 504.3 removed book from inventory 0099474328 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/18
504.3 +0.1 504.4 added book to inventory 0099474328 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/18
504.2 +0.1 504.3 added book to inventory 0156026988 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/18
504.1 +0.1 504.2 added book to inventory 0141023597 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/18
505.1 -1 504.1 deducted points for mooch request 1848090773 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2010/09/18
505 +0.1 505.1 added book to inventory 075153188X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/18
504.9 +0.1 505 added book to inventory B001XWBF1W Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/18
504.8 +0.1 504.9 added book to inventory 0099416174 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/18
504.7 +0.1 504.8 added book to inventory 0340831642 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/18
501.7 +3 504.7 gave points for mooch request 0749082372 emessufan (USA: MI) 2010/09/18
501.6 +0.1 501.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 068983280X Michal (Israel) 2010/09/18
501.5 +0.1 501.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345498860 Michal (Israel) 2010/09/18
501.4 +0.1 501.5 added book to inventory 1416534288 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/18
501.3 +0.1 501.4 added book to inventory 0749082372 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/18
501.2 +0.1 501.3 added book to inventory 085532273X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/18
500.2 +1 501.2 received a smooch Jay (Italy) 2010/09/17
499.2 +1 500.2 received a smooch Jay (Italy) 2010/09/17
499.1 +0.1 499.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451404165 Rae (Canada) 2010/09/16
499 +0.1 499.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425150070 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2010/09/16
498.9 +0.1 499 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0385496842 Erin (USA: NJ) 2010/09/16
498.8 +0.1 498.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425222144 Michelle (USA: AZ) 2010/09/16
498.7 +0.1 498.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1854315536 John Hopper (United Kingdom) 2010/09/16
498.6 +0.1 498.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140301739 Melissa (Canada) 2010/09/16
498.5 +0.1 498.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0439450705 Melissa (Canada) 2010/09/16
498.4 +0.1 498.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141025077 Marie (United Kingdom) 2010/09/16
499.4 -1 498.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 1873439466 trudy2 (United Kingdom) 2010/09/16
496.4 +3 499.4 gave points for mooch request 0141326921 Bruce Graham (USA: CT) 2010/09/15
493.4 +3 496.4 gave points for mooch request 1845296702 Aspa (Greece) 2010/09/13
495.4 -2 493.4 deducted points for mooch request 0843959614 Amanda (USA: NY) 2010/09/13
496.4 -1 495.4 deducted points for mooch request 0099451689 Luan Pessall (United Kingdom) 2010/09/13
498.4 -2 496.4 deducted points for mooch request 0140100865 Dannelke (USA: PA) 2010/09/13
500.4 -2 498.4 deducted points for mooch request 0312928068 Bonnie (USA: NC) 2010/09/13
501.4 -1 500.4 deducted points for mooch request 1845297903 Melissa (United Kingdom) 2010/09/13
502.4 -1 501.4 deducted points for mooch request 019876295X John Hopper (United Kingdom) 2010/09/13
503.4 -1 502.4 deducted points for mooch request 0582210887 F. Gonzalez (Netherlands) 2010/09/13
502.4 +1 503.4 gave points for mooch request 1873439466 trudy2 (United Kingdom) 2010/09/13
499.4 +3 502.4 gave points for mooch request B001KWHVH2 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/09/12
499.3 +0.1 499.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312365160 vespasia (USA: IL) 2010/09/12
499.2 +0.1 499.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312426291 Haje / Photocritic (United Kingdom) 2010/09/12
499.1 +0.1 499.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0385477074 vespasia (USA: IL) 2010/09/12
499 +0.1 499.1 added book to inventory B001KWHVH2 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/12
499.1 -0.1 499 removed book from inventory 1847670709 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/12
501.1 -2 499.1 deducted points for mooch request 0060572000 Brant Gibbard (Canada) 2010/09/12
498.1 +3 501.1 gave points for mooch request 0440162645 Tribefan (USA: NC) 2010/09/12
500.1 -2 498.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425231496 wesleyBdub (USA) 2010/09/12
497.1 +3 500.1 gave points for mooch request 0312370288 Ray Palen (USA) 2010/09/11
499.1 -2 497.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451226119 sharonae144 (USA: AZ) 2010/09/11
499.2 -0.1 499.1 removed book from inventory 0571239730 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/11
499.1 +0.1 499.2 added book to inventory 0571239730 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/11
500.1 -1 499.1 gave a smooch janet101 (United Kingdom) 2010/09/11
501.1 -1 500.1 gave a smooch janet101 (United Kingdom) 2010/09/11
502.1 -1 501.1 gave a smooch jessk (United Kingdom) 2010/09/11
503.1 -1 502.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553406647 Chris (United Kingdom) 2010/09/11
501.1 +2 503.1 lost in the mail says book owner 1599216019 facundoregue (Argentina) 2010/09/11
498.1 +3 501.1 gave points for mooch request 0747237069 gail (USA: NJ) 2010/09/10
497.1 +1 498.1 gave points for mooch request 0192731904 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2010/09/10
494.1 +3 497.1 gave points for mooch request 1857992911 James (Ireland) 2010/09/10
495.1 -1 494.1 deducted points for mooch request 0199259461 Moira (United Kingdom) 2010/09/10
496.1 -1 495.1 deducted points for mooch request 1854315536 John Hopper (United Kingdom) 2010/09/10
495.1 +1 496.1 gave points for mooch request 0345333217 Gillian (United Kingdom) 2010/09/09
494.1 +1 495.1 gave points for mooch request 0192756044 IrishPenJen (United Kingdom) 2010/09/09
493.1 +1 494.1 gave points for mooch request 0684809753 IrishPenJen (United Kingdom) 2010/09/09
490.1 +3 493.1 gave points for mooch request 1904977480 rockrnfntsy21 (USA: MI) 2010/09/08
492.1 -2 490.1 deducted points for mooch request 1847241964 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/09/08
494.1 -2 492.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425150070 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2010/09/08
493.1 +1 494.1 gave points for mooch request 0688033709 sarah dixon (United Kingdom) 2010/09/08
490.1 +3 493.1 gave points for mooch request 0380762951 Bonnie S. (USA: FL) 2010/09/08
489.1 +1 490.1 gave points for mooch request 0224063227 Tom Heath (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
486.1 +3 489.1 gave points for mooch request 0805088946 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/09/07
486 +0.1 486.1 added book to inventory 0380762951 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
485 +1 486 gave points for mooch request 055214584X Pollie (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
484.9 +0.1 485 added book to inventory 0224063227 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
481.9 +3 484.9 gave points for mooch request 0563486449 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/09/07
481.8 +0.1 481.9 added book to inventory 0330448641 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
481.7 +0.1 481.8 added book to inventory 0727855069 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
478.7 +3 481.7 gave points for mooch request 0752867474 Simon Kennedy (France) 2010/09/07
478.6 +0.1 478.7 added book to inventory 1858289017 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
475.6 +3 478.6 gave points for mooch request 0330493736 Simon Kennedy (France) 2010/09/07
475.5 +0.1 475.6 added book to inventory 0192731904 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
475.4 +0.1 475.5 added book to inventory 055214584X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
475.3 +0.1 475.4 added book to inventory 0330493736 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
475.2 +0.1 475.3 added book to inventory 0440191831 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
475.1 +0.1 475.2 added book to inventory 0805088946 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
475 +0.1 475.1 added book to inventory 0312370288 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
474.9 +0.1 475 added book to inventory 0804116105 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
474.8 +0.1 474.9 added book to inventory 0752804340 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
474.9 -0.1 474.8 removed book from inventory 0140231080 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
474.8 +0.1 474.9 added book to inventory 0140231080 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
474.7 +0.1 474.8 added book to inventory 0563486449 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
474.6 +0.1 474.7 added book to inventory 0755315502 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
474.5 +0.1 474.6 added book to inventory 0312253672 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
474.4 +0.1 474.5 added book to inventory 0688033709 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
474.3 +0.1 474.4 added book to inventory 0684809753 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
471.3 +3 474.3 gave points for mooch request 0141330538 Atia (Deutschland) 2010/09/07
470.3 +1 471.3 gave points for mooch request 0739467255 yougan (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
469.3 +1 470.3 gave points for mooch request 0747565678 Luci (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
468.3 +1 469.3 gave points for mooch request 0778302385 Yvann (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
467.3 +1 468.3 gave points for mooch request 185958019X Yvann (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
466.3 +1 467.3 gave points for mooch request 0340921994 Yvann (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
465.3 +1 466.3 gave points for mooch request 0330411535 Yvann (United Kingdom) 2010/09/07
464.3 +1 465.3 gave points for mooch request 0552158089 pennywhistler (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
461.3 +3 464.3 gave points for mooch request 1846075904 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/09/06
458.3 +3 461.3 gave points for mooch request 0747592837 RidgewayGirl (USA: SC) 2010/09/06
455.3 +3 458.3 gave points for mooch request 0747519560 Debbi Higginbotham (USA: AL) 2010/09/06
455.2 +0.1 455.3 added book to inventory 0552158089 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
455.1 +0.1 455.2 added book to inventory 0460021885 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
455 +0.1 455.1 added book to inventory 0553572350 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
454.9 +0.1 455 added book to inventory 0330439650 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
454.8 +0.1 454.9 added book to inventory 000648204X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
454.7 +0.1 454.8 added book to inventory 0515094978 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
454.6 +0.1 454.7 added book to inventory 1405242310 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
454.5 +0.1 454.6 added book to inventory 0340921994 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
454.4 +0.1 454.5 added book to inventory 0551020644 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
454.3 +0.1 454.4 added book to inventory 0141017805 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
454.4 -0.1 454.3 removed book from inventory 1847670709 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
454.3 +0.1 454.4 added book to inventory 1847670709 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
454.2 +0.1 454.3 added book to inventory 1847670709 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
454.1 +0.1 454.2 added book to inventory 1855343339 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
454 +0.1 454.1 added book to inventory 1904977480 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
453.9 +0.1 454 added book to inventory 1873439466 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
453.8 +0.1 453.9 added book to inventory 1846075904 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
453.7 +0.1 453.8 added book to inventory 0747592837 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
453.8 -0.1 453.7 removed book from inventory 0330487396 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
453.7 +0.1 453.8 added book to inventory 0330487396 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
453.6 +0.1 453.7 added book to inventory 0747515522 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
453.5 +0.1 453.6 added book to inventory 0141330538 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
454.5 -1 453.5 deducted points for mooch request 0141025077 Marie (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
453.5 +1 454.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0141318600 Rebecca (United Kingdom) 2010/09/06
450.5 +3 453.5 gave points for mooch request 0340241713 Aspa (Greece) 2010/09/06
447.5 +3 450.5 gave points for mooch request 0434017078 racicot (Canada) 2010/09/05
444.5 +3 447.5 gave points for mooch request 1845295757 BettyBamBoo (USA: OK) 2010/09/05
443.5 +1 444.5 gave points for mooch request 0141330538 jessk (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
440.5 +3 443.5 gave points for mooch request 1855859998 JM (USA: NC) 2010/09/05
437.5 +3 440.5 gave points for mooch request 1577480597 mary williams (USA: FL) 2010/09/05
434.5 +3 437.5 gave points for mooch request 0330448447 karen (USA: CT) 2010/09/05
431.5 +3 434.5 gave points for mooch request 0426201086 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/09/05
428.5 +3 431.5 gave points for mooch request 0563405775 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/09/05
425.5 +3 428.5 gave points for mooch request 1843401754 sshimmer7 (USA: PA) 2010/09/05
424.5 +1 425.5 gave points for mooch request 0679744479 janet101 (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
423.5 +1 424.5 gave points for mooch request 1905005180 Nine (Malaysia) 2010/09/05
422.5 +1 423.5 gave points for mooch request 1847441289 Tiare (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
422.4 +0.1 422.5 added book to inventory 0330487396 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
421.4 +1 422.4 gave points for mooch request 0340918519 Tiare (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
421.3 +0.1 421.4 added book to inventory 0141326921 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
420.3 +1 421.3 gave points for mooch request 0373261047 lotuscandy (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
420.2 +0.1 420.3 added book to inventory 1847441289 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
420.1 +0.1 420.2 added book to inventory 0349115761 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
420 +0.1 420.1 added book to inventory 0970888503 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
419.9 +0.1 420 added book to inventory 0340918519 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
419.8 +0.1 419.9 added book to inventory 0426201086 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
419.7 +0.1 419.8 added book to inventory 0261662732 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
419.6 +0.1 419.7 added book to inventory 1857992911 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
419.5 +0.1 419.6 added book to inventory 0723420041 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
419.4 +0.1 419.5 added book to inventory 0140269274 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
419.3 +0.1 419.4 added book to inventory 0099186926 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
416.3 +3 419.3 gave points for mooch request 0141324198 Angie (USA: KY) 2010/09/05
416.2 +0.1 416.3 added book to inventory 0141324198 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
416.1 +0.1 416.2 added book to inventory 0192756044 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
416 +0.1 416.1 added book to inventory 0956122272 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
416.1 -0.1 416 removed book from inventory 0733615635 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
416 +0.1 416.1 added book to inventory 0733615635 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
413 +3 416 gave points for mooch request 1406326305 frezanda (Singapore) 2010/09/05
412.9 +0.1 413 added book to inventory 0345333217 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
412.8 +0.1 412.9 added book to inventory 0751530166 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
412.7 +0.1 412.8 added book to inventory 0340241713 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
412.6 +0.1 412.7 added book to inventory 0004357736 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
412.7 -0.1 412.6 removed book from inventory 034540324X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
412.6 +0.1 412.7 added book to inventory 034540324X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
412.5 +0.1 412.6 added book to inventory 0330411535 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
412.4 +0.1 412.5 added book to inventory 0745930476 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
412.3 +0.1 412.4 added book to inventory 0593053958 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
412.2 +0.1 412.3 added book to inventory 0739467255 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
412.1 +0.1 412.2 added book to inventory 0373261047 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
412 +0.1 412.1 added book to inventory 0340681470 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
411.9 +0.1 412 added book to inventory 1845296702 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
411.8 +0.1 411.9 added book to inventory 0747565678 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
411.7 +0.1 411.8 added book to inventory 0747557756 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
411.6 +0.1 411.7 added book to inventory 0330248960 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
411.5 +0.1 411.6 added book to inventory 1845295757 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
410.5 +1 411.5 gave points for mooch request 1407117599 Catie Cary (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
410.4 +0.1 410.5 added book to inventory 1855859998 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
410.3 +0.1 410.4 added book to inventory 0747237069 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
410.2 +0.1 410.3 added book to inventory 0778302385 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
410.1 +0.1 410.2 added book to inventory 1905005180 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
410 +0.1 410.1 added book to inventory 043999795X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
409.9 +0.1 410 added book to inventory 0413800709 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
409.8 +0.1 409.9 added book to inventory 1853262269 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
409.7 +0.1 409.8 added book to inventory 0679744479 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
409.6 +0.1 409.7 added book to inventory 0563405775 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
409.5 +0.1 409.6 added book to inventory 1407117599 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
409.4 +0.1 409.5 added book to inventory B001Q6YWEM Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
409.3 +0.1 409.4 added book to inventory 0747519560 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
409.2 +0.1 409.3 added book to inventory 0515113328 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
409.1 +0.1 409.2 added book to inventory 0330448447 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
409 +0.1 409.1 added book to inventory 1406326305 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
408.9 +0.1 409 added book to inventory 0752867474 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
408.8 +0.1 408.9 added book to inventory 1843401754 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
408.9 -0.1 408.8 removed book from inventory 1847670709 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
408.8 +0.1 408.9 added book to inventory 1847670709 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
408.7 +0.1 408.8 added book to inventory 0440162645 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
408.6 +0.1 408.7 added book to inventory 0434017078 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
408.5 +0.1 408.6 added book to inventory 0755300203 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
408.4 +0.1 408.5 added book to inventory 0099435586 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
408.3 +0.1 408.4 added book to inventory 0099228823 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
408.2 +0.1 408.3 added book to inventory 0006497810 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
408.1 +0.1 408.2 added book to inventory 0340751525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
408.2 -0.1 408.1 removed book from inventory 0746041608 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
408.3 -0.1 408.2 removed book from inventory 044661257X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
408.4 -0.1 408.3 removed book from inventory 0714503614 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
408.5 -0.1 408.4 removed book from inventory 0747565678 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
408.6 -0.1 408.5 removed book from inventory 1906032025 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
408.7 -0.1 408.6 removed book from inventory 0745930476 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
408.8 -0.1 408.7 removed book from inventory 0413800709 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
408.9 -0.1 408.8 removed book from inventory 0755300203 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
409 -0.1 408.9 removed book from inventory 0752867474 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
409.1 -0.1 409 removed book from inventory 0449218961 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
409.2 -0.1 409.1 removed book from inventory 0747515522 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
409.3 -0.1 409.2 removed book from inventory 0006862993 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
409.4 -0.1 409.3 removed book from inventory 1852426659 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
409.5 -0.1 409.4 removed book from inventory 0751530166 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
409.6 -0.1 409.5 removed book from inventory 0751302627 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
409.7 -0.1 409.6 removed book from inventory 0261662732 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
409.8 -0.1 409.7 removed book from inventory 1577482565 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
409.9 -0.1 409.8 removed book from inventory 0340751525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
410 -0.1 409.9 removed book from inventory 1853262269 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
410.1 -0.1 410 removed book from inventory 0551020644 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
410.2 -0.1 410.1 removed book from inventory 0752804340 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
410.3 -0.1 410.2 removed book from inventory 0140269274 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
410.4 -0.1 410.3 removed book from inventory 0330283928 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
410.5 -0.1 410.4 removed book from inventory 0330248960 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
410.6 -0.1 410.5 removed book from inventory 0749444193 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
410.7 -0.1 410.6 removed book from inventory 0340681470 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
410.8 -0.1 410.7 removed book from inventory 1407207113 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
410.9 -0.1 410.8 removed book from inventory 0340921994 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
411 -0.1 410.9 removed book from inventory 0747557756 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
411.1 -0.1 411 removed book from inventory 0006368247 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
411.2 -0.1 411.1 removed book from inventory 0004357736 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
411.1 +0.1 411.2 added book to inventory 0141330538 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
411 +0.1 411.1 added book to inventory 0140038833 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
413 -2 411 deducted points for mooch request 0140620796 Michal (Israel) 2010/09/05
415 -2 413 deducted points for mooch request 068983280X Michal (Israel) 2010/09/05
417 -2 415 deducted points for mooch request 0345498860 Michal (Israel) 2010/09/05
416.9 +0.1 417 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671689495 Calmdogs (USA: AR) 2010/09/05
416.8 +0.1 416.9 added book to inventory 1577480597 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
416.7 +0.1 416.8 added book to inventory 1577481461 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
416.6 +0.1 416.7 added book to inventory 1577482565 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
416.5 +0.1 416.6 added book to inventory 1577481593 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
416.4 +0.1 416.5 added book to inventory 1577481577 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
416.3 +0.1 416.4 added book to inventory 1577482891 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
416.2 +0.1 416.3 added book to inventory 1577481569 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
416.1 +0.1 416.2 added book to inventory 1577481453 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
416 +0.1 416.1 added book to inventory 157748410X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/05
417 -1 416 deducted points for mooch request 0141318600 Rebecca (United Kingdom) 2010/09/04
416.9 +0.1 417 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0895778599 claire (United Kingdom) 2010/09/04
415.9 +1 416.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0099534479 jonesey (United Kingdom) 2010/09/04
415.8 +0.1 415.9 added book to inventory 0140288236 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/04
415.9 -0.1 415.8 removed book from inventory 0140288236 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/04
415.8 +0.1 415.9 added book to inventory 0140288236 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/09/04
417.8 -2 415.8 deducted points for mooch request 0743488032 angie (USA: FL) 2010/09/04
419.8 -2 417.8 deducted points for mooch request 0446556998 angie (USA: FL) 2010/09/04
419.7 +0.1 419.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book B001KTKGVI Rob Tilling (United Kingdom) 2010/09/03
421.7 -2 419.7 deducted points for mooch request 0312365160 vespasia (USA: IL) 2010/09/03
421.6 +0.1 421.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1847670709 Sarah (United Kingdom) 2010/09/02
421.5 +0.1 421.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416903151 Karen (USA: MO) 2010/09/01
421.4 +0.1 421.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843953608 al (Australia) 2010/09/01
421.3 +0.1 421.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 009190921X Jane Price (United Kingdom) 2010/09/01
421.2 +0.1 421.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1881527638 VeraMarie (USA) 2010/09/01
421.1 +0.1 421.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373264674 Bernadette (Australia) 2010/09/01
422.1 -1 421.1 deducted points for mooch request 0312426291 Haje / Photocritic (United Kingdom) 2010/09/01
423.1 -1 422.1 deducted points for mooch request B001KTKGVI Rob Tilling (United Kingdom) 2010/08/31
424.1 -1 423.1 deducted points for mooch request BM127140612393279308 Lix (USA: CA) 2010/08/31
425.1 -1 424.1 deducted points for mooch request 0895778599 claire (United Kingdom) 2010/08/31
426.1 -1 425.1 deducted points for mooch request 0195307011 catherine fayter (United Kingdom) 2010/08/27
427.1 -1 426.1 deducted points for mooch request 1847670709 Sarah (United Kingdom) 2010/08/27
428.1 -1 427.1 deducted points for mooch request 009190921X Jane Price (United Kingdom) 2010/08/25
428 +0.1 428.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0753825473 Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2010/08/25
427.9 +0.1 428 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060936428 JDV (USA: TX) 2010/08/25
427.8 +0.1 427.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451217268 Janell (USA: KS) 2010/08/25
428.8 -1 427.8 gave a smooch Karen (USA: MO) 2010/08/25
428.7 +0.1 428.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743244850 Karen (USA: MO) 2010/08/25
428.6 +0.1 428.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345430565 Karen (USA: MO) 2010/08/25
428.5 +0.1 428.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440162645 Melinda (USA: NY) 2010/08/25
428.4 +0.1 428.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 052340638X chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2010/08/23
428.3 +0.1 428.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0751540013 audproctor (United Kingdom) 2010/08/23
428.2 +0.1 428.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416548505 Zenette (United Kingdom) 2010/08/23
428.1 +0.1 428.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0563538007 chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2010/08/23
430.1 -2 428.1 deducted points for mooch request 1416903151 Karen (USA: MO) 2010/08/22
431.1 -1 430.1 deducted points for mooch request 0753825473 Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2010/08/22
433.1 -2 431.1 deducted points for mooch request 0843953608 al (Australia) 2010/08/21
432.1 +1 433.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0007242476 audproctor (United Kingdom) 2010/08/19
433.1 -1 432.1 deducted points for mooch request 0007242476 audproctor (United Kingdom) 2010/08/19
434.1 -1 433.1 deducted points for mooch request 0751540013 audproctor (United Kingdom) 2010/08/19
436.1 -2 434.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451217268 Janell (USA: KS) 2010/08/18
436 +0.1 436.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345425308 Vandy (United Kingdom) 2010/08/18
435.9 +0.1 436 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141046155 Martina (Netherlands) 2010/08/18
437.9 -2 435.9 deducted points for mooch request 0440162645 Melinda (USA: NY) 2010/08/18
438.9 -1 437.9 gave a smooch Jammi (USA: MI) 2010/08/17
438.8 +0.1 438.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 067170088X Jammi (USA: MI) 2010/08/17
438.7 +0.1 438.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 074724815X Kucki68 (Germany) 2010/08/17
438.6 +0.1 438.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0755321251 Kucki68 (Germany) 2010/08/17
438.5 +0.1 438.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743484177 Shelley (United Kingdom) 2010/08/17
438.4 +0.1 438.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0340200472 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/08/17
438.3 +0.1 438.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416525947 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/08/17
438.2 +0.1 438.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1847391214 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/08/17
438.1 +0.1 438.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140088172 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/08/17
438 +0.1 438.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0117024104 F. Gonzalez (Netherlands) 2010/08/17
437.9 +0.1 438 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0739496042 Liisa (USA: CA) 2010/08/17
435.9 +2 437.9 mooch rejected by book owner 0755305094 S.J. Rutledge (Ireland) 2010/08/16
437.9 -2 435.9 deducted points for mooch request 0671689495 Calmdogs (USA: AR) 2010/08/15
439.9 -2 437.9 deducted points for mooch request 1599216019 facundoregue (Argentina) 2010/08/15
440.9 -1 439.9 deducted points for mooch request 1416548505 Zenette (United Kingdom) 2010/08/15
442.9 -2 440.9 deducted points for mooch request 0385496842 Erin (USA: NJ) 2010/08/14
444.9 -2 442.9 deducted points for mooch request 0755305094 S.J. Rutledge (Ireland) 2010/08/14
445.9 -1 444.9 deducted points for mooch request 0345425308 Vandy (United Kingdom) 2010/08/13
447.9 -2 445.9 deducted points for mooch request 0345430565 Karen (USA: MO) 2010/08/13
449.9 -2 447.9 deducted points for mooch request 0373260911 Dannelke (USA: PA) 2010/08/13
451.9 -2 449.9 deducted points for mooch request 0743244850 Karen (USA: MO) 2010/08/13
453.9 -2 451.9 deducted points for mooch request 0385477074 vespasia (USA: IL) 2010/08/12
453.8 +0.1 453.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042521351X Will Linden (USA: NY) 2010/08/12
453.7 +0.1 453.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0142000159 Nancy C (USA: TX) 2010/08/12
452.7 +1 453.7 received a smooch Spinifex (United Kingdom) 2010/08/12
453.7 -1 452.7 deducted points for mooch request 0117024104 F. Gonzalez (Netherlands) 2010/08/11
455.7 -2 453.7 deducted points for mooch request 0563538007 chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2010/08/10
457.7 -2 455.7 deducted points for mooch request 1881527638 VeraMarie (USA) 2010/08/10
454.7 +3 457.7 gave points for mooch request 074993154X Jay (Italy) 2010/08/10
454.6 +0.1 454.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312948131 Karen (USA: MO) 2010/08/09
454.5 +0.1 454.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553572350 Cheshire-Cat (USA: OH) 2010/08/09
453.5 +1 454.5 gave points for mooch request 0752847651 Dan (United Kingdom) 2010/08/09
455.5 -2 453.5 deducted points for mooch request 0060936428 JDV (USA: TX) 2010/08/08
454.5 +1 455.5 gave points for mooch request 0451219007 Karen1964 (United Kingdom) 2010/08/07
454.4 +0.1 454.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099519763 Lix (USA: CA) 2010/08/07
454.3 +0.1 454.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1844166341 Mark (USA: CT) 2010/08/07
454.2 +0.1 454.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330507524 karen07814 (United Kingdom) 2010/08/07
454.1 +0.1 454.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141382686 James Terry (United Kingdom) 2010/08/07
451.1 +3 454.1 gave points for mooch request 0140186522 jojoney (Ireland) 2010/08/07
450.1 +1 451.1 gave points for mooch request 0575089407 Jenny Juckes (United Kingdom) 2010/08/06
447.1 +3 450.1 gave points for mooch request 0426200098 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/08/06
444.1 +3 447.1 gave points for mooch request 0426200683 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/08/06
444 +0.1 444.1 added book to inventory 0575089407 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/06
443.9 +0.1 444 added book to inventory 0426200683 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/06
443.8 +0.1 443.9 added book to inventory 0426200098 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/06
443.7 +0.1 443.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060096861 Sharon (USA: MA) 2010/08/06
442.7 +1 443.7 gave points for mooch request 0380762978 WelshHelen (United Kingdom) 2010/08/05
444.7 -2 442.7 deducted points for mooch request 074724815X Kucki68 (Germany) 2010/08/05
446.7 -2 444.7 deducted points for mooch request 0755321251 Kucki68 (Germany) 2010/08/05
447.7 -1 446.7 deducted points for mooch request 0486298574 Emily (United Kingdom) 2010/08/05
444.7 +3 447.7 gave points for mooch request 0099286386 Jill Rachele (USA: MI) 2010/08/05
441.7 +3 444.7 gave points for mooch request 0743417151 Ray Palen (USA) 2010/08/05
441.6 +0.1 441.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1857992911 huitseeker (France) 2010/08/05
442.6 -1 441.6 gave a smooch Sharon (USA: MA) 2010/08/05
443.6 -1 442.6 gave a smooch Sharon (USA: MA) 2010/08/05
443.5 +0.1 443.6 added book to inventory 0551020644 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/05
443.4 +0.1 443.5 added book to inventory 0413800709 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/05
443.3 +0.1 443.4 added book to inventory 1853262269 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/05
443.2 +0.1 443.3 added book to inventory 0752804340 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/05
443.1 +0.1 443.2 added book to inventory 0006368247 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/05
443 +0.1 443.1 added book to inventory 0140186522 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/05
442.9 +0.1 443 added book to inventory 0747515522 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/05
442.8 +0.1 442.9 added book to inventory 0752847651 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/05
442.7 +0.1 442.8 added book to inventory 0330283928 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/05
442.6 +0.1 442.7 added book to inventory 0743417151 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/05
441.6 +1 442.6 gave points for mooch request 0140621032 Villan_75 (United Kingdom) 2010/08/04
443.6 -2 441.6 deducted points for mooch request 0141046155 Martina (Netherlands) 2010/08/04
444.6 -1 443.6 deducted points for mooch request 0330507524 karen07814 (United Kingdom) 2010/08/04
443.6 +1 444.6 gave points for mooch request 0670884413 Tom McIver (United Kingdom) 2010/08/04
442.6 +1 443.6 gave points for mooch request 0426116909 Lynn Herron (United Kingdom) 2010/08/04
442.5 +0.1 442.6 added book to inventory 0140621032 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/04
442.4 +0.1 442.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373261047 emessufan (USA: MI) 2010/08/04
442.3 +0.1 442.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0860918025 Darren (USA: KS) 2010/08/04
442.2 +0.1 442.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425219585 emessufan (USA: MI) 2010/08/04
442.1 +0.1 442.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042521981X emessufan (USA: MI) 2010/08/04
442 +0.1 442.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1558176845 LaVonne (USA: MN) 2010/08/04
439 +3 442 gave points for mooch request 0380815613 Antonia (Germany) 2010/08/04
436 +3 439 gave points for mooch request 038076296X Antonia (Germany) 2010/08/04
435.9 +0.1 436 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1852834420 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2010/08/04
435.8 +0.1 435.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747268924 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2010/08/04
435.7 +0.1 435.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345440080 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2010/08/04
435.6 +0.1 435.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747262314 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2010/08/04
435.5 +0.1 435.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0523410131 Andrew (Australia) 2010/08/04
435.4 +0.1 435.5 added book to inventory 0380762978 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/04
435.3 +0.1 435.4 added book to inventory 038076296X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/04
435.2 +0.1 435.3 added book to inventory 0380815613 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/04
435.1 +0.1 435.2 added book to inventory 0451219007 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/04
435 +0.1 435.1 added book to inventory 0099286386 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/04
434.9 +0.1 435 added book to inventory 0426116909 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/04
434.8 +0.1 434.9 added book to inventory 0751530166 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/04
434.7 +0.1 434.8 added book to inventory 0670884413 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/04
431.7 +3 434.7 gave points for mooch request 0575079428 Didu (Finland) 2010/08/04
431.6 +0.1 431.7 added book to inventory 0575079428 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/04
431.5 +0.1 431.6 added book to inventory 185958019X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/04
431.4 +0.1 431.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 2831572223 Peta (United Kingdom) 2010/08/04
431.3 +0.1 431.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786868716 Gerri (Canada) 2010/08/04
431.2 +0.1 431.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451205561 Rachel A Hyde (United Kingdom) 2010/08/02
429.2 +2 431.2 mooch rejected by book owner 0688128386 Mariola (USA: IL) 2010/08/02
430.2 -1 429.2 deducted points for mooch request 0099519763 Lix (USA: CA) 2010/08/02
432.2 -2 430.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312948131 Karen (USA: MO) 2010/08/02
435.2 -3 432.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 034540324X Marjri (USA: ID) 2010/08/02
432.2 +3 435.2 gave points for mooch request 0575089385 Heidi H, (USA: OR) 2010/08/01
429.2 +3 432.2 gave points for mooch request 034540324X Marjri (USA: ID) 2010/08/01
426.2 +3 429.2 gave points for mooch request 1846075920 jlhummel (USA: PA) 2010/08/01
428.2 -2 426.2 deducted points for mooch request 052340638X chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2010/08/01
428.3 -0.1 428.2 removed book from inventory 0575089385 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/01
428.2 +0.1 428.3 added book to inventory 0575089385 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/01
428.1 +0.1 428.2 added book to inventory 0575089385 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/01
428 +0.1 428.1 added book to inventory 1846075920 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/08/01
430 -2 428 deducted points for mooch request 1857992911 huitseeker (France) 2010/07/31
432 -2 430 deducted points for mooch request 0553572350 Cheshire-Cat (USA: OH) 2010/07/31
434 -2 432 deducted points for mooch request 1844166341 Mark (USA: CT) 2010/07/31
435 -1 434 deducted points for mooch request 0141382686 James Terry (United Kingdom) 2010/07/31
434.9 +0.1 435 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316769509 ae.dalrymple (USA: NY) 2010/07/31
434.8 +0.1 434.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140106871 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/07/31
434.7 +0.1 434.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1906032432 Karen (United Kingdom) 2010/07/31
434.6 +0.1 434.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0889626472 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/07/31
434.5 +0.1 434.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0804116105 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/07/31
431.5 +3 434.5 gave points for mooch request 1400095476 Bruce (Australia) 2010/07/30
430.5 +1 431.5 gave points for mooch request 033037317X LancashireLass (United Kingdom) 2010/07/29
430.4 +0.1 430.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1847391605 Kenneth J O'Rourke (United Kingdom) 2010/07/29
430.3 +0.1 430.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 184243215X annecater (United Kingdom) 2010/07/29
429.3 +1 430.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0091896916 louise hamza (United Kingdom) 2010/07/28
428.3 +1 429.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0091889111 Andrew (United Kingdom) 2010/07/28
429.3 -1 428.3 deducted points for mooch request 2831572223 Peta (United Kingdom) 2010/07/28
430.3 -1 429.3 deducted points for mooch request 0743484177 Shelley (United Kingdom) 2010/07/28
432.3 -2 430.3 deducted points for mooch request 0523410131 Andrew (Australia) 2010/07/27
429.3 +3 432.3 gave points for mooch request 0060012234 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/07/27
429.2 +0.1 429.3 added book to inventory 0060012234 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/07/27
431.2 -2 429.2 deducted points for mooch request 0373261047 emessufan (USA: MI) 2010/07/27
433.2 -2 431.2 deducted points for mooch request 067170088X Jammi (USA: MI) 2010/07/27
433.1 +0.1 433.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1577482565 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/07/27
433 +0.1 433.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1577481569 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/07/27
432.9 +0.1 433 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1577481453 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/07/27
432.8 +0.1 432.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1577482891 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/07/27
432.7 +0.1 432.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1577481577 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/07/27
432.6 +0.1 432.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671755064 ~Jana~ (USA: WI) 2010/07/27
432.5 +0.1 432.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1577481593 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/07/27
432.4 +0.1 432.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1577480597 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/07/27
432.3 +0.1 432.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1577481461 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/07/27
432.2 +0.1 432.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1577480600 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/07/27
432.1 +0.1 432.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 157748410X Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/07/27
432 +0.1 432.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0753824019 Brant Gibbard (Canada) 2010/07/27
434 -2 432 deducted points for mooch request 1847391214 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/07/27
435 -1 434 deducted points for mooch request 1906032432 Karen (United Kingdom) 2010/07/27
436 -1 435 deducted points for mooch request 0451205561 Rachel A Hyde (United Kingdom) 2010/07/26
433 +3 436 gave points for mooch request 0007230206 Spinifex (United Kingdom) 2010/07/26
432.9 +0.1 433 added book to inventory 0007230206 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/07/25
433 -0.1 432.9 removed book from inventory 0007230206 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/07/25
432.9 +0.1 433 added book to inventory 0007230206 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/07/25
433.9 -1 432.9 deducted points for mooch request 0394740564 Leanne Catherine Stafford (United Kingdom) 2010/07/25
435.9 -2 433.9 deducted points for mooch request 0060096861 Sharon (USA: MA) 2010/07/25
437.9 -2 435.9 deducted points for mooch request 1416525947 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/07/25
439.9 -2 437.9 deducted points for mooch request 0140088172 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/07/25
441.9 -2 439.9 deducted points for mooch request 0340200472 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/07/25
443.9 -2 441.9 deducted points for mooch request 1558176845 LaVonne (USA: MN) 2010/07/25
445.9 -2 443.9 deducted points for mooch request 042521351X Will Linden (USA: NY) 2010/07/24
446.9 -1 445.9 deducted points for mooch request 1847391605 Kenneth J O'Rourke (United Kingdom) 2010/07/24
448.9 -2 446.9 deducted points for mooch request 0316769509 ae.dalrymple (USA: NY) 2010/07/24
449.9 -1 448.9 deducted points for mooch request 0752884662 Emma P (United Kingdom) 2010/07/24
451.9 -2 449.9 deducted points for mooch request 0860918025 Darren (USA: KS) 2010/07/24
452.9 -1 451.9 deducted points for mooch request 184243215X annecater (United Kingdom) 2010/07/24
452.8 +0.1 452.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0142001740 Heather (USA: AZ) 2010/07/24
452.7 +0.1 452.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380800799 Heather (USA: PA) 2010/07/24
452.6 +0.1 452.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451219007 Heather (USA: PA) 2010/07/24
452.5 +0.1 452.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380815613 Heather (USA: PA) 2010/07/24
452.4 +0.1 452.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380778785 Heather (USA: PA) 2010/07/24
452.3 +0.1 452.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380762978 Heather (USA: PA) 2010/07/24
452.2 +0.1 452.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 038076296X Heather (USA: PA) 2010/07/24
452.1 +0.1 452.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425210219 Heather (USA: PA) 2010/07/24
452 +0.1 452.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440335981 Heather (USA: PA) 2010/07/24
451.9 +0.1 452 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0434017078 Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2010/07/22
451.8 +0.1 451.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1907595007 regina (USA: CA) 2010/07/22
451.7 +0.1 451.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 186049692X Katy (New Zealand) 2010/07/22
453.7 -2 451.7 deducted points for mooch request 0140106871 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/07/22
453.8 -0.1 453.7 removed book from inventory 0753819996 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/07/21
455.8 -2 453.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425219585 emessufan (USA: MI) 2010/07/21
457.8 -2 455.8 deducted points for mooch request 042521981X emessufan (USA: MI) 2010/07/21
459.8 -2 457.8 deducted points for mooch request 0142000159 Nancy C (USA: TX) 2010/07/21
460.8 -1 459.8 deducted points for mooch request 0434017078 Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2010/07/18
460.7 +0.1 460.8 added book to inventory 0753819996 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/07/17
460.6 +0.1 460.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0394537866 bergpj (USA: MN) 2010/07/17
460.5 +0.1 460.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 174237154X Melissasyd (Australia) 2010/07/17
460.4 +0.1 460.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 000616496X Anita (United Kingdom) 2010/07/17
460.3 +0.1 460.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141010320 Antti Huhtamäki (Finland) 2010/07/17
460.2 +0.1 460.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0688003389 Jessica (USA: VA) 2010/07/17
460.1 +0.1 460.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0156005492 Thierry338 (Germany) 2010/07/17
460 +0.1 460.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141186674 Dorota Klimackova (Czech Republic) 2010/07/17
459.9 +0.1 460 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0552998656 Barbra (United Kingdom) 2010/07/16
459.8 +0.1 459.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0571215297 wibba (United Kingdom) 2010/07/16
459.7 +0.1 459.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042520894X Antonia (Germany) 2010/07/16
459.6 +0.1 459.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553277839 Patti (USA: GA) 2010/07/16
460.6 -1 459.6 deducted points for mooch request 1907595007 regina (USA: CA) 2010/07/16
458.6 +2 460.6 mooch rejected by book owner 1577480732 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/07/14
456.6 +2 458.6 mooch rejected by book owner 1577481445 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/07/14
458.6 -2 456.6 deducted points for mooch request 0739496042 Liisa (USA: CA) 2010/07/13
460.6 -2 458.6 deducted points for mooch request 0141010320 Antti Huhtamäki (Finland) 2010/07/12
461.6 -1 460.6 deducted points for mooch request 000616496X Anita (United Kingdom) 2010/07/11
462.6 -1 461.6 deducted points for mooch request 0552998656 Barbra (United Kingdom) 2010/07/10
462.5 +0.1 462.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0778325563 Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2010/07/10
462.4 +0.1 462.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0755305272 Kucki68 (Germany) 2010/07/10
462.3 +0.1 462.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0755305256 Kucki68 (Germany) 2010/07/10
464.3 -2 462.3 deducted points for mooch request 0753824019 Brant Gibbard (Canada) 2010/07/10
464.2 +0.1 464.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book B001VF3HNU m5hall (United Kingdom) 2010/07/09
464.1 +0.1 464.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1584794879 T C Godfrey (Australia) 2010/07/09
464 +0.1 464.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1559701269 Rubus fruticosus (Australia) 2010/07/09
463.9 +0.1 464 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425195465 Amberebma (USA: ID) 2010/07/09
461.9 +2 463.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0671732188 AshleyRyan (USA: NV) 2010/07/09
459.9 +2 461.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0141010320 Antti Huhtamäki (Finland) 2010/07/09
458.9 +1 459.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0385409958 Saeed (United Kingdom) 2010/07/09
457.9 +1 458.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0385602642 Saeed (United Kingdom) 2010/07/09
459.9 -2 457.9 deducted points for mooch request 174237154X Melissasyd (Australia) 2010/07/07
461.9 -2 459.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425212831 Amanda (USA: KY) 2010/07/07
462.9 -1 461.9 deducted points for mooch request 0091889111 Andrew (United Kingdom) 2010/07/07
461.9 +1 462.9 gave points for mooch request 1897580541 Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2010/07/07
462.9 -1 461.9 deducted points for mooch request 0778325563 Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2010/07/07
462.8 +0.1 462.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 045123068X Milla (USA: FL) 2010/07/07
462.7 +0.1 462.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0192804707 David O' Dwyer (Ireland) 2010/07/07
462.6 +0.1 462.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 9780060527334 Gila Hadani Ward (USA: NY) 2010/07/07
462.5 +0.1 462.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758206992 Pam (USA: AL) 2010/07/07
462.4 +0.1 462.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060195851 Chris (USA: FL) 2010/07/07
462.3 +0.1 462.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 057122413X Jess Harris (United Kingdom) 2010/07/07
462.2 +0.1 462.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0192835335 Wulfwaru (United Kingdom) 2010/07/07
462.1 +0.1 462.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747260761 Wulfwaru (United Kingdom) 2010/07/07
462 +0.1 462.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0807217913 Lise (United Kingdom) 2010/07/07
461.9 +0.1 462 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0807219568 Lise (United Kingdom) 2010/07/07
462.9 -1 461.9 deducted points for mooch request 0571215297 wibba (United Kingdom) 2010/07/07
464.9 -2 462.9 deducted points for mooch request 042520894X Antonia (Germany) 2010/07/07
466.9 -2 464.9 deducted points for mooch request 0141186674 Dorota Klimackova (Czech Republic) 2010/07/07
468.9 -2 466.9 deducted points for mooch request 0451219007 Heather (USA: PA) 2010/07/07
470.9 -2 468.9 deducted points for mooch request 0380778785 Heather (USA: PA) 2010/07/07
472.9 -2 470.9 deducted points for mooch request 0380762978 Heather (USA: PA) 2010/07/07
474.9 -2 472.9 deducted points for mooch request 038076296X Heather (USA: PA) 2010/07/07
476.9 -2 474.9 deducted points for mooch request 0380815613 Heather (USA: PA) 2010/07/07
478.9 -2 476.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425210219 Heather (USA: PA) 2010/07/07
480.9 -2 478.9 deducted points for mooch request 0440335981 Heather (USA: PA) 2010/07/07
480.8 +0.1 480.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553574663 Amberebma (USA: ID) 2010/07/07
482.8 -2 480.8 deducted points for mooch request 0380800799 Heather (USA: PA) 2010/07/07
484.8 -2 482.8 deducted points for mooch request 0553277839 Patti (USA: GA) 2010/07/05
481.8 +3 484.8 gave points for mooch request 1844543536 chloe (USA: NJ) 2010/07/05
483.8 -2 481.8 deducted points for mooch request 0394537866 bergpj (USA: MN) 2010/07/04
482.8 +1 483.8 mooch rejected by book owner 1847561101 mickybower (United Kingdom) 2010/07/04
482.7 +0.1 482.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0552775029 Alex (Germany) 2010/07/03
482.6 +0.1 482.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0349116091 Amanda (United Kingdom) 2010/07/03
482.5 +0.1 482.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141029544 brownbear (United Kingdom) 2010/07/03
483.5 -1 482.5 gave a smooch Donogh (Ireland) 2010/07/03
484.5 -1 483.5 gave a smooch Donogh (Ireland) 2010/07/03
484.4 +0.1 484.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743207033 Donogh (Ireland) 2010/07/03
484.3 +0.1 484.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312942869 Marion (USA: AL) 2010/07/03
484.2 +0.1 484.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060838590 Glenda Hamilton (USA: CA) 2010/07/03
484.1 +0.1 484.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0340407573 Marford (United Kingdom) 2010/07/03
484 +0.1 484.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 078602044X bettydorai (Singapore) 2010/07/03
483.9 +0.1 484 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1587432323 Jim (USA: MN) 2010/07/03
483.8 +0.1 483.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060828587 Glenda Hamilton (USA: CA) 2010/07/03
483.7 +0.1 483.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060012234 Pippa (United Kingdom) 2010/07/03
485.7 -2 483.7 deducted points for mooch request 0688003389 Jessica (USA: VA) 2010/07/03
487.7 -2 485.7 deducted points for mooch request 045123068X Milla (USA: FL) 2010/06/29
489.7 -2 487.7 deducted points for mooch request 0552775029 Alex (Germany) 2010/06/28
491.7 -2 489.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758206992 Pam (USA: AL) 2010/06/28
493.7 -2 491.7 deducted points for mooch request 0060195851 Chris (USA: FL) 2010/06/27
494.7 -1 493.7 deducted points for mooch request 0349116091 Amanda (United Kingdom) 2010/06/27
495.7 -1 494.7 deducted points for mooch request 057122413X Jess Harris (United Kingdom) 2010/06/27
496.7 -1 495.7 deducted points for mooch request 0192835335 Wulfwaru (United Kingdom) 2010/06/27
497.7 -1 496.7 deducted points for mooch request 0747260761 Wulfwaru (United Kingdom) 2010/06/27
494.7 +3 497.7 gave points for mooch request 1842329723 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/06/26
493.7 +1 494.7 mooch rejected by book owner 0099588110 Franck (Germany) 2010/06/26
494.7 -1 493.7 deducted points for mooch request 0141029544 brownbear (United Kingdom) 2010/06/26
495.7 -1 494.7 deducted points for mooch request 0099588110 Franck (Germany) 2010/06/26
497.7 -2 495.7 deducted points for mooch request 186049692X Katy (New Zealand) 2010/06/26
497.6 +0.1 497.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1594483299 clastica (United Kingdom) 2010/06/26
498.6 -1 497.6 gave a smooch Brad (USA: SC) 2010/06/26
498.5 +0.1 498.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1582340536 Brad (USA: SC) 2010/06/26
498.4 +0.1 498.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 067173217X Lindsay Adams (USA: KY) 2010/06/26
498.3 +0.1 498.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0755345533 amyb (United Kingdom) 2010/06/26
499.3 -1 498.3 gave a smooch Margaret (USA: WA) 2010/06/26
500.3 -1 499.3 gave a smooch Margaret (USA: WA) 2010/06/26
500.2 +0.1 500.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0892963557 Margaret (USA: WA) 2010/06/26
500.1 +0.1 500.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515111279 RenaissanceGrrl (USA: UT) 2010/06/26
500 +0.1 500.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0880293071 Margaret (USA: WA) 2010/06/26
499.9 +0.1 500 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099545578 Sam Grocutt (United Kingdom) 2010/06/26
499.8 +0.1 499.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 075382096X Duncs (United Kingdom) 2010/06/26
499.7 +0.1 499.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425158497 Cath Scott (United Kingdom) 2010/06/25
499.6 +0.1 499.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425179184 Cath Scott (United Kingdom) 2010/06/25
499.5 +0.1 499.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1891279165 Peta (United Kingdom) 2010/06/25
499.4 +0.1 499.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451208552 emessufan (USA: MI) 2010/06/25
499.3 +0.1 499.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425185818 emessufan (USA: MI) 2010/06/25
501.3 -2 499.3 deducted points for mooch request 1577481445 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/06/25
503.3 -2 501.3 deducted points for mooch request 1577482565 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/06/25
505.3 -2 503.3 deducted points for mooch request 1577481453 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/06/25
507.3 -2 505.3 deducted points for mooch request 1577481569 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/06/25
509.3 -2 507.3 deducted points for mooch request 1577481577 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/06/25
511.3 -2 509.3 deducted points for mooch request 1577481593 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/06/25
513.3 -2 511.3 deducted points for mooch request 1577480597 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/06/25
512.3 +1 513.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0141006870 Rachel (United Kingdom) 2010/06/25
514.3 -2 512.3 deducted points for mooch request 1577481461 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/06/24
516.3 -2 514.3 deducted points for mooch request 1577480600 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/06/24
518.3 -2 516.3 deducted points for mooch request 1577482891 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/06/24
520.3 -2 518.3 deducted points for mooch request 157748410X Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/06/24
522.3 -2 520.3 deducted points for mooch request 1577480732 Nicole (USA: CA) 2010/06/24
524.3 -2 522.3 deducted points for mooch request 9780060527334 Gila Hadani Ward (USA: NY) 2010/06/24
526.3 -2 524.3 deducted points for mooch request 0743207033 Donogh (Ireland) 2010/06/23
528.3 -2 526.3 deducted points for mooch request 1559701269 Rubus fruticosus (Australia) 2010/06/23
526.3 +2 528.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0345334531 Becky K. (USA: IL) - Acadia Hawke (USA: MN) 2010/06/23
526.2 +0.1 526.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1905802234 Cleo1975 (United Kingdom) 2010/06/22
527.2 -1 526.2 deducted points for mooch request 0807217913 Lise (United Kingdom) 2010/06/21
528.2 -1 527.2 deducted points for mooch request 0807219568 Lise (United Kingdom) 2010/06/21
530.2 -2 528.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312942869 Marion (USA: AL) 2010/06/21
531.2 -1 530.2 deducted points for mooch request 1594483299 clastica (United Kingdom) 2010/06/21
528.2 +3 531.2 gave points for mooch request 0755337123 Ioana (Romania) 2010/06/21
525.2 +3 528.2 gave points for mooch request 033002213X Spinifex (United Kingdom) 2010/06/21
522.2 +3 525.2 gave points for mooch request 0747579881 Keng Kiat (Singapore) 2010/06/20
519.2 +3 522.2 gave points for mooch request 0439709105 Chris (USA: MT) 2010/06/20
518.2 +1 519.2 gave points for mooch request 0141187522 Lee (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
515.2 +3 518.2 gave points for mooch request 0330262130 Kayla Deanne (Canada) 2010/06/20
512.2 +3 515.2 gave points for mooch request 0140013156 HeyJude (USA: NY) 2010/06/20
509.2 +3 512.2 gave points for mooch request 1843542943 chris (Japan) 2010/06/20
506.2 +3 509.2 gave points for mooch request 0349102147 chris (Japan) 2010/06/20
503.2 +3 506.2 gave points for mooch request 1845297350 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
503.1 +0.1 503.2 added book to inventory 0751302627 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
500.1 +3 503.1 gave points for mooch request 0671029665 FamFatale (USA: VA) 2010/06/20
497.1 +3 500.1 gave points for mooch request 000617342X Marinda (USA: LA) 2010/06/20
499.1 -2 497.1 deducted points for mooch request 0060838590 Glenda Hamilton (USA: CA) 2010/06/20
499 +0.1 499.1 added book to inventory 0747557756 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
496 +3 499 gave points for mooch request 0753812568 starfishian (Canada) 2010/06/20
495.9 +0.1 496 added book to inventory 0349102147 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
495.8 +0.1 495.9 added book to inventory 1845297350 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
495.7 +0.1 495.8 added book to inventory 0449218961 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
492.7 +3 495.7 gave points for mooch request 0563405902 Antony Deter (USA: IL) 2010/06/20
489.7 +3 492.7 gave points for mooch request 0563538325 Antony Deter (USA: IL) 2010/06/20
489.6 +0.1 489.7 added book to inventory 0746041608 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
489.5 +0.1 489.6 added book to inventory 0140269274 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
489.4 +0.1 489.5 added book to inventory 0752867474 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
489.3 +0.1 489.4 added book to inventory 0261662732 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
489.2 +0.1 489.3 added book to inventory 0749444193 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
489.1 +0.1 489.2 added book to inventory 0340681470 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
486.1 +3 489.1 gave points for mooch request 0330232037 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/06/20
483.1 +3 486.1 gave points for mooch request 0426103807 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/06/20
480.1 +3 483.1 gave points for mooch request 0426112792 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/06/20
477.1 +3 480.1 gave points for mooch request 0426201507 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/06/20
477 +0.1 477.1 added book to inventory 190551333X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
476.9 +0.1 477 added book to inventory 1844540839 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
476.8 +0.1 476.9 added book to inventory 1897580541 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
476.7 +0.1 476.8 added book to inventory 0340751525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
476.6 +0.1 476.7 added book to inventory 0340921994 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
473.6 +3 476.6 gave points for mooch request 0385615361 DubaiReader (United Arab Emirates) 2010/06/20
472.6 +1 473.6 gave points for mooch request 0192802585 Asa (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
472.5 +0.1 472.6 added book to inventory 0140013156 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
471.5 +1 472.5 gave points for mooch request 1903365430 Amelie (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
471.4 +0.1 471.5 added book to inventory 1903365430 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
470.4 +1 471.4 gave points for mooch request 1847399177 Chris (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
470.3 +0.1 470.4 added book to inventory 0426103807 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
470.2 +0.1 470.3 added book to inventory 0747565678 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
470.1 +0.1 470.2 added book to inventory 1842329723 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
470 +0.1 470.1 added book to inventory 0426112792 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
469.9 +0.1 470 added book to inventory 0747579881 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
470 -0.1 469.9 removed book from inventory 0751530492 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
470.1 -0.1 470 removed book from inventory 0330346849 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
470.2 -0.1 470.1 removed book from inventory 075152543X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
470.1 +0.1 470.2 added book to inventory 075152543X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
470 +0.1 470.1 added book to inventory 1400095476 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
469.9 +0.1 470 added book to inventory 1407207113 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
469.8 +0.1 469.9 added book to inventory 0751530492 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
469.7 +0.1 469.8 added book to inventory 0426201507 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
469.6 +0.1 469.7 added book to inventory 0563405902 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
469.5 +0.1 469.6 added book to inventory 0563538325 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
469.6 -0.1 469.5 removed book from inventory 0563538325 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
469.5 +0.1 469.6 added book to inventory 0563538325 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
469.4 +0.1 469.5 added book to inventory 1844543536 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
469.3 +0.1 469.4 added book to inventory 033037317X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
469.2 +0.1 469.3 added book to inventory 033002213X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
469.1 +0.1 469.2 added book to inventory 0714503614 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
469 +0.1 469.1 added book to inventory 0385615361 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
468.9 +0.1 469 added book to inventory 1848090072 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
468.8 +0.1 468.9 added book to inventory 0330232037 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
468.7 +0.1 468.8 added book to inventory 0141187522 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
468.6 +0.1 468.7 added book to inventory 0192802585 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
468.5 +0.1 468.6 added book to inventory 0004357736 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
468.4 +0.1 468.5 added book to inventory 034540324X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
468.3 +0.1 468.4 added book to inventory 0755337123 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
468.2 +0.1 468.3 added book to inventory 0671029665 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
468.1 +0.1 468.2 added book to inventory 044661257X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
468 +0.1 468.1 added book to inventory 0330262130 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
467.9 +0.1 468 added book to inventory 000617342X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
467.8 +0.1 467.9 added book to inventory 1847399177 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
467.7 +0.1 467.8 added book to inventory 0753812568 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
467.6 +0.1 467.7 added book to inventory 1843542943 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
467.5 +0.1 467.6 added book to inventory 0439709105 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
467.4 +0.1 467.5 added book to inventory 1861053959 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
465.4 +2 467.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 1841127345 Mr M (Brazil) 2010/06/20
466.4 -1 465.4 deducted points for mooch request 0141006870 Rachel (United Kingdom) 2010/06/20
468.4 -2 466.4 deducted points for mooch request 1584794879 T C Godfrey (Australia) 2010/06/19
469.4 -1 468.4 deducted points for mooch request 0340407573 Marford (United Kingdom) 2010/06/19
470.4 -1 469.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425158497 Cath Scott (United Kingdom) 2010/06/19
471.4 -1 470.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425179184 Cath Scott (United Kingdom) 2010/06/19
471.3 +0.1 471.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330262130 Lee (United Kingdom) 2010/06/19
472.3 -1 471.3 deducted points for mooch request 1891279165 Peta (United Kingdom) 2010/06/19
473.3 -1 472.3 deducted points for mooch request 0752834525 kirsty (United Kingdom) 2010/06/18
473.2 +0.1 473.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515122408 Psybre (USA: IA) 2010/06/18
473.1 +0.1 473.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515094978 Psybre (USA: IA) 2010/06/18
473 +0.1 473.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140254714 Miriam (Malta) 2010/06/18
472.9 +0.1 473 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0192802585 Zoe (United Kingdom) 2010/06/18
472.8 +0.1 472.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0755337123 jane davies (United Kingdom) 2010/06/17
474.8 -2 472.8 deducted points for mooch request 067173217X Lindsay Adams (USA: KY) 2010/06/16
473.8 +1 474.8 gave points for mooch request 1898799679 Louise (United Kingdom) 2010/06/16
473.7 +0.1 473.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book B00140AU64 Emma T (France) 2010/06/16
472.7 +1 473.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0393057232 Nic (United Kingdom) 2010/06/16
473.7 -1 472.7 deducted points for mooch request 0330262130 Lee (United Kingdom) 2010/06/16
473.6 +0.1 473.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0755316541 Kathy Arkwright (United Kingdom) 2010/06/16
473.5 +0.1 473.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440191831 alisondavina (United Kingdom) 2010/06/16
473.4 +0.1 473.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0449219399 BinkyJ45 (USA: VA) 2010/06/16
473.3 +0.1 473.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0340935162 Luci (United Kingdom) 2010/06/16
473.2 +0.1 473.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1844543536 phh (United Kingdom) 2010/06/16
473.1 +0.1 473.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0349116148 Andrew (United Kingdom) 2010/06/16
472.1 +1 473.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0007203128 MissLauraLou (United Kingdom) 2010/06/15
474.1 -2 472.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451208552 emessufan (USA: MI) 2010/06/15
476.1 -2 474.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425185818 emessufan (USA: MI) 2010/06/15
473.1 +3 476.1 gave points for mooch request 071956994X Glenda Hamilton (USA: CA) 2010/06/15
473 +0.1 473.1 added book to inventory 071956994X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/15
472.9 +0.1 473 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0563486031 chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2010/06/15
472.8 +0.1 472.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843172496 Zippy (United Kingdom) 2010/06/15
472.7 +0.1 472.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345251709 WMLKIRK (USA: ME) 2010/06/15
474.7 -2 472.7 deducted points for mooch request 1582340536 Brad (USA: SC) 2010/06/15
475.7 -1 474.7 deducted points for mooch request 0755345533 amyb (United Kingdom) 2010/06/14
475.6 +0.1 475.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330439537 Elisabeth (United Kingdom) 2010/06/14
477.6 -2 475.6 deducted points for mooch request 0156005492 Thierry338 (Germany) 2010/06/14
477.5 +0.1 477.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1861053959 Michelle Best (United Kingdom) 2010/06/14
477.4 +0.1 477.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312284039 Michelle Best (United Kingdom) 2010/06/14
477.3 +0.1 477.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0571221963 Julie (United Kingdom) 2010/06/14
476.3 +1 477.3 gave points for mooch request 0141312122 Luci (United Kingdom) 2010/06/13
478.3 -2 476.3 deducted points for mooch request 1905802234 Cleo1975 (United Kingdom) 2010/06/13
480.3 -2 478.3 deducted points for mooch request 078602044X bettydorai (Singapore) 2010/06/13
482.3 -2 480.3 deducted points for mooch request 0373264674 Bernadette (Australia) 2010/06/13
479.3 +3 482.3 gave points for mooch request 1844083306 Glenda Hamilton (USA: CA) 2010/06/13
477.3 +2 479.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0316785261 woodlee (USA: TX) 2010/06/13
477.2 +0.1 477.3 added book to inventory 1844083306 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/13
479.2 -2 477.2 deducted points for mooch request 0140254714 Miriam (Malta) 2010/06/13
481.2 -2 479.2 deducted points for mooch request 0316785261 woodlee (USA: TX) 2010/06/13
483.2 -2 481.2 deducted points for mooch request 1587432323 Jim (USA: MN) 2010/06/13
485.2 -2 483.2 deducted points for mooch request 0425171493 Sabine (Canada) 2010/06/13
487.2 -2 485.2 deducted points for mooch request 0425195465 Amberebma (USA: ID) 2010/06/13
489.2 -2 487.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553574663 Amberebma (USA: ID) 2010/06/13
490.2 -1 489.2 deducted points for mooch request 0755316541 Kathy Arkwright (United Kingdom) 2010/06/13
492.2 -2 490.2 deducted points for mooch request 0345334531 Acadia Hawke (USA: MN) 2010/06/12
493.2 -1 492.2 deducted points for mooch request B001VF3HNU m5hall (United Kingdom) 2010/06/12
495.2 -2 493.2 deducted points for mooch request B00140AU64 Emma T (France) 2010/06/12
496.2 -1 495.2 deducted points for mooch request 0099545578 Sam Grocutt (United Kingdom) 2010/06/12
494.2 +2 496.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0747580944 Aisling (Ireland) 2010/06/12
496.2 -2 494.2 deducted points for mooch request 0880293071 Margaret (USA: WA) 2010/06/12
498.2 -2 496.2 deducted points for mooch request 0892963557 Margaret (USA: WA) 2010/06/12
499.2 -1 498.2 deducted points for mooch request 0440191831 alisondavina (United Kingdom) 2010/06/11
501.2 -2 499.2 deducted points for mooch request 0425222144 Michelle (USA: AZ) 2010/06/11
503.2 -2 501.2 deducted points for mooch request 0060828587 Glenda Hamilton (USA: CA) 2010/06/11
500.2 +3 503.2 gave points for mooch request 0743207149 Debbie (USA: CA) 2010/06/10
500.1 +0.1 500.2 added book to inventory 0743207149 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/10
500 +0.1 500.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743207149 Jennifer A-W (United Kingdom) 2010/06/10
499.9 +0.1 500 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1904573096 Rob Harvey (United Kingdom) 2010/06/10
499.8 +0.1 499.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0276420357 Glenda Hamilton (USA: CA) 2010/06/10
499.7 +0.1 499.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0750934964 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/06/10
499.6 +0.1 499.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1567316867 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/06/10
499.5 +0.1 499.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0812966007 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/06/10
499.4 +0.1 499.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book B0018S30Y6 adreama (USA: NJ) 2010/06/10
499.3 +0.1 499.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 006056654X Antonia (Germany) 2010/06/10
501.3 -2 499.3 deducted points for mooch request 0449219399 BinkyJ45 (USA: VA) 2010/06/09
503.3 -2 501.3 deducted points for mooch request 0671661590 Lisa (USA: WA) 2010/06/09
505.3 -2 503.3 deducted points for mooch request 0786868716 Gerri (Canada) 2010/06/08
507.3 -2 505.3 deducted points for mooch request 0889626472 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/06/08
509.3 -2 507.3 deducted points for mooch request 0804116105 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/06/08
510.3 -1 509.3 deducted points for mooch request 0330439537 Elisabeth (United Kingdom) 2010/06/07
511.3 -1 510.3 deducted points for mooch request 1861053959 Michelle Best (United Kingdom) 2010/06/07
512.3 -1 511.3 deducted points for mooch request 1843172496 Zippy (United Kingdom) 2010/06/07
513.3 -1 512.3 deducted points for mooch request 1847561101 mickybower (United Kingdom) 2010/06/07
513.2 +0.1 513.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451128559 Doug (USA: CA) 2010/06/07
513.1 +0.1 513.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843959584 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/06/07
514.1 -1 513.1 deducted points for mooch request 0755337123 jane davies (United Kingdom) 2010/06/07
516.1 -2 514.1 deducted points for mooch request 0671755064 ~Jana~ (USA: WI) 2010/06/06
518.1 -2 516.1 deducted points for mooch request 0671732188 AshleyRyan (USA: NV) 2010/06/06
519.1 -1 518.1 deducted points for mooch request 0312284039 Michelle Best (United Kingdom) 2010/06/06
521.1 -2 519.1 deducted points for mooch request 0515111279 RenaissanceGrrl (USA: UT) 2010/06/06
523.1 -2 521.1 deducted points for mooch request 0515122408 Psybre (USA: IA) 2010/06/06
525.1 -2 523.1 deducted points for mooch request 0515094978 Psybre (USA: IA) 2010/06/06
522.1 +3 525.1 gave points for mooch request 0330487183 Esther (USA: NY) 2010/06/06
523.1 -1 522.1 deducted points for mooch request 1904573096 Rob Harvey (United Kingdom) 2010/06/06
523 +0.1 523.1 added book to inventory 0141312122 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/06
525 -2 523 deducted points for mooch request 0688128386 Mariola (USA: IL) 2010/06/06
527 -2 525 deducted points for mooch request 0563486031 chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2010/06/06
526 +1 527 gave points for mooch request 1847393462 banriona (United Kingdom) 2010/06/06
526.1 -0.1 526 removed book from inventory 0752881019 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/06
526.2 -0.1 526.1 removed book from inventory 0099435586 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/06
526.1 +0.1 526.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671029665 claire (United Kingdom) 2010/06/06
524.1 +2 526.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0195174887 Kathryn McDonald (Canada) 2010/06/06
522.1 +2 524.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0312928068 Deana (USA: NC) 2010/06/06
522 +0.1 522.1 added book to inventory 0330487183 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/06
521.9 +0.1 522 added book to inventory 1847393462 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/06/06
522.9 -1 521.9 deducted points for mooch request 0340935162 Luci (United Kingdom) 2010/06/05
524.9 -2 522.9 deducted points for mooch request 0140301739 Melissa (Canada) 2010/06/05
526.9 -2 524.9 deducted points for mooch request 0439450705 Melissa (Canada) 2010/06/05
527.9 -1 526.9 deducted points for mooch request 1844543536 phh (United Kingdom) 2010/06/05
528.9 -1 527.9 deducted points for mooch request 0349116148 Andrew (United Kingdom) 2010/06/05
528.8 +0.1 528.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0753507188 kellyr21 (United Kingdom) 2010/06/04
528.7 +0.1 528.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747803226 Emma (United Kingdom) 2010/06/04
528.6 +0.1 528.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0714503614 Leanne Catherine Stafford (United Kingdom) 2010/06/04
528.5 +0.1 528.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330487183 ang (United Kingdom) 2010/06/04
530.5 -2 528.5 deducted points for mooch request 0192802585 Zoe (United Kingdom) 2010/06/03
531.5 -1 530.5 deducted points for mooch request 0753507188 kellyr21 (United Kingdom) 2010/06/01
533.5 -2 531.5 deducted points for mooch request 0276420357 Glenda Hamilton (USA: CA) 2010/06/01
532.5 +1 533.5 gave points for mooch request 0091816874 LauraLH1 (United Kingdom) 2010/06/01
529.5 +3 532.5 gave points for mooch request 0426110412 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/05/31
526.5 +3 529.5 gave points for mooch request 0426116313 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/05/31
523.5 +3 526.5 gave points for mooch request 0426116909 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/05/31
520.5 +3 523.5 gave points for mooch request 042611308X Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2010/05/31
517.5 +3 520.5 gave points for mooch request 1416521909 Claudia (USA: LA) 2010/05/31
517.4 +0.1 517.5 added book to inventory 0426116313 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/31
517.3 +0.1 517.4 added book to inventory 1416521909 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/31
517.2 +0.1 517.3 added book to inventory 074993154X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/31
517.1 +0.1 517.2 added book to inventory 0755300203 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/31
517 +0.1 517.1 added book to inventory 0330346849 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/31
516.9 +0.1 517 added book to inventory 0745930476 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/31
516.8 +0.1 516.9 added book to inventory 042611308X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/31
516.7 +0.1 516.8 added book to inventory 0426116909 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/31
518.7 -2 516.7 deducted points for mooch request 1862047421 Shadow (Australia) 2010/05/31
520.7 -2 518.7 deducted points for mooch request 0451128559 Doug (USA: CA) 2010/05/31
522.7 -2 520.7 deducted points for mooch request 0345251709 WMLKIRK (USA: ME) 2010/05/31
524.7 -2 522.7 deducted points for mooch request 0141010320 Antti Huhtamäki (Finland) 2010/05/31
524.6 +0.1 524.7 added book to inventory 0426110412 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/31
526.6 -2 524.6 deducted points for mooch request 0142001740 Heather (USA: AZ) 2010/05/31
528.6 -2 526.6 deducted points for mooch request 0755305272 Kucki68 (Germany) 2010/05/30
530.6 -2 528.6 deducted points for mooch request 0755305256 Kucki68 (Germany) 2010/05/30
531.6 -1 530.6 deducted points for mooch request 0747803226 Emma (United Kingdom) 2010/05/30
533.6 -2 531.6 deducted points for mooch request 0571221963 Julie (United Kingdom) 2010/05/30
533.7 -0.1 533.6 removed book from inventory 1903434432 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/30
535.7 -2 533.7 deducted points for mooch request 0812966007 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/05/29
532.7 +3 535.7 gave points for mooch request 0426113322 Marie (USA: MA) 2010/05/29
529.7 +3 532.7 gave points for mooch request 0552771236 Kate Procko (Australia) 2010/05/29
529.6 +0.1 529.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140133402 erwhite (United Kingdom) 2010/05/29
527.6 +2 529.6 lost in the mail says book owner 0451201744 Qtpye278 (Canada) 2010/05/29
527.5 +0.1 527.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141312122 Natalie (United Kingdom) 2010/05/29
527.4 +0.1 527.5 added book to inventory 0426113322 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/29
529.4 -2 527.4 deducted points for mooch request 0750934964 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/05/29
531.4 -2 529.4 deducted points for mooch request 1567316867 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/05/29
531.3 +0.1 531.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 033002213X Hazel Clapham (United Kingdom) 2010/05/28
531.2 +0.1 531.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099492377 Joanna (United Kingdom) 2010/05/28
531.1 +0.1 531.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1840182318 janet101 (United Kingdom) 2010/05/28
533.1 -2 531.1 deducted points for mooch request B0018S30Y6 adreama (USA: NJ) 2010/05/28
534.1 -1 533.1 deducted points for mooch request 0671029665 claire (United Kingdom) 2010/05/28
535.1 -1 534.1 deducted points for mooch request 0385409958 Saeed (United Kingdom) 2010/05/28
536.1 -1 535.1 deducted points for mooch request 0385602642 Saeed (United Kingdom) 2010/05/28
537.1 -1 536.1 deducted points for mooch request 0393057232 Nic (United Kingdom) 2010/05/27
538.1 -1 537.1 deducted points for mooch request 0330487183 ang (United Kingdom) 2010/05/27
535.1 +3 538.1 gave points for mooch request 034910171X Peter (Canada) 2010/05/26
535 +0.1 535.1 added book to inventory 034910171X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/26
534.9 +0.1 535 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843961147 Dorit (Israel) 2010/05/26
534.8 +0.1 534.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 034540324X Dorit (Israel) 2010/05/26
534.7 +0.1 534.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 034910171X Amelie (United Kingdom) 2010/05/26
534.6 +0.1 534.7 added book to inventory 1898799679 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/25
534.5 +0.1 534.6 added book to inventory 0006862993 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/25
534.4 +0.1 534.5 added book to inventory 0099435586 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/25
534.3 +0.1 534.4 added book to inventory 0752881019 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/25
534.2 +0.1 534.3 added book to inventory 0091816874 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/25
534.1 +0.1 534.2 added book to inventory 0439430208 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/25
534 +0.1 534.1 added book to inventory 1903434432 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/25
535 -1 534 deducted points for mooch request 0099534479 jonesey (United Kingdom) 2010/05/25
534.9 +0.1 535 added book to inventory 1852426659 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/25
534.8 +0.1 534.9 added book to inventory 1906032025 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/25
534.7 +0.1 534.8 added book to inventory 0552771236 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/25
536.7 -2 534.7 deducted points for mooch request 0752861751 wob42705 (USA: NC) 2010/05/24
535.7 +1 536.7 gave points for mooch request 0679745688 seanat (United Kingdom) 2010/05/23
534.7 +1 535.7 gave points for mooch request 1844083306 seanat (United Kingdom) 2010/05/23
534.6 +0.1 534.7 added book to inventory 1844083306 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/23
533.6 +1 534.6 gave points for mooch request 034082526X seanat (United Kingdom) 2010/05/23
533.5 +0.1 533.6 added book to inventory 0330248960 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/23
534.5 -1 533.5 deducted points for mooch request 075382096X Duncs (United Kingdom) 2010/05/23
531.5 +3 534.5 gave points for mooch request 1846079284 Keloisim (USA: MI) 2010/05/23
531.4 +0.1 531.5 added book to inventory 034082526X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/23
531.3 +0.1 531.4 added book to inventory 0679745688 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/23
531.2 +0.1 531.3 added book to inventory 1846079284 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/23
531.1 +0.1 531.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0399154574 ljpbb (USA: NY) 2010/05/23
529.1 +2 531.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425212831 Katie (Germany) 2010/05/23
530.1 -1 529.1 deducted points for mooch request 0099492377 Joanna (United Kingdom) 2010/05/23
530.2 -0.1 530.1 removed book from inventory 0340831642 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
530.3 -0.1 530.2 removed book from inventory 0345347706 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
530.4 -0.1 530.3 removed book from inventory 0746041608 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
530.5 -0.1 530.4 removed book from inventory 0553204157 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
530.6 -0.1 530.5 removed book from inventory 0140031421 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
530.7 -0.1 530.6 removed book from inventory 1897817568 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
530.8 -0.1 530.7 removed book from inventory 0140430407 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
530.9 -0.1 530.8 removed book from inventory 0330411535 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
531 -0.1 530.9 removed book from inventory 0759320314 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
531.1 -0.1 531 removed book from inventory 0006144675 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
531.2 -0.1 531.1 removed book from inventory 1901258270 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
531.3 -0.1 531.2 removed book from inventory 0778300528 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
531.4 -0.1 531.3 removed book from inventory 0586060545 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
531.5 -0.1 531.4 removed book from inventory 0747565678 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
531.6 -0.1 531.5 removed book from inventory 0140707158 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
531.7 -0.1 531.6 removed book from inventory 1906032025 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
531.8 -0.1 531.7 removed book from inventory 0340836911 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
531.9 -0.1 531.8 removed book from inventory 0099439859 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
532 -0.1 531.9 removed book from inventory 0755309456 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
532.1 -0.1 532 removed book from inventory 0745930476 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
532.2 -0.1 532.1 removed book from inventory 0316848042 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
532.3 -0.1 532.2 removed book from inventory 0330341103 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
532.4 -0.1 532.3 removed book from inventory 0330307525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
532.5 -0.1 532.4 removed book from inventory 0140271775 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
532.6 -0.1 532.5 removed book from inventory 0747266247 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
532.7 -0.1 532.6 removed book from inventory 0330341952 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
532.8 -0.1 532.7 removed book from inventory 074930362X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
532.9 -0.1 532.8 removed book from inventory 0743482700 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
533 -0.1 532.9 removed book from inventory 0553505599 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
533.1 -0.1 533 removed book from inventory 0778303020 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
533.2 -0.1 533.1 removed book from inventory 0751505714 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
533.3 -0.1 533.2 removed book from inventory 0672310066 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
533.4 -0.1 533.3 removed book from inventory 0099175525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
533.5 -0.1 533.4 removed book from inventory 0007151241 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
533.6 -0.1 533.5 removed book from inventory 0747520801 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
533.7 -0.1 533.6 removed book from inventory 0745932061 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
533.8 -0.1 533.7 removed book from inventory 0671669788 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
533.9 -0.1 533.8 removed book from inventory 0553505874 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
534 -0.1 533.9 removed book from inventory 079440412X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
534.1 -0.1 534 removed book from inventory 1905005520 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
534.2 -0.1 534.1 removed book from inventory 0723420041 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
534.3 -0.1 534.2 removed book from inventory 0340422491 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
534.4 -0.1 534.3 removed book from inventory 0713997001 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
534.5 -0.1 534.4 removed book from inventory 0752867474 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
534.6 -0.1 534.5 removed book from inventory 0140293817 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
534.7 -0.1 534.6 removed book from inventory 0590559109 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
534.8 -0.1 534.7 removed book from inventory 0727855069 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
534.9 -0.1 534.8 removed book from inventory 0340717661 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
535 -0.1 534.9 removed book from inventory B000PCALTI Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
535.1 -0.1 535 removed book from inventory B001KTQQJ4 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
535.2 -0.1 535.1 removed book from inventory 0006862993 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
535.3 -0.1 535.2 removed book from inventory 0330308181 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
535.4 -0.1 535.3 removed book from inventory 1852426659 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
535.5 -0.1 535.4 removed book from inventory 034082526X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
535.6 -0.1 535.5 removed book from inventory 0006511449 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
535.7 -0.1 535.6 removed book from inventory 0778300781 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
535.8 -0.1 535.7 removed book from inventory 0140091416 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
535.9 -0.1 535.8 removed book from inventory B001XWBF1W Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
536 -0.1 535.9 removed book from inventory 0786011262 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
536.1 -0.1 536 removed book from inventory 0903141329 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
536.2 -0.1 536.1 removed book from inventory 0261662732 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
536.3 -0.1 536.2 removed book from inventory 0340751525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
536.4 -0.1 536.3 removed book from inventory 0007650043 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
536.5 -0.1 536.4 removed book from inventory 1897580541 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
536.6 -0.1 536.5 removed book from inventory 0575047011 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
536.7 -0.1 536.6 removed book from inventory 0747585105 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
536.8 -0.1 536.7 removed book from inventory 1843535173 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
536.9 -0.1 536.8 removed book from inventory 0804105820 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
537 -0.1 536.9 removed book from inventory 0141017805 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
537.1 -0.1 537 removed book from inventory 0330343548 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
537.2 -0.1 537.1 removed book from inventory 0747244375 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
537.3 -0.1 537.2 removed book from inventory 0552146544 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
537.4 -0.1 537.3 removed book from inventory 1843154463 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
537.5 -0.1 537.4 removed book from inventory 0099435586 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
537.6 -0.1 537.5 removed book from inventory 0340833866 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
537.7 -0.1 537.6 removed book from inventory 0749444193 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
537.8 -0.1 537.7 removed book from inventory 0340681470 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
537.9 -0.1 537.8 removed book from inventory 0330346849 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
538 -0.1 537.9 removed book from inventory 075153188X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
538.1 -0.1 538 removed book from inventory 0552145335 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
538.2 -0.1 538.1 removed book from inventory 0586066241 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
538.3 -0.1 538.2 removed book from inventory 0340921994 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
538.4 -0.1 538.3 removed book from inventory 0340792884 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
538.5 -0.1 538.4 removed book from inventory 0752864505 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
538.6 -0.1 538.5 removed book from inventory 043999795X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
538.7 -0.1 538.6 removed book from inventory 1844540839 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
538.8 -0.1 538.7 removed book from inventory 0747532257 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
538.9 -0.1 538.8 removed book from inventory 0752836838 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
539 -0.1 538.9 removed book from inventory 0755336348 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
539.1 -0.1 539 removed book from inventory 014132015X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
539.2 -0.1 539.1 removed book from inventory 0749930306 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
539.3 -0.1 539.2 removed book from inventory 0330491881 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
539.4 -0.1 539.3 removed book from inventory 0743484037 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
539.5 -0.1 539.4 removed book from inventory 1853406511 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
539.6 -0.1 539.5 removed book from inventory 190551333X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
539.7 -0.1 539.6 removed book from inventory 0746062095 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
539.8 -0.1 539.7 removed book from inventory 074727701X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
539.9 -0.1 539.8 removed book from inventory 0970001649 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
540 -0.1 539.9 removed book from inventory 0751538310 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
540.1 -0.1 540 removed book from inventory 0099277301 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
540.2 -0.1 540.1 removed book from inventory 0571135420 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/22
537.2 +3 540.2 gave points for mooch request 0439968143 mareofthesea (Canada) 2010/05/20
537.1 +0.1 537.2 added book to inventory 0439968143 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/20
537 +0.1 537.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0439968143 Kelly Brookbank (United Kingdom) 2010/05/20
539 -2 537 deducted points for mooch request 006056654X Antonia (Germany) 2010/05/19
538 +1 539 mooch rejected by book owner 0141022175 Jonny Lush (United Kingdom) 2010/05/19
539 -1 538 deducted points for mooch request 0140133402 erwhite (United Kingdom) 2010/05/18
540 -1 539 deducted points for mooch request 1840182318 janet101 (United Kingdom) 2010/05/18
541 -1 540 deducted points for mooch request 033002213X Hazel Clapham (United Kingdom) 2010/05/18
542 -1 541 deducted points for mooch request 0141022175 Jonny Lush (United Kingdom) 2010/05/18
541 +1 542 gave points for mooch request 1857998650 sTEDdy (United Kingdom) 2010/05/18
538 +3 541 gave points for mooch request 0007230206 RidgewayGirl (USA: SC) 2010/05/17
537.9 +0.1 538 added book to inventory 0007230206 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/16
535.9 +2 537.9 lost in the mail says book owner 0451403797 Shelia (USA: VA) 2010/05/16
536 -0.1 535.9 removed book from inventory 0004357736 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/16
535.9 +0.1 536 added book to inventory 0345347706 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/05/16
535.8 +0.1 535.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843955872 Robert (USA: GA) 2010/05/16
535.7 +0.1 535.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312423586 Donna (USA) 2010/05/16
535.6 +0.1 535.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1567511848 Donna (USA) 2010/05/16
535.5 +0.1 535.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312945078 Donna (USA) 2010/05/16
535.4 +0.1 535.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446401242 Rae (Canada) 2010/05/16
535.3 +0.1 535.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0563522577 Jenny (United Kingdom) 2010/05/16
536.3 -1 535.3 deducted points for mooch request 034910171X Amelie (United Kingdom) 2010/05/16
533.3 +3 536.3 gave points for mooch request 0552991694 karate (Greece) 2010/05/16
532.3 +1 533.3 gave points for mooch request 0593053958 Eileen (United Kingdom) 2010/05/15
529.3 +3 532.3 gave points for mooch request 0575077115 Peter (Canada) 2010/05/15
529.2 +0.1 529.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312945744 JDV (USA: TX) 2010/05/15
529.1 +0.1 529.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0575079428 Kim (United Kingdom) 2010/05/14
529 +0.1 529.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 033037317X Jo Bridge (United Kingdom) 2010/05/14
526 +3 529 gave points for mooch request 0743440641 Bettina (Canada) 2010/05/14
527 -1 526 deducted points for mooch request 0439968143 Kelly Brookbank (United Kingdom) 2010/05/11
528 -1 527 deducted points for mooch request 0141312122 Natalie (United Kingdom) 2010/05/11
529 -1 528 deducted points for mooch request 0060012234 Pippa (United Kingdom) 2010/05/11
528 +1 529 mooch cancelled by requestor 0747269610 mel starrs (United Kingdom) 2010/05/11
529 -1 528 deducted points for mooch request 0714503614 Leanne Catherine Stafford (United Kingdom) 2010/05/07
530 -1 529 deducted points for mooch request 0563522577 Jenny (United Kingdom) 2010/05/07
529 +1 530 gave points for mooch request 1400032520 Jenny (United Kingdom) 2010/05/05
531 -2 529 deducted points for mooch request 0843955872 Robert (USA: GA) 2010/05/05
530 +1 531 gave points for mooch request 0752882813 Sandy (United Kingdom) 2010/05/03
532 -2 530 deducted points for mooch request 0843959584 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2010/05/03
534 -2 532 deducted points for mooch request 0399154574 ljpbb (USA: NY) 2010/05/02
536 -2 534 deducted points for mooch request 0312423586 Donna (USA) 2010/05/02
538 -2 536 deducted points for mooch request 1567511848 Donna (USA) 2010/05/02
540 -2 538 deducted points for mooch request 0843961147 Dorit (Israel) 2010/05/02
542 -2 540 deducted points for mooch request 034540324X Dorit (Israel) 2010/05/02
544 -2 542 deducted points for mooch request 0312945078 Donna (USA) 2010/05/01
546 -2 544 deducted points for mooch request 0312945744 JDV (USA: TX) 2010/05/01
547 -1 546 deducted points for mooch request 0575079428 Kim (United Kingdom) 2010/05/01
548 -1 547 deducted points for mooch request 0743207149 Jennifer A-W (United Kingdom) 2010/04/30
547 +1 548 gave points for mooch request 0099633604 Debbie (United Kingdom) 2010/04/28
546 +1 547 gave points for mooch request B000NASWFC Eileen (United Kingdom) 2010/04/25
545.9 +0.1 546 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099539489 Jess Harris (United Kingdom) 2010/04/24
545.8 +0.1 545.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0192854097 Sombrio (United Kingdom) 2010/04/24
545.7 +0.1 545.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553818732 John and Maureen Glen (United Kingdom) 2010/04/24
545.6 +0.1 545.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0571217540 Lisaw (France) 2010/04/24
545.5 +0.1 545.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140443843 Leanne Catherine Stafford (United Kingdom) 2010/04/24
544.5 +1 545.5 gave points for mooch request 0743231392 annecater (United Kingdom) 2010/04/22
542.5 +2 544.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 0061245593 Aaron Hellrung (USA: IL) 2010/04/21
542.4 +0.1 542.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0091816874 Ros (United Kingdom) 2010/04/21
542.3 +0.1 542.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1904977480 lauzc (United Kingdom) 2010/04/21
542.2 +0.1 542.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843959622 Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2010/04/21
542.1 +0.1 542.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440162645 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2010/04/21
541.1 +1 542.1 gave points for mooch request 0575072873 Jonathan (United Kingdom) 2010/04/21
542.1 -1 541.1 deducted points for mooch request 0192854097 Sombrio (United Kingdom) 2010/04/20
539.1 +3 542.1 gave points for mooch request 0553258109 HeyJude (USA: NY) 2010/04/19
536.1 +3 539.1 gave points for mooch request 0571212182 Peter (Canada) 2010/04/18
533.1 +3 536.1 gave points for mooch request 0349110115 Peter (Canada) 2010/04/18
533 +0.1 533.1 added book to inventory 0571212182 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/04/18
532.9 +0.1 533 added book to inventory 0349110115 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/04/18
534.9 -2 532.9 deducted points for mooch request 0786880007 Robert Nunnally (USA: TX) 2010/04/17
534.8 +0.1 534.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1558177191 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/04/17
534.7 +0.1 534.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0062736590 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/04/17
534.6 +0.1 534.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786019964 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/04/17
534.5 +0.1 534.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 031226688X MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/04/17
534.4 +0.1 534.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061090859 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/04/17
534.3 +0.1 534.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 067975699X MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/04/17
534.2 +0.1 534.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312962851 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/04/17
534.1 +0.1 534.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312990863 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/04/17
534 +0.1 534.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 078601721X MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/04/17
533.9 +0.1 534 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1933893087 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/04/17
533.8 +0.1 533.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0066209544 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/04/17
532.8 +1 533.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0099511223 Book Worm (United Kingdom) 2010/04/17
531.8 +1 532.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451206878 nicolah (United Kingdom) 2010/04/17
531.7 +0.1 531.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060971843 JenHall (Canada) 2010/04/17
532.7 -1 531.7 deducted points for mooch request 1904977480 lauzc (United Kingdom) 2010/04/16
533.7 -1 532.7 deducted points for mooch request 0091816874 Ros (United Kingdom) 2010/04/16
534.7 -1 533.7 deducted points for mooch request 0553818732 John and Maureen Glen (United Kingdom) 2010/04/16
535.7 -1 534.7 deducted points for mooch request 0843959622 Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2010/04/16
536.7 -1 535.7 deducted points for mooch request 0140443843 Leanne Catherine Stafford (United Kingdom) 2010/04/16
537.7 -1 536.7 deducted points for mooch request 0099539489 Jess Harris (United Kingdom) 2010/04/16
537.6 +0.1 537.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0809015927 Jane Price (United Kingdom) 2010/04/15
539.6 -2 537.6 deducted points for mooch request 0440162645 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2010/04/13
539.5 +0.1 539.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671715348 Kerry Hale (United Kingdom) 2010/04/13
539.4 +0.1 539.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312370288 kss (USA: WI) 2010/04/13
539.3 +0.1 539.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380794012 DJ Buss (USA: CO) 2010/04/13
539.2 +0.1 539.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330448447 Charlotte (United Kingdom) 2010/04/13
539.1 +0.1 539.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0041580095 Dee (United Kingdom) 2010/04/13
539 +0.1 539.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0722138717 Dee (United Kingdom) 2010/04/13
538.9 +0.1 539 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0091891965 Ayesha (United Kingdom) 2010/04/13
538.8 +0.1 538.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330454684 Carl S. (United Kingdom) 2010/04/13
538.7 +0.1 538.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0571212182 Pandachops (United Kingdom) 2010/04/13
538.6 +0.1 538.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0349110115 Pandachops (United Kingdom) 2010/04/13
538.5 +0.1 538.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747267200 chris wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2010/04/13
538.4 +0.1 538.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1848090072 johnsher (Ireland) 2010/04/13
537.4 +1 538.4 gave points for mooch request 9781904233886 alisonms (United Kingdom) 2010/04/13
534.4 +3 537.4 gave points for mooch request 0552771236 aganmooch (Germany) 2010/04/13
533.4 +1 534.4 gave points for mooch request 1840224061 Kimmie (United Kingdom) 2010/04/12
532.4 +1 533.4 gave points for mooch request 1904233651 LARA (United Kingdom) 2010/04/12
533.4 -1 532.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 9781904233886 Amanda (United Kingdom) 2010/04/11
534.4 -1 533.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 1904233651 Amanda (United Kingdom) 2010/04/11
531.4 +3 534.4 gave points for mooch request 0340823194 Kate Parker (Australia) 2010/04/08
530.4 +1 531.4 gave points for mooch request 1551660253 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2010/04/08
529.4 +1 530.4 gave points for mooch request 0140114750 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2010/04/08
530.4 -1 529.4 deducted points for mooch request 0747269610 mel starrs (United Kingdom) 2010/04/06
532.4 -2 530.4 deducted points for mooch request 0571217540 Lisaw (France) 2010/04/06
533.4 -1 532.4 deducted points for mooch request 0571212182 Pandachops (United Kingdom) 2010/04/06
534.4 -1 533.4 deducted points for mooch request 0349110115 Pandachops (United Kingdom) 2010/04/06
531.4 +3 534.4 gave points for mooch request 0099520281 Aicha (Philippines) 2010/04/04
530.4 +1 531.4 gave points for mooch request 1857998723 Emma (United Kingdom) 2010/04/03
527.4 +3 530.4 gave points for mooch request B000QRGGHI Ed Kelly (USA: MA) 2010/04/02
529.4 -2 527.4 deducted points for mooch request 0312928068 Deana (USA: NC) 2010/04/02
530.4 -1 529.4 deducted points for mooch request 0330454684 Carl S. (United Kingdom) 2010/04/02
531.4 -1 530.4 deducted points for mooch request 0091891965 Ayesha (United Kingdom) 2010/04/02
532.4 -1 531.4 deducted points for mooch request 0041580095 Dee (United Kingdom) 2010/04/02
533.4 -1 532.4 deducted points for mooch request 0722138717 Dee (United Kingdom) 2010/04/02
534.4 -1 533.4 deducted points for mooch request 0330448447 Charlotte (United Kingdom) 2010/04/02
536.4 -2 534.4 deducted points for mooch request 0062736590 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/04/02
536.3 +0.1 536.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book BM1184686479729940914 Geophile (Canada) 2010/03/31
536.2 +0.1 536.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451221753 Antonio Naves (Brazil) 2010/03/31
536.1 +0.1 536.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0679745688 banriona (United Kingdom) 2010/03/31
536 +0.1 536.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330452584 parasionok (Netherlands) 2010/03/31
535.9 +0.1 536 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099283689 AliceF (United Kingdom) 2010/03/31
535.8 +0.1 535.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0970888503 Jenni Canuck (Canada) 2010/03/30
535.7 +0.1 535.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0439709105 Jenni Canuck (Canada) 2010/03/30
540.7 -5 535.7 donated points to charity Sam (United Kingdom) 2010/03/30
540.6 +0.1 540.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 382282089X Sam (United Kingdom) 2010/03/30
540.5 +0.1 540.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0500051127 Sam (United Kingdom) 2010/03/30
540.4 +0.1 540.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1847561225 Linda (United Kingdom) 2010/03/30
542.4 -2 540.4 deducted points for mooch request 0380794012 DJ Buss (USA: CO) 2010/03/30
544.4 -2 542.4 deducted points for mooch request 0312370288 kss (USA: WI) 2010/03/29
545.4 -1 544.4 deducted points for mooch request 0747267200 chris wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2010/03/29
546.4 -1 545.4 deducted points for mooch request 0809015927 Jane Price (United Kingdom) 2010/03/29
543.4 +3 546.4 gave points for mooch request 0747563691 Steve (Australia) 2010/03/28
543.3 +0.1 543.4 added book to inventory 0747563691 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/28
543.4 -0.1 543.3 removed book from inventory 0340823194 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/27
543.3 +0.1 543.4 added book to inventory 0340823194 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/27
563.3 -20 543.3 donated points to charity ASDfriendly (United Kingdom) 2010/03/27
583.3 -20 563.3 donated points to charity Towcester SNUG (United Kingdom) 2010/03/27
603.3 -20 583.3 donated points to charity BBStart Volunteer Library Project (United Kingdom) 2010/03/27
603.2 +0.1 603.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0449209695 NinaBryna (Israel) 2010/03/27
603.1 +0.1 603.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747563691 chrissytina1985 (United Kingdom) 2010/03/27
603 +0.1 603.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451192141 NinaBryna (Israel) 2010/03/27
602.9 +0.1 603 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1400079527 NinaBryna (Israel) 2010/03/27
599.9 +3 602.9 gave points for mooch request 0141028998 Chiaretta (Italia) 2010/03/26
599.8 +0.1 599.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1846079284 deiann (Finland) 2010/03/25
599.7 +0.1 599.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0525945601 Brian S Paskin (USA: MA) 2010/03/24
599.6 +0.1 599.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0982000936 Jackie Mattina (USA: FL) 2010/03/24
599.5 +0.1 599.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380772744 mypaint2 (USA: FL) 2010/03/24
599.4 +0.1 599.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747521980 Jan (United Kingdom) 2010/03/24
596.4 +3 599.4 gave points for mooch request 0312976410 michele (USA: DE) 2010/03/23
593.4 +3 596.4 gave points for mooch request 1858289017 SirHair (USA: TX) 2010/03/22
592.4 +1 593.4 gave points for mooch request 0752833952 vonnie (United Kingdom) 2010/03/22
591.4 +1 592.4 gave points for mooch request 9781904233886 Amanda (United Kingdom) 2010/03/22
590.4 +1 591.4 gave points for mooch request 1904233651 Amanda (United Kingdom) 2010/03/22
587.4 +3 590.4 gave points for mooch request 1857990439 vivi (Greece) 2010/03/22
588.4 -1 587.4 deducted points for mooch request 0747521980 Jan (United Kingdom) 2010/03/22
592.4 -4 588.4 donated points to charity Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2010/03/22
592.3 +0.1 592.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book BM1264669583740835471 Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2010/03/22
592.2 +0.1 592.3 added book to inventory 9781904233886 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
592.3 -0.1 592.2 removed book from inventory 1904233651 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
592.2 +0.1 592.3 added book to inventory 1904233651 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
592.1 +0.1 592.2 added book to inventory 1904233651 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
589.1 +3 592.1 gave points for mooch request 0553276069 jascha (USA: IN) 2010/03/21
588.1 +1 589.1 gave points for mooch request 075382339X Pollie (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
585.1 +3 588.1 gave points for mooch request 0425185796 vivi (Greece) 2010/03/21
585 +0.1 585.1 added book to inventory 075382339X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
584 +1 585 gave points for mooch request BM1195220032569804446 Olwyn (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
584.1 -0.1 584 removed book from inventory 0753813998 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
584 +0.1 584.1 added book to inventory BM1195220032569804446 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
583.9 +0.1 584 added book to inventory 0753813998 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
582.9 +1 583.9 gave points for mooch request 0753813998 Olwyn (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
582.8 +0.1 582.9 added book to inventory 0753813998 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
582.7 +0.1 582.8 added book to inventory 0753813998 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
582.6 +0.1 582.7 added book to inventory 0753813998 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
582.5 +0.1 582.6 added book to inventory 0553204157 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
579.5 +3 582.5 gave points for mooch request 0755300661 Hanneke1975 (Ireland) 2010/03/21
576.5 +3 579.5 gave points for mooch request 0747261717 Bren (USA: MT) 2010/03/21
576.4 +0.1 576.5 added book to inventory 0140293817 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
576.3 +0.1 576.4 added book to inventory 0747261717 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
576.2 +0.1 576.3 added book to inventory 1857990439 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
576.1 +0.1 576.2 added book to inventory 0340823194 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
576 +0.1 576.1 added book to inventory 1906032025 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
575.9 +0.1 576 added book to inventory 0330346849 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
575.8 +0.1 575.9 added book to inventory 0006862993 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
575.7 +0.1 575.8 added book to inventory 0575072873 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
575.6 +0.1 575.7 added book to inventory 0425185796 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
575.5 +0.1 575.6 added book to inventory 0099520281 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
576.5 -1 575.5 deducted points for mooch request 0747563691 chrissytina1985 (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
578.5 -2 576.5 deducted points for mooch request 0451221753 Antonio Naves (Brazil) 2010/03/21
579.5 -1 578.5 deducted points for mooch request 0679745688 banriona (United Kingdom) 2010/03/21
576.5 +3 579.5 gave points for mooch request 0099524686 RidgewayGirl (USA: SC) 2010/03/20
573.5 +3 576.5 gave points for mooch request 1847393462 RidgewayGirl (USA: SC) 2010/03/20
573.4 +0.1 573.5 added book to inventory 0099524686 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/20
573.3 +0.1 573.4 added book to inventory 1847393462 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/20
570.3 +3 573.3 gave points for mooch request 0563486244 Antony Deter (USA: IL) 2010/03/20
571.3 -1 570.3 deducted points for mooch request 382282089X Sam (United Kingdom) 2010/03/20
572.3 -1 571.3 deducted points for mooch request 0500051127 Sam (United Kingdom) 2010/03/20
572.2 +0.1 572.3 added book to inventory 0563486244 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/20
572.3 -0.1 572.2 removed book from inventory 0099524686 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/20
572.2 +0.1 572.3 added book to inventory 0099524686 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/20
571.2 +1 572.2 gave points for mooch request 055325362X katieprice (United Kingdom) 2010/03/20
571.1 +0.1 571.2 added book to inventory 055325362X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/20
570.1 +1 571.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0340937645 mary roantree (United Kingdom) 2010/03/20
571.1 -1 570.1 deducted points for mooch request 0671715348 Kerry Hale (United Kingdom) 2010/03/20
572.1 -1 571.1 deducted points for mooch request 1847561225 Linda (United Kingdom) 2010/03/20
575.1 -3 572.1 donated points to charity Nick Skelton (United Kingdom) 2010/03/20
575 +0.1 575.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0563405775 Nick Skelton (United Kingdom) 2010/03/20
574.9 +0.1 575 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042620476X Nick Skelton (United Kingdom) 2010/03/20
574.8 +0.1 574.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0563538104 Nick Skelton (United Kingdom) 2010/03/20
574.7 +0.1 574.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0563486244 Nick Skelton (United Kingdom) 2010/03/20
574.6 +0.1 574.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0426204832 Nick Skelton (United Kingdom) 2010/03/20
574.5 +0.1 574.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0563405910 Nick Skelton (United Kingdom) 2010/03/20
576.5 -2 574.5 deducted points for mooch request 0525945601 Brian S Paskin (USA: MA) 2010/03/19
576.4 +0.1 576.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743410440 Jim Sloan (USA: TX) 2010/03/19
576.3 +0.1 576.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0802715524 T (Portugal) 2010/03/19
576.2 +0.1 576.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330280422 Lisa (Canada) 2010/03/19
576.1 +0.1 576.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 9781416595625 Julie (USA: CO) 2010/03/19
576 +0.1 576.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671728008 Don's Book Box (Canada) 2010/03/19
578 -2 576 deducted points for mooch request 0786019964 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/03/19
575 +3 578 gave points for mooch request 0330367447 Bonnie (USA: FL) 2010/03/19
577 -2 575 deducted points for mooch request 031226688X MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/03/18
579 -2 577 deducted points for mooch request 0066209544 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/03/18
581 -2 579 deducted points for mooch request 0061090859 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/03/18
580.9 +0.1 581 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553580906 BinkyJ45 (USA: VA) 2010/03/17
580.8 +0.1 580.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446509221 Denise and Patrick McCrohan (Ireland) 2010/03/17
580.7 +0.1 580.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book BM1267440589318727099 Lman (Australia) 2010/03/16
577.7 +3 580.7 gave points for mooch request 1844280993 Shimon (Israel) 2010/03/16
579.7 -2 577.7 deducted points for mooch request 0982000936 Jackie Mattina (USA: FL) 2010/03/15
581.7 -2 579.7 deducted points for mooch request 067975699X MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/03/15
583.7 -2 581.7 deducted points for mooch request 0312962851 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/03/15
585.7 -2 583.7 deducted points for mooch request 1933893087 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/03/15
582.7 +3 585.7 gave points for mooch request 0552773964 starfishian (Canada) 2010/03/14
579.7 +3 582.7 gave points for mooch request 0330448447 katayoun (Iran) 2010/03/14
581.7 -2 579.7 deducted points for mooch request 0195174887 Kathryn McDonald (Canada) 2010/03/14
582.7 -1 581.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0330448447 joy glover (United Kingdom) 2010/03/14
581.7 +1 582.7 gave points for mooch request 0330448447 joy glover (United Kingdom) 2010/03/14
581.6 +0.1 581.7 added book to inventory 0330448447 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/14
581.5 +0.1 581.6 added book to inventory 0004357736 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/14
581.4 +0.1 581.5 added book to inventory 0552773964 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/14
583.4 -2 581.4 deducted points for mooch request 0192804707 David O' Dwyer (Ireland) 2010/03/14
583.3 +0.1 583.4 added book to inventory 0553276069 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/14
583.2 +0.1 583.3 added book to inventory 0553258109 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/03/14
583.1 +0.1 583.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0007152671 David (United Kingdom) 2010/03/14
582.1 +1 583.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0861043774 Emma (United Kingdom) 2010/03/14
581.1 +1 582.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 034910543X Carmen (United Kingdom) 2010/03/14
580.1 +1 581.1 gave points for mooch request 0380698617 Lynn Herron (United Kingdom) 2010/03/14
579.1 +1 580.1 gave points for mooch request 0330321765 Lynn Herron (United Kingdom) 2010/03/14
581.1 -2 579.1 deducted points for mooch request 0061245593 Aaron Hellrung (USA: IL) 2010/03/13
583.1 -2 581.1 deducted points for mooch request 078601721X MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/03/12
583 +0.1 583.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0007150717 Karen (United Kingdom) 2010/03/12
582.9 +0.1 583 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312941978 Amanda (USA: NY) 2010/03/12
582.8 +0.1 582.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0552773964 Kim B (USA: CA) 2010/03/12
582.7 +0.1 582.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0941702219 Debbie (USA: CA) 2010/03/12
582.6 +0.1 582.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1567313698 tosabooks (USA: WI) 2010/03/12
582.5 +0.1 582.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553261096 Michelle (USA: ME) 2010/03/12
582.4 +0.1 582.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553249851 Michelle (USA: ME) 2010/03/12
582.3 +0.1 582.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553258109 Michelle (USA: ME) 2010/03/12
582.2 +0.1 582.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553276069 Michelle (USA: ME) 2010/03/12
582.1 +0.1 582.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0486282082 Rebecca Reid (USA: IL) 2010/03/12
582 +0.1 582.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553763016 Michelle (USA: ME) 2010/03/12
581.9 +0.1 582 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0679721843 CJ (USA: VA) 2010/03/12
581.8 +0.1 581.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060809787 Lix (USA: CA) 2010/03/12
583.8 -2 581.8 deducted points for mooch request 0312990863 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/03/12
585.8 -2 583.8 deducted points for mooch request 1558177191 MacsBrains (USA: NY) 2010/03/12
586.8 -1 585.8 deducted points for mooch request 0091896916 louise hamza (United Kingdom) 2010/03/10
586.7 +0.1 586.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 071814869X Karen (United Kingdom) 2010/03/10
586.6 +0.1 586.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0333753119 SybilleBedford (United Kingdom) 2010/03/10
588.6 -2 586.6 deducted points for mooch request 0446509221 Denise and Patrick McCrohan (Ireland) 2010/03/09
585.6 +3 588.6 gave points for mooch request 011880720X Geophile (Canada) 2010/03/09
582.6 +3 585.6 gave points for mooch request 0099502852 Carol (Brazil) 2010/03/08
581.6 +1 582.6 gave points for mooch request 185052145X Liz Wischhusen (United Kingdom) 2010/03/08
580.6 +1 581.6 gave points for mooch request 0746003897 Charleei (United Kingdom) 2010/03/08
577.6 +3 580.6 gave points for mooch request 0752893440 elaine (Ireland) 2010/03/08
576.6 +1 577.6 gave points for mooch request 0552136859 Towcester SNUG (United Kingdom) 2010/03/07
577.6 -1 576.6 deducted points for mooch request 0563405775 Nick Skelton (United Kingdom) 2010/03/07
578.6 -1 577.6 deducted points for mooch request 0563538104 Nick Skelton (United Kingdom) 2010/03/07
579.6 -1 578.6 deducted points for mooch request 042620476X Nick Skelton (United Kingdom) 2010/03/07
580.6 -1 579.6 deducted points for mooch request 0563486244 Nick Skelton (United Kingdom) 2010/03/07
581.6 -1 580.6 deducted points for mooch request 0426204832 Nick Skelton (United Kingdom) 2010/03/07
582.6 -1 581.6 deducted points for mooch request 0563405910 Nick Skelton (United Kingdom) 2010/03/07
584.6 -2 582.6 deducted points for mooch request 0380772744 mypaint2 (USA: FL) 2010/03/07
586.6 -2 584.6 deducted points for mooch request 0743410440 Jim Sloan (USA: TX) 2010/03/06
588.6 -2 586.6 deducted points for mooch request 0553580906 BinkyJ45 (USA: VA) 2010/03/06
590.6 -2 588.6 deducted points for mooch request 0802715524 T (Portugal) 2010/03/06
589.6 +1 590.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0340992999 thefatcontroller (United Kingdom) 2010/03/06
590.6 -1 589.6 deducted points for mooch request 033037317X Jo Bridge (United Kingdom) 2010/03/06
592.6 -2 590.6 deducted points for mooch request 1841127345 Mr M (Brazil) 2010/03/06
593.6 -1 592.6 deducted points for mooch request 0099511223 Book Worm (United Kingdom) 2010/03/06
594.6 -1 593.6 deducted points for mooch request 0451206878 nicolah (United Kingdom) 2010/03/06
595.6 -1 594.6 deducted points for mooch request 0861043774 Emma (United Kingdom) 2010/03/06
597.6 -2 595.6 deducted points for mooch request 1848090072 johnsher (Ireland) 2010/03/06
596.6 +1 597.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0385332904 S Groom (United Kingdom) 2010/03/06
596.5 +0.1 596.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book B000HAA8DC Roger Sarao (USA: NJ) 2010/03/06
596.4 +0.1 596.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0751535230 Maxine (United Kingdom) 2010/03/06
596.3 +0.1 596.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0333735994 Maxine (United Kingdom) 2010/03/06
597.3 -1 596.3 deducted points for mooch request 0007152671 David (United Kingdom) 2010/03/06
598.3 -1 597.3 deducted points for mooch request 0340992999 thefatcontroller (United Kingdom) 2010/03/06
595.3 +3 598.3 gave points for mooch request 1844280926 Esther (Australia) 2010/03/05
597.3 -2 595.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312941978 Amanda (USA: NY) 2010/03/05
599.3 -2 597.3 deducted points for mooch request 0486282082 Rebecca Reid (USA: IL) 2010/03/05
598.3 +1 599.3 gave points for mooch request 0907618278 emma (United Kingdom) 2010/03/05
601.3 -3 598.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0752893440 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2010/03/05
602.3 -1 601.3 deducted points for mooch request 071814869X Karen (United Kingdom) 2010/03/04
599.3 +3 602.3 gave points for mooch request 0553583417 Cheryl (USA: CA) 2010/03/03
601.3 -2 599.3 deducted points for mooch request BM1264669583740835471 Kristin H. (USA: NC) 2010/03/03
601.2 +0.1 601.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099520281 JosieB (United Kingdom) 2010/03/03
601.1 +0.1 601.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1905881126 alonasimister (United Kingdom) 2010/03/03
603.1 -2 601.1 deducted points for mooch request 1567313698 tosabooks (USA: WI) 2010/03/03
606.1 -3 603.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0553583417 rachel (USA: CA) 2010/03/03
605.1 +1 606.1 gave points for mooch request 075135256X Hannah, Bob & Eliza (United Kingdom) 2010/03/03
604.1 +1 605.1 gave points for mooch request 0755342771 Diane (United Kingdom) 2010/03/02
603.1 +1 604.1 gave points for mooch request 0749397543 jester1470 (United Kingdom) 2010/03/02
605.1 -2 603.1 deducted points for mooch request 0330280422 Lisa (Canada) 2010/03/02
606.1 -1 605.1 deducted points for mooch request 0552773964 Kim B (USA: CA) 2010/03/02
605.1 +1 606.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0751542229 llana39 (United Kingdom) 2010/03/02
606.1 -1 605.1 deducted points for mooch request 0333753119 SybilleBedford (United Kingdom) 2010/03/02
606 +0.1 606.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0201622742 publius (USA: TX) 2010/03/02
605.9 +0.1 606 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1575663929 emessufan (USA: MI) 2010/03/02
605.8 +0.1 605.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425185796 emessufan (USA: MI) 2010/03/02
605.7 +0.1 605.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0586044531 TeaP (United Kingdom) 2010/03/02
607.7 -2 605.7 deducted points for mooch request BM1267440589318727099 Lman (Australia) 2010/03/01
604.7 +3 607.7 gave points for mooch request 0451457943 Julie (Australia) 2010/03/01
606.7 -2 604.7 deducted points for mooch request B000HAA8DC Roger Sarao (USA: NJ) 2010/02/28
607.7 -1 606.7 deducted points for mooch request 0751535230 Maxine (United Kingdom) 2010/02/28
608.7 -1 607.7 deducted points for mooch request 0333735994 Maxine (United Kingdom) 2010/02/28
609.7 -1 608.7 deducted points for mooch request 0099520281 JosieB (United Kingdom) 2010/02/28
610.7 -1 609.7 deducted points for mooch request 0340937645 mary roantree (United Kingdom) 2010/02/27
610.6 +0.1 610.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0804758565 Liz Williams (United Kingdom) 2010/02/27
610.7 -0.1 610.6 removed book from inventory 0804758565 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/27
610.6 +0.1 610.7 added book to inventory 0804758565 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/27
610.5 +0.1 610.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747261717 Jo (New Zealand) 2010/02/25
610.4 +0.1 610.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0395981387 Ben (USA: ME) 2010/02/25
610.3 +0.1 610.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0713997923 oanh (Australia) 2010/02/25
610.2 +0.1 610.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312947038 Jessie Spero (USA: OR) 2010/02/25
612.2 -2 610.2 deducted points for mooch request 0330452584 parasionok (Netherlands) 2010/02/25
611.2 +1 612.2 gave points for mooch request 075534359X Sue B (United Kingdom) 2010/02/25
608.2 +3 611.2 gave points for mooch request 0340425679 JB1701 (USA: WI) 2010/02/24
609.2 -1 608.2 deducted points for mooch request 1905881126 alonasimister (United Kingdom) 2010/02/24
608.2 +1 609.2 gave points for mooch request 034068884X Diane (United Kingdom) 2010/02/24
607.2 +1 608.2 gave points for mooch request 0340688823 Diane (United Kingdom) 2010/02/24
606.2 +1 607.2 gave points for mooch request 0340767103 Diane (United Kingdom) 2010/02/24
609.2 -3 606.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0141028998 Mark (USA: FL) 2010/02/23
611.2 -2 609.2 deducted points for mooch request 0970888503 Jenni Canuck (Canada) 2010/02/22
613.2 -2 611.2 deducted points for mooch request 0439709105 Jenni Canuck (Canada) 2010/02/22
615.2 -2 613.2 deducted points for mooch request 0679721843 CJ (USA: VA) 2010/02/22
614.2 +1 615.2 gave points for mooch request 0553401688 Diane (United Kingdom) 2010/02/22
613.2 +1 614.2 gave points for mooch request 0340595647 Laura James (United Kingdom) 2010/02/21
610.2 +3 613.2 gave points for mooch request 0749391413 ts. (USA: IN) 2010/02/21
610.1 +0.1 610.2 added book to inventory 0340595647 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/21
610 +0.1 610.1 added book to inventory 0749391413 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/21
609 +1 610 gave points for mooch request 0752856626 Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2010/02/21
606 +3 609 gave points for mooch request 1416502394 abvr (USA: MA) 2010/02/20
608 -2 606 deducted points for mooch request 0941702219 Debbie (USA: CA) 2010/02/20
609 -1 608 deducted points for mooch request 0099283689 AliceF (United Kingdom) 2010/02/20
608.9 +0.1 609 added book to inventory 1416502394 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/20
610.9 -2 608.9 deducted points for mooch request 1575663929 emessufan (USA: MI) 2010/02/20
612.9 -2 610.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425185796 emessufan (USA: MI) 2010/02/20
612.8 +0.1 612.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0460024167 G. Lane (USA: TX) 2010/02/20
612.7 +0.1 612.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book BM1212164204726744264 G. Lane (USA: TX) 2010/02/20
612.6 +0.1 612.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451205669 Becca (USA: WA) 2010/02/20
613.6 -1 612.6 deducted points for mooch request 0747261717 Jo (New Zealand) 2010/02/20
614.6 -1 613.6 deducted points for mooch request 0804758565 Liz Williams (United Kingdom) 2010/02/19
616.6 -2 614.6 deducted points for mooch request 0201622742 publius (USA: TX) 2010/02/19
616.5 +0.1 616.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140189831 Stephanie Khani (USA: VA) 2010/02/19
616.4 +0.1 616.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book BM1195220032569804446 Debbi Higginbotham (USA: AL) 2010/02/19
613.4 +3 616.4 gave points for mooch request 0752877321 Jeffrey Louie Quiambao (Philippines) 2010/02/19
610.4 +3 613.4 gave points for mooch request 141653802X Elaine Perry (Ireland) 2010/02/18
612.4 -2 610.4 deducted points for mooch request 9781416595625 Julie (USA: CO) 2010/02/18
612.3 +0.1 612.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1871236274 Froglady (United Kingdom) 2010/02/18
611.3 +1 612.3 gave points for mooch request 1853262889 Tom McIver (United Kingdom) 2010/02/18
614.3 -3 611.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 1853262889 KIMON (Philippines) 2010/02/18
614.2 +0.1 614.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141042699 chris wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2010/02/17
614.1 +0.1 614.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140100172 Sandy (United Kingdom) 2010/02/17
614 +0.1 614.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747599874 Kathy Arkwright (United Kingdom) 2010/02/17
613.9 +0.1 614 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425212270 emessufan (USA: MI) 2010/02/17
613.8 +0.1 613.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0349120927 Adina (Canada) 2010/02/17
613.7 +0.1 613.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099536293 chris wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2010/02/17
613.6 +0.1 613.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425222020 emessufan (USA: MI) 2010/02/17
610.6 +3 613.6 gave points for mooch request 0141028998 Mark (USA: FL) 2010/02/16
611.6 -1 610.6 deducted points for mooch request 0140189831 Stephanie Khani (USA: VA) 2010/02/16
613.6 -2 611.6 deducted points for mooch request 1846079284 deiann (Finland) 2010/02/16
615.6 -2 613.6 deducted points for mooch request 0395981387 Ben (USA: ME) 2010/02/16
615.5 +0.1 615.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 014118437X katherine (United Kingdom) 2010/02/16
615.4 +0.1 615.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416536043 BinkyJ45 (USA: VA) 2010/02/16
615.3 +0.1 615.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060842261 Jennifer (USA: MD) 2010/02/16
616.3 -1 615.3 deducted points for mooch request 1871236274 Froglady (United Kingdom) 2010/02/16
618.3 -2 616.3 deducted points for mooch request 0671728008 Don's Book Box (Canada) 2010/02/15
615.3 +3 618.3 gave points for mooch request 0747260346 NinaBryna (Israel) 2010/02/14
612.3 +3 615.3 gave points for mooch request 0091870119 NinaBryna (Israel) 2010/02/14
614.3 -2 612.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451192141 NinaBryna (Israel) 2010/02/14
616.3 -2 614.3 deducted points for mooch request 0449209695 NinaBryna (Israel) 2010/02/14
613.3 +3 616.3 gave points for mooch request 034083868X Vlada (Ukraine) 2010/02/14
615.3 -2 613.3 deducted points for mooch request 1400079527 NinaBryna (Israel) 2010/02/14
616.3 -1 615.3 deducted points for mooch request 0099536293 chris wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2010/02/14
617.3 -1 616.3 deducted points for mooch request 0141042699 chris wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2010/02/14
618.3 -1 617.3 deducted points for mooch request 0140100172 Sandy (United Kingdom) 2010/02/14
619.3 -1 618.3 deducted points for mooch request 0385332904 S Groom (United Kingdom) 2010/02/14
619.2 +0.1 619.3 added book to inventory 075135256X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/14
619.1 +0.1 619.2 added book to inventory 185052145X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/14
620.1 -1 619.1 deducted points for mooch request 0713997923 oanh (Australia) 2010/02/14
622.1 -2 620.1 donated points to charity Karon (Australia) 2010/02/14
622.2 -0.1 622.1 removed book from inventory 0746063113 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/14
624.2 -2 622.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553763016 Michelle (USA: ME) 2010/02/13
626.2 -2 624.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553258109 Michelle (USA: ME) 2010/02/13
628.2 -2 626.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553276069 Michelle (USA: ME) 2010/02/13
630.2 -2 628.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553261096 Michelle (USA: ME) 2010/02/13
632.2 -2 630.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553249851 Michelle (USA: ME) 2010/02/13
633.2 -1 632.2 deducted points for mooch request 034910543X Carmen (United Kingdom) 2010/02/13
633.1 +0.1 633.2 added book to inventory 034083868X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/13
633 +0.1 633.1 added book to inventory 075534359X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/13
632.9 +0.1 633 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1400095476 ginnynash (USA: FL) 2010/02/13
632.8 +0.1 632.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380731185 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2010/02/13
633.8 -1 632.8 deducted points for mooch request 0747599874 Kathy Arkwright (United Kingdom) 2010/02/13
633.7 +0.1 633.8 added book to inventory 0778303020 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/12
633.6 +0.1 633.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416534288 Peter (Canada) 2010/02/12
633.5 +0.1 633.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1857990439 toggle (United Kingdom) 2010/02/12
633.4 +0.1 633.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0679744479 Christina (USA: TX) 2010/02/12
633.3 +0.1 633.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312963394 Ashley (USA: PA) 2010/02/12
633.2 +0.1 633.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0684854848 Nicholas (France) 2010/02/12
633.1 +0.1 633.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671025465 R James (United Kingdom) 2010/02/12
633 +0.1 633.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553578359 Sandy (United Kingdom) 2010/02/12
632.9 +0.1 633 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1847441289 lucy (United Kingdom) 2010/02/12
632.8 +0.1 632.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0156030888 joracaky (USA: TX) 2010/02/12
629.8 +3 632.8 gave points for mooch request 0671777017 Emmy (Singapore) 2010/02/12
630.8 -1 629.8 deducted points for mooch request 0060809787 Lix (USA: CA) 2010/02/11
631.8 -1 630.8 deducted points for mooch request 014118437X katherine (United Kingdom) 2010/02/11
630.8 +1 631.8 gave points for mooch request 0552999342 lellie (United Kingdom) 2010/02/11
632.8 -2 630.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425212270 emessufan (USA: MI) 2010/02/10
634.8 -2 632.8 deducted points for mooch request BM1195220032569804446 Debbi Higginbotham (USA: AL) 2010/02/10
631.8 +3 634.8 gave points for mooch request 0746039123 Karon (Australia) 2010/02/09
633.8 -2 631.8 deducted points for mooch request BM1212164204726744264 G. Lane (USA: TX) 2010/02/09
635.8 -2 633.8 deducted points for mooch request 0460024167 G. Lane (USA: TX) 2010/02/09
634.8 +1 635.8 gave points for mooch request 0553591193 Pollie (United Kingdom) 2010/02/09
633.8 +1 634.8 gave points for mooch request 0749320621 ebunny (United Kingdom) 2010/02/08
630.8 +3 633.8 gave points for mooch request 080410526X The Reading Room (Brunei Darussalam) 2010/02/08
627.8 +3 630.8 gave points for mooch request 0007170564 The Reading Room (Brunei Darussalam) 2010/02/08
624.8 +3 627.8 gave points for mooch request 0007165013 The Reading Room (Brunei Darussalam) 2010/02/08
621.8 +3 624.8 gave points for mooch request 0603554083 The Reading Room (Brunei Darussalam) 2010/02/08
618.8 +3 621.8 gave points for mooch request 0007172826 The Reading Room (Brunei Darussalam) 2010/02/08
615.8 +3 618.8 gave points for mooch request 014037468X The Reading Room (Brunei Darussalam) 2010/02/08
612.8 +3 615.8 gave points for mooch request 0590135295 The Reading Room (Brunei Darussalam) 2010/02/08
614.8 -2 612.8 deducted points for mooch request 0349120927 Adina (Canada) 2010/02/07
613.8 +1 614.8 gave points for mooch request 0340793945 Richard (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
610.8 +3 613.8 gave points for mooch request 0316732443 Nikola (USA: CA) 2010/02/07
609.8 +1 610.8 gave points for mooch request 0140293817 Claire T (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
609.7 +0.1 609.8 added book to inventory 0672310066 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
608.7 +1 609.7 gave points for mooch request 1853753149 Tanya (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
608.6 +0.1 608.7 added book to inventory 0552145335 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
608.5 +0.1 608.6 added book to inventory 0140430407 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
608.4 +0.1 608.5 added book to inventory 1853753149 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
608.3 +0.1 608.4 added book to inventory 0007650043 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
608.2 +0.1 608.3 added book to inventory 0745932061 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
608.1 +0.1 608.2 added book to inventory 0340422491 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
608 +0.1 608.1 added book to inventory 0778300528 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
607.9 +0.1 608 added book to inventory 0786011262 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
608 -0.1 607.9 removed book from inventory 0307455289 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
607.9 +0.1 608 added book to inventory 0307455289 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
607.8 +0.1 607.9 added book to inventory 0007165013 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
607.7 +0.1 607.8 added book to inventory 074930362X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
607.6 +0.1 607.7 added book to inventory 0330341952 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
607.5 +0.1 607.6 added book to inventory 034068884X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
607.4 +0.1 607.5 added book to inventory 0755309456 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
607.3 +0.1 607.4 added book to inventory 0747244375 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
607.2 +0.1 607.3 added book to inventory 0099277301 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
607.1 +0.1 607.2 added book to inventory 0340767103 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
607 +0.1 607.1 added book to inventory 0007170564 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
606.9 +0.1 607 added book to inventory 0099175525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
606.8 +0.1 606.9 added book to inventory 0755336348 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
606.7 +0.1 606.8 added book to inventory 0330343548 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
606.6 +0.1 606.7 added book to inventory 0752864505 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
606.5 +0.1 606.6 added book to inventory 0330341103 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
604.5 +2 606.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 141654223X freewoman964 (USA: ID) 2010/02/07
605.5 -1 604.5 deducted points for mooch request 1847441289 lucy (United Kingdom) 2010/02/07
607.5 -2 605.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425222020 emessufan (USA: MI) 2010/02/07
609.5 -2 607.5 deducted points for mooch request 0060971843 JenHall (Canada) 2010/02/07
608.5 +1 609.5 gave points for mooch request 0426201310 Jess (United Kingdom) 2010/02/06
609.5 -1 608.5 gave a smooch shopsdallas (USA: TX) 2010/02/06
609.4 +0.1 609.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345433254 shopsdallas (USA: TX) 2010/02/06
609.3 +0.1 609.4 added book to inventory 0340833866 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/06
611.3 -2 609.3 deducted points for mooch request 1416536043 BinkyJ45 (USA: VA) 2010/02/06
612.3 -1 611.3 deducted points for mooch request 0553578359 Sandy (United Kingdom) 2010/02/06
613.3 -1 612.3 deducted points for mooch request 0671025465 R James (United Kingdom) 2010/02/05
615.3 -2 613.3 deducted points for mooch request 0747580944 Aisling (Ireland) 2010/02/05
617.3 -2 615.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312947038 Jessie Spero (USA: OR) 2010/02/05
619.3 -2 617.3 deducted points for mooch request 0380731185 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2010/02/05
620.3 -1 619.3 deducted points for mooch request 0586044531 TeaP (United Kingdom) 2010/02/05
620.2 +0.1 620.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 140003471X Stephanie (Canada) 2010/02/05
617.2 +3 620.2 gave points for mooch request 1853262889 KIMON (Philippines) 2010/02/04
617.1 +0.1 617.2 added book to inventory 0380698617 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/04
617 +0.1 617.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380731142 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2010/02/04
616.9 +0.1 617 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1906032025 spoinged (United Kingdom) 2010/02/04
616.8 +0.1 616.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1575666529 Michelle (Netherlands) 2010/02/04
616.7 +0.1 616.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1575664992 Michelle (Netherlands) 2010/02/04
616.6 +0.1 616.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758228937 Michelle (Netherlands) 2010/02/04
616.5 +0.1 616.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451226100 Michelle (Netherlands) 2010/02/04
613.5 +3 616.5 gave points for mooch request 0099502909 Rakel (Portugal) 2010/02/04
613.4 +0.1 613.5 added book to inventory 0671669788 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/03
614.4 -1 613.4 deducted points for mooch request 0007203128 MissLauraLou (United Kingdom) 2010/02/03
611.4 +3 614.4 gave points for mooch request 0704380080 Ingelke (Netherlands) 2010/02/03
608.4 +3 611.4 gave points for mooch request 0140224831 Majid Abdolrahimi (Iran) 2010/02/02
605.4 +3 608.4 gave points for mooch request 0192623834 Majid Abdolrahimi (Iran) 2010/02/02
606.4 -1 605.4 deducted points for mooch request 0007150717 Karen (United Kingdom) 2010/02/02
606.3 +0.1 606.4 added book to inventory 0192623834 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/02
605.3 +1 606.3 gave points for mooch request 0755307631 Froglady (United Kingdom) 2010/02/02
605.2 +0.1 605.3 added book to inventory B000QRGGHI Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/02
605.1 +0.1 605.2 added book to inventory 0006511449 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/02
607.1 -2 605.1 deducted points for mooch request BM1184686479729940914 Geophile (Canada) 2010/02/02
607 +0.1 607.1 added book to inventory 1857998650 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/02
604 +3 607 gave points for mooch request 0575075457 Katy (New Zealand) 2010/02/02
601 +3 604 gave points for mooch request 0140118470 Mari (Philippines) 2010/02/02
600.9 +0.1 601 added book to inventory 0704380080 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/02
600.8 +0.1 600.9 added book to inventory 0140118470 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/02
597.8 +3 600.8 gave points for mooch request 0140018328 Christina (USA: TX) 2010/02/01
594.8 +3 597.8 gave points for mooch request 0553583417 rachel (USA: CA) 2010/02/01
594.7 +0.1 594.8 added book to inventory 080410526X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/01
594.6 +0.1 594.7 added book to inventory 0804105820 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/01
594.5 +0.1 594.6 added book to inventory 0140018328 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/01
594.4 +0.1 594.5 added book to inventory 0553583417 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/01
594.3 +0.1 594.4 added book to inventory 1853262889 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/01
594.2 +0.1 594.3 added book to inventory 1840224061 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/01
594.1 +0.1 594.2 added book to inventory 0330491881 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/01
594 +0.1 594.1 added book to inventory 0575075457 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/02/01
593.9 +0.1 594 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0752859277 Gordon (United Kingdom) 2010/02/01
593.8 +0.1 593.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0752875620 Gordon (United Kingdom) 2010/02/01
593.7 +0.1 593.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 055356773X Anja (Germany) 2010/02/01
595.7 -2 593.7 deducted points for mooch request 0060842261 Jennifer (USA: MD) 2010/02/01
597.7 -2 595.7 deducted points for mooch request 0451205669 Becca (USA: WA) 2010/02/01
594.7 +3 597.7 gave points for mooch request 0752893440 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2010/02/01
591.7 +3 594.7 gave points for mooch request 0340646853 Glenda Hamilton (USA: CA) 2010/01/31
593.7 -2 591.7 deducted points for mooch request 0380731142 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2010/01/31
594.7 -1 593.7 gave a smooch Christina (USA: TX) 2010/01/31
596.7 -2 594.7 deducted points for mooch request 0679744479 Christina (USA: TX) 2010/01/31
593.7 +3 596.7 gave points for mooch request 0563538295 Ellen (USA: FL) 2010/01/31
593.6 +0.1 593.7 added book to inventory 1843154463 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/31
590.6 +3 593.6 gave points for mooch request 1846072719 jlhummel (USA: PA) 2010/01/31
590.5 +0.1 590.6 added book to inventory 0747585105 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/31
590.4 +0.1 590.5 added book to inventory 0759320314 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/31
590.3 +0.1 590.4 added book to inventory 0745930476 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/31
590.2 +0.1 590.3 added book to inventory 0745930476 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/31
587.2 +3 590.2 gave points for mooch request 0141017899 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2010/01/31
587.1 +0.1 587.2 added book to inventory 1846072719 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/31
587 +0.1 587.1 added book to inventory 0752893440 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/31
586.9 +0.1 587 added book to inventory 0563538295 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/31
587.9 -1 586.9 deducted points for mooch request 0751542229 llana39 (United Kingdom) 2010/01/31
589.9 -2 587.9 deducted points for mooch request 140003471X Stephanie (Canada) 2010/01/30
589.8 +0.1 589.9 added book to inventory 0552991694 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/30
589.7 +0.1 589.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1845962214 Barcanez (United Kingdom) 2010/01/30
589.6 +0.1 589.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345421329 B (USA: LA) 2010/01/30
591.6 -2 589.6 deducted points for mooch request 1416534288 Peter (Canada) 2010/01/30
591.5 +0.1 591.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0340833866 Ginny (United Kingdom) 2010/01/30
591.4 +0.1 591.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 074340937X Laura (United Kingdom) 2010/01/30
591.3 +0.1 591.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0156026988 lellie (United Kingdom) 2010/01/30
588.3 +3 591.3 gave points for mooch request 0140382518 hhmomma (USA: TN) 2010/01/29
590.3 -2 588.3 deducted points for mooch request 0446401242 Rae (Canada) 2010/01/28
586.3 +4 590.3 received points from charity Michelle (Netherlands) 2010/01/28
585.3 +1 586.3 received a smooch Michelle (Netherlands) 2010/01/28
585.4 -0.1 585.3 removed book from inventory 0752877321 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/27
585.3 +0.1 585.4 added book to inventory 0752877321 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/27
585.2 +0.1 585.3 added book to inventory 0752877321 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/27
585.1 +0.1 585.2 added book to inventory 0778300781 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/27
584.1 +1 585.1 gave points for mooch request 0747594880 tallulahbelle (Australia) 2010/01/27
584 +0.1 584.1 added book to inventory 0340681470 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/27
583.9 +0.1 584 added book to inventory 1853406511 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/27
583.8 +0.1 583.9 added book to inventory 079440412X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/27
583.7 +0.1 583.8 added book to inventory 0752856626 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/27
583.6 +0.1 583.7 added book to inventory 0723420041 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/27
583.5 +0.1 583.6 added book to inventory 0755307631 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/27
583.4 +0.1 583.5 added book to inventory 0451457943 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/27
583.3 +0.1 583.4 added book to inventory 0140382518 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/27
584.3 -1 583.3 deducted points for mooch request 0340833866 Ginny (United Kingdom) 2010/01/27
584.2 +0.1 584.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1847372384 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2010/01/27
583.2 +1 584.2 gave points for mooch request 0330308599 Damian (United Kingdom) 2010/01/27
580.2 +3 583.2 gave points for mooch request 1405005831 Jon Pruett (USA: VA) 2010/01/26
580.1 +0.1 580.2 added book to inventory 0340836911 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/26
580.2 -0.1 580.1 removed book from inventory 1405005831 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/26
580.1 +0.1 580.2 added book to inventory 1405005831 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/26
580 +0.1 580.1 added book to inventory 1405005831 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/26
579 +1 580 gave points for mooch request 0007119305 Jirinka (United Kingdom) 2010/01/26
576 +3 579 gave points for mooch request 0330411578 T (Portugal) 2010/01/26
575 +1 576 gave points for mooch request 0751536806 Wayne Farmer (United Kingdom) 2010/01/26
572 +3 575 gave points for mooch request 1444709763 Joey (Singapore) 2010/01/26
571 +1 572 gave points for mooch request 0460873032 clncl1972 (United Kingdom) 2010/01/25
568 +3 571 gave points for mooch request 0842314660 vivir (Finland) 2010/01/25
565 +3 568 gave points for mooch request 1567316603 vivir (Finland) 2010/01/25
562 +3 565 gave points for mooch request 0297815024 vivir (Finland) 2010/01/25
559 +3 562 gave points for mooch request 1856262812 vivir (Finland) 2010/01/25
556 +3 559 gave points for mooch request 0860682021 Susanne Sterner (Sweden) 2010/01/25
553 +3 556 gave points for mooch request 1841494178 Psybre (USA: IA) 2010/01/25
552 +1 553 gave points for mooch request 0755307607 zynga (United Kingdom) 2010/01/25
551 +1 552 gave points for mooch request 0440237106 Rachel (United Kingdom) 2010/01/25
550 +1 551 gave points for mooch request 0340979496 Alice (United Kingdom) 2010/01/25
547 +3 550 gave points for mooch request 0141501081 Karon (Australia) 2010/01/24
544 +3 547 gave points for mooch request 0439979439 thedivineoomba (USA: MN) 2010/01/24
541 +3 544 gave points for mooch request 0349109079 Jon Pruett (USA: VA) 2010/01/24
538 +3 541 gave points for mooch request 0751533351 nikki (Australia) 2010/01/24
535 +3 538 gave points for mooch request 0586063234 Michael (Canada) 2010/01/24
534.9 +0.1 535 added book to inventory 0586063234 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
533.9 +1 534.9 gave points for mooch request 0754317897 Paul Harvey (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
532.9 +1 533.9 gave points for mooch request 0140156038 Paul Harvey (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
532.8 +0.1 532.9 added book to inventory 0349109079 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
532.7 +0.1 532.8 added book to inventory 0340979496 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
532.6 +0.1 532.7 added book to inventory 0751536806 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
532.5 +0.1 532.6 added book to inventory 0747266247 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
532.4 +0.1 532.5 added book to inventory 0140156038 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
532.3 +0.1 532.4 added book to inventory 0140031421 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
532.2 +0.1 532.3 added book to inventory 0006144675 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
532.1 +0.1 532.2 added book to inventory 0330308599 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
532 +0.1 532.1 added book to inventory 0091870119 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
531.9 +0.1 532 added book to inventory 0297815024 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
531.8 +0.1 531.9 added book to inventory 0746003897 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
531.7 +0.1 531.8 added book to inventory 0842314660 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
528.7 +3 531.7 gave points for mooch request 0349102155 Peter (Canada) 2010/01/24
528.6 +0.1 528.7 added book to inventory 0751538310 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
528.7 -0.1 528.6 removed book from inventory B001KTQQJ4 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
528.6 +0.1 528.7 added book to inventory B001KTQQJ4 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
528.5 +0.1 528.6 added book to inventory B001KTQQJ4 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
528.4 +0.1 528.5 added book to inventory 0586066241 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
528.3 +0.1 528.4 added book to inventory 0749930306 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
528.2 +0.1 528.3 added book to inventory 1856262812 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
528.1 +0.1 528.2 added book to inventory 074727701X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
528 +0.1 528.1 added book to inventory 0747520801 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
527.9 +0.1 528 added book to inventory 0903141329 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
527.8 +0.1 527.9 added book to inventory 0747532257 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
527.7 +0.1 527.8 added book to inventory 0749397543 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
527.6 +0.1 527.7 added book to inventory 0140091416 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
527.5 +0.1 527.6 added book to inventory 0571135420 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
527.4 +0.1 527.5 added book to inventory 0340646853 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
527.3 +0.1 527.4 added book to inventory 0590559109 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
527.2 +0.1 527.3 added book to inventory 0330367447 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
527.1 +0.1 527.2 added book to inventory 014132015X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
527 +0.1 527.1 added book to inventory 0755307607 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
526.9 +0.1 527 added book to inventory 0553505599 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
526.8 +0.1 526.9 added book to inventory 1400032520 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
526.7 +0.1 526.8 added book to inventory 0007151241 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
526.6 +0.1 526.7 added book to inventory 0141017899 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
526.5 +0.1 526.6 added book to inventory 0553401688 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
526.4 +0.1 526.5 added book to inventory 0440237106 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
526.3 +0.1 526.4 added book to inventory 1901258270 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
527.3 -1 526.3 deducted points for mooch request 074340937X Laura (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
527.2 +0.1 527.3 added book to inventory 0743484037 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
527.1 +0.1 527.2 added book to inventory B000PCALTI Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
527 +0.1 527.1 added book to inventory 0970001649 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
526.9 +0.1 527 added book to inventory 0330308181 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
526.8 +0.1 526.9 added book to inventory 0755300661 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
526.7 +0.1 526.8 added book to inventory 0743231392 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
526.6 +0.1 526.7 added book to inventory 0747260346 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
526.5 +0.1 526.6 added book to inventory 0586060545 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
526.4 +0.1 526.5 added book to inventory 0603554083 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
526.3 +0.1 526.4 added book to inventory 0754317897 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
526.2 +0.1 526.3 added book to inventory 0746062095 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
526.1 +0.1 526.2 added book to inventory 0141501081 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
526 +0.1 526.1 added book to inventory 0746039123 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
525.9 +0.1 526 added book to inventory 0316732443 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
525.8 +0.1 525.9 added book to inventory 0751505714 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
525.9 -0.1 525.8 removed book from inventory 0747594880 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
525.8 +0.1 525.9 added book to inventory 0747594880 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
525.7 +0.1 525.8 added book to inventory 0747594880 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
525.6 +0.1 525.7 added book to inventory 1858289017 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
525.5 +0.1 525.6 added book to inventory B001XWBF1W Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
522.5 +3 525.5 gave points for mooch request 1841584657 Aspa (Greece) 2010/01/24
522.4 +0.1 522.5 added book to inventory 0552146544 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
522.3 +0.1 522.4 added book to inventory 1843535173 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
522.2 +0.1 522.3 added book to inventory 1551660253 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
522.1 +0.1 522.2 added book to inventory 0349102155 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
523.1 -1 522.1 deducted points for mooch request 0156026988 lellie (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
523 +0.1 523.1 added book to inventory 0553505874 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
523.1 -0.1 523 removed book from inventory 0330307525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
523 +0.1 523.1 added book to inventory 0330307525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
522.9 +0.1 523 added book to inventory 0099439859 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
522.8 +0.1 522.9 added book to inventory 0575047011 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
522.7 +0.1 522.8 added book to inventory 0316848042 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
522.6 +0.1 522.7 added book to inventory 0340425679 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
522.5 +0.1 522.6 added book to inventory 0553591193 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
522.4 +0.1 522.5 added book to inventory 0099502909 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
522.3 +0.1 522.4 added book to inventory 014037468X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
522.2 +0.1 522.3 added book to inventory 043999795X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
522.1 +0.1 522.2 added book to inventory 0460873032 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
522 +0.1 522.1 added book to inventory 0907618278 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
522.1 -0.1 522 removed book from inventory 0439979439 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
522 +0.1 522.1 added book to inventory 0439979439 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
521.9 +0.1 522 added book to inventory 0439979439 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
521.8 +0.1 521.9 added book to inventory 1897817568 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
521.7 +0.1 521.8 added book to inventory 0713997001 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
521.6 +0.1 521.7 added book to inventory 0340688823 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
521.5 +0.1 521.6 added book to inventory 0140293817 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
521.4 +0.1 521.5 added book to inventory 141653802X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
521.3 +0.1 521.4 added book to inventory 0099502852 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
521.2 +0.1 521.3 added book to inventory 0140707158 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
521.1 +0.1 521.2 added book to inventory 0007172826 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
521 +0.1 521.1 added book to inventory 0593053958 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
520.9 +0.1 521 added book to inventory 0340793945 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
520.8 +0.1 520.9 added book to inventory 0552136859 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
520.7 +0.1 520.8 added book to inventory 1841584657 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
520.6 +0.1 520.7 added book to inventory 0330411578 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
520.5 +0.1 520.6 added book to inventory 0340921994 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
520.4 +0.1 520.5 added book to inventory 0860682021 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
520.3 +0.1 520.4 added book to inventory 0099633604 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
520.2 +0.1 520.3 added book to inventory 0140224831 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
519.2 +1 520.2 gave points for mooch request 075227192X jpb0205 (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
519.1 +0.1 519.2 added book to inventory 011880720X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
519 +0.1 519.1 added book to inventory 0727855069 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
518.9 +0.1 519 added book to inventory 0261662732 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
518.8 +0.1 518.9 added book to inventory 0746041608 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
518.7 +0.1 518.8 added book to inventory 0746063113 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
518.6 +0.1 518.7 added book to inventory 0141028998 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
518.5 +0.1 518.6 added book to inventory 0099435586 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
518.4 +0.1 518.5 added book to inventory 0752882813 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
519.4 -1 518.4 deducted points for mooch request 1906032025 spoinged (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
519.3 +0.1 519.4 added book to inventory 0007119305 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
519.2 +0.1 519.3 added book to inventory 1852426659 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
519.1 +0.1 519.2 added book to inventory 1844280993 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
519 +0.1 519.1 added book to inventory 0755342771 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
518.9 +0.1 519 added book to inventory 0590135295 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
516.9 +2 518.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0312938284 IceQueenTN (USA: TN) 2010/01/24
516.8 +0.1 516.9 added book to inventory 0140114750 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
516.7 +0.1 516.8 added book to inventory B000NASWFC Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
516.6 +0.1 516.7 added book to inventory 190551333X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
516.5 +0.1 516.6 added book to inventory 0747565678 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
516.4 +0.1 516.5 added book to inventory 034082526X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
516.3 +0.1 516.4 added book to inventory 0340751525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
516.2 +0.1 516.3 added book to inventory 0340717661 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
516.1 +0.1 516.2 added book to inventory 0752836838 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
516.2 -0.1 516.1 removed book from inventory 0330321765 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
516.1 +0.1 516.2 added book to inventory 0330321765 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
516 +0.1 516.1 added book to inventory 0330321765 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
515.9 +0.1 516 added book to inventory 075153188X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
515.8 +0.1 515.9 added book to inventory 0752833952 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
515.7 +0.1 515.8 added book to inventory 1897580541 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
515.6 +0.1 515.7 added book to inventory 1844540839 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
512.6 +3 515.6 gave points for mooch request 1853263079 mitch (Philippines) 2010/01/24
514.6 -2 512.6 deducted points for mooch request 0345433254 shopsdallas (USA: TX) 2010/01/24
514.5 +0.1 514.6 added book to inventory 0575077115 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
514.4 +0.1 514.5 added book to inventory 1567316603 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
514.3 +0.1 514.4 added book to inventory 0426201310 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
514.2 +0.1 514.3 added book to inventory 0743482700 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
514.1 +0.1 514.2 added book to inventory 0743440641 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
514 +0.1 514.1 added book to inventory 1844280926 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
513.9 +0.1 514 added book to inventory 0749444193 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
513.8 +0.1 513.9 added book to inventory 0713997001 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
513.7 +0.1 513.8 added book to inventory 0141017805 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
513.6 +0.1 513.7 added book to inventory 0752867474 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
513.5 +0.1 513.6 added book to inventory 0340792884 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
513.4 +0.1 513.5 added book to inventory 1853263079 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
513.3 +0.1 513.4 added book to inventory 0340831642 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
514.3 -1 513.3 deducted points for mooch request 0752859277 Gordon (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
514.2 +0.1 514.3 added book to inventory 075227192X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
514.1 +0.1 514.2 added book to inventory 1905005520 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
514 +0.1 514.1 added book to inventory 0751533351 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
513.9 +0.1 514 added book to inventory 0552771236 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
513.8 +0.1 513.9 added book to inventory 0312976410 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
514.8 -1 513.8 deducted points for mooch request 0752875620 Gordon (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
514.7 +0.1 514.8 added book to inventory 0330411535 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
514.6 +0.1 514.7 added book to inventory 1857998723 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
514.5 +0.1 514.6 added book to inventory 0330307525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
514.4 +0.1 514.5 added book to inventory 0140271775 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
514.3 +0.1 514.4 added book to inventory 0749320621 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/24
516.3 -2 514.3 deducted points for mooch request 0156030888 joracaky (USA: TX) 2010/01/24
517.3 -1 516.3 deducted points for mooch request 1857990439 toggle (United Kingdom) 2010/01/23
514.3 +3 517.3 gave points for mooch request 1841955256 Adrienne (Canada) 2010/01/23
516.3 -2 514.3 deducted points for mooch request 055356773X Anja (Germany) 2010/01/23
516.2 +0.1 516.3 added book to inventory 1841955256 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/23
516.1 +0.1 516.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0981877109 Ross (Canada) 2010/01/23
516 +0.1 516.1 added book to inventory 1841494178 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/23
515.9 +0.1 516 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1841494178 Craftyhare (United Kingdom) 2010/01/23
515.8 +0.1 515.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0552548855 Craftyhare (United Kingdom) 2010/01/23
515.7 +0.1 515.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0750936843 Craftyhare (United Kingdom) 2010/01/23
516.7 -1 515.7 deducted points for mooch request 1847372384 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2010/01/22
516.6 +0.1 516.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book B0020MMBEY zynga (United Kingdom) 2010/01/22
517.6 -1 516.6 deducted points for mooch request 1845962214 Barcanez (United Kingdom) 2010/01/21
516.6 +1 517.6 gave points for mooch request 0752864092 Celia48 (United Kingdom) 2010/01/21
516.5 +0.1 516.6 added book to inventory 0752864092 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/20
517.5 -1 516.5 deducted points for mooch request 1841494178 Craftyhare (United Kingdom) 2010/01/20
518.5 -1 517.5 deducted points for mooch request 0552548855 Craftyhare (United Kingdom) 2010/01/20
519.5 -1 518.5 deducted points for mooch request 0750936843 Craftyhare (United Kingdom) 2010/01/20
519.4 +0.1 519.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060527307 Sandy (United Kingdom) 2010/01/20
519.3 +0.1 519.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0352325011 Rob Tilling (United Kingdom) 2010/01/20
519.2 +0.1 519.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 034911014X Meg (USA: MD) 2010/01/20
517.2 +2 519.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 013584178X mjnauset (USA: VA) 2010/01/18
515.2 +2 517.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 1886609004 Linda Brixey (USA: OR) 2010/01/18
514.2 +1 515.2 gave points for mooch request 0330284142 rumhelka (United Kingdom) 2010/01/18
514.1 +0.1 514.2 added book to inventory 0330284142 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/17
515.1 -1 514.1 deducted points for mooch request 0060527307 Sandy (United Kingdom) 2010/01/17
517.1 -2 515.1 deducted points for mooch request 0312963394 Ashley (USA: PA) 2010/01/17
517.2 -0.1 517.1 removed book from inventory B0028EY71Y Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/16
517.3 -0.1 517.2 removed book from inventory B0028EY71Y Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/16
517.2 +0.1 517.3 added book to inventory B0028EY71Y Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/16
517.1 +0.1 517.2 added book to inventory B0028EY71Y Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/16
517 +0.1 517.1 added book to inventory 0552999342 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/16
516.9 +0.1 517 added book to inventory 1444709763 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/16
517.9 -1 516.9 deducted points for mooch request 0352325011 Rob Tilling (United Kingdom) 2010/01/16
517.8 +0.1 517.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0385035098 Debbie (USA: CA) 2010/01/16
517.7 +0.1 517.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0393315754 Debbie (USA: CA) 2010/01/16
517.6 +0.1 517.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061721794 Debbie (USA: CA) 2010/01/16
519.6 -2 517.6 deducted points for mooch request 0345421329 B (USA: LA) 2010/01/16
521.6 -2 519.6 deducted points for mooch request 1575666529 Michelle (Netherlands) 2010/01/15
523.6 -2 521.6 deducted points for mooch request 1575664992 Michelle (Netherlands) 2010/01/15
525.6 -2 523.6 deducted points for mooch request 0758228937 Michelle (Netherlands) 2010/01/15
527.6 -2 525.6 deducted points for mooch request 0451226100 Michelle (Netherlands) 2010/01/15
528.6 -1 527.6 deducted points for mooch request 034911014X Meg (USA: MD) 2010/01/15
529.6 -1 528.6 deducted points for mooch request B0020MMBEY zynga (United Kingdom) 2010/01/15
531.6 -2 529.6 deducted points for mooch request 1886609004 Linda Brixey (USA: OR) 2010/01/15
530.6 +1 531.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0740762052 Lucy (United Kingdom) 2010/01/15
529.6 +1 530.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 184354265X Madeleine (United Kingdom) 2010/01/15
531.6 -2 529.6 deducted points for mooch request 1400095476 ginnynash (USA: FL) 2010/01/15
531.5 +0.1 531.6 added book to inventory 0671777017 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/13
533.5 -2 531.5 deducted points for mooch request 141654223X freewoman964 (USA: ID) 2010/01/13
535.5 -2 533.5 deducted points for mooch request 0451404165 Rae (Canada) 2010/01/13
532.5 +3 535.5 gave points for mooch request 3897170205 Sunhild (Germany) 2010/01/13
532.4 +0.1 532.5 added book to inventory 3897170205 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2010/01/12
532.3 +0.1 532.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 3897170205 Fern (United Kingdom) 2010/01/12
532.2 +0.1 532.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425220494 Providence (United Kingdom) 2010/01/12
532.1 +0.1 532.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0007230435 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2010/01/12
532 +0.1 532.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0439202701 Kelly Brookbank (United Kingdom) 2010/01/12
531.9 +0.1 532 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747262276 Veronica (Australia) 2010/01/12
533.9 -2 531.9 deducted points for mooch request 0684854848 Nicholas (France) 2009/12/31
535.9 -2 533.9 deducted points for mooch request 0312938284 IceQueenTN (USA: TN) 2009/12/15
534.9 +1 535.9 gave points for mooch request 0751540242 Sarah Cunningham (United Kingdom) 2009/12/15
536.9 -2 534.9 deducted points for mooch request 0385035098 Debbie (USA: CA) 2009/12/15
537.9 -1 536.9 deducted points for mooch request 0007230435 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2009/12/13
538.9 -1 537.9 deducted points for mooch request 3897170205 Fern (United Kingdom) 2009/12/13
539 -0.1 538.9 removed book from inventory 0330448641 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/12/13
539.1 -0.1 539 removed book from inventory 0330448641 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/12/13
539 +0.1 539.1 added book to inventory 0330448641 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/12/13
538.9 +0.1 539 added book to inventory 0330448641 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/12/13
536.9 +2 538.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 067167417X garymarx (USA: MI) 2009/12/13
538.9 -2 536.9 donated points to charity Antony Deter (USA: IL) 2009/12/13
539.9 -1 538.9 gave a smooch Lydia Marmorstein (United Kingdom) 2009/12/13
539.8 +0.1 539.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0718149912 Lydia Marmorstein (United Kingdom) 2009/12/12
538.8 +1 539.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0439999499 Sam sheldon (United Kingdom) 2009/12/12
540.8 -2 538.8 deducted points for mooch request 0393315754 Debbie (USA: CA) 2009/12/11
537.8 +3 540.8 gave points for mooch request 0563486392 Antony Deter (USA: IL) 2009/12/10
534.8 +3 537.8 gave points for mooch request 0563486384 Antony Deter (USA: IL) 2009/12/10
534.7 +0.1 534.8 added book to inventory 0563486392 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/12/10
534.6 +0.1 534.7 added book to inventory 0563486384 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/12/10
534.5 +0.1 534.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1888451971 Carl Berglund (USA: MN) 2009/12/10
534.4 +0.1 534.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0809437406 Masstrader Dave (USA: MI) 2009/12/10
535.4 -1 534.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425220494 Providence (United Kingdom) 2009/12/09
535.3 +0.1 535.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786890916 Angie (USA: KY) 2009/12/09
534.3 +1 535.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 1845963091 Paulachloe (United Kingdom) 2009/12/08
534.2 +0.1 534.3 added book to inventory 0751540242 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/12/08
533.2 +1 534.2 gave points for mooch request 1847560814 Kirsten (United Kingdom) 2009/12/06
533.1 +0.1 533.2 added book to inventory 1847560814 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/12/06
532.1 +1 533.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0312868308 Matt Thornhill (United Kingdom) 2009/12/06
534.1 -2 532.1 deducted points for mooch request 0061721794 Debbie (USA: CA) 2009/12/06
532.1 +2 534.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0743247655 Missy Marquart (USA: IL) 2009/12/06
532 +0.1 532.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821727559 rick (USA: CA) 2009/12/06
531.9 +0.1 532 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0753812568 Chocaholic (United Kingdom) 2009/12/05
531.8 +0.1 531.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0552154067 zazzi (United Kingdom) 2009/12/05
531.7 +0.1 531.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1575662191 Amy (USA: LA) 2009/12/05
531.6 +0.1 531.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1575663708 Amy (USA: LA) 2009/12/05
528.6 +3 531.6 gave points for mooch request 0048232874 Emidawg (USA: MD) 2009/12/03
528.5 +0.1 528.6 added book to inventory 0048232874 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/12/03
530.5 -2 528.5 deducted points for mooch request 1888451971 Carl Berglund (USA: MN) 2009/12/03
530.4 +0.1 530.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0048232874 Amanda T (United Kingdom) 2009/12/02
530.3 +0.1 530.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553190539 Too Moo (USA: TX) 2009/12/02
531.3 -1 530.3 deducted points for mooch request 0747268924 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2009/11/29
532.3 -1 531.3 deducted points for mooch request 0345440080 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2009/11/29
533.3 -1 532.3 deducted points for mooch request 0747262314 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2009/11/29
534.3 -1 533.3 deducted points for mooch request 1852834420 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2009/11/29
533.3 +1 534.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0141003952 SzandorRinceford (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
534.3 -1 533.3 deducted points for mooch request 1845963091 Paulachloe (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
534.4 -0.1 534.3 removed book from inventory 0747519560 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
534.5 -0.1 534.4 removed book from inventory 0140114300 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
534.6 -0.1 534.5 removed book from inventory 0671551795 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
534.7 -0.1 534.6 removed book from inventory 0460021885 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
534.8 -0.1 534.7 removed book from inventory 0752523856 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
534.9 -0.1 534.8 removed book from inventory 000649806X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
535 -0.1 534.9 removed book from inventory B000NASWFC Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
535.1 -0.1 535 removed book from inventory 074993154X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
535.2 -0.1 535.1 removed book from inventory 0755309456 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
535.3 -0.1 535.2 removed book from inventory 0316848042 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
535.4 -0.1 535.3 removed book from inventory 0330307525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
535.5 -0.1 535.4 removed book from inventory 0689861249 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
535.6 -0.1 535.5 removed book from inventory 068986101X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
535.7 -0.1 535.6 removed book from inventory 0689861001 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
535.8 -0.1 535.7 removed book from inventory 074930362X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
535.9 -0.1 535.8 removed book from inventory 0689861028 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
536 -0.1 535.9 removed book from inventory 0752877321 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
536.1 -0.1 536 removed book from inventory 0751533351 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
536.2 -0.1 536.1 removed book from inventory 0140271775 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
536.3 -0.1 536.2 removed book from inventory B000O8VNV8 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
536.4 -0.1 536.3 removed book from inventory 0263863093 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
536.5 -0.1 536.4 removed book from inventory 0330341103 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
536.6 -0.1 536.5 removed book from inventory 0312954204 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
536.7 -0.1 536.6 removed book from inventory 0340831642 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
536.8 -0.1 536.7 removed book from inventory 0340769041 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
536.9 -0.1 536.8 removed book from inventory 0140114750 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
537 -0.1 536.9 removed book from inventory 0747504997 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
537.1 -0.1 537 removed book from inventory 0330373250 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
537.2 -0.1 537.1 removed book from inventory B001KTQP3G Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
537.3 -0.1 537.2 removed book from inventory 070433884X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
537.4 -0.1 537.3 removed book from inventory 0330411535 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
537.5 -0.1 537.4 removed book from inventory 0759320314 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
537.6 -0.1 537.5 removed book from inventory 0586052186 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
537.7 -0.1 537.6 removed book from inventory 1854877070 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
537.8 -0.1 537.7 removed book from inventory 1857923960 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
537.9 -0.1 537.8 removed book from inventory 0552146390 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
538 -0.1 537.9 removed book from inventory 0778300528 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
538.1 -0.1 538 removed book from inventory 0586060545 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
538.2 -0.1 538.1 removed book from inventory 0751514446 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
538.3 -0.1 538.2 removed book from inventory 0007841515 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
538.4 -0.1 538.3 removed book from inventory 0747565678 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
538.5 -0.1 538.4 removed book from inventory 1852429283 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
538.6 -0.1 538.5 removed book from inventory 0425179885 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
538.7 -0.1 538.6 removed book from inventory 0140437894 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
538.8 -0.1 538.7 removed book from inventory B0013TTLUW Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
538.9 -0.1 538.8 removed book from inventory 0747266247 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
539 -0.1 538.9 removed book from inventory 1407207008 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
539.1 -0.1 539 removed book from inventory 0099175525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
539.2 -0.1 539.1 removed book from inventory 0416244505 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
539.3 -0.1 539.2 removed book from inventory 0745932061 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
539.4 -0.1 539.3 removed book from inventory 0552123579 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
539.5 -0.1 539.4 removed book from inventory 1853716057 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
539.6 -0.1 539.5 removed book from inventory 0760704457 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
539.7 -0.1 539.6 removed book from inventory 0340422491 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
539.8 -0.1 539.7 removed book from inventory 1905005520 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
539.9 -0.1 539.8 removed book from inventory 0747253439 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
540 -0.1 539.9 removed book from inventory 1850280754 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
540.1 -0.1 540 removed book from inventory 0552151416 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
540.2 -0.1 540.1 removed book from inventory 0330341952 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
540.3 -0.1 540.2 removed book from inventory 0553505874 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
540.4 -0.1 540.3 removed book from inventory 0330390406 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
540.5 -0.1 540.4 removed book from inventory 0743482700 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
540.6 -0.1 540.5 removed book from inventory B001KT9NJO Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
540.7 -0.1 540.6 removed book from inventory 1844280993 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
540.8 -0.1 540.7 removed book from inventory 1857997557 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
540.9 -0.1 540.8 removed book from inventory 0099602806 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
541 -0.1 540.9 removed book from inventory 0689861036 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
541.1 -0.1 541 removed book from inventory 1857998723 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
541.2 -0.1 541.1 removed book from inventory 004823284X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
541.3 -0.1 541.2 removed book from inventory 0713997001 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
541.4 -0.1 541.3 removed book from inventory 0352395370 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
541.5 -0.1 541.4 removed book from inventory 1903434521 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
541.6 -0.1 541.5 removed book from inventory 034027106X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
541.7 -0.1 541.6 removed book from inventory 0006478956 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
541.8 -0.1 541.7 removed book from inventory 0752867474 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
541.9 -0.1 541.8 removed book from inventory 0552118729 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
542 -0.1 541.9 removed book from inventory 0061097632 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
542.1 -0.1 542 removed book from inventory 0099140810 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
542.2 -0.1 542.1 removed book from inventory 0330421050 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
542.3 -0.1 542.2 removed book from inventory 0330307959 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
542.4 -0.1 542.3 removed book from inventory 0752848135 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
542.5 -0.1 542.4 removed book from inventory 0340717661 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
542.6 -0.1 542.5 removed book from inventory 0745931820 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
542.7 -0.1 542.6 removed book from inventory 0233999590 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
542.8 -0.1 542.7 removed book from inventory 0330291726 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
542.9 -0.1 542.8 removed book from inventory 0006862993 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
543 -0.1 542.9 removed book from inventory 0007196970 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
543.1 -0.1 543 removed book from inventory 0747242232 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
543.2 -0.1 543.1 removed book from inventory 060031460X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
543.3 -0.1 543.2 removed book from inventory 0099228823 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
543.4 -0.1 543.3 removed book from inventory 1852426659 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
543.5 -0.1 543.4 removed book from inventory 0747255350 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
543.6 -0.1 543.5 removed book from inventory 034082526X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
543.7 -0.1 543.6 removed book from inventory 0006511449 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
543.8 -0.1 543.7 removed book from inventory 0778300781 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
543.9 -0.1 543.8 removed book from inventory 155166075X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
544 -0.1 543.9 removed book from inventory 0099458314 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
544.1 -0.1 544 removed book from inventory B001XWBF1W Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
544.2 -0.1 544.1 removed book from inventory 187435801X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
544.3 -0.1 544.2 removed book from inventory 0786011262 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
544.4 -0.1 544.3 removed book from inventory 0722530358 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
544.5 -0.1 544.4 removed book from inventory 0340751525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
544.6 -0.1 544.5 removed book from inventory 0373576420 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
544.7 -0.1 544.6 removed book from inventory 1844280926 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
544.8 -0.1 544.7 removed book from inventory 0747561737 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
544.9 -0.1 544.8 removed book from inventory 1897580541 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
545 -0.1 544.9 removed book from inventory 034070733X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
545.1 -0.1 545 removed book from inventory 059055705X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
545.2 -0.1 545.1 removed book from inventory 0747585105 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
545.3 -0.1 545.2 removed book from inventory 0892966246 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
545.4 -0.1 545.3 removed book from inventory 0752804553 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
545.5 -0.1 545.4 removed book from inventory 1843535173 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
545.6 -0.1 545.5 removed book from inventory 0099416174 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
545.7 -0.1 545.6 removed book from inventory 0712680012 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
545.8 -0.1 545.7 removed book from inventory 0099280256 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
545.9 -0.1 545.8 removed book from inventory 000648204X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
546 -0.1 545.9 removed book from inventory 0330320254 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
546.1 -0.1 546 removed book from inventory 0006153860 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
546.2 -0.1 546.1 removed book from inventory 0553591193 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
546.3 -0.1 546.2 removed book from inventory 0553401688 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
546.4 -0.1 546.3 removed book from inventory 0751524646 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
546.5 -0.1 546.4 removed book from inventory 0752881019 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
546.6 -0.1 546.5 removed book from inventory 0141017805 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
546.7 -0.1 546.6 removed book from inventory B001KSTJIA Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
546.8 -0.1 546.7 removed book from inventory 0330343548 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
546.9 -0.1 546.8 removed book from inventory 0330367358 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
547 -0.1 546.9 removed book from inventory 0745910513 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
547.1 -0.1 547 removed book from inventory 0552146544 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
547.2 -0.1 547.1 removed book from inventory 0312029632 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
547.3 -0.1 547.2 removed book from inventory 0747265232 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
547.4 -0.1 547.3 removed book from inventory 0747244375 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
547.5 -0.1 547.4 removed book from inventory 0330315854 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
547.6 -0.1 547.5 removed book from inventory 0552144487 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
547.7 -0.1 547.6 removed book from inventory 0340767103 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
547.8 -0.1 547.7 removed book from inventory 1857029763 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
547.9 -0.1 547.8 removed book from inventory 0552771236 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
548 -0.1 547.9 removed book from inventory 074727116X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
548.1 -0.1 548 removed book from inventory 0751527092 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
548.2 -0.1 548.1 removed book from inventory 0843926864 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
548.3 -0.1 548.2 removed book from inventory 0863076785 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
548.4 -0.1 548.3 removed book from inventory 0099435586 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
548.5 -0.1 548.4 removed book from inventory 0749320621 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
548.6 -0.1 548.5 removed book from inventory 0426201310 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
548.7 -0.1 548.6 removed book from inventory 033029976X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
548.8 -0.1 548.7 removed book from inventory 1857997654 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
548.9 -0.1 548.8 removed book from inventory B001W2GC3O Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
549 -0.1 548.9 removed book from inventory 1840300434 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
549.1 -0.1 549 removed book from inventory 0586058206 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
549.2 -0.1 549.1 removed book from inventory 0749444193 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
549.3 -0.1 549.2 removed book from inventory 0575072873 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
549.4 -0.1 549.3 removed book from inventory 0590135295 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
549.5 -0.1 549.4 removed book from inventory 0340735961 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
549.6 -0.1 549.5 removed book from inventory 0340712538 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
549.7 -0.1 549.6 removed book from inventory 0586058214 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
549.8 -0.1 549.7 removed book from inventory 034068884X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
549.9 -0.1 549.8 removed book from inventory 0312976410 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
550 -0.1 549.9 removed book from inventory 0743231392 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
550.1 -0.1 550 removed book from inventory 0099556316 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
550.2 -0.1 550.1 removed book from inventory 0752833952 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
550.3 -0.1 550.2 removed book from inventory 0752846345 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
550.4 -0.1 550.3 removed book from inventory 0330351834 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
550.5 -0.1 550.4 removed book from inventory 0425222381 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
550.6 -0.1 550.5 removed book from inventory 0747267669 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
550.7 -0.1 550.6 removed book from inventory 0553285289 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
550.8 -0.1 550.7 removed book from inventory 0575077115 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
550.9 -0.1 550.8 removed book from inventory 0007136757 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
551 -0.1 550.9 removed book from inventory 0140279253 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
551.1 -0.1 551 removed book from inventory 0007119305 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
551.2 -0.1 551.1 removed book from inventory 0752842854 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
551.3 -0.1 551.2 removed book from inventory 075153188X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
551.4 -0.1 551.3 removed book from inventory 0552144681 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
551.5 -0.1 551.4 removed book from inventory 0586056173 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
551.6 -0.1 551.5 removed book from inventory 0752864505 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
551.7 -0.1 551.6 removed book from inventory 1903867088 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
551.8 -0.1 551.7 removed book from inventory 0192623834 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
551.9 -0.1 551.8 removed book from inventory 0330252917 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
552 -0.1 551.9 removed book from inventory 034083868X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
552.1 -0.1 552 removed book from inventory 0345341023 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
552.2 -0.1 552.1 removed book from inventory 0586208313 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
552.3 -0.1 552.2 removed book from inventory 0586066241 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
552.4 -0.1 552.3 removed book from inventory 0340792884 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
552.5 -0.1 552.4 removed book from inventory B002JYW3H8 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
552.6 -0.1 552.5 removed book from inventory 1843541106 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
552.7 -0.1 552.6 removed book from inventory 189971233X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
552.8 -0.1 552.7 removed book from inventory 0140112863 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
552.9 -0.1 552.8 removed book from inventory 1852425679 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
553 -0.1 552.9 removed book from inventory 0786245700 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
553.1 -0.1 553 removed book from inventory 1850915490 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
553.2 -0.1 553.1 removed book from inventory 0600572307 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
553.3 -0.1 553.2 removed book from inventory 0752825046 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
553.4 -0.1 553.3 removed book from inventory 0752201581 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
553.5 -0.1 553.4 removed book from inventory 1853263079 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
553.6 -0.1 553.5 removed book from inventory 075227192X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
553.7 -0.1 553.6 removed book from inventory 0553819720 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
553.8 -0.1 553.7 removed book from inventory 0749930306 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
553.9 -0.1 553.8 removed book from inventory 0743440641 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
554 -0.1 553.9 removed book from inventory 0276442229 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
554.1 -0.1 554 removed book from inventory 0552999342 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
554.2 -0.1 554.1 removed book from inventory 0006478727 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
554.3 -0.1 554.2 removed book from inventory 190551333X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
554.4 -0.1 554.3 removed book from inventory 0752836838 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
554.5 -0.1 554.4 removed book from inventory 0099502909 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
554.6 -0.1 554.5 removed book from inventory 0755336348 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
554.7 -0.1 554.6 removed book from inventory 0330367447 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
554.8 -0.1 554.7 removed book from inventory 0751538310 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
554.9 -0.1 554.8 removed book from inventory 1844540839 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
555 -0.1 554.9 removed book from inventory 0091870119 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
555.1 -0.1 555 removed book from inventory 0099277301 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
555.2 -0.1 555.1 removed book from inventory 0330321765 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
555.3 -0.1 555.2 removed book from inventory 0752531085 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
555.4 -0.1 555.3 removed book from inventory 1855343339 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/28
554.4 +1 555.4 gave points for mooch request 0449006301 Carol (United Kingdom) 2009/11/27
554.3 +0.1 554.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book BM1195220032569804446 Debbi Higginbotham (USA: AL) 2009/11/27
555.3 -1 554.3 deducted points for mooch request 0753812568 Chocaholic (United Kingdom) 2009/11/27
555.2 +0.1 555.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0452284341 Lee Aiken (Canada) 2009/11/27
557.2 -2 555.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451201744 Qtpye278 (Canada) 2009/11/27
559.2 -2 557.2 deducted points for mooch request 0786890916 Angie (USA: KY) 2009/11/26
558.2 +1 559.2 gave points for mooch request 0140049452 Elie Spark (United Kingdom) 2009/11/26
558.1 +0.1 558.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0142001740 Mel (United Kingdom) 2009/11/26
558 +0.1 558.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451219147 loveagoodread (United Kingdom) 2009/11/26
555 +3 558 gave points for mooch request 1845293568 tinuviel (Australia) 2009/11/25
552 +3 555 gave points for mooch request 1846880297 tinuviel (Australia) 2009/11/25
549 +3 552 gave points for mooch request B000RFT70C jean paul jacquel (France) 2009/11/25
548.9 +0.1 549 added book to inventory 0671551795 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/25
548.8 +0.1 548.9 added book to inventory 0140049452 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/25
548.7 +0.1 548.8 added book to inventory 0743440641 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/25
548.6 +0.1 548.7 added book to inventory 0426201310 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/25
548.5 +0.1 548.6 added book to inventory B000RFT70C Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/25
548.6 -0.1 548.5 removed book from inventory 0553819720 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/25
548.5 +0.1 548.6 added book to inventory 0553819720 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/25
548.4 +0.1 548.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1847560814 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2009/11/25
548.3 +0.1 548.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0385615361 Rachel (United Kingdom) 2009/11/25
548.2 +0.1 548.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0143112406 Rachel (United Kingdom) 2009/11/25
548.1 +0.1 548.2 added book to inventory 075227192X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/25
548.2 -0.1 548.1 removed book from inventory 0747519560 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/25
548.1 +0.1 548.2 added book to inventory 0747519560 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/25
548 +0.1 548.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 080075302X Paula (USA: FL) 2009/11/25
547.9 +0.1 548 added book to inventory 0752877321 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/25
548 -0.1 547.9 removed book from inventory 0312976410 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/25
547.9 +0.1 548 added book to inventory 0312976410 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/25
547.8 +0.1 547.9 added book to inventory 1905005520 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/25
547.7 +0.1 547.8 added book to inventory 074993154X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/25
547.6 +0.1 547.7 added book to inventory 0552771236 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/25
547.5 +0.1 547.6 added book to inventory 1853263079 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/25
545.5 +2 547.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0743460510 lauri (USA: MO) 2009/11/24
545.4 +0.1 545.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 077830275X bookworm_mike (United Kingdom) 2009/11/24
544.4 +1 545.4 gave points for mooch request 0449300129 Paula (United Kingdom) 2009/11/24
543.4 +1 544.4 gave points for mooch request 184195828X Jane Barton (United Kingdom) 2009/11/24
540.4 +3 543.4 gave points for mooch request 0843959665 Brendan (USA: IL) 2009/11/24
537.4 +3 540.4 gave points for mooch request 0758202954 Rakel (Portugal) 2009/11/24
534.4 +3 537.4 gave points for mooch request 1852426888 Steyn du Toit (South Africa) 2009/11/24
533.4 +1 534.4 gave points for mooch request 1861977492 MrTwiddy (United Kingdom) 2009/11/24
532.4 +1 533.4 gave points for mooch request 1844080692 Mhairi (United Kingdom) 2009/11/24
529.4 +3 532.4 gave points for mooch request 0843955945 bartc (Belgium) 2009/11/23
528.4 +1 529.4 gave points for mooch request 0330456520 John and Maureen Glen (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
525.4 +3 528.4 gave points for mooch request 1844080722 Aspa (Greece) 2009/11/23
522.4 +3 525.4 gave points for mooch request 1843542641 Naz (USA: NY) 2009/11/23
519.4 +3 522.4 gave points for mooch request 0571219012 beverly ann wilson (USA: NM) 2009/11/23
516.4 +3 519.4 gave points for mooch request 0571227090 Claire (Canada) 2009/11/23
513.4 +3 516.4 gave points for mooch request 184149528X Jeff and Angela Wilson (USA: TX) 2009/11/23
513.3 +0.1 513.4 added book to inventory 0575072873 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
513.2 +0.1 513.3 added book to inventory 0843959665 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
513.1 +0.1 513.2 added book to inventory 0843955945 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
513 +0.1 513.1 added book to inventory 068986101X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512.9 +0.1 513 added book to inventory 0689861001 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512.8 +0.1 512.9 added book to inventory 0689861036 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512.7 +0.1 512.8 added book to inventory 0689861028 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512.6 +0.1 512.7 added book to inventory 0689861249 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512.5 +0.1 512.6 added book to inventory 184149528X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512.4 +0.1 512.5 added book to inventory 0571219012 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512.3 +0.1 512.4 added book to inventory 1844080692 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512.2 +0.1 512.3 added book to inventory 1852426888 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512.1 +0.1 512.2 added book to inventory 184195828X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512 +0.1 512.1 added book to inventory 1843542641 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
511.9 +0.1 512 added book to inventory 1861977492 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512 -0.1 511.9 removed book from inventory 0340979496 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
511.9 +0.1 512 added book to inventory 0340979496 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512 -0.1 511.9 removed book from inventory 0575077115 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
511.9 +0.1 512 added book to inventory 0575077115 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
511.8 +0.1 511.9 added book to inventory 0575077115 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
511.7 +0.1 511.8 added book to inventory 0006862993 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
511.6 +0.1 511.7 added book to inventory 0571227090 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
513.6 -2 511.6 deducted points for mooch request 1575662191 Amy (USA: LA) 2009/11/23
512.6 +1 513.6 gave points for mooch request 0719569303 ScarletBella (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512.5 +0.1 512.6 added book to inventory 034083868X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512.4 +0.1 512.5 added book to inventory 1903434521 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512.5 -0.1 512.4 removed book from inventory 1903434432 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512.4 +0.1 512.5 added book to inventory 1903434432 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512.3 +0.1 512.4 added book to inventory 0719569303 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512.4 -0.1 512.3 removed book from inventory 0860683419 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512.3 +0.1 512.4 added book to inventory 0860683419 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512.2 +0.1 512.3 added book to inventory 0752881019 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512.1 +0.1 512.2 added book to inventory 1844080722 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512 +0.1 512.1 added book to inventory 0552999342 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
511.9 +0.1 512 added book to inventory 1844280926 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
512 -0.1 511.9 removed book from inventory 0340831642 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
511.9 +0.1 512 added book to inventory 0340831642 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
513.9 -2 511.9 deducted points for mooch request 0743460510 lauri (USA: MO) 2009/11/23
514 -0.1 513.9 removed book from inventory 1852426659 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
513.9 +0.1 514 added book to inventory 1852426659 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
513.8 +0.1 513.9 added book to inventory 0758202954 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
513.7 +0.1 513.8 added book to inventory 0007841515 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
513.6 +0.1 513.7 added book to inventory 0007196970 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
513.5 +0.1 513.6 added book to inventory 0330411535 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
513.4 +0.1 513.5 added book to inventory 0330411535 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
513.3 +0.1 513.4 added book to inventory 0743482700 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
513.2 +0.1 513.3 added book to inventory 1845293568 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
513.3 -0.1 513.2 removed book from inventory 0140437894 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
513.2 +0.1 513.3 added book to inventory 0140437894 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
513.3 -0.1 513.2 removed book from inventory 0747253439 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
513.2 +0.1 513.3 added book to inventory 0747253439 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
514.2 -1 513.2 deducted points for mooch request 0552154067 zazzi (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
514.1 +0.1 514.2 added book to inventory 0099435586 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
514.2 -0.1 514.1 removed book from inventory 0340712538 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
514.3 -0.1 514.2 removed book from inventory 0340712538 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
514.2 +0.1 514.3 added book to inventory 0340712538 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
514.1 +0.1 514.2 added book to inventory 0340712538 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
514 +0.1 514.1 added book to inventory 0340712538 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
516 -2 514 deducted points for mooch request 1575663708 Amy (USA: LA) 2009/11/23
515 +1 516 gave points for mooch request 085202858X Towcester SNUG (United Kingdom) 2009/11/23
514.9 +0.1 515 added book to inventory 0340831642 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/22
514.8 +0.1 514.9 added book to inventory 0751533351 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/22
514.7 +0.1 514.8 added book to inventory 1844280993 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/22
516.7 -2 514.7 deducted points for mooch request 0821727559 rick (USA: CA) 2009/11/22
515.7 +1 516.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0755321316 Graham Jeffery (United Kingdom) 2009/11/22
515.6 +0.1 515.7 added book to inventory 0747253439 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/22
515.5 +0.1 515.6 added book to inventory 0140437894 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/22
515.4 +0.1 515.5 added book to inventory 0752804553 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/22
515.3 +0.1 515.4 added book to inventory 1852426659 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/22
516.3 -1 515.3 deducted points for mooch request 0385615361 Rachel (United Kingdom) 2009/11/22
516.2 +0.1 516.3 added book to inventory 0747561737 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/22
516.1 +0.1 516.2 added book to inventory 0863076785 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/22
516 +0.1 516.1 added book to inventory 0330307525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/22
513 +3 516 gave points for mooch request 0330284142 Katrine Sand Hansen (Denmark) 2009/11/22
512.9 +0.1 513 added book to inventory 0330284142 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/22
512.8 +0.1 512.9 added book to inventory 070433884X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/22
513.8 -1 512.8 deducted points for mooch request 077830275X bookworm_mike (United Kingdom) 2009/11/22
513.7 +0.1 513.8 added book to inventory 0553591193 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/22
514.7 -1 513.7 deducted points for mooch request 0439999499 Sam sheldon (United Kingdom) 2009/11/22
515.7 -1 514.7 deducted points for mooch request 1847560814 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2009/11/22
512.7 +3 515.7 gave points for mooch request BM1195220032569804446 Belladonna1975 (USA: OK) 2009/11/21
511.7 +1 512.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0778324419 Rachel (United Kingdom) 2009/11/21
508.7 +3 511.7 gave points for mooch request 1847560792 Claudia (USA: LA) 2009/11/21
509.7 -1 508.7 deducted points for mooch request 0143112406 Rachel (United Kingdom) 2009/11/21
506.7 +3 509.7 gave points for mooch request BM1207336775301343802 Debbie (USA: CA) 2009/11/21
506.6 +0.1 506.7 added book to inventory 1847560792 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/21
506.5 +0.1 506.6 added book to inventory BM1207336775301343802 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/21
506.4 +0.1 506.5 added book to inventory BM1195220032569804446 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/21
506.3 +0.1 506.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330449605 Jaffers (United Kingdom) 2009/11/21
506.2 +0.1 506.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0749386304 robbiez666 (United Kingdom) 2009/11/21
507.2 -1 506.2 deducted points for mooch request 0142001740 Mel (United Kingdom) 2009/11/21
507.1 +0.1 507.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786017848 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/21
507 +0.1 507.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786018615 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/21
506.9 +0.1 507 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786018623 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/21
506.8 +0.1 506.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312942516 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/21
506.7 +0.1 506.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786018925 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/21
506.6 +0.1 506.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312947410 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/21
506.5 +0.1 506.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 031294201X emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/21
506.4 +0.1 506.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786015500 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/21
506.3 +0.1 506.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380797437 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/21
506.2 +0.1 506.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312990871 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/21
506.1 +0.1 506.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786017201 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/21
506 +0.1 506.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1933893095 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/21
505.9 +0.1 506 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312947151 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/21
505.8 +0.1 505.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380811898 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/21
505.7 +0.1 505.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380802279 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/21
505.6 +0.1 505.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380802252 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/21
505.5 +0.1 505.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312969929 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/21
505.4 +0.1 505.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312956878 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/21
505.3 +0.1 505.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425220451 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/21
505.2 +0.1 505.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0805088946 MarchRose (Italy) 2009/11/21
505.1 +0.1 505.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843955961 MarchRose (Italy) 2009/11/21
505 +0.1 505.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1852426780 Kat and Sarah (USA: IL) 2009/11/21
504.9 +0.1 505 receiver acknowledged receiving book 080075218X Kat and Sarah (USA: IL) 2009/11/21
504.8 +0.1 504.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0349120463 robbiez666 (United Kingdom) 2009/11/21
505.8 -1 504.8 deducted points for mooch request 0451219147 loveagoodread (United Kingdom) 2009/11/21
502.8 +3 505.8 gave points for mooch request 0747262187 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2009/11/20
503.8 -1 502.8 deducted points for mooch request 0330449605 Jaffers (United Kingdom) 2009/11/19
502.8 +1 503.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0230530303 marmalady (United Kingdom) 2009/11/19
503.8 -1 502.8 deducted points for mooch request 0718149912 Lydia Marmorstein (United Kingdom) 2009/11/19
503.7 +0.1 503.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425216284 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2009/11/19
503.6 +0.1 503.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1847560792 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2009/11/19
503.5 +0.1 503.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140269274 Holly (United Kingdom) 2009/11/19
503.4 +0.1 503.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451221419 Gillian Macdougall (Australia) 2009/11/19
503.3 +0.1 503.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743248309 Darren Maughan (United Kingdom) 2009/11/19
503.2 +0.1 503.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 075227192X Hollie (United Kingdom) 2009/11/19
503.1 +0.1 503.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0441008607 Tiff (Canada) 2009/11/19
503 +0.1 503.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553591193 Kat and Sarah (USA: IL) 2009/11/19
502.9 +0.1 503 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060006684 Kat and Sarah (USA: IL) 2009/11/19
502.8 +0.1 502.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380709872 Kat and Sarah (USA: IL) 2009/11/19
502.7 +0.1 502.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786707429 Kat and Sarah (USA: IL) 2009/11/19
502.6 +0.1 502.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0618048928 Fullmoonblue (USA: IN) 2009/11/19
502.5 +0.1 502.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316973742 Fullmoonblue (USA: IN) 2009/11/19
499.5 +3 502.5 gave points for mooch request 043401043X Elly morgan (United Kingdom) 2009/11/18
498.5 +1 499.5 gave points for mooch request 1856850749 Craig (United Kingdom) 2009/11/17
500.5 -2 498.5 deducted points for mooch request BM1195220032569804446 Debbi Higginbotham (USA: AL) 2009/11/17
501.5 -1 500.5 deducted points for mooch request 0048232874 Amanda T (United Kingdom) 2009/11/16
502.5 -1 501.5 deducted points for mooch request 0349120463 robbiez666 (United Kingdom) 2009/11/16
503.5 -1 502.5 deducted points for mooch request 0749386304 robbiez666 (United Kingdom) 2009/11/16
503.6 -0.1 503.5 removed book from inventory 0747564418 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/15
503.5 +0.1 503.6 added book to inventory 0747564418 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/11/15
500.5 +3 503.5 gave points for mooch request 0140128735 Ann Zimrin (USA: MD) 2009/11/15
501.5 -1 500.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425216284 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2009/11/15
502.5 -1 501.5 deducted points for mooch request 1847560792 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2009/11/15
504.5 -2 502.5 deducted points for mooch request 0805088946 MarchRose (Italy) 2009/11/14
505.5 -1 504.5 deducted points for mooch request 0141003952 SzandorRinceford (United Kingdom) 2009/11/13
504.5 +1 505.5 gave points for mooch request 0752882732 chris (United Kingdom) 2009/11/13
504.4 +0.1 504.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061374237 Monika Lutz (Switzerland) 2009/11/12
504.3 +0.1 504.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 074757863X Providence (United Kingdom) 2009/11/12
505.3 -1 504.3 gave a smooch Jessica (Italy) 2009/11/12
507.3 -2 505.3 deducted points for mooch request 080075302X Paula (USA: FL) 2009/11/12
506.3 +1 507.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0007133073 Fennesz (United Kingdom) 2009/11/11
505.3 +1 506.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0006551262 Katy_n (United Kingdom) 2009/11/11
504.3 +1 505.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0747262179 Jackie McWilliams (United Kingdom) 2009/11/11
501.3 +3 504.3 gave points for mooch request 0385408757 Ambrosia (USA: PA) 2009/11/11
500.3 +1 501.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0747594635 Becky K. (USA: IL) - Ben McCann (United Kingdom) 2009/11/10
502.3 -2 500.3 deducted points for mooch request 0843955961 MarchRose (Italy) 2009/11/10
499.3 +3 502.3 gave points for mooch request 0967852900 Hercules Invictus (USA: NJ) 2009/11/10
498.3 +1 499.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0750934816 Ben McCann (United Kingdom) 2009/11/10
497.3 +1 498.3 gave points for mooch request 0099481375 Alison (United Kingdom) 2009/11/10
497.2 +0.1 497.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 070433884X Asa (United Kingdom) 2009/11/09
500.2 -3 497.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0460021885 Celina (USA: MO) 2009/11/09
499.2 +1 500.2 gave points for mooch request 1857762827 jpb0205 (United Kingdom) 2009/11/09
501.2 -2 499.2 deducted points for mooch request 0809437406 Masstrader Dave (USA: MI) 2009/11/07
503.2 -2 501.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312947410 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/07
505.2 -2 503.2 deducted points for mooch request 0786018615 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/07
507.2 -2 505.2 deducted points for mooch request 0786018623 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/07
509.2 -2 507.2 deducted points for mooch request 0786018925 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/07
511.2 -2 509.2 deducted points for mooch request 031294201X emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/07
513.2 -2 511.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312942516 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/07
515.2 -2 513.2 deducted points for mooch request 0786017848 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/07
517.2 -2 515.2 deducted points for mooch request 0786015500 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/07
519.2 -2 517.2 deducted points for mooch request 0380797437 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/07
521.2 -2 519.2 deducted points for mooch request 0786017201 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/07
523.2 -2 521.2 deducted points for mooch request 1933893095 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/07
525.2 -2 523.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312990871 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/11/07
522.2 +3 525.2 gave points for mooch request 0460021885 Celina (USA: MO) 2009/11/07
523.2 -1 522.2 deducted points for mooch request 0140269274 Holly (United Kingdom) 2009/11/07
520.2 +3 523.2 gave points for mooch request 1854872362 Rangeeni (Netherlands) 2009/11/07
517.2 +3 520.2 gave points for mooch request 074908216X Rangeeni (Netherlands) 2009/11/07
517.1 +0.1 517.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061733989 Rangeeni (Netherlands) 2009/11/07
517 +0.1 517.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312949308 Rangeeni (Netherlands) 2009/11/07
516.9 +0.1 517 receiver acknowledged receiving book 078601931X Rangeeni (Netherlands) 2009/11/07
516.8 +0.1 516.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425226328 Rangeeni (Netherlands) 2009/11/07
516.7 +0.1 516.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0746067607 Jonathan Currinn (United Kingdom) 2009/11/07
516.6 +0.1 516.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330307525 Linda (United Kingdom) 2009/11/07
516.5 +0.1 516.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425189023 Amy (USA: IL) 2009/11/02
516.4 +0.1 516.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515105651 Amy (USA: IL) 2009/11/02
516.3 +0.1 516.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553560239 Amy (USA: IL) 2009/11/02
516.2 +0.1 516.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425204499 Amy (USA: IL) 2009/11/02
516.1 +0.1 516.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786017724 Amy (USA: IL) 2009/11/02
516 +0.1 516.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843955945 bob and chris (USA: WA) 2009/11/02
515.9 +0.1 516 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747253439 Fiona (United Kingdom) 2009/11/02
515.8 +0.1 515.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0752264877 Victoria (United Kingdom) 2009/11/02
515.7 +0.1 515.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0552088005 Marie (United Kingdom) 2009/11/02
515.6 +0.1 515.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743463811 ebunny (United Kingdom) 2009/11/02
515.5 +0.1 515.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747568588 Leanne Holmes (United Kingdom) 2009/11/02
512.5 +3 515.5 gave points for mooch request 0747586209 Lisa (USA: MT) 2009/11/01
509.5 +3 512.5 gave points for mooch request 0571168973 chardie18 (Switzerland) 2009/10/31
511.5 -2 509.5 deducted points for mooch request 0553190539 Too Moo (USA: TX) 2009/10/31
508.5 +3 511.5 gave points for mooch request 0446612758 michael (Canada) 2009/10/30
508.4 +0.1 508.5 added book to inventory 0571168973 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/30
508.3 +0.1 508.4 added book to inventory 0345341023 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/30
508.2 +0.1 508.3 added book to inventory 0140279253 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/30
508.1 +0.1 508.2 added book to inventory 0340735961 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/30
508 +0.1 508.1 added book to inventory 0446612758 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/30
505 +3 508 gave points for mooch request 0907080154 Ace Hamilton (USA: NC) 2009/10/30
504 +1 505 gave points for mooch request 0440214521 Providence (United Kingdom) 2009/10/30
503.9 +0.1 504 added book to inventory 0440214521 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/30
503.8 +0.1 503.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330415298 Rebecca (United Kingdom) 2009/10/30
503.7 +0.1 503.8 added book to inventory 0385408757 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/30
500.7 +3 503.7 gave points for mooch request 1846075947 Rebecca (USA: NM) 2009/10/29
497.7 +3 500.7 gave points for mooch request 0192853953 Schneider (USA: NM) 2009/10/29
494.7 +3 497.7 gave points for mooch request 0812539044 Marvel (Belgium) 2009/10/29
494.6 +0.1 494.7 added book to inventory 1846075947 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/29
494.5 +0.1 494.6 added book to inventory 0099481375 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/29
491.5 +3 494.5 gave points for mooch request 0316769487 heyitsrachel (USA) 2009/10/29
488.5 +3 491.5 gave points for mooch request 0340728302 Kimberley (USA: CA) 2009/10/29
488.4 +0.1 488.5 added book to inventory B001KT9NJO Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/29
487.4 +1 488.4 gave points for mooch request 1842556290 Nicole (United Kingdom) 2009/10/29
487.3 +0.1 487.4 added book to inventory 1842556290 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/29
487.4 -0.1 487.3 removed book from inventory 0752893440 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/29
487.3 +0.1 487.4 added book to inventory 0752893440 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/29
487.2 +0.1 487.3 added book to inventory 0553819720 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/29
487.1 +0.1 487.2 added book to inventory 0340728302 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/29
487 +0.1 487.1 added book to inventory 0590135295 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/29
486.9 +0.1 487 added book to inventory 1852425679 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/29
486.8 +0.1 486.9 added book to inventory 0812539044 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/29
483.8 +3 486.8 gave points for mooch request 0750932406 Patti (Philippines) 2009/10/28
480.8 +3 483.8 gave points for mooch request 0006498752 Ann Zimrin (USA: MD) 2009/10/28
477.8 +3 480.8 gave points for mooch request 0743417143 Darrin Niday (USA: IA) 2009/10/28
477.7 +0.1 477.8 added book to inventory 0316769487 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
477.6 +0.1 477.7 added book to inventory 1855343339 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
477.5 +0.1 477.6 added book to inventory 0750932406 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
477.4 +0.1 477.5 added book to inventory 0747262187 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
477.3 +0.1 477.4 added book to inventory 1850915490 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
477.2 +0.1 477.3 added book to inventory 0192623834 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
477.1 +0.1 477.2 added book to inventory 0752882732 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
477 +0.1 477.1 added book to inventory 0006498752 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
474 +3 477 gave points for mooch request 0316776963 Kristen Voghell (Canada) 2009/10/28
471 +3 474 gave points for mooch request 0349118310 ami (Ireland) 2009/10/28
470.9 +0.1 471 added book to inventory 0316776963 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
470.8 +0.1 470.9 added book to inventory 0192853953 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
467.8 +3 470.8 gave points for mooch request 0312982895 Nancy McGinn (USA: WV) 2009/10/28
467.7 +0.1 467.8 added book to inventory 0747586209 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
467.6 +0.1 467.7 added book to inventory 187435801X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
467.5 +0.1 467.6 added book to inventory 074727116X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
467.6 -0.1 467.5 removed book from inventory 0199502943 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
464.6 +3 467.6 gave points for mooch request 0758201532 Pat (USA: FL) 2009/10/28
464.5 +0.1 464.6 added book to inventory 0099458314 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
464.4 +0.1 464.5 added book to inventory 0449300129 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
464.3 +0.1 464.4 added book to inventory 0460021885 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
464.2 +0.1 464.3 added book to inventory 0312982895 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
464.1 +0.1 464.2 added book to inventory 0758201532 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
464 +0.1 464.1 added book to inventory 1843541106 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
463.9 +0.1 464 added book to inventory 0747265232 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
463.8 +0.1 463.9 added book to inventory 0907080154 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
463.7 +0.1 463.8 added book to inventory 0747519560 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
462.7 +1 463.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0060540184 Dan (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
461.7 +1 462.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 067088197X Dan (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
460.7 +1 461.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0426118936 Dan (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
459.7 +1 460.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0199228388 Robert Shepherd (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
459.6 +0.1 459.7 added book to inventory 0743417143 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
459.5 +0.1 459.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553208225 Laurie (USA) 2009/10/28
459.4 +0.1 459.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345347706 Laurie (USA) 2009/10/28
459.3 +0.1 459.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425222373 chris wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
459.2 +0.1 459.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380698617 Laurie (USA) 2009/10/28
459.1 +0.1 459.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0590135295 wychwood (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
459 +0.1 459.1 added book to inventory 0349118310 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/28
456 +3 459 gave points for mooch request 1853262390 Lauren Smith (Ethiopia) 2009/10/27
455.9 +0.1 456 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042520913X Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2009/10/27
455.8 +0.1 455.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1847390129 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2009/10/27
455.7 +0.1 455.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330435353 Sonia (United Kingdom) 2009/10/27
455.6 +0.1 455.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1853262390 Rebecca (United Kingdom) 2009/10/27
455.5 +0.1 455.6 added book to inventory 1853262390 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/27
452.5 +3 455.5 gave points for mooch request 0749837195 Jessica (Italy) 2009/10/26
454.5 -2 452.5 deducted points for mooch request 0061733989 Rangeeni (Netherlands) 2009/10/26
456.5 -2 454.5 deducted points for mooch request 0312949308 Rangeeni (Netherlands) 2009/10/26
458.5 -2 456.5 deducted points for mooch request 078601931X Rangeeni (Netherlands) 2009/10/26
460.5 -2 458.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425226328 Rangeeni (Netherlands) 2009/10/26
462.5 -2 460.5 deducted points for mooch request 0451221419 Gillian Macdougall (Australia) 2009/10/26
459.5 +3 462.5 gave points for mooch request 0141035870 Clare (France) 2009/10/25
458.5 +1 459.5 gave points for mooch request 0340825006 Shona (United Kingdom) 2009/10/25
460.5 -2 458.5 deducted points for mooch request 0061374237 Monika Lutz (Switzerland) 2009/10/25
457.5 +3 460.5 gave points for mooch request 0099162512 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2009/10/25
454.5 +3 457.5 gave points for mooch request 075284959X jacquie (United Kingdom) 2009/10/25
451.5 +3 454.5 gave points for mooch request 0140045600 sweetmachine (USA: IL) 2009/10/24
451.4 +0.1 451.5 added book to inventory 075284959X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/24
451.3 +0.1 451.4 added book to inventory 0007119305 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/24
450.3 +1 451.3 gave points for mooch request 1841461458 akashiva (United Kingdom) 2009/10/24
450.2 +0.1 450.3 added book to inventory B0013TTLUW Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/24
450.1 +0.1 450.2 added book to inventory 0140045600 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/24
450 +0.1 450.1 added book to inventory 0312976410 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/24
447 +3 450 gave points for mooch request 0747561621 Siân Eustace (Ireland) 2009/10/24
446.9 +0.1 447 added book to inventory 0747561621 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/24
446.8 +0.1 446.9 added book to inventory 0340825006 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/24
446.7 +0.1 446.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316769487 RachK (USA: HI) 2009/10/24
446.6 +0.1 446.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0753818027 SybilleBedford (United Kingdom) 2009/10/24
446.5 +0.1 446.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book BM1255373245911474252 Vimeiro (Portugal) 2009/10/24
444.5 +2 446.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 1582342792 Robb Olson (USA: VT) 2009/10/24
444.4 +0.1 444.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0340750375 Ignacio (United Kingdom) 2009/10/24
444.3 +0.1 444.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0340739630 Ignacio (United Kingdom) 2009/10/24
444.2 +0.1 444.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0684809753 Book Zombie (Canada) 2009/10/24
446.2 -2 444.2 deducted points for mooch request 0425220451 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/10/24
443.2 +3 446.2 gave points for mooch request 0099088207 Jenny (Australia) 2009/10/23
445.2 -2 443.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312947151 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/10/23
447.2 -2 445.2 deducted points for mooch request 0380811898 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/10/23
449.2 -2 447.2 deducted points for mooch request 0380802279 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/10/23
451.2 -2 449.2 deducted points for mooch request 0380802252 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/10/23
453.2 -2 451.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312969929 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/10/23
455.2 -2 453.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312956878 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/10/23
455.1 +0.1 455.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747519560 Andy McAleer (United Kingdom) 2009/10/22
455 +0.1 455.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451215842 Reading elf (USA: TN) 2009/10/22
456 -1 455 deducted points for mooch request 1853262390 Rebecca (United Kingdom) 2009/10/22
457 -1 456 deducted points for mooch request 042520913X Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
458 -1 457 deducted points for mooch request 1847390129 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
457.9 +0.1 458 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451222504 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/10/21
457.8 +0.1 457.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140437894 Liz Williams (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
457.7 +0.1 457.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0333387112 Paul Harvey (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
457.6 +0.1 457.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1853263079 Stef Wischhusen (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
457.5 +0.1 457.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book BM1250799457821339692 Dawn (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
457.4 +0.1 457.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0349118485 lfbtdg (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
457.3 +0.1 457.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0571200680 francesvevers (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
457.2 +0.1 457.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0297829602 Graham Tapper (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
457.1 +0.1 457.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1860464173 Mandy (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
457 +0.1 457.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1852424095 David (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
456.9 +0.1 457 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140175717 Sandy (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
456.8 +0.1 456.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330330535 Don Wazejewski (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
456.7 +0.1 456.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330334719 Don Wazejewski (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
456.6 +0.1 456.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 184756111X Lesley (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
456.5 +0.1 456.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330490001 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
456.4 +0.1 456.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312976410 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
456.3 +0.1 456.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 057120998X Angi (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
456.2 +0.1 456.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0778302385 Amanda T (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
456.1 +0.1 456.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1842329723 pbomyer (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
456 +0.1 456.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141002085 trevor newton (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
455.9 +0.1 456 receiver acknowledged receiving book 029784136X mrsmac (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
455.8 +0.1 455.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0755312856 Helen (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
455.7 +0.1 455.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380732688 Claire Jones (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
455.6 +0.1 455.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316853577 joy glover (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
455.5 +0.1 455.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 075284959X WendyE (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
455.4 +0.1 455.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 034083028X Ben Fletcher (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
455.3 +0.1 455.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1897784627 Al Young (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
455.2 +0.1 455.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0349118434 Clara (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
455.1 +0.1 455.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0349102031 Al Young (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
455 +0.1 455.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140285202 Carl S. (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
454.9 +0.1 455 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1845280334 ScarletBella (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
454.8 +0.1 454.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0664224199 Liz Shaw (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
454.7 +0.1 454.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 009927583X Ellie (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
454.6 +0.1 454.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1852426659 Carl S. (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
454.5 +0.1 454.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0552771236 Anne Axford (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
454.4 +0.1 454.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0563534753 Patricia (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
454.3 +0.1 454.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446696501 LaV (Singapore) 2009/10/21
454.2 +0.1 454.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0091816971 Crispy5449 (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
454.1 +0.1 454.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141023473 Frank Bradley (Ireland) 2009/10/21
454 +0.1 454.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0679742298 Debbie (USA: CA) 2009/10/21
453.9 +0.1 454 receiver acknowledged receiving book 044020898X mypaint2 (USA: FL) 2009/10/21
453.8 +0.1 453.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1405040971 Emma Tomlinson (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
453.7 +0.1 453.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1582340242 Len (USA: NJ) 2009/10/21
453.6 +0.1 453.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0593049683 Timandlucy (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
453.5 +0.1 453.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 000714640X vivcarr (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
454.5 -1 453.5 deducted points for mooch request 0330435353 Sonia (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
453.5 +1 454.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0141012862 Emma P (United Kingdom) 2009/10/21
450.5 +3 453.5 gave points for mooch request 0140450203 blackbird books kosovo (Kosovo) 2009/10/21
447.5 +3 450.5 gave points for mooch request 0330233440 blackbird books kosovo (Kosovo) 2009/10/21
444.5 +3 447.5 gave points for mooch request 0140707069 blackbird books kosovo (Kosovo) 2009/10/21
441.5 +3 444.5 gave points for mooch request 1853264385 blackbird books kosovo (Kosovo) 2009/10/21
438.5 +3 441.5 gave points for mooch request 0140102159 blackbird books kosovo (Kosovo) 2009/10/21
435.5 +3 438.5 gave points for mooch request 0140099050 blackbird books kosovo (Kosovo) 2009/10/21
436.5 -1 435.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425222373 chris wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2009/10/20
433.5 +3 436.5 gave points for mooch request 0330340255 Jorge Newbery (USA: IL) 2009/10/19
430.5 +3 433.5 gave points for mooch request 055212494X Cath57 (Australia) 2009/10/17
429.5 +1 430.5 gave points for mooch request 0099226227 Brittain (USA: CA) 2009/10/16
426.5 +3 429.5 gave points for mooch request 000649000X jacquie (United Kingdom) 2009/10/15
423.5 +3 426.5 gave points for mooch request 0002258463 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2009/10/15
423.4 +0.1 423.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 074993154X Kim (United Kingdom) 2009/10/14
423.3 +0.1 423.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0297841467 SueStelfox (United Kingdom) 2009/10/14
423.2 +0.1 423.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0863695981 Nicci (United Kingdom) 2009/10/14
423.1 +0.1 423.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1846053609 nikki stevens (United Kingdom) 2009/10/14
423 +0.1 423.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0340728302 sue.w (United Kingdom) 2009/10/14
422.9 +0.1 423 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553819720 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2009/10/14
422.8 +0.1 422.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0954575946 Luan Pessall (United Kingdom) 2009/10/13
422.7 +0.1 422.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0007274912 Luan Pessall (United Kingdom) 2009/10/13
422.6 +0.1 422.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099507153 Lauren (United Kingdom) 2009/10/13
422.5 +0.1 422.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0714124508 Gar (South Africa) 2009/10/13
421.5 +1 422.5 gave points for mooch request 0743492161 Kaye (United Kingdom) 2009/10/13
420.5 +1 421.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0743408764 katmatfield (United Kingdom) 2009/10/12
422.5 -2 420.5 deducted points for mooch request BM1255373245911474252 Vimeiro (Portugal) 2009/10/12
419.5 +3 422.5 gave points for mooch request 0821780476 brezova (Belgium) 2009/10/12
419.4 +0.1 419.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099286637 Jo Bridge (United Kingdom) 2009/10/12
419.3 +0.1 419.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060937793 michelle (Canada) 2009/10/12
419.2 +0.1 419.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0007276885 Nina (Hong Kong) 2009/10/12
419.1 +0.1 419.2 added book to inventory 0199502943 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/12
421.1 -2 419.1 deducted points for mooch request 0843955945 bob and chris (USA: WA) 2009/10/12
421 +0.1 421.1 added book to inventory 0586058206 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
422 -1 421 deducted points for mooch request 074993154X Kim (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
423 -1 422 deducted points for mooch request 0747253439 Fiona (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
425 -2 423 deducted points for mooch request 0786017724 Amy (USA: IL) 2009/10/11
424 +1 425 gave points for mooch request 0708807828 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
426 -2 424 deducted points for mooch request 0553560239 Amy (USA: IL) 2009/10/11
428 -2 426 deducted points for mooch request 0425189023 Amy (USA: IL) 2009/10/11
430 -2 428 deducted points for mooch request 0515105651 Amy (USA: IL) 2009/10/11
432 -2 430 deducted points for mooch request 0425204499 Amy (USA: IL) 2009/10/11
433 -1 432 deducted points for mooch request 0752264877 Victoria (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
434 -1 433 deducted points for mooch request 0333387112 Paul Harvey (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
435 -1 434 deducted points for mooch request 0006551262 Katy_n (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
436 -1 435 deducted points for mooch request 0755321316 Graham Jeffery (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
437 -1 436 deducted points for mooch request 0552088005 Marie (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
438 -1 437 deducted points for mooch request 0753818027 SybilleBedford (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
439 -1 438 deducted points for mooch request 034083028X Ben Fletcher (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
440 -1 439 deducted points for mooch request 0349118485 lfbtdg (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
441 -1 440 deducted points for mooch request 070433884X Asa (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
442 -1 441 deducted points for mooch request 0778324419 Rachel (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
443 -1 442 deducted points for mooch request 0140437894 Liz Williams (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
442 +1 443 mooch rejected by book owner 0752882104 PJP (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
443 -1 442 deducted points for mooch request 1853263079 Stef Wischhusen (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
444 -1 443 deducted points for mooch request BM1250799457821339692 Dawn (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
445 -1 444 deducted points for mooch request 0747519560 Andy McAleer (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
446 -1 445 deducted points for mooch request 1405040971 Emma Tomlinson (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
447 -1 446 deducted points for mooch request 0743463811 ebunny (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
448 -1 447 deducted points for mooch request 0571200680 francesvevers (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
449 -1 448 deducted points for mooch request 0752882104 PJP (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
450 -1 449 deducted points for mooch request 184354265X Madeleine (United Kingdom) 2009/10/11
451 -1 450 deducted points for mooch request 0743408764 katmatfield (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
452 -1 451 deducted points for mooch request 0297829602 Graham Tapper (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
453 -1 452 deducted points for mooch request 1860464173 Mandy (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
454 -1 453 deducted points for mooch request 1897784627 Al Young (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
455 -1 454 deducted points for mooch request 1852424095 David (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
456 -1 455 deducted points for mooch request 000714640X vivcarr (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
457 -1 456 deducted points for mooch request 0750934816 Ben McCann (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
458 -1 457 deducted points for mooch request 0007133073 Fennesz (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
459 -1 458 deducted points for mooch request 0747594635 Ben McCann (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
460 -1 459 deducted points for mooch request 0140175717 Sandy (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
461 -1 460 deducted points for mooch request 0099507153 Lauren (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
462 -1 461 deducted points for mooch request 074757863X Providence (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
463 -1 462 deducted points for mooch request 029784136X mrsmac (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
464 -1 463 deducted points for mooch request 0747568588 Leanne Holmes (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
465 -1 464 deducted points for mooch request 0297841467 SueStelfox (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
466 -1 465 deducted points for mooch request 0330330535 Don Wazejewski (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
467 -1 466 deducted points for mooch request 0330334719 Don Wazejewski (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
468 -1 467 deducted points for mooch request 0330490001 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
469 -1 468 deducted points for mooch request 0312976410 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
470 -1 469 deducted points for mooch request 0312868308 Matt Thornhill (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
471 -1 470 deducted points for mooch request 057120998X Angi (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
472 -1 471 deducted points for mooch request 0141002085 trevor newton (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
473 -1 472 deducted points for mooch request 0714124508 Gar (South Africa) 2009/10/10
474 -1 473 deducted points for mooch request 0755312856 Helen (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
475 -1 474 deducted points for mooch request 0778302385 Amanda T (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
476 -1 475 deducted points for mooch request 0863695981 Nicci (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
477 -1 476 deducted points for mooch request 1842329723 pbomyer (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
478 -1 477 deducted points for mooch request 075284959X WendyE (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
479 -1 478 deducted points for mooch request 0316853577 joy glover (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
480 -1 479 deducted points for mooch request 1846053609 nikki stevens (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
481 -1 480 deducted points for mooch request 0007274912 Luan Pessall (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
482 -1 481 deducted points for mooch request 0954575946 Luan Pessall (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
483 -1 482 deducted points for mooch request 0380732688 Claire Jones (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
484 -1 483 deducted points for mooch request 0593049683 Timandlucy (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
485 -1 484 deducted points for mooch request 0349118434 Clara (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
486 -1 485 deducted points for mooch request 0349102031 Al Young (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
487 -1 486 deducted points for mooch request 0743248309 Darren Maughan (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
488 -1 487 deducted points for mooch request 0140285202 Carl S. (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
489 -1 488 deducted points for mooch request 1845280334 ScarletBella (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
490 -1 489 deducted points for mooch request 0141012862 Emma P (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
491 -1 490 deducted points for mooch request 0740762052 Lucy (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
492 -1 491 deducted points for mooch request 0664224199 Liz Shaw (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
493 -1 492 deducted points for mooch request 0439202701 Kelly Brookbank (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
494 -1 493 deducted points for mooch request 009927583X Ellie (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
495 -1 494 deducted points for mooch request 0330415298 Rebecca (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
496 -1 495 deducted points for mooch request 0746067607 Jonathan Currinn (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
497 -1 496 deducted points for mooch request 184756111X Lesley (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
498 -1 497 deducted points for mooch request 0340728302 sue.w (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
499 -1 498 deducted points for mooch request 0553819720 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
500 -1 499 deducted points for mooch request 1852426659 Carl S. (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
501 -1 500 deducted points for mooch request 0552771236 Anne Axford (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
502 -1 501 deducted points for mooch request 075227192X Hollie (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
503 -1 502 deducted points for mooch request 0340750375 Ignacio (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
504 -1 503 deducted points for mooch request 0340739630 Ignacio (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
505 -1 504 deducted points for mooch request 0330307525 Linda (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
507 -2 505 deducted points for mooch request 0451222504 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/10/10
504 +3 507 gave points for mooch request 0755351304 Robert & Tracey O'Brien (Ireland) 2009/10/10
505 -1 504 deducted points for mooch request 0563534753 Patricia (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
507 -2 505 deducted points for mooch request 0446696501 LaV (Singapore) 2009/10/10
509 -2 507 deducted points for mooch request 0380698617 Laurie (USA) 2009/10/10
508.9 +0.1 509 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0749321962 chris (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
508.8 +0.1 508.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 076218857X Kristi Z. (USA: CO) 2009/10/10
508.7 +0.1 508.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312354738 Marja (Netherlands) 2009/10/10
508.6 +0.1 508.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 014023750X Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
508.5 +0.1 508.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330284142 Tracey (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
508.4 +0.1 508.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book BM1220345212653806820 Jean Adams (USA: CA) 2009/10/10
508.3 +0.1 508.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1852425679 Martin Skidmore (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
508.2 +0.1 508.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553254642 dgraham (USA: NM) 2009/10/10
508.1 +0.1 508.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1842552678 Sayuri_x (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
508 +0.1 508.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671693190 cmuser (USA: MN) 2009/10/10
507.9 +0.1 508 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330284142 Madeleine (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
508.9 -1 507.9 donated points to charity sharon catlady (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
509.9 -1 508.9 donated points to charity Jenny Juckes (United Kingdom) 2009/10/10
511.9 -2 509.9 donated points to charity Adva Price (USA: CA) 2009/10/10
513.9 -2 511.9 donated points to charity Adva Price (USA: CA) 2009/10/10
515.9 -2 513.9 donated points to charity James (Australia) 2009/10/10
512.9 +3 515.9 gave points for mooch request 0590556487 The Reading Room (Brunei Darussalam) 2009/10/09
509.9 +3 512.9 gave points for mooch request 1843154404 The Reading Room (Brunei Darussalam) 2009/10/09
506.9 +3 509.9 gave points for mooch request 1843171031 The Reading Room (Brunei Darussalam) 2009/10/09
503.9 +3 506.9 gave points for mooch request 0006513204 The Reading Room (Brunei Darussalam) 2009/10/09
500.9 +3 503.9 gave points for mooch request 0006512135 The Reading Room (Brunei Darussalam) 2009/10/09
501.9 -1 500.9 deducted points for mooch request 0590135295 wychwood (United Kingdom) 2009/10/09
502.9 -1 501.9 deducted points for mooch request 0007276885 Nina (Hong Kong) 2009/10/06
504.9 -2 502.9 deducted points for mooch request 0679742298 Debbie (USA: CA) 2009/10/06
501.9 +3 504.9 gave points for mooch request 0747267618 Shawna (USA: CA) 2009/10/06
500.9 +1 501.9 gave points for mooch request 0747405492 Diane (United Kingdom) 2009/10/05
502.9 -2 500.9 deducted points for mooch request 0452284341 Lee Aiken (Canada) 2009/10/05
500.9 +2 502.9 mooch rejected by book owner 0276429745 Laurie (USA) 2009/10/05
502.9 -2 500.9 deducted points for mooch request 0345347706 Laurie (USA) 2009/10/05
504.9 -2 502.9 deducted points for mooch request 0276429745 Laurie (USA) 2009/10/05
506.9 -2 504.9 deducted points for mooch request 0553208225 Laurie (USA) 2009/10/05
508.9 -2 506.9 deducted points for mooch request 0451215842 Reading elf (USA: TN) 2009/10/05
505.9 +3 508.9 gave points for mooch request 0743437810 sdb (France) 2009/10/05
506.9 -1 505.9 deducted points for mooch request 0749321962 chris (United Kingdom) 2009/10/04
503.9 +3 506.9 gave points for mooch request 0450032892 James (Australia) 2009/10/04
500.9 +3 503.9 gave points for mooch request 0060842245 James (Australia) 2009/10/04
501.9 -1 500.9 deducted points for mooch request 0091816971 Crispy5449 (United Kingdom) 2009/10/04
498.9 +3 501.9 gave points for mooch request 0340840749 Adva Price (USA: CA) 2009/10/03
495.9 +3 498.9 gave points for mooch request 0552140961 Adva Price (USA: CA) 2009/10/03
492.9 +3 495.9 gave points for mooch request 0671037382 Jamie (USA: FL) 2009/10/03
492.8 +0.1 492.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 044900371X Cate (United Kingdom) 2009/10/03
491.8 +1 492.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0739316508 kellyairvine (United Kingdom) 2009/10/03
490.8 +1 491.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0440226066 Dan (United Kingdom) 2009/10/03
490.7 +0.1 490.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0689105193 Amichai Geva (USA: AZ) 2009/10/03
490.6 +0.1 490.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 039475123X Amichai Geva (USA: AZ) 2009/10/03
490.5 +0.1 490.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440226066 Jane (United Kingdom) 2009/10/03
490.4 +0.1 490.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0385049587 Judy (USA: NY) 2009/10/03
490.3 +0.1 490.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 078601587X Janine (USA: PA) 2009/10/03
490.2 +0.1 490.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0765354381 Sylvia (USA: PA) 2009/10/03
490.1 +0.1 490.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0199502943 rumhelka (United Kingdom) 2009/10/03
491.1 -1 490.1 deducted points for mooch request 014023750X Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2009/10/02
493.1 -2 491.1 deducted points for mooch request 0141023473 Frank Bradley (Ireland) 2009/10/02
495.1 -2 493.1 deducted points for mooch request 044020898X mypaint2 (USA: FL) 2009/10/02
494.1 +1 495.1 gave points for mooch request 0751512214 sharon catlady (United Kingdom) 2009/10/01
493.1 +1 494.1 gave points for mooch request 0743491564 sharon catlady (United Kingdom) 2009/10/01
491.1 +2 493.1 mooch rejected by book owner 1860464173 Stewart (USA: FL) 2009/09/30
489.1 +2 491.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0312941668 lauri (USA: MO) 2009/09/29
491.1 -2 489.1 deducted points for mooch request 0312941668 lauri (USA: MO) 2009/09/29
488.1 +3 491.1 gave points for mooch request 0553384813 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2009/09/29
490.1 -2 488.1 deducted points for mooch request 0747262276 Veronica (Australia) 2009/09/28
493.1 -3 490.1 donated points to charity kerry murray (USA: IA) 2009/09/28
494.1 -1 493.1 gave a smooch Jenny Juckes (United Kingdom) 2009/09/28
493.1 +1 494.1 mooch rejected by book owner 1846052564 Linda (United Kingdom) 2009/09/27
492.1 +1 493.1 gave points for mooch request 0751533955 Jenny Juckes (United Kingdom) 2009/09/27
491.1 +1 492.1 gave points for mooch request 0786889004 Jenny Juckes (United Kingdom) 2009/09/27
491 +0.1 491.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0860077071 MadBudgie (United Kingdom) 2009/09/27
492 -1 491 deducted points for mooch request 0440226066 Jane (United Kingdom) 2009/09/27
493 -1 492 deducted points for mooch request 1846052564 Linda (United Kingdom) 2009/09/27
495 -2 493 deducted points for mooch request 0425212831 Katie (Germany) 2009/09/27
497 -2 495 deducted points for mooch request 076218857X Kristi Z. (USA: CO) 2009/09/27
496 +1 497 gave points for mooch request 044022165X Philippa (United Kingdom) 2009/09/26
495.9 +0.1 496 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312941617 Dan & Tammy (USA: MI) 2009/09/26
495.8 +0.1 495.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0394717724 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/09/26
495.7 +0.1 495.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451191021 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/09/26
495.6 +0.1 495.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425227065 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/09/26
495.5 +0.1 495.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0340530448 Claire T (United Kingdom) 2009/09/26
496.5 -1 495.5 deducted points for mooch request 044900371X Cate (United Kingdom) 2009/09/26
496.4 +0.1 496.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0749301341 Tracey (United Kingdom) 2009/09/24
496.3 +0.1 496.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0752852523 Kathleen (USA: MN) 2009/09/24
498.3 -2 496.3 deducted points for mooch request 0316769487 RachK (USA: HI) 2009/09/24
500.3 -2 498.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312354738 Marja (Netherlands) 2009/09/24
499.3 +1 500.3 gave points for mooch request 1857991427 ren fletcher (United Kingdom) 2009/09/24
498.3 +1 499.3 gave points for mooch request 0007102763 jeeni (United Kingdom) 2009/09/23
498.2 +0.1 498.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0393332152 Maureen (USA: MI) 2009/09/23
499.2 -1 498.2 deducted points for mooch request 0330284142 Tracey (United Kingdom) 2009/09/23
501.2 -2 499.2 deducted points for mooch request 0441008607 Tiff (Canada) 2009/09/22
501.1 +0.1 501.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book B00190DRRS Peter Vibert (Portugal) 2009/09/22
501 +0.1 501.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758206887 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/09/22
500.9 +0.1 501 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425206866 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/09/22
501.9 -1 500.9 deducted points for mooch request 0860077071 MadBudgie (United Kingdom) 2009/09/22
501.8 +0.1 501.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0006512933 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2009/09/21
501.7 +0.1 501.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0007284144 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2009/09/21
501.6 +0.1 501.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0006550967 Darius Cuplinskas (United Kingdom) 2009/09/21
503.6 -2 501.6 deducted points for mooch request BM1220345212653806820 Jean Adams (USA: CA) 2009/09/20
504.6 -1 503.6 deducted points for mooch request 0099286637 Jo Bridge (United Kingdom) 2009/09/20
501.6 +3 504.6 gave points for mooch request 1842555499 kerry murray (USA: IA) 2009/09/20
498.6 +3 501.6 gave points for mooch request 0340933879 kerry murray (USA: IA) 2009/09/20
495.6 +3 498.6 gave points for mooch request 0722157797 kerry murray (USA: IA) 2009/09/20
497.6 -2 495.6 deducted points for mooch request 039475123X Amichai Geva (USA: AZ) 2009/09/20
499.6 -2 497.6 deducted points for mooch request 0689105193 Amichai Geva (USA: AZ) 2009/09/20
501.6 -2 499.6 deducted points for mooch request 0385049587 Judy (USA: NY) 2009/09/20
501.5 +0.1 501.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 006087449X Melissa (USA: CA) 2009/09/20
503.5 -2 501.5 deducted points for mooch request 0451191021 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/09/20
505.5 -2 503.5 deducted points for mooch request 0394717724 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/09/20
507.5 -2 505.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425227065 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/09/20
509.5 -2 507.5 deducted points for mooch request 078601587X Janine (USA: PA) 2009/09/20
511.5 -2 509.5 deducted points for mooch request 0060937793 michelle (Canada) 2009/09/20
511.4 +0.1 511.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0751539775 mark woods (United Kingdom) 2009/09/20
511.3 +0.1 511.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0898155088 Linda (Canada) 2009/09/20
511.2 +0.1 511.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0192853953 Jane (United Kingdom) 2009/09/20
511.1 +0.1 511.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0340839228 Ruby Hosh (United Kingdom) 2009/09/20
512.1 -1 511.1 deducted points for mooch request 0749301341 Tracey (United Kingdom) 2009/09/18
513.1 -1 512.1 deducted points for mooch request 0340530448 Claire T (United Kingdom) 2009/09/18
514.1 -1 513.1 deducted points for mooch request 1852425679 Martin Skidmore (United Kingdom) 2009/09/18
514 +0.1 514.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312982895 Providence (United Kingdom) 2009/09/18
513.9 +0.1 514 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312960743 Providence (United Kingdom) 2009/09/18
513.8 +0.1 513.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312958919 Providence (United Kingdom) 2009/09/18
513.7 +0.1 513.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451224353 Lia H. (USA: MD) 2009/09/18
510.7 +3 513.7 gave points for mooch request 000651040X butterfly-noir (Portugal) 2009/09/17
509.7 +1 510.7 gave points for mooch request B000OJ2FJ6 Jenny Juckes (United Kingdom) 2009/09/16
508.7 +1 509.7 gave points for mooch request 0330330373 Jenny Juckes (United Kingdom) 2009/09/16
509.7 -1 508.7 deducted points for mooch request 0006512933 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2009/09/16
510.7 -1 509.7 deducted points for mooch request 0007284144 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2009/09/16
512.7 -2 510.7 deducted points for mooch request 0765354381 Sylvia (USA: PA) 2009/09/16
512.6 +0.1 512.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1567316603 Tanya Verghese (USA: NY) 2009/09/15
511.6 +1 512.6 gave points for mooch request 1841195650 Nic (United Kingdom) 2009/09/15
511.7 -0.1 511.6 removed book from inventory 0590559028 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/14
514.7 -3 511.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0590559028 Kat and Sarah (USA: IL) 2009/09/14
514.6 +0.1 514.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0684857359 Christine Sanborn (USA: TN) 2009/09/14
511.6 +3 514.6 gave points for mooch request 0340788666 Christine Sanborn (USA: TN) 2009/09/14
508.6 +3 511.6 gave points for mooch request 0140034412 Eric Meyers (USA: NY) 2009/09/14
507.6 +1 508.6 gave points for mooch request 0755302435 David (United Kingdom) 2009/09/14
509.6 -2 507.6 deducted points for mooch request 0553254642 dgraham (USA: NM) 2009/09/13
510.6 -1 509.6 deducted points for mooch request 0006550967 Darius Cuplinskas (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
507.6 +3 510.6 gave points for mooch request 0099244322 Laura (Canada) 2009/09/13
504.6 +3 507.6 gave points for mooch request 0590559028 Kat and Sarah (USA: IL) 2009/09/13
501.6 +3 504.6 gave points for mooch request 0755315502 Kat and Sarah (USA: IL) 2009/09/13
498.6 +3 501.6 gave points for mooch request 0517654997 Tim (USA: CA) 2009/09/13
498.7 -0.1 498.6 removed book from inventory 0751523631 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
498.8 -0.1 498.7 removed book from inventory 0316776963 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
498.7 +0.1 498.8 added book to inventory 0312029632 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
498.6 +0.1 498.7 added book to inventory B000O8VNV8 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
498.5 +0.1 498.6 added book to inventory 0749837195 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
498.4 +0.1 498.5 added book to inventory 0002258463 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
498.3 +0.1 498.4 added book to inventory B001W2GC3O Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
498.2 +0.1 498.3 added book to inventory 0760704457 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
498.1 +0.1 498.2 added book to inventory 0751533955 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
498 +0.1 498.1 added book to inventory 1843154404 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
497.9 +0.1 498 added book to inventory 1841461458 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
497.8 +0.1 497.9 added book to inventory 0712680012 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
497.7 +0.1 497.8 added book to inventory B002JYW3H8 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
497.8 -0.1 497.7 removed book from inventory B0013PTJOE Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
497.7 +0.1 497.8 added book to inventory B0013PTJOE Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
497.6 +0.1 497.7 added book to inventory 0352395370 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
497.5 +0.1 497.6 added book to inventory 0745910513 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
497.4 +0.1 497.5 added book to inventory 000649000X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
497.3 +0.1 497.4 added book to inventory 0330340255 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
497.2 +0.1 497.3 added book to inventory 0340769041 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
497.1 +0.1 497.2 added book to inventory 1840300434 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
497 +0.1 497.1 added book to inventory 0416244505 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
496.9 +0.1 497 added book to inventory 0586052186 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
496.8 +0.1 496.9 added book to inventory 060031460X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
496.7 +0.1 496.8 added book to inventory 043401043X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
496.6 +0.1 496.7 added book to inventory 0553384813 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
496.5 +0.1 496.6 added book to inventory 0099140810 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
496.4 +0.1 496.5 added book to inventory 1854872362 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
496.3 +0.1 496.4 added book to inventory 0552123579 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
496.2 +0.1 496.3 added book to inventory 0091870119 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
496.1 +0.1 496.2 added book to inventory 0786889004 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
496 +0.1 496.1 added book to inventory B001KSTJIA Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
495.9 +0.1 496 added book to inventory 0586058214 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
495.8 +0.1 495.9 added book to inventory 1854877070 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
495.7 +0.1 495.8 added book to inventory 004823284X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
495.6 +0.1 495.7 added book to inventory 0747255350 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
495.5 +0.1 495.6 added book to inventory 1850280754 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
495.4 +0.1 495.5 added book to inventory 0586056173 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
495.3 +0.1 495.4 added book to inventory 034070733X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
495.2 +0.1 495.3 added book to inventory 0552118729 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
495.1 +0.1 495.2 added book to inventory 0722157797 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
495 +0.1 495.1 added book to inventory 0722530358 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
494.9 +0.1 495 added book to inventory 0752523856 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
494.8 +0.1 494.9 added book to inventory 0713997001 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
494.7 +0.1 494.8 added book to inventory 0316848042 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
494.6 +0.1 494.7 added book to inventory 0752825046 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
494.5 +0.1 494.6 added book to inventory 0743437810 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
494.4 +0.1 494.5 added book to inventory 0786245700 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
494.3 +0.1 494.4 added book to inventory 0743491564 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
494.2 +0.1 494.3 added book to inventory 0140128735 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
494.1 +0.1 494.2 added book to inventory 0425222381 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
494 +0.1 494.1 added book to inventory 0140114750 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
493.9 +0.1 494 added book to inventory 0843926864 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
493.8 +0.1 493.9 added book to inventory 0553401688 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
493.7 +0.1 493.8 added book to inventory 0330315854 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
493.6 +0.1 493.7 added book to inventory 0140034412 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
493.5 +0.1 493.6 added book to inventory 0276442229 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
493.4 +0.1 493.5 added book to inventory 1857762827 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
493.3 +0.1 493.4 added book to inventory 1844540839 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
493.2 +0.1 493.3 added book to inventory 0743231392 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
493.1 +0.1 493.2 added book to inventory 074908216X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
493 +0.1 493.1 added book to inventory 0552144681 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
492.9 +0.1 493 added book to inventory 0708807828 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
492.8 +0.1 492.9 added book to inventory 0752867474 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
492.7 +0.1 492.8 added book to inventory 0752846345 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
492.6 +0.1 492.7 added book to inventory 0517654997 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
492.5 +0.1 492.6 added book to inventory 0892966246 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
492.4 +0.1 492.5 added book to inventory 1853264385 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
492.3 +0.1 492.4 added book to inventory 0140450203 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
492.2 +0.1 492.3 added book to inventory 0330233440 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
492.1 +0.1 492.2 added book to inventory 0747504997 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
492 +0.1 492.1 added book to inventory 0751512214 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
491.9 +0.1 492 added book to inventory 0340788666 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
491.8 +0.1 491.9 added book to inventory 0755302435 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
491.7 +0.1 491.8 added book to inventory 1853716057 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
491.6 +0.1 491.7 added book to inventory 1857991427 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
491.5 +0.1 491.6 added book to inventory 0330390406 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
491.4 +0.1 491.5 added book to inventory 0586208313 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
491.3 +0.1 491.4 added book to inventory 0425179885 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
491.2 +0.1 491.3 added book to inventory 000648204X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
491.1 +0.1 491.2 added book to inventory B000OJ2FJ6 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
491 +0.1 491.1 added book to inventory 0745931820 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
490.9 +0.1 491 added book to inventory 0552140961 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
490.8 +0.1 490.9 added book to inventory 0330307959 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
490.7 +0.1 490.8 added book to inventory 1843171031 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
490.6 +0.1 490.7 added book to inventory 0340792884 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
490.5 +0.1 490.6 added book to inventory 0007102763 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
490.4 +0.1 490.5 added book to inventory 155166075X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
490.3 +0.1 490.4 added book to inventory 0373576420 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
490.2 +0.1 490.3 added book to inventory 0553285289 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
490.1 +0.1 490.2 added book to inventory 0006512135 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
490 +0.1 490.1 added book to inventory 000648204X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
489.9 +0.1 490 added book to inventory 0340767103 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
489.8 +0.1 489.9 added book to inventory 0141017805 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
489.7 +0.1 489.8 added book to inventory 0755315502 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
489.6 +0.1 489.7 added book to inventory 1897580541 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
489.5 +0.1 489.6 added book to inventory 0340751525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
489.4 +0.1 489.5 added book to inventory 059055705X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
489.3 +0.1 489.4 added book to inventory 0330252917 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
489.2 +0.1 489.3 added book to inventory 0006153860 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
489.1 +0.1 489.2 added book to inventory 0316776963 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
489 +0.1 489.1 added book to inventory 0099228823 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
489.1 -0.1 489 removed book from inventory 0743482700 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
489 +0.1 489.1 added book to inventory 0743482700 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
488.9 +0.1 489 added book to inventory 1857029763 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
488.8 +0.1 488.9 added book to inventory 0749444193 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
488.7 +0.1 488.8 added book to inventory 1852429283 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
488.6 +0.1 488.7 added book to inventory 0759320314 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
488.5 +0.1 488.6 added book to inventory 0600572307 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
488.4 +0.1 488.5 added book to inventory 190551333X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
488.3 +0.1 488.4 added book to inventory 0747565678 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
488.2 +0.1 488.3 added book to inventory 0099244322 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
488.1 +0.1 488.2 added book to inventory 0552144487 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
488 +0.1 488.1 added book to inventory 0263863093 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
487.9 +0.1 488 added book to inventory 0330367358 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
487.8 +0.1 487.9 added book to inventory 0330367358 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
487.7 +0.1 487.8 added book to inventory 1842555499 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
487.6 +0.1 487.7 added book to inventory 0590559028 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
487.5 +0.1 487.6 added book to inventory 0752833952 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
487.4 +0.1 487.5 added book to inventory 0330321765 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
487.3 +0.1 487.4 added book to inventory B000NASWFC Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
487.2 +0.1 487.3 added book to inventory 0099162512 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
487.1 +0.1 487.2 added book to inventory 0751538310 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
487 +0.1 487.1 added book to inventory 0745932061 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
486.9 +0.1 487 added book to inventory 0743492161 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
486.8 +0.1 486.9 added book to inventory 034082526X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
486.7 +0.1 486.8 added book to inventory 0752842854 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
486.6 +0.1 486.7 added book to inventory 0749320621 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
486.5 +0.1 486.6 added book to inventory 189971233X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
486.4 +0.1 486.5 added book to inventory 000649806X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
486.3 +0.1 486.4 added book to inventory 0099175525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
486.2 +0.1 486.3 added book to inventory 033029976X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
486.1 +0.1 486.2 added book to inventory 0330320254 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
486 +0.1 486.1 added book to inventory 1846880297 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
485.9 +0.1 486 added book to inventory 1407207008 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
485.8 +0.1 485.9 added book to inventory 0747267618 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
485.7 +0.1 485.8 added book to inventory 0671037382 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
485.6 +0.1 485.7 added book to inventory 055212494X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
485.5 +0.1 485.6 added book to inventory 0006478956 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
485.4 +0.1 485.5 added book to inventory 0586060545 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
485.3 +0.1 485.4 added book to inventory 0751514446 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
485.2 +0.1 485.3 added book to inventory 0099416174 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
485.1 +0.1 485.2 added book to inventory 0330351834 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
485 +0.1 485.1 added book to inventory 0330351834 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
484.9 +0.1 485 added book to inventory 0099226227 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
484.8 +0.1 484.9 added book to inventory 0006478727 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
484.7 +0.1 484.8 added book to inventory 0330291726 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
484.6 +0.1 484.7 added book to inventory B001XWBF1W Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
484.5 +0.1 484.6 added book to inventory 0140271775 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
483.5 +1 484.5 gave points for mooch request 034052118X Adeline (United Kingdom) 2009/09/13
483.6 -0.1 483.5 removed book from inventory 0330320254 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
483.5 +0.1 483.6 added book to inventory 0330320254 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
483.4 +0.1 483.5 added book to inventory 0553505874 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
483.3 +0.1 483.4 added book to inventory 0747585105 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
483.2 +0.1 483.3 added book to inventory 0747267669 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
483.1 +0.1 483.2 added book to inventory 0821780476 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
483 +0.1 483.1 added book to inventory 0007136757 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
482.9 +0.1 483 added book to inventory 0099280256 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
482.8 +0.1 482.9 added book to inventory 0061097632 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
482.7 +0.1 482.8 added book to inventory 1856850749 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
482.6 +0.1 482.7 added book to inventory 0330343548 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
482.5 +0.1 482.6 added book to inventory 0330373250 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
482.4 +0.1 482.5 added book to inventory 0140114300 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
482.3 +0.1 482.4 added book to inventory 0140112863 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
482.2 +0.1 482.3 added book to inventory 0590556487 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
482.1 +0.1 482.2 added book to inventory 0747266247 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
482 +0.1 482.1 added book to inventory 0340840749 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
481.9 +0.1 482 added book to inventory B001KTQP3G Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
481.8 +0.1 481.9 added book to inventory 1857923960 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
481.7 +0.1 481.8 added book to inventory 0330421050 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
481.6 +0.1 481.7 added book to inventory 0340717661 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
481.5 +0.1 481.6 added book to inventory 1857998723 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
481.4 +0.1 481.5 added book to inventory 0752848135 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
481.3 +0.1 481.4 added book to inventory 1857997557 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
481.2 +0.1 481.3 added book to inventory 1857997654 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
481.1 +0.1 481.2 added book to inventory 0552151416 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
481 +0.1 481.1 added book to inventory 0752201581 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
480.9 +0.1 481 added book to inventory 0586066241 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
480.8 +0.1 480.9 added book to inventory 0330341952 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
480.7 +0.1 480.8 added book to inventory 0745932061 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
480.6 +0.1 480.7 added book to inventory 0778300781 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
480.5 +0.1 480.6 added book to inventory 0749930306 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
480.4 +0.1 480.5 added book to inventory 0140707069 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
480.3 +0.1 480.4 added book to inventory 0006511449 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
480.2 +0.1 480.3 added book to inventory 0099602806 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
480.1 +0.1 480.2 added book to inventory 0099277301 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
480 +0.1 480.1 added book to inventory 0450032892 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
479.9 +0.1 480 added book to inventory 074930362X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
479.8 +0.1 479.9 added book to inventory 0099502909 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
479.7 +0.1 479.8 added book to inventory 0330367447 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
479.6 +0.1 479.7 added book to inventory 034027106X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
479.5 +0.1 479.6 added book to inventory 075153188X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
479.4 +0.1 479.5 added book to inventory 0140099050 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
479.3 +0.1 479.4 added book to inventory 0233999590 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
479.2 +0.1 479.3 added book to inventory 0141035870 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
479.1 +0.1 479.2 added book to inventory 1843535173 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
479.2 -0.1 479.1 removed book from inventory 0751527092 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
479.1 +0.1 479.2 added book to inventory 0751527092 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
479 +0.1 479.1 added book to inventory 0751527092 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
480 -1 479 deducted points for mooch request 0340839228 Ruby Hosh (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
479.9 +0.1 480 added book to inventory 0755351304 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
479.8 +0.1 479.9 added book to inventory 0751524646 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
479.7 +0.1 479.8 added book to inventory 0752836838 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
479.6 +0.1 479.7 added book to inventory 0747242232 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
479.5 +0.1 479.6 added book to inventory 000651040X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
479.4 +0.1 479.5 added book to inventory 0340422491 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
479.3 +0.1 479.4 added book to inventory 0752531085 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
480.3 -1 479.3 deducted points for mooch request 0751539775 mark woods (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
480.2 +0.1 480.3 added book to inventory 1903867088 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
480.1 +0.1 480.2 added book to inventory 0552146390 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
480 +0.1 480.1 added book to inventory 0751523631 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
479.9 +0.1 480 added book to inventory 0140102159 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
476.9 +3 479.9 gave points for mooch request 0752893408 Joel Niemeyer (USA: WA) 2009/09/12
476.8 +0.1 476.9 added book to inventory 0752893408 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
476.7 +0.1 476.8 added book to inventory 0552146544 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
476.6 +0.1 476.7 added book to inventory 0752864505 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
476.5 +0.1 476.6 added book to inventory 0778300528 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
476.4 +0.1 476.5 added book to inventory 0747405492 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
476.3 +0.1 476.4 added book to inventory 0449006301 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
476.2 +0.1 476.3 added book to inventory 0747244375 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
476.1 +0.1 476.2 added book to inventory 0330456520 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
476 +0.1 476.1 added book to inventory 034052118X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
475.9 +0.1 476 added book to inventory 0330330373 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
475.8 +0.1 475.9 added book to inventory 0099556316 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
475.7 +0.1 475.8 added book to inventory 0312954204 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
475.6 +0.1 475.7 added book to inventory 0755309456 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
475.5 +0.1 475.6 added book to inventory 0330341103 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
475.4 +0.1 475.5 added book to inventory 0006513204 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
475.3 +0.1 475.4 added book to inventory 0755336348 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
475.2 +0.1 475.3 added book to inventory 0060842245 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
475.1 +0.1 475.2 added book to inventory 044022165X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
475 +0.1 475.1 added book to inventory 0099088207 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
474.9 +0.1 475 added book to inventory 034068884X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
474.8 +0.1 474.9 added book to inventory 0786011262 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
474.7 +0.1 474.8 added book to inventory 0967852900 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
474.6 +0.1 474.7 added book to inventory 085202858X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
475.6 -1 474.6 deducted points for mooch request 0739316508 kellyairvine (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
477.6 -2 475.6 deducted points for mooch request 0758206887 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/09/12
479.6 -2 477.6 deducted points for mooch request 0425206866 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/09/12
478.6 +1 479.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0146001249 JimPurbrick (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
478.5 +0.1 478.6 added book to inventory 1841195650 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
478.6 -0.1 478.5 removed book from inventory 0571218377 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
478.5 +0.1 478.6 added book to inventory 0571218377 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
480.5 -2 478.5 deducted points for mooch request B00190DRRS Peter Vibert (Portugal) 2009/09/12
481.5 -1 480.5 deducted points for mooch request 0426118936 Dan (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
481.4 +0.1 481.5 added book to inventory 0340933879 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/12
481.5 -0.1 481.4 removed book from inventory 0786011262 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/11
481.4 +0.1 481.5 added book to inventory 0786011262 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/11
481.3 +0.1 481.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451225333 Spinifex (United Kingdom) 2009/09/11
481.2 +0.1 481.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451222555 Spinifex (United Kingdom) 2009/09/11
478.2 +3 481.2 gave points for mooch request 0753823748 Karen (USA: UT) 2009/09/10
479.2 -1 478.2 deducted points for mooch request 1842552678 Sayuri_x (United Kingdom) 2009/09/10
479.1 +0.1 479.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0812539044 czar (Philippines) 2009/09/09
479 +0.1 479.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099437341 eddyesi (United Kingdom) 2009/09/09
478.9 +0.1 479 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0091898269 Flash Bristow (United Kingdom) 2009/09/09
478.8 +0.1 478.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0718123395 mfkirke (United Kingdom) 2009/09/09
478.7 +0.1 478.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743492153 Fyoder (Canada) 2009/09/09
478.6 +0.1 478.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416525939 Fyoder (Canada) 2009/09/09
478.5 +0.1 478.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743492145 Fyoder (Canada) 2009/09/09
475.5 +3 478.5 gave points for mooch request 0192803158 Richard L (Sweden) 2009/09/07
475.4 +0.1 475.5 added book to inventory 0192803158 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/07
472.4 +3 475.4 gave points for mooch request 0552553697 Diana (USA: PR) 2009/09/07
472.5 -0.1 472.4 removed book from inventory 0552553697 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/07
472.4 +0.1 472.5 added book to inventory 0552553697 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/07
472.3 +0.1 472.4 added book to inventory 0552553697 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/07
471.3 +1 472.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0060391480 Norm Zurawski (USA: NJ) 2009/09/07
472.3 -1 471.3 deducted points for mooch request 0752852523 Kathleen (USA: MN) 2009/09/06
473.3 -1 472.3 deducted points for mooch request 0060391480 Norm Zurawski (USA: NJ) 2009/09/06
474.3 -1 473.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312941617 Dan & Tammy (USA: MI) 2009/09/06
474.2 +0.1 474.3 added book to inventory 0753823748 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/06
475.2 -1 474.2 deducted points for mooch request 0192853953 Jane (United Kingdom) 2009/09/06
477.2 -2 475.2 deducted points for mooch request 013584178X mjnauset (USA: VA) 2009/09/05
479.2 -2 477.2 deducted points for mooch request 0671693190 cmuser (USA: MN) 2009/09/05
481.2 -2 479.2 deducted points for mooch request 0393332152 Maureen (USA: MI) 2009/09/05
481.1 +0.1 481.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0806528222 Kate Procko (Australia) 2009/09/05
481 +0.1 481.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060163704 Charlene (USA: FL) 2009/09/05
480.9 +0.1 481 receiver acknowledged receiving book 186230002X Tom Constable (United Kingdom) 2009/09/05
480.8 +0.1 480.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1906032378 Villan_75 (United Kingdom) 2009/09/05
480.7 +0.1 480.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0449300129 chuckrates (USA: ME) 2009/09/05
480.6 +0.1 480.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0393041638 chuckrates (USA: ME) 2009/09/05
480.5 +0.1 480.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515113328 wisewoman (USA: OH) 2009/09/05
480.4 +0.1 480.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671777017 wisewoman (USA: OH) 2009/09/05
482.4 -2 480.4 deducted points for mooch request 0684857359 Christine Sanborn (USA: TN) 2009/09/05
484.4 -2 482.4 deducted points for mooch request 0553591193 Kat and Sarah (USA: IL) 2009/09/04
486.4 -2 484.4 deducted points for mooch request 1852426780 Kat and Sarah (USA: IL) 2009/09/04
486.5 -0.1 486.4 removed book from inventory 0449006301 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
486.6 -0.1 486.5 removed book from inventory 1854875191 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
486.7 -0.1 486.6 removed book from inventory 0843927992 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
486.8 -0.1 486.7 removed book from inventory 1857762827 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
486.9 -0.1 486.8 removed book from inventory 055215248X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
487 -0.1 486.9 removed book from inventory 0755351304 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
487.1 -0.1 487 removed book from inventory 0340769041 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
487.2 -0.1 487.1 removed book from inventory 0140114750 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
487.3 -0.1 487.2 removed book from inventory 0330373250 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
487.4 -0.1 487.3 removed book from inventory 0747504997 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
487.5 -0.1 487.4 removed book from inventory 0330330373 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
487.6 -0.1 487.5 removed book from inventory B001KT9LGE Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
487.7 -0.1 487.6 removed book from inventory 0759320314 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
487.8 -0.1 487.7 removed book from inventory 0671037382 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
487.9 -0.1 487.8 removed book from inventory B000S6BUWS Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
488 -0.1 487.9 removed book from inventory 0590556487 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
488.1 -0.1 488 removed book from inventory 1857923960 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
488.2 -0.1 488.1 removed book from inventory 0552146390 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
488.3 -0.1 488.2 removed book from inventory 0316810878 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
488.4 -0.1 488.3 removed book from inventory 0586060545 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
488.5 -0.1 488.4 removed book from inventory 1852429283 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
488.6 -0.1 488.5 removed book from inventory 0747565678 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
488.7 -0.1 488.6 removed book from inventory 0751514446 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
488.8 -0.1 488.7 removed book from inventory 0752523856 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
488.9 -0.1 488.8 removed book from inventory 0747405492 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
489 -0.1 488.9 removed book from inventory 0752527509 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
489.1 -0.1 489 removed book from inventory B001KT1M9I Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
489.2 -0.1 489.1 removed book from inventory 0140450203 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
489.3 -0.1 489.2 removed book from inventory 0140707069 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
489.4 -0.1 489.3 removed book from inventory B00132XFL0 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
489.5 -0.1 489.4 removed book from inventory 0425179885 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
489.6 -0.1 489.5 removed book from inventory B000KIAYHG Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
489.7 -0.1 489.6 removed book from inventory 0967852900 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
489.8 -0.1 489.7 removed book from inventory 0316848042 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
489.9 -0.1 489.8 removed book from inventory 1842555499 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
490 -0.1 489.9 removed book from inventory 0330341103 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
490.1 -0.1 490 removed book from inventory 0140128735 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
490.2 -0.1 490.1 removed book from inventory 0755309456 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
490.3 -0.1 490.2 removed book from inventory 0263863093 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
490.4 -0.1 490.3 removed book from inventory B000O8VNV8 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
490.5 -0.1 490.4 removed book from inventory 0140271775 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
490.6 -0.1 490.5 removed book from inventory 043401043X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
490.7 -0.1 490.6 removed book from inventory 0552123579 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
490.8 -0.1 490.7 removed book from inventory 1853716057 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
490.9 -0.1 490.8 removed book from inventory 1850280754 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
491 -0.1 490.9 removed book from inventory 0330341952 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
491.1 -0.1 491 removed book from inventory 1407207008 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
491.2 -0.1 491.1 removed book from inventory 0452287227 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
491.3 -0.1 491.2 removed book from inventory 0330390406 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
491.4 -0.1 491.3 removed book from inventory 1857997557 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
491.5 -0.1 491.4 removed book from inventory 1846880297 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
491.6 -0.1 491.5 removed book from inventory 0778300528 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
491.7 -0.1 491.6 removed book from inventory 0340422491 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
491.8 -0.1 491.7 removed book from inventory 0352395370 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
491.9 -0.1 491.8 removed book from inventory 074930362X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
492 -0.1 491.9 removed book from inventory 0099175428 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
492.1 -0.1 492 removed book from inventory 0006512135 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
492.2 -0.1 492.1 removed book from inventory 0760704457 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
492.3 -0.1 492.2 removed book from inventory 034027106X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
492.4 -0.1 492.3 removed book from inventory 0747242232 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
492.5 -0.1 492.4 removed book from inventory 0330291726 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
492.6 -0.1 492.5 removed book from inventory 0752893408 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
492.7 -0.1 492.6 removed book from inventory 0099175525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
492.8 -0.1 492.7 removed book from inventory 0743482700 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
492.9 -0.1 492.8 removed book from inventory 0099602806 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
493 -0.1 492.9 removed book from inventory 060031460X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
493.1 -0.1 493 removed book from inventory 1854872362 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
493.2 -0.1 493.1 removed book from inventory 0140099050 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
493.3 -0.1 493.2 removed book from inventory 0006478956 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
493.4 -0.1 493.3 removed book from inventory 0722157797 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
493.5 -0.1 493.4 removed book from inventory 0752867474 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
493.6 -0.1 493.5 removed book from inventory 004823284X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
493.7 -0.1 493.6 removed book from inventory 0099140810 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
493.8 -0.1 493.7 removed book from inventory 0330421050 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
493.9 -0.1 493.8 removed book from inventory 0330307959 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
494 -0.1 493.9 removed book from inventory 0745931820 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
494.1 -0.1 494 removed book from inventory 0140102159 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
494.2 -0.1 494.1 removed book from inventory 1841461458 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
494.3 -0.1 494.2 removed book from inventory 0312954204 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
494.4 -0.1 494.3 removed book from inventory 0747266247 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
494.5 -0.1 494.4 removed book from inventory 0416244505 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
494.6 -0.1 494.5 removed book from inventory 0340717661 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
494.7 -0.1 494.6 removed book from inventory 1857998723 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
494.8 -0.1 494.7 removed book from inventory 0821780476 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
494.9 -0.1 494.8 removed book from inventory 0747255350 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
495 -0.1 494.9 removed book from inventory 0099088207 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
495.1 -0.1 495 removed book from inventory 034082526X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
495.2 -0.1 495.1 removed book from inventory 0778300781 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
495.3 -0.1 495.2 removed book from inventory 0006511449 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
495.4 -0.1 495.3 removed book from inventory 155166075X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
495.5 -0.1 495.4 removed book from inventory 0099458314 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
495.6 -0.1 495.5 removed book from inventory 0340788666 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
495.7 -0.1 495.6 removed book from inventory 0340840749 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
495.8 -0.1 495.7 removed book from inventory 0751523631 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
495.9 -0.1 495.8 removed book from inventory 0450032892 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
496 -0.1 495.9 removed book from inventory 1897580541 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
496.1 -0.1 496 removed book from inventory 1856850749 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
496.2 -0.1 496.1 removed book from inventory B0026RRSS2 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
496.3 -0.1 496.2 removed book from inventory 0233999590 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
496.4 -0.1 496.3 removed book from inventory 0091075211 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
496.5 -0.1 496.4 removed book from inventory B001KTD66U Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
496.6 -0.1 496.5 removed book from inventory 0747254141 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
496.7 -0.1 496.6 removed book from inventory 0297852558 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
496.8 -0.1 496.7 removed book from inventory 0340751525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
496.9 -0.1 496.8 removed book from inventory 0330233440 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
497 -0.1 496.9 removed book from inventory 0099244322 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
497.1 -0.1 497 removed book from inventory 0752826913 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
497.2 -0.1 497.1 removed book from inventory 0061097632 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
497.3 -0.1 497.2 removed book from inventory 0713997001 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
497.4 -0.1 497.3 removed book from inventory 0553505874 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
497.5 -0.1 497.4 removed book from inventory 0745932061 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
497.6 -0.1 497.5 removed book from inventory 0099228823 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
497.7 -0.1 497.6 removed book from inventory 059055705X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
497.8 -0.1 497.7 removed book from inventory 0892966246 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
497.9 -0.1 497.8 removed book from inventory B001KRPJNA Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
498 -0.1 497.9 removed book from inventory 0553401688 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
498.1 -0.1 498 removed book from inventory 0751524646 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
498.2 -0.1 498.1 removed book from inventory 0747585105 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
498.3 -0.1 498.2 removed book from inventory 0517654997 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
498.4 -0.1 498.3 removed book from inventory 1843535173 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
498.5 -0.1 498.4 removed book from inventory 0099280256 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
498.6 -0.1 498.5 removed book from inventory 0330315854 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
498.7 -0.1 498.6 removed book from inventory 0552140961 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
498.8 -0.1 498.7 removed book from inventory 0860515249 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
498.9 -0.1 498.8 removed book from inventory 055340167X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
499 -0.1 498.9 removed book from inventory 0722530358 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
499.1 -0.1 499 removed book from inventory 0752848135 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
499.2 -0.1 499.1 removed book from inventory 0002258463 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
499.3 -0.1 499.2 removed book from inventory 044022165X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
499.4 -0.1 499.3 removed book from inventory 0330320254 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
499.5 -0.1 499.4 removed book from inventory 034070733X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
499.6 -0.1 499.5 removed book from inventory 0552144487 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
499.7 -0.1 499.6 removed book from inventory 0099416174 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
499.8 -0.1 499.7 removed book from inventory 0340767103 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
499.9 -0.1 499.8 removed book from inventory 0140271295 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
500 -0.1 499.9 removed book from inventory B001KRMQSQ Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
500.1 -0.1 500 removed book from inventory 0747266085 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
500.2 -0.1 500.1 removed book from inventory 0330343548 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
500.3 -0.1 500.2 removed book from inventory 0451216318 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
500.4 -0.1 500.3 removed book from inventory 0747244375 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
500.5 -0.1 500.4 removed book from inventory 0330367358 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
500.6 -0.1 500.5 removed book from inventory 0745910513 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
500.7 -0.1 500.6 removed book from inventory 0747267618 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
500.8 -0.1 500.7 removed book from inventory 1857029763 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
500.9 -0.1 500.8 removed book from inventory 0099226227 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
501 -0.1 500.9 removed book from inventory 1843154404 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
501.1 -0.1 501 removed book from inventory 074727116X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
501.2 -0.1 501.1 removed book from inventory 055212494X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
501.3 -0.1 501.2 removed book from inventory B000PDBKMY Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
501.4 -0.1 501.3 removed book from inventory 0843926864 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
501.5 -0.1 501.4 removed book from inventory 1853264385 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
501.6 -0.1 501.5 removed book from inventory 0755315502 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
501.7 -0.1 501.6 removed book from inventory 0749320621 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
501.8 -0.1 501.7 removed book from inventory 0373576420 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
501.9 -0.1 501.8 removed book from inventory 0330340255 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
502 -0.1 501.9 removed book from inventory 033029976X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
502.1 -0.1 502 removed book from inventory 1857997654 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
502.2 -0.1 502.1 removed book from inventory B001KSZBHS Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
502.3 -0.1 502.2 removed book from inventory 0586058214 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
502.4 -0.1 502.3 removed book from inventory 0007102763 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
502.5 -0.1 502.4 removed book from inventory B002675MRQ Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
502.6 -0.1 502.5 removed book from inventory 1840300434 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
502.7 -0.1 502.6 removed book from inventory 0749444193 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
502.8 -0.1 502.7 removed book from inventory 0743231392 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
502.9 -0.1 502.8 removed book from inventory 0099556316 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
503 -0.1 502.9 removed book from inventory 0752846345 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
503.1 -0.1 503 removed book from inventory 0590474782 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
503.2 -0.1 503.1 removed book from inventory 075153188X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
503.3 -0.1 503.2 removed book from inventory 0316644390 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
503.4 -0.1 503.3 removed book from inventory 0751512214 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
503.5 -0.1 503.4 removed book from inventory 0552146544 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
503.6 -0.1 503.5 removed book from inventory 0006153860 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
503.7 -0.1 503.6 removed book from inventory 000648204X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
503.8 -0.1 503.7 removed book from inventory 0553285289 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
503.9 -0.1 503.8 removed book from inventory 055311901X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
504 -0.1 503.9 removed book from inventory 0060842245 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
504.1 -0.1 504 removed book from inventory 0330351834 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
504.2 -0.1 504.1 removed book from inventory 0007136757 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
504.3 -0.1 504.2 removed book from inventory 0586066241 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
504.4 -0.1 504.3 removed book from inventory 1857991427 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
504.5 -0.1 504.4 removed book from inventory 0340792884 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
504.6 -0.1 504.5 removed book from inventory 0708807828 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
504.7 -0.1 504.6 removed book from inventory 0099162512 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
504.8 -0.1 504.7 removed book from inventory 0786889004 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
504.9 -0.1 504.8 removed book from inventory 0752842854 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
505 -0.1 504.9 removed book from inventory 1843171031 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
505.1 -0.1 505 removed book from inventory 189971233X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
505.2 -0.1 505.1 removed book from inventory 1903867088 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
505.3 -0.1 505.2 removed book from inventory 0752864505 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
505.4 -0.1 505.3 removed book from inventory 0752825046 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
505.5 -0.1 505.4 removed book from inventory 0600572307 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
505.6 -0.1 505.5 removed book from inventory 0140034412 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
505.7 -0.1 505.6 removed book from inventory 0586208313 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
505.8 -0.1 505.7 removed book from inventory 1844540839 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
505.9 -0.1 505.8 removed book from inventory 1898799679 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
506 -0.1 505.9 removed book from inventory 0751533955 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
506.1 -0.1 506 removed book from inventory 0330252917 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
506.2 -0.1 506.1 removed book from inventory 074908216X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
506.3 -0.1 506.2 removed book from inventory 0752836838 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
506.4 -0.1 506.3 removed book from inventory 0099502909 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
506.5 -0.1 506.4 removed book from inventory 0755336348 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
506.6 -0.1 506.5 removed book from inventory 0752201581 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
506.7 -0.1 506.6 removed book from inventory 0749930306 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
506.8 -0.1 506.7 removed book from inventory 0276442229 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
506.9 -0.1 506.8 removed book from inventory 000651040X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
507 -0.1 506.9 removed book from inventory 0091870119 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
507.1 -0.1 507 removed book from inventory 0140112863 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
507.2 -0.1 507.1 removed book from inventory 085202858X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
507.3 -0.1 507.2 removed book from inventory 190551333X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
507.4 -0.1 507.3 removed book from inventory 0330367447 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
507.5 -0.1 507.4 removed book from inventory 0751538310 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
507.6 -0.1 507.5 removed book from inventory 0330321765 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
507.7 -0.1 507.6 removed book from inventory 0330456520 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
507.8 -0.1 507.7 removed book from inventory 0006478727 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
507.9 -0.1 507.8 removed book from inventory 0099277301 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
508 -0.1 507.9 removed book from inventory 0752531085 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
508.1 -0.1 508 removed book from inventory 0141035870 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
508.2 -0.1 508.1 removed book from inventory 0552151769 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
507.2 +1 508.2 gave points for mooch request 1903568102 jpb0205 (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
508.2 -1 507.2 deducted points for mooch request 0199228388 Robert Shepherd (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
509.2 -1 508.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312982895 Providence (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
510.2 -1 509.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312960743 Providence (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
511.2 -1 510.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312958919 Providence (United Kingdom) 2009/09/04
513.2 -2 511.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451224353 Lia H. (USA: MD) 2009/09/04
510.2 +3 513.2 gave points for mooch request 1871517052 Prison Book Program (USA: MA) 2009/09/03
510.1 +0.1 510.2 added book to inventory 1871517052 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/03
510 +0.1 510.1 added book to inventory B000S6BUWS Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/03
510.1 -0.1 510 removed book from inventory 0006166547 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/03
511.1 -1 510.1 deducted points for mooch request 0091898269 Flash Bristow (United Kingdom) 2009/09/03
508.1 +3 511.1 gave points for mooch request 057121083X Rachel (France) 2009/09/03
508 +0.1 508.1 added book to inventory 057121083X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/09/03
507.9 +0.1 508 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451216776 AlanDraven (Canada) 2009/09/02
508.9 -1 507.9 deducted points for mooch request 0199502943 rumhelka (United Kingdom) 2009/09/01
505.9 +3 508.9 gave points for mooch request 0340688971 Delia (Australia) 2009/08/31
506 -0.1 505.9 removed book from inventory 0749438622 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/31
506.1 -0.1 506 removed book from inventory 0747255512 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/31
505.1 +1 506.1 gave points for mooch request 0752833952 Penny Waugh (United Kingdom) 2009/08/31
507.1 -2 505.1 deducted points for mooch request 1582342792 Robb Olson (USA: VT) 2009/08/31
508.1 -1 507.1 deducted points for mooch request 0718123395 mfkirke (United Kingdom) 2009/08/31
507.1 +1 508.1 gave points for mooch request 0586052771 chris (United Kingdom) 2009/08/31
509.1 -2 507.1 deducted points for mooch request 0060163704 Charlene (USA: FL) 2009/08/31
510.1 -1 509.1 deducted points for mooch request 186230002X Tom Constable (United Kingdom) 2009/08/31
512.1 -2 510.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451225333 Spinifex (United Kingdom) 2009/08/30
509.1 +3 512.1 gave points for mooch request 0330350706 M Loftus (Ireland) 2009/08/30
511.1 -2 509.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451222555 Spinifex (United Kingdom) 2009/08/30
513.1 -2 511.1 deducted points for mooch request 080075218X Kat and Sarah (USA: IL) 2009/08/30
515.1 -2 513.1 deducted points for mooch request 0060006684 Kat and Sarah (USA: IL) 2009/08/30
517.1 -2 515.1 deducted points for mooch request 0786707429 Kat and Sarah (USA: IL) 2009/08/30
517.2 -0.1 517.1 removed book from inventory 0099527111 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/29
518.2 -1 517.2 deducted points for mooch request 1906032378 Villan_75 (United Kingdom) 2009/08/29
518.3 -0.1 518.2 removed book from inventory 0751525359 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/29
518.4 -0.1 518.3 removed book from inventory 0007127944 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/29
520.4 -2 518.4 deducted points for mooch request 0380709872 Kat and Sarah (USA: IL) 2009/08/29
520.3 +0.1 520.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553344269 rochanah (USA: CA) 2009/08/27
520.2 +0.1 520.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758228899 Heather (USA: ND) 2009/08/27
520.1 +0.1 520.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758228902 Heather (USA: ND) 2009/08/27
520.2 -0.1 520.1 removed book from inventory 0451211561 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/27
520.3 -0.1 520.2 removed book from inventory 0340767960 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/26
517.3 +3 520.3 gave points for mooch request 0091913683 michelle (Canada) 2009/08/26
514.3 +3 517.3 gave points for mooch request 0006548768 michelle (Canada) 2009/08/26
511.3 +3 514.3 gave points for mooch request 1850792658 Jessica (Ireland) 2009/08/26
513.3 -2 511.3 deducted points for mooch request 0449300129 chuckrates (USA: ME) 2009/08/25
515.3 -2 513.3 deducted points for mooch request 0393041638 chuckrates (USA: ME) 2009/08/25
515.2 +0.1 515.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345376935 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/08/25
515.1 +0.1 515.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0805007199 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/08/25
515 +0.1 515.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0373262450 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/08/25
514.9 +0.1 515 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446612715 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/08/25
514.8 +0.1 514.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0340241713 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/08/25
514.7 +0.1 514.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553568604 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/08/25
514.8 -0.1 514.7 removed book from inventory 0340511214 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/25
514.9 -0.1 514.8 removed book from inventory 0330345044 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/25
514.8 +0.1 514.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0006483100 Richard Knight (United Kingdom) 2009/08/25
513.8 +1 514.8 gave points for mooch request 0751521205 Alison (United Kingdom) 2009/08/25
513.9 -0.1 513.8 removed book from inventory 0330390155 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/24
514 -0.1 513.9 removed book from inventory 0091915457 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/24
514.1 -0.1 514 removed book from inventory 1416589112 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/24
514.2 -0.1 514.1 removed book from inventory 0141015233 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/24
514.3 -0.1 514.2 removed book from inventory 0746051239 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/24
514.4 -0.1 514.3 removed book from inventory 0752816861 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/24
514.5 -0.1 514.4 removed book from inventory 0140437320 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/24
514.6 -0.1 514.5 removed book from inventory 0330350714 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/24
514.7 -0.1 514.6 removed book from inventory 0752836846 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/24
514.8 -0.1 514.7 removed book from inventory 0007142846 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/24
514.9 -0.1 514.8 removed book from inventory 0743449371 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/24
515 -0.1 514.9 removed book from inventory 0755325354 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/24
517 -2 515 deducted points for mooch request 0451216776 AlanDraven (Canada) 2009/08/24
517.1 -0.1 517 removed book from inventory 1551665514 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/23
517.2 -0.1 517.1 removed book from inventory 0752803530 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/23
519.2 -2 517.2 deducted points for mooch request 0743247655 Missy Marquart (USA: IL) 2009/08/23
519.3 -0.1 519.2 removed book from inventory 1841150010 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/23
519.4 -0.1 519.3 removed book from inventory 0415046726 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/23
519.5 -0.1 519.4 removed book from inventory 0755338065 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/23
518.5 +1 519.5 gave points for mooch request 0330455575 Catie Cary (United Kingdom) 2009/08/23
518.6 -0.1 518.5 removed book from inventory 0007724616 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/23
518.7 -0.1 518.6 removed book from inventory 0330351923 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/23
517.7 +1 518.7 gave points for mooch request 0571192637 Jane (United Kingdom) 2009/08/23
515.7 +2 517.7 lost in the mail says book owner 0099474182 Joop van den Berg (Netherlands) 2009/08/23
512.7 +3 515.7 gave points for mooch request 0099129108 kathleen (USA: NY) 2009/08/22
514.7 -2 512.7 deducted points for mooch request 0515113328 wisewoman (USA: OH) 2009/08/22
516.7 -2 514.7 deducted points for mooch request 0671777017 wisewoman (USA: OH) 2009/08/22
515.7 +1 516.7 gave points for mooch request 0552146013 chris (United Kingdom) 2009/08/22
512.7 +3 515.7 gave points for mooch request 0060987529 jennifer (France) 2009/08/22
512.6 +0.1 512.7 added book to inventory 0297852558 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/22
512.5 +0.1 512.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316776963 Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2009/08/22
512.4 +0.1 512.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140430407 Matt T. (USA: IA) 2009/08/22
512.3 +0.1 512.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042521057X Rebecca (USA: PA) 2009/08/22
512.2 +0.1 512.3 added book to inventory 0060987529 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/22
513.2 -1 512.2 gave a smooch Bonnie S. (USA: FL) 2009/08/22
516.2 -3 513.2 mooch rejected by book owner 0446403644 Bonnie S. (USA: FL) 2009/08/22
516.3 -0.1 516.2 removing book from inventory 0446403644 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/22
516.2 +0.1 516.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747557756 bartc (Belgium) 2009/08/22
516.1 +0.1 516.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440214521 Sabine (Canada) 2009/08/22
513.1 +3 516.1 gave points for mooch request 0752837508 Amy (USA: MI) 2009/08/21
512.1 +1 513.1 gave points for mooch request 000616613X Providence (United Kingdom) 2009/08/21
510.1 +2 512.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0312960417 lauri (USA: MO) 2009/08/20
508.1 +2 510.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0312948018 lauri (USA: MO) 2009/08/20
510.1 -2 508.1 deducted points for mooch request 0312960417 lauri (USA: MO) 2009/08/20
512.1 -2 510.1 deducted points for mooch request 0312948018 lauri (USA: MO) 2009/08/20
514.1 -2 512.1 deducted points for mooch request 067167417X garymarx (USA: MI) 2009/08/20
513.1 +1 514.1 gave points for mooch request 0970472994 only me (United Kingdom) 2009/08/20
513 +0.1 513.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060987529 rahel (Switzerland) 2009/08/19
512 +1 513 gave points for mooch request 0345347838 Christine (United Kingdom) 2009/08/19
514 -2 512 deducted points for mooch request 006087449X Melissa (USA: CA) 2009/08/18
513.9 +0.1 514 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440217903 Ray Palen (USA) 2009/08/18
513.8 +0.1 513.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425204014 Ray Palen (USA) 2009/08/18
510.8 +3 513.8 gave points for mooch request 0446403644 Bonnie S. (USA: FL) 2009/08/18
510.7 +0.1 510.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060549297 twiztidblood (Canada) 2009/08/17
511.7 -1 510.7 deducted points for mooch request 0316776963 Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2009/08/17
513.7 -2 511.7 deducted points for mooch request 0812539044 czar (Philippines) 2009/08/16
512.7 +1 513.7 gave points for mooch request 1416502211 Jackie (United Kingdom) 2009/08/16
513.7 -1 512.7 deducted points for mooch request 0230530303 marmalady (United Kingdom) 2009/08/16
514.7 -1 513.7 deducted points for mooch request 0146001249 JimPurbrick (United Kingdom) 2009/08/16
516.7 -2 514.7 deducted points for mooch request 0553568604 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/08/16
518.7 -2 516.7 deducted points for mooch request 0373262450 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/08/16
520.7 -2 518.7 deducted points for mooch request 0345376935 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/08/16
522.7 -2 520.7 deducted points for mooch request 0446612715 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/08/16
524.7 -2 522.7 deducted points for mooch request 0805007199 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/08/16
523.7 +1 524.7 gave points for mooch request 0708831532 akashiva (United Kingdom) 2009/08/16
520.7 +3 523.7 gave points for mooch request 1853260037 Afra (USA: WA) 2009/08/15
521.7 -1 520.7 deducted points for mooch request 0747262179 Jackie McWilliams (United Kingdom) 2009/08/15
518.7 +3 521.7 gave points for mooch request 0552151416 Mihaela Gavrilescu (Romania) 2009/08/15
520.7 -2 518.7 deducted points for mooch request 0340241713 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/08/15
520.6 +0.1 520.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425169820 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/08/15
520.5 +0.1 520.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425193071 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/08/15
520.4 +0.1 520.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451127528 miranda (USA: ID) 2009/08/15
520.3 +0.1 520.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0936738316 Jessie Spero (USA: OR) 2009/08/15
520.2 +0.1 520.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425208974 Jessie Spero (USA: OR) 2009/08/15
519.2 +1 520.2 gave points for mooch request B001P011UM Kieran (United Kingdom) 2009/08/14
521.2 -2 519.2 deducted points for mooch request 0898155088 Linda (Canada) 2009/08/14
521.1 +0.1 521.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743440641 Jane (United Kingdom) 2009/08/14
521 +0.1 521.1 added book to inventory 0330456520 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/14
518 +3 521 gave points for mooch request 0330023462 trisha (Australia) 2009/08/13
520 -2 518 deducted points for mooch request 0140430407 Matt T. (USA: IA) 2009/08/13
523 -3 520 mooch rejected by book owner 0793532779 skripka (USA: MA) 2009/08/12
523.1 -0.1 523 removing book from inventory 0793532779 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/12
522.1 +1 523.1 gave points for mooch request 0340735074 julia (United Kingdom) 2009/08/12
522 +0.1 522.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099481375 ninnytendo (United Kingdom) 2009/08/12
521.9 +0.1 522 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141441038 Vicky Pinder (United Kingdom) 2009/08/12
521.8 +0.1 521.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061090808 Annejamieson (United Kingdom) 2009/08/12
521.7 +0.1 521.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312948468 sarah7287 (USA: OH) 2009/08/12
521.8 -0.1 521.7 removed book from inventory 0340829958 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/11
521.7 +0.1 521.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786890908 Presley (Canada) 2009/08/11
521.6 +0.1 521.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 006056346X Heather (USA: AZ) 2009/08/10
521.5 +0.1 521.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061092614 Heather (USA: AZ) 2009/08/10
523.5 -2 521.5 deducted points for mooch request 0747557756 bartc (Belgium) 2009/08/10
524.5 -1 523.5 deducted points for mooch request 0006483100 Richard Knight (United Kingdom) 2009/08/10
523.5 +1 524.5 gave points for mooch request 0445408456 CatyM (United Kingdom) 2009/08/10
522.5 +1 523.5 gave points for mooch request 0006513204 CatyM (United Kingdom) 2009/08/10
523.5 -1 522.5 deducted points for mooch request 0099481375 ninnytendo (United Kingdom) 2009/08/09
522.5 +1 523.5 gave points for mooch request 0330321935 Victoria (United Kingdom) 2009/08/09
519.5 +3 522.5 gave points for mooch request 0758210264 Kiki (Germany) 2009/08/09
516.5 +3 519.5 gave points for mooch request 0007195257 Triccie (Philippines) 2009/08/08
513.5 +3 516.5 gave points for mooch request 014027927X Triccie (Philippines) 2009/08/08
510.5 +3 513.5 gave points for mooch request 0671010212 Triccie (Philippines) 2009/08/08
507.5 +3 510.5 gave points for mooch request 0491034016 Triccie (Philippines) 2009/08/08
504.5 +3 507.5 gave points for mooch request 1903047471 Triccie (Philippines) 2009/08/08
501.5 +3 504.5 gave points for mooch request 0553095870 Triccie (Philippines) 2009/08/08
498.5 +3 501.5 gave points for mooch request 0752865250 Triccie (Philippines) 2009/08/08
495.5 +3 498.5 gave points for mooch request 1841126489 Triccie (Philippines) 2009/08/08
497.5 -2 495.5 deducted points for mooch request 0553344269 rochanah (USA: CA) 2009/08/08
496.5 +1 497.5 gave points for mooch request 0099268558 Karen (United Kingdom) 2009/08/08
498.5 -2 496.5 deducted points for mooch request 1582340242 Len (USA: NJ) 2009/08/08
498.4 +0.1 498.5 added book to inventory 0099268558 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/08
498.3 +0.1 498.4 added book to inventory 074908216X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/08
499.3 -1 498.3 deducted points for mooch request 0141441038 Vicky Pinder (United Kingdom) 2009/08/08
499.2 +0.1 499.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330490702 josie (United Kingdom) 2009/08/08
499.1 +0.1 499.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0755311299 Barbra (United Kingdom) 2009/08/08
499 +0.1 499.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0006498752 theaperry75 (United Kingdom) 2009/08/08
498.9 +0.1 499 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140279253 Bekki (United Kingdom) 2009/08/08
498.8 +0.1 498.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0340321113 DubaiReader (United Arab Emirates) 2009/08/08
498.7 +0.1 498.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747262187 chris wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2009/08/08
495.7 +3 498.7 gave points for mooch request 0749395990 Marnie Whelan (USA: PA) 2009/08/07
494.7 +1 495.7 gave points for mooch request 055212284X Daniel Watkins (United Kingdom) 2009/08/07
494.6 +0.1 494.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553817663 Pollie (United Kingdom) 2009/08/07
493.6 +1 494.6 gave points for mooch request 1407207113 millyblue (United Kingdom) 2009/08/07
493.5 +0.1 493.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0385515049 Dina (USA: CA) 2009/08/07
493.4 +0.1 493.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 009928717X jennifer (France) 2009/08/07
493.3 +0.1 493.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0486272680 jagmuse (USA: MD) 2009/08/07
490.3 +3 493.3 gave points for mooch request 1853406643 irishbooklover (Ireland) 2009/08/07
489.3 +1 490.3 gave points for mooch request 0340708530 Craig (United Kingdom) 2009/08/06
490.3 -1 489.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0340708530 Craig (United Kingdom) 2009/08/06
489.3 +1 490.3 gave points for mooch request 0340708530 Craig (United Kingdom) 2009/08/06
486.3 +3 489.3 gave points for mooch request 0793532779 skripka (USA: MA) 2009/08/05
486.2 +0.1 486.3 added book to inventory 0970472994 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/05
488.2 -2 486.2 deducted points for mooch request 0936738316 Jessie Spero (USA: OR) 2009/08/05
490.2 -2 488.2 deducted points for mooch request 0425208974 Jessie Spero (USA: OR) 2009/08/05
492.2 -2 490.2 deducted points for mooch request 0440217903 Ray Palen (USA) 2009/08/05
494.2 -2 492.2 deducted points for mooch request 0425204014 Ray Palen (USA) 2009/08/05
496.2 -2 494.2 deducted points for mooch request 0618048928 Fullmoonblue (USA: IN) 2009/08/05
498.2 -2 496.2 deducted points for mooch request 0316973742 Fullmoonblue (USA: IN) 2009/08/05
500.2 -2 498.2 deducted points for mooch request 0981877109 Ross (Canada) 2009/08/05
498.2 +2 500.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0786017821 heathcote (USA: ME) 2009/08/05
498.1 +0.1 498.2 added book to inventory 0752836846 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/05
498 +0.1 498.1 added book to inventory 0517654997 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/05
497.9 +0.1 498 added book to inventory 0749438622 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/05
497.8 +0.1 497.9 added book to inventory 0140034412 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/05
497.7 +0.1 497.8 added book to inventory 0713997001 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/05
498.7 -1 497.7 deducted points for mooch request 0061090808 Annejamieson (United Kingdom) 2009/08/05
497.7 +1 498.7 gave points for mooch request 0471233277 Martyn Amos (United Kingdom) 2009/08/05
496.7 +1 497.7 gave points for mooch request 0330485385 gracie (United Kingdom) 2009/08/05
493.7 +3 496.7 gave points for mooch request 1401905005 Carla67 (USA: CA) 2009/08/04
493.6 +0.1 493.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1845962125 Gordon PattersonB (United Kingdom) 2009/08/04
492.6 +1 493.6 gave points for mooch request 0330432745 donna (United Kingdom) 2009/08/04
491.6 +1 492.6 gave points for mooch request 0747267669 ebunny (United Kingdom) 2009/08/03
491.5 +0.1 491.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0340836067 Claire (United Kingdom) 2009/08/03
488.5 +3 491.5 gave points for mooch request 0751514004 brusselsbook (Belgium) 2009/08/03
486.5 +2 488.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0434012351 Gustavo Garcia (USA: WA) 2009/08/03
485.5 +1 486.5 gave points for mooch request 0753820919 jim mcneill (United Kingdom) 2009/08/03
483.5 +2 485.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0060163704 Charlene (USA: FL) 2009/08/03
483.4 +0.1 483.5 added book to inventory 0860515249 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/02
483.3 +0.1 483.4 added book to inventory 0416244505 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/02
483.2 +0.1 483.3 added book to inventory 1850792658 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/02
485.2 -2 483.2 deducted points for mooch request 042521057X Rebecca (USA: PA) 2009/08/02
482.2 +3 485.2 gave points for mooch request 0349114021 Camille (Australia) 2009/08/02
482.3 -0.1 482.2 removed book from inventory 0571216420 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/02
484.3 -2 482.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425169820 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/08/02
486.3 -2 484.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425193071 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/08/02
486.2 +0.1 486.3 added book to inventory 0140437320 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/02
486.1 +0.1 486.2 added book to inventory 0006478956 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/02
486 +0.1 486.1 added book to inventory 0099244322 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/02
487 -1 486 deducted points for mooch request 0330490702 josie (United Kingdom) 2009/08/02
486.9 +0.1 487 added book to inventory 0330291726 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/02
486.8 +0.1 486.9 added book to inventory 1401905005 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/02
486.7 +0.1 486.8 added book to inventory 0747504997 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/02
486.6 +0.1 486.7 added book to inventory 0349114021 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/02
486.5 +0.1 486.6 added book to inventory 0007195257 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/02
487.5 -1 486.5 deducted points for mooch request 0743440641 Jane (United Kingdom) 2009/08/02
488.5 -1 487.5 deducted points for mooch request 0755311299 Barbra (United Kingdom) 2009/08/02
488.4 +0.1 488.5 added book to inventory 0415046726 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/02
488.3 +0.1 488.4 added book to inventory 014027927X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/02
488.2 +0.1 488.3 added book to inventory 0755315502 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/01
490.2 -2 488.2 deducted points for mooch request 1567316603 Tanya Verghese (USA: NY) 2009/08/01
492.2 -2 490.2 deducted points for mooch request 009928717X jennifer (France) 2009/08/01
490.2 +2 492.2 mooch rejected by book owner 0385517548 akmy (Canada) 2009/08/01
487.2 +3 490.2 gave points for mooch request 0330487515 Mike (USA: NY) 2009/08/01
487.1 +0.1 487.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312957262 mjnauset (USA: VA) 2009/08/01
488.1 -1 487.1 deducted points for mooch request 0006498752 theaperry75 (United Kingdom) 2009/08/01
489.1 -1 488.1 deducted points for mooch request 0330284142 Madeleine (United Kingdom) 2009/08/01
490.1 -1 489.1 deducted points for mooch request 0747262187 chris wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2009/08/01
489.1 +1 490.1 gave points for mooch request 0006511139 Laura (United Kingdom) 2009/08/01
489 +0.1 489.1 added book to inventory 1897580541 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/01
488.9 +0.1 489 added book to inventory 0091075211 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/01
488.8 +0.1 488.9 added book to inventory 0471233277 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/01
488.7 +0.1 488.8 added book to inventory 1840300434 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/01
488.6 +0.1 488.7 added book to inventory 0571192637 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/08/01
490.6 -2 488.6 deducted points for mooch request 0385517548 akmy (Canada) 2009/08/01
489.6 +1 490.6 gave points for mooch request 0099675404 Daniel Watkins (United Kingdom) 2009/07/31
488.6 +1 489.6 gave points for mooch request B001MKJ34G Daniel Watkins (United Kingdom) 2009/07/31
490.6 -2 488.6 deducted points for mooch request 0486272680 jagmuse (USA: MD) 2009/07/31
488.6 +2 490.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451147367 April M (USA: DE) 2009/07/31
487.6 +1 488.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451206878 nicolah (United Kingdom) 2009/07/31
486.6 +1 487.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451219147 nicolah (United Kingdom) 2009/07/31
485.6 +1 486.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 1570719861 Mary (United Kingdom) 2009/07/31
485.5 +0.1 485.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425180050 LouiseT (United Kingdom) 2009/07/31
484.5 +1 485.5 gave points for mooch request 0751529982 Jan and Dan (United Kingdom) 2009/07/31
483.5 +1 484.5 gave points for mooch request 0450025179 Jan and Dan (United Kingdom) 2009/07/31
482.5 +1 483.5 gave points for mooch request 0679783504 Becky Carlyle (United Kingdom) 2009/07/31
482.4 +0.1 482.5 added book to inventory 0752825046 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
482.3 +0.1 482.4 added book to inventory 0749444193 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
482.2 +0.1 482.3 added book to inventory 1903047471 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
482.1 +0.1 482.2 added book to inventory 0747244375 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
482 +0.1 482.1 added book to inventory 0233999590 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
481.9 +0.1 482 added book to inventory 0749930306 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
483.9 -2 481.9 deducted points for mooch request 0385515049 Dina (USA: CA) 2009/07/30
480.9 +3 483.9 gave points for mooch request 0333679814 Sam (USA: OH) 2009/07/30
479.9 +1 480.9 gave points for mooch request 0333907361 Hatterluke (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
479.8 +0.1 479.9 added book to inventory 1853260037 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
479.7 +0.1 479.8 added book to inventory 0752837508 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
479.6 +0.1 479.7 added book to inventory 0340767960 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
479.5 +0.1 479.6 added book to inventory 0330233440 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
479.4 +0.1 479.5 added book to inventory 0330390155 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
479.3 +0.1 479.4 added book to inventory 1841461458 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
479.2 +0.1 479.3 added book to inventory 1843154404 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
479.1 +0.1 479.2 added book to inventory B000PDBKMY Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
479 +0.1 479.1 added book to inventory 0099088207 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
478.9 +0.1 479 added book to inventory 0552151416 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
475.9 +3 478.9 gave points for mooch request 034082090X Lauradale Clark (USA: VA) 2009/07/30
474.9 +1 475.9 gave points for mooch request 0099421291 Juliebee (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
474.8 +0.1 474.9 added book to inventory 059055705X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
474.7 +0.1 474.8 added book to inventory 0553505874 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
474.6 +0.1 474.7 added book to inventory 0099421291 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
474.5 +0.1 474.6 added book to inventory 034082090X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
476.5 -2 474.5 deducted points for mooch request 0060163704 Charlene (USA: FL) 2009/07/30
478.5 -2 476.5 deducted points for mooch request 0786890908 Presley (Canada) 2009/07/30
478.4 +0.1 478.5 added book to inventory 0752893408 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
478.3 +0.1 478.4 added book to inventory 0330350706 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
478.2 +0.1 478.3 added book to inventory 0747267618 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
478.1 +0.1 478.2 added book to inventory 0552146390 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
478 +0.1 478.1 added book to inventory 0099228823 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
477.9 +0.1 478 added book to inventory 0751514004 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
477.8 +0.1 477.9 added book to inventory 0671037382 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
477.7 +0.1 477.8 added book to inventory 0099556316 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
477.6 +0.1 477.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140049452 BillygoatCamb (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
477.5 +0.1 477.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099429497 Miriam Laird (Spain) 2009/07/30
477.4 +0.1 477.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099799618 Lesley (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
477.3 +0.1 477.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451192257 Emily (USA: OR) 2009/07/30
478.3 -1 477.3 deducted points for mooch request 0340836067 Claire (United Kingdom) 2009/07/30
481.3 -3 478.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0679783504 Jill G. (USA) 2009/07/30
480.3 +1 481.3 gave points for mooch request 0330287001 Victoria (United Kingdom) 2009/07/28
480.2 +0.1 480.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0964729237 Julie (United Kingdom) 2009/07/28
478.2 +2 480.2 mooch rejected by book owner 3442368553 Kucki68 (Germany) 2009/07/27
475.2 +3 478.2 gave points for mooch request 1846075890 Antony Deter (USA: IL) 2009/07/27
472.2 +3 475.2 gave points for mooch request 0753811464 Allie (USA: MD) 2009/07/27
471.2 +1 472.2 gave points for mooch request 0684838664 Maryr (United Kingdom) 2009/07/27
472.2 -1 471.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553817663 Pollie (United Kingdom) 2009/07/27
469.2 +3 472.2 gave points for mooch request 0333663039 jackie_b (USA: MI) 2009/07/26
468.2 +1 469.2 gave points for mooch request 0434740012 Mu2 (United Kingdom) 2009/07/26
467.2 +1 468.2 gave points for mooch request 0586066454 Mu2 (United Kingdom) 2009/07/26
466.2 +1 467.2 gave points for mooch request 0312994826 soffitta1 (United Kingdom) 2009/07/26
466.3 -0.1 466.2 removed book from inventory 0586066454 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/26
466.2 +0.1 466.3 added book to inventory 0586066454 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/26
466.1 +0.1 466.2 added book to inventory 0586066454 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/26
464.1 +2 466.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0312960417 lauri (USA: MO) 2009/07/26
465.1 -1 464.1 deducted points for mooch request 1845962125 Gordon PattersonB (United Kingdom) 2009/07/26
465 +0.1 465.1 added book to inventory 0333663039 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/26
468 -3 465 mooch cancelled by requestor 0708831532 Belladonna (Canada) 2009/07/26
465 +3 468 gave points for mooch request 0708831532 Belladonna (Canada) 2009/07/26
464 +1 465 gave points for mooch request 0099481839 SANDY (United Kingdom) 2009/07/26
465 -1 464 deducted points for mooch request 0140049452 BillygoatCamb (United Kingdom) 2009/07/26
467 -2 465 deducted points for mooch request 0099429497 Miriam Laird (Spain) 2009/07/26
469 -2 467 deducted points for mooch request 3442368553 Kucki68 (Germany) 2009/07/26
466 +3 469 gave points for mooch request 0749301910 Elva (Australia) 2009/07/26
468 -2 466 deducted points for mooch request 0743492153 Fyoder (Canada) 2009/07/25
470 -2 468 deducted points for mooch request 1416525939 Fyoder (Canada) 2009/07/25
472 -2 470 deducted points for mooch request 0743492145 Fyoder (Canada) 2009/07/25
471.9 +0.1 472 added book to inventory 0312994826 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/25
468.9 +3 471.9 gave points for mooch request 0099928302 kerry murray (USA: IA) 2009/07/25
468.8 +0.1 468.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099437090 Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2009/07/25
468.7 +0.1 468.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0375760911 beatrice (Italy) 2009/07/25
468.6 +0.1 468.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140013156 Michelle (USA: ME) 2009/07/25
468.5 +0.1 468.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747580278 James Doyle (United Kingdom) 2009/07/25
468.4 +0.1 468.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140274057 Deborah (United Kingdom) 2009/07/25
467.4 +1 468.4 gave points for mooch request 0340933879 Diane (United Kingdom) 2009/07/25
468.4 -1 467.4 deducted points for mooch request 0099799618 Lesley (United Kingdom) 2009/07/25
467.4 +1 468.4 gave points for mooch request 0140082506 Ignacio (United Kingdom) 2009/07/25
470.4 -3 467.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0091913683 Sabrina (USA: IN) 2009/07/24
467.4 +3 470.4 gave points for mooch request 0091913683 Sabrina (USA: IN) 2009/07/24
469.4 -2 467.4 deducted points for mooch request 0312948468 sarah7287 (USA: OH) 2009/07/24
471.4 -2 469.4 deducted points for mooch request 0312960417 lauri (USA: MO) 2009/07/24
473.4 -2 471.4 deducted points for mooch request 0434012351 Gustavo Garcia (USA: WA) 2009/07/24
473.3 +0.1 473.4 added book to inventory 000651040X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/24
475.3 -2 473.3 deducted points for mooch request 0758228899 Heather (USA: ND) 2009/07/23
477.3 -2 475.3 deducted points for mooch request 0758228902 Heather (USA: ND) 2009/07/23
474.3 +3 477.3 gave points for mooch request 0755335260 Ron Smyth (Canada) 2009/07/23
471.3 +3 474.3 gave points for mooch request 0330487248 Mark (USA: FL) 2009/07/22
468.3 +3 471.3 gave points for mooch request 0330029436 Sudhakar Vamathevan (USA: MA) 2009/07/21
468.4 -0.1 468.3 removed book from inventory 0330266934 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/21
468.3 +0.1 468.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0688109705 Theresa (USA: NC) 2009/07/21
469.3 -1 468.3 deducted points for mooch request 0747580278 James Doyle (United Kingdom) 2009/07/21
469.2 +0.1 469.3 added book to inventory 0753811464 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/20
469.3 -0.1 469.2 removed book from inventory 0755314581 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/20
468.3 +1 469.3 gave points for mooch request 000715089X Lady Starlight (United Kingdom) 2009/07/20
468.2 +0.1 468.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747252556 nvm (United Kingdom) 2009/07/20
471.2 -3 468.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0091913683 Lizanne cawley (Ireland) 2009/07/20
468.2 +3 471.2 gave points for mooch request 0091913683 Lizanne cawley (Ireland) 2009/07/20
469.2 -1 468.2 deducted points for mooch request 0099437090 Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2009/07/19
471.2 -2 469.2 deducted points for mooch request 0964729237 Julie (United Kingdom) 2009/07/19
471.3 -0.1 471.2 removed book from inventory 0575400951 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/19
468.3 +3 471.3 gave points for mooch request 1416527672 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/07/19
465.3 +3 468.3 gave points for mooch request 0751523232 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/07/19
462.3 +3 465.3 gave points for mooch request 0751525537 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/07/19
459.3 +3 462.3 gave points for mooch request 184115458X BobbyD (USA: GA) 2009/07/19
462.3 -3 459.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0091913683 Lizanne cawley (Ireland) 2009/07/19
459.3 +3 462.3 gave points for mooch request 0091913683 Lizanne cawley (Ireland) 2009/07/19
459.2 +0.1 459.3 added book to inventory 184115458X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/19
460.2 -1 459.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451206878 nicolah (United Kingdom) 2009/07/19
458.2 +2 460.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451197542 Donald Johnson (USA: TX) 2009/07/19
456.2 +2 458.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0717131467 Tanya (Ireland) 2009/07/19
454.2 +2 456.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0345271556 Anne Kern (Germany) 2009/07/19
454.3 -0.1 454.2 removed book from inventory 033041299X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/19
453.3 +1 454.3 gave points for mooch request 0752904248 poison_mouth (United Kingdom) 2009/07/19
450.3 +3 453.3 gave points for mooch request 0563405732 chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2009/07/18
447.3 +3 450.3 gave points for mooch request 0099478943 Cilia (Italia) 2009/07/18
447.2 +0.1 447.3 added book to inventory 1846075890 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/18
447.1 +0.1 447.2 added book to inventory 0563405732 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/18
447 +0.1 447.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451217799 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/07/18
446.9 +0.1 447 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425179451 Marja (Netherlands) 2009/07/18
446.8 +0.1 446.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1928782140 Kim (USA: FL) 2009/07/18
446.7 +0.1 446.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0006480411 Mr. (United Kingdom) 2009/07/18
446.6 +0.1 446.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061098795 Mark (USA: MI) 2009/07/18
446.5 +0.1 446.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book B001KTOD2Q mckenziehatstand (United Kingdom) 2009/07/18
443.5 +3 446.5 gave points for mooch request 1846075882 P.G. Husted (USA: TX) 2009/07/17
440.5 +3 443.5 gave points for mooch request 0340827939 Carol (USA: NV) 2009/07/17
440.4 +0.1 440.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843959665 Diana (USA: PR) 2009/07/17
440.3 +0.1 440.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060008458 Barbara (USA: CA) 2009/07/17
440.2 +0.1 440.3 added book to inventory 0330487248 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/16
441.2 -1 440.2 deducted points for mooch request 0747252556 nvm (United Kingdom) 2009/07/16
443.2 -2 441.2 deducted points for mooch request 0375760911 beatrice (Italy) 2009/07/16
443.1 +0.1 443.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0192801783 sophiesoph (United Kingdom) 2009/07/16
443 +0.1 443.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0852233434 annecater (United Kingdom) 2009/07/16
440 +3 443 gave points for mooch request 1859581749 Arnaldo Roman (USA: PR) 2009/07/15
442 -2 440 deducted points for mooch request 0140013156 Michelle (USA: ME) 2009/07/14
441 +1 442 gave points for mooch request 027370625X Alex Draven (United Kingdom) 2009/07/14
439 +2 441 lost in the mail says book owner 0679740759 Dawn (USA: OH) 2009/07/14
436 +3 439 gave points for mooch request 186205102X Jaymee (Philippines) 2009/07/14
435.9 +0.1 436 added book to inventory 186205102X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/14
437.9 -2 435.9 deducted points for mooch request 0451192257 Emily (USA: OR) 2009/07/14
436.9 +1 437.9 gave points for mooch request 0006514197 Diane (United Kingdom) 2009/07/13
438.9 -2 436.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425179451 Marja (Netherlands) 2009/07/13
439 -0.1 438.9 removed book from inventory 0349114749 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/13
436 +3 439 gave points for mooch request 0747591725 Nicholas Whyte (United Kingdom) 2009/07/13
433 +3 436 gave points for mooch request 0590558072 Desiree (USA: CA) 2009/07/12
432.9 +0.1 433 added book to inventory 0445408456 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/11
432.8 +0.1 432.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758210191 Providence (United Kingdom) 2009/07/11
429.8 +3 432.8 gave points for mooch request 0452272041 scworkman (USA: OR) 2009/07/10
426.8 +3 429.8 gave points for mooch request 1416505059 vivir (Finland) 2009/07/10
423.8 +3 426.8 gave points for mooch request 0349118973 vivir (Finland) 2009/07/10
420.8 +3 423.8 gave points for mooch request 1856267903 vivir (Finland) 2009/07/10
420.7 +0.1 420.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0593042085 Jon (United Kingdom) 2009/07/10
419.7 +1 420.7 gave points for mooch request 0385491034 Jenny (United Kingdom) 2009/07/10
416.7 +3 419.7 gave points for mooch request 0340788631 Jenny (Australia) 2009/07/10
413.7 +3 416.7 gave points for mooch request 0007172109 catsintheshire (Australia) 2009/07/09
410.7 +3 413.7 gave points for mooch request 1841956066 Ingrid (USA: SC) 2009/07/09
407.7 +3 410.7 gave points for mooch request 0099283786 Johann Snyman (South Africa) 2009/07/09
406.7 +1 407.7 gave points for mooch request 0330485660 safrolistics (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
403.7 +3 406.7 gave points for mooch request 0316156272 Emily (USA: OR) 2009/07/09
402.7 +1 403.7 gave points for mooch request 0340839376 pinkladyof66 (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
402.6 +0.1 402.7 added book to inventory 0006548768 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
402.5 +0.1 402.6 added book to inventory 0425179885 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
399.5 +3 402.5 gave points for mooch request 0679783504 Jill G. (USA) 2009/07/09
402.5 -3 399.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 1841956066 darsh (USA: MA) 2009/07/09
399.5 +3 402.5 gave points for mooch request B001RBFRHW Travis Noack (USA: TX) 2009/07/09
400.5 -1 399.5 deducted points for mooch request 0192801783 sophiesoph (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
397.5 +3 400.5 gave points for mooch request 0747266115 Dan & Tammy (USA: MI) 2009/07/09
394.5 +3 397.5 gave points for mooch request 0330426532 Dan & Tammy (USA: MI) 2009/07/09
391.5 +3 394.5 gave points for mooch request 1841956066 darsh (USA: MA) 2009/07/09
391.6 -0.1 391.5 removed book from inventory 000648204X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
391.5 +0.1 391.6 added book to inventory 000648204X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
391.4 +0.1 391.5 added book to inventory 0752523856 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
391.3 +0.1 391.4 added book to inventory 0333679814 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
391.2 +0.1 391.3 added book to inventory 0552144487 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
391.3 -0.1 391.2 removed book from inventory 0099283786 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
391.2 +0.1 391.3 added book to inventory 0099283786 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
391.1 +0.1 391.2 added book to inventory 0099283786 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
391 +0.1 391.1 added book to inventory 0434740012 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
390.9 +0.1 391 added book to inventory 1841956066 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
390.8 +0.1 390.9 added book to inventory 0330485660 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
390.7 +0.1 390.8 added book to inventory 0006511139 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
390.6 +0.1 390.7 added book to inventory 0340788631 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
390.5 +0.1 390.6 added book to inventory 0340788666 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
390.4 +0.1 390.5 added book to inventory B001MKJ34G Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
390.3 +0.1 390.4 added book to inventory 085202858X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
390.2 +0.1 390.3 added book to inventory 0316848042 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
390.1 +0.1 390.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140045600 Curzon Tussaud (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
390 +0.1 390.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553204157 MJ (USA: OH) 2009/07/09
387 +3 390 gave points for mooch request 0330329170 Chantal (Canada) 2009/07/09
384 +3 387 gave points for mooch request 033048057X Mark (USA: FL) 2009/07/09
381 +3 384 gave points for mooch request 0743492897 Johann Snyman (South Africa) 2009/07/09
380.9 +0.1 381 added book to inventory 0793532779 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
380.8 +0.1 380.9 added book to inventory 0316156272 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
380.7 +0.1 380.8 added book to inventory 0330351923 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
380.6 +0.1 380.7 added book to inventory 000715089X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
380.5 +0.1 380.6 added book to inventory 0679783504 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
380.4 +0.1 380.5 added book to inventory 0752865250 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
380.3 +0.1 380.4 added book to inventory B001KSZBHS Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
377.3 +3 380.3 gave points for mooch request 0752882473 Franciek (Italy) 2009/07/09
377.2 +0.1 377.3 added book to inventory 074727116X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
377.1 +0.1 377.2 added book to inventory 033029976X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
377 +0.1 377.1 added book to inventory 0749320621 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
376.9 +0.1 377 added book to inventory 0099277301 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
376.8 +0.1 376.9 added book to inventory 0061097632 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
376.7 +0.1 376.8 added book to inventory 0007172109 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
376.6 +0.1 376.7 added book to inventory 1856267903 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
376.5 +0.1 376.6 added book to inventory 0340839376 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
376.4 +0.1 376.5 added book to inventory 0276442229 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
376.3 +0.1 376.4 added book to inventory 060031460X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
376.2 +0.1 376.3 added book to inventory 0553095870 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
376.1 +0.1 376.2 added book to inventory 0745910513 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
376 +0.1 376.1 added book to inventory 0002258463 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
373 +3 376 gave points for mooch request 0340895934 Lauren (Australia) 2009/07/09
372.9 +0.1 373 added book to inventory 0743492897 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
372.8 +0.1 372.9 added book to inventory 034070733X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
372.7 +0.1 372.8 added book to inventory 0340895934 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
372.6 +0.1 372.7 added book to inventory 0752882473 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
372.7 -0.1 372.6 removed book from inventory 0140112863 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
372.6 +0.1 372.7 added book to inventory 0140112863 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
372.5 +0.1 372.6 added book to inventory 0722530358 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
372.4 +0.1 372.5 added book to inventory 0743231392 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
372.3 +0.1 372.4 added book to inventory B001RBFRHW Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
372.2 +0.1 372.3 added book to inventory 0330023462 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
372.1 +0.1 372.2 added book to inventory B000O8VNV8 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
372 +0.1 372.1 added book to inventory 0752904248 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
371.9 +0.1 372 added book to inventory 0333907361 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
371.8 +0.1 371.9 added book to inventory 1898799679 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
371.7 +0.1 371.8 added book to inventory 0316810878 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
371.6 +0.1 371.7 added book to inventory 1859581749 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
371.5 +0.1 371.6 added book to inventory 0140450203 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
371.4 +0.1 371.5 added book to inventory 0330485385 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
371.3 +0.1 371.4 added book to inventory 0892966246 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
371.2 +0.1 371.3 added book to inventory 0446403644 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
371.1 +0.1 371.2 added book to inventory 0349118973 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/09
371 +0.1 371.1 added book to inventory 0099478943 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
370.9 +0.1 371 added book to inventory 0747267669 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
370.8 +0.1 370.9 added book to inventory 0552146544 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
370.7 +0.1 370.8 added book to inventory 0006166547 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
370.8 -0.1 370.7 removed book from inventory 0091913683 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
370.7 +0.1 370.8 added book to inventory 0091913683 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
370.6 +0.1 370.7 added book to inventory 0385491034 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
370.5 +0.1 370.6 added book to inventory B00132XFL0 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
370.6 -0.1 370.5 removed book from inventory 0140707069 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
370.5 +0.1 370.6 added book to inventory 0140707069 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
370.4 +0.1 370.5 added book to inventory 0140707069 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
370.3 +0.1 370.4 added book to inventory 0330367447 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
370.2 +0.1 370.3 added book to inventory 0586052771 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
370.1 +0.1 370.2 added book to inventory 033048057X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
370 +0.1 370.1 added book to inventory 0749301910 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
369.9 +0.1 370 added book to inventory B001KRMQSQ Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
369.8 +0.1 369.9 added book to inventory 0450032892 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
369.7 +0.1 369.8 added book to inventory 0099527111 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
369.6 +0.1 369.7 added book to inventory 0751538310 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
369.5 +0.1 369.6 added book to inventory 1850280754 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
369.4 +0.1 369.5 added book to inventory 0330340255 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
369.3 +0.1 369.4 added book to inventory 0751533955 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
368.3 +1 369.3 gave points for mooch request 0755351282 Jenny Juckes (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
365.3 +3 368.3 gave points for mooch request 0091900409 Brian (USA: WI) 2009/07/08
362.3 +3 365.3 gave points for mooch request 1842320815 Jon Jermey (Australia) 2009/07/08
365.3 -3 362.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0330350714 Ev (Canada) 2009/07/08
362.3 +3 365.3 gave points for mooch request 0330350714 Ev (Canada) 2009/07/08
359.3 +3 362.3 gave points for mooch request 0349116652 jael (Canada) 2009/07/08
359.2 +0.1 359.3 added book to inventory 0330350714 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
359.1 +0.1 359.2 added book to inventory 0451216318 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
359 +0.1 359.1 added book to inventory 0330329170 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
358.9 +0.1 359 added book to inventory 0141015233 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
358.8 +0.1 358.9 added book to inventory 1841126489 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
358.7 +0.1 358.8 added book to inventory 0760704457 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
358.6 +0.1 358.7 added book to inventory 1857991427 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
358.5 +0.1 358.6 added book to inventory 0747266115 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
358.4 +0.1 358.5 added book to inventory 0755325354 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
357.4 +1 358.4 gave points for mooch request 034083952X Tiare (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
354.4 +3 357.4 gave points for mooch request 0563486503 chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2009/07/08
354.3 +0.1 354.4 added book to inventory 0747254141 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
354.2 +0.1 354.3 added book to inventory 0751529982 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
354.1 +0.1 354.2 added book to inventory 1842320815 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
354 +0.1 354.1 added book to inventory 1856850749 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
353.9 +0.1 354 added book to inventory 0452272041 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
353.8 +0.1 353.9 added book to inventory 0099416174 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
353.7 +0.1 353.8 added book to inventory 0340933879 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
353.6 +0.1 353.7 added book to inventory 0563486503 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
353.5 +0.1 353.6 added book to inventory 0091900409 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
353.4 +0.1 353.5 added book to inventory 0684838664 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
353.3 +0.1 353.4 added book to inventory 0140102159 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
353.2 +0.1 353.3 added book to inventory 0747591725 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
353.1 +0.1 353.2 added book to inventory 034083952X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
353 +0.1 353.1 added book to inventory 0758210264 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
353.1 -0.1 353 removed book from inventory 0778302873 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
354.1 -1 353.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0708831532 carol (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
354 +0.1 354.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0684818922 AARichner (USA: NY) 2009/07/08
353.9 +0.1 354 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0812512413 notblondereally (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
353.8 +0.1 353.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 006100345X Lynn Herron (United Kingdom) 2009/07/08
353.7 +0.1 353.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1580175848 delta888 (Canada) 2009/07/08
350.7 +3 353.7 gave points for mooch request 0330267116 Laura Ford (South Africa) 2009/07/07
347.7 +3 350.7 gave points for mooch request 0553405705 Sahar (Iran) 2009/07/07
347.6 +0.1 347.7 added book to inventory 0586058214 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
344.6 +3 347.6 gave points for mooch request 0862815614 Jenny (USA: AL) 2009/07/07
346.6 -2 344.6 deducted points for mooch request 0451217799 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/07/07
346.5 +0.1 346.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451184912 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/07/07
346.4 +0.1 346.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312983190 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/07/07
346.3 +0.1 346.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312939604 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/07/07
346.4 -0.1 346.3 removed book from inventory 0007104499 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
346.5 -0.1 346.4 removed book from inventory 0743497554 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
345.5 +1 346.5 gave points for mooch request 0753811308 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
344.5 +1 345.5 gave points for mooch request 0575076127 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
341.5 +3 344.5 gave points for mooch request 0099283700 Chantal (Canada) 2009/07/07
338.5 +3 341.5 gave points for mooch request 0140303626 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
338.6 -0.1 338.5 removed book from inventory 0099283700 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
338.5 +0.1 338.6 added book to inventory 0099283700 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
338.4 +0.1 338.5 added book to inventory 0099283700 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
338.3 +0.1 338.4 added book to inventory 0571216420 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
338.2 +0.1 338.3 added book to inventory 055212284X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
338.1 +0.1 338.2 added book to inventory 0141035870 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
338 +0.1 338.1 added book to inventory 190551333X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
337.9 +0.1 338 added book to inventory 0006511449 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
337.8 +0.1 337.9 added book to inventory 0552151769 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
337.7 +0.1 337.8 added book to inventory 0330287001 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
337.8 -0.1 337.7 removed book from inventory 0006512135 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
337.7 +0.1 337.8 added book to inventory 0006512135 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
337.6 +0.1 337.7 added book to inventory 0575400951 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
337.5 +0.1 337.6 added book to inventory 0006512135 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
337.4 +0.1 337.5 added book to inventory 1846075882 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
337.3 +0.1 337.4 added book to inventory 1416505059 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
337.2 +0.1 337.3 added book to inventory 0099280256 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
337.1 +0.1 337.2 added book to inventory 0743497554 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
337 +0.1 337.1 added book to inventory 0340511214 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
336.9 +0.1 337 added book to inventory 0743482700 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
336.8 +0.1 336.9 added book to inventory 0330487515 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
336.7 +0.1 336.8 added book to inventory 0330267116 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
336.6 +0.1 336.7 added book to inventory 0330367358 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
336.5 +0.1 336.6 added book to inventory 0330367358 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
336.4 +0.1 336.5 added book to inventory 1854875191 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
336.3 +0.1 336.4 added book to inventory 0140128735 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
337.3 -1 336.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451219147 nicolah (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
337.2 +0.1 337.3 added book to inventory 0755351282 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
337.1 +0.1 337.2 added book to inventory 0345347838 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
337 +0.1 337.1 added book to inventory 0753811464 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
336.9 +0.1 337 added book to inventory 034027106X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
336.8 +0.1 336.9 added book to inventory 033041299X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
336.7 +0.1 336.8 added book to inventory 1857923960 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
336.6 +0.1 336.7 added book to inventory 0007724616 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
336.5 +0.1 336.6 added book to inventory 0340688971 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
336.4 +0.1 336.5 added book to inventory 0340792884 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
336.3 +0.1 336.4 added book to inventory 027370625X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
336.2 +0.1 336.3 added book to inventory 1857998723 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
336.1 +0.1 336.2 added book to inventory 0330266934 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
336 +0.1 336.1 added book to inventory 0747242232 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
335.9 +0.1 336 added book to inventory 0752836846 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
335.8 +0.1 335.9 added book to inventory 0450025179 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
335.7 +0.1 335.8 added book to inventory 0862815614 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
335.6 +0.1 335.7 added book to inventory 0753811308 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
335.5 +0.1 335.6 added book to inventory 055311901X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
335.4 +0.1 335.5 added book to inventory 0553401688 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
335.3 +0.1 335.4 added book to inventory 1903568102 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
335.2 +0.1 335.3 added book to inventory 0007104499 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
335.1 +0.1 335.2 added book to inventory 0552151769 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
335 +0.1 335.1 added book to inventory 0553405705 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
334.9 +0.1 335 added book to inventory 0140303626 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
334.8 +0.1 334.9 added book to inventory B0026RRSS2 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
333.8 +1 334.8 gave points for mooch request 0708831532 carol (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
332.8 +1 333.8 gave points for mooch request 075288302X Joanne (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
329.8 +3 332.8 gave points for mooch request 0007127685 Carlye (Germany) 2009/07/07
329.7 +0.1 329.8 added book to inventory 0967852900 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
329.6 +0.1 329.7 added book to inventory 0747255512 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
329.5 +0.1 329.6 added book to inventory 075288302X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
329.6 -0.1 329.5 removed book from inventory 0141009195 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
329.5 +0.1 329.6 added book to inventory 0007127685 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
329.4 +0.1 329.5 added book to inventory 0099162512 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
329.3 +0.1 329.4 added book to inventory 0006153860 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/07
326.3 +3 329.3 gave points for mooch request 0349117004 kaye16 (France) 2009/07/06
326.2 +0.1 326.3 added book to inventory 0091913683 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
326.1 +0.1 326.2 added book to inventory 0586066241 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
326 +0.1 326.1 added book to inventory 0340827939 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
325.9 +0.1 326 added book to inventory 0006513204 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
325.8 +0.1 325.9 added book to inventory 0349117004 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
325.7 +0.1 325.8 added book to inventory 0349116652 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
322.7 +3 325.7 gave points for mooch request 0140178287 Beth (USA: CA) 2009/07/06
319.7 +3 322.7 gave points for mooch request 0340920858 vivir (Finland) 2009/07/06
316.7 +3 319.7 gave points for mooch request 009180938X vivir (Finland) 2009/07/06
316.6 +0.1 316.7 added book to inventory 0007102763 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
316.5 +0.1 316.6 added book to inventory 009180938X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
316.4 +0.1 316.5 added book to inventory 0140082506 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
316.3 +0.1 316.4 added book to inventory 0491034016 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
317.3 -1 316.3 deducted points for mooch request 0852233434 annecater (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
317.2 +0.1 317.3 added book to inventory 0349114749 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
317.1 +0.1 317.2 added book to inventory 0746051239 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
317 +0.1 317.1 added book to inventory 0708831532 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
316.9 +0.1 317 added book to inventory 0778302873 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
316.8 +0.1 316.9 added book to inventory 0330252917 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
316.7 +0.1 316.8 added book to inventory 0340840749 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
316.6 +0.1 316.7 added book to inventory 0141009195 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
316.5 +0.1 316.6 added book to inventory 0263863093 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
316.4 +0.1 316.5 added book to inventory 0752836838 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
316.3 +0.1 316.4 added book to inventory 0452287227 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
316.2 +0.1 316.3 added book to inventory 004823284X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
316.1 +0.1 316.2 added book to inventory 0575076127 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
316 +0.1 316.1 added book to inventory 0753811464 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
315.9 +0.1 316 added book to inventory 0752527509 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
316 -0.1 315.9 removed book from inventory 1857997557 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
315.9 +0.1 316 added book to inventory 1857997557 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
315.8 +0.1 315.9 added book to inventory 1857997654 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
315.7 +0.1 315.8 added book to inventory 1857997557 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
315.6 +0.1 315.7 added book to inventory 0751523631 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
312.6 +3 315.6 gave points for mooch request 009950393X Robert Wechsler (USA: CT) 2009/07/06
309.6 +3 312.6 gave points for mooch request 0765351463 Leann (USA: VA) 2009/07/06
309.5 +0.1 309.6 added book to inventory 0330330373 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
306.5 +3 309.5 gave points for mooch request 0141020520 share (USA: ID) 2009/07/06
306.4 +0.1 306.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1406305464 Rachel. C (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
306.3 +0.1 306.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1864486473 Sheila Doyle (United Kingdom) 2009/07/06
308.3 -2 306.3 deducted points for mooch request 1928782140 Kim (USA: FL) 2009/07/06
307.3 +1 308.3 gave points for mooch request 0099992000 CatyM (United Kingdom) 2009/07/05
308.3 -1 307.3 deducted points for mooch request 0758210191 Providence (United Kingdom) 2009/07/05
308.2 +0.1 308.3 added book to inventory 0340422491 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/05
308.1 +0.1 308.2 added book to inventory 0140178287 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/05
308 +0.1 308.1 added book to inventory 0091915457 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/05
309 -1 308 deducted points for mooch request 0140274057 Deborah (United Kingdom) 2009/07/04
308.9 +0.1 309 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515127396 tennantfamily (United Kingdom) 2009/07/04
308.8 +0.1 308.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0006375952 Martyn Amos (United Kingdom) 2009/07/04
308.7 +0.1 308.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0684842386 americanheartthrob (USA: VA) 2009/07/04
308.6 +0.1 308.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1741784700 Bec (Australia) 2009/07/04
308.7 -0.1 308.6 removed book from inventory 0099534207 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/04
305.7 +3 308.7 gave points for mooch request 0006166512 Sophie (Canada) 2009/07/03
305.6 +0.1 305.7 added book to inventory 0751512214 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
305.5 +0.1 305.6 added book to inventory 0006478727 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
305.4 +0.1 305.5 added book to inventory 0007142846 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
305.3 +0.1 305.4 added book to inventory 0751523232 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
305.2 +0.1 305.3 added book to inventory 0751514446 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
305.1 +0.1 305.2 added book to inventory 0099602806 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
305 +0.1 305.1 added book to inventory 0099534207 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
304.9 +0.1 305 added book to inventory 0330351834 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
304.8 +0.1 304.9 added book to inventory 0752816861 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
305.8 -1 304.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425180050 LouiseT (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
302.8 +3 305.8 gave points for mooch request 0758221991 Carla (USA: TX) 2009/07/03
299.8 +3 302.8 gave points for mooch request 0099437317 Diana (USA: PR) 2009/07/03
299.7 +0.1 299.8 added book to inventory 0752846345 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
299.6 +0.1 299.7 added book to inventory 0765351463 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
299.5 +0.1 299.6 added book to inventory 1857029763 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
299.4 +0.1 299.5 added book to inventory 0600572307 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
299.3 +0.1 299.4 added book to inventory 0590558072 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
299.2 +0.1 299.3 added book to inventory 1841150010 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
299.3 -0.1 299.2 removed book from inventory 0330448641 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
299.2 +0.1 299.3 added book to inventory 0747266247 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
299.1 +0.1 299.2 added book to inventory 1416589112 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
299 +0.1 299.1 added book to inventory 0099675404 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
298.9 +0.1 299 added book to inventory 0340769041 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
298.8 +0.1 298.9 added book to inventory 0007127944 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
298.7 +0.1 298.8 added book to inventory 0752867474 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
298.6 +0.1 298.7 added book to inventory 0590556487 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
298.5 +0.1 298.6 added book to inventory 0330307959 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
298.4 +0.1 298.5 added book to inventory 000648204X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
298.3 +0.1 298.4 added book to inventory 0752531085 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
298.2 +0.1 298.3 added book to inventory 1407207008 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
298.1 +0.1 298.2 added book to inventory 055340167X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
298 +0.1 298.1 added book to inventory 0330321765 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
297.9 +0.1 298 added book to inventory 0099992000 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
297.8 +0.1 297.9 added book to inventory 0749395990 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
297.9 -0.1 297.8 removed book from inventory 0330345044 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
297.8 +0.1 297.9 added book to inventory 0330345044 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/03
299.8 -2 297.8 deducted points for mooch request 0684818922 AARichner (USA: NY) 2009/07/03
299.7 +0.1 299.8 added book to inventory 0330343548 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
299.6 +0.1 299.7 added book to inventory 0330426532 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
299.5 +0.1 299.6 added book to inventory 0843927992 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
300.5 -1 299.5 deducted points for mooch request 1406305464 Rachel. C (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
297.5 +3 300.5 gave points for mooch request 0751539775 Mark (USA: MI) 2009/07/02
297.6 -0.1 297.5 removed book from inventory 0671010212 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
297.5 +0.1 297.6 added book to inventory 0671010212 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
297.6 -0.1 297.5 removed book from inventory 0330345044 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
297.5 +0.1 297.6 added book to inventory 0330345044 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
297.6 -0.1 297.5 removed book from inventory 000616613X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
297.5 +0.1 297.6 added book to inventory 000616613X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
297.4 +0.1 297.5 added book to inventory 1843535173 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
297.3 +0.1 297.4 added book to inventory 0140271775 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
297.2 +0.1 297.3 added book to inventory 0552146013 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
297.1 +0.1 297.2 added book to inventory 0006166512 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
297 +0.1 297.1 added book to inventory 1843171031 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
296.9 +0.1 297 added book to inventory 0752848135 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
296.8 +0.1 296.9 added book to inventory 0099458314 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
296.7 +0.1 296.8 added book to inventory 0141020520 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
293.7 +3 296.7 gave points for mooch request 1405903767 Joyce (USA: OH) 2009/07/02
293.6 +0.1 293.7 added book to inventory 0330341952 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
293.5 +0.1 293.6 added book to inventory 1405903767 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
292.5 +1 293.5 gave points for mooch request 0152001018 Freya (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
290.5 +2 292.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 1558531319 DebL (USA: NC) 2009/07/02
287.5 +3 290.5 gave points for mooch request 0091915317 Diana (USA: PR) 2009/07/02
287.4 +0.1 287.5 added book to inventory 0755314581 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
287.3 +0.1 287.4 added book to inventory 0755336348 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
287.2 +0.1 287.3 added book to inventory 0449006301 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
287.1 +0.1 287.2 added book to inventory 0152001018 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
287 +0.1 287.1 added book to inventory 0751539775 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
286.9 +0.1 287 added book to inventory 0745931820 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
286.8 +0.1 286.9 added book to inventory 0755351304 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
287.8 -1 286.8 deducted points for mooch request 0140045600 Curzon Tussaud (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
288.8 -1 287.8 deducted points for mooch request 0006375952 Martyn Amos (United Kingdom) 2009/07/02
287.8 +1 288.8 gave points for mooch request 0752881795 beaglemad (United Kingdom) 2009/07/01
284.8 +3 287.8 gave points for mooch request 0091911060 Diana (USA: PR) 2009/07/01
281.8 +3 284.8 gave points for mooch request 0752893297 Diana (USA: PR) 2009/07/01
284.8 -3 281.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0758221991 bookluvert (USA: ID) 2009/07/01
281.8 +3 284.8 gave points for mooch request 0758221991 bookluvert (USA: ID) 2009/07/01
282.8 -1 281.8 deducted points for mooch request 0140279253 Bekki (United Kingdom) 2009/07/01
283.8 -1 282.8 deducted points for mooch request 0515127396 tennantfamily (United Kingdom) 2009/07/01
284.8 -1 283.8 deducted points for mooch request 0006480411 Mr. (United Kingdom) 2009/07/01
284.7 +0.1 284.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0340511214 Cassie Schifano (United Kingdom) 2009/07/01
284.6 +0.1 284.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380777525 Darlene E. Neiser (USA: TX) 2009/07/01
284.5 +0.1 284.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0044408889 jennifer (France) 2009/07/01
284.4 +0.1 284.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1405903767 mygirllolipop (United Kingdom) 2009/07/01
284.3 +0.1 284.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0352301805 Jenny (United Kingdom) 2009/07/01
284.2 +0.1 284.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553572040 Aspa (Greece) 2009/07/01
284.1 +0.1 284.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425184056 Aspa (Greece) 2009/07/01
284 +0.1 284.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312947763 miranda (USA: ID) 2009/07/01
283.9 +0.1 284 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425214176 miranda (USA: ID) 2009/07/01
283.8 +0.1 283.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312975090 miranda (USA: ID) 2009/07/01
283.7 +0.1 283.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312994044 miranda (USA: ID) 2009/07/01
283.6 +0.1 283.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0349115761 David Wilson (United Kingdom) 2009/07/01
283.5 +0.1 283.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060095288 morgen (USA: CA) 2009/07/01
283.6 -0.1 283.5 removed book from inventory 0340734868 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/01
283.7 -0.1 283.6 removed book from inventory 0743489594 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/01
283.8 -0.1 283.7 removed book from inventory 1416502602 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/01
283.9 -0.1 283.8 removed book from inventory 0751538191 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/01
284 -0.1 283.9 removed book from inventory 0330367358 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/01
284.1 -0.1 284 removed book from inventory 0752836862 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/01
284.2 -0.1 284.1 removed book from inventory 0340389303 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/07/01
281.2 +3 284.2 gave points for mooch request 1853264180 amanda4242 (USA: CA) 2009/06/29
281.1 +0.1 281.2 added book to inventory 0821780476 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/29
281 +0.1 281.1 added book to inventory 0758221991 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/29
280.9 +0.1 281 added book to inventory 0752893297 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/29
280.8 +0.1 280.9 added book to inventory 0330421050 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/29
280.7 +0.1 280.8 added book to inventory 0352395370 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/29
280.6 +0.1 280.7 added book to inventory 1853264180 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/29
280.5 +0.1 280.6 added book to inventory 0752881795 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/29
280.4 +0.1 280.5 added book to inventory 0330320254 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/29
280.3 +0.1 280.4 added book to inventory 0091911060 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/29
280.2 +0.1 280.3 added book to inventory 0747255350 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/29
280.1 +0.1 280.2 added book to inventory 0752826913 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/29
280 +0.1 280.1 added book to inventory 0330315854 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/29
282 -2 280 deducted points for mooch request 006056346X Heather (USA: AZ) 2009/06/29
284 -2 282 deducted points for mooch request 0061092614 Heather (USA: AZ) 2009/06/29
286 -2 284 deducted points for mooch request 0061098795 Mark (USA: MI) 2009/06/29
283 +3 286 gave points for mooch request 1842551728 Milenko P (Germany) 2009/06/29
282.9 +0.1 283 added book to inventory 1842551728 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/29
282.8 +0.1 282.9 added book to inventory 1407207113 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/29
282.7 +0.1 282.8 added book to inventory 1853264385 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/29
284.7 -2 282.7 deducted points for mooch request 0451127528 miranda (USA: ID) 2009/06/29
286.7 -2 284.7 deducted points for mooch request 0451197542 Donald Johnson (USA: TX) 2009/06/29
283.7 +3 286.7 gave points for mooch request 0307455572 Anne Mills (USA) 2009/06/29
280.7 +3 283.7 gave points for mooch request 0755349970 DeborahRosa (USA: CA) 2009/06/28
277.7 +3 280.7 gave points for mooch request 0141182601 Taylor (USA: FL) 2009/06/28
276.7 +1 277.7 gave points for mooch request 0575079797 DeeDee (United Kingdom) 2009/06/28
276.6 +0.1 276.7 added book to inventory 0140114750 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/28
276.5 +0.1 276.6 added book to inventory 0575079797 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/28
273.5 +3 276.5 gave points for mooch request 0563486279 chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2009/06/28
273.4 +0.1 273.5 added book to inventory 0141182601 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/28
273.3 +0.1 273.4 added book to inventory 0563486279 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/28
273.2 +0.1 273.3 added book to inventory 0755349970 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/28
272.2 +1 273.2 gave points for mooch request 0380730138 amethystmegan (United Kingdom) 2009/06/28
269.2 +3 272.2 gave points for mooch request 0571143598 Marcus (Germany) 2009/06/28
266.2 +3 269.2 gave points for mooch request 0140620974 Yael (Israel) 2009/06/28
266.1 +0.1 266.2 added book to inventory 0340920858 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/28
266.2 -0.1 266.1 removed book from inventory 0712684115 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/28
266.1 +0.1 266.2 added book to inventory 0330367358 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/28
266 +0.1 266.1 added book to inventory 0140620974 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/28
265.9 +0.1 266 added book to inventory 0571143598 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/28
265.8 +0.1 265.9 added book to inventory 044022165X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/28
265.7 +0.1 265.8 added book to inventory 044022165X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/28
265.6 +0.1 265.7 added book to inventory 189971233X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/28
265.7 -0.1 265.6 removed book from inventory 0755338065 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/28
265.6 +0.1 265.7 added book to inventory 0755338065 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/28
265.7 -0.1 265.6 removed book from inventory 014031685X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/28
266.7 -1 265.7 deducted points for mooch request 0340511214 Cassie Schifano (United Kingdom) 2009/06/28
268.7 -2 266.7 deducted points for mooch request 0044408889 jennifer (France) 2009/06/28
269.7 -1 268.7 deducted points for mooch request 0812512413 notblondereally (United Kingdom) 2009/06/27
270.7 -1 269.7 deducted points for mooch request 1405903767 mygirllolipop (United Kingdom) 2009/06/27
271.7 -1 270.7 deducted points for mooch request 006100345X Lynn Herron (United Kingdom) 2009/06/27
272.7 -1 271.7 deducted points for mooch request B001KTOD2Q mckenziehatstand (United Kingdom) 2009/06/27
274.7 -2 272.7 deducted points for mooch request 0553204157 MJ (USA: OH) 2009/06/27
276.7 -2 274.7 deducted points for mooch request 0060549297 twiztidblood (Canada) 2009/06/27
277.7 -1 276.7 deducted points for mooch request 1570719861 Mary (United Kingdom) 2009/06/27
278.7 -1 277.7 deducted points for mooch request 0593042085 Jon (United Kingdom) 2009/06/27
280.7 -2 278.7 deducted points for mooch request 0451184912 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/06/26
282.7 -2 280.7 deducted points for mooch request 0312939604 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/06/26
284.7 -2 282.7 deducted points for mooch request 0312983190 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/06/26
286.7 -2 284.7 deducted points for mooch request 0806528222 Kate Procko (Australia) 2009/06/26
286.6 +0.1 286.7 added book to inventory 0099437317 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/26
286.5 +0.1 286.6 added book to inventory 009950393X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/26
286.4 +0.1 286.5 added book to inventory 1903867088 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/26
286.3 +0.1 286.4 added book to inventory 1846880297 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/26
286.2 +0.1 286.3 added book to inventory 1846075882 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/25
284.2 +2 286.2 mooch rejected by book owner 0380730596 Kristin (USA: OK) 2009/06/25
281.2 +3 284.2 gave points for mooch request 042611308X Hildy (USA: MA) 2009/06/25
278.2 +3 281.2 gave points for mooch request 0426117034 Hildy (USA: MA) 2009/06/25
275.2 +3 278.2 gave points for mooch request 0426103726 Hildy (USA: MA) 2009/06/25
274.2 +1 275.2 mooch rejected by book owner 0140267239 gollenr (United Kingdom) 2009/06/25
275.2 -1 274.2 deducted points for mooch request 0140267239 gollenr (United Kingdom) 2009/06/25
276.2 -1 275.2 deducted points for mooch request 0352301805 Jenny (United Kingdom) 2009/06/25
278.2 -2 276.2 deducted points for mooch request 0684842386 americanheartthrob (USA: VA) 2009/06/25
278.3 -0.1 278.2 removed book from inventory 1847396321 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/25
275.3 +3 278.3 gave points for mooch request 0753820463 Calmdogs (USA: AR) 2009/06/24
275.4 -0.1 275.3 removed book from inventory 0671773925 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/24
275.5 -0.1 275.4 removed book from inventory 0755307607 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/24
272.5 +3 275.5 gave points for mooch request 0563538449 chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2009/06/24
272.4 +0.1 272.5 added book to inventory B001P011UM Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/24
272.3 +0.1 272.4 added book to inventory 0755338065 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/24
272.2 +0.1 272.3 added book to inventory 0380730138 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/24
272.1 +0.1 272.2 added book to inventory 0671010212 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/24
272 +0.1 272.1 added book to inventory 0330345044 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/24
271.9 +0.1 272 added book to inventory 000616613X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/24
273.9 -2 271.9 deducted points for mooch request 1860464173 Stewart (USA: FL) 2009/06/24
273.8 +0.1 273.9 added book to inventory 0330321935 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/24
273.9 -0.1 273.8 removed book from inventory 0330321935 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/24
273.8 +0.1 273.9 added book to inventory 0330321935 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/24
273.7 +0.1 273.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0971172706 Lisa (USA: CA) 2009/06/24
273.6 +0.1 273.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451403444 Skip Craig (USA: PA) 2009/06/24
273.7 -0.1 273.6 removed book from inventory 0140281061 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/24
273.8 -0.1 273.7 removed book from inventory 0752808753 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/24
273.7 +0.1 273.8 added book to inventory 0099175428 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/24
273.6 +0.1 273.7 added book to inventory 0307455572 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/24
273.5 +0.1 273.6 added book to inventory 0316644390 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/24
275.5 -2 273.5 deducted points for mooch request 0843959665 Diana (USA: PR) 2009/06/24
275.4 +0.1 275.5 added book to inventory 0563538449 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/23
276.4 -1 275.4 deducted points for mooch request 1864486473 Sheila Doyle (United Kingdom) 2009/06/23
278.4 -2 276.4 deducted points for mooch request 0312957262 mjnauset (USA: VA) 2009/06/23
275.4 +3 278.4 gave points for mooch request 1841952834 ailyn (Philippines) 2009/06/23
275.5 -0.1 275.4 removed book from inventory 0099498189 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/22
275.6 -0.1 275.5 removed book from inventory 0340734582 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/22
275.7 -0.1 275.6 removed book from inventory 0007739672 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/22
275.8 -0.1 275.7 removed book from inventory 0007772203 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/22
277.8 -2 275.8 deducted points for mooch request 0380777525 Darlene E. Neiser (USA: TX) 2009/06/22
277.9 -0.1 277.8 removed book from inventory 033048768X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/21
279.9 -2 277.9 deducted points for mooch request 0451147367 April M (USA: DE) 2009/06/21
280 -0.1 279.9 removed book from inventory 0007190158 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/21
281 -1 280 deducted points for mooch request 0099437341 eddyesi (United Kingdom) 2009/06/21
280 +1 281 mooch cancelled by requestor 0199275513 Laura (United Kingdom) 2009/06/21
280.1 -0.1 280 removed book from inventory 044661212X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/21
280.2 -0.1 280.1 removed book from inventory 0140252088 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/21
280.1 +0.1 280.2 added book to inventory 0751525537 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/21
280 +0.1 280.1 added book to inventory 0752803530 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/21
279.9 +0.1 280 added book to inventory 0552140961 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/21
280 -0.1 279.9 removed book from inventory B001TLPABI Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/21
279.9 +0.1 280 added book to inventory 0722157797 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/21
279.8 +0.1 279.9 added book to inventory 0747266085 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/21
279.9 -0.1 279.8 removed book from inventory 0758221991 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/21
279.8 +0.1 279.9 added book to inventory 0758221991 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/21
280.8 -1 279.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 1416527672 Maria2009 (United Kingdom) 2009/06/20
279.8 +1 280.8 gave points for mooch request 1416527672 Maria2009 (United Kingdom) 2009/06/20
276.8 +3 279.8 gave points for mooch request 0099255189 Colleen (USA: WI) 2009/06/19
276.7 +0.1 276.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553176978 Paul Harvey (United Kingdom) 2009/06/19
276.6 +0.1 276.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821780476 Anki (Sweden) 2009/06/19
276.5 +0.1 276.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0192854003 Jen (United Kingdom) 2009/06/19
276.4 +0.1 276.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380730138 Heena (India) 2009/06/19
276.3 +0.1 276.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141022175 wackowill (United Kingdom) 2009/06/19
273.3 +3 276.3 gave points for mooch request 0752810006 Glenn Odom (USA: PA) 2009/06/18
270.3 +3 273.3 gave points for mooch request 0752848348 Glenn Odom (USA: PA) 2009/06/18
270.2 +0.1 270.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316511684 Merle (USA: NH) 2009/06/17
270.1 +0.1 270.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671740075 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/06/17
269.1 +1 270.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0553405330 Paul Harvey (United Kingdom) 2009/06/16
268.1 +1 269.1 gave points for mooch request 0297852558 HGS (United Kingdom) 2009/06/16
265.1 +3 268.1 gave points for mooch request 0330433539 Pam (USA: AL) 2009/06/15
264.1 +1 265.1 gave points for mooch request 0141017805 Mary Ellen (Sweden) 2009/06/15
264 +0.1 264.1 added book to inventory 033048768X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/15
263.9 +0.1 264 added book to inventory 0330433539 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/15
264 -0.1 263.9 removed book from inventory 0373228376 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/15
266 -2 264 deducted points for mooch request 0553572040 Aspa (Greece) 2009/06/15
268 -2 266 deducted points for mooch request 0425184056 Aspa (Greece) 2009/06/15
267.9 +0.1 268 added book to inventory 0843926864 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/15
268 -0.1 267.9 removed book from inventory B000MWE7FK Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/15
267.9 +0.1 268 added book to inventory B000MWE7FK Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/15
266.9 +1 267.9 gave points for mooch request 0261662554 Lix (USA: CA) 2009/06/14
265.9 +1 266.9 received points from charity DubaiReader (United Arab Emirates) 2009/06/14
267.9 -2 265.9 deducted points for mooch request 0060987529 rahel (Switzerland) 2009/06/14
266.9 +1 267.9 mooch rejected by book owner 0593050541 Liz (United Kingdom) 2009/06/14
268.9 -2 266.9 deducted points for mooch request 0340321113 DubaiReader (United Arab Emirates) 2009/06/14
269.9 -1 268.9 deducted points for mooch request 0593050541 Liz (United Kingdom) 2009/06/14
271.9 -2 269.9 deducted points for mooch request 0971172706 Lisa (USA: CA) 2009/06/14
272 -0.1 271.9 removed book from inventory 0330354884 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/13
274 -2 272 deducted points for mooch request 0312947763 miranda (USA: ID) 2009/06/13
276 -2 274 deducted points for mooch request 0425214176 miranda (USA: ID) 2009/06/13
278 -2 276 deducted points for mooch request 0312975090 miranda (USA: ID) 2009/06/13
280 -2 278 deducted points for mooch request 0312994044 miranda (USA: ID) 2009/06/13
281 -1 280 deducted points for mooch request 0553405330 Paul Harvey (United Kingdom) 2009/06/13
282 -1 281 deducted points for mooch request 0553176978 Paul Harvey (United Kingdom) 2009/06/13
284 -2 282 deducted points for mooch request 0821780476 Anki (Sweden) 2009/06/13
283.9 +0.1 284 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061052892 Valérie Coupland (United Kingdom) 2009/06/13
282.9 +1 283.9 gave points for mooch request 0340831359 Lynn Herron (United Kingdom) 2009/06/13
281.9 +1 282.9 gave points for mooch request 0743444043 Lynn Herron (United Kingdom) 2009/06/13
282.9 -1 281.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 1416527672 Tony Pearce (United Kingdom) 2009/06/13
283 -0.1 282.9 removed book from inventory 0330492691 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/12
283.1 -0.1 283 removed book from inventory 0099171406 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/12
284.1 -1 283.1 deducted points for mooch request 0192854003 Jen (United Kingdom) 2009/06/11
281.1 +3 284.1 gave points for mooch request 0552145785 kislany (Cyprus) 2009/06/11
280.1 +1 281.1 gave points for mooch request 075152543X Pam Allen (United Kingdom) 2009/06/10
281.1 -1 280.1 donated points to charity BookMooch Lottery (USA: CA) 2009/06/10
281 +0.1 281.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1858281563 SarahJ (United Kingdom) 2009/06/10
280.9 +0.1 281 receiver acknowledged receiving book 034546673X Jessica (Italy) 2009/06/10
280.8 +0.1 280.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758221991 ^Mary^ (USA: FL) 2009/06/10
280.7 +0.1 280.8 added book to inventory 1841952834 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/09
280.6 +0.1 280.7 added book to inventory 0753820919 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/09
280.5 +0.1 280.6 added book to inventory 0297852558 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/09
280.4 +0.1 280.5 added book to inventory 0753820463 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/09
281.4 -1 280.4 deducted points for mooch request 0349115761 David Wilson (United Kingdom) 2009/06/09
281.3 +0.1 281.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425116131 BARBARA CLEMENS HEIDRICH (USA: ID) 2009/06/09
281.2 +0.1 281.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451411102 BARBARA CLEMENS HEIDRICH (USA: ID) 2009/06/09
281.1 +0.1 281.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0445408456 BARBARA CLEMENS HEIDRICH (USA: ID) 2009/06/09
281 +0.1 281.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312962991 Chelsea (USA) 2009/06/09
280.9 +0.1 281 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425167801 Lix (USA: CA) 2009/06/09
280.8 +0.1 280.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553815229 kle (United Kingdom) 2009/06/09
280.7 +0.1 280.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1859585310 Lady Starlight (United Kingdom) 2009/06/09
282.7 -2 280.7 deducted points for mooch request 0060095288 morgen (USA: CA) 2009/06/09
284.7 -2 282.7 deducted points for mooch request 0316511684 Merle (USA: NH) 2009/06/08
284.6 +0.1 284.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843535076 foodbooklover (United Kingdom) 2009/06/08
284.5 +0.1 284.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061097632 Ryan (USA: IL) 2009/06/08
284.4 +0.1 284.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0552773719 stevo69 (United Kingdom) 2009/06/08
284.3 +0.1 284.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1590512863 legotech (USA: CA) 2009/06/08
284.2 +0.1 284.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060842253 Frank (USA: NY) 2009/06/08
284.1 +0.1 284.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book B001U66LRE Chris Lannin (USA: MN) 2009/06/08
284 +0.1 284.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425157814 Michelle (USA: ME) 2009/06/08
283.9 +0.1 284 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1556111258 Kelli (USA: WV) 2009/06/08
283.8 +0.1 283.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0892966246 Michelle (USA: LA) 2009/06/08
285.8 -2 283.8 deducted points for mooch request 0451403444 Skip Craig (USA: PA) 2009/06/07
287.8 -2 285.8 deducted points for mooch request 0380730596 Kristin (USA: OK) 2009/06/07
286.8 +1 287.8 gave points for mooch request 0752847961 david turley (United Kingdom) 2009/06/05
283.8 +3 286.8 gave points for mooch request 0330309684 edwinbcn (China) 2009/06/03
280.8 +3 283.8 gave points for mooch request 0340693096 edwinbcn (China) 2009/06/03
277.8 +3 280.8 gave points for mooch request 0349118957 edwinbcn (China) 2009/06/03
278.8 -1 277.8 deducted points for mooch request 1858281563 SarahJ (United Kingdom) 2009/06/03
279.8 -1 278.8 deducted points for mooch request 1843535076 foodbooklover (United Kingdom) 2009/06/03
279.7 +0.1 279.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451216318 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/06/02
279.6 +0.1 279.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425216381 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/06/02
279.5 +0.1 279.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042519213X emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/06/02
279.4 +0.1 279.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553574671 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/06/02
279.3 +0.1 279.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380782375 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/06/02
276.3 +3 279.3 gave points for mooch request 0749082275 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/06/02
273.3 +3 276.3 gave points for mooch request 0755334256 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/06/02
270.3 +3 273.3 gave points for mooch request 0380718235 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/06/02
269.3 +1 270.3 gave points for mooch request 1844083667 Kaye (United Kingdom) 2009/06/02
269.4 -0.1 269.3 removed book from inventory 0316727261 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/01
269.5 -0.1 269.4 removed book from inventory 0874519470 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/06/01
271.5 -2 269.5 deducted points for mooch request 0380782375 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/06/01
273.5 -2 271.5 deducted points for mooch request 0671740075 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/06/01
272.5 +1 273.5 gave points for mooch request 1416527672 Tony Pearce (United Kingdom) 2009/06/01
269.5 +3 272.5 gave points for mooch request 0006472001 ankt (USA: IN) 2009/05/31
268.5 +1 269.5 gave points for mooch request 0340895861 Tony Pearce (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
268.4 +0.1 268.5 added book to inventory B001KRPJNA Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
268.5 -0.1 268.4 removed book from inventory 0007772203 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
268.4 +0.1 268.5 added book to inventory 0007772203 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
268.3 +0.1 268.4 added book to inventory 0007772203 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
267.3 +1 268.3 gave points for mooch request 1845296753 Rachel T (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
267.2 +0.1 267.3 added book to inventory 1845296753 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
267.1 +0.1 267.2 added book to inventory 0451211561 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
267 +0.1 267.1 added book to inventory 0340831359 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
266.9 +0.1 267 added book to inventory 0099129108 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
266.8 +0.1 266.9 added book to inventory 0340717661 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
266.7 +0.1 266.8 added book to inventory 0091870119 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
266.6 +0.1 266.7 added book to inventory 0340895861 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
266.5 +0.1 266.6 added book to inventory 0006514197 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
266.4 +0.1 266.5 added book to inventory 0749082275 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
266.3 +0.1 266.4 added book to inventory 1853716057 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
266.2 +0.1 266.3 added book to inventory 0140252088 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
266.1 +0.1 266.2 added book to inventory 0261662554 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
266 +0.1 266.1 added book to inventory 0140099050 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
265.9 +0.1 266 added book to inventory 0340693096 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
265.8 +0.1 265.9 added book to inventory 0778300781 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
265.7 +0.1 265.8 added book to inventory 0751525359 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
262.7 +3 265.7 gave points for mooch request 0316859028 bettydorai (Singapore) 2009/05/31
262.6 +0.1 262.7 added book to inventory 0747267669 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
262.5 +0.1 262.6 added book to inventory 1551665514 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
261.5 +1 262.5 gave points for mooch request 0099298309 Peta (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
261.4 +0.1 261.5 added book to inventory 0099255189 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
261.3 +0.1 261.4 added book to inventory 0743449371 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
261.2 +0.1 261.3 added book to inventory 0752810006 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
261.1 +0.1 261.2 added book to inventory 014031685X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
261 +0.1 261.1 added book to inventory 0006472001 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
260.9 +0.1 261 added book to inventory 0099298309 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
260.8 +0.1 260.9 added book to inventory 0778300528 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
260.7 +0.1 260.8 added book to inventory 0330309684 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
260.8 -0.1 260.7 removed book from inventory 0743449371 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/31
260.7 +0.1 260.8 added book to inventory 075152543X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
260.6 +0.1 260.7 added book to inventory 075153188X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
262.6 -2 260.6 deducted points for mooch request 0061097632 Ryan (USA: IL) 2009/05/30
262.5 +0.1 262.6 added book to inventory 0330432745 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
262.4 +0.1 262.5 added book to inventory 155166075X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
262.3 +0.1 262.4 added book to inventory 0330029436 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
263.3 -1 262.3 deducted points for mooch request 0552773719 stevo69 (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
260.3 +3 263.3 gave points for mooch request 0340696028 bkwurm (USA: RI) 2009/05/30
260.2 +0.1 260.3 added book to inventory 0751538191 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
260.1 +0.1 260.2 added book to inventory 0751521205 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
260 +0.1 260.1 added book to inventory 1416527672 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
259.9 +0.1 260 added book to inventory 0752833952 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
259.8 +0.1 259.9 added book to inventory 0340734582 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
259.7 +0.1 259.8 added book to inventory 0340735074 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
259.6 +0.1 259.7 added book to inventory 0330455575 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
259.5 +0.1 259.6 added book to inventory 0140281061 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
256.5 +3 259.5 gave points for mooch request 0340831391 paula (USA: CA) 2009/05/30
253.5 +3 256.5 gave points for mooch request 0340831375 paula (USA: CA) 2009/05/30
253.4 +0.1 253.5 added book to inventory 0340696028 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
253.3 +0.1 253.4 added book to inventory 0340831391 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
252.3 +1 253.3 gave points for mooch request 0007195370 Sandy (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
249.3 +3 252.3 gave points for mooch request 0340823747 Michelle (USA: ME) 2009/05/30
249.2 +0.1 249.3 added book to inventory 0340767103 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
249.1 +0.1 249.2 added book to inventory 1416502602 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
249 +0.1 249.1 added book to inventory 1847396321 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
248.9 +0.1 249 added book to inventory 0140271295 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
248.8 +0.1 248.9 added book to inventory 0007195370 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
248.7 +0.1 248.8 added book to inventory 0340823747 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
248.6 +0.1 248.7 added book to inventory B001KT9LGE Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
248.5 +0.1 248.6 added book to inventory 0099226227 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
248.4 +0.1 248.5 added book to inventory 1416502211 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
248.3 +0.1 248.4 added book to inventory 0743489594 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
248.2 +0.1 248.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312936761 kelly (Canada) 2009/05/30
248.1 +0.1 248.2 added book to inventory 0099481839 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
245.1 +3 248.1 gave points for mooch request 0099866005 Tani (USA: MI) 2009/05/30
245 +0.1 245.1 added book to inventory 0373576420 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
244.9 +0.1 245 added book to inventory 0552123579 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
244.8 +0.1 244.9 added book to inventory 0099866005 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
244.7 +0.1 244.8 added book to inventory 1854872362 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
244.6 +0.1 244.7 added book to inventory 0586060545 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
244.5 +0.1 244.6 added book to inventory 0330354884 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
244.4 +0.1 244.5 added book to inventory 0751524646 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
244.3 +0.1 244.4 added book to inventory 0312954204 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
244.2 +0.1 244.3 added book to inventory 044661212X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
244.1 +0.1 244.2 added book to inventory 0552145785 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
244 +0.1 244.1 added book to inventory 0099140810 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
243.9 +0.1 244 added book to inventory 0373228376 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
243.8 +0.1 243.9 added book to inventory B001KT1M9I Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
243.7 +0.1 243.8 added book to inventory 0752808753 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
243.8 -0.1 243.7 removed book from inventory 0007190158 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
243.7 +0.1 243.8 added book to inventory 0007190158 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
243.6 +0.1 243.7 added book to inventory 0586208313 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
243.5 +0.1 243.6 added book to inventory 0745932061 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
243.4 +0.1 243.5 added book to inventory 074930362X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
243.5 -0.1 243.4 removed book from inventory 0340831642 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
243.6 -0.1 243.5 removed book from inventory 0330411535 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
243.7 -0.1 243.6 removed book from inventory 0749303816 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
243.8 -0.1 243.7 removed book from inventory 0312944918 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
243.9 -0.1 243.8 removed book from inventory 0007265174 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
244 -0.1 243.9 removed book from inventory 0330485385 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
244.1 -0.1 244 removed book from inventory 0060002492 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
244.2 -0.1 244.1 removed book from inventory 1844280993 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
244.3 -0.1 244.2 removed book from inventory 0340693096 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
244.4 -0.1 244.3 removed book from inventory 0340895934 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
244.5 -0.1 244.4 removed book from inventory 0751533351 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
244.6 -0.1 244.5 removed book from inventory 000649840X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
244.7 -0.1 244.6 removed book from inventory 0755314581 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
244.8 -0.1 244.7 removed book from inventory 0330452118 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
244.9 -0.1 244.8 removed book from inventory 0752882473 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
245 -0.1 244.9 removed book from inventory 1852426888 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
245.1 -0.1 245 removed book from inventory 0006862993 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
245.2 -0.1 245.1 removed book from inventory 0007196970 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
245.3 -0.1 245.2 removed book from inventory 0425158594 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
245.4 -0.1 245.3 removed book from inventory 0345466616 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
245.5 -0.1 245.4 removed book from inventory 057507308X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
245.6 -0.1 245.5 removed book from inventory 0747265232 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
245.7 -0.1 245.6 removed book from inventory 1850522316 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
245.8 -0.1 245.7 removed book from inventory 0575072873 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
245.9 -0.1 245.8 removed book from inventory 0755315502 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
246 -0.1 245.9 removed book from inventory 0749301910 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
246.1 -0.1 246 removed book from inventory 0330346849 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
246.2 -0.1 246.1 removed book from inventory 1852422181 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
246.3 -0.1 246.2 removed book from inventory 0571227090 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
246.4 -0.1 246.3 removed book from inventory 0575077115 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
246.5 -0.1 246.4 removed book from inventory 0330309684 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
246.6 -0.1 246.5 removed book from inventory 1903867088 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
246.7 -0.1 246.6 removed book from inventory 034083868X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
246.8 -0.1 246.7 removed book from inventory 0330339095 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
246.9 -0.1 246.8 removed book from inventory 1843541106 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
247 -0.1 246.9 removed book from inventory 0743449371 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
246.9 +0.1 247 added book to inventory 0743449371 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
246.8 +0.1 246.9 added book to inventory 0752848348 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
246.7 +0.1 246.8 added book to inventory 0060842245 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/30
246.6 +0.1 246.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451185129 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/30
246.5 +0.1 246.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451207211 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/30
246.4 +0.1 246.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451224841 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/30
246.3 +0.1 246.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451202759 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/30
246.2 +0.1 246.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451211715 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/30
246.1 +0.1 246.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451181425 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/30
246 +0.1 246.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451201523 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/30
245.9 +0.1 246 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451222008 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/30
245.8 +0.1 245.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451188209 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/30
245.7 +0.1 245.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451199987 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/30
245.6 +0.1 245.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0375700293 chris (Japan) 2009/05/30
245.5 +0.1 245.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425206181 chris (Japan) 2009/05/30
247.5 -2 245.5 deducted points for mooch request 0717131467 Tanya (Ireland) 2009/05/30
249.5 -2 247.5 deducted points for mooch request 1590512863 legotech (USA: CA) 2009/05/29
246.5 +3 249.5 gave points for mooch request 0330446959 Alicia (USA: MI) 2009/05/29
246.4 +0.1 246.5 added book to inventory 0099928302 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/29
246.3 +0.1 246.4 added book to inventory 0743449371 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/29
246.2 +0.1 246.3 added book to inventory 0340831375 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/29
246.1 +0.1 246.2 added book to inventory 0755334256 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/29
246.2 -0.1 246.1 removed book from inventory 1845296753 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/29
246.1 +0.1 246.2 added book to inventory 1845296753 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/29
246 +0.1 246.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 000648204X wendy reynolds (United Kingdom) 2009/05/29
245.9 +0.1 246 added book to inventory 0099171406 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/29
245.8 +0.1 245.9 added book to inventory 0091915317 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/29
245.7 +0.1 245.8 added book to inventory 043401043X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/29
244.7 +1 245.7 gave points for mooch request 014014658X DawnClaire (United Kingdom) 2009/05/28
244.6 +0.1 244.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060842245 magnolia (United Kingdom) 2009/05/28
244.5 +0.1 244.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1845296753 PatriciaG (United Kingdom) 2009/05/28
244.4 +0.1 244.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 019285416X Al Young (United Kingdom) 2009/05/28
244.3 +0.1 244.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099186926 Jon (United Kingdom) 2009/05/28
244.2 +0.1 244.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042610997X Julie (United Kingdom) 2009/05/28
242.2 +2 244.2 mooch rejected by book owner 0553125001 Mary (USA: OH) 2009/05/28
239.2 +3 242.2 gave points for mooch request 0743462505 Brittney (USA: WV) 2009/05/27
239.1 +0.1 239.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446403644 Meherio68 (France) 2009/05/27
241.1 -2 239.1 deducted points for mooch request 0688109705 Theresa (USA: NC) 2009/05/27
238.1 +3 241.1 gave points for mooch request 0141020520 Allie (USA: MD) 2009/05/26
240.1 -2 238.1 deducted points for mooch request 034546673X Jessica (Italy) 2009/05/26
241.1 -1 240.1 deducted points for mooch request 1845296753 PatriciaG (United Kingdom) 2009/05/26
241 +0.1 241.1 added book to inventory 1844083667 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/26
240.9 +0.1 241 added book to inventory 0140112863 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/26
240.8 +0.1 240.9 added book to inventory 0316859028 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/26
240.7 +0.1 240.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 002008823X Sara (USA: MN) 2009/05/26
239.7 +1 240.7 gave points for mooch request 1846075912 Dewi Evans (United Kingdom) 2009/05/26
236.7 +3 239.7 gave points for mooch request 1846075947 zodwallop (USA: NJ) 2009/05/25
237.7 -1 236.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425167801 Lix (USA: CA) 2009/05/25
238.7 -1 237.7 deducted points for mooch request 000648204X wendy reynolds (United Kingdom) 2009/05/25
239.7 -1 238.7 deducted points for mooch request 0061052892 Valérie Coupland (United Kingdom) 2009/05/25
239.6 +0.1 239.7 added book to inventory 1846075947 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/25
241.6 -2 239.6 deducted points for mooch request 0060842253 Frank (USA: NY) 2009/05/25
238.6 +3 241.6 gave points for mooch request 1846075963 zodwallop (USA: NJ) 2009/05/25
235.6 +3 238.6 gave points for mooch request 0140178864 Sharon (USA: ND) 2009/05/25
235.5 +0.1 235.6 added book to inventory 1846075963 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/25
235.4 +0.1 235.5 added book to inventory 1846075912 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/25
237.4 -2 235.4 deducted points for mooch request 0345271556 Anne Kern (Germany) 2009/05/25
234.4 +3 237.4 gave points for mooch request 0340718269 Franciek (Italy) 2009/05/25
235.4 -1 234.4 deducted points for mooch request 0553815229 kle (United Kingdom) 2009/05/25
236.4 -1 235.4 deducted points for mooch request 019285416X Al Young (United Kingdom) 2009/05/25
238.4 -2 236.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425116131 BARBARA CLEMENS HEIDRICH (USA: ID) 2009/05/25
240.4 -2 238.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451411102 BARBARA CLEMENS HEIDRICH (USA: ID) 2009/05/25
242.4 -2 240.4 deducted points for mooch request 0445408456 BARBARA CLEMENS HEIDRICH (USA: ID) 2009/05/25
244.4 -2 242.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425157814 Michelle (USA: ME) 2009/05/25
244.5 -0.1 244.4 removed book from inventory 0340931981 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/25
243.5 +1 244.5 gave points for mooch request 0330241419 Hannah (United Kingdom) 2009/05/24
240.5 +3 243.5 gave points for mooch request 1406303933 Mt. Horeb MS (USA: WI) 2009/05/24
241.5 -1 240.5 deducted points for mooch request 042610997X Julie (United Kingdom) 2009/05/24
243.5 -2 241.5 deducted points for mooch request 0312962991 Chelsea (USA) 2009/05/24
245.5 -2 243.5 deducted points for mooch request 0060008458 Barbara (USA: CA) 2009/05/24
246.5 -1 245.5 deducted points for mooch request 0099186926 Jon (United Kingdom) 2009/05/24
247.5 -1 246.5 deducted points for mooch request 1859585310 Lady Starlight (United Kingdom) 2009/05/24
247.4 +0.1 247.5 added book to inventory 1857762827 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/23
247.3 +0.1 247.4 added book to inventory 0749303816 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/23
249.3 -2 247.3 deducted points for mooch request 1556111258 Kelli (USA: WV) 2009/05/23
249.2 +0.1 249.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425225486 kelly (Canada) 2009/05/23
246.2 +3 249.2 gave points for mooch request 0552996416 Danny (Malta) 2009/05/23
245.2 +1 246.2 gave points for mooch request 0747580995 Lix (USA: CA) 2009/05/23
242.2 +3 245.2 gave points for mooch request 0753813564 susanbooks (USA: MA) 2009/05/23
242.1 +0.1 242.2 added book to inventory 0140178864 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/23
242 +0.1 242.1 added book to inventory 1853406643 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/23
241.9 +0.1 242 added book to inventory 0330309684 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/23
241.8 +0.1 241.9 added book to inventory 0753813564 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/23
241.7 +0.1 241.8 added book to inventory 0007739672 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/23
241.6 +0.1 241.7 added book to inventory 0552996416 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/23
241.5 +0.1 241.6 added book to inventory 0340718269 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/23
243.5 -2 241.5 deducted points for mooch request 0446403644 Meherio68 (France) 2009/05/23
244.5 -1 243.5 deducted points for mooch request 0060842245 magnolia (United Kingdom) 2009/05/23
244.4 +0.1 244.5 added book to inventory 055212494X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/23
244.3 +0.1 244.4 added book to inventory 0330241419 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/23
246.3 -2 244.3 deducted points for mooch request 0679740759 Dawn (USA: OH) 2009/05/23
248.3 -2 246.3 deducted points for mooch request 0786017821 heathcote (USA: ME) 2009/05/23
248.2 +0.1 248.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0399148132 Earlybird205 (USA: NY) 2009/05/22
245.2 +3 248.2 gave points for mooch request 0340860758 jbatson (Canada) 2009/05/22
245.1 +0.1 245.2 added book to inventory 0747565678 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/22
244.1 +1 245.1 gave points for mooch request 0745930476 Mandy (United Kingdom) 2009/05/22
245.1 -1 244.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380730138 Heena (India) 2009/05/22
245 +0.1 245.1 added book to inventory B000KIAYHG Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/22
244.9 +0.1 245 added book to inventory 0099502909 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/22
244.8 +0.1 244.9 added book to inventory 0752842854 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/22
244.7 +0.1 244.8 added book to inventory B001KTD66U Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/22
244.6 +0.1 244.7 added book to inventory 0141020520 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/22
244.5 +0.1 244.6 added book to inventory 0099498189 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/22
246.5 -2 244.5 deducted points for mooch request 0440214521 Sabine (Canada) 2009/05/22
246.6 -0.1 246.5 removed book from inventory 0304364169 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/22
246.5 +0.1 246.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0812563581 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/22
246.4 +0.1 246.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 034544793X emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/22
246.3 +0.1 246.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380815656 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/22
246.2 +0.1 246.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 038076296X emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/22
246.1 +0.1 246.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451218620 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/22
246 +0.1 246.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451203224 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/22
245.9 +0.1 246 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553584707 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/22
245.8 +0.1 245.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380762978 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/22
245.7 +0.1 245.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451407288 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/22
245.6 +0.1 245.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425142108 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/22
245.5 +0.1 245.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380778793 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/22
245.4 +0.1 245.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 038081563X emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/22
245.3 +0.1 245.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312977956 Simone (USA: WA) 2009/05/21
247.3 -2 245.3 deducted points for mooch request B001U66LRE Chris Lannin (USA: MN) 2009/05/21
250.3 -3 247.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0755335260 SandraFrederixon (USA: MN) 2009/05/21
247.3 +3 250.3 gave points for mooch request 0755335260 SandraFrederixon (USA: MN) 2009/05/21
250.3 -3 247.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0755335260 sue (USA: MA) 2009/05/21
247.3 +3 250.3 gave points for mooch request 0091899206 HarleyHundi (USA: IN) 2009/05/20
244.3 +3 247.3 gave points for mooch request 014103095X Debbie (USA: CA) 2009/05/20
241.3 +3 244.3 gave points for mooch request 9780330455404 beverly ann wilson (USA: NM) 2009/05/20
238.3 +3 241.3 gave points for mooch request 9780330456333 beverly ann wilson (USA: NM) 2009/05/20
235.3 +3 238.3 gave points for mooch request 184354153X beverly ann wilson (USA: NM) 2009/05/20
232.3 +3 235.3 gave points for mooch request 9780330507905 beverly ann wilson (USA: NM) 2009/05/20
232.2 +0.1 232.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1889893633 Paul Harvey (United Kingdom) 2009/05/20
232.1 +0.1 232.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312916787 Resurrected Books (USA: WA) 2009/05/20
232 +0.1 232.1 added book to inventory 014103095X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/20
231.9 +0.1 232 added book to inventory 0747580995 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/20
232 -0.1 231.9 removed book from inventory 072253843X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/20
234 -2 232 deducted points for mooch request 0892966246 Michelle (USA: LA) 2009/05/20
236 -2 234 deducted points for mooch request 042519213X emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/20
238 -2 236 deducted points for mooch request 0451216318 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/19
240 -2 238 deducted points for mooch request 0425216381 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/19
237 +3 240 gave points for mooch request 0752849573 Adina (Canada) 2009/05/18
236 +1 237 gave points for mooch request 0553241907 Curzon Tussaud (United Kingdom) 2009/05/17
237 -1 236 deducted points for mooch request 1889893633 Paul Harvey (United Kingdom) 2009/05/17
236.9 +0.1 237 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1860492959 t.tara (USA: CA) 2009/05/17
236.8 +0.1 236.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 9781597894845 WordLily (USA: NE) 2009/05/17
236.7 +0.1 236.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425205800 Megan (USA: CA) 2009/05/17
236.6 +0.1 236.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425179885 Megan (USA: CA) 2009/05/17
236.5 +0.1 236.6 added book to inventory 0553241907 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/16
235.5 +1 236.5 gave points for mooch request 1841957615 Towcester SNUG (United Kingdom) 2009/05/16
234.5 +1 235.5 gave points for mooch request 0563486430 Towcester SNUG (United Kingdom) 2009/05/16
231.5 +3 234.5 gave points for mooch request 0563486449 zodwallop (USA: NJ) 2009/05/16
231.4 +0.1 231.5 added book to inventory 0563486430 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/16
231.3 +0.1 231.4 added book to inventory 0563486449 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/16
231.2 +0.1 231.3 added book to inventory 0330485385 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/16
228.2 +3 231.2 gave points for mooch request 0752836889 Aspa (Greece) 2009/05/15
227.2 +1 228.2 gave points for mooch request 0349118973 maire (United Kingdom) 2009/05/15
227.1 +0.1 227.2 added book to inventory 0749301910 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
224.1 +3 227.1 gave points for mooch request 0140178570 lkkirk (USA: IL) 2009/05/14
224 +0.1 224.1 added book to inventory 0747405492 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
223.9 +0.1 224 added book to inventory 0349118957 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
223.8 +0.1 223.9 added book to inventory 034082526X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
223.7 +0.1 223.8 added book to inventory 0349118973 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
223.6 +0.1 223.7 added book to inventory 9780330507905 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
223.5 +0.1 223.6 added book to inventory 1903867088 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
223.4 +0.1 223.5 added book to inventory 0340693096 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
223.5 -0.1 223.4 removed book from inventory 0340693096 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
223.4 +0.1 223.5 added book to inventory 0340693096 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
223.3 +0.1 223.4 added book to inventory 014014658X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
223.2 +0.1 223.3 added book to inventory 0340389303 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
223.1 +0.1 223.2 added book to inventory 0330373250 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
223 +0.1 223.1 added book to inventory 0752849573 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
222.9 +0.1 223 added book to inventory 0671773925 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
222.8 +0.1 222.9 added book to inventory 0752836862 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
222.7 +0.1 222.8 added book to inventory 0140178570 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
222.6 +0.1 222.7 added book to inventory 055215248X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
222.5 +0.1 222.6 added book to inventory 1844540839 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
222.4 +0.1 222.5 added book to inventory 0340734868 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
222.3 +0.1 222.4 added book to inventory 0007136757 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
222.2 +0.1 222.3 added book to inventory 0099175525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
222.1 +0.1 222.2 added book to inventory 0340860758 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
222 +0.1 222.1 added book to inventory 0007190158 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
221.9 +0.1 222 added book to inventory 0590474782 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
221.8 +0.1 221.9 added book to inventory 0304364169 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
221.7 +0.1 221.8 added book to inventory 0755307607 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
221.6 +0.1 221.7 added book to inventory 0752201581 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
221.7 -0.1 221.6 removed book from inventory 0552999342 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
221.8 -0.1 221.7 removed book from inventory 0552999334 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/14
218.8 +3 221.8 gave points for mooch request 1846075882 Antony Deter (USA: IL) 2009/05/13
220.8 -2 218.8 deducted points for mooch request 002008823X Sara (USA: MN) 2009/05/13
220.7 +0.1 220.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345347706 Jeannie (USA: FL) 2009/05/13
220.6 +0.1 220.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 071195495X elpeebee (United Kingdom) 2009/05/13
220.5 +0.1 220.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0872261670 Kim (USA: FL) 2009/05/13
217.5 +3 220.5 gave points for mooch request 0755335260 sue (USA: MA) 2009/05/12
217.4 +0.1 217.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0751529966 kirayna (United Kingdom) 2009/05/11
217.3 +0.1 217.4 added book to inventory 0755335260 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/11
218.3 -1 217.3 deducted points for mooch request 071195495X elpeebee (United Kingdom) 2009/05/11
218.2 +0.1 218.3 added book to inventory 0874519470 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/11
221.2 -3 218.2 donated points to charity emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/10
223.2 -2 221.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553574671 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/10
225.2 -2 223.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451181425 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/10
227.2 -2 225.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451201523 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/10
229.2 -2 227.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451222008 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/10
231.2 -2 229.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451207211 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/10
233.2 -2 231.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451224841 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/10
235.2 -2 233.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451202759 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/10
237.2 -2 235.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451211715 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/10
239.2 -2 237.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451185129 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/10
241.2 -2 239.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451199987 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/10
243.2 -2 241.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451188209 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/10
240.2 +3 243.2 gave points for mooch request 1846075890 chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2009/05/10
237.2 +3 240.2 gave points for mooch request 019282516X bbcrad (USA: NJ) 2009/05/10
237.1 +0.1 237.2 added book to inventory 1846075882 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/10
237 +0.1 237.1 added book to inventory 1846075890 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/10
236.9 +0.1 237 added book to inventory 019282516X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/10
238.9 -2 236.9 deducted points for mooch request 0399148132 Earlybird205 (USA: NY) 2009/05/10
240.9 -2 238.9 deducted points for mooch request 0312977956 Simone (USA: WA) 2009/05/10
242.9 -2 240.9 deducted points for mooch request 0684809753 Book Zombie (Canada) 2009/05/10
239.9 +3 242.9 gave points for mooch request 1843172771 Bec (Australia) 2009/05/08
236.9 +3 239.9 gave points for mooch request 0283073500 Bec (Australia) 2009/05/08
235.9 +1 236.9 gave points for mooch request 1741660661 BBStart Volunteer Library Project (United Kingdom) 2009/05/07
232.9 +3 235.9 gave points for mooch request 0099441519 mareofthesea (Canada) 2009/05/06
232.8 +0.1 232.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553025759 Tito Prates (Brazil) 2009/05/05
229.8 +3 232.8 gave points for mooch request 0553251023 Cece (USA: PA) 2009/05/05
228.8 +1 229.8 gave points for mooch request 0340707909 Dan (United Kingdom) 2009/05/03
225.8 +3 228.8 gave points for mooch request 0140448209 natan azizov (USA: NY) 2009/05/03
225.7 +0.1 225.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1905005180 Skm002003 (United Kingdom) 2009/05/02
227.7 -2 225.7 deducted points for mooch request 0345347706 Jeannie (USA: FL) 2009/05/02
229.7 -2 227.7 deducted points for mooch request 0872261670 Kim (USA: FL) 2009/05/02
229.6 +0.1 229.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0892819111 Theresa (USA: NY) 2009/05/02
229.5 +0.1 229.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747580995 chunnie (United Kingdom) 2009/05/02
229.4 +0.1 229.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0874519470 Tom Constable (United Kingdom) 2009/05/02
229.3 +0.1 229.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380762951 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/02
229.2 +0.1 229.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380800780 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/02
229.1 +0.1 229.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380815648 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/05/02
226.1 +3 229.1 gave points for mooch request 1846075904 Nikolle (USA: WI) 2009/05/01
223.1 +3 226.1 gave points for mooch request 1846075920 chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2009/05/01
220.1 +3 223.1 gave points for mooch request 1846075971 Aliera (USA: MD) 2009/05/01
220 +0.1 220.1 added book to inventory 1846075971 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/01
217 +3 220 gave points for mooch request 1846075939 Stefanie (USA: WA) 2009/05/01
216 +1 217 mooch cancelled by requestor 0099472570 Amy (United Kingdom) 2009/05/01
215.9 +0.1 216 added book to inventory 1846075904 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/01
215.8 +0.1 215.9 added book to inventory 1846075939 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/01
215.7 +0.1 215.8 added book to inventory 1846075920 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/01
212.7 +3 215.7 gave points for mooch request 1846075955 chelonianmobile (USA: MA) 2009/05/01
212.6 +0.1 212.7 added book to inventory 1846075955 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/05/01
214.6 -2 212.6 deducted points for mooch request 1860492959 t.tara (USA: CA) 2009/04/30
211.6 +3 214.6 gave points for mooch request 075820230X Julie Golding Page (Canada) 2009/04/28
211.5 +0.1 211.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0426193261 JohnnyinCT (USA: CT) 2009/04/28
213.5 -2 211.5 deducted points for mooch request 0892819111 Theresa (USA: NY) 2009/04/27
213.4 +0.1 213.5 added book to inventory 0743462505 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/27
214.4 -1 213.4 deducted points for mooch request 0747580995 chunnie (United Kingdom) 2009/04/27
216.4 -2 214.4 deducted points for mooch request 9781597894845 WordLily (USA: NE) 2009/04/27
215.4 +1 216.4 gave points for mooch request 0753508141 Peta (United Kingdom) 2009/04/27
214.4 +1 215.4 gave points for mooch request 0753812819 Peta (United Kingdom) 2009/04/27
213.4 +1 214.4 gave points for mooch request 034910008X dna (Hungary) 2009/04/26
215.4 -2 213.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425225486 kelly (Canada) 2009/04/26
217.4 -2 215.4 deducted points for mooch request 0312936761 kelly (Canada) 2009/04/26
219.4 -2 217.4 deducted points for mooch request 0099474182 Joop van den Berg (Netherlands) 2009/04/26
219.5 -0.1 219.4 removed book from inventory 0349109435 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/26
218.5 +1 219.5 lost in the mail says book owner 014027894X trudy2 (United Kingdom) 2009/04/26
218.4 +0.1 218.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312922051 Nancy Brown (USA: VA) 2009/04/25
219.4 -1 218.4 deducted points for mooch request 1905005180 Skm002003 (United Kingdom) 2009/04/23
220.4 -1 219.4 deducted points for mooch request 0874519470 Tom Constable (United Kingdom) 2009/04/23
218.4 +2 220.4 mooch rejected by book owner 0425221393 angel (USA: LA) 2009/04/23
218.3 +0.1 218.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425201929 Janine (USA: PA) 2009/04/23
220.3 -2 218.3 deducted points for mooch request 1580175848 delta888 (Canada) 2009/04/22
222.3 -2 220.3 deducted points for mooch request 1741784700 Bec (Australia) 2009/04/22
224.3 -2 222.3 deducted points for mooch request 0758221991 ^Mary^ (USA: FL) 2009/04/22
224.2 +0.1 224.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330456520 jan whiley (United Kingdom) 2009/04/22
224.1 +0.1 224.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553241907 John Blood (USA: MI) 2009/04/22
226.1 -2 224.1 deducted points for mooch request 0812563581 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/04/22
228.1 -2 226.1 deducted points for mooch request 034544793X emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/04/22
232.1 -4 228.1 donated points to charity emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/04/21
234.1 -2 232.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380815656 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/04/21
236.1 -2 234.1 deducted points for mooch request 038076296X emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/04/21
238.1 -2 236.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451218620 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/04/21
240.1 -2 238.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451203224 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/04/21
242.1 -2 240.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553584707 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/04/21
244.1 -2 242.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380800780 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/04/21
246.1 -2 244.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380762978 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/04/21
248.1 -2 246.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380815648 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/04/21
250.1 -2 248.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380762951 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/04/21
252.1 -2 250.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380778793 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/04/21
254.1 -2 252.1 deducted points for mooch request 038081563X emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/04/21
256.1 -2 254.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451407288 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/04/21
258.1 -2 256.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425142108 emessufan (USA: MI) 2009/04/21
258 +0.1 258.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451209850 Nancy McGinn (USA: WV) 2009/04/21
257.9 +0.1 258 receiver acknowledged receiving book 044650582X Michelle (USA: ME) 2009/04/21
256.9 +1 257.9 gave points for mooch request 1841958522 Carl S. (United Kingdom) 2009/04/20
255.9 +1 256.9 gave points for mooch request 0330334808 Lorraine (United Kingdom) 2009/04/20
255.8 +0.1 255.9 added book to inventory 1841958522 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/20
257.8 -2 255.8 deducted points for mooch request 0312916787 Resurrected Books (USA: WA) 2009/04/20
256.8 +1 257.8 gave points for mooch request 1416526331 marion (United Kingdom) 2009/04/20
253.8 +3 256.8 gave points for mooch request 1904977731 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2009/04/19
250.8 +3 253.8 gave points for mooch request 190604001X jacquie (United Kingdom) 2009/04/19
247.8 +3 250.8 gave points for mooch request 1844282937 Stephanie (Australia) 2009/04/19
247.7 +0.1 247.8 added book to inventory 190604001X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/19
247.6 +0.1 247.7 added book to inventory 0340931981 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/19
247.5 +0.1 247.6 added book to inventory 1416526331 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/19
244.5 +3 247.5 gave points for mooch request 0753821311 Geophile (Canada) 2009/04/19
241.5 +3 244.5 gave points for mooch request 0312985258 ncampbell (USA) 2009/04/19
238.5 +3 241.5 gave points for mooch request 0140448195 dulcinea (USA: NY) 2009/04/19
238.4 +0.1 238.5 added book to inventory 0753508141 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/19
238.3 +0.1 238.4 added book to inventory 0753821311 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/19
238.2 +0.1 238.3 added book to inventory B002675MRQ Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/19
238.1 +0.1 238.2 added book to inventory 0312985258 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/19
240.1 -2 238.1 deducted points for mooch request 0312922051 Nancy Brown (USA: VA) 2009/04/19
242.1 -2 240.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425201929 Janine (USA: PA) 2009/04/19
244.1 -2 242.1 deducted points for mooch request 1558531319 DebL (USA: NC) 2009/04/19
246.1 -2 244.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425221393 angel (USA: LA) 2009/04/19
247.1 -1 246.1 deducted points for mooch request 0330456520 jan whiley (United Kingdom) 2009/04/19
249.1 -2 247.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451403797 Shelia (USA: VA) 2009/04/19
249.2 -0.1 249.1 removed book from inventory 1844133729 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/18
249.1 +0.1 249.2 added book to inventory 1844133729 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/18
249 +0.1 249.1 added book to inventory 1850522316 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/18
251 -2 249 deducted points for mooch request 0426193261 JohnnyinCT (USA: CT) 2009/04/18
250.9 +0.1 251 added book to inventory 0140448195 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/18
250.8 +0.1 250.9 added book to inventory 0330448641 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/18
250.7 +0.1 250.8 added book to inventory 0330452118 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/18
250.6 +0.1 250.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141187220 Robert MacDonald (Russian Federation) 2009/04/18
250.5 +0.1 250.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1905802153 Leece (United Kingdom) 2009/04/18
250.4 +0.1 250.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553275860 Janette (France) 2009/04/18
250.3 +0.1 250.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1841195650 Denise (United Kingdom) 2009/04/16
250.2 +0.1 250.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0426201353 Penny Waugh (United Kingdom) 2009/04/16
250.1 +0.1 250.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0426102924 mellis107 (United Kingdom) 2009/04/16
252.1 -2 250.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451209850 Nancy McGinn (USA: WV) 2009/04/16
251.1 +1 252.1 gave points for mooch request 0747589305 lotuscandy (United Kingdom) 2009/04/16
251.2 -0.1 251.1 removed book from inventory 0330350706 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/15
250.2 +1 251.2 gave points for mooch request 0575079754 Rob Brooks (United Kingdom) 2009/04/15
250.1 +0.1 250.2 added book to inventory 0575079754 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/15
250 +0.1 250.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380712377 Linda (USA: PA) 2009/04/15
247 +3 250 gave points for mooch request 0563486392 Kallikrates (France) 2009/04/15
246.9 +0.1 247 added book to inventory 0563486392 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/15
248.9 -2 246.9 deducted points for mooch request 0553025759 Tito Prates (Brazil) 2009/04/15
245.9 +3 248.9 gave points for mooch request 0753813165 Cherrie (Netherlands) 2009/04/15
242.9 +3 245.9 gave points for mooch request 1857025717 Kathy (Canada) 2009/04/14
245.9 -3 242.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0140448209 Kathy (Canada) 2009/04/14
242.9 +3 245.9 gave points for mooch request 0140448209 Kathy (Canada) 2009/04/14
239.9 +3 242.9 gave points for mooch request 034092053X starfishian (Canada) 2009/04/14
236.9 +3 239.9 gave points for mooch request 1842556215 A.H. Sturgis (USA: VA) 2009/04/14
233.9 +3 236.9 gave points for mooch request 1841959065 Tinwara (Netherlands) 2009/04/14
230.9 +3 233.9 gave points for mooch request 0575601965 Kevin (USA: MI) 2009/04/13
229.9 +1 230.9 gave points for mooch request 0571235131 alcestis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
228.9 +1 229.9 gave points for mooch request 1841958875 kevhowson (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
229.9 -1 228.9 deducted points for mooch request 1841195650 Denise (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
226.9 +3 229.9 gave points for mooch request 033048298X Melissasyd (Australia) 2009/04/13
223.9 +3 226.9 gave points for mooch request 0747585911 Lauren (USA: MD) 2009/04/13
223.8 +0.1 223.9 added book to inventory 0712684115 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
223.7 +0.1 223.8 added book to inventory 0752847961 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
220.7 +3 223.7 gave points for mooch request 0340822953 Lyonsy (Ireland) 2009/04/13
220.6 +0.1 220.7 added book to inventory 0753812819 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
220.5 +0.1 220.6 added book to inventory 0553285289 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
220.4 +0.1 220.5 added book to inventory 0553251023 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
218.4 +2 220.4 mooch rejected by book owner 0684803860 teastman (USA: KS) 2009/04/13
218.3 +0.1 218.4 added book to inventory 0380718235 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
218.2 +0.1 218.3 added book to inventory 0759320314 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
218.1 +0.1 218.2 added book to inventory 1741660661 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
218 +0.1 218.1 added book to inventory 034910008X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
215 +3 218 gave points for mooch request 0753823632 Jennifer (Canada) 2009/04/13
214.9 +0.1 215 added book to inventory 0283073500 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
214.8 +0.1 214.9 added book to inventory 0006862993 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
214.7 +0.1 214.8 added book to inventory 033048298X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
214.6 +0.1 214.7 added book to inventory B001TLPABI Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
214.5 +0.1 214.6 added book to inventory 0312944918 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
214.4 +0.1 214.5 added book to inventory 0747265232 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
214.3 +0.1 214.4 added book to inventory 0330492691 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
214.2 +0.1 214.3 added book to inventory 0786889004 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
214.1 +0.1 214.2 added book to inventory 075820230X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
214 +0.1 214.1 added book to inventory 0316727261 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
212 +2 214 mooch cancelled by requestor BM1230342327823929547 meagan (Australia) 2009/04/13
209 +3 212 gave points for mooch request 0571229743 melanie (USA: MD) 2009/04/13
208.9 +0.1 209 added book to inventory 0755315502 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
208.8 +0.1 208.9 added book to inventory 1841958875 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
208.7 +0.1 208.8 added book to inventory 1841959065 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
208.6 +0.1 208.7 added book to inventory 0552999342 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
208.5 +0.1 208.6 added book to inventory 0552999334 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
208.4 +0.1 208.5 added book to inventory 0571235131 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
208.3 +0.1 208.4 added book to inventory 0340708530 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
208.2 +0.1 208.3 added book to inventory 0755314581 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
208.1 +0.1 208.2 added book to inventory 034092053X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
205.1 +3 208.1 gave points for mooch request 0439871786 Eric Winger (USA: OR) 2009/04/13
205 +0.1 205.1 added book to inventory 1841957615 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
204.9 +0.1 205 added book to inventory 1842555499 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
204.8 +0.1 204.9 added book to inventory 1852429283 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
204.7 +0.1 204.8 added book to inventory 1843541106 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
204.6 +0.1 204.7 added book to inventory 057507308X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
204.5 +0.1 204.6 added book to inventory 0571227090 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
204.4 +0.1 204.5 added book to inventory 0752882473 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
203.4 +1 204.4 gave points for mooch request 034083952X seanat (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
203.3 +0.1 203.4 added book to inventory 0755309456 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
203.2 +0.1 203.3 added book to inventory 0330411535 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
203.1 +0.1 203.2 added book to inventory 0575601965 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
203 +0.1 203.1 added book to inventory 0340829958 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
202.9 +0.1 203 added book to inventory 1843172771 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
202.8 +0.1 202.9 added book to inventory 0340831642 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
202.7 +0.1 202.8 added book to inventory 0751533351 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
201.7 +1 202.7 gave points for mooch request 0340917326 Tria (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
201.6 +0.1 201.7 added book to inventory 0439871786 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
201.5 +0.1 201.6 added book to inventory 0091899206 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
201.4 +0.1 201.5 added book to inventory 0140448209 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
201.3 +0.1 201.4 added book to inventory 1852426888 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
201.2 +0.1 201.3 added book to inventory 0340917326 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
201.1 +0.1 201.2 added book to inventory 0753813165 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
201 +0.1 201.1 added book to inventory 0747589305 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
200.9 +0.1 201 added book to inventory 0340895934 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
200.8 +0.1 200.9 added book to inventory 1852422181 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
200.7 +0.1 200.8 added book to inventory 1406303933 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
200.6 +0.1 200.7 added book to inventory 1844280993 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
200.5 +0.1 200.6 added book to inventory 0747585911 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
200.4 +0.1 200.5 added book to inventory 0340822953 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
200.3 +0.1 200.4 added book to inventory 0753823632 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
200.2 +0.1 200.3 added book to inventory 0747585105 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
200.1 +0.1 200.2 added book to inventory 034083868X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
200 +0.1 200.1 added book to inventory 1844282937 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
199.9 +0.1 200 added book to inventory 0340751525 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
199.8 +0.1 199.9 added book to inventory 0575072873 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
199.7 +0.1 199.8 added book to inventory 0141017805 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
199.6 +0.1 199.7 added book to inventory 1842556215 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
199.5 +0.1 199.6 added book to inventory 184354153X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
199.4 +0.1 199.5 added book to inventory 034083952X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
199.3 +0.1 199.4 added book to inventory 1904977731 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
199.2 +0.1 199.3 added book to inventory 0571229743 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
201.2 -2 199.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553241907 John Blood (USA: MI) 2009/04/13
202.2 -1 201.2 deducted points for mooch request 0426201353 Penny Waugh (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
202.1 +0.1 202.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0007150938 Ignacio (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
203.1 -1 202.1 deducted points for mooch request 1905802153 Leece (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
205.1 -2 203.1 deducted points for mooch request 0684803860 teastman (USA: KS) 2009/04/13
207.1 -2 205.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553275860 Janette (France) 2009/04/13
206.1 +1 207.1 gave points for mooch request 0747250359 Jodie (United Kingdom) 2009/04/13
203.1 +3 206.1 gave points for mooch request 0330493345 BrownAnt (Canada) 2009/04/12
202.1 +1 203.1 gave points for mooch request 0745922414 Kerry Hale (United Kingdom) 2009/04/09
204.1 -2 202.1 deducted points for mooch request 044650582X Michelle (USA: ME) 2009/04/07
204 +0.1 204.1 added book to inventory 0330493345 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/06
205 -1 204 deducted points for mooch request 0426102924 mellis107 (United Kingdom) 2009/04/06
204.9 +0.1 205 added book to inventory 0743444043 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/06
205.9 -1 204.9 deducted points for mooch request 0007150938 Ignacio (United Kingdom) 2009/04/06
205.8 +0.1 205.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553584340 Betty (USA: GA) 2009/04/06
207.8 -2 205.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425179885 Megan (USA: CA) 2009/04/06
207.9 -0.1 207.8 removed book from inventory 0751538167 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/05
207.8 +0.1 207.9 added book to inventory 0745922414 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/05
207.7 +0.1 207.8 added book to inventory 0745930476 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/05
206.7 +1 207.7 gave points for mooch request 0007266758 Curzon Tussaud (United Kingdom) 2009/04/05
206.6 +0.1 206.7 added book to inventory 0575077115 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/05
206.5 +0.1 206.6 added book to inventory 0747250359 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/05
206.4 +0.1 206.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0445402296 BARBARA CLEMENS HEIDRICH (USA: ID) 2009/04/05
206.3 +0.1 206.4 added book to inventory 0349109435 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/05
206.2 +0.1 206.3 added book to inventory 000649840X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/05
206.1 +0.1 206.2 added book to inventory 0708807828 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/05
206 +0.1 206.1 added book to inventory 042611308X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/05
205.9 +0.1 206 added book to inventory 0426103726 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/05
205.8 +0.1 205.9 added book to inventory 0426117034 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/05
205.7 +0.1 205.8 added book to inventory 0330341103 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/05
205.8 -0.1 205.7 removed book from inventory 0007165013 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/05
205.7 +0.1 205.8 added book to inventory 0007266758 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/05
205.6 +0.1 205.7 added book to inventory 0345466616 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/05
205.5 +0.1 205.6 added book to inventory 0007165013 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/05
205.4 +0.1 205.5 added book to inventory 0330346849 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/05
205.3 +0.1 205.4 added book to inventory 0752864505 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/05
204.3 +1 205.3 gave points for mooch request 0755330374 tiggsybabes (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
204.2 +0.1 204.3 added book to inventory 0751538167 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
205.2 -1 204.2 deducted points for mooch request 067088197X Dan (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
206.2 -1 205.2 deducted points for mooch request 0060540184 Dan (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
207.2 -1 206.2 deducted points for mooch request 0440226066 Dan (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
207.1 +0.1 207.2 added book to inventory 072253843X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
207 +0.1 207.1 added book to inventory 0330350706 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
206.9 +0.1 207 added book to inventory 0425158594 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
206.8 +0.1 206.9 added book to inventory 0330334808 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
203.8 +3 206.8 gave points for mooch request 0575076496 thebookie (USA) 2009/04/04
200.8 +3 203.8 gave points for mooch request 1846075580 P.G. Husted (USA: TX) 2009/04/04
200.9 -0.1 200.8 removed book from inventory 0099453835 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
200.8 +0.1 200.9 added book to inventory 0330390406 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
200.7 +0.1 200.8 added book to inventory 1857025717 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
200.6 +0.1 200.7 added book to inventory 1846075580 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
200.5 +0.1 200.6 added book to inventory 0752836889 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
200.4 +0.1 200.5 added book to inventory 0340707909 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
200.3 +0.1 200.4 added book to inventory 0755330374 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
200.2 +0.1 200.3 added book to inventory 0099453835 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
200.1 +0.1 200.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743259823 Rosie Reynolds (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
199.1 +1 200.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 1401905005 Kavit (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
198.1 +1 199.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0340862858 Kavit (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
198 +0.1 198.1 added book to inventory 0575076496 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
197.9 +0.1 198 added book to inventory 0099441519 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
197.8 +0.1 197.9 added book to inventory 0007265174 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
197.7 +0.1 197.8 added book to inventory 9780330456333 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
197.6 +0.1 197.7 added book to inventory 0330411535 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
197.5 +0.1 197.6 added book to inventory 0007196970 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
197.4 +0.1 197.5 added book to inventory 9780330455404 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
197.3 +0.1 197.4 added book to inventory 0330339095 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/04/04
197.2 +0.1 197.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0349118817 Andrew (United Kingdom) 2009/04/03
199.2 -2 197.2 deducted points for mooch request 0425205800 Megan (USA: CA) 2009/04/03
201.2 -2 199.2 deducted points for mooch request 0141187220 Robert MacDonald (Russian Federation) 2009/04/03
201.1 +0.1 201.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0752882155 jojotolkien (United Kingdom) 2009/04/02
201 +0.1 201.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1841830313 jojotolkien (United Kingdom) 2009/04/02
200.9 +0.1 201 receiver acknowledged receiving book 190606153X Mark (United Kingdom) 2009/04/01
200.8 +0.1 200.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425190854 kelly (Canada) 2009/04/01
200.7 +0.1 200.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451048229 dawn (Canada) 2009/04/01
200.6 +0.1 200.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 184046058X callitconspiracy (United Kingdom) 2009/04/01
197.6 +3 200.6 gave points for mooch request 0099388618 Tone Marie Berg (Norway) 2009/03/31
197.5 +0.1 197.6 added book to inventory 0099388618 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/31
198.5 -1 197.5 deducted points for mooch request 0349118817 Andrew (United Kingdom) 2009/03/31
195.5 +3 198.5 gave points for mooch request 0758210191 Yvonne (USA: VA) 2009/03/29
196.5 -1 195.5 deducted points for mooch request 0743259823 Rosie Reynolds (United Kingdom) 2009/03/29
197.5 -1 196.5 deducted points for mooch request 190606153X Mark (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
198.5 -1 197.5 deducted points for mooch request 0752882155 jojotolkien (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
200.5 -2 198.5 deducted points for mooch request 0375700293 chris (Japan) 2009/03/28
202.5 -2 200.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425206181 chris (Japan) 2009/03/28
202.4 +0.1 202.5 added book to inventory 0060002492 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
202.3 +0.1 202.4 added book to inventory 0330446959 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
202.2 +0.1 202.3 added book to inventory 0758210191 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
202.3 -0.1 202.2 removed book from inventory 0758210191 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
202.2 +0.1 202.3 added book to inventory 0758210191 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
202.3 -0.1 202.2 removed book from inventory 0758210191 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
202.2 +0.1 202.3 added book to inventory 0758210191 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
202.3 -0.1 202.2 removed book from inventory 1845020499 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
202.4 -0.1 202.3 removed book from inventory 0752837524 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
202.5 -0.1 202.4 removed book from inventory 0586052186 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
202.6 -0.1 202.5 removed book from inventory 0340831987 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
202.7 -0.1 202.6 removed book from inventory 0099460343 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
202.8 -0.1 202.7 removed book from inventory 1854875191 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
202.9 -0.1 202.8 removed book from inventory 0373228376 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
203 -0.1 202.9 removed book from inventory 072253843X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
203.1 -0.1 203 removed book from inventory 0330411535 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
203.2 -0.1 203.1 removed book from inventory 0460874969 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
203.3 -0.1 203.2 removed book from inventory 0007265174 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
203.4 -0.1 203.3 removed book from inventory 044669651X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
203.5 -0.1 203.4 removed book from inventory 0349110859 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
203.6 -0.1 203.5 removed book from inventory 1854877070 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
203.7 -0.1 203.6 removed book from inventory 0586060545 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
203.8 -0.1 203.7 removed book from inventory 1844133729 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
203.9 -0.1 203.8 removed book from inventory 0099439883 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
204 -0.1 203.9 removed book from inventory 0099289962 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
204.1 -0.1 204 removed book from inventory B0014F1RN4 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
204.2 -0.1 204.1 removed book from inventory 0330392018 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
204.3 -0.1 204.2 removed book from inventory 9780330455466 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
204.4 -0.1 204.3 removed book from inventory 0330341103 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
204.5 -0.1 204.4 removed book from inventory 0312954204 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
204.6 -0.1 204.5 removed book from inventory 000649840X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
204.7 -0.1 204.6 removed book from inventory 0552118729 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
204.8 -0.1 204.7 removed book from inventory 0712684115 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
204.9 -0.1 204.8 removed book from inventory 0140707018 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
205 -0.1 204.9 removed book from inventory 0140450203 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
205.1 -0.1 205 removed book from inventory 0752836889 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
205.2 -0.1 205.1 removed book from inventory 074930362X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
205.3 -0.1 205.2 removed book from inventory 0099286602 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
205.4 -0.1 205.3 removed book from inventory 0099441519 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
205.5 -0.1 205.4 removed book from inventory 1901982912 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
205.6 -0.1 205.5 removed book from inventory 0745932061 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
205.7 -0.1 205.6 removed book from inventory 0007776004 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
205.8 -0.1 205.7 removed book from inventory 044661212X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
205.9 -0.1 205.8 removed book from inventory B001KTOAVU Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
206 -0.1 205.9 removed book from inventory 0241140935 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
206.1 -0.1 206 removed book from inventory 0426103726 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
206.2 -0.1 206.1 removed book from inventory 0330487949 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
206.3 -0.1 206.2 removed book from inventory 0747249962 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
206.4 -0.1 206.3 removed book from inventory 074726063X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
206.5 -0.1 206.4 removed book from inventory 0099140810 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
206.6 -0.1 206.5 removed book from inventory 0745931820 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
206.7 -0.1 206.6 removed book from inventory 0340707909 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
206.8 -0.1 206.7 removed book from inventory 0330421174 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
206.9 -0.1 206.8 removed book from inventory 0330392352 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
207 -0.1 206.9 removed book from inventory 1854872362 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
207.1 -0.1 207 removed book from inventory 0007196970 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
207.2 -0.1 207.1 removed book from inventory 0425158594 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
207.3 -0.1 207.2 removed book from inventory 0340920858 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
207.4 -0.1 207.3 removed book from inventory 0140621873 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
207.5 -0.1 207.4 removed book from inventory 0722530358 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
207.6 -0.1 207.5 removed book from inventory 0747241872 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
207.7 -0.1 207.6 removed book from inventory 0426110331 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
207.8 -0.1 207.7 removed book from inventory 0426108744 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
207.9 -0.1 207.8 removed book from inventory 0330232215 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
208 -0.1 207.9 removed book from inventory 1407207075 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
208.1 -0.1 208 removed book from inventory 0002258463 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
208.2 -0.1 208.1 removed book from inventory 0099478943 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
208.3 -0.1 208.2 removed book from inventory 0099759713 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
208.4 -0.1 208.3 removed book from inventory 0099446782 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
208.5 -0.1 208.4 removed book from inventory 034070733X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
208.6 -0.1 208.5 removed book from inventory 0712680012 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
208.7 -0.1 208.6 removed book from inventory 0745933084 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
208.8 -0.1 208.7 removed book from inventory 0099380005 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
208.9 -0.1 208.8 removed book from inventory 0755325354 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
209 -0.1 208.9 removed book from inventory 0751524646 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
209.1 -0.1 209 removed book from inventory 0140293477 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
209.2 -0.1 209.1 removed book from inventory 0141017805 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
209.3 -0.1 209.2 removed book from inventory 0747249415 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
209.4 -0.1 209.3 removed book from inventory 0745936466 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
209.5 -0.1 209.4 removed book from inventory 0330432745 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
209.6 -0.1 209.5 removed book from inventory 0330367358 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
209.7 -0.1 209.6 removed book from inventory 0745910513 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
209.8 -0.1 209.7 removed book from inventory 0505525720 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
209.9 -0.1 209.8 removed book from inventory 0552146544 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
210 -0.1 209.9 removed book from inventory 1853264385 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
210.1 -0.1 210 removed book from inventory 0426117034 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
210.2 -0.1 210.1 removed book from inventory B001KT97RW Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
210.3 -0.1 210.2 removed book from inventory 0340734027 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
210.4 -0.1 210.3 removed book from inventory B001F0RA4S Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
210.5 -0.1 210.4 removed book from inventory 0743231392 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
210.6 -0.1 210.5 removed book from inventory 0330346849 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
210.7 -0.1 210.6 removed book from inventory 0552145785 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
210.8 -0.1 210.7 removed book from inventory 0330351834 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
210.9 -0.1 210.8 removed book from inventory 0330338056 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
211 -0.1 210.9 removed book from inventory 0330338048 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
211.1 -0.1 211 removed book from inventory 0330338064 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
211.2 -0.1 211.1 removed book from inventory 0752878212 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
211.3 -0.1 211.2 removed book from inventory 0575077115 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
211.4 -0.1 211.3 removed book from inventory 0708807828 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
211.5 -0.1 211.4 removed book from inventory 0586056173 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
211.6 -0.1 211.5 removed book from inventory 0752864505 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
211.7 -0.1 211.6 removed book from inventory 0330354884 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
211.8 -0.1 211.7 removed book from inventory 1853264180 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
211.9 -0.1 211.8 removed book from inventory 0747580774 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
212 -0.1 211.9 removed book from inventory 0330339095 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
212.1 -0.1 212 removed book from inventory 0330348507 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
212.2 -0.1 212.1 removed book from inventory 0330349821 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
212.3 -0.1 212.2 removed book from inventory 0586208313 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
212.4 -0.1 212.3 removed book from inventory 0349108129 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
212.5 -0.1 212.4 removed book from inventory 0786245700 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
212.6 -0.1 212.5 removed book from inventory 0755302435 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
212.7 -0.1 212.6 removed book from inventory 0230017746 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
212.8 -0.1 212.7 removed book from inventory 0007165013 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
212.9 -0.1 212.8 removed book from inventory 0141029552 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/28
209.9 +3 212.9 gave points for mooch request 0749315148 Kousei (USA: OH) 2009/03/28
211.9 -2 209.9 deducted points for mooch request 0553584340 Betty (USA: GA) 2009/03/27
212.9 -1 211.9 deducted points for mooch request 1841830313 jojotolkien (United Kingdom) 2009/03/27
214.9 -2 212.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425190854 kelly (Canada) 2009/03/26
211.9 +3 214.9 gave points for mooch request 0297848143 Clare (France) 2009/03/26
210.9 +1 211.9 gave points for mooch request 0006514154 Lynne (United Kingdom) 2009/03/25
210.8 +0.1 210.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671014447 BARBARA CLEMENS HEIDRICH (USA: ID) 2009/03/25
210.7 +0.1 210.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0449006301 BARBARA CLEMENS HEIDRICH (USA: ID) 2009/03/25
210.6 +0.1 210.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380720795 BARBARA CLEMENS HEIDRICH (USA: ID) 2009/03/25
207.6 +3 210.6 gave points for mooch request 0007266758 talisa (Israel) 2009/03/25
206.6 +1 207.6 gave points for mooch request 0099844206 jester1470 (United Kingdom) 2009/03/25
203.6 +3 206.6 gave points for mooch request 0755325508 Bree (Canada) 2009/03/24
200.6 +3 203.6 gave points for mooch request 0006551815 Mahria (Italy) 2009/03/20
202.6 -2 200.6 deducted points for mooch request BM1230342327823929547 meagan (Australia) 2009/03/18
203.6 -1 202.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0755323971 dave (USA: DC) - Colin Martin (United Kingdom) 2009/03/18
204.6 -1 203.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0751538310 dave (USA: DC) - Colin Martin (United Kingdom) 2009/03/18
205.6 -1 204.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0755342771 dave (USA: DC) - Colin Martin (United Kingdom) 2009/03/18
204.6 +1 205.6 gave points for mooch request 0743207718 John_from_Leeds (United Kingdom) 2009/03/18
203.6 +1 204.6 gave points for mooch request 0755323971 Colin Martin (United Kingdom) 2009/03/18
202.6 +1 203.6 gave points for mooch request 0751538310 Colin Martin (United Kingdom) 2009/03/18
201.6 +1 202.6 gave points for mooch request 0755342771 Colin Martin (United Kingdom) 2009/03/18
200.6 +1 201.6 lost in the mail says book owner 0552149659 chris cunningham (United Kingdom) 2009/03/16
200.5 +0.1 200.6 added book to inventory 0099441519 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/15
200.6 -0.1 200.5 removed book from inventory 0330334468 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/15
200.7 -0.1 200.6 removed book from inventory 0006543464 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/15
202.7 -2 200.7 deducted points for mooch request 0671014447 BARBARA CLEMENS HEIDRICH (USA: ID) 2009/03/15
204.7 -2 202.7 deducted points for mooch request 0449006301 BARBARA CLEMENS HEIDRICH (USA: ID) 2009/03/15
206.7 -2 204.7 deducted points for mooch request 0380720795 BARBARA CLEMENS HEIDRICH (USA: ID) 2009/03/15
208.7 -2 206.7 deducted points for mooch request 0445402296 BARBARA CLEMENS HEIDRICH (USA: ID) 2009/03/15
208.6 +0.1 208.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099284367 Cait (Ireland) 2009/03/15
208.5 +0.1 208.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553095870 brownbear (United Kingdom) 2009/03/14
208.4 +0.1 208.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553578316 brownbear (United Kingdom) 2009/03/14
207.4 +1 208.4 gave points for mooch request 0330332775 Allie (United Kingdom) 2009/03/13
207.3 +0.1 207.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553251023 Larry Gross (USA: FL) 2009/03/12
207.2 +0.1 207.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 080410526X Larry Gross (USA: FL) 2009/03/12
204.2 +3 207.2 gave points for mooch request 0571219292 Karli (USA: OR) 2009/03/11
201.2 +3 204.2 gave points for mooch request 0755309510 Sandra (Germany) 2009/03/11
198.2 +3 201.2 gave points for mooch request 0753821206 thefinchers (USA: GA) 2009/03/09
197.2 +1 198.2 gave points for mooch request 034068948X Sammie (United Kingdom) 2009/03/09
197.1 +0.1 197.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0804105820 Leo (USA: PA) 2009/03/09
197 +0.1 197.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0586091157 coldclimate (United Kingdom) 2009/03/09
196 +1 197 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425207064 bagpuss (United Kingdom) 2009/03/09
195 +1 196 mooch cancelled by requestor 1853286451 kimita77 (Australia) 2009/03/09
194.9 +0.1 195 added book to inventory 0753821206 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/09
194.8 +0.1 194.9 added book to inventory B001F0RA4S Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/09
191.8 +3 194.8 gave points for mooch request 033010165X sigwart (USA: IL) 2009/03/09
191.9 -0.1 191.8 removed book from inventory 0747550093 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/08
192.9 -1 191.9 deducted points for mooch request 0553095870 brownbear (United Kingdom) 2009/03/07
193.9 -1 192.9 deducted points for mooch request 0553578316 brownbear (United Kingdom) 2009/03/07
195.9 -2 193.9 deducted points for mooch request 0099284367 Cait (Ireland) 2009/03/07
193.9 +2 195.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0140282084 Ryan Radclyffe-Hall (Australia) 2009/03/07
193.8 +0.1 193.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0739467255 Debby (USA: CT) 2009/03/07
193.7 +0.1 193.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0713997974 Dan (United Kingdom) 2009/03/07
195.7 -2 193.7 deducted points for mooch request 0553125001 Mary (USA: OH) 2009/03/07
195.6 +0.1 195.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0749921226 Ben Walker (United Kingdom) 2009/03/07
195.5 +0.1 195.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330412728 John and Maureen Glen (United Kingdom) 2009/03/07
195.4 +0.1 195.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0783500254 rlw1979 (USA) 2009/03/07
195.3 +0.1 195.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440204429 wanda (USA: OK) 2009/03/07
195.2 +0.1 195.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553290487 wanda (USA: OK) 2009/03/07
195.3 -0.1 195.2 removed book from inventory 0571219292 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/04
195.2 +0.1 195.3 added book to inventory 0571219292 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/04
195.1 +0.1 195.2 added book to inventory 0571219292 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/04
195 +0.1 195.1 added book to inventory 0575077115 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/04
194.9 +0.1 195 receiver acknowledged receiving book B001DD88B6 SandyC (USA: PA) 2009/03/04
194.8 +0.1 194.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0340415495 Vespa (United Kingdom) 2009/03/04
193.8 +1 194.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0140181555 Jennifer (United Kingdom) 2009/03/01
193.7 +0.1 193.8 added book to inventory 0330334468 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/01
193.6 +0.1 193.7 added book to inventory 0330338064 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/01
193.5 +0.1 193.6 added book to inventory 0330349821 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/01
193.4 +0.1 193.5 added book to inventory 0330348507 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/01
193.3 +0.1 193.4 added book to inventory 0330341103 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/01
193.2 +0.1 193.3 added book to inventory 0330338056 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/01
193.1 +0.1 193.2 added book to inventory 0330346849 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/01
193 +0.1 193.1 added book to inventory 0330339095 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/01
192.9 +0.1 193 added book to inventory 0330338048 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/01
192.8 +0.1 192.9 added book to inventory 0312954204 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/01
189.8 +3 192.8 gave points for mooch request 0345455681 jackie_b (USA: MI) 2009/03/01
186.8 +3 189.8 gave points for mooch request 0755322983 jackie_b (USA: MI) 2009/03/01
186.7 +0.1 186.8 added book to inventory 0755322983 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/03/01
187.7 -1 186.7 deducted points for mooch request 0330412728 John and Maureen Glen (United Kingdom) 2009/03/01
189.7 -2 187.7 deducted points for mooch request 0553251023 Larry Gross (USA: FL) 2009/03/01
191.7 -2 189.7 deducted points for mooch request 080410526X Larry Gross (USA: FL) 2009/03/01
191.6 +0.1 191.7 added book to inventory 0007265174 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/28
193.6 -2 191.6 deducted points for mooch request 0380712377 Linda (USA: PA) 2009/02/28
193.5 +0.1 193.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0733615635 Nicky (Australia) 2009/02/28
193.4 +0.1 193.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345404378 Citation (Singapore) 2009/02/28
195.4 -2 193.4 deducted points for mooch request B001DD88B6 SandyC (USA: PA) 2009/02/27
195.3 +0.1 195.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380769344 LaVonne (USA: MN) 2009/02/27
195.2 +0.1 195.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0452284023 LK (USA: IL) 2009/02/27
197.2 -2 195.2 deducted points for mooch request 0804105820 Leo (USA: PA) 2009/02/27
194.2 +3 197.2 gave points for mooch request 0552124869 BT Keeney (USA: NC) 2009/02/27
193.2 +1 194.2 gave points for mooch request 0140620257 Daniel Watkins (United Kingdom) 2009/02/27
195.2 -2 193.2 deducted points for mooch request 0739467255 Debby (USA: CT) 2009/02/26
195.1 +0.1 195.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1905211201 Marjorie (United Kingdom) 2009/02/26
194.1 +1 195.1 gave points for mooch request 0752859536 sukh kak (United Kingdom) 2009/02/25
193.1 +1 194.1 lost in the mail says book owner 0330312731 Mali (United Kingdom) 2009/02/25
190.1 +3 193.1 gave points for mooch request 0575400153 Kathy (USA: ID) 2009/02/24
189.1 +1 190.1 gave points for mooch request 185326007X Daniel Watkins (United Kingdom) 2009/02/24
188.1 +1 189.1 gave points for mooch request 0140622500 Daniel Watkins (United Kingdom) 2009/02/24
187.1 +1 188.1 gave points for mooch request 1853260495 Daniel Watkins (United Kingdom) 2009/02/24
186.1 +1 187.1 gave points for mooch request 0749397543 Daniel Watkins (United Kingdom) 2009/02/24
187.1 -1 186.1 deducted points for mooch request 0713997974 Dan (United Kingdom) 2009/02/24
187 +0.1 187.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416522026 Charlotte (United Kingdom) 2009/02/24
189 -2 187 deducted points for mooch request 0783500254 rlw1979 (USA) 2009/02/24
188 +1 189 mooch rejected by book owner 0553814222 Hannah (United Kingdom) 2009/02/23
185 +3 188 gave points for mooch request 0006470653 VenusDoom (Sweden) 2009/02/23
184.9 +0.1 185 added book to inventory 1845020499 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/22
184.8 +0.1 184.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0426202023 Andrew (United Kingdom) 2009/02/22
184.7 +0.1 184.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0091884756 Kathie (United Kingdom) 2009/02/22
184.6 +0.1 184.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0007142943 Kathie (United Kingdom) 2009/02/22
184.5 +0.1 184.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 038524407X berrynat (USA) 2009/02/22
185.5 -1 184.5 deducted points for mooch request 0586091157 coldclimate (United Kingdom) 2009/02/21
185.4 +0.1 185.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060002492 Simon Edwards (United Kingdom) 2009/02/20
186.4 -1 185.4 deducted points for mooch request 1905211201 Marjorie (United Kingdom) 2009/02/20
186.5 -0.1 186.4 removed book from inventory 0753510502 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/19
186.4 +0.1 186.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312942109 stewblack (United Kingdom) 2009/02/19
183.4 +3 186.4 gave points for mooch request 0718143671 Amy and Daniel (Germany) 2009/02/19
185.4 -2 183.4 deducted points for mooch request 0380769344 LaVonne (USA: MN) 2009/02/18
185.3 +0.1 185.4 added book to inventory 0786245700 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/18
186.3 -1 185.3 deducted points for mooch request 0426202023 Andrew (United Kingdom) 2009/02/18
186.2 +0.1 186.3 added book to inventory 0752864505 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/18
186.1 +0.1 186.2 added book to inventory 0747550093 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/18
186 +0.1 186.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0753508141 Kim (United Kingdom) 2009/02/18
185.9 +0.1 186 receiver acknowledged receiving book B001K3IHTM realtordi (USA: IN) 2009/02/18
185.8 +0.1 185.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451208323 Debbie (Australia) 2009/02/17
185.9 -0.1 185.8 removed book from inventory 0333907493 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/17
182.9 +3 185.9 gave points for mooch request 0575075716 adamus (USA: FL) 2009/02/16
183.9 -1 182.9 deducted points for mooch request 0340415495 Vespa (United Kingdom) 2009/02/16
183.8 +0.1 183.9 added book to inventory B001KTOAVU Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/16
183.9 -0.1 183.8 removed book from inventory 1842430149 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/16
184 -0.1 183.9 removed book from inventory 0099465736 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/16
183.9 +0.1 184 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743400003 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/02/16
185.9 -2 183.9 deducted points for mooch request 0452284023 LK (USA: IL) 2009/02/16
184.9 +1 185.9 gave points for mooch request 0745922414 Shreena (United Kingdom) 2009/02/14
183.9 +1 184.9 gave points for mooch request 0006133940 Shreena (United Kingdom) 2009/02/14
182.9 +1 183.9 gave points for mooch request 0755349970 Colin Harding (United Kingdom) 2009/02/14
182.8 +0.1 182.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747576580 Cindy (United Kingdom) 2009/02/14
182.7 +0.1 182.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 006052734X Michelle (Netherlands) 2009/02/14
182.8 -0.1 182.7 removed book from inventory 0451189604 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/14
181.8 +1 182.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 1416522026 Mali (United Kingdom) 2009/02/14
182.8 -1 181.8 deducted points for mooch request 1416522026 Charlotte (United Kingdom) 2009/02/14
179.8 +3 182.8 gave points for mooch request 0752846124 Debbie (Australia) 2009/02/13
179.7 +0.1 179.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786010118 Beth Murphy (USA: WV) 2009/02/13
179.6 +0.1 179.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553235605 Dannelke (USA: PA) 2009/02/13
179.5 +0.1 179.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0688090850 malveenya (USA: NY) 2009/02/13
179.4 +0.1 179.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451205170 Dannelke (USA: PA) 2009/02/13
179.3 +0.1 179.4 added book to inventory 0755349970 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/13
179.2 +0.1 179.3 added book to inventory 0755342771 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/13
179.1 +0.1 179.2 added book to inventory 0425158594 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/13
178.1 +1 179.1 gave points for mooch request 0755330986 Louiseog (United Kingdom) 2009/02/13
178 +0.1 178.1 added book to inventory 0426108744 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/12
177.9 +0.1 178 added book to inventory 0426110331 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/12
177.8 +0.1 177.9 added book to inventory 0426117034 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/12
177.7 +0.1 177.8 added book to inventory 0426103726 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/12
178.7 -1 177.7 deducted points for mooch request 0753508141 Kim (United Kingdom) 2009/02/12
177.7 +1 178.7 gave points for mooch request 0330488902 Cassie Schifano (United Kingdom) 2009/02/12
177.6 +0.1 177.7 added book to inventory 0749315148 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/12
177.5 +0.1 177.6 added book to inventory 0006133940 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/12
177.4 +0.1 177.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330390406 Vespa (United Kingdom) 2009/02/12
177.3 +0.1 177.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 039915132X doghardt (USA: FL) 2009/02/12
179.3 -2 177.3 deducted points for mooch request 0345404378 Citation (Singapore) 2009/02/12
180.3 -1 179.3 deducted points for mooch request 0747576580 Cindy (United Kingdom) 2009/02/12
180.2 +0.1 180.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380778777 MJ (USA: OH) 2009/02/11
180.1 +0.1 180.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0887306195 MJ (USA: OH) 2009/02/11
179.1 +1 180.1 gave points for mooch request 0426116909 Diane (United Kingdom) 2009/02/11
179 +0.1 179.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0749315148 kathie gray (United Kingdom) 2009/02/10
178.9 +0.1 179 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099481375 Mary (United Kingdom) 2009/02/10
178.8 +0.1 178.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0688020429 Dannelke (USA: PA) 2009/02/10
178.7 +0.1 178.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312927614 Heather Davyduck (Canada) 2009/02/10
175.7 +3 178.7 gave points for mooch request 0553171518 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2009/02/10
172.7 +3 175.7 gave points for mooch request 0333644247 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2009/02/10
169.7 +3 172.7 gave points for mooch request 1853262293 edwinbcn (China) 2009/02/10
166.7 +3 169.7 gave points for mooch request 0586212043 Steve Wilson (Australia) 2009/02/09
168.7 -2 166.7 deducted points for mooch request 0440204429 wanda (USA: OK) 2009/02/08
170.7 -2 168.7 deducted points for mooch request 0553290487 wanda (USA: OK) 2009/02/08
172.7 -2 170.7 deducted points for mooch request 006052734X Michelle (Netherlands) 2009/02/08
172.6 +0.1 172.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book B0014Y2Y8M BARBARA CLEMENS HEIDRICH (USA: ID) 2009/02/07
172.5 +0.1 172.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0006133940 candycliftonmogg (United Kingdom) 2009/02/07
172.4 +0.1 172.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451188519 BARBARA CLEMENS HEIDRICH (USA: ID) 2009/02/07
172.3 +0.1 172.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0449149595 BARBARA CLEMENS HEIDRICH (USA: ID) 2009/02/07
174.3 -2 172.3 deducted points for mooch request B001K3IHTM realtordi (USA: IN) 2009/02/07
171.3 +3 174.3 gave points for mooch request 0345375599 Denotany (Australia) 2009/02/07
173.3 -2 171.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451048229 dawn (Canada) 2009/02/06
173.2 +0.1 173.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1854312871 Emma (United Kingdom) 2009/02/06
173.1 +0.1 173.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0333584341 Michael Albero (United Kingdom) 2009/02/06
173 +0.1 173.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345500679 RidgewayGirl (USA: SC) 2009/02/06
172.9 +0.1 173 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416542205 Melissa (USA: MD) 2009/02/06
172.8 +0.1 172.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0349112665 shell_8 (United Kingdom) 2009/02/06
171.8 +1 172.8 gave points for mooch request 0007200064 Nellerance (United Kingdom) 2009/02/06
168.8 +3 171.8 gave points for mooch request 0141019883 dawn (Canada) 2009/02/05
168.9 -0.1 168.8 removed book from inventory 0426116909 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/05
168.8 +0.1 168.9 added book to inventory 0426116909 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/05
168.7 +0.1 168.8 added book to inventory 0426116909 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/05
167.7 +1 168.7 gave points for mooch request 0745930476 sourfacedbadger (United Kingdom) 2009/02/04
166.7 +1 167.7 received a smooch Dawn (USA: IN) 2009/02/04
166.8 -0.1 166.7 removed book from inventory 0743462505 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/04
166.9 -0.1 166.8 removed book from inventory 0743482700 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/04
167 -0.1 166.9 removed book from inventory 1416505059 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/04
166.9 +0.1 167 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0385332831 GregH (USA: VA) 2009/02/04
166.8 +0.1 166.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0748903135 chiri (Japan) 2009/02/04
166.7 +0.1 166.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1852429488 rossm83 (United Kingdom) 2009/02/04
166.6 +0.1 166.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0684803860 C Tolzmann (USA: WA) 2009/02/04
166.5 +0.1 166.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330493345 Harvey (United Kingdom) 2009/02/04
168.5 -2 166.5 deducted points for mooch request 0743400003 Jen (USA: MD) 2009/02/04
167.5 +1 168.5 mooch rejected by book owner 080706775X Dea (United Kingdom) 2009/02/04
166.5 +1 167.5 gave points for mooch request 0007154089 John and Maureen Glen (United Kingdom) 2009/02/04
167.5 -1 166.5 deducted points for mooch request 0060002492 Simon Edwards (United Kingdom) 2009/02/03
169.5 -2 167.5 deducted points for mooch request 039915132X doghardt (USA: FL) 2009/02/03
170.5 -1 169.5 gave a smooch Dawn (USA: IN) 2009/02/03
173.5 -3 170.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0330103180 Dawn (USA: IN) 2009/02/03
173.6 -0.1 173.5 removing book from inventory 0330103180 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/03
174.6 -1 173.6 deducted points for mooch request 0333584341 Michael Albero (United Kingdom) 2009/02/03
173.6 +1 174.6 gave points for mooch request 0140620893 joe walker (United Kingdom) 2009/02/03
175.6 -2 173.6 deducted points for mooch request 0786010118 Beth Murphy (USA: WV) 2009/02/03
176.6 -1 175.6 deducted points for mooch request 0199275513 Laura (United Kingdom) 2009/02/03
177.6 -1 176.6 deducted points for mooch request 1854312871 Emma (United Kingdom) 2009/02/03
177.7 -0.1 177.6 removed book from inventory 0743497554 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/03
177.6 +0.1 177.7 added book to inventory 1416505059 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/03
177.5 +0.1 177.6 added book to inventory 0743462505 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/03
177.4 +0.1 177.5 added book to inventory 0743497554 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/03
177.3 +0.1 177.4 added book to inventory 0743482700 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/03
176.3 +1 177.3 gave points for mooch request 1416522425 shell_8 (United Kingdom) 2009/02/03
173.3 +3 176.3 gave points for mooch request 0330103180 Dawn (USA: IN) 2009/02/02
173.2 +0.1 173.3 added book to inventory 0553171518 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
173.1 +0.1 173.2 added book to inventory 0330367358 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
173 +0.1 173.1 added book to inventory 0552118729 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
172.9 +0.1 173 added book to inventory 033010165X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
172.8 +0.1 172.9 added book to inventory 0330103180 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
172.9 -0.1 172.8 removed book from inventory 0755115317 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
172.8 +0.1 172.9 added book to inventory 0755115317 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
172.7 +0.1 172.8 added book to inventory 0330232215 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
172.6 +0.1 172.7 added book to inventory 0345375599 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
172.5 +0.1 172.6 added book to inventory 0007200064 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
172.4 +0.1 172.5 added book to inventory 0007196970 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
169.4 +3 172.4 gave points for mooch request 0141028068 Lidee (USA: CA) 2009/02/02
169.3 +0.1 169.4 added book to inventory 0575075716 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
168.3 +1 169.3 gave points for mooch request 0439993490 shine (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
168.4 -0.1 168.3 removed book from inventory 0330340255 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
168.3 +0.1 168.4 added book to inventory 0330487949 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
168.2 +0.1 168.3 added book to inventory 0752846124 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
165.2 +3 168.2 gave points for mooch request 0743417151 Brannigan (USA: TX) 2009/02/02
165.1 +0.1 165.2 added book to inventory 0747580774 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
165 +0.1 165.1 added book to inventory 0141028068 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
164.9 +0.1 165 added book to inventory 0752878212 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
164.8 +0.1 164.9 added book to inventory 1416522425 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
164.7 +0.1 164.8 added book to inventory 034068948X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
164.6 +0.1 164.7 added book to inventory 0007154089 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
164.5 +0.1 164.6 added book to inventory 0439993490 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
164.4 +0.1 164.5 added book to inventory 0340707909 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
164.3 +0.1 164.4 added book to inventory 0007776004 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
164.2 +0.1 164.3 added book to inventory 0007165013 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
164.1 +0.1 164.2 added book to inventory 0006514154 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
164 +0.1 164.1 added book to inventory 0743417151 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
164.1 -0.1 164 removed book from inventory 1407207040 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
164 +0.1 164.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0349109435 Paul and Suzanne (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
163.9 +0.1 164 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671751131 2pnuts (USA: FL) 2009/02/02
161.9 +2 163.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0765351587 Muriel Koyce (Ireland) 2009/02/02
160.9 +1 161.9 gave points for mooch request 0312975597 Carol (United Kingdom) 2009/02/02
162.9 -2 160.9 deducted points for mooch request 038524407X berrynat (USA) 2009/02/01
162.8 +0.1 162.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1905583001 pennytattersall (United Kingdom) 2009/02/01
162.7 +0.1 162.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 075532725X pennytattersall (United Kingdom) 2009/02/01
162.6 +0.1 162.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 000648204X mellis107 (United Kingdom) 2009/02/01
162.5 +0.1 162.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book B000ZMD1WC mellis107 (United Kingdom) 2009/02/01
162.4 +0.1 162.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0426119657 mellis107 (United Kingdom) 2009/02/01
162.3 +0.1 162.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553587641 Beverly (USA: VA) 2009/02/01
162.2 +0.1 162.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140289755 Alex McG (United Kingdom) 2009/02/01
162.1 +0.1 162.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316727261 Pete (United Kingdom) 2009/02/01
162 +0.1 162.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099224410 trudy2 (United Kingdom) 2009/02/01
161.9 +0.1 162 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316854441 Paul (United Kingdom) 2009/02/01
161.8 +0.1 161.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099591812 Eesha Malik (United Kingdom) 2009/02/01
161.7 +0.1 161.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1841150118 Adam Berman (United Kingdom) 2009/02/01
161.6 +0.1 161.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0718141121 plasticspam (United Kingdom) 2009/02/01
161.5 +0.1 161.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0006552196 Elaine Dingsdale (United Kingdom) 2009/02/01
161.4 +0.1 161.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0340831723 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2009/02/01
161.3 +0.1 161.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 075350412X claire163 (United Kingdom) 2009/02/01
161.2 +0.1 161.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 075381692X claire163 (United Kingdom) 2009/02/01
161.1 +0.1 161.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0066214769 wychwood (United Kingdom) 2009/02/01
161 +0.1 161.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 075960665X sfrei (USA: WA) 2009/02/01
160.9 +0.1 161 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425174093 NOREEN BURNS (USA: NJ) 2009/02/01
160.8 +0.1 160.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451194764 Sherri (USA: NC) 2009/02/01
160.7 +0.1 160.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060580488 hyannis_port (Sweden) 2009/02/01
160.6 +0.1 160.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0525940685 comandantedavid (USA: CT) 2009/02/01
159.6 +1 160.6 gave points for mooch request B001IMV4FO jester1470 (United Kingdom) 2009/01/30
158.6 +1 159.6 gave points for mooch request 014062192X LM Myles (United Kingdom) 2009/01/29
160.6 -2 158.6 deducted points for mooch request 0380778777 MJ (USA: OH) 2009/01/29
162.6 -2 160.6 deducted points for mooch request 0887306195 MJ (USA: OH) 2009/01/29
159.6 +3 162.6 gave points for mooch request 0330248960 Stacy (USA: TX) 2009/01/29
159.7 -0.1 159.6 removed book from inventory 0304364932 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/29
161.7 -2 159.7 deducted points for mooch request 1416542205 Melissa (USA: MD) 2009/01/28
160.7 +1 161.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0140269649 Lindsay (United Kingdom) 2009/01/28
159.7 +1 160.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0747266255 John (United Kingdom) 2009/01/28
158.7 +1 159.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 1846570174 anniebago (United Kingdom) 2009/01/28
158.6 +0.1 158.7 added book to inventory 0330367358 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/28
158.5 +0.1 158.6 added book to inventory 0099439883 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/28
158.6 -0.1 158.5 removed book from inventory 0007196970 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/28
158.5 +0.1 158.6 added book to inventory 0241140935 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/28
158.4 +0.1 158.5 added book to inventory 0330392352 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/28
158.3 +0.1 158.4 added book to inventory 0755330986 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/28
158.2 +0.1 158.3 added book to inventory 0141019883 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/28
158.1 +0.1 158.2 added book to inventory 0752837524 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/28
158 +0.1 158.1 added book to inventory 0755325508 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/28
157.9 +0.1 158 added book to inventory 0330332775 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/28
157.8 +0.1 157.9 added book to inventory 0099465736 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/28
158.8 -1 157.8 deducted points for mooch request 0006133940 candycliftonmogg (United Kingdom) 2009/01/26
160.8 -2 158.8 deducted points for mooch request 0385332831 GregH (USA: VA) 2009/01/26
162.8 -2 160.8 deducted points for mooch request 0451208323 Debbie (Australia) 2009/01/26
161.8 +1 162.8 gave points for mooch request 0778300676 Kaye (United Kingdom) 2009/01/26
162.8 -1 161.8 deducted points for mooch request 1905583001 pennytattersall (United Kingdom) 2009/01/26
163.8 -1 162.8 deducted points for mooch request 075532725X pennytattersall (United Kingdom) 2009/01/26
163.7 +0.1 163.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0575075716 andydish (United Kingdom) 2009/01/26
163.6 +0.1 163.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425168956 Tom Constable (United Kingdom) 2009/01/26
163.5 +0.1 163.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0571218377 heathermary (United Kingdom) 2009/01/26
163.6 -0.1 163.5 removed book from inventory 0752844733 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/26
163.7 -0.1 163.6 removed book from inventory 0340825561 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/25
163.8 -0.1 163.7 removed book from inventory 0671022164 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/25
165.8 -2 163.8 deducted points for mooch request 0345500679 RidgewayGirl (USA: SC) 2009/01/25
164.8 +1 165.8 gave points for mooch request 0099523507 Nozzer (United Kingdom) 2009/01/25
164.7 +0.1 164.8 added book to inventory 0297848143 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/25
164.8 -0.1 164.7 removed book from inventory B001NM2YIU Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/25
165.8 -1 164.8 deducted points for mooch request 000648204X mellis107 (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
166.8 -1 165.8 deducted points for mooch request B000ZMD1WC mellis107 (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
167.8 -1 166.8 deducted points for mooch request 0426119657 mellis107 (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
167.7 +0.1 167.8 added book to inventory 0552145785 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
167.6 +0.1 167.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0752864505 Kelly (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
167.5 +0.1 167.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758210264 England (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
167.4 +0.1 167.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0297851764 Graceann (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
167.3 +0.1 167.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1857880153 Graceann (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
167.2 +0.1 167.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843540355 Lisa (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
169.2 -2 167.2 deducted points for mooch request 0748903135 chiri (Japan) 2009/01/24
169.1 +0.1 169.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 184255025X Hazel Clapham (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
169 +0.1 169.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1842550209 Hazel Clapham (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
168.9 +0.1 169 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1842550217 Hazel Clapham (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
168.8 +0.1 168.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1842550241 Hazel Clapham (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
168.7 +0.1 168.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1842550233 Hazel Clapham (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
168.6 +0.1 168.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1846880297 Caroline (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
168.5 +0.1 168.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0199283176 jessica1 (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
168.4 +0.1 168.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0199211671 jessica1 (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
168.3 +0.1 168.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0749083891 A gaston (Ireland) 2009/01/24
168.2 +0.1 168.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0349108129 Jenny (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
168.1 +0.1 168.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312996438 Catherine (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
168 +0.1 168.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747254141 ida (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
167.9 +0.1 168 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1878923137 Brian (USA: OH) 2009/01/24
167.8 +0.1 167.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0571220460 Jodie (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
167.7 +0.1 167.8 added book to inventory 0330248960 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
167.6 +0.1 167.7 added book to inventory 0752878212 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
167.5 +0.1 167.6 added book to inventory 0349108129 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
167.4 +0.1 167.5 added book to inventory 044661212X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/24
169.4 -2 167.4 deducted points for mooch request 0553587641 Beverly (USA: VA) 2009/01/23
170.4 -1 169.4 deducted points for mooch request 0141022175 wackowill (United Kingdom) 2009/01/23
170.3 +0.1 170.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0066214718 Allie (United Kingdom) 2009/01/22
170.2 +0.1 170.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747266115 chris wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2009/01/22
170.1 +0.1 170.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747540896 R James (United Kingdom) 2009/01/22
170 +0.1 170.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330446959 With Abandon (United Kingdom) 2009/01/22
169.9 +0.1 170 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0449001954 Rae (Canada) 2009/01/22
169.8 +0.1 169.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 009928314X Teresa Majury (United Kingdom) 2009/01/22
169.7 +0.1 169.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099573407 Paul Harvey (United Kingdom) 2009/01/22
169.6 +0.1 169.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1740596587 iusebookstofuelmyfire (United Kingdom) 2009/01/22
169.5 +0.1 169.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0091851262 ian k (United Kingdom) 2009/01/22
166.5 +3 169.5 gave points for mooch request 0552772755 beckyellis5 (USA: KY) 2009/01/21
163.5 +3 166.5 gave points for mooch request 074757457X zodwallop (USA: NJ) 2009/01/21
163.4 +0.1 163.5 added book to inventory 9780330455466 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/21
163.3 +0.1 163.4 added book to inventory 0552772755 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/21
163.2 +0.1 163.3 added book to inventory 074757457X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/21
163.1 +0.1 163.2 added book to inventory 0141017805 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/21
163 +0.1 163.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 044661212X M G Duck (United Kingdom) 2009/01/21
162.9 +0.1 163 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1854108581 Arlette (United Kingdom) 2009/01/21
162.8 +0.1 162.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0753510936 naomi (United Kingdom) 2009/01/21
162.7 +0.1 162.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0486414167 Jane (United Kingdom) 2009/01/21
162.6 +0.1 162.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1840245107 Bel (United Kingdom) 2009/01/21
162.5 +0.1 162.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099268523 Mandy (United Kingdom) 2009/01/21
162.4 +0.1 162.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 185242477X Jeff Sheppard (United Kingdom) 2009/01/21
162.3 +0.1 162.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0755303334 Kathy Arkwright (United Kingdom) 2009/01/21
162.2 +0.1 162.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141039817 Jo (United Kingdom) 2009/01/21
162.1 +0.1 162.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0755334779 Becky E (United Kingdom) 2009/01/21
162 +0.1 162.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843040034 cotswoldrhino (United Kingdom) 2009/01/20
161.9 +0.1 162 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1843172968 Matt M (United Kingdom) 2009/01/20
161.8 +0.1 161.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330350706 lin chiswell (United Kingdom) 2009/01/20
161.7 +0.1 161.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0571221505 ninnytendo (United Kingdom) 2009/01/20
161.6 +0.1 161.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758201516 Heather (USA: PA) 2009/01/20
161.5 +0.1 161.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758201532 Heather (USA: PA) 2009/01/20
158.5 +3 161.5 gave points for mooch request 0751507881 Becky (Belize) 2009/01/19
155.5 +3 158.5 gave points for mooch request 1416517170 Virgulina (Portugal) 2009/01/19
152.5 +3 155.5 gave points for mooch request 0575079754 Oriana (France) 2009/01/19
151.5 +1 152.5 gave points for mooch request 1905170270 Juliebee (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
151.4 +0.1 151.5 added book to inventory 1905170270 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
151.3 +0.1 151.4 added book to inventory 0330411535 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
151.2 +0.1 151.3 added book to inventory 0752859536 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
151.1 +0.1 151.2 added book to inventory 0575079754 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
151 +0.1 151.1 added book to inventory 1854877070 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
150.9 +0.1 151 added book to inventory 0751507881 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
150.8 +0.1 150.9 added book to inventory 0752844733 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
150.7 +0.1 150.8 added book to inventory 0340825561 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
150.6 +0.1 150.7 added book to inventory 0345455681 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
150.5 +0.1 150.6 added book to inventory 0722530358 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
150.4 +0.1 150.5 added book to inventory 1416517170 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
149.4 +1 150.4 gave points for mooch request 0752844830 Sonia (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
150.4 -1 149.4 deducted points for mooch request 0575075716 andydish (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
151.4 -1 150.4 deducted points for mooch request 0747540896 R James (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
152.4 -1 151.4 deducted points for mooch request 0758210264 England (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
153.4 -1 152.4 deducted points for mooch request 0140289755 Alex McG (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
154.4 -1 153.4 deducted points for mooch request 0349108129 Jenny (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
155.4 -1 154.4 deducted points for mooch request 0747266115 chris wilkinson (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
156.4 -1 155.4 deducted points for mooch request 0066214718 Allie (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
157.4 -1 156.4 deducted points for mooch request 0316727261 Pete (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
158.4 -1 157.4 deducted points for mooch request 0747266255 John (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
159.4 -1 158.4 deducted points for mooch request 0330446959 With Abandon (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
158.4 +1 159.4 mooch rejected by book owner 0553819569 shugster68 (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
159.4 -1 158.4 deducted points for mooch request 0751529966 kirayna (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
160.4 -1 159.4 deducted points for mooch request 0749315148 kathie gray (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
161.4 -1 160.4 deducted points for mooch request 1846570174 anniebago (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
162.4 -1 161.4 deducted points for mooch request 044661212X M G Duck (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
163.4 -1 162.4 deducted points for mooch request 014027894X trudy2 (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
164.4 -1 163.4 deducted points for mooch request 0099224410 trudy2 (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
165.4 -1 164.4 deducted points for mooch request 0316854441 Paul (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
166.4 -1 165.4 deducted points for mooch request 1854108581 Arlette (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
167.4 -1 166.4 deducted points for mooch request 0349109435 Paul and Suzanne (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
168.4 -1 167.4 deducted points for mooch request 0099591812 Eesha Malik (United Kingdom) 2009/01/19
165.4 +3 168.4 received points from charity Mike Aikins (Australia) 2009/01/18
166.4 -1 165.4 deducted points for mooch request 1843172968 Matt M (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
167.4 -1 166.4 deducted points for mooch request 0312996438 Catherine (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
168.4 -1 167.4 deducted points for mooch request 009928314X Teresa Majury (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
169.4 -1 168.4 deducted points for mooch request 0099573407 Paul Harvey (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
170.4 -1 169.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425168956 Tom Constable (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
171.4 -1 170.4 deducted points for mooch request 0749921226 Ben Walker (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
172.4 -1 171.4 deducted points for mooch request 184046058X callitconspiracy (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
173.4 -1 172.4 deducted points for mooch request 1846880297 Caroline (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
174.4 -1 173.4 deducted points for mooch request 0571218377 heathermary (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
175.4 -1 174.4 deducted points for mooch request 0753510936 naomi (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
176.4 -1 175.4 deducted points for mooch request 0349112665 shell_8 (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
177.4 -1 176.4 deducted points for mooch request 1857880153 Graceann (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
178.4 -1 177.4 deducted points for mooch request 0297851764 Graceann (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
179.4 -1 178.4 deducted points for mooch request 1841150118 Adam Berman (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
180.4 -1 179.4 deducted points for mooch request 0718141121 plasticspam (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
181.4 -1 180.4 deducted points for mooch request 0486414167 Jane (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
180.4 +1 181.4 mooch rejected by book owner 0007140916 Paula (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
181.4 -1 180.4 deducted points for mooch request 0007140916 Paula (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
182.4 -1 181.4 deducted points for mooch request 080706775X Dea (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
183.4 -1 182.4 deducted points for mooch request 1740596587 iusebookstofuelmyfire (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
184.4 -1 183.4 deducted points for mooch request 0140181555 Jennifer (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
185.4 -1 184.4 deducted points for mooch request 1840245107 Bel (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
186.4 -1 185.4 deducted points for mooch request 0099472570 Amy (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
187.4 -1 186.4 deducted points for mooch request 0091884756 Kathie (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
188.4 -1 187.4 deducted points for mooch request 0007142943 Kathie (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
189.4 -1 188.4 deducted points for mooch request 1416522026 Mali (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
190.4 -1 189.4 deducted points for mooch request 0755334779 Becky E (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
191.4 -1 190.4 deducted points for mooch request 1401905005 Kavit (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
192.4 -1 191.4 deducted points for mooch request 0340862858 Kavit (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
193.4 -1 192.4 deducted points for mooch request 184255025X Hazel Clapham (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
194.4 -1 193.4 deducted points for mooch request 1842550209 Hazel Clapham (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
195.4 -1 194.4 deducted points for mooch request 1842550217 Hazel Clapham (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
196.4 -1 195.4 deducted points for mooch request 1842550241 Hazel Clapham (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
197.4 -1 196.4 deducted points for mooch request 1842550233 Hazel Clapham (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
198.4 -1 197.4 deducted points for mooch request 0330350706 lin chiswell (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
199.4 -1 198.4 deducted points for mooch request 1843040034 cotswoldrhino (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
200.4 -1 199.4 deducted points for mooch request 0099268523 Mandy (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
201.4 -1 200.4 deducted points for mooch request 0553819569 shugster68 (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
202.4 -1 201.4 deducted points for mooch request 0571220460 Jodie (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
203.4 -1 202.4 deducted points for mooch request 0006552196 Elaine Dingsdale (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
204.4 -1 203.4 deducted points for mooch request 0752864505 Kelly (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
205.4 -1 204.4 deducted points for mooch request 0553814222 Hannah (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
206.4 -1 205.4 deducted points for mooch request 0330390406 Vespa (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
207.4 -1 206.4 deducted points for mooch request 075350412X claire163 (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
208.4 -1 207.4 deducted points for mooch request 0340831723 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
209.4 -1 208.4 deducted points for mooch request 075381692X claire163 (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
210.4 -1 209.4 deducted points for mooch request 1852429488 rossm83 (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
211.4 -1 210.4 deducted points for mooch request 0091851262 ian k (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
212.4 -1 211.4 deducted points for mooch request 0747254141 ida (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
213.4 -1 212.4 deducted points for mooch request 0571221505 ninnytendo (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
214.4 -1 213.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425207064 bagpuss (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
215.4 -1 214.4 deducted points for mooch request 1853286451 kimita77 (Australia) 2009/01/18
216.4 -1 215.4 deducted points for mooch request 1843540355 Lisa (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
216.5 -0.1 216.4 removed book from inventory 0747267669 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
217.5 -1 216.5 deducted points for mooch request 185242477X Jeff Sheppard (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
218.5 -1 217.5 deducted points for mooch request 0099481375 Mary (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
219.5 -1 218.5 deducted points for mooch request 0755303334 Kathy Arkwright (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
220.5 -1 219.5 deducted points for mooch request 0552149659 chris cunningham (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
221.5 -1 220.5 deducted points for mooch request 0140269649 Lindsay (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
222.5 -1 221.5 deducted points for mooch request 0066214769 wychwood (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
223.5 -1 222.5 deducted points for mooch request 0312942109 stewblack (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
224.5 -1 223.5 deducted points for mooch request 0141039817 Jo (United Kingdom) 2009/01/18
226.5 -2 224.5 deducted points for mooch request 0684803860 C Tolzmann (USA: WA) 2009/01/18
225.5 +1 226.5 gave points for mooch request 0752878212 Lisa (United Kingdom) 2009/01/17
224.5 +1 225.5 gave points for mooch request 075284914X Allie (United Kingdom) 2009/01/17
223.5 +1 224.5 gave points for mooch request 185326072X Katie (United Kingdom) 2009/01/17
226.5 -3 223.5 donated points to charity Mike Aikins (Australia) 2009/01/17
228.5 -2 226.5 deducted points for mooch request 075960665X sfrei (USA: WA) 2009/01/17
228.6 -0.1 228.5 removed book from inventory 0752837605 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/16
228.5 +0.1 228.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0715141643 Elspeth (United Kingdom) 2009/01/16
228.4 +0.1 228.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312949537 Julie06 (Spain) 2009/01/15
228.5 -0.1 228.4 removed book from inventory 0330446711 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/14
225.5 +3 228.5 gave points for mooch request 0007268394 raych101 (Ireland) 2009/01/14
222.5 +3 225.5 gave points for mooch request 0330426729 Sandy (Canada) 2009/01/14
219.5 +3 222.5 gave points for mooch request 0552999571 Sandy (Canada) 2009/01/14
216.5 +3 219.5 gave points for mooch request 0330491636 Sandy (Canada) 2009/01/14
215.5 +1 216.5 gave points for mooch request 0753506858 jester1470 (United Kingdom) 2009/01/14
215.6 -0.1 215.5 removed book from inventory 0593055357 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/14
215.5 +0.1 215.6 added book to inventory 0593055357 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/14
215.6 -0.1 215.5 removed book from inventory B000OIJQ62 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/14
215.5 +0.1 215.6 added book to inventory 0330491636 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/14
217.5 -2 215.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425174093 NOREEN BURNS (USA: NJ) 2009/01/14
217.4 +0.1 217.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0763635316 Em (USA: CO) 2009/01/14
217.3 +0.1 217.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1597894710 Sandra (USA: GA) 2009/01/14
217.2 +0.1 217.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843955848 Patricia Russo (USA: NJ) 2009/01/14
217.1 +0.1 217.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 034546527X Brenda (USA: TX) 2009/01/14
217 +0.1 217.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 067185402X Sarah (United Kingdom) 2009/01/14
216.9 +0.1 217 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141035099 Ellie (United Kingdom) 2009/01/14
216.8 +0.1 216.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345347706 Chere (USA: CA) 2009/01/14
218.8 -2 216.8 deducted points for mooch request 0688020429 Dannelke (USA: PA) 2009/01/14
220.8 -2 218.8 deducted points for mooch request 0553235605 Dannelke (USA: PA) 2009/01/14
219.8 +1 220.8 gave points for mooch request 0141014598 silke (United Kingdom) 2009/01/14
221.8 -2 219.8 deducted points for mooch request 0451205170 Dannelke (USA: PA) 2009/01/13
221.7 +0.1 221.8 added book to inventory 0141014598 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/13
223.7 -2 221.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758201516 Heather (USA: PA) 2009/01/13
225.7 -2 223.7 deducted points for mooch request 0758201532 Heather (USA: PA) 2009/01/13
224.7 +1 225.7 gave points for mooch request 0140102140 Dan (United Kingdom) 2009/01/12
223.7 +1 224.7 gave points for mooch request 0552771104 saraha (United Kingdom) 2009/01/12
225.7 -2 223.7 deducted points for mooch request 1878923137 Brian (USA: OH) 2009/01/12
222.7 +3 225.7 gave points for mooch request 0340675136 Kelly Yanke Deltener (USA: ND) 2009/01/12
222.6 +0.1 222.7 added book to inventory 0340675136 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/12
222.5 +0.1 222.6 added book to inventory 0140293477 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/12
222.4 +0.1 222.5 added book to inventory 0755309510 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/12
222.3 +0.1 222.4 added book to inventory 0552999571 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/12
222.2 +0.1 222.3 added book to inventory 0552771104 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/12
222.3 -0.1 222.2 removed book from inventory 0953084779 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/12
222.2 +0.1 222.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345382528 Hope (United Kingdom) 2009/01/12
224.2 -2 222.2 deducted points for mooch request 0140282084 Ryan Radclyffe-Hall (Australia) 2009/01/12
221.2 +3 224.2 gave points for mooch request B000O8OUGS Tanya (USA: VT) 2009/01/11
221.1 +0.1 221.2 added book to inventory 0671022164 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/11
221 +0.1 221.1 added book to inventory B000O8OUGS Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/11
220.9 +0.1 221 added book to inventory 0007196970 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/11
220.8 +0.1 220.9 added book to inventory 0006470653 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/11
219.8 +1 220.8 gave points for mooch request B0012KUQEC plasticniki (United Kingdom) 2009/01/11
219.9 -0.1 219.8 removed book from inventory 185326038X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/11
218.9 +1 219.9 gave points for mooch request 0751537306 Chris (United Kingdom) 2009/01/11
218.8 +0.1 218.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0609601008 Judy (USA: FL) 2009/01/10
218.7 +0.1 218.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786006404 Judy (USA: FL) 2009/01/10
218.6 +0.1 218.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0854682120 Tom Constable (United Kingdom) 2009/01/10
218.5 +0.1 218.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440113024 laurie (USA: MN) 2009/01/10
220.5 -2 218.5 deducted points for mooch request 0688090850 malveenya (USA: NY) 2009/01/10
220.6 -0.1 220.5 removed book from inventory 1558820817 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/10
220.5 +0.1 220.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0552132888 DawnClaire (United Kingdom) 2009/01/10
220.4 +0.1 220.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0449224449 CT Henry (USA: OR) 2009/01/10
220.3 +0.1 220.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0143034324 CT Henry (USA: OR) 2009/01/10
220.2 +0.1 220.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0152046828 LadyRandom (USA: CA) 2009/01/10
222.2 -2 220.2 deducted points for mooch request 0449149595 BARBARA CLEMENS HEIDRICH (USA: ID) 2009/01/10
224.2 -2 222.2 deducted points for mooch request B0014Y2Y8M BARBARA CLEMENS HEIDRICH (USA: ID) 2009/01/10
226.2 -2 224.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451188519 BARBARA CLEMENS HEIDRICH (USA: ID) 2009/01/10
228.2 -2 226.2 deducted points for mooch request 0451194764 Sherri (USA: NC) 2009/01/10
228.1 +0.1 228.2 added book to inventory 0330426729 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/10
228.2 -0.1 228.1 removed book from inventory 0140299602 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/09
228.1 +0.1 228.2 added book to inventory B000OIJQ62 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/09
229.1 -1 228.1 deducted points for mooch request 0199283176 jessica1 (United Kingdom) 2009/01/09
230.1 -1 229.1 deducted points for mooch request 0199211671 jessica1 (United Kingdom) 2009/01/09
230 +0.1 230.1 added book to inventory 075284914X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/09
229.9 +0.1 230 added book to inventory 0586212043 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/09
229.8 +0.1 229.9 added book to inventory 0552124869 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/09
229.7 +0.1 229.8 added book to inventory 0373228376 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/09
229.6 +0.1 229.7 added book to inventory 0304364932 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/09
229.5 +0.1 229.6 added book to inventory 0141029552 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/09
229.6 -0.1 229.5 removed book from inventory 0752881833 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/09
229.5 +0.1 229.6 added book to inventory 0330488902 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/09
227.5 +2 229.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 0385665520 David Armstrong (Canada) 2009/01/09
224.5 +3 227.5 gave points for mooch request 0330485385 krhs reading program (USA: NH) 2009/01/09
221.5 +3 224.5 gave points for mooch request 051512611X Nicole (Germany) 2009/01/08
218.5 +3 221.5 gave points for mooch request 0553286447 Karen Soohy (USA: AZ) 2009/01/08
218.4 +0.1 218.5 added book to inventory 0330432745 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/08
218.3 +0.1 218.4 added book to inventory 0586208313 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/08
218.2 +0.1 218.3 added book to inventory 0755302435 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/08
218.1 +0.1 218.2 added book to inventory 051512611X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/08
218 +0.1 218.1 added book to inventory 0505525720 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/08
217.9 +0.1 218 added book to inventory 0330392018 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/08
217.8 +0.1 217.9 added book to inventory 0778300676 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/08
217.7 +0.1 217.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060761296 deirdre (USA: OH) 2009/01/08
217.6 +0.1 217.7 added book to inventory 0553286447 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/08
217.5 +0.1 217.6 added book to inventory B001NM2YIU Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/08
217.4 +0.1 217.5 added book to inventory 0330446711 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/08
218.4 -1 217.4 deducted points for mooch request 0715141643 Elspeth (United Kingdom) 2009/01/08
218.3 +0.1 218.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141014598 LC (United Kingdom) 2009/01/07
218.2 +0.1 218.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0273715135 LC (United Kingdom) 2009/01/07
217.2 +1 218.2 gave points for mooch request 0722534493 Lorraine Beeton (United Kingdom) 2009/01/07
220.2 -3 217.2 donated points to charity Julie06 (Spain) 2009/01/06
220.3 -0.1 220.2 removed book from inventory 0330455532 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/06
220.4 -0.1 220.3 removed book from inventory 0263865967 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/06
217.4 +3 220.4 gave points for mooch request 0752836951 Nancy McGinn (USA: WV) 2009/01/06
214.4 +3 217.4 gave points for mooch request 0330248960 Ulrika (Sverige) 2009/01/06
214.5 -0.1 214.4 removed book from inventory B001AMDO2I Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/06
214.4 +0.1 214.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451209591 Sandra (USA: GA) 2009/01/06
213.4 +1 214.4 gave points for mooch request B000RC0NEE pbomyer (United Kingdom) 2009/01/06
214.4 -1 213.4 deducted points for mooch request 0345382528 Hope (United Kingdom) 2009/01/05
215.4 -1 214.4 deducted points for mooch request 0552132888 DawnClaire (United Kingdom) 2009/01/04
212.4 +3 215.4 gave points for mooch request 055299734X Julie (USA: CO) 2009/01/04
212.3 +0.1 212.4 added book to inventory 0752844830 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/04
212.2 +0.1 212.3 added book to inventory 0751537306 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/04
212.1 +0.1 212.2 added book to inventory 0099446782 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/04
214.1 -2 212.1 deducted points for mooch request 0763635316 Em (USA: CO) 2009/01/04
213.1 +1 214.1 gave points for mooch request 1551669153 Chris (United Kingdom) 2009/01/04
212.1 +1 213.1 gave points for mooch request 0747579881 LC (United Kingdom) 2009/01/04
212 +0.1 212.1 added book to inventory 0747241872 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/04
211.9 +0.1 212 added book to inventory 0140299602 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/04
211.8 +0.1 211.9 added book to inventory 0722534493 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/04
211.7 +0.1 211.8 added book to inventory 0349110859 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/04
211.6 +0.1 211.7 added book to inventory 055299734X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/04
208.6 +3 211.6 gave points for mooch request 0743207696 Teresa (USA: NC) 2009/01/03
205.6 +3 208.6 gave points for mooch request 0747235252 Teresa (USA: NC) 2009/01/03
206.6 -1 205.6 deducted points for mooch request 0449224449 CT Henry (USA: OR) 2009/01/03
207.6 -1 206.6 deducted points for mooch request 0143034324 CT Henry (USA: OR) 2009/01/03
204.6 +3 207.6 gave points for mooch request 0099427699 Plainjane8160 (USA: SC) 2009/01/03
201.6 +3 204.6 gave points for mooch request 0752877798 Robert Kahan (Israel) 2009/01/03
201.5 +0.1 201.6 added book to inventory 0747235252 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/03
203.5 -2 201.5 deducted points for mooch request 0749083891 A gaston (Ireland) 2009/01/03
203.4 +0.1 203.5 added book to inventory 0099844206 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/03
203.3 +0.1 203.4 added book to inventory 0747579881 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/03
203.2 +0.1 203.3 added book to inventory 0263865967 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/03
203.1 +0.1 203.2 added book to inventory 0752836889 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/03
203 +0.1 203.1 added book to inventory 0099427699 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/03
202.9 +0.1 203 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0740722298 Deanna (USA: MI) 2009/01/02
202.8 +0.1 202.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446524999 Deanna (USA: MI) 2009/01/02
202.7 +0.1 202.8 added book to inventory 0099460343 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/01
202.6 +0.1 202.7 added book to inventory 0340831987 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/01
202.5 +0.1 202.6 added book to inventory 0330485385 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/01
202.4 +0.1 202.5 added book to inventory 0752837605 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/01
202.3 +0.1 202.4 added book to inventory 0451189604 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2009/01/01
202.4 -0.1 202.3 removed book from inventory 014029628X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/31
202.3 +0.1 202.4 added book to inventory 014029628X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/31
204.3 -2 202.3 deducted points for mooch request 1597894710 Sandra (USA: GA) 2008/12/31
204.2 +0.1 204.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0722530358 magnolia (United Kingdom) 2008/12/31
204.1 +0.1 204.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758221991 Pam (USA: AL) 2008/12/31
206.1 -2 204.1 deducted points for mooch request 0843955848 Patricia Russo (USA: NJ) 2008/12/31
208.1 -2 206.1 deducted points for mooch request 0060580488 hyannis_port (Sweden) 2008/12/31
210.1 -2 208.1 deducted points for mooch request 0733615635 Nicky (Australia) 2008/12/31
210 +0.1 210.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099503220 Jane (United Kingdom) 2008/12/30
209.9 +0.1 210 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553175238 Kim (United Kingdom) 2008/12/30
209.8 +0.1 209.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book B000QH2DSO varielle (USA) 2008/12/30
209.7 +0.1 209.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312979266 Too Moo (USA: TX) 2008/12/30
208.7 +1 209.7 gave points for mooch request 0330434195 Sonia (United Kingdom) 2008/12/30
210.7 -2 208.7 deducted points for mooch request 034546527X Brenda (USA: TX) 2008/12/30
210.6 +0.1 210.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1573247189 kevin d (USA: MO) 2008/12/29
210.5 +0.1 210.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060524715 amberlianne (USA: CA) 2008/12/29
207.5 +3 210.5 gave points for mooch request 0007268300 Teresa (Portugal) 2008/12/28
204.5 +3 207.5 gave points for mooch request 0586050507 Sandra (USA: GA) 2008/12/28
203.5 +1 204.5 gave points for mooch request 0007268378 Mu2 (United Kingdom) 2008/12/28
202.5 +1 203.5 gave points for mooch request 0007268408 Mu2 (United Kingdom) 2008/12/28
201.5 +1 202.5 gave points for mooch request 0007275013 Mu2 (United Kingdom) 2008/12/28
200.5 +1 201.5 gave points for mooch request 0007268343 Mu2 (United Kingdom) 2008/12/28
202.5 -2 200.5 deducted points for mooch request 0765351587 Muriel Koyce (Ireland) 2008/12/28
203.5 -1 202.5 deducted points for mooch request 0141014598 LC (United Kingdom) 2008/12/27
204.5 -1 203.5 deducted points for mooch request 0273715135 LC (United Kingdom) 2008/12/27
203.5 +1 204.5 received a smooch Deanna (USA: MI) 2008/12/27
203.4 +0.1 203.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0752851411 Providence (United Kingdom) 2008/12/27
204.4 -1 203.4 deducted points for mooch request 0099503220 Jane (United Kingdom) 2008/12/26
205.4 -1 204.4 deducted points for mooch request 0722530358 magnolia (United Kingdom) 2008/12/26
204.4 +1 205.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 1852429305 DeadGoodBooks (United Kingdom) 2008/12/26
206.4 -2 204.4 deducted points for mooch request 0609601008 Judy (USA: FL) 2008/12/26
205.4 +1 206.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0713998091 Ruth Bygrave (United Kingdom) 2008/12/26
206.4 -1 205.4 deducted points for mooch request 0553175238 Kim (United Kingdom) 2008/12/26
203.4 +3 206.4 gave points for mooch request 0330373994 bob anthony (USA: CA) 2008/12/24
200.4 +3 203.4 gave points for mooch request 0002556448 Brian Redmond (USA: CA) 2008/12/24
200.3 +0.1 200.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0452284449 Janine (USA: PA) 2008/12/23
200.2 +0.1 200.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0452283205 Janine (USA: PA) 2008/12/23
200.1 +0.1 200.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0684803852 zodwallop (USA: NJ) 2008/12/23
197.1 +3 200.1 gave points for mooch request B000VDM3F6 Molly B (USA: VT) 2008/12/22
199.1 -2 197.1 deducted points for mooch request 0740722298 Deanna (USA: MI) 2008/12/22
199 +0.1 199.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312983778 Max (USA: CA) 2008/12/22
201 -2 199 deducted points for mooch request 0786006404 Judy (USA: FL) 2008/12/22
203 -2 201 deducted points for mooch request 0446524999 Deanna (USA: MI) 2008/12/22
201 +2 203 mooch rejected by book owner 0345432991 Susan H (USA: NY) 2008/12/22
204 -3 201 mooch cancelled by requestor 0330248960 Moti Lieberman (Canada) 2008/12/21
206 -2 204 deducted points for mooch request 1573247189 kevin d (USA: MO) 2008/12/21
208 -2 206 deducted points for mooch request 0312927614 Heather Davyduck (Canada) 2008/12/21
210 -2 208 deducted points for mooch request 0449001954 Rae (Canada) 2008/12/21
211 -1 210 deducted points for mooch request 0854682120 Tom Constable (United Kingdom) 2008/12/21
212 -1 211 deducted points for mooch request 067185402X Sarah (United Kingdom) 2008/12/21
214 -2 212 deducted points for mooch request 0451209591 Sandra (USA: GA) 2008/12/21
215 -1 214 deducted points for mooch request 0141035099 Ellie (United Kingdom) 2008/12/21
214 +1 215 mooch cancelled by requestor 0006483275 Emily (United Kingdom) 2008/12/21
213.9 +0.1 214 added book to inventory 0755325354 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/21
215.9 -2 213.9 deducted points for mooch request 0758221991 Pam (USA: AL) 2008/12/20
217.9 -2 215.9 deducted points for mooch request 0525940685 comandantedavid (USA: CT) 2008/12/19
219.9 -2 217.9 deducted points for mooch request 0440113024 laurie (USA: MN) 2008/12/19
221.9 -2 219.9 deducted points for mooch request 0060761296 deirdre (USA: OH) 2008/12/19
223.9 -2 221.9 deducted points for mooch request B000QH2DSO varielle (USA) 2008/12/18
223.8 +0.1 223.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099283689 naomi (United Kingdom) 2008/12/18
223.7 +0.1 223.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0006510159 april (USA: TX) 2008/12/18
225.7 -2 223.7 deducted points for mooch request 0345432991 Susan H (USA: NY) 2008/12/17
226.7 -1 225.7 deducted points for mooch request 0330493345 Harvey (United Kingdom) 2008/12/17
226.6 +0.1 226.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451163559 T4ll1fer (United Kingdom) 2008/12/17
226.5 +0.1 226.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0571058086 PaulRafferty (United Kingdom) 2008/12/17
226.4 +0.1 226.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042519986X Chantal (Canada) 2008/12/17
223.4 +3 226.4 received points from charity taff41 (France) 2008/12/17
223.3 +0.1 223.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099283786 Ellen (United Kingdom) 2008/12/15
223.2 +0.1 223.3 added book to inventory 0330373994 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/15
225.2 -2 223.2 deducted points for mooch request 0671751131 2pnuts (USA: FL) 2008/12/15
222.2 +3 225.2 gave points for mooch request 0747557829 acatinatree (Australia) 2008/12/14
224.2 -2 222.2 deducted points for mooch request 0060524715 amberlianne (USA: CA) 2008/12/14
226.2 -2 224.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312949537 Julie06 (Spain) 2008/12/14
228.2 -2 226.2 deducted points for mooch request 0312979266 Too Moo (USA: TX) 2008/12/14
230.2 -2 228.2 deducted points for mooch request 0152046828 LadyRandom (USA: CA) 2008/12/14
232.2 -2 230.2 deducted points for mooch request 0452284449 Janine (USA: PA) 2008/12/14
234.2 -2 232.2 deducted points for mooch request 0452283205 Janine (USA: PA) 2008/12/14
234.3 -0.1 234.2 removed book from inventory 0007268394 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/13
234.2 +0.1 234.3 added book to inventory 0007268394 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/13
234.1 +0.1 234.2 added book to inventory 0007268394 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/13
234 +0.1 234.1 added book to inventory 0007268300 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/13
233.9 +0.1 234 added book to inventory 0007268343 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/13
233.8 +0.1 233.9 added book to inventory 0007275013 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/13
233.7 +0.1 233.8 added book to inventory 0007268408 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/13
233.6 +0.1 233.7 added book to inventory 0007268378 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/13
233.5 +0.1 233.6 added book to inventory 1854872362 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/13
233.4 +0.1 233.5 added book to inventory 0586050507 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/13
233.3 +0.1 233.4 added book to inventory 0586052186 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/13
233.2 +0.1 233.3 added book to inventory 0586056173 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/13
233.1 +0.1 233.2 added book to inventory 0099140810 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/13
233 +0.1 233.1 added book to inventory 0586060545 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/13
232.9 +0.1 233 added book to inventory 0708807828 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/13
233.9 -1 232.9 deducted points for mooch request 0752851411 Providence (United Kingdom) 2008/12/13
234.9 -1 233.9 deducted points for mooch request 0099283689 naomi (United Kingdom) 2008/12/13
236.9 -2 234.9 deducted points for mooch request 0312983778 Max (USA: CA) 2008/12/13
236.8 +0.1 236.9 added book to inventory 0751524646 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/12
236.7 +0.1 236.8 added book to inventory 0330421174 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/12
236.6 +0.1 236.7 added book to inventory 0953084779 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/12
236.5 +0.1 236.6 added book to inventory 0753506858 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/12
236.4 +0.1 236.5 added book to inventory 0753510502 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/12
236.3 +0.1 236.4 added book to inventory 0745910513 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/12
236.2 +0.1 236.3 added book to inventory 1854875191 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/12
233.2 +3 236.2 gave points for mooch request 0860685098 Cushla Thomson (New Zealand) 2008/12/11
233.1 +0.1 233.2 added book to inventory 0552146544 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/11
233 +0.1 233.1 added book to inventory 044669651X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/11
232.9 +0.1 233 added book to inventory 0860685098 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/11
232.8 +0.1 232.9 added book to inventory 0747557829 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/11
232.7 +0.1 232.8 added book to inventory 034070733X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/11
232.6 +0.1 232.7 added book to inventory 0099380005 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/11
234.6 -2 232.6 deducted points for mooch request 0684803852 zodwallop (USA: NJ) 2008/12/11
234.5 +0.1 234.6 added book to inventory 0745930476 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/10
234.4 +0.1 234.5 added book to inventory 0745922414 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/10
235.4 -1 234.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451163559 T4ll1fer (United Kingdom) 2008/12/10
235.3 +0.1 235.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843953578 Mrs. Cyberhobo (USA: ID) 2008/12/10
236.3 -1 235.3 deducted points for mooch request 0571058086 PaulRafferty (United Kingdom) 2008/12/10
236.2 +0.1 236.3 added book to inventory 0002556448 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/09
233.2 +3 236.2 gave points for mooch request B000KL3FWE Nanc (USA: OH) 2008/12/09
233.1 +0.1 233.2 added book to inventory B000KL3FWE Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/09
230.1 +3 233.1 gave points for mooch request 1853260967 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2008/12/09
227.1 +3 230.1 gave points for mooch request 0745930476 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2008/12/09
224.1 +3 227.1 gave points for mooch request 0752880705 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2008/12/09
224 +0.1 224.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1594480869 eefie (France) 2008/12/08
223.9 +0.1 224 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451216350 Kelly (USA: KY) 2008/12/08
223.8 +0.1 223.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141382686 Phoebus (United Kingdom) 2008/12/08
220.8 +3 223.8 gave points for mooch request 0140622829 Jon in NL (Netherlands) 2008/12/07
217.8 +3 220.8 gave points for mooch request 0575400188 Jon in NL (Netherlands) 2008/12/07
217.7 +0.1 217.8 added book to inventory 0002258463 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/07
217.6 +0.1 217.7 added book to inventory 0230017746 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/07
217.5 +0.1 217.6 added book to inventory 0712684115 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/07
217.4 +0.1 217.5 added book to inventory B001IMV4FO Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/07
217.3 +0.1 217.4 added book to inventory B001KT97RW Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/07
217.2 +0.1 217.3 added book to inventory 0333644247 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/07
217.1 +0.1 217.2 added book to inventory 0743207696 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/07
217 +0.1 217.1 added book to inventory 0712680012 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/07
216.9 +0.1 217 added book to inventory 0743207718 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/07
217 -0.1 216.9 removed book from inventory B000RC0NEE Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/07
216.9 +0.1 217 added book to inventory B000RC0NEE Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/07
218.9 -2 216.9 deducted points for mooch request 042519986X Chantal (Canada) 2008/12/07
218.8 +0.1 218.9 added book to inventory 0312975597 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/07
215.8 +3 218.8 gave points for mooch request 0330248960 Moti Lieberman (Canada) 2008/12/06
214.8 +1 215.8 gave points for mooch request 0752865749 Diane (United Kingdom) 2008/12/06
211.8 +3 214.8 gave points for mooch request 0007151233 Sheila (USA: NY) 2008/12/06
211.7 +0.1 211.8 added book to inventory 0099759713 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/06
211.6 +0.1 211.7 added book to inventory 0752865749 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/06
211.5 +0.1 211.6 added book to inventory 0330354884 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/06
211.4 +0.1 211.5 added book to inventory 0751538310 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/06
212.4 -1 211.4 deducted points for mooch request 0330312731 Mali (United Kingdom) 2008/12/06
212.3 +0.1 212.4 added book to inventory 0007151233 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/06
212.2 +0.1 212.3 added book to inventory 1844133729 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/06
212.1 +0.1 212.2 added book to inventory 0718143671 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/06
212 +0.1 212.1 added book to inventory 074930362X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/06
211.9 +0.1 212 added book to inventory 0330340255 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/06
211.8 +0.1 211.9 added book to inventory 0575400188 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/06
211.7 +0.1 211.8 added book to inventory 0330351834 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/06
211.6 +0.1 211.7 added book to inventory 0099289962 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/06
208.6 +3 211.6 gave points for mooch request 0330334808 Julie06 (Spain) 2008/12/06
205.6 +3 208.6 gave points for mooch request B001CO7YDY Julie06 (Spain) 2008/12/06
202.6 +3 205.6 gave points for mooch request 0330451227 Julie06 (Spain) 2008/12/06
202.7 -0.1 202.6 removed book from inventory 0091870119 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/06
202.6 +0.1 202.7 added book to inventory 1551669153 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/06
202.5 +0.1 202.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1853810622 Badger (United Kingdom) 2008/12/06
205.5 -3 202.5 donated points to charity taff41 (France) 2008/12/06
205.4 +0.1 205.5 added book to inventory 0330434195 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/06
205.3 +0.1 205.4 added book to inventory 0330451227 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/06
205.2 +0.1 205.3 added book to inventory 0330455532 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/12/06
205.1 +0.1 205.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312957262 Googlebutts (USA: WA) 2008/12/05
205 +0.1 205.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451223187 Yanick (Canada) 2008/12/05
204.9 +0.1 205 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451221885 Providence (United Kingdom) 2008/12/05
205.9 -1 204.9 deducted points for mooch request 0099283786 Ellen (United Kingdom) 2008/12/04
207.9 -2 205.9 deducted points for mooch request 0345347706 Chere (USA: CA) 2008/12/04
204.9 +3 207.9 gave points for mooch request 0745922414 kaye16 (France) 2008/12/03
201.9 +3 204.9 gave points for mooch request B0010YTOOI kaye16 (France) 2008/12/03
203.9 -2 201.9 deducted points for mooch request 0006510159 april (USA: TX) 2008/12/02
204.9 -1 203.9 deducted points for mooch request 1594480869 eefie (France) 2008/12/02
204.8 +0.1 204.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786000341 John Clark (USA: ME) 2008/12/02
204.7 +0.1 204.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312975597 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2008/12/02
204.6 +0.1 204.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140126783 Rebecca Grainger (New Zealand) 2008/12/02
205.6 -1 204.6 deducted points for mooch request 0451221885 Providence (United Kingdom) 2008/12/02
205.5 +0.1 205.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345347838 Adeline (United Kingdom) 2008/12/01
205.4 +0.1 205.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0752904248 Colin Harding (United Kingdom) 2008/12/01
207.4 -2 205.4 deducted points for mooch request 0843953578 Mrs. Cyberhobo (USA: ID) 2008/11/30
207.3 +0.1 207.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book B0011BOGI4 rachel whitty (United Kingdom) 2008/11/30
207.2 +0.1 207.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0006483240 Lorraine (United Kingdom) 2008/11/30
207.1 +0.1 207.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0006482953 Lorraine (United Kingdom) 2008/11/30
208.1 -1 207.1 deducted points for mooch request 0141382686 Phoebus (United Kingdom) 2008/11/30
210.1 -2 208.1 deducted points for mooch request 0385665520 David Armstrong (Canada) 2008/11/30
207.1 +3 210.1 gave points for mooch request 0755300564 John (USA: MA) 2008/11/29
206.1 +1 207.1 gave points for mooch request 0140620222 Allie (United Kingdom) 2008/11/26
205.1 +1 206.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0141017716 With Abandon (United Kingdom) 2008/11/25
205 +0.1 205.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0843953519 Mrs. Cyberhobo (USA: ID) 2008/11/25
204.9 +0.1 205 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140006346 Lesley Mace (United Kingdom) 2008/11/25
204.8 +0.1 204.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140020411 Lesley Mace (United Kingdom) 2008/11/25
201.8 +3 204.8 gave points for mooch request 0571223362 Jillian (Australia) 2008/11/22
202.8 -1 201.8 deducted points for mooch request 0345347838 Adeline (United Kingdom) 2008/11/22
203.8 -1 202.8 deducted points for mooch request 1853810622 Badger (United Kingdom) 2008/11/22
204.8 -1 203.8 deducted points for mooch request B0011BOGI4 rachel whitty (United Kingdom) 2008/11/22
205.8 -1 204.8 deducted points for mooch request 0140006346 Lesley Mace (United Kingdom) 2008/11/22
206.8 -1 205.8 deducted points for mooch request 0140020411 Lesley Mace (United Kingdom) 2008/11/22
208.8 -2 206.8 deducted points for mooch request 0786000341 John Clark (USA: ME) 2008/11/22
208.7 +0.1 208.8 added book to inventory 0571223362 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/22
208.6 +0.1 208.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0979309301 Ana (USA: CA) 2008/11/22
205.6 +3 208.6 gave points for mooch request 0141312122 Hanna Persson (Sweden) 2008/11/22
202.6 +3 205.6 gave points for mooch request 0708860737 Tone Marie Berg (Norway) 2008/11/21
204.6 -2 202.6 deducted points for mooch request 0312957262 Googlebutts (USA: WA) 2008/11/21
205.6 -1 204.6 deducted points for mooch request 0312975597 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2008/11/20
207.6 -2 205.6 deducted points for mooch request 0451223187 Yanick (Canada) 2008/11/20
207.5 +0.1 207.6 added book to inventory 0091870119 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/20
204.5 +3 207.5 gave points for mooch request 0141180609 edwinbcn (China) 2008/11/20
201.5 +3 204.5 gave points for mooch request 0140282688 Allison (USA: PA) 2008/11/20
201.4 +0.1 201.5 added book to inventory 0140282688 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/19
201.3 +0.1 201.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380793261 David (United Kingdom) 2008/11/19
203.3 -2 201.3 deducted points for mooch request 0843953519 Mrs. Cyberhobo (USA: ID) 2008/11/18
203.2 +0.1 203.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 189971233X Carl Jones (United Kingdom) 2008/11/17
203.1 +0.1 203.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0140231706 N Lynner (United Kingdom) 2008/11/17
203 +0.1 203.1 added book to inventory 0752877798 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/17
202.9 +0.1 203 added book to inventory 0752836951 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/17
202.8 +0.1 202.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099471299 fabiennehb (United Kingdom) 2008/11/17
202.7 +0.1 202.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425211312 Bargnhtr (USA: AZ) 2008/11/17
202.6 +0.1 202.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0452272041 Tim (USA: NY) 2008/11/17
202.5 +0.1 202.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451224523 Sandra (USA: GA) 2008/11/17
202.4 +0.1 202.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 068481448X Naomi (United Kingdom) 2008/11/17
202.3 +0.1 202.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0552145785 Leece (United Kingdom) 2008/11/17
204.3 -2 202.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451216350 Kelly (USA: KY) 2008/11/17
203.3 +1 204.3 gave points for mooch request 0192829238 rumhelka (United Kingdom) 2008/11/14
200.3 +3 203.3 gave points for mooch request 1407208144 Mike Aikins (Australia) 2008/11/13
197.3 +3 200.3 gave points for mooch request 0671553046 Deirdre Budd (Netherlands) 2008/11/13
196.3 +1 197.3 gave points for mooch request 1840221275 Robert Palk (United Kingdom) 2008/11/12
195.3 +1 196.3 gave points for mooch request 1551669153 Tracey (United Kingdom) 2008/11/10
194.3 +1 195.3 gave points for mooch request 0460872265 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2008/11/09
194.2 +0.1 194.3 added book to inventory 0340734027 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/06
194.1 +0.1 194.2 added book to inventory 0099478943 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/06
195.1 -1 194.1 deducted points for mooch request 0141017716 With Abandon (United Kingdom) 2008/11/06
192.1 +3 195.1 gave points for mooch request 1844082687 ♥princessjulia♥ (USA: DE) 2008/11/06
192 +0.1 192.1 added book to inventory 0340920858 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/06
191.9 +0.1 192 added book to inventory 0743231392 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/06
192 -0.1 191.9 removed book from inventory 0751538310 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/06
191.9 +0.1 192 added book to inventory 0751538310 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/06
191.8 +0.1 191.9 added book to inventory 072253843X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/06
191.7 +0.1 191.8 added book to inventory 1844082687 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/06
192.7 -1 191.7 deducted points for mooch request 0140231706 N Lynner (United Kingdom) 2008/11/06
193.7 -1 192.7 deducted points for mooch request 0713998091 Ruth Bygrave (United Kingdom) 2008/11/06
193.6 +0.1 193.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0752811541 Deborah (United Kingdom) 2008/11/06
193.5 +0.1 193.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0006752403 Linda (United Kingdom) 2008/11/06
194.5 -1 193.5 deducted points for mooch request 0099471299 fabiennehb (United Kingdom) 2008/11/06
194.4 +0.1 194.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380773791 Mike & Jill Bemis (USA: MN) 2008/11/05
195.4 -1 194.4 deducted points for mooch request 0006483240 Lorraine (United Kingdom) 2008/11/04
196.4 -1 195.4 deducted points for mooch request 0006752403 Linda (United Kingdom) 2008/11/04
197.4 -1 196.4 deducted points for mooch request 0006482953 Lorraine (United Kingdom) 2008/11/04
194.4 +3 197.4 gave points for mooch request 1862079331 Tanya (USA: PA) 2008/11/04
194.3 +0.1 194.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0192623834 dizzi (United Kingdom) 2008/11/04
194.2 +0.1 194.3 added book to inventory 0006551815 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/04
194.1 +0.1 194.2 added book to inventory 000649840X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/04
194 +0.1 194.1 added book to inventory 0141312122 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/04
193.9 +0.1 194 added book to inventory 0575400153 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/04
193.8 +0.1 193.9 added book to inventory 0749397543 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/04
193.7 +0.1 193.8 added book to inventory 1862079331 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/04
193.6 +0.1 193.7 added book to inventory 074726063X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/04
193.5 +0.1 193.6 added book to inventory 0747249962 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/04
193.4 +0.1 193.5 added book to inventory 0752880705 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/04
195.4 -2 193.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425211312 Bargnhtr (USA: AZ) 2008/11/03
194.4 +1 195.4 gave points for mooch request 0192829335 tennantfamily (United Kingdom) 2008/11/03
191.4 +3 194.4 gave points for mooch request 1853263451 Melisa (USA: MI) 2008/11/02
193.4 -2 191.4 deducted points for mooch request 0979309301 Ana (USA: CA) 2008/11/02
190.4 +3 193.4 gave points for mooch request 0460874179 Jillian (Australia) 2008/11/01
190.5 -0.1 190.4 removed book from inventory 0312990863 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/01
190.4 +0.1 190.5 added book to inventory 0312990863 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/01
190.3 +0.1 190.4 added book to inventory 0671553046 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/01
190.2 +0.1 190.3 added book to inventory 0708860737 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/01
190.1 +0.1 190.2 added book to inventory 0751538310 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/11/01
192.1 -2 190.1 deducted points for mooch request 0140126783 Rebecca Grainger (New Zealand) 2008/11/01
193.1 -1 192.1 gave a smooch Brittain (USA: CA) 2008/10/31
194.1 -1 193.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0006156231 Brittain (USA: CA) 2008/10/31
194.2 -0.1 194.1 removing book from inventory 0006156231 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/31
194.1 +0.1 194.2 added book to inventory 0099286602 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/31
191.1 +3 194.1 gave points for mooch request 0007268378 denken (Ireland) 2008/10/31
191 +0.1 191.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312951655 pinkladyof66 (United Kingdom) 2008/10/30
190.9 +0.1 191 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060763957 Dan (United Kingdom) 2008/10/30
189.9 +1 190.9 gave points for mooch request 0006156231 Brittain (USA: CA) 2008/10/30
189.8 +0.1 189.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book B000OW3UK6 marion (United Kingdom) 2008/10/29
186.8 +3 189.8 gave points for mooch request 0752816993 rbarnich (USA: MI) 2008/10/27
187.8 -1 186.8 deducted points for mooch request 0060763957 Dan (United Kingdom) 2008/10/27
187.7 +0.1 187.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0765359960 Phil (United Kingdom) 2008/10/27
188.7 -1 187.7 deducted points for mooch request 0192623834 dizzi (United Kingdom) 2008/10/27
185.7 +3 188.7 gave points for mooch request 0099521938 Sarah (USA: OH) 2008/10/27
185.8 -0.1 185.7 removed book from inventory 0892967404 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/26
185.7 +0.1 185.8 added book to inventory 0892967404 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/26
187.7 -2 185.7 deducted points for mooch request 0380773791 Mike & Jill Bemis (USA: MN) 2008/10/26
187.6 +0.1 187.7 added book to inventory 0099521938 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/26
188.6 -1 187.6 gave a smooch lala182 (United Kingdom) 2008/10/26
188.5 +0.1 188.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0273620355 lala182 (United Kingdom) 2008/10/26
188.4 +0.1 188.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0002246392 Valérie Coupland (United Kingdom) 2008/10/26
188.3 +0.1 188.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book B0000CMJEX John Hopper (United Kingdom) 2008/10/26
187.3 +1 188.3 gave points for mooch request 0192815644 Fern (United Kingdom) 2008/10/25
184.3 +3 187.3 gave points for mooch request 0330434195 RidgewayGirl (USA: SC) 2008/10/25
183.3 +1 184.3 received points from charity seeborn (USA: OR) 2008/10/23
182.3 +1 183.3 gave points for mooch request 0460875663 Ruby Hosh (United Kingdom) 2008/10/23
182.2 +0.1 182.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312957866 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2008/10/23
182.1 +0.1 182.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 039540049X Maggy (USA: IL) 2008/10/23
182 +0.1 182.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416522328 Willingfaith (United Kingdom) 2008/10/23
179 +3 182 gave points for mooch request 0330493639 Judith MacCaellich-Young (France) 2008/10/23
178 +1 179 gave points for mooch request 0192834665 Dewi Evans (United Kingdom) 2008/10/23
180 -2 178 deducted points for mooch request 0452272041 Tim (USA: NY) 2008/10/22
181 -1 180 deducted points for mooch request 0273620355 lala182 (United Kingdom) 2008/10/22
182 -1 181 deducted points for mooch request 0752811541 Deborah (United Kingdom) 2008/10/22
181 +1 182 gave points for mooch request 1853264059 Ian77 (United Kingdom) 2008/10/22
180.9 +0.1 181 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451194748 Debbie (Australia) 2008/10/21
179.9 +1 180.9 gave points for mooch request 0752877178 Emma P (United Kingdom) 2008/10/21
176.9 +3 179.9 gave points for mooch request B000TQCVC0 Noel (USA: FL) 2008/10/20
176.8 +0.1 176.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 000651040X Souldier Blue (United Kingdom) 2008/10/20
176.7 +0.1 176.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099388618 rmb_cmb (Canada) 2008/10/20
176.6 +0.1 176.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380818809 Phil (United Kingdom) 2008/10/20
176.7 -0.1 176.6 removed book from inventory 0007260202 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/20
175.7 +1 176.7 gave points for mooch request 0752876783 Karen (United Kingdom) 2008/10/19
176.7 -1 175.7 deducted points for mooch request 189971233X Carl Jones (United Kingdom) 2008/10/19
177.7 -1 176.7 deducted points for mooch request 0002246392 Valérie Coupland (United Kingdom) 2008/10/19
178.7 -1 177.7 deducted points for mooch request 0752904248 Colin Harding (United Kingdom) 2008/10/19
179.7 -1 178.7 deducted points for mooch request 0380793261 David (United Kingdom) 2008/10/19
180.7 -1 179.7 deducted points for mooch request B000OW3UK6 marion (United Kingdom) 2008/10/19
181.7 -1 180.7 deducted points for mooch request 0765359960 Phil (United Kingdom) 2008/10/19
183.7 -2 181.7 deducted points for mooch request 0451224523 Sandra (USA: GA) 2008/10/18
182.7 +1 183.7 gave points for mooch request 0140622144 Morgan Davies (United Kingdom) 2008/10/18
181.7 +1 182.7 gave points for mooch request 0060521600 Laura Hughes (United Kingdom) 2008/10/17
181.8 -0.1 181.7 removed book from inventory 075284914X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/17
181.9 -0.1 181.8 removed book from inventory 0752849492 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/17
182 -0.1 181.9 removed book from inventory 0330426729 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/17
182.1 -0.1 182 removed book from inventory 033048219X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/17
182.2 -0.1 182.1 removed book from inventory 0330491628 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/17
182.3 -0.1 182.2 removed book from inventory 0330491598 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/17
182.4 -0.1 182.3 removed book from inventory 0330482203 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/17
182.5 -0.1 182.4 removed book from inventory 0330392018 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/17
182.6 -0.1 182.5 removed book from inventory 0330432656 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/17
182.7 -0.1 182.6 removed book from inventory 0330491636 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/17
182.6 +0.1 182.7 added book to inventory B000VDM3F6 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
181.6 +1 182.6 gave points for mooch request 0330491644 Vince Bamford (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
181.5 +0.1 181.6 added book to inventory B0012KUQEC Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
181.4 +0.1 181.5 added book to inventory B000TQCVC0 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
181.5 -0.1 181.4 removed book from inventory B000TQCV6G Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
181.4 +0.1 181.5 added book to inventory B000TQCV6G Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
181.3 +0.1 181.4 added book to inventory B0010YTOOI Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
180.3 +1 181.3 gave points for mooch request 0330482165 Chris (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
179.3 +1 180.3 gave points for mooch request 033049161X Chris (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
176.3 +3 179.3 gave points for mooch request 0752865749 Joel BB (USA: VT) 2008/10/15
176.2 +0.1 176.3 added book to inventory 0752865749 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
176.1 +0.1 176.2 added book to inventory 0745933084 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
176 +0.1 176.1 added book to inventory 0745933084 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
175.9 +0.1 176 added book to inventory 0745932061 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
175.8 +0.1 175.9 added book to inventory 0745932061 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
175.7 +0.1 175.8 added book to inventory 0745930476 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
175.6 +0.1 175.7 added book to inventory 0745930476 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
175.5 +0.1 175.6 added book to inventory 0745931820 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
175.4 +0.1 175.5 added book to inventory 0745931820 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
175.3 +0.1 175.4 added book to inventory 0745931820 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
175.2 +0.1 175.3 added book to inventory 0745936466 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
175.1 +0.1 175.2 added book to inventory 0745936466 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
175 +0.1 175.1 added book to inventory 0745922414 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
174.9 +0.1 175 added book to inventory 0745922414 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
174.8 +0.1 174.9 added book to inventory 0330482203 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
174.7 +0.1 174.8 added book to inventory 0330426729 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
174.6 +0.1 174.7 added book to inventory 0330491628 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
174.5 +0.1 174.6 added book to inventory 033049161X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
174.4 +0.1 174.5 added book to inventory 0330491644 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
174.3 +0.1 174.4 added book to inventory 033048219X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
174.2 +0.1 174.3 added book to inventory 0330392018 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
174.1 +0.1 174.2 added book to inventory 0330491636 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
174 +0.1 174.1 added book to inventory 0330491598 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/15
173 +1 174 gave points for mooch request 0140620605 Michaela Freeman (United Kingdom) 2008/10/14
172 +1 173 gave points for mooch request 0192827618 Michaela Freeman (United Kingdom) 2008/10/14
171.9 +0.1 172 added book to inventory 0752878212 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/14
171.8 +0.1 171.9 added book to inventory 0330434195 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/14
170.8 +1 171.8 gave points for mooch request 0330492632 Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2008/10/14
170.7 +0.1 170.8 added book to inventory 0330334808 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/14
170.6 +0.1 170.7 added book to inventory 0333907493 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/14
170.5 +0.1 170.6 added book to inventory 0330493639 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/14
170.6 -0.1 170.5 removed book from inventory 0330454862 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/14
170.5 +0.1 170.6 added book to inventory 0330454862 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/14
170.4 +0.1 170.5 added book to inventory 0330492632 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/14
170.3 +0.1 170.4 added book to inventory 0330482165 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/14
170.2 +0.1 170.3 added book to inventory B001AMDO2I Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/14
170.1 +0.1 170.2 added book to inventory B001CO7YDY Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/14
170 +0.1 170.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451218175 Michelle (Netherlands) 2008/10/14
167 +3 170 gave points for mooch request 0007268300 amy faye (USA: NJ) 2008/10/13
166 +1 167 gave points for mooch request 0007242476 David (United Kingdom) 2008/10/13
166.1 -0.1 166 removed book from inventory 0752865749 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/13
166 +0.1 166.1 added book to inventory 0752865749 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/13
165.9 +0.1 166 added book to inventory 0140620222 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/13
165.8 +0.1 165.9 added book to inventory 0460872265 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/13
165.7 +0.1 165.8 added book to inventory 1853264180 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/13
165.6 +0.1 165.7 added book to inventory 1853264059 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/13
165.5 +0.1 165.6 added book to inventory 1853264385 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/13
165.4 +0.1 165.5 added book to inventory 0099523507 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/13
165.3 +0.1 165.4 added book to inventory 0192815644 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/13
165.4 -0.1 165.3 removed book from inventory 0007242476 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/13
165.3 +0.1 165.4 added book to inventory 0007242476 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/13
165.2 +0.1 165.3 added book to inventory 0007242476 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/13
165.1 +0.1 165.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book B000ZNQXYE John Bailey (United Kingdom) 2008/10/13
165 +0.1 165.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0007242476 Lynne (United Kingdom) 2008/10/13
164.9 +0.1 165 added book to inventory 1901982912 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/13
164.8 +0.1 164.9 added book to inventory 0140102140 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/13
164.7 +0.1 164.8 added book to inventory 0007260202 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/13
163.7 +1 164.7 gave points for mooch request 0752865749 Diane (United Kingdom) 2008/10/13
163.6 +0.1 163.7 added book to inventory B0014F1RN4 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/13
163.5 +0.1 163.6 added book to inventory 0752865749 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/13
164.5 -1 163.5 deducted points for mooch request 000651040X Souldier Blue (United Kingdom) 2008/10/12
166.5 -2 164.5 deducted points for mooch request 0099388618 rmb_cmb (Canada) 2008/10/11
166.4 +0.1 166.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141019239 Alice (United Kingdom) 2008/10/11
166.3 +0.1 166.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0449212084 mgpb (USA: MO) 2008/10/11
166.2 +0.1 166.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0765342340 mgpb (USA: MO) 2008/10/11
166.1 +0.1 166.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515138754 mgpb (USA: MO) 2008/10/11
166 +0.1 166.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553290266 mgpb (USA: MO) 2008/10/11
163 +3 166 gave points for mooch request 0755334264 Jill (USA: PA) 2008/10/10
164 -1 163 deducted points for mooch request 0312951655 pinkladyof66 (United Kingdom) 2008/10/10
161 +3 164 gave points for mooch request 0752817019 John Fukuda (USA: CO) 2008/10/09
160.9 +0.1 161 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0582381134 Georgina (United Kingdom) 2008/10/09
161.9 -1 160.9 deducted points for mooch request 0007242476 Lynne (United Kingdom) 2008/10/09
162.9 -1 161.9 deducted points for mooch request 0380818809 Phil (United Kingdom) 2008/10/08
163.9 -1 162.9 deducted points for mooch request 0312957866 claire163 (United Kingdom) 2008/10/08
164.9 -1 163.9 deducted points for mooch request B000ZNQXYE John Bailey (United Kingdom) 2008/10/08
166.9 -2 164.9 deducted points for mooch request 0451218175 Michelle (Netherlands) 2008/10/08
163.9 +3 166.9 gave points for mooch request 0413510603 Katie (Germany) 2008/10/08
165.9 -2 163.9 deducted points for mooch request 039540049X Maggy (USA: IL) 2008/10/08
166.9 -1 165.9 deducted points for mooch request B0000CMJEX John Hopper (United Kingdom) 2008/10/08
166.8 +0.1 166.9 added book to inventory 0752849492 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/08
166.7 +0.1 166.8 added book to inventory 0752881833 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/08
166.6 +0.1 166.7 added book to inventory 0752877178 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/08
166.5 +0.1 166.6 added book to inventory 0752816993 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/08
166.6 -0.1 166.5 removed book from inventory 0330446711 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/07
166.7 -0.1 166.6 removed book from inventory 0330432656 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/07
166.6 +0.1 166.7 added book to inventory 0330432656 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/07
166.5 +0.1 166.6 added book to inventory 0330432656 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/07
166.4 +0.1 166.5 added book to inventory B000RC0NEE Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/07
163.4 +3 166.4 gave points for mooch request 0099513684 emilyvotruba (USA: MI) 2008/10/06
160.4 +3 163.4 gave points for mooch request 0099513692 emilyvotruba (USA: MI) 2008/10/06
157.4 +3 160.4 gave points for mooch request 0099513749 Emily (USA: CA) 2008/10/06
157.3 +0.1 157.4 added book to inventory 0099513684 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/06
157.2 +0.1 157.3 added book to inventory 0099513692 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/06
157.1 +0.1 157.2 added book to inventory 0099513749 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/06
156.1 +1 157.1 received a smooch seeborn (USA: OR) 2008/10/06
153.1 +3 156.1 gave points for mooch request 0007268343 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2008/10/06
150.1 +3 153.1 gave points for mooch request 0060099003 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2008/10/06
147.1 +3 150.1 gave points for mooch request 0553560247 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2008/10/06
147 +0.1 147.1 added book to inventory 0752817019 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/05
146.9 +0.1 147 added book to inventory 075284914X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/05
146.8 +0.1 146.9 added book to inventory 1407208144 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/05
147.8 -1 146.8 deducted points for mooch request 0006483275 Emily (United Kingdom) 2008/10/05
148.8 -1 147.8 deducted points for mooch request 068481448X Naomi (United Kingdom) 2008/10/05
149.8 -1 148.8 donated points to charity seeborn (USA: OR) 2008/10/05
150.8 -1 149.8 gave a smooch seeborn (USA: OR) 2008/10/05
147.8 +3 150.8 gave points for mooch request 0553272985 Katie (Germany) 2008/10/05
146.8 +1 147.8 gave points for mooch request 0007268408 Carl Jones (United Kingdom) 2008/10/04
146.7 +0.1 146.8 added book to inventory 0755300564 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/04
146.6 +0.1 146.7 added book to inventory 0553272985 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/04
145.6 +1 146.6 gave points for mooch request 0752865749 babydoll85 (United Kingdom) 2008/10/04
145.5 +0.1 145.6 added book to inventory 1407207075 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/04
145.4 +0.1 145.5 added book to inventory 1407207040 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/04
145.3 +0.1 145.4 added book to inventory 0330446711 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/04
145.2 +0.1 145.3 added book to inventory 0752876783 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/04
145.1 +0.1 145.2 added book to inventory 0752865749 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/04
146.1 -1 145.1 deducted points for mooch request 0141019239 Alice (United Kingdom) 2008/10/03
145.1 +1 146.1 gave points for mooch request 0099282615 CatyM (United Kingdom) 2008/10/03
142.1 +3 145.1 gave points for mooch request 0099513757 Melissa S. (USA: TX) 2008/10/02
142 +0.1 142.1 added book to inventory 0099513757 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/02
141.9 +0.1 142 added book to inventory 1551669153 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/02
141.8 +0.1 141.9 added book to inventory 0006156231 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/10/02
143.8 -2 141.8 deducted points for mooch request 0451194748 Debbie (Australia) 2008/10/02
142.8 +1 143.8 gave points for mooch request 0140074546 Rita (United Kingdom) 2008/10/01
143.8 -1 142.8 deducted points for mooch request 1852429305 DeadGoodBooks (United Kingdom) 2008/09/30
140.8 +3 143.8 gave points for mooch request 0099513951 Signe (USA: MO) 2008/09/30
137.8 +3 140.8 gave points for mooch request 0099513773 Emily (USA: CA) 2008/09/30
137.7 +0.1 137.8 added book to inventory 0099513951 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/30
137.6 +0.1 137.7 added book to inventory 0099513773 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/30
137.5 +0.1 137.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1426200420 Shirley (USA: NY) 2008/09/30
136.5 +1 137.5 gave points for mooch request 075283746X Paul Dews (United Kingdom) 2008/09/30
135.5 +1 136.5 gave points for mooch request 0007268394 lin chiswell (United Kingdom) 2008/09/29
134.5 +1 135.5 gave points for mooch request 000726836X lin chiswell (United Kingdom) 2008/09/29
136.5 -2 134.5 deducted points for mooch request 0765342340 mgpb (USA: MO) 2008/09/29
138.5 -2 136.5 deducted points for mooch request 0449212084 mgpb (USA: MO) 2008/09/29
140.5 -2 138.5 deducted points for mooch request 0515138754 mgpb (USA: MO) 2008/09/29
142.5 -2 140.5 deducted points for mooch request 0553290266 mgpb (USA: MO) 2008/09/29
141.5 +1 142.5 gave points for mooch request 0312981260 nvm (United Kingdom) 2008/09/29
138.5 +3 141.5 gave points for mooch request 0140185674 Andrea (USA: OK) 2008/09/28
135.5 +3 138.5 gave points for mooch request 0340897104 Michelle (USA: AZ) 2008/09/28
135.4 +0.1 135.5 added book to inventory 0340897104 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/28
135.3 +0.1 135.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0758206828 Michelle (Netherlands) 2008/09/27
136.3 -1 135.3 deducted points for mooch request 0552145785 Leece (United Kingdom) 2008/09/26
133.3 +3 136.3 gave points for mooch request 0007268319 KayakingMama (USA: NC) 2008/09/26
130.3 +3 133.3 gave points for mooch request 0460873466 A. P. Pietrzyk (USA: IL) 2008/09/25
131.3 -1 130.3 deducted points for mooch request 0582381134 Georgina (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
131.4 -0.1 131.3 removed book from inventory 0099513773 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
131.5 -0.1 131.4 removed book from inventory 0007275013 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
131.6 -0.1 131.5 removed book from inventory 0099513951 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
131.7 -0.1 131.6 removed book from inventory 0099513749 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
131.8 -0.1 131.7 removed book from inventory 0099513684 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
131.9 -0.1 131.8 removed book from inventory 0099513757 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
132 -0.1 131.9 removed book from inventory 0099513692 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
131 +1 132 gave points for mooch request 009951396X Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
130 +1 131 gave points for mooch request 0099513943 Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
129.9 +0.1 130 added book to inventory 0099513773 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
128.9 +1 129.9 gave points for mooch request 0099513978 Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
128.8 +0.1 128.9 added book to inventory 0099513943 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
127.8 +1 128.8 gave points for mooch request 0099513730 Sophie Houston (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
127.7 +0.1 127.8 added book to inventory 0099513684 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
127.6 +0.1 127.7 added book to inventory 0099513692 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
127.5 +0.1 127.6 added book to inventory 0099513978 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
127.4 +0.1 127.5 added book to inventory 0099513757 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
127.3 +0.1 127.4 added book to inventory 0099513951 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
127.2 +0.1 127.3 added book to inventory 009951396X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
127.1 +0.1 127.2 added book to inventory 0099513730 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
127 +0.1 127.1 added book to inventory 0099513749 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/25
129 -2 127 deducted points for mooch request 1426200420 Shirley (USA: NY) 2008/09/24
126 +3 129 gave points for mooch request 0007268386 Dorothy van Schooneveld (France) 2008/09/24
125.9 +0.1 126 added book to inventory 0007268394 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/24
126 -0.1 125.9 removed book from inventory 0007268378 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/24
125.9 +0.1 126 added book to inventory 0007268378 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/24
125.8 +0.1 125.9 added book to inventory 0007268378 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/24
125.7 +0.1 125.8 added book to inventory 0007268300 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/24
125.6 +0.1 125.7 added book to inventory 0007268408 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/24
125.5 +0.1 125.6 added book to inventory 0007268386 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/24
125.4 +0.1 125.5 added book to inventory 000726836X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/24
125.3 +0.1 125.4 added book to inventory 0007268343 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/24
125.2 +0.1 125.3 added book to inventory 0007275013 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/24
125.1 +0.1 125.2 added book to inventory 0007268319 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/24
125 +0.1 125.1 added book to inventory 0007266758 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/24
124 +1 125 gave points for mooch request 1844083241 SMD (United Kingdom) 2008/09/24
123 +1 124 gave points for mooch request 1853262714 paige turner (United Kingdom) 2008/09/23
120 +3 123 gave points for mooch request 1853260363 Kathy (USA: PA) 2008/09/22
121 -1 120 deducted points for mooch request 1416522328 Willingfaith (United Kingdom) 2008/09/22
119 +2 121 mooch cancelled by requestor 0312204264 Pennylove (Canada) 2008/09/22
116 +3 119 gave points for mooch request 019283388X darkwood (Australia) 2008/09/21
115 +1 116 gave points for mooch request 023399713X T4ll1fer (United Kingdom) 2008/09/21
114 +1 115 gave points for mooch request 0141185074 Trish (United Kingdom) 2008/09/21
111 +3 114 gave points for mooch request 0812977769 Ruby Baresch (USA: NY) 2008/09/21
110.9 +0.1 111 added book to inventory 0812977769 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/21
110.8 +0.1 110.9 added book to inventory 0141185074 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/21
110.7 +0.1 110.8 added book to inventory 019283388X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/21
110.6 +0.1 110.7 added book to inventory 0140185674 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/21
110.5 +0.1 110.6 added book to inventory 0141180609 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/21
110.4 +0.1 110.5 added book to inventory 1853262714 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/21
112.4 -2 110.4 deducted points for mooch request 0758206828 Michelle (Netherlands) 2008/09/20
112.3 +0.1 112.4 added book to inventory 0755334264 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/20
112.2 +0.1 112.3 added book to inventory 1840221275 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/20
112.3 -0.1 112.2 removed book from inventory 0752817000 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/20
112.2 +0.1 112.3 added book to inventory 0752817000 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/20
112.1 +0.1 112.2 added book to inventory 075283746X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/20
109.1 +3 112.1 gave points for mooch request 0340893575 DeeOhTea (USA: RI) 2008/09/19
106.1 +3 109.1 gave points for mooch request 1853260622 Bethany (USA: MI) 2008/09/19
106 +0.1 106.1 added book to inventory 0340893575 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/18
106.1 -0.1 106 removed book from inventory 0340712538 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/18
106 +0.1 106.1 added book to inventory 0340712538 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/18
105.9 +0.1 106 added book to inventory 0553560247 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/18
106 -0.1 105.9 removed book from inventory 0099435055 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/18
105.9 +0.1 106 added book to inventory 0099435055 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/18
105.8 +0.1 105.9 added book to inventory 1844083241 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/18
105.9 -0.1 105.8 removed book from inventory 1901982912 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/18
102.9 +3 105.9 gave points for mooch request 0099800209 Becky (USA: VA) 2008/09/17
102.8 +0.1 102.9 added book to inventory 0312981260 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/17
102.9 -0.1 102.8 removed book from inventory 0007200064 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/17
103 -0.1 102.9 removed book from inventory 0752844830 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/17
103.1 -0.1 103 removed book from inventory 0586212043 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/17
103 +0.1 103.1 added book to inventory 0099800209 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/17
102.9 +0.1 103 added book to inventory 0586212043 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/17
102.8 +0.1 102.9 added book to inventory 0752844830 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/17
102.7 +0.1 102.8 added book to inventory 0330248960 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/17
102.6 +0.1 102.7 added book to inventory 0099282615 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/17
102.5 +0.1 102.6 added book to inventory 0755323971 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/17
102.4 +0.1 102.5 added book to inventory 0747249415 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/17
102.3 +0.1 102.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 190604001X KayM (United Kingdom) 2008/09/17
102.2 +0.1 102.3 added book to inventory 0140074546 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/16
102.1 +0.1 102.2 added book to inventory 0060099003 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/16
102 +0.1 102.1 added book to inventory 0006543464 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/16
101.9 +0.1 102 added book to inventory 1853260622 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/16
101.8 +0.1 101.9 added book to inventory 1558820817 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/16
101.7 +0.1 101.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0007232187 Aqqy (United Kingdom) 2008/09/16
101.6 +0.1 101.7 added book to inventory 0413510603 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/14
102.6 -1 101.6 deducted points for mooch request 0007232187 Aqqy (United Kingdom) 2008/09/14
103.6 -1 102.6 deducted points for mooch request 190604001X KayM (United Kingdom) 2008/09/13
102.6 +1 103.6 gave points for mooch request 1844543234 Alison carroll (United Kingdom) 2008/09/13
102.5 +0.1 102.6 added book to inventory 0007200064 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/12
102.4 +0.1 102.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1558820817 Eliza (USA: FL) 2008/09/12
101.4 +1 102.4 gave points for mooch request 1853260630 Dan (United Kingdom) 2008/09/11
101.3 +0.1 101.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312981260 John and Maureen Glen (United Kingdom) 2008/09/11
101.2 +0.1 101.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0375505385 april (USA: TX) 2008/09/11
100.2 +1 101.2 gave points for mooch request 0460875760 C.Jean (United Kingdom) 2008/09/11
97.2 +3 100.2 gave points for mooch request 0007242514 Muriel Koyce (Ireland) 2008/09/09
96.2 +1 97.2 gave points for mooch request 0140621164 karen (United Kingdom) 2008/09/08
95.2 +1 96.2 gave points for mooch request 0140068759 Mary (United Kingdom) 2008/09/08
95.1 +0.1 95.2 added book to inventory 0060521600 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/07
95 +0.1 95.1 added book to inventory 023399713X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/07
96 -1 95 deducted points for mooch request 0312981260 John and Maureen Glen (United Kingdom) 2008/09/07
93 +3 96 gave points for mooch request 1853266256 Chellie (USA: MD) 2008/09/06
92.9 +0.1 93 added book to inventory 1844543234 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/04
92.8 +0.1 92.9 added book to inventory 0140450203 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/04
92.7 +0.1 92.8 added book to inventory 1853266256 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/04
92.6 +0.1 92.7 added book to inventory 185326038X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/04
92.5 +0.1 92.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1844543234 Book Aid For Africa (United Kingdom) 2008/09/04
89.5 +3 92.5 gave points for mooch request 1853260932 seeborn (USA: OR) 2008/09/03
89.4 +0.1 89.5 added book to inventory 1853260932 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/03
89.3 +0.1 89.4 added book to inventory 0140707018 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/03
89.2 +0.1 89.3 added book to inventory 0140620605 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/03
89.1 +0.1 89.2 added book to inventory 1853260363 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/09/03
89 +0.1 89.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747591725 Ruth (United Kingdom) 2008/09/03
88.9 +0.1 89 receiver acknowledged receiving book B0011FQFYI lotuscandy (United Kingdom) 2008/09/02
88.8 +0.1 88.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786015241 Alison carroll (United Kingdom) 2008/09/02
85.8 +3 88.8 gave points for mooch request 1853260320 whitelady (Portugal) 2008/09/01
86.8 -1 85.8 deducted points for mooch request 0786015241 Alison carroll (United Kingdom) 2008/08/30
87.8 -1 86.8 deducted points for mooch request 0747591725 Ruth (United Kingdom) 2008/08/30
86.8 +1 87.8 gave points for mooch request 0434014087 Andy McAleer (United Kingdom) 2008/08/29
88.8 -2 86.8 deducted points for mooch request 0312204264 Pennylove (Canada) 2008/08/28
90.8 -2 88.8 deducted points for mooch request 1558820817 Eliza (USA: FL) 2008/08/28
91.8 -1 90.8 deducted points for mooch request 1844543234 Book Aid For Africa (United Kingdom) 2008/08/26
88.8 +3 91.8 gave points for mooch request 1853260924 Cathy (USA: NY) 2008/08/23
85.8 +3 88.8 gave points for mooch request 0486287599 Doug (New Zealand) 2008/08/22
84.8 +1 85.8 gave points for mooch request 1853261750 LM Myles (United Kingdom) 2008/08/21
84.7 +0.1 84.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0006156231 Lydia Marmorstein (United Kingdom) 2008/08/21
83.7 +1 84.7 gave points for mooch request 0192815482 Carol (United Kingdom) 2008/08/20
82.7 +1 83.7 gave points for mooch request 1853260975 Dan (United Kingdom) 2008/08/19
84.7 -2 82.7 deducted points for mooch request 0375505385 april (USA: TX) 2008/08/17
81.7 +3 84.7 gave points for mooch request 0140620885 David (USA: WA) 2008/08/16
81.6 +0.1 81.7 added book to inventory 1853263451 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/16
81.5 +0.1 81.6 added book to inventory 0486287599 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/16
81.4 +0.1 81.5 added book to inventory 0192834665 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/16
81.3 +0.1 81.4 added book to inventory 0140068759 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/16
81.2 +0.1 81.3 added book to inventory 0460873466 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/16
81.1 +0.1 81.2 added book to inventory 1853261750 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/16
81 +0.1 81.1 added book to inventory 0140621873 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/16
80.9 +0.1 81 added book to inventory 0140622500 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/16
80.8 +0.1 80.9 added book to inventory 0140620885 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/16
80.7 +0.1 80.8 added book to inventory 0140620893 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/16
80.6 +0.1 80.7 added book to inventory 1853260630 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/16
80.5 +0.1 80.6 added book to inventory 1853260967 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/16
80.4 +0.1 80.5 added book to inventory 185326072X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/16
80.3 +0.1 80.4 added book to inventory 1853260320 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/16
80.2 +0.1 80.3 added book to inventory 0192815482 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/16
80.1 +0.1 80.2 added book to inventory 0140621164 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/16
79.1 +1 80.1 gave points for mooch request 0140620249 ukok (United Kingdom) 2008/08/16
79 +0.1 79.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0141318007 Carol (United Kingdom) 2008/08/15
80 -1 79 deducted points for mooch request B0011FQFYI lotuscandy (United Kingdom) 2008/08/15
79 +1 80 gave points for mooch request 0140620567 Tom Fairfield (United Kingdom) 2008/08/11
78 +1 79 gave points for mooch request 0140622225 Anthony (United Kingdom) 2008/08/11
77 +1 78 gave points for mooch request 0460874470 dawnibaby (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
78 -1 77 deducted points for mooch request 0141318007 Carol (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
77.9 +0.1 78 added book to inventory 0140622225 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
77.8 +0.1 77.9 added book to inventory 0460874969 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
77.7 +0.1 77.8 added book to inventory 0192827618 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
77.6 +0.1 77.7 added book to inventory 0192829238 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
77.5 +0.1 77.6 added book to inventory 0192829335 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
77.4 +0.1 77.5 added book to inventory 0460874179 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
77.3 +0.1 77.4 added book to inventory 0460875760 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
77.2 +0.1 77.3 added book to inventory 1853260924 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
77.1 +0.1 77.2 added book to inventory 185326007X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
77 +0.1 77.1 added book to inventory 0140620257 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
76.9 +0.1 77 added book to inventory 0140622829 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
76.8 +0.1 76.9 added book to inventory 0140622144 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
73.8 +3 76.8 gave points for mooch request 1853260711 chris (Japan) 2008/08/10
73.7 +0.1 73.8 added book to inventory 1853260495 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
73.6 +0.1 73.7 added book to inventory 0460874470 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
73.5 +0.1 73.6 added book to inventory 1853260711 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
73.4 +0.1 73.5 added book to inventory 0140620249 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
73.3 +0.1 73.4 added book to inventory 0140620567 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
73.2 +0.1 73.3 added book to inventory 014062192X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
73.1 +0.1 73.2 added book to inventory 1853260975 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
73 +0.1 73.1 added book to inventory 1853262293 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
72.9 +0.1 73 added book to inventory 0460875663 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/10
73 -0.1 72.9 removed book from inventory 1845295315 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/08/09
72 +1 73 gave points for mooch request 1845295757 Lix (USA: CA) 2008/08/04
71.9 +0.1 72 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099800209 Salla (Finland) 2008/08/03
71.8 +0.1 71.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060521600 James (Canada) 2008/08/03
72.8 -1 71.8 deducted points for mooch request 0099800209 Salla (Finland) 2008/07/20
69.8 +3 72.8 gave points for mooch request 1857988132 JFelton (USA: WA) 2008/07/18
69.7 +0.1 69.8 added book to inventory 1857988132 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/18
69.6 +0.1 69.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0333906276 Atters (United Kingdom) 2008/07/17
70.6 -1 69.6 deducted points for mooch request 0006156231 Lydia Marmorstein (United Kingdom) 2008/07/17
70.5 +0.1 70.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099490994 James from London (United Kingdom) 2008/07/15
71.5 -1 70.5 deducted points for mooch request 0333906276 Atters (United Kingdom) 2008/07/13
71.4 +0.1 71.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060590033 John F. (USA: NJ) 2008/07/11
73.4 -2 71.4 deducted points for mooch request 0060521600 James (Canada) 2008/07/09
72.4 +1 73.4 gave points for mooch request 1844137902 Lesley Mace (United Kingdom) 2008/07/09
69.4 +3 72.4 gave points for mooch request 1846075882 John S. Hall (USA: RI) 2008/07/07
66.4 +3 69.4 gave points for mooch request 1846075912 John S. Hall (USA: RI) 2008/07/07
63.4 +3 66.4 gave points for mooch request 1846075904 John S. Hall (USA: RI) 2008/07/07
60.4 +3 63.4 gave points for mooch request 1846075890 John S. Hall (USA: RI) 2008/07/07
57.4 +3 60.4 gave points for mooch request 1846075963 John S. Hall (USA: RI) 2008/07/07
57.3 +0.1 57.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743235614 Triccie (Philippines) 2008/07/07
57.2 +0.1 57.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425212734 rachel (USA: PA) 2008/07/07
57.3 -0.1 57.2 removed book from inventory 0007190174 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
57.4 -0.1 57.3 removed book from inventory 1902934350 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
57.5 -0.1 57.4 removed book from inventory 0007635753 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
57.6 -0.1 57.5 removed book from inventory 0593050916 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
57.7 -0.1 57.6 removed book from inventory 0060765240 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
57.8 -0.1 57.7 removed book from inventory 0446600458 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
57.9 -0.1 57.8 removed book from inventory 0340624604 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
58 -0.1 57.9 removed book from inventory 0099285991 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
58.1 -0.1 58 removed book from inventory 075530733X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
58.2 -0.1 58.1 removed book from inventory 0752875698 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
58.3 -0.1 58.2 removed book from inventory 044022165X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
58.4 -0.1 58.3 removed book from inventory 055357633X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
58.5 -0.1 58.4 removed book from inventory 0330352253 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
58.6 -0.1 58.5 removed book from inventory 0330446851 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
58.7 -0.1 58.6 removed book from inventory 0426200594 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
58.8 -0.1 58.7 removed book from inventory 033037639X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
58.9 -0.1 58.8 removed book from inventory 0552148830 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
59 -0.1 58.9 removed book from inventory 0552154059 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
59.1 -0.1 59 removed book from inventory 0099565609 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
59.2 -0.1 59.1 removed book from inventory 0743416023 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
59.3 -0.1 59.2 removed book from inventory 0140053298 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
59.4 -0.1 59.3 removed book from inventory 9812465774 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/07
59.3 +0.1 59.4 added book to inventory 0099285991 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/06
59.4 -0.1 59.3 removed book from inventory 0330438883 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/06
59.3 +0.1 59.4 added book to inventory 0330438883 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/06
59.4 -0.1 59.3 removed book from inventory 0330334816 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/06
59.3 +0.1 59.4 added book to inventory 0330334816 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/06
61.3 -2 59.3 deducted points for mooch request 0060590033 John F. (USA: NJ) 2008/07/05
62.3 -1 61.3 deducted points for mooch request 0099490994 James from London (United Kingdom) 2008/07/05
62.2 +0.1 62.3 added book to inventory 0060765240 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/05
62.1 +0.1 62.2 added book to inventory 0552154059 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/05
59.1 +3 62.1 gave points for mooch request 1845295749 Bernadette (Australia) 2008/07/05
56.1 +3 59.1 gave points for mooch request 1846075939 Leela4 (USA: OR) 2008/07/04
53.1 +3 56.1 gave points for mooch request 1846075955 Leela4 (USA: OR) 2008/07/04
50.1 +3 53.1 gave points for mooch request 1846075971 Leela4 (USA: OR) 2008/07/04
47.1 +3 50.1 gave points for mooch request 1846075920 Leela4 (USA: OR) 2008/07/04
47 +0.1 47.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099289075 Adam Berman (United Kingdom) 2008/07/04
46.9 +0.1 47 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060765240 Muriel Koyce (Ireland) 2008/07/04
43.9 +3 46.9 gave points for mooch request 1846074711 Amy D. (USA: FL) 2008/07/03
40.9 +3 43.9 gave points for mooch request 184607469X Amy D. (USA: FL) 2008/07/03
37.9 +3 40.9 gave points for mooch request 1846074703 Amy D. (USA: FL) 2008/07/03
34.9 +3 37.9 gave points for mooch request 1846075947 Kat (USA: CT) 2008/07/03
34.8 +0.1 34.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0812977769 Sue Foy (United Kingdom) 2008/07/03
34.7 +0.1 34.8 added book to inventory 1846075971 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/02
34.6 +0.1 34.7 added book to inventory 1846075912 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/02
34.5 +0.1 34.6 added book to inventory 1846075939 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/02
34.4 +0.1 34.5 added book to inventory 1846075890 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/02
34.3 +0.1 34.4 added book to inventory 1846075904 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/02
34.2 +0.1 34.3 added book to inventory 1846075947 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/02
34.1 +0.1 34.2 added book to inventory 1846075963 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/02
34 +0.1 34.1 added book to inventory 1846075920 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/02
33.9 +0.1 34 added book to inventory 1846075882 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/02
33.8 +0.1 33.9 added book to inventory 1846075955 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/02
33.7 +0.1 33.8 added book to inventory 184607469X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/02
33.6 +0.1 33.7 added book to inventory 1846074703 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/02
33.5 +0.1 33.6 added book to inventory 1846074711 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/02
33.4 +0.1 33.5 added book to inventory 1845295749 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/02
33.3 +0.1 33.4 added book to inventory 1845295757 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/02
33.2 +0.1 33.3 added book to inventory 1845295315 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/07/02
34.2 -1 33.2 deducted points for mooch request 0099289075 Adam Berman (United Kingdom) 2008/07/01
36.2 -2 34.2 deducted points for mooch request 0743235614 Triccie (Philippines) 2008/06/30
38.2 -2 36.2 deducted points for mooch request 0425212734 rachel (USA: PA) 2008/06/28
40.2 -2 38.2 deducted points for mooch request 0060765240 Muriel Koyce (Ireland) 2008/06/27
39.2 +1 40.2 gave points for mooch request 0006176313 Carol (United Kingdom) 2008/06/27
39.1 +0.1 39.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099893304 Alec Hickmott (USA: VA) 2008/06/26
36.1 +3 39.1 gave points for mooch request 0755324226 Muriel Koyce (Ireland) 2008/06/26
36 +0.1 36.1 added book to inventory 0007635753 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/06/26
37 -1 36 deducted points for mooch request 0812977769 Sue Foy (United Kingdom) 2008/06/25
36.9 +0.1 37 added book to inventory 1844137902 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/06/23
36.8 +0.1 36.9 added book to inventory 0747267669 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/06/23
36.7 +0.1 36.8 added book to inventory 0446600458 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/06/23
36.8 -0.1 36.7 removed book from inventory 0755332016 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/06/23
37.8 -1 36.8 deducted points for mooch request 0099893304 Alec Hickmott (USA: VA) 2008/06/22
36.8 +1 37.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0007242204 Jack Pandemian (United Kingdom) 2008/06/14
35.8 +1 36.8 gave points for mooch request 0552154059 Stephen du Toit (United Kingdom) 2008/06/13
35.9 -0.1 35.8 removed book from inventory 0747267669 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/06/11
35.8 +0.1 35.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1593373295 profbirdbrain (USA: WI) 2008/06/11
35.7 +0.1 35.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747253919 irisin (Austria) 2008/06/10
35.6 +0.1 35.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 074724944X irisin (Austria) 2008/06/10
34.6 +1 35.6 gave points for mooch request 0007120761 marceline (United Kingdom) 2008/06/07
31.6 +3 34.6 gave points for mooch request 0747258724 fmhos (USA: OH) 2008/06/07
31.5 +0.1 31.6 added book to inventory 0747258724 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/06/06
31.4 +0.1 31.5 added book to inventory 0006176313 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/06/06
31.3 +0.1 31.4 added book to inventory 0340624604 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/06/06
31.2 +0.1 31.3 added book to inventory 0099565609 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/06/06
31.3 -0.1 31.2 removed book from inventory 0670916536 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/06/04
31.2 +0.1 31.3 added book to inventory 0670916536 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/06/04
30.2 +1 31.2 gave points for mooch request 0747255393 carol (United Kingdom) 2008/06/03
27.2 +3 30.2 gave points for mooch request 0140288236 Gemma (USA: CA) 2008/06/02
26.2 +1 27.2 gave points for mooch request B0016KYQOY Alison carroll (United Kingdom) 2008/05/31
28.2 -2 26.2 deducted points for mooch request 1593373295 profbirdbrain (USA: WI) 2008/05/27
25.2 +3 28.2 gave points for mooch request 0312963572 Danny (Malta) 2008/05/27
25.1 +0.1 25.2 added book to inventory 0747255393 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/05/23
25 +0.1 25.1 added book to inventory 0747267669 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/05/23
24.9 +0.1 25 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0739417150 Jillian (USA: AZ) 2008/05/23
25 -0.1 24.9 removed book from inventory 0684857642 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/05/20
24.9 +0.1 25 added book to inventory 0684857642 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/05/20
21.9 +3 24.9 gave points for mooch request 0007171196 Angela (USA: PA) 2008/05/20
20.9 +1 21.9 gave points for mooch request 0140102159 Dan (United Kingdom) 2008/05/19
19.9 +1 20.9 gave points for mooch request 0553815873 lotuscandy (United Kingdom) 2008/05/19
18.9 +1 19.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0752882171 Kirrus (United Kingdom) 2008/05/18
19.9 -1 18.9 deducted points for mooch request 0007242204 Jack Pandemian (United Kingdom) 2008/05/17
16.9 +3 19.9 gave points for mooch request 0312962207 Canadian Bookworm (Canada) 2008/05/15
18.9 -2 16.9 deducted points for mooch request 0747253919 irisin (Austria) 2008/05/14
20.9 -2 18.9 deducted points for mooch request 074724944X irisin (Austria) 2008/05/14
17.9 +3 20.9 gave points for mooch request 1853262013 joracaky (USA: TX) 2008/05/10
17.8 +0.1 17.9 added book to inventory B0016KYQOY Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/05/10
17.9 -0.1 17.8 removed book from inventory 0753172623 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/05/10
17.8 +0.1 17.9 added book to inventory 0753172623 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/05/10
17.7 +0.1 17.8 added book to inventory 0434014087 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/05/07
17.6 +0.1 17.7 added book to inventory 1853262013 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/05/07
17.7 -0.1 17.6 removed book from inventory 0751530166 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/05/06
17.6 +0.1 17.7 added book to inventory 0752875698 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/05/06
17.7 -0.1 17.6 removed book from inventory 0140277145 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/05/06
17.8 -0.1 17.7 removed book from inventory 0425158608 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/05/06
17.7 +0.1 17.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0752875698 Curzon Tussaud (United Kingdom) 2008/05/01
16.7 +1 17.7 received points from charity Jillian (USA: AZ) 2008/04/29
18.7 -2 16.7 deducted points for mooch request 0739417150 Jillian (USA: AZ) 2008/04/29
18.8 -0.1 18.7 removed book from inventory 0747267596 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/04/28
19.8 -1 18.8 deducted points for mooch request 0752882171 Kirrus (United Kingdom) 2008/04/27
19.7 +0.1 19.8 added book to inventory 0552148830 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/04/27
20.7 -1 19.7 deducted points for mooch request 0752875698 Curzon Tussaud (United Kingdom) 2008/04/26
20.8 -0.1 20.7 removed book from inventory 0425163393 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/04/25
19.8 +1 20.8 gave points for mooch request 0755321944 Nicky (United Kingdom) 2008/04/23
19.7 +0.1 19.8 added book to inventory 1842430149 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/04/19
19.6 +0.1 19.7 added book to inventory 1901982912 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/04/19
19.7 -0.1 19.6 removed book from inventory 0385337221 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/04/18
19.6 +0.1 19.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0749396598 jodi (United Kingdom) 2008/04/17
18.6 +1 19.6 gave points for mooch request 0141321318 Kat (United Kingdom) 2008/04/17
18.5 +0.1 18.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1844080390 Elspeth (United Kingdom) 2008/04/16
19.5 -1 18.5 deducted points for mooch request 0749396598 jodi (United Kingdom) 2008/04/14
19.6 -0.1 19.5 removed book from inventory 0340653752 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/04/13
19.7 -0.1 19.6 removed book from inventory 0553560247 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/04/13
19.6 +0.1 19.7 added book to inventory 0312962207 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/04/13
19.5 +0.1 19.6 added book to inventory 0425158608 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/04/12
19.4 +0.1 19.5 added book to inventory 0340653752 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/04/12
19.3 +0.1 19.4 added book to inventory 055357633X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/04/12
19.2 +0.1 19.3 added book to inventory 0553560247 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/04/12
20.2 -1 19.2 deducted points for mooch request 1844080390 Elspeth (United Kingdom) 2008/04/09
20.3 -0.1 20.2 removed book from inventory 184115587X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/04/09
20.2 +0.1 20.3 added book to inventory 184115587X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/04/09
20.1 +0.1 20.2 added book to inventory 0385337221 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/04/09
20 +0.1 20.1 added book to inventory 044022165X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/04/06
19.9 +0.1 20 added book to inventory 0425163393 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/04/06
19.8 +0.1 19.9 added book to inventory 0755321944 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/04/06
19.7 +0.1 19.8 added book to inventory 0140102159 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/04/06
19.6 +0.1 19.7 added book to inventory 0140277145 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/04/06
16.6 +3 19.6 gave points for mooch request 0099799510 Helen Frances (Australia) 2008/04/05
13.6 +3 16.6 gave points for mooch request 1846073723 Lee Potts (USA: PA) 2008/03/31
13.5 +0.1 13.6 added book to inventory 1846073723 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/03/31
12.5 +1 13.5 gave points for mooch request 0743444043 Kayim (United Kingdom) 2008/03/25
11.5 +1 12.5 gave points for mooch request 0141028696 Darren Wallace (United Kingdom) 2008/03/21
11.4 +0.1 11.5 added book to inventory 0140053298 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/03/18
11.5 -0.1 11.4 removed book from inventory 0316643815 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/03/18
10.5 +1 11.5 gave points for mooch request 1846073723 Greg (United Kingdom) 2008/03/18
10.4 +0.1 10.5 added book to inventory 1846073723 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/03/18
10.5 -0.1 10.4 removed book from inventory 0425163393 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/03/18
7.5 +3 10.5 gave points for mooch request 0747237883 Tiz Cooley (USA: NY) 2008/03/17
4.5 +3 7.5 gave points for mooch request 0140288694 Ashley (USA: IN) 2008/03/16
4.4 +0.1 4.5 added book to inventory 0007242514 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/03/16
4.3 +0.1 4.4 added book to inventory 0747237883 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/03/15
4.2 +0.1 4.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747250359 Penny (United Kingdom) 2008/03/15
4.1 +0.1 4.2 added book to inventory 0007171196 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/03/15
4 +0.1 4.1 added book to inventory 0141028696 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/03/15
3.9 +0.1 4 added book to inventory 075530733X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/03/15
3.8 +0.1 3.9 added book to inventory 0751530166 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/03/15
3.7 +0.1 3.8 added book to inventory 0007190174 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/03/15
3.6 +0.1 3.7 added book to inventory 0007120761 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/03/15
3.5 +0.1 3.6 added book to inventory 0553815873 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/03/15
2.5 +1 3.5 gave points for mooch request 0340689714 Brittain (USA: CA) 2008/03/11
3.5 -1 2.5 deducted points for mooch request 0747250359 Penny (United Kingdom) 2008/03/09
3.4 +0.1 3.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1853262013 Ysolda (United Kingdom) 2008/03/08
3.3 +0.1 3.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515107867 irisin (Austria) 2008/03/08
3.2 +0.1 3.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747245134 irisin (Austria) 2008/03/08
3.1 +0.1 3.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747250391 irisin (Austria) 2008/03/08
3 +0.1 3.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747242658 irisin (Austria) 2008/03/08
2.9 +0.1 3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515109509 irisin (Austria) 2008/03/08
2.8 +0.1 2.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747253927 irisin (Austria) 2008/03/08
2.7 +0.1 2.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747250375 irisin (Austria) 2008/03/08
2.6 +0.1 2.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 038081093X sfjalar (Iceland) 2008/03/07
3.6 -1 2.6 deducted points for mooch request 1853262013 Ysolda (United Kingdom) 2008/03/01
3.5 +0.1 3.6 added book to inventory 0426200594 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/03/01
3.6 -0.1 3.5 removed book from inventory 0426200594 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/03/01
3.5 +0.1 3.6 added book to inventory 0426200594 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/03/01
2.5 +1 3.5 gave points for mooch request 0340899247 Sonia (United Kingdom) 2008/02/26
0.5 +2 2.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 038549081X Pamela (USA: NY) 2008/02/24
0.6 -0.1 0.5 removed book from inventory 1846052513 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/02/16
0.5 +0.1 0.6 added book to inventory 1846052513 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/02/16
0.4 +0.1 0.5 added book to inventory 0755332016 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/02/16
0.3 +0.1 0.4 added book to inventory 0140288236 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/02/15
2.3 -2 0.3 deducted points for mooch request 0515107867 irisin (Austria) 2008/02/14
4.3 -2 2.3 deducted points for mooch request 0747245134 irisin (Austria) 2008/02/14
6.3 -2 4.3 deducted points for mooch request 0747250391 irisin (Austria) 2008/02/14
8.3 -2 6.3 deducted points for mooch request 0747242658 irisin (Austria) 2008/02/14
5.3 +3 8.3 gave points for mooch request 0007250878 virgoprime (USA: FL) 2008/02/13
5.4 -0.1 5.3 removed book from inventory 0007242476 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/02/08
5.3 +0.1 5.4 added book to inventory 0007242476 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/02/08
5.2 +0.1 5.3 added book to inventory 0140288694 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/02/08
7.2 -2 5.2 deducted points for mooch request 038081093X sfjalar (Iceland) 2008/02/08
9.2 -2 7.2 deducted points for mooch request 0515109509 irisin (Austria) 2008/02/08
11.2 -2 9.2 deducted points for mooch request 0747253927 irisin (Austria) 2008/02/08
13.2 -2 11.2 deducted points for mooch request 0747250375 irisin (Austria) 2008/02/08
11.2 +2 13.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0679742298 Missy Marquart (USA: IL) 2008/02/03
13.2 -2 11.2 deducted points for mooch request 038549081X Pamela (USA: NY) 2008/02/03
10.2 +3 13.2 gave points for mooch request 0340833815 Elly morgan (United Kingdom) 2008/02/01
12.2 -2 10.2 deducted points for mooch request 0679742298 Missy Marquart (USA: IL) 2008/01/30
12.1 +0.1 12.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446600474 bob anthony (USA: CA) 2008/01/30
12 +0.1 12.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446600458 bob anthony (USA: CA) 2008/01/30
11.9 +0.1 12 added book to inventory 1902934350 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/28
11.8 +0.1 11.9 added book to inventory 9812465774 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/26
11.7 +0.1 11.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671740075 Valerie (USA: CA) 2008/01/25
11.6 +0.1 11.7 added book to inventory 0340689714 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/23
13.6 -2 11.6 deducted points for mooch request 0446600474 bob anthony (USA: CA) 2008/01/23
15.6 -2 13.6 deducted points for mooch request 0446600458 bob anthony (USA: CA) 2008/01/23
15.5 +0.1 15.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060099003 Dawn (United Kingdom) 2008/01/23
12.5 +3 15.5 gave points for mooch request 0099436132 Mervi (Finland) 2008/01/21
12.4 +0.1 12.5 added book to inventory 0340833815 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/18
12.3 +0.1 12.4 added book to inventory 0593050916 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/18
9.3 +3 12.3 gave points for mooch request 0755323092 Heather (USA: IL) 2008/01/17
9.2 +0.1 9.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0340689714 Lix (USA: CA) 2008/01/17
10.2 -1 9.2 deducted points for mooch request 0060099003 Dawn (United Kingdom) 2008/01/16
10.3 -0.1 10.2 removed book from inventory 0751522376 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/16
10.2 +0.1 10.3 added book to inventory 0751522376 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/16
10.1 +0.1 10.2 added book to inventory 0425163393 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/14
7.1 +3 10.1 gave points for mooch request 0141185910 Jubby (Australia) 2008/01/13
7 +0.1 7.1 added book to inventory 0743416023 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/13
6.9 +0.1 7 added book to inventory 0141321318 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/13
6.8 +0.1 6.9 added book to inventory 0099436132 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/12
6.7 +0.1 6.8 added book to inventory 0141185910 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/12
3.7 +3 6.7 gave points for mooch request 0141018550 Katrin (Czech Republic) 2008/01/12
3.6 +0.1 3.7 added book to inventory 0340899247 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/12
3.5 +0.1 3.6 added book to inventory 0099799510 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/12
3.4 +0.1 3.5 added book to inventory 0141018550 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/12
4.4 -1 3.4 deducted points for mooch request 0340689714 Lix (USA: CA) 2008/01/12
4.3 +0.1 4.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099695219 John Hopper (United Kingdom) 2008/01/08
4.2 +0.1 4.3 added book to inventory 0743444043 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/07
4.1 +0.1 4.2 added book to inventory 0330446851 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/06
4 +0.1 4.1 added book to inventory 0316643815 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/06
6 -2 4 deducted points for mooch request 0671740075 Valerie (USA: CA) 2008/01/05
7 -1 6 deducted points for mooch request 0099695219 John Hopper (United Kingdom) 2008/01/05
6.9 +0.1 7 added book to inventory 0312963572 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/05
6.8 +0.1 6.9 added book to inventory 0747267596 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/05
3.8 +3 6.8 gave points for mooch request 0316730505 Amberkatze (Austria) 2008/01/04
0.8 +3 3.8 gave points for mooch request 1416524614 Amberkatze (Austria) 2008/01/04
0.9 -0.1 0.8 removed book from inventory 0385333846 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/03
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 0385333846 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/03
0.9 -0.1 0.8 removed book from inventory 1878923080 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/03
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 1878923080 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/03
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 0007250878 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/03
0.6 +0.1 0.7 added book to inventory 1416524614 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/03
0.5 +0.1 0.6 added book to inventory 0755323092 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/03
0.4 +0.1 0.5 added book to inventory 0316730505 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/03
0.3 +0.1 0.4 added book to inventory 0755324226 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/03
0.2 +0.1 0.3 added book to inventory 0552154059 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/03
0.1 +0.1 0.2 added book to inventory 0330352253 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/03
0 +0.1 0.1 added book to inventory 033037639X Excelis (United Kingdom) 2008/01/03